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According to Johnson Goh ( 06-14-2018 )in “Remote controlled movable pet feeder device” has
proposed: a pet feeder device whose movements and dispensing/ feeding times can be controlled
remotely by a software application on a computing device, compromising: a wireless transceiver
configured to send and receive data packets over a wireless network; at least one food storage
compartment; a food dispensing port configured to provide access to the at least one food storage
compartment; a locomotive device; and a control system configured to; communicate with the wireless
transceiver; control operation of the locomotive device in order to cause movement of the pet feeder
device; and control access to the food storage compartment.

According to Emanuele Vittuari, Gabriele Vittuari ,Maurizio Vittuari. and Maria Rosa Vittuari( 06-2016)
in “Automatic feed distribution apparatus for animals” said; this device can provide regular feeding
without disrupting owner’s work. Owners can monitor feeding process with their android smart phone
virtually. Smart Dog Feeder can give authentication with RIFD, set feeding time and portion per serving
through Android Smart phone, send feeding report (eaten or partially eaten) and dog arrival when the
feeding time has arrived.

According to Thompson et al(.2016-) An experimenter then measures dog’s choice between the objects
associated with the foods. This procedure is designed to limit food intake and variability among dogs,
but is associated with a lengthy training phase. Attempting to address similar limitations, another study
used dogs’ investigation of unobtainable food as measure preferences.

According to a thesis project by Henry Duwe ( 2016) He had proposed this project using a blutooth

Automatic pet feeder is one of the new technologies for feed pet. It will
help pet owner to take care of their pet while they are not at home. Even the
owners are not home, they still can feed their pet. Automatic pet feeder is built
to help pet owner taking care of their pet. Automatic pet feeder will be
automatically dispenses predetermined amounts of food at the exact times.

Nowadays most of us are fascinated to have pets at their home. But

these pets have to be taken care properly. Their feeding on time is an important
task as they become part of our family. But in our busy schedule we fail to pay
attention on our pet thus it doesn’t get proper food on time. This paper
addresses the above issue by introducing an Automatic Pet Feeding System to
ensure feeding pet on frequent interval of time. Automatic Pet Feeding System
consists food storage, servo motor, dispenser, feeding bowl, etc. It also features
Arduino to automatically control the operations. Automatic pet feeding system
features a machine which can feed pets (e.g. dogs) automatically after frequent
intervals in absence of his master. By using machine master don’t have to stay
with his pet every time to feed it and he gets liberty to do his other works
outside without caring about his pet. Dish for feeding pet could be filled in
number of ways one is we can set the time and date using Arduino UNO which
is displayed on LCD screen fitted on body of pet feeder. This is our automatic
pet feeder powered by Arduino, using a auger, and programmable with two
feeding times with user set quantity of food, with a battery backed up internal
clock.. They are either the type that rotate and unveil a meal, up to four times
only, or the half decent machine with a hopper is hard to program, forgets
everything if you remove the batteries, and frequently fails to even deliver any

Automatic feeder of pet is developing to ease the pet owner fulfills their
responsibilities to feed their pet at home. They can feed their pet anytime and
anywhere by using this system. In this project, Arduino Uno will be used in the
system as main part and sensors will be used to provide inputs to the Arduino
Uno in order for the system to working. Besides, this automatic feeder makes
the pet owner easy to control how much food is given to pet depend on the
programming of servo motor to control the speed and positioning.

As they know, pets need to eat several times a day, up to 5 times. In this
system, it will make sure the bowl not become empty for a long time hence, the
problem of the wasting food and over-feed the pet can avoid by using this
feeder. Besides, most pets eat dry food. The pet owner cannot leave out wet
food because it will go bad in the time that pet has to eat it. But this feeder, all
of the food in an air tight container.

As pet lovers, user should understand those pets also need a proper diet
management. Sometimes, the responsibilities of life inhibit pet owners from
properly caring for their pets. Whether user away from home unexpectedly or
simply would like one less chore to worry about, user can feel secure that the
beloved pet will be cared for fed on time, every time.

The purpose of our project is to provide an easier and more efficient way
for the pet owners to feed their pets, even when they are not home.

Objective of the study

The objective of this project is to build a pet feeder which serves

automatically as it detects the presence of the pet. This project is proposed
such that it provides an efficient, easy and pocket friendly method to build an
automatic pet feeder.

Statement of the problem

Owning a pet in these days are not easy as those pet needs to be take
care when the pet owner not at home. The pet owner cannot expect someone
else to follow their schedule. Therefore, a new invention has come out as the
solution for this problem which is the Automatic feeder for pet using Arduino
uno. Instead of asking neighbor or friends to feed the pet, now the pet owner
can feed their pet every time and everywhere without stepping foot into their
home using this device.

Significant of the study

Nowadays people has to put up a race against the time as they not have
as much or time to take care everything hence, they hope for a new invention
or new technology that can ease their work in order to save their time include
as pet owner. Therefore, a new invention which is Automatic pet feeder using
Arduino Uno will become important because the pet can feed on time and the
owner also save their time and energy.
Scope and limitation

The area of the scope for this project is focus on dog at home. This pet
feeder only supplies the food and no water. In this project Arduino Uno work
together with sensor to detect the level of food in the bowl.

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