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Component Scenario Key Parameter value max-core v

sort blank default

sort cust-ID default
sort cust-ID,Income default
sort Income,cust_ID default
sort All Columns default
sort its called null is abinitio = {} default
sort 1 default
sort 0 default
sort Numeric value default
sort Any string other than existing column name default
sort Any column 0
sort Any column blank

sort Any column null

sort Any column string

FliterByExpreGender=M in sourcefile Filter expression given as gender=='m'

FliterByExpreGender=M in sourcefile Filter expression given as gender=='M'

FliterByExpression Blank in select_exp

Error:Parameter "key" of component "Sort" requires a value but is not set
Result in ascending based on cust-ID
Result in ascending based on cust-ID
Result in ascending based on Income
Result in ascending based on first key-Parameter
All records from I/P goes to O/P
validate Error: key field(1) not found in input record
validate Error: key field(0) not found in input record
validate Error:Key field(given numeric value) not found in input record
validate Error:Key field(given numeric value) not found in input record
Graph runs successfully
Graph runs successfully
RunError: Error in mp-local sort with given column and max core, which
expects integer value from 0 to ram size value but found null
RunError: Error in mp-local sort with given column and max core, which
expects integer value from 0 to ram size value but found null

All records went to deselect port

Result as Expected

Error: Parameter "select_expr" of component "Filter by Expression"

requires a value but is not set.
Compilation detected 1 errors.
Point to Note

Some records with blank gender

were found in both select and
deselect output port, how to
resolve them

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