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CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Journal Entries Journal provides a Journal provides 3 Journal provides only Journal provides
complete record of complete recorded 1-2 complete very little detail of the
the observations facts. recorded facts. observations made
made from the onset from the onset of the
of this project. All project.
observations are

Participation Student worked all 5 Student worked 4 Student worked 3 Student worked 1 or
days on the days on the days on the 2 days on the
webquest reviewing webquest reviewing webquest reviewing webquest reviewing
resources and resources and resources and resources and
recording down facts recording down facts recording down facts recording down facts
and information. and information. and information. and information.

Power Point The student will The student will The student will The student will
Presentation create a power point create a power point create a power point create a power point
presentation with 4 presentation with 3 presentation with 2 presentation with 1
slides complete and slides complete and slides complete and slides complete and
accurate pictures accurate pictures accurate pictures accurate pictures
labeling the egg, labeling the egg, labeling the egg, labeling the egg,
caterpillar, and the caterpillar, and the caterpillar, and the caterpillar, and the
chrysalis, and the chrysalis, and the chrysalis, and the chrysalis, and the
butterfly. butterfly. butterfly. butterfly.
Grade _____/12

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