Parental Discipline Over Using of Technology: Proposed by

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Proposed by:
11 ICT-AM1
Ann Clarice Coronel
Miralyn De Mesa
Angel Labasan
Ansherina Maminta
Ciara Ong
Tudor Marcus Burce
Mark Jhon Dela Cruz
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Background of the study
3. SOP(Statement of the Problem)
4. Significance of The Study
5. Scopes and Limitations
6. Definitions of Terms
7. Research Design
8. Population and Sampling
9. Source of Data
Data Gathering-Procedure
10. Data Analysis
11. Results
12. Conclusion and Recommendation
13. Bibliography

In the popular press, much is made about how new digital technologies such as iPads
and smartphones are revolutionizing family life. Children and parents alike now have a
growing stream of new technological resources at their fingertips, offering increased
opportunities for engagement, entertainment, and education. But while anecdotes
about families and media abound, empirical evidence on national trends is much harder
to come by.

This research examines how parents discipline their children.And what reactions the
researchers did to their parents' discipline. Media and digital devices are an integral part
of our world today. The benefits of these devices, if used moderately and appropriately,
can be great. But, research has shown that face-to-face time with family, friends, and
teachers plays a pivotal and even more important role in promoting children's learning
and healthy development. Keep the face-to-face up front, and don't let it get lost behind
a stream of media and technology.

Technology today is such an amazing achievement for mankind. It provides us with an

infinite information highway at our fingertips. At the same time, it also provides us with
unlimited access to our friends, family, co-workers and anyone else to whom we wish to
connect.The increasing availability of media, including access to inappropriate content
that is not easily supervised, creates an urgent need for parents to understand the
various ways that media use affects children and teens.
According to The American Academy of Pediatrics, the overuse of screen technology is
defined as the use of screen devices two-plus hours a day for children over the age of

Teenagers glued to their phones, not even glancing up when their parents talk to them;
kids immersed in tablets at airports; young friends around restaurant tables staring at
their phones instead of each other.

As children and young people spend an increasing amount of time with screens – more
than six hours a day.Digital children also have a different comprehension of space than
did children of even 30 years ago.

Virtual realities are such that children and youth can check out new books, games and
toys; explore college campuses; and make bets on sports teams, all while sitting in front
of their computers. The virtual spaces of many computer games are extraordinarily
intricate. The ability to explore and create spaces digitally, without going anywhere,
keeps many young people at the computer and almost certainly contributes to obesity
among the younger generation.

Therefore the researchers would like to conduct a study of how a student disciplined by
their parents.

1. What are the feelings of Grade 11 ICT Students about the following issues?
2. What are their feelings when they are disciplined by their parents using
technology like cell phones and computers?


In this study. All of Grade 11 ICT students will not be addicted in using of technology
because of the parental guidance. Future Researchers can use this as their Review of
Related Literature when they write a research about this. Parents understand the
balance of where to place boundaries where to encourage and where to discourage
then their children will not get spoiled.

Students are aware of their limitations because they are guided and disciplined by their

In this research the researchers will see if the parental guidance is good enough to
discipline their children/students. And if the students/children will obey their parents
on using of technology. This digital reality is extraordinarily rich and complex.Though
they may be sophisticated about technology, they still love a good story told at their

Due to limited time, interviewing their parents was not done.


These results are supported with the results of other researches findings as MacGill’s,
(2007) who reported that, parents and adolescents find cell phones helpful and
convenient because teens are able to communicate with their parents, let them know
where they are and get advice.

In addition, Lenhart, Purcell et al, (2010) found that, 73% of online teens have used a
social networking site which is an increase from 55% 3 years earlier and added
adolescents say they feel safer with cell phone because they feel that they can contact
their parent or get help whenever they need.
Moreover, these findings corresponding with the findings of Khan, (2011) who found
that, 68.3% participants reported that their cell phone helps them maintain a close
relationship with their parents, and only 27% of adolescents said the internet helps
them keep in touch with their parents.

Also, Rossiter, (2012) reported that children aged 12-15 are spending more time online
(rising from 14.9 hours a week in 2011 to 17.1 in 2012) and now they mostly use the
internet in their bedrooms (43% in 2012 vs. 34% in 2011). The findings could mean that
cell phones facilitated a relationship between adolescent and parent when they were
not in close proximity. This would in turn lead to a better parent-teen relationship.
{MacGill, A. R. (2007)} {Lenhart, Purcell et al, (2010)} {Khan, (2011)} {Rossiter, (2012)}

Across time, parent-adolescent relationships have been complicated by the

developmental needs of adolescents, and parents’ struggle to respond appropriately to
these needs. In recent years, with the increased use technology, an interest in its social
impact on everyday life has developed (Odendaal et al, 2006). Concern is growing that
adolescents’ extensive use of electronic communication to interact with their peers may
impair their relations with their parents, siblings, and other family members.

There is some evidence that electronic media may enhance peer relations at the
expense of family, especially parent-child relations (Subrahmanyam & Greenfield, 2008).
As adolescents become quick and intuitive technology users and become more
independent from their parents, what is the relationship between their perceptions of
their communication with their parents and their technology use (Toombs, 2014)?
However, research on the use of different devices of technology and parents
relationship is slight. This study can be seen as an attempt to start filling this gap in the
literature. The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between
adolescents' use of technology and their parent' social relationship. {(Toombs, 2014)}
{(Subrahmanyam& Greenfield, 2008)} {(Odendaal et al, 2006)}


1. Digital technologies- is used to describe the use of digital resources (to effectively
find, analyze, create, communicate, and use information in a digitalcontext.) This
includes the use of web tools, digitalmedia tools, programming tools and software
2. Media -Communication channels through which news, entertainment, education,
data, or promotional messages are disseminated. (Media includes every
broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV,
radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax, and internet.)
3. Technology -Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the
like, or it can be embedded in machines to allow for operation without detailed
knowledge of their workings. (The simplest form oftechnology is the development
and use of basic tools.)
4. Social Media - websites and applications that enable users to create and share
content or to participate in social networking.
5. Adolescent -in the process of developing from a child into an adult.


This research makes use of a qualitative research strategy in the sense that there will be

no numeric data or quantitative data was produced (Bell, 2005; Sarantakos, 2013;

Silverman, 2004). A qualitative research strategy is particularly applicable for the

purposes of this research, where the connection between several different variables had

to be established through interpretation.

Also, the research makes use of triangulation because triangulation gives the

opportunity to approach the research objectives from different viewpoints (Cohen and

Manion, 2002; Altrichter et. Al, 2008), obtaining a more nuanced view of the connection

between the different variables.


The respondent for this study were selected in accordance with convenience sampling

procedure. The convenience sampling procedure in which the researchers selects

participants because they are willing and available to be studied. The study was

conducted at New Era University Building A Room 416. The participants of this research

study were 4 Grade 11 ICT students comprised of 2 male and 2 females. Their ages

ranged from 16 to 19 years old.


The researchers interviewed all the participants consisting of several questions, which

were distributed among of each participant. The researchers used the interview as a

strategy in collecting of data. Interviews are used as complementary research because

they give the opportunity for a more in-depth, open discussion, and more informal, free

interaction between the interviewer and the interviewee (Potter, 2002; Winchester,

1999; Sarantakos, 2013).


The researchers prepared seven primary questions for each of the respondents. The

questions are related based on the research problems. The data gathered from the

respondents were analyzed for the purpose of answering the research questions. There

are four Grade 11 ICT students that we interviewed. The questions that we prepared are

open-ended and reflected the nature of the research. We repeat the question twice

giving the interviewee the time to think about how to respond with the questions.


The researchers examined the experiences of the Grade 11 ICT students who

experienced a discipline by their parents about using technology. We assured that their

answers will be positive or negative. First, the Grade 11 ICT students are mainly focused

on the primary question that we gave. Their reactions and answers are neutral. Second,

the researchers are focused in the primary problem, such as we observe their reactions

and their attitude when we ask them about the problem. And lastly, the researchers

analyzed the answers of the respondents. It was mainly focused on their reactions and

actions when they are disciplined by their parents.

These chapter includes the answers of the respondents. These are the tables
that we conduct of.

1. How many hours you consume using technology?

Interviewee # 1 I think 5 to 8 hours then I

go to bed to get some sleep
Health care

Interviewee # 2 3 to 5 hours a day and after

that I go to our store and
help my momto satisfy her
with my action

Interviewee # 3 Almost 7 to 10 hours a day

and Ialways skip my lunch
Health care

Interviewee # 4 Maximum of 18 hours and

not sleeping
Health care
In this table we find that their time using of technology is too high than we expected.
This explain that they need some discipline by their parents.

2. Do you think it’s helpful to have parents to discipline you in using of technology?

Interviewee # 1 Yes, we always need our

parents’ guide

Interviewee # 2 Yes,I’m happy to make my

decisions right and to know
our wrong doings Happy

Interviewee # 3 Yes, for my own sake and to

focus myself to study

Interviewee # 4 Yes, because you will learn

to control yourself in terms
of using technology in Self-Control
uneducational purposes

In this table all the respondents are agreed that they need their parent’s guidance in
terms of using of technology.
3. What do you feel after they are discipline you?

Interviewee # 1 Sometimes I feel annoyed

but after all I realized that
they’re right Annoyed

Interviewee # 2 I feel irritated for always

reminding me sometimes

Interviewee # 3 I’m happy because they

concerned about me

Interviewee # 4 I feel I’mrelief with their

decision because it’s for my
own safety Relief

In this table all of the respondents express their feelings about how they discipline by
their parents.
4. How technology affect your daily lives?

Interviewee # 1 I consume too much time

using technology to the
point that I forgot to do my Education
home works and projects

Interviewee # 2 I spend too much time

using of my cellphone that I
forgot to eat sometimes Health care

Interviewee # 3 I’m out of focus on my

studybecause of too much
time I consumed using Education

Interviewee # 4 I don’t eat regularly and my

parents are hard to call me
to go downstairs and I
spend too much time on Health care
playing that I don’t even go
out with my friends

In this table they honestly answer the question that we gave. Almost all of the
respondents are no time management.
5. Do you agree that technology has the ability to enhance relationships between
parents and students?

Interviewee # 1 No, parents and students

should spend their time
together not using mobile
Time management
phones or other technology

Interviewee # 2 Yes, if the parents of the

student are OFW and of
course they need Communication

Interviewee # 3 No, because we can’t spend

our time just using our
phones Time management

Interviewee # 4 I agree because some

people are usedto talk with
their family with the use of Family Time

In this table half of them agreed in the question that we ask for them and the others are
not convinced. All of them have a reasons to say.
6. What benefits will the Grade 11 ICT students receive when they are discipline by their
parents using of technology?

Interviewee # 1 They will be able to

prioritize what is important
and be able to manage
their time

Interviewee # 2 They will learn to manage

their time and they realize
the importance of time

Interviewee # 3 They think the

consequences if they not
obey their parents Consequences

Interviewee # 4 They will learn to limit the

use of technology that will
make them not to rely to
technology in unnecessary

In this table the respondents gave the answers that we needed. They answer the
question seriously
7. As a Grade 11 ICT student, do you agree that using of technology can help you in your

Interviewee # 1 Yes, because of technology

things can be easily done
specify our school works

Interviewee # 2 Yes, I can search what I

need that made me do
things easily by using
technology and to satisfy
my parents

Interviewee # 3 Yes, because sometimes

the info that we need are in
the web, so we need to do
some research to satisfy
our teachers with our
better explanations

Interviewee # 4 I am happy to agree

because its help us to do
the school works Happy
In this table all the respondents reluctantly agreed when they heard this question. This
explains that respondent’s needs technology in their school works


In this study all of the respondents answer all of the questions that we gave. Because of
that we derived a conclusion to find the answers in our problem. First, what are the
feelings of Grade 11 ICT students about the following issues? The answer is they feel
happy because their parents are concerned in them and they also feel that they are
obliged to obey their parents for their own sake.

And lastly, what are their feelings when they are disciplined by their parents using
technology like cellphones and computers. We find out that all of the respondents learn
how to manage their time on using of technology after they disciplined by their parents.
This conclusion gave us the answer we need and what we needto know.


We recommend this study in the future studies to show that this study is needed to
continue in the future. This research need improvements to develop better results. Due
to our limited time the future researchers need to be more aggressive to obtain more
data and results.
Lenhart, A., Purcell, K., Smith, A., &Zickuhr, K. (2010). Social media & mobile
internet use among teens and young adults. Washington, DC: Pew Internet &
American Life Project.
MacGill, A. R. (2007). Parents, Teens and Technology. Pew Internet and American
Life Project, from:
Khan,SH.(2011). Duration of Adolescent Technology Use and Closeness with
Parents. Master thesis, Adolescent Psychology, Barnard College, Columbia
Rossiter,S.(2012). Children and Parents: Media Use and Attitudes Report 2012
Research Document. Source: Ofcom research, field work -Base in March
Toombs, E. (2014). Evaluating the parent adolescent communication toolkit:
usability, measure assessment and preliminary content effectiveness. Submitted
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts at
Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia
Subrahmanyam, K. & Greenfield, P. (2008). Online Communication and
Adolescent Relationships. The Future of Children, 18 (1): 119-146.
Odendaal,W., Malcolm,C., Savahl,S.&September,R.(2006). Adolescents, their
Parents, and Information and Communication Technologies: Exploring
Adolescents’ Perceptions on How these Technologies Present in Parent-
Adolescent Relationships.

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