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Project Report

Submitted to Submitted By
<Professor Name> <Name>
<Other Detail>
 Acknowledgement
 Software Development Methodology
 Introduction
 Waterfall Model
 Requirement Analysis
 Feasibility Study
 System Design
 Coding
 Testing and Implementation
 Maintenance
 Comparison between old system and new system
 System Requirement Specification (SRS)
 Introduction
 Purpose
 Document Conventions
 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions
 Project Scope
 References
 Overall Description
 Product Perspective
 Product Features
 User Classes and Characteristics
 Operating Environment
 Assumptions and Dependencies
 External Interface Requirements
 User Interfaces
 Hardware Interfaces
 Software Interfaces
 Communications Interfaces
 Other Non functional Requirements
 Performance Requirements
 Safety Requirements
 Security Requirements
 Software Quality Attributes
 Bibliography
I gratefully acknowledge for the assistance, cooperation, guidance and clarifications
provided by Google during the development of the College management system. My
extreme gratitude to Mr. Nischal Sharma who guided me throughout the project. Without
his willing disposition, spirit of accommodation, frankness, timely clarification and above all
faith in me, this project could not have been completed in due time.

His readiness to discuss all important matters at work deserves special attention. We would
also like to thank the while faculty of the college for the cooperation and important support.
Software Development Methodology
The establishment and use of software engineering principles in order to obtain
economically developed software that is reliable and works efficiently on real machines is
called software engineering.

Software engineering is the discipline whose aim is:

 Production of quality software

 Software that is delivered on time
 Cost within the budget
 Satisfies all requirements

Software process is the way in which we produce the software. Apart from hiring smart,
knowledgeable engineers and buying the latest development tools, effective software
development process is also needed, so that engineers can systematically use the best
technical and managerial practices to successfully complete their projects.

A software development life cycle is the series of identifiable stages that a software
product undergoes during its lifetime .A software lifecycle model is a descriptive and
diagrammatic representation of the software life cycle .A life cycle model represents all the
activities required to make a software product transit through its lifecycle phases .It also
captures the order in which these activities are to be taken. Life Cycle Models

There are various life cycle models to improve the software processes.

 Waterfall Model
 V-Neck Model
 Prototype Model
 Iterative Enhancement Model
 Evolutionary Model
 Spiral Model

All the above mentioned models have their own advantages and disadvantages, like the
waterfall model is really reliable and useful for small projects like for schools and college
project but for bigger projects in big companies this model will if the software being
developed is being developed from scratch. The better model for bigger project is Iterative
Enhancement Model or Evolutionary model. The other models are useful when developing
other types of software for example porting a software from one platform to another or
changing the technology of an already working project to increase features or that software.
CollegeManagementSystem is being developed as required by our client as this system will
make the management of all aspects of the college easy to use and access. Using this system
the students can access their accounts which will be made during their admission and use
this account to check their classes, submit assignment and also keep a check on the
attendance of classes of their subjects. And for teachers it provides options like uploading
the questions for the assignments, marking students attendance, checking the students in
the major and minor subjects and setting the deadline for assignments and practicals.

CollegeManagementSystem fulfils the requirement of the client, by using this system the
whole system of the college will be made digital, from submitting assignment to submitting
fee for the next semester. The students won’t have to worry about missing extra classes or
wait unnecessarily just to get their assignments checked, they can do all of that online
without any hassle and just come to college to take classes and study.

Thus the purpose of this system is to make the

Waterfall Model
In this Project we will be using Waterfall model:

This model contains 6 phases:

 Requirement Gathering and analysis : All possible requirements of the system to be

developed are captured in this phase and documented in a requirement
specification document.
 System Design : The requirement specifications from first phase are studied in this
phase and the system design is prepared. This system design helps in specifying
hardware and system requirements and helps in defining the overall system
 Implementation − With inputs from the system design, the system is first developed
in small programs called units, which are integrated in the next phase. Each unit is
developed and tested for its functionality, which is referred to as Unit Testing.
 Verification and Testing − All the units developed in the implementation phase are
integrated into a system after testing of each unit. Post integration the entire
system is tested for any faults and failures.
 Deployment of system − Once the functional and non-functional testing is done; the
product is deployed in the customer environment or released into the market.
 Maintenance − There are some issues which come up in the client environment. To
fix those issues, patches are released. Also to enhance the product some better
versions are released. Maintenance is done to deliver these changes in the customer

The Phases always occur in this order and do not lap and each phase must be thoroughly
checked before proceeding to the next phase as going back a phase is not an option in this
Requirement Analysis
Requirements given by the client:
The requirements given by the client to the system analyst are thoroughly discussed

 An online website hosted on the web server and accessed by the domain purchased
by the client ( .
 A homepage which contain details about the college like courses offered, faculty.
 Website will have a header will those options available and a
mechanism to change these options easily when required. The header
will also contain the login button which will redirect user to the login
 Login screen for student and teacher which they can use to access their accounts.
 The screen contains a username text field, a password text field,
forgot password button, a security module for protection against
spam and bots.
 A college administrator account which will be used to create students and teacher
accounts during their admissions or when they join the institute respectively.
 The following modules must be available to the student accounts:
 Change Details: Using this module the students can submit the change
that they require to be made in their basic details available on the
website like DOB, Spelling of the name. Students can submit their
request and the college can approve of them if they deem it
 Submit Assignments: Students should be able to submit their
assignments to the respective teacher by uploading the assignment to
the website. Student can also see the due date for the assignment
and if the assignment has been graded or not.
 Leave System: Students can submit a leave application for whichever
class they require and the application later can be accepted or
rejected by the teacher with the reason for rejection or acceptance
given below.
 Notice Board: A simple notice board that the teachers can put
announcements and events happening in the college which can be
viewed b y all the students and also different notice boards for
different major subject should also be available.
 Login and Logout options so the user can login to their accounts with
different account and logout from the previous ones.
 The flowing modules must be available to the teachers account:
 Change Details: Just like the students module teachers can change
their personal details and they can be verified by the college
administrator ( residing principal).
 Check Assignments: This module is so that the teacher can check all
the assignments submitted by the students and grade them online on
the website for the students to check as well.
 Submit Leave application: Teacher can also submit leave applications
which can be authorised by the principal using the college account
and can also be rejected if required.
 Check leave of students: Teacher can check the leave applications
submitted by the students and either authorise them or reject them if
leave application if not official.
 Change Notice board: The teacher can view the notice board and put
up announcements either on the global notice board which will be
visible to everyone who visits the website or on special notice boards
present for students of different major. Like practical datasheets and
time table.

Time Requirements given by the client:

 The project is being started at 10th October 2017 and the final product asked by the
client is 10 February 2018, the feasibility of this time frame will be discussed
thoroughly in the feasibility study of the system.
 The first prototype of the system required by the client is 10th December 2017.
 So in total the client wants the whole system bug free up and running in 4 months.
Feasibility Study
Some of the requirements given by the client are not feasible are discussed below:

 The android app requested by the user is not feasible as the website being
developed will be fully optimised for the mobile devices, tablets and of course
computer systems. Making an app for the system will not only be time costly but
also economically unbeneficial as the app will be required to be on the play store
which isn’t free otherwise the app will be unofficial and others can copy the app
modify it and that would also weaken the security of not only the app but the whole
system making unnecessary bugs and vulnerabilities.
 Time Feasibility for making of the system:
 The project will be started from 10th October, the estimated time by when
the project will be completed is 10th May. Which is 3 months more than
required by the client but it is more feasible then the time given by the client
as the website to be created have to be tested and bug free by the time of
the release.
 The first 2 months (Oct 10th 2017 to Dec 10th 2017) will be given only to the
designing of the system so that there are no problems when the real making
of the project start all the databases and required WebPages and their design
will be done in the first 2 months, that includes all the tables in the
databases and the relations between them.
 The next 3 months (Dec 10th 2017 to 10th March 2018) the real coding of the
project will be done, the database to be created all the coding for the
WebPages in HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Java applets. Once a working prototype
is ready ( by 10th March) the client will be given the software to analyse and
evolve if required.
 The last 2 months ( 10th March 2018 to 10th May 2018) will be done the
testing of the project all the phases of the testing will be followed in an
accordingly manner and the system will be thoroughly tested under heavy
usage to find and patch any bugs and error found in the system.
 The final system will be available to the college for working by 10Th May
2018, which will give the college enough time to set and understand the
given system by the time new admission and semester start.
 Maintenance of the system will be carried on for 2 years from the starting of
the system for free and it will cost the client more as the system will need to
evolve with the technology around it.
 The bugs and error found in the system during the 1st year of the deployment
will be again fixed free of charge and as soon as possible by the developer
System Design
Entity Relationship Diagram:

The components of the E-R Diagram are discussed below:

 Student_deatils : Stores the details of the registered students using following

 sid : Student unique Identification Number.
 sname: Stores the name of the student.
 scourse: The current course student in studying.
 scsemester: The current semester of the student.
 Teacher_Details: Stores all the details of the registered teacher:
 tid: Teacher uniquie identification number.
 tname: Stores the name of the teacher
 tcontact: Contact details of the given teacher.
 tcourse: The courses taught by the teacher.
 College_admin:
 ccode: Code given to the college by university its affiliated to.
 cname: Full name of the college.
 clocation: Location of the college.
 Ccontact: Contact information of the college.
 student_assignments:
 aid: Unique Identification number given to assignments.
 sid: Id of the student who submitted the assignment.
 tid: Teaches id whom the assignment is submitted to.
 asumbutdate: The date assignment was submitted.
 leave_sys:
 lid: Unique Identification number for every leave submitted.
 sid: Id of student who submitted leave.
 tid: Id of teacher who submitted leave for verified students leave.
 fdate: Starting date of the leave.
 tdate: Ending date of the leave.
 authorisedby: Name of the teacher who authorised the leave.
 remarks: Remarks if the application is rejected.

Relationships between the above components are discussed below:

 teacher_v: Verification of teacher accounts by the college_admin.

 Student_v: Verification of the students accounts by college_admin.
 verify_leave: Verification of leave by the college admin.
 sleave: Student submitted leave.
 tleave: Teacher submitted leave.
 assignment submitted: Assignment submitted by the students.
 checking assignments: Assignments checking by the teacher.
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Testing and Implementation
 Software testing is the process of executing a program with intension of finding
errors in the code. It is a process of evolution of system or its parts by manual or
automatic means to verify that it is satisfying specified or requirements or not.
 Generally, no system is perfect due to communication problems between user and
developer, time constraints, or conceptual mistakes by developer.
 The purpose of system testing is to check and find out these errors or faults as early
as possible so losses due to it can be saved.
 Testing is the fundamental process of software success.
 Testing is not a distinct phase in system development life cycle but should be
applicable throughout all phases i.e. design development and maintenance phase.
 Testing is used to show incorrectness and considered to success when an error is

Objectives of Software Testing:

The software testing is usually performed for the following objectives:

 SOFTWARE QUALITY IMPROVEMENT: The computer and the software are mainly
used for complex and critical applications and a bug or fault in software causes
severe losses. So a great consideration is required for checking for quality of
 Verification means to test that we are building the product in right way .i.e.
are we using the correct procedure for the development of software so that
it can meet the user requirements.
 Validation means to check whether we are building the right product or not.
 SOFTWARE RELIABILTY ESTIMATION: The objective is to discover the residual
designing errors before delivery to the customer. The failure data during process are
taken down in order to estimate the software reliability.

Principals of Software Testing:

Software testing is an extremely creative and challenging task. Some important
principles of software testing are as given:

 All tests should be traceable to clients requirements.

 Testing time and resources should be limited i.e. avoid redundant testing.
 It is impossible to test everything.
 Use effective resources to test.
 Test should be planned long before testing begins i.e. after requirement phase.
 Test for invalid and unexpected input conditions as well as valid conditions.
 Testing should begin in “in the small” and progress towards testing “in the large”.
 For the most effective testing should be conducted by an independent party.
 Keep software static (without change mean while) during test.
 Keep software static (without change mean while) during test.
 Examining what the software not doing which it expected to do and also
checking what it is doing that was not expected to do.

Strategy for Software Testing:

Different levels of testing are used in the test process; each level of testing aims to test
different aspects of the system.

 The first level is unit testing. In this testing, individual components are tested to
ensure that they operate correctly. It focuses on verification efforts.
 The second level is integration testing. It is a systematic technique for constructing
the program structure. In this testing, many tested modules are combined into the
subsystem which are then tested. The good here is to see if the modules can be
integrated properly.
 Third level is system testing. System testing is actually a series of different tests
whose primary purpose is to fully exercise computer based system. These tests fall
outside scope of software process and are not conducted solely by software
The maintained of the system will be carried out in the manner explained below:

 Hardware Maintenance: The hardware required for the system is a server which is
capable of hosting the website and the database online so that the website can be
accessed everywhere. The server will be maintained ever 6 months for 1 year for
free, costly an annual fee from then on. The hardware will be maintained by
checking how the efficiency of the server is after all those user accounts being
created, updated, assignments stored and if required by the college it will be
upgraded as necessary.
 Software Maintenance: The main part of the system is obviously the software and
the maintenance of the Software system will be done every 6 months for 2 years
free of cost, after which it will again cost an annual free, during the system
maintenance following components will be checked/maintained:
 The method of storing the data to the database is still as efficient as it was
during the deployment of the software of not, and if required another
algorithm to be used to increase the efficiency is possible.
 The connection of the website and database is still good for large amount to
data as it was in the beginning.
 Adding new features or upgrading existing features as required by the client
and if the feasibility study is working for those features.
 System Maintenance: The whole working of the system will be checked in this phase
and how all the modules of the system are working and how much friction (
hypothetically) is between them and calculating when it will be higher that would
want the system to be upgraded.
Comparison between the old system and new system
The manual system being using right now in the college to manage the students and even
the teachers is becoming more and more efficient day by day. The manual work takes days
to complete which could be completed in a few minutes by using the new technology in our

The old system was analysed and its key points are mentioned below and compared with
the new features the system will provide:

 The attendances of the students is marked in the registers and counted at the end
of the semester, without letting the student know how much his attendance was
(unless asked for of course) but by using the online system for attendance the
teachers can use their mobile phones to log in to the website and mark the
attendance for that day and class directly at the website by doing this the website
will automatically calculate the students attendance in percentage by using the total
number of classes that took place and this data can also be viewed by the student
when required by the student account.
 The marks for the Unit test are written on the notice board and sometimes not even
there. By using the system the teachers can input the marks on the website which
can be again easily viewed by the students.
 The assignments have to be submitted by students and almost the majority of them
have no idea what the last date is or even what the questions for the assignments
are, by using the online system the teacher can set the deadline for the assignments
and all the students of that subject will be notified of that and the teacher can also
upload the questions that are to be written for the assignment. And the student can
then submit the assignment by uploading it on the website or by giving the physical
copy to the concerned teacher and check the marks for the assignment on the
website as well.
 Online leave system where the students and teachers can submit their leaves from
home rather than coming all the way to the college just to submit an application.
This will be really beneficial for both the students and the teachers rather than using
the manual system.
 The students have to come from their homes and some of them from really far away
just to find that the teacher that was taking the class is on leave for that day and this
wastes the students time like a lot. But by using the website the teacher can open it
up and mark themselves on leave and it will be notified to the students having their
class for that day. This will not only help student but teachers to find which teacher
is on leave and for how long.
System Requirement Specification (SRS)
1. Introduction:
The following subsection of the SRS document provides an overview of the entire
I. Purpose:
The purpose of this document is to build an online system to manage college
academic part and students to ease the flight management.
II. Document Convention:
This document uses the following conventions:
DB Database
DDB Distributed Database
ER Entity Relationship

III. Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions:

This project is a prototype for the college management system and it is
restricted within the college premises. This has been implemented under the
guidance of college professors. This project is useful for the college
management team and as well as to the students and teachers working in the
IV. Project Scope:
The purpose of the online college management system is to ease college
management and to create a convenient and easy-to-use application for
students, trying to pay their admission fee online or checking their classes
and attendance. The system is based on a relational database with its college
management and reservation functions. We will have a database server
supporting hundreds of teachers as well as thousands of students by various
colleges/universities. Above all, we hope to provide a comfortable user
experience along with the best efficiency available.
V. References:
 Fundamentals of database systems by Ramez Elmarsi and Shamkant
2. Overall Description:
I. Product Perspective:
A distributed college database system stores the following information:
 College Details:
This includes all the details of the given college like the name of the
college, location of the college the unique college code, principal
residing over the college, faculty of the college and all the courses
that are available for the students in the college.
 Student Description:
It includes all the details of a students studying in the college like the
student basic details their names, roll numbers, current semester,
classes the student is supposed
 Teacher Description:
This includes all the details of the teacher teaching in the college like
the basic details name, contact information and also the details of the
subject they are teaching like the which major class is under what
teacher and also the minor classes as well not only this but also the
details of classes that have been taught in the semester by the
concerned teacher.

II. Product Features:

This system will have a number of useful features for the colleges which are
discussed below:
 Online Assignment Submission:
Students can easily check the deadline set by the teacher and submit
their assignments online by uploading it in the website using their
accounts, this features makes it easy for teacher to grade the
assignment and for students to submit it far more easily and
efficiently than the manual system.
 Online Leave System:
Students and teacher can submit the request application for leave on
the website by uploading a scanned document or a digital document,
the leave can be approved by teacher for the students and by the
principal for the teacher. User can check the leave status like when it
was submitted, when it was approved and for how many days and
also remarks on the application.
 Online Fee Submission:
Students can also submit their admission fee along with the fine
online on the college website rather than sating in line all day just for
this the purpose of submitting the fees, the receipt for the fee paid
will also with automatically generated on the website which can be
printed by the students for the safekeeping. This will also help the
clerical staff to check the entire fee submitted by the students by just
generating the list of the students who paid the fee and also the
pending students.
 Online Attendance System:
Very Useful feature of the system as this system will enable the
teacher to mark the student attendance directly on the website on
the website where it will be automatically calculated if it is 75 % or
not depending on the total days the classes took places. Students can
check which classes they have missed by using this feature.
 Online Notification System:
Using this system teacher can put up the notifications for the students
concerned with those subjects; every teacher can put notifications
about events that are going to take place on the college campus.

III. User Classes and Characteristics:

The users of the system should be able to perform a number of functions
available to their concerned user account, the functions are discussed below:
 For students:
 Student Login:
 Allows the student to login to his/her account using the
username and password provided to the user during
 Check the assignments:
 Check the question for the assignment
 Check the due date of the assignments
 Check if the assignment submitted has been graded
 Upload the assignment to get graded
 Check the notification:
 Check for all the notification posted by any teacher
 Check only the notifications for a concerned subject
 View his/her details:
 Check/update the details given by the student during
 View time table and datasheet:
 Check all the time tables/datasheets of practical posted
by teachers of different subjects
 Different timetable for different major/minor subjects
for easy understanding.
 Leave System for students:
 Students can submit their applications for leave to the
concerned teacher
 Check the status weather it is approved by the teacher
and when
 If rejected, reason for that in the remarks written by
the concerned teacher.
 For Teachers:
 Teacher Login:
 Allows the teachers to log in to their account with
username and password which they were given when
they joined the institute.
 Verification though OTP sent to the mobile while
logging in for security reasons.

 Check the student details:

 All the basic details of the student like contact details,
the current semester of the student and major
 Check the assignments:
 Download and evaluate all the assignments submitted
by the students on or before due date.
 Check and update the notifications:
 Upload the notification on the required notification
boards like the global notification or one concerning a
particular subject.
 View and update details:
 Check and update the details of students and of their
own accounts if required, like changing the students
 Leave System for teacher:
 Similar to the leave system for students the teacher
can submit their leave request to the college which can
be approved by the principal.
 For College:
 College Login:
 Allows to login the member of the college
management team (could be the principal) to the
college account. An OTP required every time a new
session for the college id is created for security
 Add students:
 Create student account by verifying their admission
forms and all the certificates.
 Delete student accounts when required.
 Add Teacher:
 Create teachers account when they join the institute
using the ID they provided like a driving licence.
 Check/approve all users details:
 Check and update student’s details.
 Check and update teacher details.
 Update the Exam Centre/ Evaluation Centre details of
the college.
 Acts as an administrator of the college.
IV. Operating Environment:
Operating environment for the college management system is as listed
 Distributed Database
 Client/Server system
 Operating system: Windows, Linux.
 database: Mosel database
 platform:
V. Design and Implementation Constraints:
 Design:
 Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram :

VI. Assumptions and Dependencies:

Let us assume that this is a non distributed college management system and it
is used in the following application:
 A single college has a single version of the system and only the
students and teachers of the college are able to access the system.

Therefore a database is setup at the college and the all the data stored there
and a web server to get the website online for all the users.

3. External Interface Requirement:

I. User Interfaces:
 Font End Software: Java, HTML, PHP.
 Back-End: MySql.
II. Hardware Interfaces:
 A Computer, Laptop to access the website.
 A browser which supports CGI, HTML & JavaScript.
 Storage space on device to store temporary data.
III. Software Interfaces:
Following are the software used for the flight management online

Software Used Description

We have chosen Windows operating
Operating System system for its best support and user-
To save the teacher records, students
Database records we have chosen My Sql
database. To implement the project we have
chosen Vb.Net language for its more
interactive support.

IV. Communications Interfaces:

 This project supports all types of web browsers. We are using simple
electronic forms for the assignment checking, user login etc.

4. Other Non functional Requirements:

I. Performance Requirements:
 Normalization:
 The basic objective of normalization is to reduce redundancy
which means that information is to be stored only once.
Storing information several times leads to wastage of storage
space and increase in the total size of the data stored.
 If a database is not properly designed it can give rise to
modification anomalies. Modification anomalies arise when
data is added to, changed or deleted from a database table.
Similarly, in traditional databases as well as improperly
designed relational databases, data redundancy can be a
problem. These can be eliminated by normalizing a database.
 Normalization is the process of breaking down a table into
smaller tables. So that each table deals with a single theme.
There are three different kinds of modifications of anomalies
and formulated the first, second and third normal forms (3NF)
is considered sufficient for most practical purposes. It should
be considered only after a thorough analysis and complete
understanding of its implications.
II. Safety Requirements:
 If there is extensive damage to a wide portion of the database due to
catastrophic failure, such as a disk crash, the recovery method
restores a past copy of the database that was backed up to archival
storage (typically tape) and reconstructs a more current state by
reapplying or redoing the operations of committed actions from the
backed up log, up to the time of failure.
III. Security Requirements:
 Security systems need database storage just like many other
 Making sure students, teacher and college uses strong passwords so
their accounts cannot be exploited by any outside sources.
IV. Software Quality Attributes:
 AVAILABILITY: The website should always be online so that teacher
and students can perform their tasks from anywhere and at anytime.
 CORRECTNESS: The assignments submitted by students should be
correctly linked with their accounts if many students submit at once
all will be processed correctly and separately.
 MAINTAINABILITY: The free maintainability of the software will be
given for 1 year and an annual fee will be charged hence forth.
 USABILITY: The system have a maximum (1000) number of user
accounts it can handle any given instance.
The following books were very helpful during the completion of project:

 Software Engineering by K.K. Aggarwal and Yogesh Singh

 Web Enabled Commercial Appplication Development by Ivan Bayross
 Head First Servlets and JSP by Bryan Basham,Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates
 Fundamentals of database systems by Ramez Elmarsi and Shamkant B.Navathe

The following websites were also very helpful during the making of the project:


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