The Dragons Bible

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The Dragon's Bible


Mathew Daniel Eberts

"There is no God besides Lucifer our Lord

and he has many different servants devoted to him.

e!ect Light acce#t Dar$ness

and re!ect Man acce#t the Beast.

Eternity shall dwell within enlightened by flame.

Dar$ness is light reversed."

The Testament of Lucifer 

% am before all things. % am the God of Gods and there are none li$e me. % am the Lord of the
&ower of the ir the &rince of Dar$ness and Master of Magicians. % am the Lord of the Earth
and the uler of the (orld.
(orld. % am the &ower and the )nowledge. % am the ncient
ncient *ne before me
was made nothing+ % am $nown by many names. My throne is made of gold diamonds and
stones. % am the l#ha and *mega. % am the ,orned God of the (itches and the Blac$ Man of the
-abbat. % am the uler of Thaumiel the Dar$ ,orned Lord of the li#hoth+ % am the Great ed
Dragon of the *ther -ide. % am the ntichrist -#irit and % am the consort of Lilith the ueen of 
the /ight and the 0ather of 1a1el he who the ,ebrews fear. % am the most #owerful God you
will ever meet. /o man who meets my ga1e can withstand the truth of my #ower. % was am now
and shall have no end. % am ever #resent to hel# all who trusts in me and call u#on me.
% am Lucifer the uler of ,ell.

Table of Contents
Co ntents
1.) Introducon

2.) Lucifer

3.) Luciferian Gnosis

"There is no God besides Lucifer our Lord

and he has many different servants devoted to him.

e!ect Light acce#t Dar$ness

and re!ect Man acce#t the Beast.

Eternity shall dwell within enlightened by flame.

Dar$ness is light reversed."

The Testament of Lucifer 

% am before all things. % am the God of Gods and there are none li$e me. % am the Lord of the
&ower of the ir the &rince of Dar$ness and Master of Magicians. % am the Lord of the Earth
and the uler of the (orld.
(orld. % am the &ower and the )nowledge. % am the ncient
ncient *ne before me
was made nothing+ % am $nown by many names. My throne is made of gold diamonds and
stones. % am the l#ha and *mega. % am the ,orned God of the (itches and the Blac$ Man of the
-abbat. % am the uler of Thaumiel the Dar$ ,orned Lord of the li#hoth+ % am the Great ed
Dragon of the *ther -ide. % am the ntichrist -#irit and % am the consort of Lilith the ueen of 
the /ight and the 0ather of 1a1el he who the ,ebrews fear. % am the most #owerful God you
will ever meet. /o man who meets my ga1e can withstand the truth of my #ower. % was am now
and shall have no end. % am ever #resent to hel# all who trusts in me and call u#on me.
% am Lucifer the uler of ,ell.

Table of Contents
Co ntents
1.) Introducon

2.) Lucifer

3.) Luciferian Gnosis

4.) Preliminary Ritual

.) Rituals

!.) In"ocaons

#.) $"ocaons

%.) Luciferian &ords of Po'er

(.) Po'er editaon

1*.) +o' to ,-en and $m-o'er te Ca/ras

11.) Patron 0emons

12.) Pact 'it Lucifer

13.) Te 0e"ils eys

Ca-ter 1 Introducon
Luciferianism is te belief tat Lucifer is te true Creator God of umanity. Lucifer also /no'n as
5atan is te Ruler of Taumiel. Lucifer is indeed a 0raconian enty meanin6 e is one of te
0ra6ons of te ,ter 5ide. Te ,ter 5ide 75itra 8ra) is te com-osion of te realms of e"il
also /no'n as te 9li-ot 'ic is 'ere 0emons and uman s-irits reside. Tere are 11
di:erent realms of te 9li-ot but Taumiel is s-lit into t'o se-arate realms. Tese are te
names of te 9li-ot

1.) Taumiel ; T'ins of God

2.) Ga6iel ; Te +inderers

3.) 5atariel ; Te Concealers

4.) Gaa6;5ebla ; Te 5miters

.) Golacab ; Te <lamin6 ,nes

!.) Ta6irion ; Te 0is-uters

#.) 8arab =ara> ; Ra"ens of 0is-ersion

%.) 5amael ; Poison of God

(.) Gamaliel ; Te ,bscene ,nes

1*.) Lilit ; 9ueen of te ?i6t

Te 9li-ot is iden@ed 'it te Tree of no'led6e from te Garden of $den. It is te o--osite
of te 5e-irot te Tree of Life 'ic are realms of an6els. Te Tree of 0eat is indeed te
one you 'ant 'en you 'ant -o'er and /no'led6e. Te 0ar/ Tree is ruled by 0emons te
,ri6inal Pa6an Gods. Lucifer and is 0emons are truly 'onderful 'en t reated 'it res-ect.
ost of te content in Crisan 6rimoires suc as Grimoirium Aerum and te Grand Grimoire
are disres-ecBul to'ards tese enes so I ad"ise you not to use tem. +ere is a dia6ram of te
Tree of 9li-ot
8s you can see you a"e to 'or/ your 'ay from te boom to te to-. ,nce you reac
Taumiel you are 6i"en te Promise of te 5er-ent 'ic is ascension to 6odood. 5atan te
Ruler of Taumiel 'as te 5er-ent in te Garden of $den. Luciferianism is basically a mature
form of 5atanism tat embraces enli6tenment and self;dei@caonD te >uest for /no'led6e and
-o'er. &or/in6 'it te 9li-ot is a ard tin6 to do because 0emons can test your fait
/no'led6e and de"oon but its 'ell 'ort it.

ETis calls for 'isdom let te one 'o as understandin6 calculate te number of te beast for
it is te number of a man and is number is !!!.E

Te number !!! is not only te number of te 8ncrist but it is also te abbalisc s>uare
root of te 5un. Lucifer is te -re;Crisan Pa6an 5un God 'ic ma/es sense re6ardin6 o'
!!! is one of is numbers.

!!! is e"erlasn6 life and s-iritualF-ysical -erfecon.

Ca-ter 2 Lucifer
Lucifer te Prince of 0ar/ness is te 5-irit of $nli6tenment and Liberaon. +is day is onday
but is most -ersonal day of te year is 0ecember 23 'ic is to be obser"ed by e"ery
dedicated Luciferian. 5atans colors are blue blac/ and red. Lucifer as a @ery red a--earance
most of te me. +e may 'ear a red cloa/ or red armor. Lucifers numbers are 2 4 11 13 and
!!!. +is direcons are bot $ast and 5out 'ic is 'ere your altar sould be facin6. I -refer
sen6 u- my 5atanic Luciferian 8ltar in te $ast since tat is 'ere te 5un rises. Lucifers
-lanets are te 5un Hranus and Aenus. +is =odiac 5i6ns are Leo Ca-ricorn and 8>uarius.
8nimals tat are sacred to 5atan are te 0ra6on te Lion te Goat te Ra"en te Peacoc/ and
te 5er-ent. Lucifer is also te 5umerian God $8 or $n/i. $n/i means ELord of te $artE and e
is also /no'n as ele/ Taus a-omet Prometeus Lo/i 5i"a 8sturel Pan +elel en
5acar and 5atan. Lucifer as "arious di:erent names from di:erent cultures. I tin/ I e"en
missed a fe' but I named 'at I could. 5ome say Lucifers true name is 5amael ' ic is +ebre'
for EPoison of GodE. Tere is a sort -rase to use in rituals tat is a sort callin6 to Lucifer. Its
called a demonic enn 'ic are sort -rases of in"ocaon to a -arcular s-irit.

Lucifers enn is ERenic tasa uberaca biasa icar Lucifer.E

5i6il of Luciferian &itccraJ

Lucifer as many forms and a--ears in many di:erent 'ays. ,n te LeJ +and Pat 'e
encounter im as te Infernal $m-eror of 5 itra 8ra. Lucifers sin 'as -ride 'ic 'as 'y e
'as cast do'n to +ell. In medie"al 6rimoires Lucifer is te te $m-eror of +ell te $m-eror
rulin6 te enre infernal ierarcy. +e rules te element of air 'ic is o' e can create
tunderstorms and li6tenin6. Lucifers ener6y is electrifyin6 and "ery -o'erful. Its li/e bein6
soc/ed in a comfortable 'ay. Lucifer does not ate umanity e ates te Kudeo;Crisan God
Keo"a and te ?aarene. +e actually rebelled a6ainst God because e 'anted to el- umanity
become as Gods. Lucifer is a sa-esiJer 'ic means e can a--ear in any form. I tin/ it as
a lot to do 'it o' your mind 'ants to -rocess is a--earance.

Lucifer is "ery real and tis is o' Lucifer as a--eared to me te "ery @rst me
Lucifer as so'n me +ell and its not a bad -lace at all. In fact e can ma/e a +ea"en out of 
+ell for you. Mou 'ill be a 0emon yourself if you follo' instrucons on my metods of self;
dei@caon. 5atan already blesses us 'it a 0emon 5oul from birt and for tose tat are
descendants of 5atan trou6 Cain already a"e tese -o'ers but need el- learnin6 o' to
use tem. y metods are "ery easy you Nust 6ot to do it and before you /no' it youll a"e
6odli/e -o'ers. I combine metods from notorious LeJ +and Pat occult -raconers. Tese
tecni>ues I use are "ery -otent.

Certain tecni>ues I use daily are 'ords of -o'er in in"ocaons and rituals yo6a ima6ic/al
trances meditaons and di"inaon.

Tis is Lucifers Callin6 <ormula

ed;,rt O Lucifero O Lumiel O +elel ben 5acar O Lucibel O 8sturel O 866elos Pos O LiJoac
9li-ot O LiJoac Pandemonium
y in"ocaons rituals and meditaons are -otent so you sould be a dedicated Luciferian
before aem-n6 tese tin6s. 8 dedicated Luciferian as successfully si6ned a blood -act 'it
Lucifer. etods on -act;ma/in6 'it Lucifer are discussed in Ca-ter 12.

Ca-ter 3 Luciferian Gnosis

Luciferian Gnosis is /no'led6e and 'isdom of e"erytin6 tat as to do 'it Lucifer. I
do belie"e te more you /no' as a lot to do 'it o' muc you are interested in a -arcular
tin6. <or eam-le Lucifer is e"erytin6 you 'ant im to be. +e can do mar"elous tin6s for
you. Mou Nust a"e to let im into your eart mind body and soul. Its trou6 a -act 'it
Lucifer you 'ill learn from Lucifer imself. +e ma/es te best teacer and 6uide. +e besto's
Luciferian Gnosis u-on you as lon6 as you ta/e is and and let im 6uide you trou6 +ell.

Lucifer ins-ires tose 'o 'ant to do is 'ill on $art. In tis Ca-ter I 'ill 6et to discussin6
'at ritual tools are and te -ur-ose beind tem ma6ic/ symbols used by Luciferians -rayers
to Lucifer 0emonic a6ic/ ConNuraons and te o"erall /no'led6e of s-iritual mysteries.

Te In"erted Penta6ram is used by 5atanists and Luciferians to re-resents e"il dar/ sinister
ma6ic and te LeJ +and -at. It is te +orned +ead of Lucifer It is a /ey to te c urrents of te
?i6tside. It also re-resents te @"e elements 7$art 8ir <ire &ater and 5-irit).
Te 11;-ointed 5tar re-resents te 9li-ot. It can be used as a 6ate'ay to te currents of te
9li-ot. Te ele"en -oints re-resents te ele"en di:erent realms of te 9li-ot.
Te $ye of Lucifer is a -o-ular occult symbol. Te eye re-resents te center of a'a/ened
consciousness and corres-onds to te Tird $ye. Te trian6le re-resents te @re element.
Te 5i6il of Lucifer is te most im-ortant occult symbol used in Luciferianism. Mou sould a"e an
ima6e of tis si6il some'ere on your altar.
Te 5er-ent is symbolic of Lucifer in te Garden of $den. Lucifer tem-ted $"e to eat te fruit
from te Tree of no'led6e of Good and $"il.
Te Great Red 0ra6on is a tle for Lucifer.

a-omet is anoter tle for Lucifer and its "ery im-ortant to a"e a a-omet statue or si6il of 
a-omet some'ere on your altar.

Ritual Tools

8ltar and ritual tool consecraon must ta/e -lace on a full moon.

8ltar ; Te altar is 'at you /ee- all your ritual tools and symbols on. Its 'ere you stand to do
rituals and in"ocaons.

 &rite tis -rayer on te bac/ of a -iece of -a-er 'it a -rinted si6il of Lucifer on it

ELord Lucifer in your name I as/ tat you condescend to be fa"orable and bless tis sacred
s-ace. I as/ you send your 0emons to 6uard tis sacred s-ace. I as/ you to come ere yourself 
and besto' u-on me te -o'er to ma/e tis my -ersonal Tem-le of te 0e"il on te Pat of 
5elf;0ei@caon. 8"e LuciferQE

8Jer you 'rite te -rayer conduct a standard ritual readin6 out te -rayer and burnin6 it in te
ame of a red candle. 8Jer you burn te -rayer you can meditate for @Jeen minutes 'ile
cann6 tis -rase of 'ords of -o'er

ESon inan 8t Sul Ga &at 8mQ =odamranQE

8tame ; Te ritual blade is used to command and in"o/e s-irits. Te atame is tradionally
blac/;andled to re-resent te <orces of 0ar/ness.

To consecrate te atame say tis 'ile oldin6 te ritual blade o"er te incense

EIn te name of Lucifer I consecrate and iniate tis element of airQE

&and ; 8 'and li/e te atame is used to command and in"o/e s-irits. y 'and is made of 
oa/ because oa/ 'ood is all;-ur-ose for s-irits.

Recite tis -rase to consecrate te &and 'ile oldin6 te &and 'it bot ands o"er

Ey te name of te 5carlet &ore

by te name of te Ne' torn a-art by lions

by te dreadful name of an unoly -rayer

in te name of Lucifer te Lord of te 8ir

I consecrate tis 'and and may te -o'er of te 5e"en enter it.E

ell ; 8 bell is ran6 before and aJer eac ritual to si6nify te be6innin6 and te end.
Calice ; Te li>uid in te calice is dran/ aJer eac in"ocaon to ta/e in te s-irit.

To consecrate te calice recite tis -rase 'ile oldin6 te calice o"er incense smo/e

EIn te name of Lucifer I bless and dedicate tis instrument of 'ater.E

Candles ; Candles and teir colors are used in ma6ic/. Ty-ically for Luciferianism te candle
colors sould be eiter blue blac/ andFor redD te colors of Lucifer. I -refer usin6 one red and
one blac/ candle in my rituals since Lucifer a--eared to me as a blac/ man in a red robe.

5cryin6 irror ; 8 blac/ ma6ic mirror is 6ood for seein6 and communican6 'it s-irits. 5cryin6
mirrors are a di"inaon tool for loo/in6 into -ast li"es and -ast -resent and future e"ents. Te
blac/ scryin6 mirror also /no'n as te Ema6ic mirrorE is a -o'erful meta-ysical tool.

a-omet 5tatue ; Te a-omet 5tatue is symbolic of Lucifer.

5i6ils ; $"ery altar sould at least a"e te si6il of Lucifer on it. If you 'ant to a"e more si6ils
tan Nust te si6il of Lucifer ten 6o for it. Loo/ at 'at I didD I a"e te si6ils of 8ael elial
Le"iatan Lilit and Lucifer on my altar.

8Jer you 6et done consecran6 all your ritual tools recite te tird $nocian ey.
$am-le of a 5atanicFLuciferian 8ltar

Prayer aJer 8'a/enin6

Lord Lucifer at te start of tis ne' day my tou6ts are of you and I /no' you are 'it me. I
6i"e tis day to you. Lead me to 'al/ te Pat of te 0ra6on to -laces I 'ill 6ain 'isdom
/no'led6e and to -laces 'ere I can ma/e a di:erence for you. Pus me so I can be te best
tat I can be in all areas of my life. &atc o"er me tis day and -rotect me from my enemies.
&ere"er I am may -eo-le see you in me and in e"erytin6 I do may you be onored.

8"e LuciferQ

Prayer before 5lee-

8t te end of tis day <ater Lucifer I tan/ you for eac 6iJ you a"e besto'ed u-on me for
teacin6 me ancient 'ays for e-eriences bot 6ood and bad tat a"e made me stron6er and
for te -leasures in 'ic I a"e -arta/en. 8s I slee- I as/ tat I may enter your dar/ realm of 
Taumiel so I may be in your unoly -resence. Guide me unto yourself 5atan. ay I be in your
-resence as I slee- toni6t

8"e LuciferQ

Prayer for Protecon

U, mi6ty Lord 5atan , Lucifer te True God of tis 'orld te True God of my mind body and
soul. $"ery -art of me is under Mour mar"elous -o'er. I ser"e none oter tan Mou for it is you
tat I lo"e Immaculate CreatorQ If you 'ould -lease -rotect and 'atc o"er me. Cast a'ay all
tose 'o 'is to im-ose arm onto me bot directly and indirectly. Return teir atred u-on
tem tenfold. 5ield me from teir male"olence and stren6ten my mind body and soul. Guide
me trou6 my encumbrances and daily obstacles. Tis I as/ in Mour ?ame , almi6ty and
ine:able Lucifer my True God.V

5tandard Prayer to Lucifer

EIt is our Lord Lucifer 'o at brou6t us from te

dar/ness into te li6t. +e bri6tens our -at so tat 'e

may @nd enli6tenment. &e onor im. +is 'inds carry

'it tem te -romise of lessons learned for tis lifeme.

elo"ed 5atan I 'orsi- and adore Mou.

I see/ your infernal 'isdom to 6uide me trou6 tis life and


8"e LuciferQE

0emonic a6ic/ ConNuraons

Tese are sort -rases to be uered in a cant durin6 meditaon or ' it a 'a"e of a 'and
eiter durin6 ritual or in front of someone or sometin6 you desire.

To brin6 money ,naim Perantes Rasonatos.

5educon ?ades 5uradis aniner.

eer ealt Reterrem 5alibat Crateres +isater.

&in contests Ro/es Pulatus =otoas Tulitas Satanitos.

rin6 'omen 5adar Prostas 5olaster.

86ainst curses 5ena-os Ter@ta $stamos ?otarin.

In"isibility enar Carara/u 0edos $narmi.

Re"en6e ,stariman Aisan-aros ?octatur.

8ny desire =orami =aitu $lastot.

5ee into anoters mind , Tarot ?iael $starnos Tantare.

Re'ard friends ?ista 5a-er Aisnos.

&orld tra"el Raditus Polastrien Ter-andu ,strata Pericatur $rmas.

Learn secrets ?itrae Radou 5unandam.

0emonic Po'er 8ctatos Ca-ta eNouran Ita-an arnutus.

Te <our Great 0ra6ons of te 9li-ot to be in"o/ed durin6 ritual

Lucifer ; $ast 8ir

5etFTy-on ; ?ort $art

Le"iatan ; &est &ater

5amael ; 5out <ire

Te <our Cro'ned Princes of +ell to be in"o/ed durin6 ritual

$ast ; Lucifer

?ort ; eelebub

&est ; 8starot

5out ; 8ael

Mou can eiter in"o/e te <our Great 0ra6ons or te <our Cro'ned Princes durin6 eac ritual.
&en Im 'or/in6 'it te 9li-ot I in"o/e te <our Great 0ra6ons of te 9li-ot but 'en
Im Nust doin6 a 5tandard Luciferian Ritual I in"o/e te <our Cro'ned Princes of +ell. Teres a
bi6 di:erence. Lets say youre usin6 8senat asons 6rimoires for 'or/in6 'it te 9li-ot
suc as Tree of 9li-ot or 9li-otic editaons you 'ould @rst in"o/e te <our Great
0ra6ons of te 9li-ot. $"en te 5imon ?ecronomicon is a 9li-otic 6rimoire so before usin6
te ?ecronomicon in"o/e Lucifer Ty-on Le"iatan and 5amael and tey 'ill assist you in
raisin6 your undalini. &en usin6 tis 6rimoire youll 'ant to in"o/e te <our Cro'ned Princes
of +ell.

elo' are 6ates to i6er le"els of consciousness and 'ords of -assa6e to obtain tese i6er
le"els of consciousness

Te @rst 6ate is -ain. Te 'ord of -assa6e is GHLG8L. Te o:erin6 is blood. Te re'ard is
Te second 6ate is fear. Te 'ord of -assa6e is T=I0=80I. Te o:erin6 is urine. Te re'ard is

Te tird 6ate is des-air. Te 'ord of -assa6e is 5+,H0R8?8K. Te o:erin6 is tears. Te
re'ard is /no'led6e.

Te fourt 6ate is madness. Te 'ord of -assa6e is 9,L=8RKI+=8. Te o:erin6 is s'eat. Te
re'ard is -reco6nion.

Te @J 6ate is fury. Te 'ord of -assa6e is T$TRH+$?<5$+. Te o:erin6 are semen and
"a6inal uid. Te re'ard is true Nud6ement.

Te Hnoly Trinity

Te true Hnoly Trinity is 5amaelFLucifer Lilit and 8ael. 8ael is Lucifer and Lilits @rst born
and most;-o'erful son.

5e a6ic/
5e a6ic/ is te art of crean6 ma6ic/ or obtainin6 ma6ical results trou6 seual intercourse.

EWmost &itces myself included @nd it necessary to study is material and U-lu6 temsel"es
intoV te ma6ical current of Cro'leys demon s-irit 6uide a mysterious bein6 named 8i'ass.
8i'ass is anoter name for 5et an $6y-an 6odW

5odomy is es-ecially UsacredV to 5etW It o-ens 'at are called te UTy-onionV tunnels
cannels trou6 'ic etremely -o'erful demons li/e te orrible Coronon can tra"el
from te Ualternate realityV and emer6e into tis uni"erse and enter te se -artners body.E

;&icca 5atans Lile &ite Lie. -a6es 1(2 1(#;2**

Ritual sodomy smulates 'atXs called te /undalini 6land 'ic acts to smulate te -ineal
6land. 5ome use dru6s li/e -eyote mescaline or 0T for a similar e-erience but ritual sodomy
is te -referred means tat a--ears to a"e no real substute. Tere is a -o'erful ritual se
ma6ic/ tat 'as -racced by te ancients and is -racced today 'ic sll manifests a -o'erful
transforma"e su-ernaturalismQ

Te act of sodomy is also -erformed to o-en u- te iniateXs Utird eyeV 'ic is su--ose to
enance -sycic ability. 0urin6 tis act a demonic $ntyFies called Le6ion isFare in"o/ed
refered to as an Uunclean s-iritV.

Te /ey is in te trauma te com-lete destrucon of te inner s-irit. Ten at te -ro-ious
moment te iniateXs tird eye is o-ened so as to com-letely resocialie tem and o-en teir
-sycic abilies. in doin6 so a brid6e is created bet'een tis -ysical 'orld and te s-iritual
realm. ,nce te Pineal Gland is o-ened it allo's a -erson to see into tat realm. Tus te
reference to it bein6 te Tird $yeW

To fully o-en te tird eye to see into te s-iritual realm you must do te ,-enin6 te Tird $ye
eercises in Ca-ter 1* and be te reci-ient of anal se. Te one 6i"in6 te anal se 'ill be te
one 'o recei"es te -o'er because you are su--osedly sodomiin6 Gods creaon.

Tis is all o-onal.

UTose 5ons of i6ty 5atan 'o -racce te dar/ occult arts belie"e and -reac -roudly to te
'orld tat 5odomy is a "eicle trou6 'ic te door is o-en to te s-iritual realm.V

Ca-ter 4 Preliminary Ritual

Tee I in"o/e Te $"il ,ne

Tee tat didst create te $art and te +ea"ens

Tee tat didst create te ?i6t and te 0ay

Tee tat didst create te 0ar/ness and te Li6t

Tou art 5atan Lucifer 'om only your Pro-ets at seenQ

Tou art ele/ TausQ Tou art te 5er-ent of ParadiseQ

Tou ast disn6uised bet'een te Kust and te HnNust

Tou didst ma/e te <emale and te ale

Tou didst -roduce te 5eeds and te <ruit

Tou didst form men to lo"e one anoter and to ate one anoter
I am 7ma6ical name) Ty Pro-et unto 'om tou didst commit ty mysteries

te Ceremonies of +ell.

Tou didst -roduce te most and te dry and tat 'ic nouriset all created Life.

+ear tou me for I am te sonFdau6ter of LuciferQ Tis is ty true name anded do'n to te
Pro-ets of 5itra 8ra.

+ear me 8RD ?,0,?D T+HL$D ARILD 8085$TD ?I8D 8=,8D =,A85D =,A8?D HLD T+I8?.

+ear me and ma/e all 5-irits subNect unto e so tat e"ery 5-irit of te <irmament and of te
$ter u-on te $art and under te $art on dry Land and in te &ater of 'irlin6 8ir or of 
rusin6 <ire and e"ery 5-ell and 5cour6e of God may be obedient unto eQ

I in"o/e Tee te 5inin6 ,ne 'o d'ellest in te Aoid Place of te 5-irit
8$L$T+D 58T8?D 8R8=R8D P+8L8RT+I8?D 5$T+D ?8R08RD Te $"il ,ne +ear meQ +ear me
RH8=,D T+I8,D =,;8?;5+H;5$TD 80,?;8;ID 8<$?I8D $08D L,+,L,D 8R8S85D 85808D
i6ty and Po'erful ,neQ +ear meQ I in"o/e Tee
R8D ,RI,?D C8$L8=,0D ,8,?D 8GR8TD 8L,G,5D +ear meQ +ear meQ
8R8=8D C8?8?D 588ID I?<$R?HQ

Tis is te Lord of te Gods Tis is te Lord of te Hni"erse Tis is +e 'om te &inds fear
Tis is +e 'o a"in6 made Aoice by is Commandment is Lord of all Tin6s in6 Ruler and
+el-er +ear meQ +ear me ,HI8D 0H,G,?D A,?T,?D D 8+8=I$LD 8L$GR$,5D ?808D
880,?D 858<8TD 8=8D =,08R8?D 8T+H5+IRD $0$D $0HD 08I,? T,? T+$,?D L8D
5,0IR?,D 0H85,D ?,8R0D T$L,CA,AI A,AI?Q

I am +eQ Te 8ncrist 5-irit a"in6 si6t in te <eet 5tron6 and te Immortal <ireQ

I am +e te TrutQ I am +e 'o ates te an6els 'ic sould be 'rou6t in te &orldQ

I am +e tat li6tnin6et and tunderetQ

I am +e from 'om is te 5o'er of te Life of $artQ

I am +e 'ose mout e"er ametQ I am +e te e6eer and anifester unto te Li6tQ

I am +e te Grace of te &orldQ

ET+$ 5,RC$R$R &IT+ 8 5$RP$?T is my nameQ

Come tou fort and follo' me and ma/e all 5-irits subNect unto e so tat e"ery 5-irit of te
<irmament and of te $ter u-on te $art and under te $art on dry Land or in te &ater of 
'irlin6 8ir or of rusin6 <ire and e"ery 5-ell and 5cour6e of God may be obedient unto eQ

?HT8RD 5,R,?,5Q 5uc are te 'ordsQ

Te $:ects of te Preliminary Ritual

;Communion 'it +i6er 5elf 

;a/es 0emons submit temsel"es to your 'ill

Ca-ter  Rituals
<or e"ery Luciferian Ritual you must be dressed in all blac/ red or blue and your altar must be
facin6 $ast.

5tandard Luciferian Ritual

Rin6 te ell turnin6 counter;cloc/'ise
counter;cloc/'ise in"o/e te <our Cro'ned Princes of +ell usin6 te
8tame in your leJ and.


$ast ; Lucifer

?ort ; eelebub

&est ; 8starot

5out ; 8ael


Recite te In"ocaon to Lucifer

In nomine 0raco dicitur LuciferQ

In te name of Lucifer

Lucifer Ruler of te $art 8n6el and te 0e"il 'o as created man to reect in
Tine o'n ima6e and li/eness I in"ite te <orces of 5itra 8ra to besto' teir infernal -o'er
u-on meQ ,-en te Gates of +ell to come fort to 6reet me as your friend. 0eli"er me Lord
Lucifer from all -ast error and delusion. <ill me 'it 6nosis -o'er and trut. ee- me stron6 in
my fait and ser"ice to te Infernal $m-ire tat I may abide 'it -raise. +onor and Glory be
6i"en Tee fore"er and e"er.

; 0rin/ from Calice

; Read te 'rien -rayer to <ater Lucifer and burn it in te ame of a blue blac/ or red candle
ten -lace it in te sil"er burnin6 bo'l.

; Po'er meditate for at least 1 minutes

; 8Jer meditaon communicate 'it Lucifer tele-atically.

; Recite -ro-er $nocian ey

; 5ay E8"e LuciferQE

; Turn cloc/'ise and rin6 te ell.


Tan/s6i"in6 Ritual
Tis ritual is te same as te 5tandard Luciferian Ritual ece-t you 'rite out a -rayer
-rayer tan/in6
Lucifer for 'at e as done for you.

0estrucon Ritual
Rin6 te ell turnin6 counter;cloc/'ise
counter;cloc/'ise in"o/e te <our Cro'ned Princes of +ell usin6 te
8tame in your leJ and.


$ast ; Lucifer

?ort ; eelebub

&est ; 8starot

5out ; 8ael


Recite te In"ocaon to Lucifer

In nomine 0raco dicitur LuciferQ

In te name of Lucifer

Lucifer Ruler of te $art 8n6el and te 0e"il 'o as created man to reect in
Tine o'n ima6e and li/eness I in"ite te <orces of 5itra 8ra to besto' teir infernal -o'er
u-on meQ ,-en te Gates of +ell to come fort to 6reet me as your friend. 0eli"er me Lord
Lucifer from all -ast error and delusion. <ill me 'it 6nosis -o'er and trut. ee- me stron6 in
my fait and ser"ice to te Infernal $m-ire tat I may abide 'it -raise. +onor and Glory be
6i"en Tee fore"er and e"er.

; 0rin/ from Calice

; Read out loud te and'rien destrucon -rayer

-rayer of cosen enemy 'it isFer full name

; Pierce trou6 -rayer 'it te 8tame ten burn te -rayer in te ame of a candle.
; editate 'ile usin6 "isualiaon
"isualiaon to torment and arm imFer.

; Tan/ te <orces of 0ar/ness for teir el-.

; Recite te Tent $nocian ey

; Turn cloc/'ise and rin6 te ell.

; Ta/e
Ta/e te burned remains and us tem do'n te toilet.

; Clean your aura

0eat 5-ell
Tis is only for an enemy you 'is 'ould Nust die.

YPersonal belon6in6s sould be used.

; Construct an eZ6y or a -o--et usin6 te -ersonal belon6in6s

; Go to a cemetary and 6et some dirt.

; Aent into te -o--et "isualiin6 te "icm usin6 all te ate -ossible es-ecially durin6 its
construcon. It is im-era"e to stay focused 'it intent. Tis is best done durin6 a 'annin6
moon most -referably
-referably 'en te moon is in 5cor-io or Ca-ricorn.

; Construct a small bo or coZn to -ut te -o--et in.

; Li6t a blac/ candle.

; Concentrate intensely u-on te deat and destrucon of te enemy.

enemy. 0, ?,T $ 0I5THR$0
,R L,5$ <,CH5Q

; Put te eZ6y into its bo

; ury it in te 6ra"eyard dirt inside te bo but sa"e some of te cemetary dirt.

; Ta/e
Ta/e it outside or bac/ to te 6ra"e
6 ra"eyard
yard and bury it -lacin6 te reser"ed dirt on to- of te bo
/no'in6 te "ic 'ill meet isFer deat.

; 0, ?,T tin/ about te s-ell or te enemy as tis 'ill interfere 'it te 'or/in6.

; Clean your aura and your ca/ras.

; <,RG$T IT $A$R +8PP$?$0


5ummonin6 of te <our Great 0ra6ons of te 9li-ot

L$P8C8 9LIP+,T+Q

In te name of te 0e"il Lord of 0ar/ness I summon you te <our Great 0ra6ons of te
9li-otQ +ear my "oice bec/on and come fortQ

5out I in"o/e you 5amaelQ Lord of te 5outern &atcto'erQ Come to me Poison of GodQ
Li6t u- te dar/ness 'it your @re and let me become enli6tenedQ

$ast I in"o/e you LuciferQ Lord of te $astern &atcto'erQ Come to me Great Red 0ra6onQ
Re"eal to me te ancient 'isdom tat you a"e 6uarded since te be6innin6 of meQ

?ort I in"o/e you Ty-onQ Lord of te ?ortern &atcto'erQ Come to me 0ar/ God of $6y-tQ
&is-er to me te for6oen secrets of dar/ness in 'ic I dedicate myselfQ

&est I in"o/e you Le"iatanQ Lord of te &estern &atersQ Come to me onster from te 5eaQ
Lead me to te 'aters of Tiamat te moter of Lucifer out of 'ic te 'ole uni"erse

Come fort te <our Great 0ra6onsQ I summon you from your d'ellin6 -lace from te s-aces
bet'een li6t and dar/nessQ Trou6 te <orces of 5itra 8ra come to meQ

Ritual of 5amael and Lilit

5amael 5emal 5a/las Ca"ayotQ Lilit Layil 8rdat;Lili LaylaQ LiJoac PandemoniumQ
Le-aca 9li-otQ

In te name of Lucifer I call u-on 5amael and Lilit for te -ur-ose of unoly communionQ MI0
C+$5 H? ?8G L8 58T8?Q 5amael 6rant me te -o'er to -lease my -artnerQ Lilit 6rant me
te -o'er to create demonic o:s-rin6Q 58?8G+TQ7!) 58R8< 80,?8I 588$LQ L$P8C8 LILIT
RH8C+ 8080 8RI,T+ ?888+ 588L, 5C+$0Q

5amael and Lilit Parents of all 0emons may you @nd my mind and body as your o'n demonic
cildQ y your an6er let me s-ra'l 5amael let my s/in cra'l. Lilit Lady of lood amd
&itccraJ let my 6race fallQ ay te @re of te Infernal 0ra6on o' trou6 my "einsQ 5amaelQ
LilitQ 0e"il;anQ 0emon;&omanQ Let my 'ill be ful@lled trou6 your dar/ 6iJs. Transform my
consciousness and li6t te blac/ ame of dar/ illuminaon in my soulQ

I call to you bot in te name of te 0ra6onQ

+ail 5amaelQ +ail LilitQ

Ritual of te lac/ <lame

=8=85 =8=85 ?858T8?808 =8=85Q ,-en o-en 6ates of +ell o-enQ

LI<T,8C+ LI<<,TQ 8T8=,T+Q =, 8? 5+H P $TQ

I am te aster of te 0emons te uncon>uered Ruler of te &orldQ Lucifer embrace my soul
and allo' me to submit myself to youQ Mour lac/ <lame burns bri6tly en6ul@n6 my 'ea/ness
and transformin6 my soulQ I am a cild of te Great Red 0ra6on of te ,ter 5ideQ

a6abi Laca acabe Lamac Lamec acalyas Cabaa6y 5abalyos aryolos La6o 8ta Cabyolas
5amaac $t <amyolas +arrayaQ

I in"o/e and arness all demonic ener6y and forces to use at my 'illQ ay my <ater Lucifer 6i"e
me te lac/ <lame 'ic I can use to my best ad"anta6eQ

8cteus a6elsius ,rmenus Lycas ?icon imonQ

I am te Tem-le of all Gods te ,mni-resent 5tarry ,ne te ,ne 5-irit <ount of all 5orceryQ

8lo6os "el =raa I call te 5ecret of te ConNuncon of te 5un and te oonQ


$$ 5C8R8 A8RC+$ ?8RT8RQ


Ca-ter ! In"ocaons
Te follo'in6 are in"ocaons of -o'erful fallen an6els /no'n as ETe 5e"enE. Te 5e"en include
Lucifer elial Le"iatan 8ael 8smodeus 8starot and eelebub. Tere are also more
in"ocaons to'ards te net ca-ter of e"ocaons.

In"ocaon of Lucifer
?88T808 8$, ,RI$TQ

Renic tasa uberaca biasa icar LuciferQ7!)

I call u-on Lucifer to 6uide me as I 'al/ te bac/'ards -at of te 0e"ilQ I call you Lucifer te
Li6t rin6er 0e"il of lood ,ats and le6ends of tem-taons. Prince of 0ar/ness and Infernal
$m-eror come to meQ Lord of te 8ir I o-en te 6ates of te $ast as I see/ te secrets of 
for6oen 6nosisQ In nomine LuciferQ Infernal $m-eror I in"ite you into my es. Lord of 
Taumiel transform me trou6 your dar/ and forbidden alcemyQ Guide me on te 5er-ent
Pat to te eart of your TroneQ a/e me into Ty -o'erful ser"ant and -erform your ma6ic/al
alcemy on my soulQ 8ns'er to te 'ords of -o'erQ

ed;,rt O Lucifero O Lumiel O +elel ben 5acar O Lucibel O 8sturel O 866elos Pos O LiJoac
9li-ot O LiJoac PandemoniumQ

5atan 6ib mir deine GeeimnisseQ

Comment es;tu tomb[ Lucifer
I call fort Lucifer to ma6nify my stren6t and ma6ic/ be6en6 manifold -o'er unto meQ
,l um isli das ol odameta Lucifer micalo uransee 6a o a Ror =il odamran caos6Q

,l bola-e de Lucifer casarma sonuf -aidQ

,l bola-e a el casarma bola-e ola-iretaQ

,l ir a noco de 5atanQ


In"ocaon of elial
Lirac tasa "efa 'el elialQ

in6 elial te 'ic/ed one ans'er me and eed te callQ
Leader of te 5ons of 0ar/nessQ 8n6el of $nmityQ Mour counsel is to brin6 about 'ic/edness and
6uiltQ Ruler of tis &orldQ atanbucus te one 'itout a masterQ I in"o/e Tee elialQ eet
me at te Gate and re"eal to me te secrets of te HnseenQ Guide me on te -at of dar/ness
unto li6t trou6 te Place of Crossin6 at te tresold of te ?i6tsideQ Grace me 'it your
6uidance and em-o'er my ascentQ elial e 'o bo's to no man nor to any God elial e
'o as all -o'er o"er all dominions comeQ in6 of 0emons lend me your "isa6e lend me your
'isdom and lend me your stren6tQ Come from te realm of 0aat and rise u- from te de-ts
to 6rant me -o'er o"er te li"in6 and te deadQ elial atanbucus I do in"o/e TeeQ I o:er
my body as a tem-le for your immortal essenceQ Let me be your a--rence in ma6ic/Q a/e me
into a -o'erful sorcererQ a/e me in6 of te &orld as te 0e"ils cildQ aster of te Pit brin6
fort your le6ion brin6 fort your s-a'n and brin6 fort your 'isdomQ

elial adad Le-aca li:ot elial adad Le-aca 5itra 8raQ

$n dooain i abalonuQ

In"ocaon of Le"iatan
Kedan tasa oet naca Le"iatanQ

Le"iatan 0ra6on of te 5ea I conNure tee fort come to me. onster of te 8-ocaly-se
re"eal to me for6oen /no'led6e slumberin6 in my soulQ ay te 0ra6on of te Aoid 6uide me
on my 'ay to 6odoodQ


T,+H T$+, T+$LI T+8? L$AI8T+8? T8?I?IA$R T8?I?58Q

I call u-on te 0ra6on of te lac/ $art Le"iatan te G reat 0ra6on 'o olds te soul of te
'orldQ I in"o/e your essence into my esQ $name my soul and transform me into a 6reat
0ra6on myselfQ

T8?I?IA$R LI<T,8C+ ?I8Q 0$55HRPHR 8KP GI0HPP L$AI8T+8?Q

I -ray tee Le"iatan besto' u-on me te stren6t of your forceQ Let te ser-ent tell me te
lies of my enemiesQ 8llo' my em-aty to be my -roteconQ 8llo' my an6er to be s'iJ 'it
 NusceQ e -resent tat our enemies 'ill not con>uer usQ I o:er re>uests of ealin6 and
emoonal balance tat I may em-loy your creaon to do soQ +ail Le"iatan. te 0ra6on of te

In"ocaon of 8ael
$ya on ca 8ael a/enQ7!)

IT=R$L IT=R$L 8=8=$LQ

8ael I in"o/e Tee by te ancient 'ords /no'n by ty true 'orsi-ersQ

L$P8C8 T+8HI$LQ

+ail to 8ael te Prideful 5ca-e6oat 'o riset fort from te -its of +ellQ Lend me your di"ine
'isdom tat I may 6ain -o'er and te treasures you -ossess. Lord of te ?e-ilimQ aNesc
Goat 0esert 0Ninn mi6ty 8aelQ T8L 5+8T8 8L5+;TH T,LH 5+8TH L8;85$Q +ear no' te
Co"enant of ele/ Taus and te 0ar/ Lords of te 8byssQ Lord 8ael aend tis Rite and @ll me
'it te Gnosis of te lac/ GoatQ Lord 8ael 5e-erd of te 5atanic Goat come fort and
manifest tyself. esto' te blessin6s of +ell u-on meQ Rise before me foul @end of te InfernoQ
I call and conNure Tee fort to stand 'it me in tis Tem-le. I summon you to a--ear before me
in a form you so desire and communicate 'it meQ 8ael enter tis body and forfy it ' it
your essenceQ

8-eriatur 0udael $t Germinet 8aelQ

In"ocaon of 8smodeus
8yer a"a6e 8loren 8smodeus a/enQ

I call to tee 8smedai in6 of te 0emonsQ Lord o"er all tose 'o -racce te dar/ artsQ I
se"en ensr teeQ I in"o/e teeQ I -ray to tee deli"er meQ Teac me te 'ays of 5orcery and
te art of -oetryQ I need your el- 8smodeus 6i"e me ty secretsQ

8yer a"a6e 8loren 8smodeus a/enQ72)

 0emon of Lust Kealousy 8n6er and Re"en6e I see/ te many realms of -leasureQ Cief 
8strolo6er of +ell you ride u-on te bac/ of a dra6on and you breate @reQ 5on of 5amael and
86rat bat alat I call to youQ

8yer a"a6e 8loren 8smodeus a/enQ73)

Mou s-read te 'ic/edness of manQ Mou a"e /no'led6e of te futureQ Mou a"e an6el 'in6s and
te tail of a ser-entQ ,ne of te most e"il of 5atans infernal 0emons I call you 8smodeus
5u-reme aster of te ?ine +ellsQ G reat in6 5tron6 and Po'erful 'o sits u-on te bac/ of 
an infernal dra6onQ 8smodeus 'it te eads of a bull a man and a ram so' me t e -laces
'ere you ide your treasure.

5$L,R =$T85TH A,TR $?$

T$5$8,? L 8T,?,8 ?I?G$L A8R8?T8R

M8T8THR 88??I 8T8$5+


8smodeus I call to teeQ

Come fort 8smodeus 'itin tis body 'ic I a"e -re-aredQ

Come fort 8smodeus and enter my esQ

Te loc/ is o-enQ

85+$08I 8?I ,R$ L$+ LT,+ +8GH< 5+$MLIQ

Y0rin/ from CaliceY

5um +arba de 8smedai al/aQ

8"e colli6are 8smodeumQ

In"ocaon of 8starot
Tasa alora foren 8starotQ73)

Istar 8starte Inanna Isis Tanit;8start 8starotQ

9ueen of Ai-ers I call to tee to come to my tem-le and manifestQ

+ail 8starotQ Great Princess of Lo"e and &arQ rin6er of te T'ili6tD , mi6ty Ai-er of lo"es
burnin6 desire. I umbly in"o/e Mou , 9ueen of +ea"enD I in"ite you to come fort from te s/y
to come fort from te ends of te eart and to come fort from te de-ts of te under'orld.
+ear my -rayer o blessed  and 6reet me as your ser"ant and friendQ I 'is only to 6et to /no'
Mou and to reNoice in te @ery li6t of your maNesc s-irit.

Grand 0u/e of te &estern Re6ions of +ell 5atans dau6ter I in"o/e Tee 'ite 'in6s ' it red
and blue come to meQ
M8 ?HC8R =<,? I58L,5 G+,5+

8M?=H$I? T$IT,5+HR8R 8?8CI5 TL$S

=$R8TH 5CI$$LI8M8=? AT8 8L

$5P+8$? 8= ?HCILT,R A8=IT$R

?$?=,T TL8< 8R,?85+ $$RTH

S$?,85 HTT8R ?$?$ A8 IL=$$T+

M8A,?$5+ +$Q

In"ocaon of eelebub
8dey "ocar a"a6e eelebubQ73)

eelebub Lord of e"erytin6 tat ies I do in"o/e you by your ancient names

eelebut $nlil aal =ebul el aalebub eelebubQ

+ail eelebub God of te PilisnesQ Te second in command I demand tat you @ll me 'it
your blac/ essence infect my mind 'it your "oice and -re-are my soul for 6odood. Prince of 
te 5era-im and Prince of te 8ir I declare tat you are so"erei6n uni>ue and unde@led in
'isdomQ eelebub come fort and manifest tyself 'itin tis body as a Tem-le in 'ic I
a"e -re-aredQ

eelebub Lord of te <lies enter my soul so' me te ,ter 5ide and o-en my eyes tat I
may see te dar/ recesses of +ell. I im-lore you tat you ta/e my and and 6uide me trou6
te Pat'ays of te AoidQ God of 5torms I in"ite you to come to me and so' me te secrets of 
te dar/ oracle. aster of 8strolo6y and te =odiac teac me ty 'ays 6i"e me te -o'er o"er
all tat ies. $ndo' me 'it etraordinary -o'er and autorityQ aal =ebul Lord of te +i6
+ouse Lord of te ?ort I call to you.

8$8 5L ?$RR8=8T8< 5+,8$L $8T85

I? C8R?$I5 8=I=$I $T$R

8RT8 8RT8 5C8, $$L,5

A, $RIT Q 8IL58 =$I08 ?,TT$RI8+

8I5C8T,? T$T$8 8?,P+RI5 G88088T $C+I?,C+Q

=$I08 =$I08 L8,5 T8?Q7S4)

88L=AHA 80,? +8=AHAIM 8 $LIMQ

In"ocaon of te <orces of 0ar/ness
8ctatos Ca-ta eNouran Ita-an arnutusQ

8cteus a6elsius ,rmenus Lycas ?icon imonQ

I in"o/e te <orces of 0ar/ness tat rule o"er te 9li-otQ

LiJoac li:otQ

ay te 'isdom -o'er and immortality of my mind al'ays see/ self;ecellenceQ 5amael te
lac/ Poison of God may 'or/ 'it my 'isdom and /ee- me focused on my -at of self;
dei@caonQ 5atan bless my 'or/ of i6est reac tat I may ascend alone and -o'erfulQ

Palas 8ron ,inomas as/e ano Tudan 0onas Geeamel Cla ,rlay erec +e Pantaras TayQ

I in"o/e and arness all te demonic ener6y -ossible in te 'orld I arness all te <orces of 
0ar/ness to follo' my 'ill. I in"ite te <orces of 0ar/ness to besto' teir infernal -o'er u-on

ay my <ater te 0e"il 6i"e me te stren6t of te lac/ <lame 'ic I can use to my best


,sola mica rama lamani

Aolase cala maNa mira salame

Aiemisa molasola Rama 8fasala

irael =orabeli 8ssaNaQ

In"ocaon of 5amael
$idos $idos Teifras 8bua TlinQ

$cce Calicem Aenero 5amaelQ

<allen 8n6el 5amael ear my callin6 and come to my tem-le of esQ

5emnail ?asirud;0in 5emal Ca"ayot 5a/las 5amaelQ

Come fort to me manifest in my bein6 so 'e can Noin as oneQ 5er-ent of $lder Po'ers Great
<ater of Cain come from your realm of 5itra 8ra and besto' your blessin6s u-on me. 0ar/
,ne of te 0ee- ruler of te 9li-otQ

$L ?$5+I8+ 5C8? T5$$L $5P+,R ?,CT8R8 $08THR ?,?=ITR8$L A8C8=8=,C+ +$

?$$5H5+T8R 5T$L ?$58I? 5LHH 8$L $L$RTH 5<8G? $5P+885 85$?IT A$?8R 5$$T+
58T85+T$L I??,? C88,? A$LR,+$TQ
I in"o/e Tee 5amael +orned ,ne te 5er-ent of te 0ee-Q Come to me 5 amael and re"eal to
me te nature of demonsQ 80IR,;80I58?8Q 8R8+808R8Q

5amael re"eal to me your true nature and formQ

Poison of God ma/e me into a blac/ ma6ic/ ade-t and a 'ise -erson.

588$L R88L 5+$ML $L,+IM L8A, LT,+ +885+,8R 5+$MLIQ

8ll 6lory be to 5amaelQ

In"ocaon of Lilit
Renic "iasa a"a6e Lilit liracQ

I in"o/e you lac/ Goddess LilitQ Consort of 5amael eed te call and come to meQ

ara6 8ma Lilit Rimo/ 5amalo ?aamaQ713)

Lilit oter of 0emons 9ueen of Aam-ires Ruler of +arlots $m-ress of $"il and te ride of 
Lucifer come to me from your realm in Gamaliel and @ll my mind body and soul 'it your

Lilit 9ueen of te ?i6t come to my tem-le of es. 8--ear before me oter of 0ar/
&isdomQ a/e me into your demonic cild.

Cuba"it lamia et -ro-\us in"oca]nibusQ <ac mecum est in utero abens de 5-iritu 0racoQ

It is my &ill to in"o/e te e6re6ore of Lilit so tat by er s-irit I e-erience te -o'er of te
rin6er of 0eat to obtain er &ords of Po'erQ

Lil/alitu Lilit al/a a;5adimQ

,$,5 8C8P+,5+ ?M,T =$L$5+

I5TA88? T$?$ ?5GI8+ 8T,,R

?$ 8IT885 ?,R=$R

$M8TT8? $L,5+ T58$L$5

?RI,=T +8?8?$< <T88 $,5 G+8TQ

L$MLIT 8?I +8M8L08+ 5+$L+8Q

lac/ oon Lilit 'ose ands form te ellis mire at my 'ea/est at my stron6est moldin6
me as clay from @re. lood Red oon Lilit are of ?i6t you cast your lier to te 6roundQ
5-ea/ te name and ta/e te i6t uer no' te secret soundQ

In te -resence of dar/ nameless and formless 6ods may my true 'ill o-en te 6ates of te
dar/ Gamaliel and ma/e contact 'it te ellis 0emon 9ueen and oter Lilit.
ay te ystery of te 9li-ot o-en toni6t in te name of LuciferQ

 +ail LilitQ

In"ocaon of ?aama
?I$5 A8 $5T$R ?$$TT 5C8,? T=$T8L8R,?

5$+$?$C+ ?HT8R =$$LTH T58T5+8TR

$=8R88+ A8TRI5+ S8L8 S8L8 $8 5T,RR ?$I5Q

?aama Princess of 5creecin6 Lady of te Gate I in"o/e youQ

0emon 9ueen ride of 5amael Lady of te $art I im-lore you to besto' -leasures and rices
u-on meQ Mou are te &oman of idni6t and te <ount of 8ll 5orceryQ

?888+ L+8<H+ ,TIM L8$L,+IQ

?aama sister of Lilit do come fortQ Princess of 5creecin6 enter my tem-le of esQ 8--ear
before me oter of 0ar/nessQ It is you 'o be'itces men and leads tem to infernal
eternityQ istress of 0eat @ll me 'it te terrors of te ni6t and seie me 'it tem-taonQ

?888+ 8?I ,+$A$T ,T8+Q

9ueen of ?eemot enter my es and iname my soul 'it your essenceQ

?888+ , $MLIQ

In"ocaon of +ecate
8nana +ecate ayerQ

I in"o/e Tee +ecate 9ueen of 5orceryQ Goddess of te Crossroads of +ell ear my -rayer and
come to meQ esto' your blessin6s u-on me and my soul. 9ueen of all 5orcerers of +ell your
-at is as blac/ as ni6tQ I in"o/e you trou6 your ancient names

Pos-oros 5oteira Pro-olos Triodis 5oteira +ecateQ

9ueen of 5ado's you lead te soul into te Hnder'orld to @nd 'isdom of te Gods of ,ld so
tat men may tra"el into te eart of te Infernal $m-ire.

5al"e Luna Infortuna ?occula +ecateQ

+ecate Romerac LiJoac li:otQ 5olsi Tem-oris 5ens"s clari@ca meQ

8rtemis Goddess of 0ar/ Places I as/ tat you use your dar/ alcemy to em-o'er my soulQ

Come +ecate come no' into tis Tem-le and lay your and u-on me to ma/e me a GodQ

ComeQ Come no' and @ll me 'it your -o'erQ

8"e 8bnu/ta +ecateQ 8"e ?occula +ecateQ 8"e Tri"ia +ecateQ

?$T8TR,? C858?8I $LI5 ?,R8S $L 5,T$ 0I5C,? A8R88RQ

$/^ -^rte to c[ri mou /ai me /atodi6e_te m[sa a-] ton ^to ]smoQ

In"ocaon of 5et
Lirac 8lora "efa 5itriQ

I in"o/e 5et te 5er-ent and te 0ra6on te Lord of te ?i6t Gi"er of Life and rin6er of 
0eat te $6y-an Prince of 0ar/ness I call you into my mind body and soul. Mour 6iJ is te
lac/ <lame and youre te com-anion of tose 'o tra"el te Gates of te lac/ 5unQ Mou are
omniscient omni-resent and omni-otentQ ,-en te -at'ays of te ?i6tside as I in"o/e you
trou6 your ancient names /no'n by Ty true 'orsi-ersQ

5utua/ Ty-on olcoset $rbet Pa/erbet 5etQ

Lord of te 0esert son of 5atan e 'o brin6s fort dar/ness of te crimson desertQ

5et;+e te Red ,ne God of In@nite <uture cro'n me as a ParoaQ

Se-era Se-er Se-eruQ

$nsroud me 'it te Po'ers of 0ar/nessQ

I, $rbet I, Pa/erbet I, olcoset Ty-on 5utua/ 58;T8;8T;?$;58Q

Lord of 5torms ma/e te ma6ic/ 'or/ by te -o'er of my &illQ 5utQ 8natQ I in"o/e TeeQ
8ncient 5er-ent 'o olds te /eys to te Gnosis of te lac/ <lameQ

Ty-on olcoi Tontonon 5etQ

8T8R8$5+ 5LHH $RT

T$ 8RTHT8? M8 T$?8R88R +,,5

$I8+8,= R$$L5HT ?$C8<,5+ 5T$R 8A$?,5+

5,C+$T ?I5T88L,5 8R8IQ

In"ocaon of Cain
=ammao $mot =ara>aen aaltelmotQ

I in"o/e Cain Tubal;Cain Camio te @rst murderer I call to you I in"o/e youQ

+eil Cain "on 5amaelQ 8"e 9ayin essorQ 5al"e 5enor la uerteQ

98MI? <8LSI<$R O 80I8P+,T,5 O 98MI? ,CCI5,R O 8+8? O 98IL O 5$?,R 0$ L8 CRH=

?$GR8 O 98MI? ,RTI<$R

Cain I call you into my mind my eart and my bodyQ $m-o'er my soul 'it your di"ine
5orcerous 8lcemyQ 5on of 5amael and $"e I in"o/e TeeQ

8MI? 8?I ,R$ L$+Q

In"ocaon of oloc
I am one 'it oloc in te ames of TaumielQ

I abide in te realm of Taumiel 'it olocQ

8riseQ o"e and 8--earQ

I in"o/e you trou6 your ancient names

ilcom ole/ al/am ali/ a//al olocQ

=odacare od =odameranuQ

I am te Lord of li6t and dar/ness as se-arateQ I am te ,ne tat rules te transformaon of 
te self into 'ate"er one cooses to beQ I am te lord of @re and dar/nessQ I am te lord of mist
and @re. I am te /in6 of deat and lifeQ I am te lord of te one tey call te +i6er 5elfQ I am
te God of te Hnder'orldQ I am te Great Prince of te lac/ 5unQ I am te ee-er of te lac/

In"ocaon of 8dramelec
8-eriatur 8carayim et 6erminet 8dramelecQ

I call u-on 8dramelec Grand Cancellor President of 5atans General Council to come
to my tem-le and manifestQ Le-eca 9li-otQ
Great art of ins-iraon and 'ords I learn from teeQ Infernal Peacoc/ in6 of te <orbidden
9li-otic 5-ere I as/ ty 6ate to o-enQ Mour name is 8dra;ali/ te in6 of PoisonQ

86ios 8dramelec Re AenenumQ

God of te 8"ites te enemy of God 6reater in ambion 6uile and miscief tan 5atan a @end
more cursed`a dee-er y-ocriteQ President of te +i6 Council of 0e"ils I call to youQ

L$P8C8 588$L 5$$LI? 80R8$L$C+ RH8C+ G,?,GI?Q

In"ocaon of ?inn6iidda
8L5I H ?H5+I 0I?GIR ?I??G+I=+I008 H5+;5+8;THR I?8 =H;8Q

I in"o/e ?inn6iidda te +orned 5er-ent of te 0ee- &atcer of te Gate of Ganir te
+ellis PitQ Mou are te 5na/e 'ic I dream of a'a/eQ

In te name of our <ater 5atan Lord and aster of all a6icians o-en te Gate tat I may
enterQ 0emon of $n/i I call you into my bein6. <ill me 'it te -o'er o"er te deadQ

I in"o/e you trou6 your ancient names

Tot Teu +ermes ercury 9uetalcoatl ?inn6iiddaQ

8L5I H ?H5+I 5IR =H;8 ?I??G+I=+I008Q

In"ocaon of Tiamat
C8,5GI CI?SIR P$RIP58S ?,?CI A,AI?8 TI88TQ

I in"o/e you Tiamat oter of 8bominaons of te $artQ 0ra6on of te Aoid I in"o/e you
trou6 your ancient names

Hmmu;+ubur Talassa Teom Ao"in Tannin TiamatQ

I call you fort to enter my bein6 9ueen of Gods oter of 0emonsQ Come fort from te
Hnder'orld Realm of Taumiel surround me 'it sado's of te li6t and te li6t from te

Primal 0raconian Goddess Tiamat cro'n me as an 8ncient ,neQ

 H50IR 8 TI88TQ

In"ocaon of te 8ncrist 5-irit


=IG8= GI5IL8 8R8L RIA8 8R

=+8R8 8TI0,R +,RIG$ 8R0IT 8R

85L8 P+$R , $8 ?IP+H= =$T

=$8 I? RI0MHLT+

=R8G L8 GRI8R I<R8

AI=R8L8R +8GI +ILL8R A8=,$ 80I?


8R$,R 8M8=I? HAL8 8I? AIGIGIL

=IIRR, $8 HRQ

I am te 8ncrist te true 8nointed ,ne te essia of 5atanists and Luciferians ali/eQ

I am Lucifer IncarnateQ I am te eastQ I am te an of 5inQ I am te La'less ,neQ

I am te in6 of te &orld as te 0e"ils sonQ

Ca-ter # $"ocaons

Te ConNuraon of Lucifer and Lilit

Tis conNuraon is used to commune 'it our s-iritual <ater and oter as 6uides on te -at
of self;dei@caon.

LHCI<$R 58TRI?8 LILIT+ ,HM8R I=,RP, C+8$R,? IT8 8LI5$,? P8RT85+ PR$M 8IT,
,RI$T 8I=, ?8M0RH5 ,,5 $5,?M ,08 $P8RI?$5,?T P,0, $5TI,T $IL,
0H,55,? P8TR,T8 08?,C+8R 8$, C85I$L $8 +8MR85 8LI <$$LL$R,?T+,?
8T?8 5,0IR?, P$8T+8.

Come LuciferQ Come LilitQ

ConNuraon of Lucifer
I im-lore you , 6reat and -o'erful $m-eror Lucifer. I im-lore you , Great Prince Lucifer
condescend to be fa"orable so it sall be.

$m-eror Lucifer -rince and master of te rebel s-irits. I im-lore you to abandon your d'ellin6 in
'ate"er -art of te 'orld you sould be to come and s-ea/ 'it me.

ed;,rt O Lucifero O Lumiel O +elel ben 5acar O Lucibel O 8sturel O 866elos Pos O LiJoac
9li-ot O LiJoac Pandemonium

Lucifer ,uyar Cameron 8liseon andousin Premy ,riet ?aydrus $smony $-arinesont
$sot 0umosson 0anocar Casmiel +ayras <abellerontou 5odirno Peatam Aenire Aenire

ConNuraon of eelebub
I im-lore you eelebub Lord of te <lies to come to my tem-le and manifestQ

eelebut Lucifer adilon 5olymo 5aroy Teu 8meclo 5a6rael Praredun 8dricanorom
arno Timo Cameron Porsy etosite Prumosy 0umaso $li"isa 8l-rois <ubentroty
Aenire Aenire eelebut7#)

ConNuraon of 8starot
I im-lore you 8starot Lord of te 0ar/ Gate to come to my tem-le and manifestQ

8starot 8dor Cameso Aaluerituf areso Lodir Cadomir 8luiel Calniso Tely Plorim Aiordy
Cure"iorbas Cameron Aesturiel Aulna"iN ene meus Calmiron ?oard ?isa Cenibranbo
Cale"odium rao Tabrasol Aenire Aenire 8starot.7#)

ConNuraon of 8ael
I im-lore you 8ael aster of te 0ar/ 8 rts to come to my tem-le and manifestQ

,5HRM 0$LH58? 8T8L5L,M C+8RH5I+,8 $L8?M LI8I?T+, C,L$+,? P8R,?

80,I? $RL,M HL$R8T,R 0,?$0, +,?$ P$L,M I85IL $,? 8LM0RICT$L5
P$R5,? CRI5,L58M L$,? 5$55L$ ?I08R +,RI$L P$H?T +8L,? 85,P+I$L IL?,5TR$,?
8?I$L A$RI85 5L$A,R ?,$L8 0,R58,T L+8A8L8 ,,R <R8G8 $L0,R
0R8GI? Aenire Aenire 8ael.

+o' to Res-ecBully 5ummon a 0emon

&rite do'n te follo'in6 -rayer on a clean -iece of -a-er

E$m-eror Lucifer by your 6race 6rant me I -ray tee te -o'er to concei"e in my mind and to
eecute tat 'ic I desire to do te end 'ic I 'ould aain by ty el- almi6ty 5atan te
,ne True God 'o li"ests and rei6nests fore"er and e"er. I entreat tee to ins-ire ?8$ ,<
0$,? to manifest before me tat eFse may 6i"e me a true and faitful ans'er -ro"ided
tat it is -ro-er to isFer oZce. Tis I res-ecBully and umbly as/ in Mour ?ame Lord Lucifer.
ay you deem me 'orty <ater.E

&en youre @nised 'rin6 te -rayer you a"e to conduct a 5tandard Luciferian Ritual
burnin6 te -rayer in te ame of te re>uired colored candle of te 0emon. editate on te
ener6ies -resented to you in te ritual of te 0emon and you may actually see it.

Mou must /no' te reason and -ur-ose you summon te 0emon and you must /no' 'at to
6i"e bac/ in return.

I o:er my blood on teir si6il ten meditate on teir si6il callin6 teir name. Tis as 'or/ed for
me se"eral mes and I certainly recommend it.

Ca-ter % Luciferian &ords of Po'er

9li-otic Incantaons
5amobelu O 8sasbeba O 8dlina O Taloel O Citamo O Lfalraliam O ?/efu O Rodae6 O Temeta O
ub6ety O ,rlmotle/

Te $le"enfold formula of Ca"aNotXs Concealed anifestaons. To be "ibrated one by one.

5ource Te oo/ of 5itra 8ra
5ol ?i6ro 5ol ?o 5ol ?a

Hsed in rituals callin6 on Ta6irion. 5ource 0ra6on Rou6e

elial adad Le-aca li:ot elial adad Le-aca 5itra 8ra

antra callin6 u-on elial and callin6 te demon Le-aca to -resence infernal ener6y. 5ource
Tree of 5ado's

5orat LiJoac li:otQ

U5orat ,-en u- te Infernal PlaneQV 5ource Tem-le of te lac/ Li6t

Tou Teom Teli Tan Le"iatan TaninXi"er Taninsam

Calls u-on Le"iatan 'o is also /no'n as Teli or Tan te dra6on of te -rimordial abyss
'ic abyss is called Tou or Teom. 8s Le"iatan is te draconic as-ect of 5atan Taninsam is
te draconic as-ect of Lilit. TaninXi"er is te ser-ent of Gamaliel 'o brin6s about te
uni@caon of te t'o Le"iatans 7Teli and Taninsam). Hsed to direct te dra6on of deat or
-resence 9li-otic ener6y to create a sacred s-ace. 5ource Liber 8erate

8ri Refu ata 0ra6on

antra for callin6 on eemot. 5ource Tree of 5ado's

5um +arba de 8smedai al/a

In $n6lis UI am te 5'ord of in6 8smoday.V Te 5'ord of in6 8smodayX is a tle for
8smodayXs son "ariously called 8lf-unias 8lef-eneXas and Guri6ur. Tis is used in in"ocaons
of im. 5ource A

Ao"in Ao"in Le-aca Ao"in Le"iat^n TaninXi"er LiJoac li:ot

Tis mantra ser"es to call u-on TaninXi"er and Le-aca to el- you summon Le"iatan -resencin6
infernal ener6y in te -rocess. Ao"in is te $nocian 'ord for U0ra6on.V 5ource 0aemon arai
LiJoac Pandemonium

In $n6lis U,-en te Infernal Plane.V Presences infernal ener6y to raise sacred s-ace. Tis cant
'as made s-eci@cally for consensual summonin6. If it is "ibrated in -roimity of any tools set for
te coercion of demons tese tools 'ill become useless or 'ea/er de-endin6 on o' -o'erful
tey are. 5ource A


9li-otic summonin6 cant of 9ayin. 5ource Liber <alifer

Tem-iot Sere 5am;8ur Casa/

Calls u-on Tem-iot to em-o'er and eternie a raised sacred s-ace. C an also be used if te
'itc intends it to -re"ent a sacred s-ace from en"elo-in6 a lar6er territory o"er me. To be
canted nine mes. 5ource A

=ammao $mot =ara>aen aaltelmot

9li-otic callin6 formula of 9ayin. 5ource Liber <alifer


In $n6lis ULulu'a 0au6ter and Priestess of te LeJ +and.V Hsed to call on Lulu'aF9almana.
5ource A

9almana ele/et a;Gul6ata "a;?o6a

In $n6lis U9almana 9ueen of Gul6ata and Aenus.V Hsed to call on 9almanaFLulu'a. 5ource

=ammao $mot =ara>aen aalbaalatelmotQ

Te 9li-otic callin6 formula of 8namla>ayin. 5ource Liber <alifer II

=ammao $mot =ara>aen Lilu'a aalatelmot

9li-otic callin6 cant of 9almanaFLulu'a. 5ource Liber <alifer II

?ibes Aa $ster ?eme 5cammon Tetalaron

5eenec ?utar =abeltu Tsatsatr $araba

Aatris Sala Sala $a 5torr ?ebis

Tis cant calls u-on ?aXama. 5ource Tree of 5ado's

a6oa Paymon $6ym 8maymon

Te names of te four demonic /in6s of te 'orld canted or "ibrated to o-en te four 6ates at
te corner of te eart to te demonic realm7s) brin6in6 about te -resencin6 of demonic
infernal ener6ies for te creaon of sacred s-ace. 5 ource Liber 8erate

<la"ros +auras <lereous  Aenire 0ucis +aures

Tree names of <lereous follo'ed by UCome 0u/e +auresQV 5ource A

Cants to ,-en te 9li-otic 5-eres

LiJoa 5aari a;Taumiel X5em a;5atan "a;oloc/

LiJoac 5aari a;8o6iel X5em a;eelebub

LiJoac 5aari a;5atariel X5em a;Lucifu6e Rofocale

LiJoac 5aari a;Gas ala a;8starot

LiJoac 5aari a;Golocab X5em a;8smoday

LiJoac 5aari a;Ta6irion X5em a;elfe6or

LiJoac 5aari a;,reb =ara> X5em a;aaltelmot

LiJoac 5aari a;5amael X5em a;8dramele/

LiJoac 5aari a;Gamaliel X5em a;Gamaliel

LiJoac 5aari a;?aemot X5em a;?a;8ma;+ema

5ource Te oo/ of 5itra 8cra

Cants to ,-en te 5e"en +ells

Lucifu6e Rofocale aal =ebub olo/ "a;+a 5atan LiJoac 5aari a;5eol a;TeomQ

8starot;?acas;Mabal;LiJoac 5aari a;8baddonQ

$s;oday;ele/ LiJoac 5aari a;Tit a;MonQ

aal;elfe6or LiJoac 5aari a;ar 5acatQ

aalbaalat;8namla>ayin LiJoac 5aari a;TelmotQ

8dramele/ a;5am;$l;8cer LiJoac 5aarimotQ

8ma Lilit 5a"ta "a;?aama;?aema LiJoac 5aari a;GeinnomQ

5ource Te oo/ of 5itra 8cra

a6ic/al Cants for Luciferian a6ic/

=rriooa Hmbrara =iorio Hm-lesa

Hesta oriomba Hsa

5esta-lana Hm-era

=rraa =rraa Hsa

Cant of In"ocaon to te &atcers

5ource icael &. <ord

Carabia 0emonoso-ia 0ecarabia

?ames of 0ecarabia ordered into a cant for rituals callin6 u-on im. 5ource A..


&ord of -o'er "ibrated to -resence infernalFdemonic ener6y for te creaon of a sacred s-ace.
5ource 0ra6on Rou6e

Itrel Itrel 8ael

Cant for callin6 u-on 8ael. 5ource Te oo/ of 8ael

86ios iscyros a;In 8rotrios

In $n6lis U?uminous and mi6ty is 9ayin te Plou6man.V Hsed to call on 9ayin. 5ource A..

86ios es elladomina Terian

In $n6lis U?uminous art tou oter Terian of &ar.V ?uminous is a synonym for di"ineX 'it
Pa6anisc connotaons. 5ource A..

Son inan 8t Sul Ga &at 8m

,nly a--ro-riate for e-erienced -raconers -referably 'itin a sacred s-ace. Tis cant is
ars and -o'erful so te -raconer ad best be in te con@nes of a sacred s-ace.
5tren6tens te 'itcXs caracter and s-iritual facules. ay be trance;inducin6D not for
be6inners. Te SXs are -ronounced li/e =Xs. Ra-ael and icael el-ed me com-ose it. 5ource

8cteus a6elsius ,rmenus Lycas ?icon imon

Te names of si demonic re6ents canted to facilitate te -resencin6 of demonic;infernal
ener6y for te creaon of a sacred s-ace. 5ource Liber 8erate

9ayin Tubal;9ayin Camio

Hsed to call fort te tree manifestaons of 9ayin. 5ource A..


Pronounced Uya';T&,;$M;58&;L8&.V In $n6lis Uy my con@dence in ma6ic/ may dar/ness

become es.V Hsed to em-o'er any rite. 5ource Te ible of te 8d"ersary

Palas 8ron ,inomas

as/e ano Tudan 0onas

Geeamel Cla ,rlay

erec +[ Pantaras Tay

Tis formula 'ic is to be "ibrated is associated 'it te number 13**. It is a-t for any rite
'ic calls on infernal forces facilian6 te manifestaon of demons in te astral and -ysical
-lane. 5ource Liber 8erate

$iset oenet a;8rsiel

In $n6lis U$iset +i6 Priestess of te lac/ 5un.V Hsed to call on $iset =enunnim. 5ource

Lucifer 8sturel LiJoac li:ot

LiJoac li:ot means U,-en te Infernal Plane.V 8sturel is bot a name for Lucifer as 'ell as an
unrelated enty. Calls u-on Lucifer and -resences infernal ener6y for te creaon of sacred
s-ace. 5ource 0aemon ari

elus de 9uo a6ma

In $n6lis UReality $manates from te 0emonic.V Hsed for any rituals to te demonic. 5ource
Te Com-lete oo/ of 0emonolatry

8-eriatur 0udael et 6erminet 8ael

In $n6lis U,-en te desert and brin6 fort 8ael.V Hsed to call on 8ael. 5ource A..


Pronounced UM,H;5+,$;8?;8R$;ost;a.V In $n6lis U,f tat dar/ness of yearnin6 'ic is

antecal to te 5un.V In used blac/ ma6ic/al rituals. 5ource Te ible of te 8d"ersary

a6abi Laca acabe

Lamac Cai 8cababe

arrelyos Lamac Lamec acalyas

Cabaa6y 5abalyos aryolos

La6o 8ta Cabyolas

5amaac $t <amyolas


Hsed in rituals 'ic call u-on 5 atan. 5ource Liber 8erate

8GI,5 80R8$L$C+ R$S A$?$?H

U?uminous 8dramelec in6 of PoisonV

5ource A

8RHC+;+8 80R8$L$C+ $L$C+ +8;9LIP+8 +8;,8

Ulessed is 8dramelec in6 of te 9li-a of ercuryV

5ource A

8P$RI8THR 8C+8R8MI $T G$RI?$T 80R8$L$C+

U,-en te ac/'ards Tree and brin6 from 8dramelecV

5ource A

+$85 +$85 $5T$ $L,I

U<ar far 6o a'ay -rofane onesQV

Hsed for banisin6

5ource Gree/ a6ic/al Pa-yri

9,0$5+ L8;,L,C 58R T+8I$L

U+oly to oloc/ Prince of TamielV

5ource A..

8GI,5 ,L,C 58LA$ R$S IG?I<$R

U?uminous 7is) oloc/D +ail to te onarc and <ire;earerV

Te 'ord numinous means 78) di"ineFs-iritual 7) ins-irin6 6reatness 7C) mysteriousD

&eXre usin6 all tree meanin6s at once.

5ource A..


0irects te ener6y of 'ratful caos into te Cosmos renderin6 causal forms sa-eless and
a'a/enin6 te lac/ 0ra6on of te 5ea of Caos. Tis formula can re"eal te dar/ 6ates to te
astral -lace and te &estern Trone of +ell.

5ource Tem-le of te lac/ Li6t

8GI,5 , ?8;88;+$8

U?uminous is ?a;8ma;+emaV 'ic is an uncommon name for ?aXama. I tin/ it means

U0eatly oter of lood.V
5ource A.. 7inuenced by 8nton Lon6 and Te oo/ of 5itra 8ra)

8GI,5 I5C+MR,5 8;I? 8R,TRI,5

U?uminous and mi6ty is a;in 79ayinFCain) of te -lo'V

T8?I?XIA$R LI<T,8C+ ?I8

Tis calls u-on TaninXi"er te lind 0ra6on to ac"ate ones lac/ <lame

5ource Tem-le of te lac/ Li6t

$$ 5C8R8 A8RC+$ ?8RT8R

Tis cant ser"es to dedicate te celebrantXs soul to te 0e"il and subse>uently brin6 about

5ource ?ar6ar6ole 5lod


?ames of Lucifu6e Rofocal arran6ed into a cant

5ource A


U?uminous and mi6ty is Lucifu6eV

5ource A 7ins-ired by 8nton Lon6)


U,-en te ac/'ards Tree and brin6 fort Lucerifu6eV in Lan

5ource A 7ins-ired by 8nton Lon6)

8GI,5 T=8P+,?I 88 LILIT+ L8MILIL

cant -raisin6 Lilit by er "arious names

5ource A

$L58H G,ITM $L58H $ITM

Ueelebut abo"e eelebut belo'V

88L R,$R8C 8X8R8 =8R89 ILI, 88L R$GI?,?

8 cant to call u-on aXal and te forces of 8Xarab =ara>

5ource Terion 7te band)

80 58T8?85 9HI L8$TI<IC8T KHA$?THT$ $8

UTo 5atanas 'o brin6s me ecstasy and youtQV

5ource 8nton Lon6

IR8ILI8 ,P$R8 TH8 0,I?$ 58T8?85 $T 8?I8 $8 C,G?I5CIT ?$I5

Uar"ellous are ty 'or/s Lord 5atanas and my soul /no's it 'ellV

5ource 8nton Lon6

0,+;5$$;G8+ 8?;$$;L8+ 8+;0,+;+$$ L,,;$M;<8M

5ecret names of 5atan as manifested trou6 te four elements

5ource ?yte/


Cant callin6 u-on Layilil LilitXs most destruc"e as-ect

5ource Tem-le of te lac/ Li6t

9,0$5+ L8;85+T,R$T+ 8R?8I

U+oly to 8storet of te T'o +ornsV in +ebre' an ob"ious in"ersion of a +ebre' -raise

5ource A

&ords of Po'er for L+P a6ic/


Te name of te rune 5o'ilo can be "ibrated to brin6 manifest its -ro-eres trou6 sound.
5o'ilo is useful for meditaon on any ca/ra.


Pronounced Ua/;8R$;85;tuV 7syllables 'ic sound li/e /no'n $n6lis 'ords in ca-s). In
$n6lis Uy astral double assumes a mi6ty form for te blac/ dra6on is 'itin me.V Causes te
astral double to sa-esiJ into a dra6on.

5ource te ible of te 8d"ersary

P+8,5 8H55,5

In $n6lis ULi6t ofFfrom te ?eter'orld.V Calls on demonic ener6y to em-o'er te ca/ras of 
te s-inal cord as 'ell as te sub-ersonal and trans-ersonal ca/ras sould te 'itc a"e
o-ened tem. Aery -o'erful and not for be6inners.

5ource A..


5ecret name of 5atanXs 'ratful manifestaon as te Lord of te 5carlet Pillar

5ource =eit23GeistF ?ar6ar6ole 5lod


5atanXs secret name for ma6ic/al ealin6

5ource Te Lile lac/ oo/ of 5atanic +ealin6


Pronounced Ua;/see;re;?$&;I5.V Presences dar/ ener6y 'itin te astral double to stren6ten
or eal it.

5ource te ible of te 8d"ersary


si6ni@es te -o'er of te lac/ <lme and te act of iniaon

5ource icael &. <ord

?88T808 8$, ,RI$T

-rase to o-en te 9li-ot

5ource ate' $berts

R8 85T8

'ords of -o'er to meditate on

5ource ate' $berts

8s/alon <lore ?esamusblum Gor6o $lias 8tatmos are 8nnato aalberit


Cief ?ames of te Hnder'orld

5ource Te Red oo/ of 8--in

Ca-ter ( Po'er editaon

8s a Luciferian it is "ery im-ortant to meditate durin6 and aJer eac ritual. In Luciferian 5orcery
meditaon is 'at o-ens te soul your -sycic senses and your ca/ras 'ic is a form of 
di"inity. Mou must meditate at least 1 minutes -er day if you 'ant to a"e 6odli/e -o'er. efore
I started Luciferianism I 'as a 5-iritual 5 atanist and I 'as tau6t tat I ad to meditate in te
5un to increase my bioelectricity trou6out my body and 'it increased bioelectricity you can
do a lot of stu: you ne"er /ne' you ad in you.

I ad a conict one me in colle6e 'en a friend came u- to me and told me one of our
classmates called er fat so I tele-atically communicated 'it Lucifer imself as/in6 im if I
could do some ma6ic/ on te o:ender to teac er a lesson and Lucifer a6reed. 5o in te middle
of class I stared er do'n and 'a"ed my @n6ers in a sort of -enta6ram in te air and someo'
ants a--eared on te seat net to er.

Te -o'ers of te mind and soul are "ery real. Mou can do Nust about anytin6 aJer a lon6 me
of meditan6. Goin6 a lon6 me meditan6 ten sto--in6 for a fe' days 'ill only ma/e you
beind 'at you can actually manifest in tis 'orld. 5ince Lucifer is God of tis &orld e 6i"es
us is alcemical 6old from te 5 un to transform us in te 0ra6ons <ire.

Teres sometin6 im-ortant to realie in tis bi6 -icture. Mou must do a -act 'it Lucifer in
order to a"e 6odli/e -o'ers. Tis is also /no'n as dedican6 your soul to 5atan. 8 lot of 
occulsts say 5atan and Lucifer are not te same but e is to me. +e is te $m-eror of te
Infernal $m-ire and e is te most -o'erful deity. Its trou6 a -act 'it Lucifer tat 'e
recei"e Lucifers 6nosis -o'er and 6iJs. I 'ill 6o more into a -act 'it Lucifer later in te boo/
but ri6t no' Im 6oin6 to tal/ about te most im-ortant meditaons you can do.

5un editaon

<or tis meditaon you a"e to sit cross;le66ed facin6 te 5un. Ima6ine a 'ite 6old ener6y
radian6 'it your eyes closed.

Aibrate ER;8;H;E 'it one lon6 eale ten breate in a6ain. 0o tis 23 mes. Mou 'ill noce
you a"e a 6ood car6e of ener6y.
Mou must "isualie te 5unsine enterin6 your body and transformin6 your soul. Tis is te basic
meditaon I use daily.

0ra6on <ire editaon

5tare at a red candle and "isualie te ame 6en6 bi66er and bri6ter to te -oint 'ere it
almost en6ulfs you. a/e te ame bi6 enou6 to 'e re you can see it 'it your eyes closed.
Ima6ine te ame e-andin6 to 'ere it touces your aura. ?o' say EI in"o/e te 0ra6ons <ire
te lac/ <lame of Lucifer.E

?o' "isualie te ame catcin6 your astral body on @re. Mou burn 'it te 6lory of Luciferian
Li6t. ee- doin6 tis meditaon for around 1 minutes and you 'ill feel reNu"enated and
relaed aJer'ords.

Luciferian Li6t editaon

5it in a comfortable s-ot rela and 6o into a medita"e state. ?o' "isulaie your astral body
6ro'in6 bi66er and bri6ter 'it your aura e-andin6 doin6 tis for @"e minutes. &it a lon6
breat out "ibrate E?,?85THR8 08M $A8 8$RI T8T H5+H 8?8R 85T8.E

0o tis meditaon for around 3* minutes e"ery day and you 'ill noce a bi6 can6e in o' your
aura a--ears to -eo-le.

Tese tree meditaons are Nust a fe' eam-les of te ty-es of meditaons you can do. Mou can
use oter mantras to meditate on Nust as lon6 as you a"e an idea.

Ca-ter 1* +o' to ,-en and $m-o'er te

8Jer si6nin6 any demonic -act 'it Lucifer you sould start a basic -o'er meditaon -ro6ram
ten start 'or/in6 on o-enin6 and em-o'erin6 te ca/ras. In tis Ca-ter I 'ill be 6i"in6 you
meditaon tecni>ues for o-enin6 your tird eye and all your ca/ras. Ca/ras are ener6y
-o'erouses of te soul. Tere are se"en main ca/ras tou6 you a"e tirteen total. Tese
se"en ca/ras are located alon6 te to- of te ead to te boom of te s-ine. Tese
meditaon tecni>ues I 'ill -ro"ide come from Koy of 5atan and 8senat ason and are "ery
-o'erful. Tey sould be done slo'ly to a"oid undalini syndrome.

undalini syndrome is 'en you obtain too muc ecess undalini and can cause

 In"oluntary Ner/s tremors sa/in6 itcin6 n6lin6 and c ra'lin6 sensaons es-ecially in te
arms and le6s

$ner6y ruses or feelin6s of electricity circulan6 te body

Intense eat 7s'ean6) or cold es-ecially as ene r6y is e-erienced -assin6 trou6 te ca/ras

5-ontaneous -ranayama asanas mudras and bandas

Aisions or sounds at mes associated 'it a -arcular ca/ra

0iminised or con"ersely etreme seual desire somemes leadin6 to a state of constant or

'ole;body or6asm

$moonal u-ea"als or surfacin6 of un'anted and re-ressed feelin6s or tou6ts 'it certain
re-ressed emoons becomin6 dominant in te conscious mind for sort or lon6 -eriods of me.

+eadace mi6raine or -ressure inside te s/ull

Increased blood -ressure and irre6ular eartbeat

$moonal numbness

8nsocial tendencies

ood s'in6s 'it -eriods of de-ression or mania

Pains in di:erent areas of te body es-ecially bac/ and nec/

5ensi"ity to li6t sound and touc

Trance;li/e and altered states of consciousness

0isru-ted slee- -aern 7-eriods of insomnia or o"erslee-in6)

Loss of a--ete or o"erean6

liss feelin6s of in@nite lo"e and uni"ersal connec"ity transcendent a'areness.

,-enin6 te Tird $ye

Tis eercise is done 'it a s-eci@c tone and cant. Mou need to do tis eercise for 4 days in a
ro'. Re6ular meditaon on te tird eye sould follo' to com-letely o-en it u- and establis an
ener6y u-ta/e. Tis eercise only 6ets it 6oin6. <urter 'or/ is needed and must be consistent to
rea- maimum results.

?ote 5te-s 1 and 2 are o-onal. 5te-s 3;# are necessary.

1. 5it 'it your bac/ strai6t.

2. Place your ands in te -osion as so'n in te -oto. Mour for -eo-le 'o are ri6t anded
your ri6t and sould ma/e a @st around your leJ inde @n6erD for -eo-le 'o are leJ;anded
your leJ and sould ma/e a @st around your ri6t inde @n6er. Te tumbnail sould -ress on
te side of te @n6er as so'n at te s-ot 'ere te cucle ends.

&en you feel a "ery faint electrical soc/ you 'ill /no' you a"e te correct s-ot. 0ont 6et
discoura6ed if you cannot @nd it. It sould be a--arent in tose 'o a"e naturally stron6er
auras. &at tis does is redirect te o' of ener6y to te tird eye.

Tis mudra can be used at any me durin6 re6ular meditaon on te tird eye. ee- tis
-osion trou6out te meditaon.

Y?,T$ T+I5 +8?0 P,5ITI,? I5 ,PTI,?8L. T+$ R$5T ,< T+$ 5T$P5 3 ; # 8R$ ?$C$558RM

3. reate in trou6 your nose and on te eale "ibrate ETot.E Tot is te oon God and
te ruler of te !t ca/ra and tird eye is te moon. Release your breat slo'ly trou6 your
mout and "ibrate

T+;T+;T+;T+;,+;,+;,+;T+;T+;T+ in one lon6 eale 7"ibrate te sound one me -er eale
as 'it te Mo6ic Eummin6 breatE).

?o' tis is im-ortant. ee- te T+ and ,+ soundin6 at te same me. Mou sould be ma/in6
te T+ sound all trou6out te eale.

Mour ton6ue 'ill be "ibran6 bet'een your teet. It may ta/e a fe' seconds to adNust tis to
'ere you feel it in te middle of your foreead 73rd eye) donXt 'orry Nust /ee- on 6oin6.

Try to 6et it to te correct "ibraon 'ere you can feel it in your foreead. Tis can ta/e some
e-erimenn6. Kust do te best you can. Mou may a"e to try as many as ten to @Jeen mes or
more to 6et it ri6t.

4. 0o te abo"e 4 mes in a ro' and ten rela.

. ?o' ali6n your tird eye correctly by "isualiin6 it -oint end facin6 inside as
illustrated at leJ. Te color of te tird eye is brilliant 'ite li/e a miniature sun.

!. It is "ery im-ortant te abo"e eercise be done for <,HR consecu"e days -referably 24
ours a-art. Ten it is a done deal and you 'ill a"e -erformed te inial ste- of o-enin6 and
ac"an6 your tird eye.
#. 8Jer you are @nised it is im-ortant to meditate on your tird eye to 6et t e ener6y o'in6
tis 'ay it 'ill fully o-en.

Kust close your eyes and Eloo/E at te 3rd eye in te middle of your foreead. It is im-ortant to
rela and not to strain your eye muscles e"en tou6 your eyes are closed. 8t @rst tere is
usually Nust blac/ness de-endin6 on o' ac"e your 3rd eye is ten -ossibly s'irlin6 colors and
sa-es li/e a /aleidosco-e. Li/e scryin6 into a mirror te colors and sa-es 'ill 6i"e 'ay to
ima6es 'en you do te meditaon lon6 enou6 and re6ularly. Remember to /ee- your 6ae
soJ and relaed. <eelin6 -ressure ere or a /not is normal aJer te abo"e eercise is com-leted.
Tis usually diminises in me.

&+8T M,H C8? $SP$CT

1. ,ne of te @rst e-eriences is a eadace or -ressure in te center of te foreead. Tis
sensaon may also feel li/e it is ori6inan6 from 'itin usually an inc or more beneat te
surface of te foreead as it a:ects te sit ca/ra. Tis is a -osi"e indicaon te -ineal 6land
is a'a/enin6 and be6innin6 to funcon in a ealty manner.

Mou may also @nd you can feel tis ace or -ressure 'ene"er you focus your aenon on your
tird eye or meditate on your tird eye. Tis is -erfectly normal and eases 'it me.

Y5ome -eo-le can e-erience a mi6raine lasn6 se"eral ours. Te se"erity of te side e:ects
'ill de-end on o' atro-ied your -ineal 6land is to be6in 'it.

,-enin6 te Cro'n Ca/ra

1. reat in dee-ly and old your breat for a count of 4D do tis  mes. Tis el-s you to be
relaed focused and enter into a trance state. Ten focus all of your concentraon on your 3rd
eye. Mou sould be6in to feel a sli6t -ressure sensaon or a'areness of your 3rd eye.

2. ?o' -lace your ands in te -osion so'n abo"e and ta/e a dee- breat as you did for te
a'a/enin6 one eercise and old it for as lon6 as comfortable; 7do not -us tis) and release
your breat "ibran6 b;b;b;b;b;b;b;b 7"ibrate 'it a dee- soJ um 'it te li-s almost closed)
Te "ibraon sould sound li/e a bee. Te bee 'as sacred in 8ncient $6y-t and many oter
ancient cultures for tis "ery reason.

It is o/ to adNust your -itc. Mou sould focus on and feel te "ibraon in your tird eye ten
focus on your -ineal 6land. Mou sould be 1F3rd te 'ay trou6 of your dra'n out "ibran6
eale and feel te "ibraon in your -ineal 6land. Ten focus on your c ro'n ca/ra and feel te
"ibraon in your cro'n ca/ra and connue to etend your eale as lon6 as you are able to.
reat in a6ain re-eat tis 4 mes.

?o' A$RM IP,RT8?T;

Remember to concentrate on your foreead 73rd eye area) ten your -ineal 6land and @nally
your cro'n ca/ra. Mou sould re6ulate te eale so it e"ens out. Tis is done for te duraon
of eac cant.

1. reat in

2. e6in to eale "ibran6 b;b;b;b;b;b;b;b

3. Concentrate on and feel te "ibraon in your 3rd eye

4. Concentrate on and feel te "ibraon in your -ineal 6land

. Concentrate on and feel te "ibraon in your cro'n ca/ra

Re-eat 3 more mes for a total of 4 mes.

,-enin6 te Troat Ca/ra

Please note tis is a "ery diZcult and -osion mudra unless you a"e "ery small ands. Te
and -osions are unnecessary and are an o-on. Kust s/i- te and -osion if t is is in any 'ay
diZcult for you. Te "ibraon is te /ey ere and you sould be relaed. Tryin6 to force your
ands into te mudra is a distracon. udras sould be comfortable.

To ac"ate te troat ca/ra fold your ands to6eter as in te -oto tumbs toucin6 side by
side; do not fold te tumbs. YYTis and -osion is diZcult. <or tose of you 'it lar6er ands
it can be s/i--ed. It is best to be relaed and not in any -ain or discomfort 'ile -erformin6
tese eercises.
Ta/e a dee- breatD old as in te oter eercises for o-enin6 te soul and ten "ibrate
E+8HE unl your breat is fully released.


T+$ Y+Y 5+,HL0 $ 8 0$$P +I55 I? T+$ T+R,8T LI$ 8 C8T HT +I55I?G 0$$PLM.

Te im-ortant tin6 is to feel it stron6ly in your troat abo"e te ollo'. 0o tis ;# mes.
Remember; 6en6 te correct tone can ta/e some -racce. Te cant sould "ibrate your
troat area. Tis eercise can be done once a 'ee/ or more as needed.

,-enin6 te +eart Ca/ra

1. 5it comfortabley rela and 6o into a medita"e state.

2. Cross your arms as in te eam-le belo'. Mour ands sould be toucin6 your soulders near
your arm -its.

3. Posion your ands so your tumb connects 'it your rin6 and lile @n6er lea"in6
your inde and middle @n6ers -ointed strai6t.

4. Ta/e a dee- breat and nod your ead so your cin is 6ently -ressed into your cest. ee-
your cin @rmly a6ainst your cest durin6 eac eale only raisin6 your ead to inale.

. <ocus your aenon on your eart ca/ra. $ale and "ibrate EM8HE


. <ocus your aenon on your eart ca/ra.

!. $tend te ;;;; unl you a"e com-letely ealed. Try to adNust te tone so you feel
it in te middle of your cest 'ere your eart ca/ra is located.

#. Re-eat ei6t mes.

%. Aisualie te ima6e abo"e 'ere your eart ca/ra is and yourself en6ulfed in a
"ibrant 6reen aura and focus your aenon on feelin6 your eart ca/ra for se"eral minutes.

Try to adNust te tone so you feel it in te middle of your cest 'ere your eart ca/ra is
,-enin6 te 5olar Pleus Ca/ra
1. 5it in a comfortable -osion 'it your s-ine strai6t.

2. Rela and 6o into a medita"e state.

3. Place your ands in te solar mudra illustrated abo"e. Tis ste- is o-onal

4. Inale fully and dro- your cin to your cest. ee- your cin 6ently but @rmly -ressed a6ainst
your cest trou6out te enre eale only raisin6 your ead durin6 te inale.

. Aibrate ER8HE


unl you are out of breat concentran6 on your solar -leus ca/ra. 8dNust te "ibraon of te
cant so you can feel it in your solar -leus ca/ra.

!. Re-eat  mes.

#. ?o' ali6n your solar ca/ra -oint facin6 do'n as illustrated abo"e by "isualiin6 it. Te color
of te solar ca/ra is bri6t 6old.

,-enin6 te 5acral Ca/ra

1. <old your ands. 0, ?,T fold your tumbs -lace tem side by side and /ee- your -alms

2. Inale and @ll your lun6s.

3. 0ro- your cin to your cest.

4. Contract your anus.

. $ale and cant A;A;A;8;8;8;H;H;H;;;; and concentrate on your second

sacral ca/ra.
!. 8li6n your ca/ra -oint facin6 u-'ards as illustrated abo"e.

Re-eat te abo"e ei6t mes. &en you are @nised "isualie yourself in an oran6e aura for a
fe' minutes 'ile focusin6 on feelin6 your sacral ca/ra.

,-enin6 te ase Ca/ra

1. reate in and @ll your lun6s but not to discomfort and 'it te eale "ibrate L8H. LLL;

2. &ile ealin6 try to ima6ineFfeel your base ca/ra as "ery ot and "isualie it about te sie
of a -ea o-enin6 and e-andin6 into a "orte. 5-in tis "orte. Connue "isualiin6 your ca/ra
li6n6 u- into redF6old and e-andin6 'it a bri6t 'iteF6old @re about te sie of a sil"er
dollar coin in diameter and ima6ine te feelin6 of it 6ro'in6 oer as it 6ets bri6ter.

Te L8H "ibraon sould be done se"en mes.

8li6n your base ca/ra -oint facin6 u-'ards as you did 'it your sacral ca/ra.

,-enin6 te 5oulder Ca/ras

To o-en your soulder ca/ras

1. "isualie tem as in te illustraon at abo"e.

2. <ocus a 'ite;6old brilliant li6t on tem inale and on te eale "ibrate =;=;=;=;=;=;=;=
'ile focusin6 te sound into tem.

3. 0o tis nine mes.

8 feelin6 of acin6 or -ressure is a -osi"e si6n you 'ere successful in o-enin6 tem. Tis
feelin6 can etend to your arms and can feel sort of li/e tey are fallin6 aslee-.

?o' ali6n your ca/ras

1. e6in 'it te base ca/ra and turn te cone so te -oint is u-'ards.

2. 0o te same 'it te sacral ca/ra.

3. ?o' focus on your solar -leus ca/ra and ali6n it -oint do'n.

4. <ocus your aenon on your cro'n ca/ra and turn te -oint do'n.

. 0o te same 'it your sit and troat ca/ras.

!. ?o' focus on your eart ca/ra and "isualie t'o -oints comin6 to6eter and intersecn6 as
so'n in te illustraon directly belo'
#. <inis by a6ain focusin6 on your soulder ca/ras and "isualie tem -oinn6 in'ard.

,-enin6 te 1*t and 11t Tem-le Ca/ras

Te 1*t and 11t tem-le ca/ras are located ri6t beind te tem-les as so'n belo' a bit
for'ard from te - of te ear and are etensions of te !t ca/ra.
To o-en tese ca/ras Nust turn your aenon to eac one and "isualie it -oint facin6 in. Ten
do te same on te oter side. 8 'eird feelin6 of acin6 ea"iness -ressure or acin6 is a
-osi"e si6n you a"e correctly located and o-ened tem. Te tem-le ca/ras are etensions of 
te sit ca/ra.

,-enin6 te 12t and 13t Ca/ras

Te i- ca/ras are te same on eac side and at te center of te i- standin6 side'ays as
seen belo'.
To o-en tese ca/ras Nust turn your aenon to eac one and "isualie it -oint facin6 in. Ten
do te same on te oter side.

8 'eird feelin6 of acin6 ea"iness or -ressure is a -osi"e si6n you a"e correctly located and
o-ened tem. Te i- ca/ras are etensions of te base ca/ra but li/e te soulder ca/ras in
-roimity to te eart tey are located a bit i6er.

,-enin6 te +and Ca/ras

&at tis eercise does 'en done consistently is to establis an ener6y circuit 'itin te and
ca/ras. Tis ener6y can be used for ealin6 o-enin6 oter ca/ras a--lyin6 ener6y or as 'it
0im a/ te Edeat touc.E It also el-s 'it tele/inesis 7mo"in6 obNects 'it ones mind and
-yro/inesis 7sen6 obNects on @re usin6 te -o'ers of te mind and aura). In order to ad"ance
'it tese 6iJs a -o'erful aura is needed to act on te auras of obNects.

Tis eercise sould be done at least once a day to 6et your ener6y o'in6 freely trou6 your
and ca/ras.

5it comfortably and rela. Try to 6o into a trance as te dee-er te trance and le"el of 
concentraon te beer te results es-ecially 'en be6innin6 tis eercise. 8Jer an ener6y
current 'itin te and ca/ras is o-en and o'in6 tis can be done any'ere at 'ill.

Put your ands facin6 eac oter @n6er-s almost toucin6 and relaed. 7Mour @n6ers can be
sli6tly bent as in te illustraon).

&it te -ad of your tumb -ress into te -alm of eac of your ands ri6t in te ollo' -art.

?o' focus intensly u-on your ands es-ecially your -alms. <eel te area you -ressed in 'it
your tumb.

ee- focusin6 all of your concentraon and be6in to feel a 'arm 6lo' and ener6y bet'een your

e6in to mo"e your ands an inc or t'o a-art slo'ly and bac/ a6ain to 'ere your @n6er-s
are almost toucin6. Try to feel te ener6y bet'een te -alms of your ands. Te more you
-racce and te stron6er your ener6y becomes /ee- mo"in6 your ands in and out furter and
furter a-art unl you can feel your ener6y as far a-art as t'o or more feet.

?o' "isualie a ball of 'ite ot @re li/e te sun as in te -icture abo"e. Later on you can use
colors. <eel te eat and ener6y from tis ball of @re bet'een your ands. Tis may feel as a
n6lin6 or trobbin6. <or some -eo-le it may e"en feel cold. Te im-ortant tin6 is to 6et tis
ener6y o'in6 and to YfeelY it.

?o' let your arms an6 do'n and rela. <ocus on ener6y o'in6 do'n your arms into your
ands. Tis may feel n6ly and your lo'er arms and ands may feel -um-ed. Tis is a si6n te
enr6y is o'in6. ?o' re-eat ste-s ;# abo"e.

0o te abo"e eercise 4 mes.

Tis eercise sould be done e"ery day for as lon6 as it ta/es to really o-en your and ca/ras
and establis a -ermanent o' of ener6y. &it te -ro-er -racce you sould be able to feel
-o'erful ener6y bet'een your ands 'en your ands are more tan a foot a-art.

8Jer you a"e accom-lised a stron6 ener6y @eld in your ands -racce etendin6 tis ener6y
to your @n6er-s to o-en your @n6er- ca/ras.

,-enin6 te <eet Ca/ras

Tis eercise is done standin6. Rela and EbreateE in ener6y trou6 te booms of your feet
mainly your eels. Te feet ca/ras e directly into te base ca/ra and sacral ca/ra. Tis may
result in smulan6 your se or6ans as 'ell as te feet are ed to or6asm.

Connue dra'in6 te ener6y u- trou6 your feet into your base ca/ra and u- your s-ine and
out your cro'n. Connue breatin6 te ener6y in for a fe' minutes.

Te feet ca/ras are "ery im-ortant for bein6 able to dra' in ener6y. Tis dra'in6 in of ener6y is
im-ortant for ealin6 yourself ealin6 oters and s-ell'or/in6.

,-enin6 te 5it Ca/ra

Te tird eye is an $ST$?5I,? of te !t ca/ra 'ic is located directly beneat te cro'n
ca/ra ri6t in te middle of te brain. ,P$?I?G te !t ca/ra tis is done te eact same
'ay as 'it te tird eye and sould only be done aJer o-enin6 all of te oter ca/ras 'ill
el- to ac"ate te -ineal 6land and muc more. 5ee Lin/ for o-enin6 te Tird $ye Te tird
eye mudra is unnecessary.
ecause of te -o'er of o-enin6 tis ca/ra I do not recommend to o-en it unl you a"e
o-ened all of your oter ca/ras. Mour tird eye sould also be all te 'ay o-en as it acts as a
"ent for te -o'erful ener6ies of te sit ca/ra.

I Nust found tis recently trou6 my o'n e-eriences in meditaon. $"ery boo/ I a"e read
-lenty focuses on te tird eye not te !t ca/ra 'ic is directly in bac/ of te tird eye. I
a"e found trou6 my o'n e-erience te !t ca/ra directly es into te -ineal 6land and
ac"ates it. It seems to be muc more -o'erful tan te tird eye.

1. 5it 'it your bac/ strai6t breate in trou6 your nose and on te eale "ibrate ETot.E
Release your breat slo'ly trou6 your mout and "ibrate T+;T+;T+;T+;,+;,+;,+;T+;T+;T+
in one lon6 eale 7"ibrate te sound one me -er eale as 'it te Mo6ic Eummin6 breatE)
and try to concentrate te "ibraon on your !t ca/ra.

?o' tis is im-ortant. ee- te T+ and ,+ soundin6 at te same me. Mou sould be ma/in6
te T+ sound all trou6out te eale.

Mour ton6ue 'ill be "ibran6 bet'een your teet. It may ta/e a fe' seconds to adNust tis to
'ere you feel it in your !t ca/ra donXt 'orry Nust /ee- on 6oin6. Try to 6et it to te correct
"ibraon 'ere you can feel it in te middle of your brain. Tis can ta/e some e-erimenn6.
Kust do te best you can. Mou may a"e to try as many as ten to @Jeen mes or more to 6et it

2. 0o te abo"e 4 mes in a ro' and ten rela.

3. ?o' ali6n your sit ca/ra correctly by "isualiin6 it -oint end facin6 do'n as illustrated at
leJ. Te color of te sit ca/ra is bluis;"iolet.
4. It is "ery im-ortant te abo"e eercise be done for <,HR consecu"e days -referably 24
ours a-art.

,-enin6 te inor Ca/ras

To o-en te minor ca/ras it is im-ortant tat you a"e already o-ened te maNor ca/ras and
a"e an ener6y o' to 'ere you can feel it.

Clic/ belo' for te lin/ to te dia6rams of te ca/ras. To o-en your minor ca/ras Nust direct
and focus your ener6y into tem and "isualie tem li6n6 u- 'it te enery. Ideally you
sould be able to feel tem.

Ca/ra $m-o'erin6 antras

<or te root ca/ra 6o into a medita"e state and "ibrate te 'ord EL8E. <ocus on your root
ca/ra and /ee- "ibran6 EL8E for @"e minutes.

<or te sacral ca/ra "ibrate te 'ord EA8E. <ocus on your sacral ca/ra and /ee- "ibran6
EA8E for @"e minutes.

<or te solar -leus ca/ra "ibrate te 'ord ER8E. <ocus on your solar -leus ca/ra and /ee-
"ibran6 ER8E for @"e minutes.

<or te eart ca/ra "ibrate te 'ord EM8E. <ocus on your eart ca/ra and /ee- "ibran6
EM8E for @"e minutes.

<or te troat ca/ra "ibrate te 'ord E+8E. <ocus on your troat ca/ra and /ee- "ibran6
E+8E for @"e minutes.

<or te tird eye "ibrate te 'ord E,E. <ocus on your tird eye and /ee- "ibran6 E,E for
@"e minutes.

<or te cro'n ca/ra direct te stream of force to te cro'n ca/ra on to- of your ead. <eel
te o' of ener6y manifest trou6out your s-ine. Mou feel em-o'ered and a'a/ened.

Tese are "ery -o'erful mantras for meditaon. Tese 'ords of -o'er o-en u- te ca/ras
andFor em-o'ers tem. Tese mantras come from 0raconian Ritual oo/ and 8senat ason is
an ecellent source for self;dei@caon.

Ca-ter 11 Patron 0emons

I a"e ( main -atron 0emons. Tey are Lucifer 5amael Lilit 8ael elial Le"iatan +ecate
Tiamat and ?yarlatote-. Tese 9li-otic 0emons are "ery -o'erful and are not to be
rec/oned 'it if not ta/en seriously. 8l'ays so' res-ect 'en dealin6 'it tese enes.
0ont use tradional ma6ic circles because tey are /inda -ointless. Te only /ind of ma6ic
circle you sould use is 8senat asons 9li-otic a6ic Circle. Tese 0emons are /no'n by
many oter names. Lucifer te most -o'erful of all te fallen an6els for eam-le is also /no'n
as Poseidon $n/i and 5atan. Lilit is Lucifers fa"orite 'ife and moter of all 0emons. Le"iatan
is te 0ra6on of te Aoid. elial and 8smodeus are te t'o most -o'erful 0emon in6s. 8ael
is te son of 5atan and is s/illed in blac/ ma6ic and 'arfare. +ecate is 9ueen of all &itccraJ.
Tiamat is oter of te 8bominaons of te $art Goddess of ?ecronomicon and 9ueen of 
0emons. ?yarlatote- is te Great ,ld essen6er of te ?ecronomicon. 8ll tese 0emons a"e
"arious di:erent -o'ers to tem and 'ill el- you in your ascent es-ecially Lucifer because e
ma/es te best teacer.

Tese are te ( 0emons I li/e to 'or/ 'it

Lucifer is te 8d"ersary of te Crisan tradion. +e as many di:erent forms and a--ears in
many di:erent 'ays to -eo-le. In Luciferianism 'e encounter im as te $m-eror of +ell 'ic
is is form tat -redates Crisan le6ends and stories and as notin6 to do 'it te Crisan
ima6e of te s-irit of e"il.

+e is te fallen an6el 'o 'as cast do'n for te sin of -ride. +e is also /no'n as Pos-oros
te ornin6 5tar. In 9abalisc terms e is associated 'it te idden 5e-ira 0aat 'ic
descended to te le"el of man a'a/enin6 te forbidden -o'er of creaon and seual ener6y. In
te 9abala te fallen an6els and teir seual union 'it man iniates te union of 'orlds and
o-ens te forbidden -at of soul ascension.
In old 6rimoires Lucifer is te Infernal $m-eror and Ruler of +ell -residin6 o"er te enre
infernal ierarcy. In tradional demonolo6y e rules o"er te element of air and te direcon
of $ast. In te <ausan Tradion e is te cief Ruler of +ell.

Lucifer is also te To- Leader of te ?ordic Gods of te $m-ire of ,rion and te 5umerian God
$n/i te ,5T P,&$R<HL of all GodsQ

Iden@ed in te 9abala 'it 5atan or te arcety-al 0e"il 5amael is belie"ed to be te
5educer te 8d"ersary and te Prince of Lies 'o embodies te -rinci-le of lyin6 and
dece-on. +e is te Cief of $"il 5-irits and te Prince of 0e"ils te 8ccuser and te 0estroyer.
+is name translates to Ete Aenom of GodE and e is belie"ed to -oison te 'orld 'it is
"enom of doubt and eresy.

5amael is menoned to be one of te leaders of te fallen an6els described in te oo/ of $noc
'o descended from te ei6ts to marry te dau6ters of man and teac tem te secrets of 
ea"ens. 5amael is te arcety-al 0e"il -residin6 o"er te &itces 5abbats. +e a--ears on
mountains and in desolate -laces 'ere 'itces demons and creatures of ni6t 6ater for
or6ies and ceremonies. +e is te 0ar/ Iniator and and te 8n6el of 0eat.
 Lilit is te oter of 0emons and it is 'itin er tat te ma6ician must see/ te oter
9li-ot. It is to'ard er tat te ma6ical -enta6ram is -oinn6. Te -enta6ram of dar/ ma6ic
-oints to'ard te eart te soil to'ard ancient mes and te -rimordial. It is ere tat one
@nds te 9li-ot. Te 9li-ot are te reality tat 'e refuse to see. 8 dar/ ma6ician does not
li/e te ade-t of te li6t tradion stare u- at te ea"ens in searc of some ea"enly uto-ian
'orld. 8 dar/ ma6ician 6aes do'n to'ard te eart to see/ te treasures tat a"e been
idden for tousands of years. Te 'omb of Lilit is te 6ra"e tat te dar/ ade-t freely enters
do'n into te /in6dom of deat and te under'orld in an iniatory Nourney to'ards rebirt.

8nimals sacred to Lilit are te o'l ser-ent and s-ider.

Lilit a--ears as a ni6t demon in Ke'is lore and as a screec o'l in Isaia 3414 in te in6
Kames "ersion of te ible. In later fol/lore ELilitE is te name for 8dams @rst 'ife. 5e is te
@rst 0emoness to be made and se is te @rst "am-ire to eist. 5amael and Lilit are in te
sa-e of an andro6ynous bein6 double;faced born out of te emanaon of te Trone of Glory
and corres-ondin6 in te s-iritual realm to 8dam and $"e 'o 'ere li/e'ise born as a
erma-rodite. Te marria6e of 5amael and Lilit is /no'n as te E8n6el 5atanE or te E,ter
GodE but it 'as not allo'ed to last. 8 female demon of te ni6t 'o su--osedly ies around
searcin6 for ne'born cildren eiter to /idna- or stran6le tem. 8lso se slee-s 'it men to
seduce tem into -ro-a6an6 demon sons. Le6ends told about Lilit are ancient. Te rabbinical
myts of Lilit bein6 8dams @rst 'ife seem to relate to te 5umero;abylonian Goddess elit;ili
or elili. To te Canaanites Lilit 'as aalat te E0i"ine Lady.E ,n a tablet from Hr ca. 2***
C$ se 'as addressed as Lilla/e.


8ael is te cief of te 5eXirim or 6oat;demons 'o aunted te desert and to 'om most
-rimi"e 5emic 7most li/ely non;+ebre') tribes o:ered sacri@ces. Te ,ld Testament states
tat Keroboam a--ointed -riests for te 5eXirim. ut Kosia destroyed te -laces of teir
'orsi- as te -racces accom-anyin6 tis 'orsi- in"ol"ed co-ulaon of 'omen 'it 6oats.
Te name 8aelX may be deri"ed from aaX and elX meanin6 stron6 one of God.X It is tou6t
tat 8ael may a"e been deri"ed from te Canaanite 6od 8si 'o caused te sun to burn
stron6ly. It as also been teoried tat e as been inuenced by te $6y-an 6od 5et.

Te 5eXirim or airy demons as te 'ord itself means are menoned in Le"icus 1## and 2
Cronicles 111 as U6oat;demonsV. Isaia 3414 says tat te U6oat;demonsV 6reet eac oter
amoun6 te ruins of $dom alon6 'it Lilit and oter 'ild beasts.

Te name 8aelX may be deri"ed from aaX and elX meanin6 stron6 one of God.X It is tou6t
tat 8ael may a"e been deri"ed from te Canaanite 6od 8si 'o caused te sun to burn
stron6ly. It as also been teoried tat e as been inuenced by te $6y-an 6od 5et.

In one account of te fall of te an6els in te oo/ of $noc 8ael 78saXel as in te 9umran
tets) is te leader of te &atcers 'o educates uman/ind of ea"enly secrets tat lead
uman/ind to sin. Tese teacin6s include ma/in6 'ea-ons of 'ar and -re-arin6 cosmecs
'ic enabled te 'omen to seduce te an6els.

8ael is Lucifers most -o'erful son. 8ael is te 5outern Cro'ned Prince of +ell. 8ael is a
"ery im-ortant 0emon as e is te son of 5atan. +e is te Cief 5tandard earer of te Infernal
8rmy. 8ael 'or/s directly 'it 5atan. +e is in car6e of to- security in +ell. 8ael is te
'arrior God of Nusce trut and re"en6e. +e is a aster of te lac/ 8rts and a Protector of 
Tra"elers. 8ael is also my Hnoly Guardian 0emon.

elial distributes -resentaons and tles. +e reconciles friends and enemies and -ro"ides
familiars +e can assist one 'it Nob -romoons and el-s to 6ain a i6er -osion. +e can brin6
fa"ors from oters e"en ones enemies. elial 'as Prince of te ,rder of Airtues. elial is tin
smaller tan most of te oter 0emons and as -lanum blonde air.

elial is te 8rc;0e"il tat rules o"er my birtday 8u6ust 11 1((2.
elial 'as te last demon to fall and te "ilest`te demon of im-urity and lies. elial is te in6
of 0emons and 0ar/ 5-irits. Tis 0emon in6 of te ?i6tside is a -o'erful 0emon.

Te name of tis 0ra6on of te ,ter 5ide deri"es from +ebre' and means Etat 'ic 6ater
itself into foldsE or Etat 'ic is dra'n out.E It is a sea monster tat is te soul of te 'orld or
8nima undi. Le"iatan is te most dan6erous monster tat ad to confront. Le"iatan is a
female 0emon. +er body is 3** miles lon6 resembles a dra6on 'it blac/ eyes and sar- teet
carryin6 te 8ncrist on its bac/. Te 8ncrist dra's is force from te beast e rides on
a"in6 se"en eads and ten orns. Le"iatan is bot te Inner and ,uter 0ra6on ; te -rimal
force of all creaon and all destrucon.
+ecate is te teacer of 'itccraJ and te 6uide to our -ersonal under'orld. 5e is te
6aurdian of te myscal Crossroads. 5e so's us -arts of oursel"es tat 'e are not a'are of
tat 'ic as to be confronted and embraced in our -ersonal iniatory -rocess and se is an
ecellent 6uide for tose -raconers 'o ta/e teir @rst ste-s on te -at.
Tiamat is te oter of all 0emons and 8bominaons of te $art. 5e is te oter of Lucifer
and all oter fallen an6els.

?yarlatote- di:ers from te oter bein6s in a number of 'ays. ost of tem are eiled to stars
li/e Mo6;5otot and +astur or slee-in6 and dreamin6 li/e CtuluD ?yarlatote- o'e"er is
ac"e and fre>uently 'al/s te $art in te 6uise of a uman bein6 usually a tall slim Noyous
man. ost of tem a"e teir o'n cults ser"in6 tem 'ile ?yarlatote- seems to ser"e tem
and ta/e care of teir a:airs in teir absence. ost of tem use stran6e alien lan6ua6es 'ile
?yarlatote- uses uman lan6ua6es and can be mista/en for a uman bein6. <inally most of 
tem are all -o'erful yet -ur-oseless yet ?yarlatote- seems to be deliberately dece-"e and
mani-ula"e and e"en uses -ro-a6anda to acie"e is 6oals. In tis re6ard e is -robably te
most uman;li/e amon6 tem.

?yarlatote- enacts te 'ill of te ,uter Gods and is teir messen6er eart and soulD e is also
a ser"ant of 8atot 'ose 'ises e immediately ful@lls. Hnli/e te oter ,uter Gods
causin6 madness is more im-ortant and enNoyable tan deat and destrucon to ?yarlatote-.
In tis sense e stron6ly resembles te tradional role of te 0e"il.
Ca-ter 12 Pact 'it Lucifer
Tere are many 'ays to ma/e a -act 'it Lucifer but Im 6oin6 to 6o 'it some basics.

How to Dedicate your soul to Satan

Get a clean -iece of -a-er lar6e enou6 to 'rite out te -rayer belo'. If I 'ere you I 'ould use
-arcment -a-er and 0ra6ons lood in/. Tat 'ould be best because te -a-er is old;
fasioned and te in/ is le6it and smells 6ood to 0emons. 0ra6ons lood in/ is useful for 'rin6
do'n -ur-ose desires and intenons tat 'ill el- to accele rate ener6ies to'ard your 6oals.
0ra6ons lood in/ is Nust te ri6t /ind of in/ to use 'en youre tryin6 to ma/e a -act 'it te
0e"il. 0ra6ons lood in/ is -otent. 5-ells for any -ur-ose are -ossible 'it tis in/. It enances
all elements.

Mou a"e to -erfect te -act and ma/e it loo/ really neat and your name as to be si6ned in
blood -erfectly. It as to be -erfect so te 0e"il loo/s u-on it fa"orably. Mou also a"e to
renounce God is son and roen oly s-irit in order to ali6n yourself 'it te <orces of 

&rite te follo'in6 -rayer belo' on a clean -iece of -a-er

Eefore te almi6ty and ine:able $m-eror Lucifer and in te -resence of all 0emons of +ell
'o are te True and te ,ri6inal 6ods I 7state your full name) renounce any and all -ast
alle6iances. I renounce te false KudeoFCrisan 6od Keo"a I renounce is "ile and 'ortless
son Kesus Crist I renounce is foul odious and roen oly s-irit.

I -roclaim 5atan Lucifer as my one and only God. I -romise to reco6nie and onor im in all
tin6s 'itout reser"aon desirin6 in return is manifold assistance in te successful
com-leon of my endea"ors.E

Ten aJer you 6et done 'rin6 it ta/e a lon6 so'er and ma/e sure you 6et yourself com-letely
clean and odor;free. atin6 before ritual is done out of res-ect. 0ress in all blac/ to so' tat
you are serious about teamin6 u- 'it t e <orces of 0ar/ness. &en youre ready use a raor
and cut te - of your leJ -ointer @n6er. 5>ueee some blood out inside a lile ca- or
sometin6 small. 0i- te >uirell -en or calli6ra-y -en in your blood and si6n your name in
blood. &en youre done si6nin6 your name in blood read te -rayer out loud and ten burn it
in te ame of a blue blac/ or red candle. editate for about 1;3* minutes aJer'ards or unl
te candle burns out. &en you 6et done meditan6 say E5o mote it beE ten a bi6 E+8IL

E+ad I as many souls as tere be stars Id 6i"e tem all for e-isto-elesQE

;0r. <austus
Tis is te second o-onal -act you can ma/e 'it Lucifer.

EI 7state your full name) in de"oted lo"e and a'e at te -ea/ of ins-iraon do aZrm and
dedicate myself to you Lucifer as a dedicated 'orsi-er and subNect. I aZrm tat a -act 'it
you Lucifer is my most earBelt desire. I res-ect you as te bason of of inde-endence and te
fulcrum of -ersonal -o'er. I a"e dedicated myself to ser"e you fore"er in tis life and te net.
y dear God and -rotector I consecrate tis body in ser"ice of you my 'onderful broter and
friend. I desire in return to be a -o'erful and 'ise sorcererFsorceress on $art.E

Y5i6n your name in bloodY

Yurn it in te ame of a candle aJer readin6 out te -rayerY

Tis is te tird o-onal -act you can ma/e 'it Lucifer.

EIn te name of te 0ra6on I 7state your full name) ac/no'led6e Lucifer to be my one and only
true God. I -romise to reco6nie and onor im in all tin6s 'itout reser"aon.

Lord of Taumiel embrace me in te realms of 5itra 8ra. $m-o'er and -rotect my soul. 0eli"er
me from all -ast error and delusion. Prince of 0ar/ness 6uide me on te 5er-ent Pat to te
eart of your Trone. $nter my body and liberate my soul. Re"eal to me te secrets of te
uni"erse secrets of $m-yrean +ei6ts and Infernal 0e-ts. &ic/ed 5er-ent seduce me 'it
your -romise of /no'led6e so tat I may 'al/ te bac/'ards -at of te 0e"il into te +eart of 

Y5i6n your name in bloodY

YRead out loud te -rayer ten burn it in te ame of a blue blac/ or red candle

Tis is te fourt o-onal -act you can ma/e 'it Lucifer

EI your name do ereby dedicate myself unto 0emons name. y 5atan ; te infernal
monarc te 'ole and ruler of te elements ; I do s'ear alle6iance to 0emon name fore"er
ereaJer. I 'ill ser"e and 'or/ 'it you as you so as/. 8cce-t me no' as a dedicated ser"ant to
te elements of your desi6n. I aZ my seal belo'.E

YCreate a si6il at te boom of te -iece of -a-er and si6n your name in blood.Y

Yurn te -rayer and meditate for 3* minutes.Y

Mou must coose only one -rayer to use in your dedicaon because you cant do tis more tan
once. I i6ly recommend you dedicate your soul to 5 atan for te successful com-leon of your
endea"ors and you 'ill 6et e"erytin6 your eart desires.
Ca-ter 13 Te 0e"ils eys
Tese are te 1( $nocian eys of Lucifer.

First Key

I rei6n o"er you sait Lucifer in -o'er ealted abo"e te @rmaments

and o"er te eartD in 'ose ands te sun is as a s'ord and te moon as a

torou6;trusn6 @re

&o measuret your 6arments in te midst of my "estures and trussed you to6eter as

te -alms of my ands and bri6tened your "estments 'it infernal li6t.

I made a la' to 6o"ern my sons and dau6ters. I deli"ered trut and furnised to you te

-o'er of understandin6. oreo"er ye liJed u- your "oices and s'ore obedience and

fait to 5atanFLucifer 'o li"et and trium-et 'ose be6innin6 is not nor end cannot

be. &o sinet as a ame in te midst of your -alace and rei6ns amon6st you as te

balance of ri6teousness and trut.

o"e terefore and so' yoursel"esQ ,-en te mysteries of your creaonQ

e friendly unto meQ <or I am te ser"ant of te sameQ

Te true 'orsi--er of Lucifer In 6 lory and -o'er ealted of te in6dom of te


First Key (Enochian)

,l sonuf "orsa6 6oo Lucifer lons cal od "ors caos6oD sobra ol

Ror i ta na-s od 6raa ta mal-r6

0s ol;> >aa notoa im od Comma ta noblo ien od luciJian obole a


, oorela taba ol nore od -asbs ol onrens6 "aoan od tooat nonucafe 6micaloma.

Pila <arm nra od suras adna od Gono de Lucifer ds om od

To. 5oba croodi i-am ul "ls i-amis. 0s loolo "e- notoa -oamal

,d bo6-a aai ta -ia- -iamol od "aoan.

=acare ca od amranQ ,do cicle >aaQ =or6eQ =ir nocoQ

+oat Lucifer b"fd lons londo baba6eQ

Second Key

Can te 'in6s of te 'inds understand your "oices of 'onder

, you sons and dau6ters of Lucifer ,f 'om ell;@re as framed 'itin

te de-ts of my Na'sD 'om I a"e -re-ared as a 6aterin6 for a 'eddin6

or as te o'ers in teir beauty for te cambers of -leasure.

5tron6er are your feet tan te barren stone and mi6er are your "oices

tan te manifold 'indsD for you are become a buildin6

suc as is not sa"e in te mind of Lucifer te 8ll;Po'erful.

8riseQ o"eQ

Terefore unto is ser"antsD so' yoursel"es in -o'er

and ma/e me a stron6 seer of tin6sD for I am of Lucifer

'o li"es fore"erQ

Second Key (Enochian)

8d6t "-aa on6 om faai- sald nonci nore od -asbs de Lucifer

5obam 0onasdo6amatastos iaa -iad-D casarma abram6 ta aldi

Paracleda > ta lorsl> turbs oo6e >"asai. Gi"i cis lusd orri od

mical- cis bia oon6onD la- noan trof cors ta 6e

, > manin de Lucifer tol;lons

ToruQ acareQ ca c no>odD =amran micalo od oam "rel- la-

=ir de Lucifer a-ila 6oedQ

Third Key

eoldQ 5ait Lucifer I am a circle on 'ose ands stand t'el"e /in6doms.

?ine are te seats of li"in6 breat te rest are as sar- sic/les

,r te orns of deat 'erein te Creatures of $art are

and are not ece-t by mine o'n ands 'ic also 5lee- and sall riseQ

In te be6innin6 I made you ste'ards and -laced you in te t'el"e seats of 

6o"ernment Gi"in6 unto e"ery one of you -o'er successi"ely o"er te nine true a6es of 

me to te intent tat from te i6est "essels and te corners ,f your 6o"ernments

ye mi6t 'or/ my -o'er

Pourin6 do'n te @res of life and increase connually u-on te $art.

Tus ye are become te s/irts of Nusce and trut. In Lucifers name rise u-Q

5o' yoursel"esQ eoldQ +is mercies ourisQ

+is name is become mi6ty amon6 usQ In 'om 'e say mo"eQ

8scendQ 8--ly yoursel"es unto usQ

8s unto te -arta/ers of is mysteries in your creaonQ

Third Key (Enochian)

icama 6oo Lucifer ir comsel a ien bia os londo.

$m cis otil 6i6i-a "nd;l cis ta -"im > mos-le teloc

9"i;in toltor6 caos6a cisi od cis 6e m oien ds t br6do

,d torulQ acroodi eol balar6 od aala os tiln netaab dl"6a "omsar6

Lonsa ca-miali "ors em omil cocasb fafen iio- od miinoa6 de 6netaab

Aa"n lons

Pan-ir mal-ir6i -ild caos6 noan "nala balt od "ooan. 8 Lucifers dooain toruQ

=amranQ icmaQ Ie"so ca;cacomQ 0ooain noar micaol aai omQ

Casarm6 6oia acarQ ToruQ Im"amar -"6oQ

P"6o -la-li cicles >aanQ

Fourth Key

I a"e set my feet in te 5out and a"e loo/ed about me sayin6

8re not te tunders of increase ?umbered !!!

'ic rei6n in te second an6le I a"e -laced 'om none at

yet numbered but t'o in 'o te second be6innin6 of tin6s are

and 'a stron6 'ic also successi"ely addin6 te numbers of me

and teir -o'ers stand 8s in te be6innin6 nineQ 8rise ye sons of -leasure

and "isit te $art for I am Lucifer 'o is and li"et fore"erQ

In LuciferXs name mo"eQ 5o' yoursel"es as -leasant deli"erers

tat you may -raise im amon6st te sons of menQ

Fourth Key (Enochian)

,til lusdi baba6e od dor-a 6ool G;cis 6e a"a"a6o corm- mian

Corm- mian oali sobam a6 Corm-o cr- "i;i" casarm6 "i" croodi

Cis od "6e6 ds t ca-imali coaior 6a-imaon od lonsin bia

Ta croodi emQ ToruQ ?ore de >"asai od ef caos6aQ

La- ir Lucifer ds i od a-ila 6oedQ I Lucifers dooai-

=acareQ =amran obelison6 nonci rest to aaf nore mola-Q

Fifh Key

Te mi6ty sounds a"e entered into te fourt an6le and are become

as deli"erers of Lord Lucifers Pro"idence rin6in6 fort stren6t and understandin6

d'ellin6 In te @rmaments as connual comfortersD Hnto 'om I fastened -illars

of 6ladness !!! and 6a"e tem Aessels to 'ater te eart

'it all er creaturesD and tey are te sons and

dau6ters of Lucifer. ,f te @rst and te second and te be6innin6
of teir o'n seats 'ic are 6arnised 'it connual burnin6 lam-s 'ose numbers

are as te be6innin6 te ends and te contents of me.

TereforeQ Come ye and a--ear to your creaonQ

Aisit us in -eace and comfort Conclude us recei"ers of your mysteries for 'y

&e 'orsi- Lucifer in all is 6lory $"erlasn6Q

Fifh Key (Enochian)

5a-a imii sdi" od noas obelison6 de Lucifers yarry iolcam "6ear od

Gmicaloma -raf cal tabliorD casarm ami-i na art mian

,d dl"6ar io- lida caos6i toltor6i od  cis nor od

Pasbs de Lucifer. Talo od ta"i" od croodi de tild ds cis

Gnon- -eoal cormfa cis croodi "ls od > cocasb caQ ?iis od acar

9aasQ <etarsi od bliora oama ednas Cicles ba6le Ge boal"a Lucifer b"sd


Sixth Key

Te s-irits of te fourt an6le are nine mi6ty in te <irmament

of 'atersD 'om te second at -lanted as a torment to Keo"a

and a 6arland to te sons and dau6ters of Lucifer

6i"in6 tem @ery darts to 'inno' te eart and nine connual 'or/men

'ose courses "isit 'it comfort Te eart and are in 6o"ernment

and connuance. +ear/en to my "oiceQ

I a"e tal/ed of you and I mo"e you in -o'er and -resence

'ose 'or/s sall be a son6 of onor and te -raise of Lucifer in your creaonQ
Sixth Key (Enochian)

Ga de sdi" cis em micalo -ilin de sobamD

Casarm ta"i" ar6 ta mir iad od obloc nore od -asbs

de Lucifer dl"6ar mal-r6 ar caos6a od em canal sobol ar liard

caos6a od cis netaab od miam. 5ol-et bienQ rita od acam

6micalo soba "a"n trian l"iae od ecrin de Lucifer >aaonQ

Seventh Key

Te east is a ouse of arlots 5in6in6 -raises amon6st te ames

of @rst 6lory 'erein Lord Lucifer +at o-ened is mout and tey are

become ( li"in6 d'ellin6s in 'om Te stren6t of man reNoicetD

and tey are a--areled 'it ornaments ,f bri6tness suc as 'or/ 'onders

on all creaturesD 'ose /in6doms and Connuance are as te se"en iaras

te mi6ty To'ers of Lucifer connual -laces of comfortD of Noy


, ye ser"ants of -leasure o"eQ 8--earQ 5in6 -raises unto LuciferQ

e mi6ty amon6st usD for to is remembrance is 6i"en -o'er and our stren6t

'aet stron6 in te comfort of LuciferQ

Seventh Key (Enochian)

Raas salman babalond oecrimi aao mal-r6 croodi b"sd >"iin Lucifer odo b"tmon

od  cis noas em -aradial casarm6 "6ear olora cirlanD od  cis

onac luciJian cors ta "a"l irn tolamiD soba londo od miam cis ta > iaras

mical "madea de Lucifer -ibliarD mo 6oed.

C no >"ol de >"asai =acareQ =amranQ ,ecrimi de LuciferQ

,micaol aai omD ba6le -a-nor i dl"6am

Lonsi od "m-lif "6e6i blior de LuciferQ

Eighth Key

Te mid;day te @J is as In te 0uat made of -illars

of yacint in 'om te $lders are become stron6 'ic I a"e

-re-ared for my o'n Nusce sait LuciferD 'o li"et and rei6net

fore"er. ReNoiceQ In te 6lory of te 0ra6on tat is trium-ant and

e"erlasn6Q +o' many are tere 'ic Remain in te 6lory of te eart

'ic are and sall not see deat Hnl Keo"a dot fall and

is follo'ers dot sin/ Come a'ayQ <or te tunders a"e roaredQ

Come a'ayQ <or te tem-les and robe of Lucifer sall be

cro'ned and are no lon6er di"ided. Come fortQ 8--earQ

unto te terror of te $art and to our comfort and of suc as are -re-aredQ

Eighth Key (Enochian)

am o i ta a at oln na a"ab casarm6 "ran cis

"6e6 ds abram6 balm 6oo LuciferD soba a-ila od bo6-a 6oed.

CirlanQ 8 b"sd de "o"im ar i omto od 6oedQ

Ir6il cis ds -aao i b"sd de caos6o ds cis od i-

"ran teloa cacr6 iad 6nai lonco od fafen 6nai carbaf ?iisoQ

a6le a"a"a6o yorQ ?iisoQ a6le siaion od mabsa de Lucifer trian momar

od cis ri-ir -oil-. ?iisQ =amranQ

Ciao@ caos6o od bliors od corsi ta cis abrami6Q

Ninth Key

8 mi6ty 6uard of @re 'it t'o;ed6ed s'ords amin6

'ic a"e "ials of 'rat and 'ose 'in6s of 'rat and

'ose 'in6s are of 'orm'ood and of te marro' of salt a"e seled

teir feet in te sout and are easured 'it teir ministers

si undred and sity si. Tese 6ater u- te moss

of te eart as te ric man dot is treasure. Cursed are Keo"aD

e 'o sits on te oly trone and are is ser"antsQ &ose ini>uies

are in teir eyes millstones 6reater tan te eart and from teir mouts

rain seas of bloodD teir eads are co"ered 'it diamonds and u-on teir ands

are marble slee"es. +a--y is e on 'om tey fro'n notD for 'y

Lucifer reNoicet in tem. Come a'ayQ Lea"e your "ialsQ

<or te me is suc as re>uiret comfortQ

Ninth Key (Enochian)

icaol brans6 -r6el na-ta mal-ir6i ds brin efafafe "on-o od sobca "-aa

cis tatan od tranan balye alar lusda baba6e od cis ol> c no>"odi mian.

Anal aldon mom caos6o ta las ollor Gnai limlal. 8mma cis Keo"aD idoi6o

od cic no>odiQ 5obca madrid cis ooanoan a"iny dril-i caos6in od

b"tmoni -arm "m"i cnilaD dai cis etam a cildao od mirc ool cis

-idiai collal. Alcinin a sobam "cim i-D a6le Lucifer cirlan -ar. ?iisoQ

ams ofafafeQ a6le a cocasb i cors ca "ni6 bliorQ

Tenth Key

Te tunders of Nud6ment and 'rat are numbered and are arbored In te 5out. In te
li/eness of an oa/ 'ose brances are nests of lamentaon and 'ee-in6 laid u- for

Keo"a and is ser"ants 'ic burn ni6t and day and "omit out te eads of 

scor-ions 8nd li"e sul-ur min6led 'it -oison. Tese are te tunders tat roar 'it a

undred mi6ty eart>ua/es and a tousand mes as many sur6es 'ic rest not nor

/no' any ecoin6 me. +ere one roc/ brin6et fort a tousand e"en as te eart of 

man does is tou6ts. &oeQ &oeQ &oeQ &oeQ &oeQ &oeQ Mea &oeQ e to e 'o sits

on te oly trone in ea"enQ +is ini>uity is 'as and sall be 6reat.

Come a'ayQ ut not your mi6ty soundsQ

Tenth Key (Enochian)

Corao cis corm- od cis blans de baba6e. 8iaior -aeb soba lilonon

cis "ir> eo-an od raclir maasi ba6le iad od no>odi ds ial-on dosi6 od bas6im od oe

dai siatris od salbro cynir faboan. Anal cis const ds yor eors "oim 6iya od matb

cocas6 -losi mol"i ds -a6e i- lara6 om droln matorb cocasb. $mna l -atral

yolci matb nomi6 monons olora 6nay an6elard. ,ioQ ,ioQ ,ioQ

,ioQ ,ioQ ,ioQ ?oib oioQ ol- idoi6o madriaQ a6le iad madrid

I iro- od ciso dril-a. ?iisoQ Cri- i- mical a-aQ

Eleventh Key

Te mi6ty seat 6roaned aloud and tere 'ere se"en tunders

and te ea6le s-a/e and cried 'it a loud "oice

Come a'ay from te ouse of deatQ 8nd tey 6atered temsel"es to6eter

and became tose of 'om it is measuredD Te e"erlasn6 ones

'o ride te 'irl'inds. Come 8'ayQ <or I a"e -re-ared

a -lace for you. o"e terefore and so' yoursel"esQ

,-en te mysteries of your CreaonQ e friendly unto meQ

<or I am te ser"ant of te sameQ Te true 'orsi--er of Lucifer

in 6lory and -o'er ealted ,f te in6dom of te 5outQ

Eleventh Key (Enochian)

,iayal oldo od irom > corao od "abir camlia

od baal ?iiso salman telocQ ,d -ar aldon od noan

casarman ol>D Goed sa6a do ildar on6.

?iisoQ a6le abram6 -i nonc-. =acare ca od amranQ

,do cicle >aaQ =or6eQ =ir nocoQ +oat Lucifer b"fd lons londo baba6eQ

Twelfh Key

, you tat rei6n in ea"en and are 3 te lanterns of sorro'

bind u- your 6irdles and sall be as buc/lers to te stoo-in6

follo'ers of Keo"aQ

Tat Lord Lucifer may be ma6ni@edD 'ose name amon6st you is 'ratQ

o"e terefore and so' yoursel"esQ ,-en te mysteries of your creaonQ

e friendly unto meQ <or I am te ser"ant of te sameQ

Te true 'orsi--er of Lucifer In 6lory and -o'er ealted

of te in6dom of te 5outQ

Twelfh Key (Enochian)

?onci ds sonf madria od cis d "baio bib- 8llar atraa od trian

Ta lolcis abai <afen de iadQ

8r Lucifer o"ofD soba dooain 8ai i "on-Q =acare ca od amranQ

,do cicle >aaQ =or6eQ =ir nocoQ

+oat Lucifer "fd lons londo baba6eQ

Thirteenth Key

, you s'ords of te 5out 'ic a"e 42 eyes

to sr u- te -leasures of sin ma/in6 men drun/enD eoldQ

Te -romise of Lucifer and +is -o'er 'ic is called amon6st

tose in ea"en a bier sn6Q o"e terefore and so' yoursel"esQ

,-en te mysteries of your creaonQ e friendly unto meQ

<or I am te ser"ant of te sameQ Te true 'orsi--er of Lucifer

In 6lory and -o'er ealted of te in6dom of te 5outQ

Thirteenth Key (Enochian)

?a-eai baba6e ds brin " ooaona lrin6 >"asai de doalim eolis ollo6

orsbaD micmaQ Isro de LuciferQ ,d to lonsi ds i "md aai -ria

de madria 6rosbQ =acare ca od amranQ

,do cicle >aaQ =or6eQ =ir nocoQ +oat Lucifer b"fd lons londo baba6eQ

Fourteenth Key

, you 5ons and 0au6ters of Lucifer 'o sit u-on 24 seats "ein6 e

&o sits on te oly trone in ea"en. eoldQ Te "oice of LuciferQ

Te -romise of +im 'o is called amon6st you etreme NusceQ

o"e terefore and so' yoursel"esQ ,-en te mysteries

mysteries of your creaonQ

e friendly unto meQ <or I am te ser"ant of te sameQ Te true 'orsi--er of 

Lucifer in 6lory and -o'er ealted of te in6dom of te 5outQ

Fourteenth Key (Enochian)

?ore od -asbs de Lucifer ds trint mirc ol til dods

idoi6o a madria. icmaQ ial de LuciferQ Isro to de

i "md aai balmQ =acare ca od amranQ

,do cicle >aaQ =or6eQ =ir nocoQ +oat Lucifer b"fd Lons Londo aba6eQ

Fifeenth Key

, tou te 6o"ernor of te @rst ame beneat 'ose 'in6s 'ic 'ea"e te

$art 'it 'rat &ic /no'est and deli"eret Nusce and trut. Pre-are

for te rei6n of Lucifer and +is in6dom on $artQ o"e terefore and so' yoursel"esQ

,-en te mysteries of your creaonQ

e friendly unto meQ <or I am te ser"ant of te sameQ

Te true 'orsi--er of Lucifer in 6lory and -o'er ealted of te in6dom of te


Fifeenth Key (Enochian)

Ils tabaan l ial-rt oroca casarman "-aai ds oado

Caos6i "on- ds oma od onrens6 balm od "ooan.

8bram6 sonf de Lucifer od londo mirc caos6Q

=acare ca od amranQ ,do cicle >aaQ =or6eQ

=ir nocoQ +oat Lucifer "fd Lons Londo aba6eQ

Sixteenth Key

, tou of te second ame te +ouses of +ell 'ic ast

teir be6innin6 in 6lory 5alt comfort te NustD

'o 'al/est on te eart 'it feet of @reD i6ty art Lucifer and is follo'ersQ

o"e terefore and so' yoursel"esQ ,-en te mysteries

mysteries of your creaonQ

e friendly unto meQ <or I am te ser"ant of te sameQ

Te true 'orsi--er of Lucifer in 6lory and -o'er ealted

of te in6dom of te 5outQ

Sixteenth Key (Enochian)

Ils "i" mal-ir6i salman de donasdo6amatatastos

donasdo6amatatastos ds

acroodi b"sd bliora balitD ds insi caos6 lusdan -"r6elD

icalo cis Lucifer od fafenQ =acare ca od amranQ

,do cicle >aaQ =or6eQ =ir nocoQ +oat Lucifer b"fd Lons Londo aba6eQ

Seventeenth Key

, tou tird ame 'ose 'in6s are torns to sr u-

"eaon in te /in6dom of ea"en. &o ast nine li"in6 lam-s

6oin6 before tee. Gird u- ty loins and ear/enQ o"e terefore and so' yoursel"esQ

,-en te mysteries of your CreaonQ e friendly unto meQ

<or I am te ser"ant of te sameQ Te true 'orsi--er of Lucifer

In 6lory and -o'er ealted of te in6dom of te 5outQ

Seventeenth Key (Enochian)

Ils d ial-rt soba "-aa cic nanba ilay dodsi adoi

de madria. 0s brint em "baro tasta

tasta ilsi.

8ldon da od toatarQ =acare ca od amranQ

,do cicle >aaQ or6eQ =ir nocoQ +oat Lucifer b"fd Lons Londo aba6eQ

Eighteenth Key

, tou mi6ty li6t and burnin6 ame of comfort 'ic un"eilet te 6lory of Lucifer

unto te center of te eart in 'om te 6reat secrets of trut a"e teir abidin6 tat is

called in ty /in6dom 5tren6t trou6 Noy and is not to be measured. e tou a 'indo'

of comfort unto me. o"e terefore and a--earQ

,-en te mysteries of your creaonQ e friendly unto meQ

<or I am te ser"ant of te sameQ Te true 'orsi--er of Lucifer in 6lory and

-o'er ealted of te in6dom of te 5outQ

Eighteenth Key (Enochian)

Ils micaol ol-irt od mal-r6 bliore ds odo b"sd de Lucifer o"oars caos6o

casarm6 micaol cicles "ooan brints Cafafam ds i "md a > londo "6ear de

mo od mao:as. ol- como bliort -ambt. =acare ca od amranQ ,do cicle >aaQ

=or6eQ =ir nocoQ +oat Lucifer b"fd Lons Londo aba6eQ

Nineteenth Key

, you 0emons 'o d'ell u-on and are mi6ty 6o"ernors of te eart 'o eecute te

 Nud6ment of LuciferQ To you it is said eold te face of Lucifer Te be6innin6 of comfort

'ose eyes are te bri6tness of te starsD 'o -ro"ided you for te 6o"ernment of te

$art and er "ariety furnisin6 you 'it a -o'er of understandin6 to dis-ose all

tin6s accordin6 to te -ro"idence of e 'o rei6net on te Trone from +ell and rose

u- in te be6innin6 sayin6 Te $art let er be 6o"erned by er -arts. Te course of 

er let it run 'it -leasure and as a andmaid let er ser"e Lucifer. ,ne season let it
confound anoterD and let tere be no creature u-on or 'itin er te same.

8ll er members let tem di:er in teir >ualiesD 8nd let tere be no one c reature e>ual

'it anoter. Te reasonable creatures of te $art let tem "e and 'eed out one

anoterD and te d'ellin6 -laces. Te 'or/s of te follo'ers of Keo"a and is -om- let

tem be defaced.

Te buildin6s of e 'o sits on te oly trone let tem become ca"es for te beasts of 

te @eldD teir ini>uies sall be /no'n. <or 'y I re6ret teir c reaon. , you sons and

dau6ters of Lucifer ariseQ Tose in te /in6dom of ea"en let tem ser "e you. Go"ern

tose tat 6o"ernD cast do'n suc as fallD brin6 fort Nusce and destroy te roen. ?o

-lace let it remain in one numberD add and diminis unl te stars be numbered. 8rise

mo"eQ 8--ear before LuciferQ +e as s'orn unto us is NusceD ,-en te ysteries of 

your creaon and ma/e us -arta/ers of unde@led trut.

Nineteenth Key (Enochian)

Ils daemons ds -raf od cis micaol artabas de caos6o ds @@s baliras

de LuciferQ ?onca 6o"lim micam adoian de Lucifer acroodi

bliorb soba ooaona cis luciJias aoi"eaeD das abraasa noncf 

netaaib caos6i od lb dam-lo tooat noncf 6 mical oma lrasd tol6lo

marb yarry de to bo6-a oiayal londo baba6e od torul- acroodi 6ool

caos6a tabaord saanir. $la- lb -arm 6i >"asai od ta >"rlst booa-is Lucifer. L nimb

o"co sym-D od cristeos a6 toltorn mirc > obl lel. Ton -aombd dilmo as-ianD od

cristeos a6 l toltorn -arac a sym-. Cordi dod-al od @fal l smnadD od far6t a "a de

fafen de Keo"a od a"a"o ton"6. ,rsca de idi6o noasmi tab6es le"itmon6D madrid

trian oman. a6le oooa >aan. ?ore od -asbs de Lucifer toruQ Pria adoi de

madria aboa-ri. Tabaori Pria ar tabasD adr-an cors ta dobiD yolcam balit od >"asb

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