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Examples 3 Biographical Recount (M2 LA 2)

Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei was one of the first modern scientists. He was born in Pisa, Italy,
in 1564.

(1) At first, he studied philosophy, but later he studied mathematics

and astronomy. He was interested in the way the earth and other
planets move around the sun. He found out several important facts about our
Events world. He also started a new way of working in science. Before Galileo,
scientists did not do experiments. They just guessed about how
something happened. Galileo was different. He did not just make guesses. H
e did experiments and watched to see what happened.
(2) Galileo is famous for his study of how things fall. He was the first person to do
experiments about this problem. Before, people thought that heavy things always
fell faster than light things. He found out that this was not true. He took a heavy
ball and a light ball and he dropped them both from a high place. They fell at the
same speed. This meant that weight is not important. This is the law off falling
bodies. It is an important law for understanding our world.

(3) The life of a scientist was not always easy in the 1500s. For example, Galileo
got into trouble because of his scientific ideas. His ideas were not the same as the
religious ideas at the time. Many religious people did not agree with
him. During his whole life he had to worry about this. He
even went to prison for a while. But no one could stop him from thinking.
He continued to look for scientific answers to his questions about the world.
From the recount text entitled ‘Galileo Galilei’, some explanations can be made as
follows (Look at some words in bold, italics, or underlined as examples) :

 The text focuses on a specific person, namely ‘Galileo Galilei’ represented by ‘he’ in the
whole text (in bold).

 There are a number of action verbs used in the text such as ‘studied’, ‘move’, ‘found’,
‘started’, ‘do’, ‘did’, and ‘watched’ (in italics).

 There are some adverbs of time and place in the text such as ‘in Pisa, Italy’, ‘in 1564’,
‘around the sun’, ‘from a high place’, ‘at the same speed’, and ‘in 1500s’ (underlined).

 The sentences are mostly formed in past tense like ‘studied’, ‘found’, ‘started’, ‘did’,
‘watched’, and ‘happened’ (in italics).

 The text involves temporal sequence such as ‘at first’, ‘later’, ‘before’, and ‘during’
1. historical recounts focuse on the history's chronology, the background of the history
itself and some informations about everything related with the history that talked about.

2. The orientation of biographical recount hold in the some of informations about the
figure's background, the introduction discussion outline of a figure to explained to the

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