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Manuel, Charles Nicholas

Nocom, Leean Paul

Pangilinan, Kim Bryan

Zapata, Edrien

Tongol, Charina Rain C.

Stress is known to be an emotional distress that a person can experience everyday. Thus,

on the positive side it contributes a lot of beneficial factors in one’s life. According to the journal

of Amir Mohammad Shahsavarani et al. (2015), in psychological science, stress is an important

factor to motivation, adaptation and reaction to surrounding environment, low level of stress can

be healthy and can improve biopsychosocial health. Every one of us have experienced being under

pressure, but when stress tenses us up, it becomes a positive thing since it gives us burst energy

that makes us more critically prepared. We believe that stress can be one’s advantage especially

in the aspects of: Improving a person’s productivity, push students to be more responsible

academically and lastly can enhance the ability into handling pressure.

Stress is antecedent in every workplace especially in schools, everyone thinks it is purely

negative when it is well in fact useful in human reaction to stimuli. People only see and know the

negative effects of stress. Students experience a lot of stress such as being bombarded by

performance tasks which can lead to inability to concentrate, negative evaluation of future and the
like (Busari, 2012). However if you look at the positive side of stress, you can make this a

motivaton to be more active in finishing school works. According to (Nelson and Simmons, 2011)

that students experiencing positive stress are more productive in terms of academic performances,

work projects, group activities and are challenged to face those performance tasks. Students

nowadays practice positive stress wherein workloads will provoke them to do their tasks

immediately so that it will be done right away, it is their way to react on schoolwork stress. They

also found that positive stress boosts one’s hope and optimism.

All of us are very vulnerable to stress for we all live with it and experienced it. Students

are no different than anyone else, for school is a very competitive environment where learners

have many responsibilities being carried out. Thus, stress is not always bad, for there is an

appropriate level of stress which can motivate student toward their growth. According to the study

conducted by María Guadalupe Acosta-Gómez et al. (2018), stress levels varied by what year level

the students are for the higher their grade level, the heavier and harder the subjects are. This kind

of situation can help learners in the aspect of being responsible academically. The heavier the

workload is the higher the effort the students give. Additionally, some students also compete with

each other to get the teacher's attention. Being pressured to do better let's one standard become

higher, but not to be perfect. Plus, in every class, all students work both collaboratively which

helps their relationship solidify. Moreover, having a lot of workload with a limited time helps the

students learn the value of time managing. With this, students are being more responsible for they

know which one is more important and which one they should prioritize first (Gomez, et al., 2018).

Being able to deal with things under pressure is one of the key to improve oneself. Stress

can sometimes be perceived as one of the reasons why a student is under a lot of pressure, but

stress can also be the way to be able to tolerate this pressure. Experiencing stress frequently can
be an advantage, since you experience it time by time you would be able adjust and know how to

handle it much better than before. Being pressured easily won’t be often anymore since your past

experiences will make you stronger and emotionally stable, it would you make you more aware of

your capabilities and exceed your potential in controlling your own pressure. Stress can also

enhance one’s ability to handle things under pressure by converting pressure into a factor such as

motivation to accomplish responsibilities.


Shahsavarani, A. M. et al (2015). Stress: Facts and Theories through Literature Review.

International Journal of Medical Reviews, 2 (2). Retrieved from

Nelson, L. & Simmons, J. (2011). False-Positive Psychology. 22 (22), 1359-1366. DOI:

10.1177/0956797611417632. Retrieved from

Busari, A. (2012). Identifying difference in perceptions of academic stress and reaction to

stressors. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 2 (14), 138-146.

Retrieved from


Acosta-Gómez, M.G, Roca-Chiapas, J.M.Dl., et al. (2018). Stress in High School Students: A


Dowdle, L. (2017). Stress can have positive effects on students. West Liberty University: The

Trumpet. Retrieved from:


Business 2 Community. (2015). 10 Ways to Show Your Ability to Handle Pressure at Work.

Retrieved from


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