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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Description of AdjointShapeOptimizationFoam
and how to implement new cost functions

Ulf Nilsson

A project work in the course

CFD with OpenSource software,
taught by
Håkan Nilsson.

Chalmers University of Technology,

Gothenburg, Sweden

December 10, 2013

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results


I Introduction
I Theory
I Implementation
I Modifications
I Results

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results


Optimization in CFD

I Increased importance
I Optimization algorithm
- Simplex
- Evolution Strategies
- Gradient based
- ...
I Demanding
- Number of variables
- Constraints

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results


Adjoint approach

I Gradient based method

I Tool to compute sensitivity w.r.t. design variables
I Well behaved objective function
I Large number of design variables
I Constraints, number of functions

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Optimization problem

Objective function

minimize J = J(v, p, α) (1)

such that
(v · ∇)v + ∇p − ∇ · (2νD(v)) + αv = 0, (2)
∇·v = 0. (3)

I Gerneral cost function

I Incompressible, steady state RANS equation
I Porosity α
I Topology optimization

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Optimization problem

Lagrangian relaxation

minimize L := J + (u, q)RdΩ. (4)

I Lagrange multipliers, (u, q)

I A penalty to violate the constraints
I Adjoint velocity, u, and pressure, q
I No physical meaning

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Optimization problem

Variations w.r.t. flow and design variables

δL = δα L + δv L + δp L, (5)
δv L + δp L = 0. (6)
I Total variation.
I Choose adjoint variables so that the variation with respect to flow
variables vanishes.
I Equation of the adjoint variables and an expression for the sensitivity
of L with respect to the porosity of each cell, derivations out of the
scope of the project.
I Approximations needed to arrive at the adjoint equations.
- Forzen turbulence.
- Ducted flow specialization.
I Integration by parts to arrive at volume contribution and boundary
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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Resulting equations


= ui · vi Vi , (7)
I Expression for cell i
I Vi the cell volume.
I Equation of the adjoint variables and an expression for the sensitivity
of L with respect to the porosity of each cell

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Resulting equations

Adjoint equations

−2D(u)v = −∇q + ∇ · (2νD(u)) − αu − , (8)
∇·u= . (9)

I Contribution from volumetric part of the cost function, JΩ .

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Resulting equations

Adjoint boundary conditions

Wall and inlet boundary conditions

ut = 0, (10)
un = − , (11)
n · ∇q = 0. (12)

Outlet boundary conditions

q = u · v + un vn + ν(n · ∇)un + , (13)
0 = vn ut + ν(n · ∇)ut + . (14)

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Resulting equations

Adjoint boundary conditions

Wall Inlet Outlet

v No-slip Prescribed value Zero gradient
p Zero gradient Zero gradient p=0
Table: Boundary conditions for the primal quantities v and p.

I Only valid for specific primal boundary condition.

I Contribution from both the volume and boundary part of the cost
function, JΩ and JΓ respectively.
I Eq. 13 and 14 used to calculate the adjoint pressure and tangential
part of the adjoint velocity at the outlet.

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Resulting equations

Summary of the theory

I Introducing a Lagrange relaxation, with multipliers u and q.

I Choice of adjoint variables gives adjoint equations and an expression
for the sensititivity.
I Lengthy derivations.
I Approximations and requirements to ensure a valid method.
I If the cost function satisfies Jω = 0 the dependence of J enters the
solver only through the boundary conditions.
I The optimization problem reduces to solving two flow equations, the
primal and the adjoint.
I When the sensitivity is calculated an algorithm is needed to update
the porosity.

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Steepest descent algorithm

Steepest descent

pk = −∇f (xk ), (15)

αn+1 = αn − ui · vi Vi δ. (16)

I General search direction in the opposite direction of the gradient of

the objective function.
I Considering a linear problem a minimum will be found for small
enough steps in the search direction.
I Using the sensitivity, ∂L/∂α to update.
I The step length δ. An optimization problem of its own.
I Under relaxation and limits in the final implementation.

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results


Solution procedure


Solve the
primal system
(v, p)

“Frozen tubulence”
Update the Solve the
porosity adjoint system
Steepest descent (u, q)

assessment Converged
End time or
convergence condition

Figure 1: Block scheme of the solution procedure used in adjointShapeOptimizationFoam.

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results


$FOAM SOLVERS/incompressible/

Let us study the implementation together, trying to identify the underlying

theory we have covered so far. In the order it is implemented in the code.
I Porosity update
- Implementation of the steepest descent using under relaxation.
- Correct?
I The primal pressure-velocity SIMPLE corrector
- How is the sink term implemented?
I The adjoint pressure-velocity SIMPLE corrector
- Is the current implementation done for objective functions with
volumteric contribution (JΩ 6= 0)?

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results


Porosity update

94 a l p h a +=
95 mesh . f i e l d R e l a x a t i o n F a c t o r ( " alpha " )
96 ∗ ( min ( max ( a l p h a + lambda ∗ ( Ua & U) , z e r o A l p h a ) , alphaMax ) − a l p h a ) ;
Listing 1: file adjointShapeOptimizationFoam.C

αn+1 = αn (1 − γ) + γmin (max ((αn + ui · vi Vi δ) .0) , αmax ) , (17)

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results


Porosity update

However the there seems to be an incorrect sign in the steepest descent

implementation. The correct eq. and implementation should be

αn+1 = αn (1 − γ) + γmin (max ((αn − ui · vi Vi δ) , 0) , αmax ) . (18)

94 a l p h a +=
95 mesh . f i e l d R e l a x a t i o n F a c t o r ( " alpha " )
96 ∗ ( min ( max ( a l p h a − lambda ∗ ( Ua & U) , z e r o A l p h a ) , alphaMax ) − a l p h a ) ;
Listing 2: file adjointShapeOptimizationFoam.C

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results


Primal SIMPLE loop

103 // Momentum p r e d i c t o r
105 tmp<f v V e c t o r M a t r i x > UEqn
106 (
107 fvm : : d i v ( p h i , U)
108 + t u r b u l e n c e −>d i v D e v R e f f (U)
109 + fvm : : Sp ( a l p h a , U)
110 );
112 UEqn ( ) . r e l a x ( ) ;
114 s o l v e ( UEqn ( ) == −f v c : : g r a d ( p ) ) ;
Listing 3: file adjointShapeOptimizationFoam.C

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results


Primal SIMPLE loop

I fvm::Sp(alpha, U) Implicit implementation of the extra

source term.

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results


Adjoint SIMPLE loop

156 // A d j o i n t Momentum p r e d i c t o r
158 v o l V e c t o r F i e l d a d j o i n t T r a n s p o s e C o n v e c t i o n ( ( f v c : : g r a d ( Ua ) & U ) ) ;
159 // v o l V e c t o r F i e l d a d j o i n t T r a n s p o s e C o n v e c t i o n
160 // (
161 // f v c : : r e c o n s t r u c t
162 // (
163 // mesh . magSf ( ) ∗ ( f v c : : sn Grad ( Ua ) & f v c : : i n t e r p o l a t e (U) )
164 // )
165 // ) ;
167 zeroCells ( adjointTransposeConvection , i n l e t C e l l s );
169 tmp<f v V e c t o r M a t r i x > UaEqn
170 (
171 fvm : : d i v (− p h i , Ua )
172 − adjointTransposeConvection
173 + t u r b u l e n c e −>d i v D e v R e f f ( Ua )
174 + fvm : : Sp ( a l p h a , Ua )
175 );
177 UaEqn ( ) . r e l a x ( ) ;
179 s o l v e ( UaEqn ( ) == −f v c : : g r a d ( pa ) ) ;
Listing 4: file adjointShapeOptimizationFoam.C

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results


Adjoint SIMPLE loop

I Similar to the primal system.

I No additional terms containing information about the cost
function, i.e. current implementation treats cost functions of
the type JΓ = 0

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Boundary conditions of the adjoint variables

Adjoint boundary conditions

The bad results when the sign in the steepest descent algorithm is
changed indicates additional problems with the current solver. Since the
actual solver seems to agree with the theory, what remains to be examined
is the boundary conditions.
First the boundary condition for a specific cost function need to be

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Boundary conditions of the adjoint variables

Power dissipation

J := − (p + v 2 )v · n dΓ. (19)

I Only boundary contribution.

I Energy loss, due to pressure drop and kinetic energy.

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Boundary conditions of the adjoint variables

Inlet boundary conditions

ut = 0, (20)
un = − , (21)
n · ∇q = 0. (22)

ut =(

 0 at wall,
un = (23)

 vn at inlet,

n · ∇q = 0.

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Boundary conditions of the adjoint variables

Inlet boundary conditions

I Use existing conditions

- Prescribed value
- No slip
- Zero-gradient
I Could be useful to implement a inlet boundary condition for
the adjoint velocity, if the velocity profile of the primal velocity
at the inlet is not easily described.

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Boundary conditions of the adjoint variables

Outlet boundary conditions

q = u · v + un vn + ν(n · ∇)un + , (24)
0 = vn ut + ν(n · ∇)ut + . (25)

q = u · v + un vn + ν(n · ∇)un − 21 v 2 − vn2 ,
0 = vn (ut − vt ) + ν(n · ∇)ut .

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Boundary conditions of the adjoint variables

Outlet boundary conditions

I Use eq. 26 to prescribe a value to the adjoint pressure

I Use eq. 26 to prescribe a value to the tangential component
of the adjoint velocity

−∆ uneigh,t − vp,n vp,t
ut = ν , (27)
vp,n + ∆

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Boundary conditions of the adjoint variables

Implementation of pressure condition

86 // ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Member F u n c t i o n s ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ //
88 v o i d Foam : : a d j o i n t O u t l e t P r e s s u r e F v P a t c h S c a l a r F i e l d : : u p d a t e C o e f f s ( )
89 {
90 i f ( updated ( ) )
91 {
92 return ;
93 }
95 const f v s P a t c h F i e l d <s c a l a r >& p h i p =
96 p a t c h ( ) . l o o k u p P a t c h F i e l d <s u r f a c e S c a l a r F i e l d , s c a l a r >("phi" ) ;
98 const f v s P a t c h F i e l d <s c a l a r >& p h i a p =
99 p a t c h ( ) . l o o k u p P a t c h F i e l d <s u r f a c e S c a l a r F i e l d , s c a l a r >("phia" ) ;
101 const f v P a t c h F i e l d <v e c t o r >& Up =
102 p a t c h ( ) . l o o k u p P a t c h F i e l d <v o l V e c t o r F i e l d , v e c t o r >("U" ) ;
104 const f v P a t c h F i e l d <v e c t o r >& Uap =
105 p a t c h ( ) . l o o k u p P a t c h F i e l d <v o l V e c t o r F i e l d , v e c t o r >("Ua" ) ;
107 o p e r a t o r ==(( p h i a p / p a t c h ( ) . magSf ( ) − 1 . 0 ) ∗ p h i p / p a t c h ( ) . magSf ( ) + ( Up & Uap ) ) ;
109 fixedValueFvPatchScalarField : : updateCoeffs ( ) ;
110 }
Listing 5: file adjointOutletPressureFvPatchScalarField.C

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Boundary conditions of the adjoint variables

Implementation of velocity condition

83 // ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Member F u n c t i o n s ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ //
85 // Update t h e c o e f f i c i e n t s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e p a t c h f i e l d
86 v o i d Foam : : a d j o i n t O u t l e t V e l o c i t y F v P a t c h V e c t o r F i e l d : : u p d a t e C o e f f s ( )
87 {
88 i f ( updated ( ) )
89 {
90 return ;
91 }
93 const f v s P a t c h F i e l d <s c a l a r >& p h i a p =
94 p a t c h ( ) . l o o k u p P a t c h F i e l d <s u r f a c e S c a l a r F i e l d , s c a l a r >("phia" ) ;
96 const f v P a t c h F i e l d <v e c t o r >& Up =
97 p a t c h ( ) . l o o k u p P a t c h F i e l d <v o l V e c t o r F i e l d , v e c t o r >("U" ) ;
99 s c a l a r F i e l d Un ( mag ( p a t c h ( ) . n f ( ) & Up ) ) ;
100 v e c t o r F i e l d UtHat ( ( Up − p a t c h ( ) . n f ( ) ∗ Un ) / ( Un + SMALL ) ) ;
102 v e c t o r F i e l d Uan ( p a t c h ( ) . n f ( ) ∗ ( p a t c h ( ) . n f ( ) & p a t c h I n t e r n a l F i e l d ( ) ) ) ;
104 v e c t o r F i e l d : : o p e r a t o r =( p h i a p ∗ p a t c h ( ) . S f ( ) / s q r ( p a t c h ( ) . magSf ( ) ) + UtHat ) ;
105 // v e c t o r F i e l d : : o p e r a t o r =(Uan + UtHat ) ;
107 fixedValueFvPatchVectorField : : updateCoeffs ( ) ;
108 }
Listing 6: file adjointOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField.C

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Boundary conditions of the adjoint variables

Analyzing the implementation

Listing 5 gives an implementation of the pressure condition according to
q = (un − 1)vn + u · v. (28)
compare to
q = u · v + un vn + ν(n · ∇)un − v 2 − vn2 , (29)
Listing 6 gives an implementation of the velocity condition according to
vp − vp,n
up,t = . (30)
up,n + SMALL
compare to
−∆ uneigh,t − vp,n vp,t
ut = ν , (31)
vp,n + ∆
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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Boundary conditions of the adjoint variables

Analyzing the theory

I Not equal to the theory.

I Another cost function, total pressure loss.
I Approximations or derivations done makes the cost function
hard to identify.

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Analyzing the theory

I Changing the sign of the steepest descent implementation.

I Implementing the cost functions according to derived

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Adjoint pressure boundary condition

I Similar to the existing implementation

I A few additional terms
- Velocity in the neighbouring node
- Effective viscosity
const s c a l a r F i e l d & d e l t a i n v = p a t c h ( ) . d e l t a C o e f f s ( ) ; // d i s t a n c e ˆ( −1) between p a t c h and n e i g h b o u r i n g node .

// c r e a t e t h e o b j e c t n e e d e d t o g e t t h e v i s c o u s i t y :
const i n c o m p r e s s i b l e : : RASModel& r a s M o d e l =
db ( ) . l o o k u p O b j e c t <i n c o m p r e s s i b l e : : RASModel>(" RASProperties " ) ;

// n u e f f from t h e t u r u l e n c e model , r a s M o d e l :
s c a l a r F i e l d n u e f f = rasModel . nuEff ( ) ( ) . boundaryField ( ) [ patch ( ) . index ( ) ] ;

// N e i g h b o u r i n g node ’ s v e l o c i t y ( n o r m a l component ) :
s c a l a r F i e l d U a n e i g h n = ( Uap . p a t c h I n t e r n a l F i e l d ( ) & p a t c h ( ) . n f ( ) ) ;
Listing 7: file myAdjointOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField.C

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Adjoint velocity boundary condition

I Vector fields instead of scalar fields

// p a t c h I n t e r n a l F i e l d t o g e t t h e a d j o i n t v e l o c i t y o f n e i g h b o u r i n g node .
v e c t o r F i e l d U a n e i g h = Uap . p a t c h I n t e r n a l F i e l d ( ) ;
// I t s t a n g e n t i a l and n o r m a l components
v e c t o r F i e l d Uaneigh n = ( Uaneigh & normal )∗ normal ;
v e c t o r F i e l d Uaneigh t = Uaneigh − Uaneigh n ;
Listing 8: file myAdjointOutletVelocityFvPatchVectorField.C

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Case settings

The boundary conditions of the primal and adjoint variables are set
according to the table below. More detailed information and m4 script of
the “box” example case can be found in the provided files.

Wall Inlet Outlet

u Prescribed value, 0 Prescribed value, un = vn adjointOutletVelocityPower
q Zero gradient Zero gradient adjointOutletPressurePower

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Power dissipation

pitzDaily porosity field

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Power dissipation

pitzDaily value of the objective function







0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Iteration step

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Power dissipation

pitzDaily value of the objective function, without

porosity update







0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Iteration step

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Power dissipation

Pipe bend example

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Overview Introduction Theory Implementation Modifications Results

Power dissipation

Thank you for listening!


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