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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

Business Mathematics
K-12 Basic Education Curriculum (ABM)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
A. Identify the following formulas in computing compound interest.
B. Calculate business problems in relation with simple interest.
C. Appreciate the importance of compound interest through computation in relation to
business matters.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Compound Interest
References: K-12 Basic Education Curriculum, Business Mathematics (Accountancy,
Business and Management)
Materials: Chalk, Chalkboard and Powerpoint presentation

III. Procedure
A. Preparation
a. Routine Activities
Checking of Attendance
b. Review
-What is simple interest?
-How to compute simple interest??
c. Motivation
The teacher will ask the students about their experiences in a business
credit matters with interest related.

B. Lesson Proper
- Define compound interest?
- What is/are the formula(s) in computing compound interest?
- What are the step by step process in computing compound interest with the
initial periods, percentage and interest?

C. Generalization
What is the importance of computing compound interest in relation to business

D. Application
The students will be divided into four groups. They need to answer the
following questions within the allotted time and write their final answer to the
materials given to them. The group got the highest possible correct answer will be
the winner.

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Read and understand each questions carefully and find the interest and compound
1. 5000 for 2 years at 6% annually
2. 42500 for 3 years at 7% semi-annually
3. A man died leaving his 15 year-old son an amount of 15,000php which is deposited in a
bank at 6% interest compounded monthly. F money was left n ban and was allowed to
accumulate how much will the boy receive when he reaches the age of 25?
4. If a principal of 35,000php earns 4% simple interest over the first half of a 4-year term
and 6% interest compounded semi-annually over the second half of the term what s its final
amount at the end of the term.
5. Over a 3-year period an investment of 25,000php earns 3% semi-annually during the 3rd
year. Find the amount.
V. Assignment

Read and understand the next lesson which is the Annuity

K-12 Basic Education Curriculum, Business Mathematics, Learning Module

Prepared by:

Teacher Applicant: Mr. Mark Elson T. Candado

Cell Numbers: 0975-854-8102

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