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English Language
Scheme of Work
Primary Year 3 SJK
(National-Type Schools)
Primary Year 3 SJK
(National-Type Schools)

Scheme of Work
Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work


Content overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

1. Content and organisation of the Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work ................................................................................................................... 7
2. Scheme of Work Template: Supporting Information .............................................................................................................................................. 10
3. Pre-lesson and Post-lesson tasks ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
4. Differentiation strategies for Primary pupils ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
5. Glossary of terms in Year 3 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
6. Scheme of Work: Lessons 1–80............................................................................................................................................................................ 29
UNIT 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
UNIT 2 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
UNIT 3 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53
UNIT 4 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 66
UNIT 5 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 80
UNIT 6 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 90
UNIT 7 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 98
UNIT 8 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 108
UNIT 9 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 121
UNIT 10 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 135
Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Primary Year 3 SJK (National-Type Schools) Scheme of Work
Content overview
The purpose of this document is to provide teachers with support and information on planning, creating and delivering their lessons throughout the year.
Teachers will need to refer to this document when planning and delivering both their textbook-based lessons and non-textbook-based lessons.

In this Scheme of Work document, teachers will find the following information:

1. Content and organisation of the Scheme of Work

This section provides teachers with an introduction to the Scheme of Work and an explanation of how the textbook-based and the non-textbook-based
lessons are organised within the Scheme of Work.

2. Supporting information

This section provides teachers with an explanation of the information contained within the Scheme of Work template. This section also gives teachers
advice on completing the Scheme of Work template for their own non-textbook-based lessons.

3. Pre-lesson and post-lesson tasks

In this section, teachers will find some suggestions for pre-lesson and post-lesson tasks. Pre-lesson tasks are short tasks that come at the beginning of
the lesson to help pupils warm up and to introduce or review learning. Post-lesson tasks come at the end of the lesson to review, summarise,
personalise or talk about learning in the lesson. Some lessons in the Scheme of Work guide teachers to choose per- and post-lesson activities from this

4. Differentiation strategies for Primary pupils

This section provides teachers with a number of suggested differentiation strategies that teachers may wish to use in their planning to help meet the
needs of the pupils in their class.

5. Glossary of terms in Year 3

Teachers should refer to the Content and Learning Standards contained within the Scheme of Work when planning their lessons. These Content and
Learning Standards come from the Standards-Based Curriculum and Assessment Document (DSKP) and the Curriculum Framework documents.

This section provides teachers with supporting explanations for some of these Content and Learning Standards. It also provides explanations of
important terms used in some of the lessons. These terms are mainly found in the Learning Outline section (see the first table in the Glossary of Terms).
Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
6. Scheme of Work (Lessons 1 – 80)

This is the main section of the scheme of work. It provides teachers with details for the textbook-based and non-textbook-based lessons.

7. Additional Materials for Year 3 SJK (National-Type Schools) Teachers

The SJK (National-Type school) teachers can plan lessons using the additional materials provided with the Scheme of Work to make the language
learning process more interesting, meaningful and engaging for pupils. They can also optimise the extensive resources in the additional materials if they
are able to complete the 80 lessons in the Scheme of Work earlier than expected within the stipulated time in the year. The materials provided can be
utilised to manage pupils who are fast finishers. Any suitable activities can be selected and adapted from these additional materials according to the
needs and levels of the pupils in the classroom.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
1. Content and organisation of the Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

What is the Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work and how can it help teachers?
The Scheme of Work gives teachers an overview of the Content and Learning Standards to be covered within each lesson. The Scheme of Work will
assist teachers in their daily, weekly and longer-term planning of lessons.

What does the Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work consist of?
The Scheme of Work consists of 80 lessons with each lesson lasting a total of 60 minutes. If lessons are organised into 30-minute lessons, teachers
will need to plan and adapt their lessons accordingly. Each lesson in the Scheme of Work is numbered from Lesson 1 to Lesson 80.

The Scheme of Work consists of the following two types of lessons:

A. Textbook-Based Lessons: The materials for these lessons includes learning activities from the selected Year 3 textbook. This textbook is Get
Smart plus 3. Year 3 covers the whole textbook from Unit 1 to Unit 10.
B. Non-Textbook-Based Lessons: The learning outline in these lessons is generally related to the material in the textbook, but does not use
material from it. There are three types of non-textbook based lessons: skills-based lessons, Language Arts lessons and Language Awareness

How are the Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work lessons organised?
Most lessons in the Scheme of Work are textbook-based lessons. There are a few skill-based lessons (e.g. Writing, Speaking), some Language Arts
lessons, and Language Awareness lessons that are non-textbook-based lessons.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Typical lesson cycles
Each unit (units 1–10) of Get Smart plus 3 provides teachers with enough materials for 16 lessons, including three cycles of the four skills (Listening,
Speaking, Reading, Writing) plus Language Arts lessons, and one Language Awareness or Project-Based Learning lesson:

Lesson Lesson Skill/Focus Lesson Lesson Skill/Focus

1 Listening 11 Listening

2 Speaking 12 Speaking

3 Reading 13 Reading

4 Writing 14 Writing

5 Language Arts 15 Language Arts

6 Listening 16 Language Awareness / Project-based Learning

7 Speaking

8 Reading

9 Writing

10 Language Arts

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Teachers should note the following:
 Textbook-based lessons will utilise material from the textbook as well as other suggested activities or material to help prepare pupils for new
learning, to consolidate or extend learning.
 Pupils are expected to have their own copy of the Student’s Book and use it in every lesson, including in non-textbook-based lessons, which
sometimes ask them to refer to their Student’s Book.
 Teachers should be able to access the Teacher’s Book for every lesson, including non-textbook-based lessons, which sometimes ask them to
refer to the Student’s Book. If teachers do not have regular access to the Teacher’s Book they should prepare a few lessons in advance while
they have the Teacher’s Book. If access to the Teacher’s Book is very limited, teachers are advised to be proactive and collaborative by planning
together and consulting with the English Head or a senior English teacher at their school. The Teacher’s Book provides a lot of guidance and
ideas as well as the listening audio script. It would therefore be useful for all teachers to access it, even if only periodically.
 Teachers are expected to plan lessons based on the lesson outline. They may need to develop and produce worksheets, create flashcards
(these picture cards that can be printed or drawn by the teacher) and prepare other material and resources for most lessons. Some lessons have
suggested worksheets that teachers can use if they wish to.
 Language Awareness lessons will focus specifically on the language taught in the unit. The Scheme of Work offers suggestions to teachers for
these lessons, but teachers are expected to plan these lessons based on the needs of their pupils. Teachers also expected to refer to the
syllabus which contains an overview of the language, vocabulary and the text types and other areas that are suitable for the grade.
 Every five lessons, pupils are asked to complete their learning diary at the end of the lesson. The learning diary is a place for them to reflect on
what they have learned recently (in approximately one week) as well as how they have performed in that learning. Based on this self-evaluation,
pupils set themselves informal goals for the next five lessons. Pupils will begin the year reflecting in a very basic way, and as the year
progresses they will develop these skills. Some pupils will develop these skills more than others, but all will gain from the use of higher order
thinking skills and a greater awareness of their own learning and the learning process. Pupils could use a separate notebook, or they could keep
a section of their regular notebook for this. The teacher can collect and review the learning diaries to see how pupils develop these skills and
how they view their learning and progress.
 At the end of every unit, pupils review and assess their learning in that unit. This self-assessment is guided using a worksheet which identifies
the language covered in the unit. Pupils can be asked at this point to review their learning diaries. This self-assessment should be completed in
class time, not given for homework. Pupils will need guidance from the teacher to complete it, especially in the first part of the year. The teacher
should collect the self-assessment worksheets and note common answers as well as any particular problems some pupils think they are having.
Pupils’ skills in self-assessment will develop over the year and they may begin the year at a very basic level.
 Two lessons (Lessons 40 and 80) provide teachers with the opportunity to create Project-Based Learning (PBL) Lessons. These lessons provide
teachers with the content they need to prepare activities that incorporate project work and promote independent learning.
Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
2. Scheme of Work Template: Supporting Information

1. Lesson
Each lesson within the Scheme of Work is given a number followed by the lesson type (for example, Lesson 1 Listening; Lesson 16 Language

2. Main Skill Focus

Each lesson has one main skill focus. If the focus of the lesson is not on language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing), then the main skill
focus will reflect the focus area of the lesson (e.g. Language Awareness, Language Arts, Project-Based Learning lesson).

3. Theme
The three given themes are:
 World of Self, Family and Friends
 World of Knowledge
 World of Stories

4. Topic
Topics are taken from the textbook. The topics are suitable for the pupils’ age and proficiency level.

5. Cross-Curricular Elements
Each cycle of lessons has been assigned a specific Cross-Curricular Element. Teachers will need to refer to the section on Cross-Curricular Elements in
Standards-Based Curriculum and Assessment Document (DSKP) for further guidance. Teachers are encouraged to link to other Cross-Curricular
Elements within a lesson cycle, in addition to the suggested one given, if they identify opportunities where relevant cross-curricular connections can be

6. Language/Grammar Focus
This is related to the grammatical structure/function (for example, Present Simple and Present Continuous) that is the focus of the lesson.

7. Content Standards and Learning Standards

The given Content and Learning Standards are taken from the Standards-Based Curriculum and Assessment Document (DSKP) and the Curriculum
Framework document.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
8. Main Skill and Complementary Skill
Each lesson within the Scheme of Work focuses on one Main Skill and one Complementary Skill. To ensure that pupils receive sufficient exposure to
and practice in every Learning Standard within the Curriculum Framework, each Learning Standard appears at least once in the Scheme of Work.
Learning Standards are covered as a main skill or as a complementary skill. It is therefore critical that teachers ensure that both the Main Skill and the
Complementary Skill are covered in each lesson. The Complementary Skill is not an optional skill that can be ignored or dropped from the lesson.
Doing this may mean that pupils do not receive adequate practice in and exposure to all the given Learning Standards within the Curriculum
Framework. When teachers are planning their lessons, they must therefore ensure that both the Main Skill and Complementary Skill are each assigned
a suitable learning objective.

Teachers should also be aware that the Main Skill and Complementary Skill should not however be given equal time and attention within the lesson.
Teachers will need to ensure that the Complementary Skill is covered, but the degree of attention this receives in comparison to the Main Skill will be up
to the teacher’s own professional judgement as they will know better the specific learning needs of their pupils.

9. Learning Outline
The Learning Outline provides guidance to teachers for the delivery of a lesson. Three main stages of every lesson are highlighted: Pre-lesson, Lesson
delivery and Post-lesson. Teachers will also need to refer to the Teacher’s Book, which provides detailed information about the delivery of the textbook
activities for textbook-based-lessons.

Pre-lesson activities activate and review pupils’ prior knowledge by, for example, reviewing relevant learning from a previous lesson or using a short
activity as an opportunity for pupils to share what they already know about the lesson topic. Post-lesson activities take place at the end of lessons to
review and consolidate the learning from a lesson.

10. Materials / References

The relevant page numbers of the Student’s Book and Teacher’s Book have been given for the textbook-based lessons.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
3. Pre-lesson and Post-lesson tasks

Each lesson includes a suggestion for Pre-lesson and Post-lesson tasks. Some of these are outlined in the Learning Outline, sometimes teachers are
directed to the textbook. In other lessons, teachers can refer to and choose a suitable task from the lists below. Pre-lesson activities activate and review
pupils’ prior knowledge by, for example, reviewing relevant learning from a previous lesson or using a short activity as an opportunity for pupils to share
what they already know about the lesson topic or language. Post-lesson activities take place at the end of lessons to review and consolidate the
learning from a lesson or to give the teacher the opportunity to personalise or discuss learning.

1. Suggested Pre-lesson tasks

Below are 12 lesson tasks which teachers may choose from or adapt for the Pre-lesson section within the Learning Outline in the Scheme of Work.
These pre-lesson tasks are suitable to begin almost any skills-focused lesson and require minimal materials and preparation. They are simple for pupils
to participate in. Teachers can, of course, use their own pre-lesson tasks whenever they think that these would be more suitable for the pupils they
teach. Each pre-lesson task takes about 5–10 minutes of class time.

Note: These tasks are the same for Primary Years 1–3. The language and vocabulary focus will be different, however, and some tasks can be modified
for more proficient pupils, as noted in the task description.


AIM: To prepare and give pupils confidence for a Listening or Reading text
MATERIAL: Board, exercise books and pens

1. Write anagrams of key topic vocabulary words on the board, e.g. n d s w c h i a (= sandwich)
2. Put pupils into pairs or groups and ask them to work out the words by completing the anagrams.
3. If pupils find this difficult, provide the first letter of each word or provide a picture to help them with meaning.
4. When finished, invite pupils to form larger groups to see if they have the same words.
5. Ask volunteers to say a word then spell it or come up to the board to write it.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
AIM: To prepare and give pupils confidence for a Listening or Reading text

1. Write questions on the board for a Listening or Reading text, that pupils will answer during the lesson.
2. Provide two or three possible answers for each question, for example, ‘What did Sara do at the weekend?’
3. a. played football
4. b. watched TV
5. c. went shopping (make sure one is the correct answer!)
6. Ask pupils to guess which one they think is the correct answer.
7. Pupils then listen to or read the text to check their predictions.
AIM: To prepare and give pupils confidence for a listening or reading text

1. Write a list of events in the Listening or Reading text in a random order or use pictures to illustrate them. For example, if the text is a story, list the events in any
order (Mohamed went camping. He saw a mouse in the tent at night. His mother screamed! The mouse ran away.)
2. Put pupils in pairs to decide on the order.
3. Invite pupils to compare their ideas in groups.
4. Pupils then listen to or read the text to check their predictions.
AIM: To revise topic vocabulary
MATERIALS: Flashcards of relevant topic vocabulary and card to cover up the flashcards

1. Choose some flashcards of important topic vocabulary that pupils will need in the lesson.
2. Place the flashcards face down on a table in front of the class.
3. Take one of the flashcards, making sure pupils can’t see it. Cover it with a piece of card then slowly begin revealing the flashcard to the class. You could use an
overhead projector and a piece of paper or an interactive whiteboard, if either is available.
4. Pupils try to guess the word as it is revealed. Each time they guess correctly, put the flashcard on the board. Continue until pupils have guessed all the words.
AIM: To revise topic vocabulary
MATERIALS: True and false sentences about the topic

1. Prepare some simple True/False sentences about the topic to check pupils’ knowledge or to prepare them for the content of the lesson.
2. Read a sentence out, for example, if the topic is pets, ‘Cats are bigger than mice’, ‘Fish live in water’ etc).
3. If it is True, pupils stay sitting at their desks. If it is False, pupils stand up. Invite pupils to correct any false sentences. You could change the action to suit the
topic of the lesson or to review other vocabulary, especially verbs.
4. If there is time, pairs of pupils can create their own True/False sentences to use with other pairs or with the whole class.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
AIM: To practise spelling of topic vocabulary

1. Choose some words that pupils will need for the lesson. These should be words pupils already know, so are reviewing.
2. Divide pupils into pairs.
3. Tell one pupil in the pair to look at the board, and the other pupil to cover their eyes or put their head down on the desk so that they can’t see the board.
4. Write a topic word on the board, give pupils about 5 seconds to remember it, and then rub the word off the board. You could use a picture if pupils may benefit
from using a visual aid.
5. Tell pupils who did not see the board to stand with their back to their partner while the partner writes the word on their back by using their finger.
6. Each pupil works out what word their partner is writing.
7. Reverse the roles so that each pupil gets the chance to write.
8. Repeat for other topic words.

Note: When pupils know this activity, they can choose their own words.
AIM: To create interest in the lesson and to review and practise spelling of topic vocabulary

1. Choose a key topic word from the lesson.

2. Write lines to correspond to each letter on the board with a space in between as in the example below _ _ _ _ _ _ (planet).
3. Draw a circle/oval on the board. It is a head without the parts (eyes, nose, ears, mouth, hair).
4. Explain that the aim of the game is to guess the word before the face is completed.
5. Tell pupils to put up their hands if they want to guess a letter.
6. If they guess correctly, write the letter into the correct letter space. If they guess incorrectly, draw one part of the head (e.g. the mouth or the hair). Write the
incorrect letter on the side of the board to remind pupils it has already been used.
7. If pupils guess the word before the face is completed, they have beaten the teacher. If not, the teacher has won!

Note: You can change the picture you build for this, perhaps using a topic-related picture, as long as it has a good number of parts (e.g. 6 or 7).
AIM: To help pupils with Listening or Reading comprehension
MATERIALS: Board and pictures

1. Ask pupils to look at a picture or pictures which accompany a Listening or Reading text they will have in the lesson, or tell them the title of the story, song etc.
2. Ask pupils to work in small groups to predict words they might hear/read. Give groups a fixed time, e.g. 3 minutes.
3. Review their answers and provide correct spelling by writing the words on the board.
4. Ask pupils to read or listen to the text and see if any of their predictions are correct.
5. Check the predictions with the whole class before moving on to the main Listening or Reading focus for the lesson.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
AIM: To review topic vocabulary and prepare pupils for the lesson
MATERIALS: Flashcards or real/plastic objects, a table and a cloth, or sheet.

1. Choose about 7 or 8 topic words that pupils will need for the lesson.
2. Put flashcards or real objects of these vocabulary items on a table.
3. Ask pupils to work in pairs or small groups and to say the words.
4. Check briefly with the whole class.
5. Place a cloth over all the items on the table.
6. Ask pairs to remember 5 words or more.
7. Elicit answers from the whole class.
8. Uncover the items so that pupils can check their answers.

Note: You can use pictures on the board with sticky tape or magnets, an overhead projector or an interactive whiteboard for this activity. Real objects (realia) are
stimulating when available, though.
AIM: To review topic vocabulary and prepare pupils for the lesson
MATERIALS: Flashcards or real/plastic objects, a table and a cloth, or sheet

1. Follow steps 1–5 in Pre-lesson task 9, Remember the Words.

2. Take one or two vocabulary items away.
3. Remove the cloth, keeping the removed items in it.
4. Pupils say which items are missing.

Note: You can use pictures on the board with sticky tape or magnets, an overhead projector or an interactive whiteboard for this activity. Real objects (realia) are
stimulating when available, though.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
AIM: To practise distinguishing different sounds
MATERIALS: Board (or flashcards)

1. Choose some words that contain the sound(s) you are/have been working on and some other topic words you would like to review.
2. Write the words in chains of three or four on the board, containing one example of the phoneme you are focusing on, e.g. for /r/ cat : dog : fish : rat
3. Ask pupils to guess which word has the sound.
4. Say the words (you can say just the word or you could say it in a short sentence) to let pupils check their answers.
5. Ask pupils to read all the words aloud.

Note: This task can be adapted to have chains of rhyming words or as an odd-one-out (where one is different from the others). Pictures could be used instead of
words to check vocabulary production rather than reading recognition.
Although phonics is a focus of the Year 3 Content and Learning Standards, working with sounds and written words is still valuable to pupils in Year 3 from time to
time, especially with sounds that pupils find particularly difficult to hear or say.
AIM: To review vocabulary or language to prepare for a lesson
MATERIALS: Word or flashcards

1. Review with the whole class the word or flashcards you are using in this task.
2. Have pupils sit in a circle (or two, if you have a very large class).
3. Show pupils the first card, say the word and give it to one pupil. This pupil says the word and passes it to their neighbour. This pupil says the word and passes it
on, and so on.
4. Meanwhile, repeat for the next word, and the next, so that several words are circulating.
5. Increase the pace and challenge by passing some cards in the opposite direction and/or telling pupils to be much faster.
6. After the words have all been passed around, you might want to review them again.

Note: You can use this activity to support vocabulary learning or reading. You could use short sentences for more proficient groups of pupils.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
2. Suggested post-lesson tasks
Below are 12 lesson tasks which teachers may choose from or adapt for the Post-lesson section within the Scheme of Work. These Post-lesson tasks
are suitable for ending almost any skills-focused lesson. They are simple for pupils to participate in. Each Post-lesson task takes about 5–10 minutes of
class time. Teachers can, of course, use their own Post-lesson tasks whenever they think that these would be more suitable for the pupils they teach.

Please note that these tasks are the same for Primary Years 1–3. The language and vocabulary focus will be different, however, and some tasks can be
modified for slightly more proficient pupils, as noted in the task description.
AIM: To provide practice in listening for detail

1. Before the lesson, identify 3 or 4 factual changes you could make to a Listening or Reading text that pupils will work on in the lesson (e.g. Mike’s favourite
season is winter instead of Mike’s favourite season is summer).
2. During the lesson, after pupils have worked on a Listening or Reading text and understood it, tell them they are going to listen to the text again but this time
there are some differences.
3. Ask pupils to listen and put their hands up each time they hear something different from the original text, and to be ready to correct the difference.
4. Read out your text with changes.
5. Pupils listen and correct the differences to make it the same as the original.
AIM: To review topic vocabulary and grammar
MATERIALS: Flashcards, pens and board

1. Before the lesson, choose or prepare between 3 and 6 flashcards that represent the content of a text that pupils will work on in the lesson.
2. During the lesson and after pupils have worked on the text, place the flashcards on the board and elicit ideas from pupils about items in the pictures.
3. Ask pupils how the pictures link to the text (e.g. if a flashcard shows some animals, the link may be The story is about a farm).
To extend, if time:
4. Put pupils into pairs and give them a short time (1 or 2 minutes) to tell each other everything they can remember from the text, using the flashcards to help
them. This could be sentences focusing on content or simply words.
5. Ask pupils to tell you the connections they have made between the pictures and the text.
6. If you want pupils to practise Writing as well as Speaking, pupils could come up to the board and write information under the corresponding flashcard.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
AIM: To review topic vocabulary
MATERIALS: Cards with words or pictures, bag

1. Choose about 7 words related to the lesson.

2. Prepare small cards with the names or pictures of the items.
3. Put the words in a bag then take out a card without letting pupils see what it is.
4. Explain the word without saying the name, or mime it.
5. Invite pupils to guess the word.
6. Continue with all the words until there are none left in the bag.
A possible variation is:
1. Make 3 or 4 sets of the cards.
2. Explain or mime 1 or 2 words yourself (step 4 above).
3. Divide pupils into groups.
4. Give each group a set of cards and ask pupils to follow steps 4–6 in their own groups.
AIM: To review topic language, and to review spelling and punctuation
MATERIALS: Board, words or sentences with errors from pupils’ written work

1. During the lesson, identify 4 or 5 words or sentences with errors that pupils made in a Writing task. These should be common errors made by more than 1
2. Write the sentences on the board.
3. Ask pupils to form groups to identify the errors and to correct them.
4. Elicit answers with the whole class.
5. Ask pupils – a different pupil for each mistake – to come up to the board to write the corrected versions.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
AIM: To practise the pronunciation of key language from the lesson
MATERIALS: Listening or Reading text, board

1. After pupils have worked on a Listening or Reading text, choose a key sentence or sentences you want pupils to focus on.
2. Make sure that pupils understand the meaning of the sentence(s).
3. Say the sentence twice and ask pupils to repeat it.
4. Repeat step 3 if you have chosen more than 1 sentence.
5. Extend the activity by writing a sentence on the board. Rub out a word and replace it with a line. Ask the pupils to say the complete sentence: they have to
remember the missing word too.
6. Continue rubbing out words until there are only lines on the board and invite pupils to say the full sentence.

Note: You could adapt this to focus on vocabulary from the lesson by replacing the sentences with a list of words that pupils remember (the number of words
depending on their familiarity, the age and the proficiency of the pupils). Start with a small number (2 or 3) and work upwards.
AIM: To review topic language and spelling
1. Draw 4 columns on the board.
2. Divide the class into 4 teams. Ask each team to stand in a line facing the board.
3. Give each pupil at the front of the line some chalk or a board pen.
4. Go to the back of the line and ask the 4 pupils at the back of each line to come to you. Whisper a topic word (e.g. coconut) or instruction (e.g. Draw a triangle
and a square).
5. The pupils go back to their lines and whisper the topic language to the next pupil in the line. This continues until it reaches the pupil at the front of the line,
who writes down the word, or follows the instruction.
6. Each team gets 1 point for a correct answer. The team who finishes first gets an extra point if their answer is correct.
7. Continue with new words or instructions. Change the order in the line each time (e.g. pupil at the front goes to the back, so that there is a new pupil at the
AIM: To review topic vocabulary
MATERIALS: Flashcards of topic vocabulary

1. Briefly review the vocabulary on the flashcards.

2. Place the flashcards on the walls around the room.
3. Say a word. Pupils point to the corresponding flashcard.
4. Divide pupils into groups. Pupils continue this activity in their groups.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
AIM: To review topic vocabulary, to practise spelling

1. Divide the class into 4 or 5 teams, depending on your class size. There should be about 4 or 5 pupils in each team.
2. Ask each team to stand in a line facing the board. Give each pupil at the front of the line some chalk or a board pen.
3. Write the lesson topic on the board (e.g. School) and draw a ladder of at least 4 spaces for each team (at least one for each pupil in a team).
4. The pupil at the front of each line writes a word connected to the topic at the bottom of the ladder. They then pass on the chalk or pen to the second pupil,
who writes a word in the next space on the ladder. Pupils can help each other with spellings if needed.
5. You can either continue until each pupil has had a turn to write a word or you can continue for a fixed time, e.g.
3 minutes, if you have more time available.
Each team gets 1 point for a word which is related to the topic and correctly spelled. If a team has a word which no other team has, they get an extra point.
Alternatively, you can avoid giving points for these kinds of game but offer praise yourself and from the other pupils when teams do well.
AIM: To review topic vocabulary, to practise Listening, Speaking and Reading

1. Write target language on the board (e.g. seasons, I like/do not like): about 5–7 target items is a good number. Write a number in front of each target
language item.
2. Quickly review the target language with pupils.
3. Ask a pupil to come to the front and whisper to you or write down on a piece of paper the number of the target language item she is thinking of.
4. Give the pupil about 5 seconds to pretend to ‘transmit’ the word or message in their mind to their classmates, who pretend to be mind readers.
5. The other pupils write down the number they think the pupil at the front has chosen. If your class is large, pupils can work in pairs to agree a number together
and write it down.
6. Quickly check around the class, asking each pupil to say the phrase they guessed.
7. The pupil at the front keeps a score by ticking or making a mark on the board against the number of each target language item suggested.
8. Calculate the pupil’s score. For example, if they were thinking of the phrase I like pizza, and 4 pupils guessed this correctly, the pupil scores 4 points.
9. Repeat this with a new pupil coming to the front, to see if they can beat the score of the previous pupil.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
AIM: To review topic vocabulary and grammar (e.g. there is/are, have/has got)
MATERIALS: Picture in the textbook with some details in it, or a picture you have chosen from another source
1. Make sure that each pupil can see the textbook picture or your chosen picture.
2. Give them 1 minute to look at the picture and remember what’s in it.
3. Ask them to close their books. Hide the picture if you are not using the textbook.
4. Make True/False statements (e.g. There are 2 pupils in the picture. The car is red).
5. Pupils tell you if your statements are True or False, and correct any False statements.
6. Divide the class into groups and ask pupils to continue the game in their groups: give them more time to look at the picture if they need to do this in order to
make their statements.
AIM: To review topic content or vocabulary and encourage pupils to make links between English learning and their own lives
MATERIALS: Board and/or pictures, exercise books

1. Choose some key words or language from the lesson. Write the words on the board and ask pupils to read them or use pictures to elicit them and put the
pictures on the board.
2. Look at the board and act as if you are thinking carefully. Say: ‘What about me?’ Choose and circle one of the pictures/words. This should be something you
can connect to your personal life (e.g. a cat – you like cats or you have a cat).
3. Elicit from pupils why you have circled the cat.
4. Ask pupils to do the same in pairs by telling the word to their partner, who should try to guess what the connection is.
AIM: To reflect on and share learning
MATERIALS: Exercise book for more literate pupils, or none

1. Act as if you are thinking and say ‘What can you remember?’ Give a key word from the lesson. Write it on the board (for more literate pupils).
2. Nominate a more proficient pupil and ask them ‘What about you? What can you remember?’ Elicit an answer and write it on the board. Then give another
example; then elicit another example. You could include examples of other language structures too, depending on your lesson focus and level of pupils.
3. Ask pupils to work in pairs to share what they remember from the lesson. More literate pupils can write in their notebooks or it can be done as a Speaking
activity. This would also be a little quicker. Set either a time limit or a number of words limit.
4. An adaptation of this would be suitable to review different sounds that have been taught or reviewed by asking pupils to remember words with a particular
sound. This could be from the lesson or could be from the whole year so far.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
4. Differentiation strategies for Primary pupils
The Scheme of Work outlines one or more suggestions for differentiation for each lesson. These suggestions are related directly to the focus of that
lesson and are often similar to the strategies below. However, every class is different, and teachers are encouraged to reflect on the learning needs of
their individual pupils in each class. They may choose to follow the suggestions in the Scheme of Work, and/or follow one or more strategies from the
list below.

Strategy 1: Differentiate by the task pupils are given

If teachers are using the same task for the whole class, using open-ended tasks such as brainstorming allows a large number of correct responses.
Open-ended tasks (e.g. Tell me the food words you know, or What will happen next?) allow more proficient pupils to contribute more unusual words,
more complex language, or more original ideas. Sometimes, the teacher can also give different tasks to more proficient and less proficient groups of
pupils according to their needs and interests: see Strategy 5 for more on this.

Strategy 2: Differentiate by the type and amount of support provided

The teacher can support pupils to understand and use language with:
 their own instruction (e.g. ‘It begins with B. You read it. It’s on the desk.’)
 with gestures
 with visuals (e.g. flashcards on the board to help pupils understand or use vocabulary)
 with written words (e.g. written words on a worksheet to help pupils with spelling).
Different types and amount of support can be given to less proficient pupils, depending on their needs, and extra challenge can be provided for more
proficient pupils. For example, you can give more proficient pupils basic verbal instructions without using gestures.

Strategy 3: Differentiate by the outcome expected from pupils

The teacher may expect more language from some pupils, and less from others. The main aim is that every pupil says or writes something, so that they
feel successful. Two useful strategies here are:
i) Compulsory plus optional
Here, the teacher sets pupils targets such as With your partner, write 2 sentences or more, or In your group, say 3 colours or more. The minimum
target (2 sentences, 3 colours) is compulsory, and everyone needs to achieve this to be successful. But the ‘or more’ is optional, and gives a chance

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
for more proficient language pupils to challenge themselves. Some pupils will stop at the minimum target at first, but with more practice, they will
soon get the idea of going beyond the minimum target.
ii) Remember and share
If pupils are asked to remember and share, they have to tell the teacher words or ideas they learned in a previous lesson or task (e.g. Look at the
classroom objects on my table. In one minute, I’ll cover them… Now, share with your group what you remember and then tell me). Sometimes, less
proficient pupils have good memories, so as well as different outcomes, this task also allows different pupils to make successful contributions.

Strategy 4: Differentiate by the time pupils are given to complete a task

Some pupils need longer than others to complete tasks, especially when writing is involved. When it is appropriate, these pupils should be given a little
more time to finish, and extra tasks for pupils who complete the task early should be provided (e.g. Write as many animal words as you can; Name the
things in this picture in the textbook; Talk with your friend in English: you choose what to talk about). Rewarding fast finishers with something ‘fun’ to do
(such as playing with toys or drawing a picture) should be avoided, as this will encourage pupils to work quickly, rather than to work carefully at their
own speed. Extra tasks should extend and enrich learning.

Strategy 5: Differentiate by supporting individual learning preferences and needs

When appropriate, teachers can support preferences by letting pupils make choices about what they do and how they do it. Sometimes, for example,
pupils decide for themselves which tasks they want to do (e.g. the gestures they create for an action song, or a revision game), depending on the ways
they prefer to learn (for example visually, through speaking or listening, or through movement).
Different pairings and groupings will allow pupils to work in different ways – teachers can sometimes pair up pupils who can help and support each other
(e.g. one who can write and one who cannot yet write well) or who enjoy working together. Sometimes teachers might want to mix girls and boys, or
have single-sex pairs/groups. In some tasks, pupils can be assigned different roles to do, for example a group manager, writer or artist. Teachers should
make sure to vary pairing and grouping over time.
Teachers can support needs by setting individual tasks and targets for pupils based on teacher assessment. For example, if a number of pupils are not
able to read well yet, a teacher might decide on a reading target for each pupil and provide them with different tasks from those pupils who can already
read. If a few pupils are proficient readers, they could be given extra tasks.

Strategy 6: Differentiate by the types of question asked

Closed questions are questions in which the choice of possible answers is limited. They often involve very short responses. Open questions usually
have more possible answers, and longer responses. Asking closed questions to less proficient pupils (e.g. Which boy is James? Is it a dog or a cat?)
Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
gives them a chance to produce accurate answers, as they are usually easier to answer than open questions. Asking open questions to more proficient
pupils (e.g. What can Mandy do now?) provides extra challenge. As less proficient pupils grow in confidence and competence, teachers can ask them
more open questions. Sometimes there are also good reasons for asking more proficient pupils easier questions, as this involves them in the lesson and
helps the pace of the lesson.

Strategy 7: Differentiate by the feedback given

Feedback given to pupils should be varied according to their ability to act on the feedback. For example, if a pupil who is less proficient at Writing has
tried hard and produces work with a number of misspellings, feedback can be given on what they did well, and only 2 or 3 misspellings of common or
important words highlighted. The pupil should respond to this feedback because the suggested improvement is achievable for them. If a stronger pupil
writes well and makes 2 misspellings, the teacher can tell them the lines in which the misspellings are, and ask them to find and correct them. The pupil
should be able to respond to the extra challenge built in to this feedback. The same principle applies to giving feedback on pupils’ spoken language.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
5. Glossary of terms in Year 3

Each lesson in the Scheme of Work includes a Learning Outline with guidance for delivering a lesson. Teachers may find useful the following
explanations of important terms used in Learning Outlines.
Term in Year 3
Scheme of Work
brainstorm This is when pupils work with one or more other pupils to put all their ideas together. They should be able to give all their ideas without worrying about
accuracy. It may be listing, categorising etc.

circle game In this kind of whole-class activity, pupils sit (or stand, if space is limited) in one large circle, including the teacher. Everyone can see and interact with
everyone else.

drill Drilling is where the pupils hear a word, phrase or sentence and repeat it. Often the teacher says the words and pupils repeat it a few times, but the word
may be recorded and pupils may repeat more/fewer times, individually/in pairs/groups. This gives practice in pronunciation and helps pupils remember. It
can be done in different fun ways.

elicit This technique is where the teacher gets the information, answer, language from pupils, rather than telling them. It will help the teacher see what pupils
know and makes pupils more active in their learning and language use.

fast finishers Pupils who are able to work at a faster pace on a specific task than the majority of pupils in a class. They are therefore ready to move on to the next task
sooner than the majority of pupils because they finish earlier than the others.

gapped text This is a text which has missing words or phrases. Pupils should read and decide which words or phrases to complete the text. This is also known as ‘fill in
the blanks’ activity.

monitor Teachers monitor when they walk around the classroom to see and watch pupils. This is to check that they know what to do, that they are doing what they
should be doing, to answer any questions and, importantly, to check their work and give individual support and feedback.

peer-assessment This is when pupils give feedback to other pupils on specific aspects of their learning, such as a specific aspect of the quality of their speaking. The
feedback can take the form of two things that were good (stars) and one area for improvement (wish).

post-lesson Activity at the end of a lesson to review and consolidate the learning.

pre-lesson Activity at the beginning of a lesson to activate pupils’ prior knowledge.

prior knowledge Knowledge and skills which pupils already have. Pupils possibly acquired from previous lessons or previous years.

scaffolding Teaching strategies that aim to support pupils’ learning to help them to reach a higher level of understanding, thinking or language use. These may be
asking questions, giving examples or using pictures.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Term in Year 3
Scheme of Work
self-assessment This is when pupils are asked to assess themselves on specific aspects of their learning. For example, learning diaries kept by pupils can reveal areas that
need clarification or specific skills that need further development.

TPR activity TPR = Total Physical Response. This is a way of teaching which combines movement and language to help pupils learn more deeply. It also lets teachers
check understanding. Pupils listen and mime only, or they can mime and repeat at the same time.

Each lesson in the Scheme of Work contains specific Content and Learning Standards. Teachers may find useful the following explanations of some of
the terms used.

Term in Year 3 Curriculum Framework Meaning

Listening 1.1.1 a range of target language phonemes
Recognise and reproduce with support a range of Phonemes are the sounds that make up words in spoken language. By the end of Year 3, pupils should be able to
target language phonemes hear and say most of the phonemes, including some of the less common ones.
Listening 1.2 a variety of familiar contexts
Understand meaning in a variety of familiar Familiar contexts are ones which pupils know. Examples include contexts linked to topics covered in the schemes
contexts of work and textbook, such as Every day, Holidays and Food, as well as those linked to Years 1 and 2 topics.

Pupils in rural or remote areas and pupils who live in cities may be familiar with different contexts. Please consider
your local context to decide what is familiar to your pupils.
Listening 1.2.1 short simple texts
Understand with support the main idea of short Short simple texts are those with two sentences and more. They do not usually contain more than one paragraph.
simple texts They should be easy for pupils to understand.
See also:
 Listening 1.2.2
 Reading 3.2.1
 Reading 3.2.2
Listening 1.2.3 short simple narratives
Understand with support short simple narratives Short narratives are stories which are more than 10 lines long, up to around 10–12 pages if in storybook form.
Simple narratives contain language and ideas that pupils can understand and which are familiar.

Please use your own judgement on very short simple narratives, based on the level, context and interest of the
pupils you teach.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Term in Year 3 Curriculum Framework Meaning
Listening 1.2.4 wide range
Understand a wide range of short basic The limit of the range is indicated in the schemes of work, where suggestions are made for classroom language.
supported classroom instructions
short basic supported classroom instructions
See also: Short and basic instructions at the Year 3 pupil age should contain a few clear words, and are repeated throughout
 Listening 1.2.5 the year. For example, Stand up in a circle.
Supporting classroom instructions involves, for example, using mime, demonstration, modelling and routines so
that pupils can understand what the teacher would like them to do, without the teacher having to use first
Listening 1.2.5 short supported questions
Understand a wide range of short supported Supporting questions involves using mime and gesture, modelling and routines. This also includes using pictures
questions and objects to visually support meaning.
Listening 1.3.1 unfamiliar words
Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words by using These are words pupils do not already understand or produce in English.
visual clues when a teacher or classmate is

Speaking 2.1 simple information
Communicate simple information intelligibly Simple information is frequent, everyday information which is simple cognitively. Examples include pupils talking
about themselves, giving personal information or saying what they like.
Speaking 2.1.1 basic opinions
Ask about and express basic opinions Basic opinions are expressed in simple language and are simple in both the meaning and the thinking behind it, for
example I like/do not like … or giving an opinion about a film (e.g. It was good.)
Speaking 2.1.2 Basic everyday routines basic everyday routines
Basic routines are those expressed in simple language, which are very relevant to pupils’ lives.
Speaking 2.1.3 short sequence of basic directions
Give a short sequence of basic directions Basic directions are short, often two or three words long and use imperative verb forms, for example ‘Turn left’.
Two or three of these together make a short sequence of basic directions.
Speaking 2.2.1 short exchanges
Keep interaction going in short exchanges by An exchange is a dialogue – that is, when there are two people communicating (or more than two). A short
repeating key words from the other speaker exchange will usually include two turns but could include up to three or four turns if they are very short (e.g. one
word/phrase). The turns may be just one word or phrase, a fixed expression, or may be short simple sentences.
Speaking 2.3.1 short basic events
Narrate very short basic stories and events These may be something that a pupil has experienced, such as something that happened during holidays, a
birthday party or at the weekend. They are personal and will be very short, for example up to three or four
sentences. Often the narration will be prepared in advance if it is this long. It will be in very simple language.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Term in Year 3 Curriculum Framework Meaning

Reading 3.2.4 key features of a simple monolingual dictionary
Recognise and use with support key features of a A monolingual dictionary is one which has only English (the words and the definitions). Various titles are available
simple monolingual dictionary specifically for children learning English or for CEFR A1 level learners.
Reading 3.3.1 A1 fiction/non-fiction print and digital texts
Read and enjoy A1 fiction/non-fiction print and These are reading texts for young learners of English at CEFR A1 level. Examples include stories, quizzes,
digital texts of interest emails, etc.
Writing 4.1.2 cursive writing
Begin to use cursive handwriting in a limited This is where a writer joins letters together in a word (also known as joined-up writing or longhand). It makes the
range of written work process of writing faster and is used by native writers of alphabetic scripts.
Writing 4.1.2 a limited range of written work
Begin to use cursive handwriting in a limited Pupils can be encouraged to use cursive writing where it is appropriate (i.e. where more than just a letter or
range of written work number is required). When pupils work on drafts of their writing, the teacher should encouraged them to work on
their cursive handwriting as well as on their language in a final version in particular. However, if pupils are to write
quickly, for example in a Listening task or a brainstorming activity, then they needn’t use cursive writing.
Writing 4.2 basic information
Communicate basic information intelligibly for a Basic information means the same as simple information (see Speaking 2.1 above).
range of purposes in print and digital media
a range of purposes
The range of purposes is described in the Learning Standards for Years 1-6. These purposes involve finding out
about and giving personal details and opinions.
Writing 4.2.1 simple opinions
Express simple opinions These are the expression of opinions such as what pupils like, dislike, prefer, or what they think of, for example, an
idea or some unusual food or clothes. The language used here will be very simple and the opinions at a basic
level. Pupils do not need to justify their opinion, but could begin to be asked for this in a basic way.
Writing 4.3.1 guided writing
Use capital letters, full stops and question marks Pupils may follow models for writing, or the teacher will give other support with content, vocabulary and language.
appropriately in guided writing at sentence level

See also Writing 4.3.2

Writing 4.3.2 familiar high frequency words

Spell an increased range of familiar high High frequency words are words which pupils use often in Year 3 writing, such as colours, numbers, days of the
frequency words accurately in guided writing week, and classroom objects. Please use your own judgement on familiar high frequency words, according to
words pupils write often in your lessons.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
6. Scheme of Work: Lessons 1–80

LESSON: 1 (Listening 1) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends
WEEK: __


Possessive pronouns His / Her + name + ‘s (contraction)



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus Differentiate learning
1. Pupils sit in circle to introduce themselves My name’s [Amir]. 3 according to the needs of your
Listening Listening
pupils and class. Please see
1.3 1.3.1 2. Introduce His/Her name’s [Nurul/Abdul]. Pupils introduce themselves and the pupil to Student’s Book the seven differentiation
Use appropriate Guess the meaning their right/left in the circle. p.5 Activity 1
listening of unfamiliar words strategies listed in the
3. Play memory game in the circle to remember names. Teacher’s Book introduction. Please also
strategies in a by using visual
variety of contexts clues when a Lesson delivery p.18 consider the following:
teacher or 4. Introduce/review adjectives (p.5) using flashcards, drawings and/or pupils as Adjectives Use a written model of
classmate is examples if appropriate. flashcards language on the board to
speaking support less proficient pupils.
5. Follow with Student’s Book p.5 Vocabulary and Activity 1. See Teacher’s Book p.18:
Complementary Complementary Vocabulary, Activity 1, TPR Activity. Ask pupils to write name cards
Skill Skill Monitor pupils carefully as they listen to the song to evaluate their vocabulary and if necessary to show during
Speaking Speaking Listening skills. Review vocabulary next lesson as necessary. memory game.
2.1 2.1.5 For fast finishers or more
Communicate Describe people proficient pupils you could
simple information and objects using 6. Use flashcards with the whole class to play a guessing game to review the adjectives
extend introductions to include
intelligibly suitable words and again. You could choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the
phrases introduction that suits your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main
areas covered in the lesson.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
LESSON: 2 (Speaking 1) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

TOPIC: Welcome! CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Asking and telling the time (on the
hour/half past the hour)



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Speaking Speaking 1. Play a circle game (a whole class activity where pupils sit or stand in a large circle) according to the needs of your
Student’s Book p.10 pupils and class. Please see
2.1 2.1.2 to review numbers up to twelve. Teacher can choose another pre-lesson activity Activity 1
Communicate Find out about and from the list provided in the introduction. the seven differentiation
simple information describe basic Teacher’s Book strategies listed in the
Lesson delivery p.24–25 introduction. Please also
intelligibly everyday routines
2. Introduce telling the time (on the hour and half past) using the board or toy clocks if consider the following:
available. See Teacher’s Book p.24, Warm up. Pupils can stay in a circle for this Toy clock(s)
Complementary Complementary It may be helpful for some
Skill Skill stage. YouTube game pupils to have and use toy
Listening Listening 3. Continue the lesson with Vocabulary and Grammar box (See Teacher’s Book p.24). suggestion for post- clocks instead of / as well as
1.2 1.2.5 4. Next, ask pupils to play the game in Activity 1 (See Teacher’s Book p.24). Monitor lesson the pictures in the book (p.24).
Understand Understand a wide as pupils work on this activity. Depending on their performance, you could ask Small pieces of For more proficient classes,
meaning in a range of short pupils to repeat Activity 1 with new partners. paper scrunched up you could introduce and
variety of familiar supported questions
contexts 5. Follow with Optional 1 or Optional 2 (Teacher’s Book, p.25), depending on pupils’ (pupils can make practise more times (e.g. 3.15
performance and interests. these for / quarter past three)
6. Play What’s the time, Mr. Wolf. For instructions, see Optional 2 activity in Teacher’s Note: for next
Book p.25 or lesson, ask pupils to
bring family photos.
You will also need
to bring your family

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
LESSON: 3 (Reading 1) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends


Numbers up to 100 / have got question and Yes/No answer



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning according
Reading Reading 1. Review previous learning by playing a Guess who game as a whole class. to the needs of your pupils and
Student’s Book class. Please see the seven
3.2 3.2.2 Lesson delivery p.6 Activity 1,
Understand a Understand specific differentiation strategies listed in
p.7 Activity 2
variety of linear information and 2. Follow with Warm up activity (See Teacher’s Book, p.20). the introduction. Please also
and non-linear details of short 3. Extend with a numbers game to consolidate numbers 1–100 if necessary. Monitor Teacher’s Book consider the following:
print and digital simple texts closely to see whether pupils are comfortable with numbers up to 100. If some are p.20 Pupils may need more time to
texts by using having difficulty, build in extra practice in this lesson (see step 2) and in the next Numbers review numbers (see step 2).
appropriate few lessons. Consider setting a homework task related to this. flashcards
reading strategies Fast finishers could ask each
4. Follow with Activity 1 (Teacher’s Book p.20). Pupils read the text as they listen by
For next lesson, other how many shells they
tracking the words on the page with their finger as they listen to the recording. have.
Complementary make sure pupils
Skill 5. Then follow Teacher’s Book p.20 for Activity 2. Ask pupils to use the pictures in bring their
Reading Complementary the story to guess the meaning of the words they don’t know in Activity 2. notebooks to
3.2 Skill Post-lesson create their
Understand a Reading learning diaries
6. Play a Stand up if it’s true – sit down if it’s false game using have/has got.
variety of linear 3.2.3
and non-linear Guess the meaning
print and digital of unfamiliar words
texts by using from clues provided
appropriate by visuals and the
reading strategies topic

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
LESSON: 4 (Reading 2) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends




Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Reading Reading 1. Play an action or miming game to review key sports vocabulary. according to the needs of your
Student’s Book pupils and class. Please see
3.2 3.2.1 Lesson delivery p.8 Activity 1;
Understand a Understand the the seven differentiation
p.9 Activity 2
variety of linear main idea of short 2. Begin the main lesson by following Teacher’s Book p.22 Warm up strategies listed in the
and non-linear simple texts 3. Hand out the sets of cut up pictures from copies of Student’s Book p.8 (one set per Teacher’s Book introduction. Please also
p.22 consider the following:
print and digital group). Follow with Vocabulary and Step 1 of Activity 1 (see Teacher’s Book p.22 –
texts by using pupils talk about the pictures). Sets of texts and Step 4 could be group reading;
appropriate 4. Hand out the cut-up texts from copies of Student’s Book p.8 (one set per group). Ask pictures on or each pupil in a group could
reading strategies pupils to read them and match to the correct pictures (which they already have). Student’s Book have one or more of the texts
p.8 cut up for to read or match;
Complementary 5. Follow with the remaining steps of Activity 1 (See Teacher’s Book p.22). matching or some pupils could have a
Skill Complementary text, others a picture to match.
6. End the main lesson with Grammar box and Activity 2 (See Teacher’s Book p.22).
Reading Skill
3.2 Reading Post-lesson You could ask various
Understand a 3.2.3 questions about the pictures of
7. Ask pupils to put up their hands if they can paint/do karate etc. the children to extend the
variety of linear Guess the meaning
and non-linear of unfamiliar words 8. Monitor as pupils work on the activities in the lesson to assess their understanding of activity (e.g. what they look
print and digital from clues provided can. Use this to decide how much to review and extend the language focus in the like or, to more proficient
texts by using by visuals and the next few lessons. pupils, questions about how
appropriate topic they feel when they do the
reading strategies activities).

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 5 (Writing 1) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

TOPIC: Welcome! CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Modal can + verb question +
Yes/No answer



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus Differentiate learning
1. Use sports flashcards to play a vocabulary review game. 3 according to the needs of your
Writing Writing
4.3 4.3.2 pupils and class. Please see
Lesson delivery Student’s Book the seven differentiation
Communicate Spell an p.9 Activity 3 & 4
with appropriate increased range 2. Play a miming/TPR game to review and practise can and can’t. Extend by asking pupils Can strategies listed in the
language form of familiar high he/she X? Pupils reply Yes, he/she can or No, he/she can’t. Teacher’s Book introduction. Please also
and style for a frequency words 3. Follow on with Activity 3 (Teacher’s Book, p.23). p.23 consider the following:
range of accurately in Monitor pupils’ use of vocabulary. You could introduce more vocabulary in this lesson, if your Sports Vary the type of activity to
purposes in print guided writing pupils are ready for it. This would be a chance to introduce some sports or hobbies that are flashcards include movement and visuals
and digital media popular with children at the moment in Malaysia. to support understanding and
help pupils remember
Complementary 4. Play a letter/word scramble game to check the written form of the Yes/No answer (mix up the
language according to the
Skill Complementary letters/words and ask pupils to rearrange them correctly).
needs of your own pupils.
Listening Skill 5. Follow on with Activity 4 (Teacher’s Book p.23).
1.2 Listening If you have proficient pupils,
Post-lesson you could focus on adverbs
Understand 1.2.1
meaning in a Understand with 6. If time allows, play a spelling game with sports words and pictures. (e.g. very well) from Activity 4.
variety of familiar support the main 7. Learning diaries: Include an extension activity to
contexts idea of short Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning diary, they can practise these in writing.
simple texts write:
 New words I remember
 Activities I enjoyed
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
 Something I feel proud of (about my English)
Remember that as it is still the beginning of the school year, pupils may begin reflecting in their
first language and at a very basic level (simple words). Encourage pupils to begin to reflect
more deeply and using more English as the year goes on. Some pupils will be more able to do
this than others. Support pupils who may need some help and encourage everyone to
complete their diaries. Ensure you allocate time for this activity in your lesson plan. It shouldn’t
be set for homework.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 6 (Writing 2) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends




Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate

Writing Writing 1. Review the topic of families. You could play a vocabulary game based on Lesson 13. learning according
Student’s Book to the needs of your
4.3 4.3.1 Lesson delivery p.11 Activity 1
Communicate Use capital pupils and class.
with appropriate letters, full stops 2. Review the model text from the last lesson by playing the audio for the text (Student’s Book p.11) Teacher’s Book Please see the
language form and question while pupils read along. p.27 seven differentiation
and style for a marks strategies listed in
3. Pupils use the sentence beginnings to tell their partner about their family (two or more sentences). Family photos the introduction.
range of appropriately in This is to review the language and help with oral planning.
purposes in print guided writing at Please also
and digital media sentence level 4. Follow on with the Writing Tip (Teacher’s Book p.27). consider the
5. Have pupils write two or more sentences about their family in their notebooks or for classroom
Complementary Provide
display. They could add the family photos they brought if they are not too valuable to them.
Skill Complementary individualised
Writing Skill 6. Collect the writing and use it to informally assess learning in this unit. Give positive and constructive feedback on pupils’
4.3 Writing feedback to pupils using your notes on their performance during this unit. Use a basic marking key Writing.
Communicate 4.3.3 to show pupils where their mistakes are so that they can correct their own work. See this link for
with appropriate Plan, draft and ideas on basic marking key: You could set
language form write an This could be done in the next lesson(s) or as homework. different Writing
and style for a increased range targets for different
range of of simple Post-lesson pupils depending on
purposes in print sentences 7. (If time) Review key language by following Teacher’s Book p.27 Optional 2. your pupils’ levels.
and digital media If you have extra
1. Learning diaries:
time, pupils could
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning diary, they can write:
play a guessing
 New words I remember
game where they
 Activities I enjoyed read each other’s
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W) work and guess
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W) whose family it is.
 Something I feel proud of in my English
Remember that as it is still the beginning of the school year, pupils may begin reflecting in their first
language and at a very basic level (simple words). Encourage pupils to begin to reflect more deeply
and using more English as the year goes on. Some pupils will be more able to do this than others.
Support pupils who may need some help and encourage everyone to complete their diaries. Ensure
you allocate time for this activity in your lesson plan. It shouldn’t be set for homework.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 7 (Language Arts 1) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Arts THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

Have got/have / time



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus Differentiate learning according
1. Play the Who is it? game (see Teacher’s Book p.19, activity called Optional). 3 to the needs of your pupils and
Language Arts Language Arts
5.2 5.2.1 class. Please see the seven
Lesson delivery Student’s Book differentiation strategies listed in
Express personal Ask and answer p.12–13
responses to simple questions 2. Introduce the characters of the story using the puppets you have prepared. Ask the introduction. Please also
literary texts about characters, pupils questions about the puppets to review key language and predict the story. Teacher’s Book consider the following:
actions and events p.19, p.28–29
3. Follow the Teacher’s Book p.28, Activity 1. Have pupils make and use puppets to If you have extra time, you could
of interest in a text help them act out the story in pairs. See materials do the Optional activity (see
list on Teacher’s Teacher’s Book p.29).
Complementary Complementary 4. Pupils should practise before performing to the whole class. You could use this as Book p.28
Skill Skill an opportunity for peer feedback, by asking pupils to comment on each other’s Give individualised constructive
Speaking Speaking performances. Make notes, too, on pupils’ performance related to pronunciation in Stick puppets of feedback to pupils by thinking
2.3 2.3.1 particular. Give plenty of positive feedback to each pair/group and summarise areas characters from about the progress each pupil
Communicate Narrate very short to work on for the whole class after the activity. story (cut out a has made over the unit. You can
appropriately to a basic stories and picture of each use your notes to help.
small or large events and glue it on to
group 5. Talk to pupils about the Value shown in this story (See Teacher’s Book p.29, Post- a stick/straw)
story activity). This could be done in pupils’ first language if necessary.
scissors for

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
LESSON: 8 (Language Awareness 1) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends




Main Skill Main Skill Use the notes you have made on pupils during this unit to adapt this plan so that your Depending on Differentiate learning according
Reading Reading lesson reviews areas needed by your pupils. You might consider using some of the your focus: to the needs of your pupils and
3.2 3.2.2 material as a homework task, if appropriate. class. Please see the seven
Worksheets differentiation strategies listed in
Understand a Understand specific Plan a Language Awareness lesson which focuses on consolidating and extending (see below)
variety of linear information and the introduction. Please also
the main language points in Unit 1 according to the needs of your pupils. consider the following:
and non-linear details of short Flashcards of
print and digital simple texts Pre-lesson characters from You could offer pupils a choice
texts by using 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits Get Smart plus of these activities or you could
appropriate your pupils’ needs and interests and that will prepare the pupils for the lesson. 3 (Greg & Anna, ask different pupils to do
reading strategies Student’s Book different activities depending on
Lesson delivery p.6) their individual needs, based on
Complementary Have got: formative assessment in this
Action cards
Skill Complementary unit.
2. Show flashcards of characters from the textbook. Elicit sentences about the Toy clocks
Writing Skill
characters He/She has got... Write the sentences on the board and put the pictures Have pupils do more activities
4.3 Writing
next to them. Ask pupils why we use he or she. Ask the pupils if we use has got or Get Smart plus and/or make their own activities.
Communicate 4.3.1
have got with he and she. 3
with appropriate Use capital letters,
language form full stops and 3. Next elicit sentences from pupils about themselves. Ask pupils to come to the Student’s Book
and style for a question marks board, write their name and write a sentence about themselves I have got… Ask p.14 Activities 1
range of purposes appropriately in pupils questions about the form with I (have got). and/or 2 and/or
in print and digital guided writing at 3
media sentence level 4. Next pupils complete Sections A & B of the worksheet (see below).
Teacher’s Book
5. Feed back on the answers as a whole class. Note any common problems or p.31
mistakes and review as necessary.
Can: worksheets
6. Using action cards, model I can/can’t … with three or four cards. Drill (pupils listen
and repeat) the sentences if necessary. Ask pupils to tell their partners two things
they can and can’t do.
7. Model and drill the question and answer Can you…? Yes, I can/No, I can’t in a
similar way and have pupils ask each other in pairs about two activities.
8. Next pupils complete Section C of the worksheet (see below). Pupils are also
expected to review punctuation here.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
9. Feed back on the answers as a whole class. Note any common problems or
mistakes and review as necessary.
be + time expression
10. Using the toy clocks, review time expressions (on the hour and half past). Elicit It’s
x o’clock. / It’s half past x. and write on the board. Have pupils work in pairs with a
clock and tell the time to each other.
11. Next pupils complete Section D of the worksheet (see below).
Note: You could also make use of the review activities in Revision (Student’s Book
p.14 / Teacher’s Book p.30–31) and/or consider offering pupils a choice of activities
from the optional activities described on Teacher’s Book p.31.
12. Ask pupils to think about what they have learned in Unit 1 and how well they feel
they know the language now. They should complete the How did I do in Unit 1? self-
assessment section of the worksheet.
13. Collect the worksheets from pupils and review them to note pupils’ performance. If
there are any areas of concern, prepare a review of these in upcoming lessons.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Worksheet for Lesson 8 (Language Awareness 1)
Unit 1: Welcome!
Language Awareness
Name: _________________________________ Class: ______________
A: Read and draw
Laila is a girl.
She has got long, straight, black hair.
She has big brown eyes.
She’s got a big smile.

B : Read and circle the correct answer

1. Amaya has got / have got straight hair. 2. Adam has got / have got blonde hair.

3. I has got / have got seven shells. 4. You has got / have got two brothers.

C: Unscramble the words to write a full sentence. Do not forget punctuation!

1. play / she / piano / can / the



2. can / dive / he /
he / no / can’t

3. they / can / swim

can / yes / they

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
D: Read and draw the time on the clocks.

It’s five o’clock. It’s eleven o’clock.

It’s half past two. It’s half past three.

How did I do in Unit 1? Put ✔ next to Great, OK, or A little.

In English, I know how to…

say what people look like Great ____ OK ____ A little ____

say what people have got Great ____ OK ____ A little ____

count in tens to 100 (10, 20, 30…) Great ____ OK ____ A little ____

say what I can do Great ____ OK ____ A little ____

say what people can do Great ____ OK ____ A little ____

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 9 (Listening 2) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

TOPIC: Every day CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Present simple for routines



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning according to
Listening Listening 1. Play a miming game to introduce the new vocabulary. Pupils do not need to say the needs of your pupils and class.
Student’s Book Please see the seven differentiation
1.2 1.2.2 the words/phrases at this point. See Teacher’s Book p.32 for more detail. You p.15
Understand Understand with could have pupils sit or stand in a circle from this stage of the lesson. strategies listed in the introduction.
meaning in a support specific Teacher’s Book Please also consider the following:
Lesson delivery p.32
variety of familiar information and You could introduce one or two
contexts details of short 2. Introduce the flashcards and play a circle game to have pupils practise the more daily routine expressions at
phrases. Flashcards of the
simple texts new vocabulary this time, if you think your pupils
3. Give out the flashcards so that each pupil has one card. Ask some pupils to tell (at least one card may already know this vocabulary.
the class what is on their card. per pupil)
Complementary Complementary Do not insist that all pupils do every
4. Tell pupils they will listen to a song about a boy called Mike. They listen and hold action as they listen to the song.
Skill Skill up their card when they hear their action. Play the recording once.
Listening Listening Some pupils may just do one or two
1.3 1.3.1 5. Play the recording again. This time, all pupils should mime all the actions as they because it can be difficult to hear,
Use appropriate Guess the hear them. understand and mime quickly. If
listening meaning of 6. Ask pupils to look at Student’s Book p.15. Let them listen to the song and follow this is too challenging, then ask
strategies in a unfamiliar words the words before drawing a line to match the pictures, as shown in the example pupils to mime just the action they
variety of by using visual on p.15. have on their card.
contexts clues when a Watch pupils carefully during these activities to see how well they have
teacher or understood the new vocabulary.
classmate is
7. Follow the guidelines for Grammar Box in Teacher’s Book p.32.
8. Have pupils play a mime game in pairs or small groups. Alternatively, you could
choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that
suits your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas covered
in the lesson.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 10 (Speaking 2) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

TOPIC: Every day CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Present simple for routines


Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson
according to the needs of
Speaking Speaking 1. Play the song from Student’s Book p.15 Activity 1 and encourage pupils to sing along. Student’s Book your pupils and class.
2.1 2.1.2 Lesson delivery p.15 Activity 1 Please see the seven
Communicate Find out about and differentiation strategies
simple describe basic 2. Review the vocabulary flashcards from last lesson with the whole class by playing a Teacher’s Book p. listed in the introduction.
information everyday routines guessing game (see, for example Pre-lesson task 4). Introduce the word cards as you 32–33 Please also consider the
intelligibly do this. following:
Complementary 3. Put pupils in pairs or small groups to play a matching game with a set of flashcards and Vocabulary
Skill word cards. The cards are spread out, face-down. Pupils take turns to turn over two flashcards and You could put large- size
Complementary Writing cards to try to find a picture + a word that matches. word cards (1 set words cards on the board or
Skill 4.3.2 4. Elicit (review) adverbs of frequency by encouraging pupils to tell you about their daily per pair or small leave sets with pupils so
Writing Spell an increased routines. group) they can copy the spelling
4.3 range of familiar for the main activity if they
Communicate high frequency 5. Have pupils write their own routine in row 1 of the table on Student’s Book p.15. need to.
with appropriate words accurately in 6. Model the Speaking activity (see Activity 2, Teacher’s Book p.32–33) and have pupils
language form guided writing mingle (move around the classroom and choose who to speak to, not stay with their You could ask pupils to
and style for a regular partner) to tell two classmates about their routine (Activity 2). Encourage pupils leave their books on their
range of to speak and not to simply show each other their books. Monitor closely to see which desks while they do the
purposes in print pupils can use the full sentences here; support those who can’t. Speaking activity. They will
and digital media need then to remember the
details to write afterwards.
7. Play a word game to review the spelling of a few words the pupils have found
challenging to remember. Alternatively, you could choose an appropriate post-lesson
activity from the list in the introduction that suits your pupils’ needs and interests.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 11 (Speaking 3) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends



Get Smart plus 3
Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning
Speaking Speaking 1. Review key vocabulary with an action/miming game, or you could choose an appropriate Student’s Book according to the needs of
2.1 Communicate 2.1.2 pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your pupils’ needs and p.17 your pupils and class.
simple information Find out about and interests and that will review language and prepare pupils for the lesson. Please see the seven
intelligibly describe basic Teacher’s Book differentiation strategies
Lesson delivery listed in the introduction.
everyday routines p.35
2. Follow the instructions in Teacher’s Book p.35 for Activity 4. Have pupils ask their Please also consider the
Complementary Complementary partners about their parents (or another family member, as appropriate to your pupils). Class survey following:
Skill Skill 3. Monitor as pupils do the pairwork activity and review the question-answer form if worksheet (see For extra practice, pupils
Listening Listening necessary after the activity. below for can ask more
1.2 1.2.5 Understand 4. Tell pupils they will do a class survey. Give pupils the worksheet (one per pair) and ask example) classmates.
Understand a wide range of them to write a question (for example, Do you … to school? or Does your dad/mum … to
meaning in a short supported Fast finishers or more
work?) proficient pairs of pupils
variety of familiar questions
contexts 5. Tell pairs to ask 5 pair (10 pupils) their question and write yes or no for each pupil they could ask more than one
will interview. They should use the ‘Answers’ boxes on the worksheet to keep count of question. You will need
classmates’ answers then add up the total when they have finished. extra worksheets for
6. Use a model on the board to show how to complete the chart on the worksheet. Each them.
block represents one answer. Pupils should colour the number of squares for each
answer, for example, if 7 pupils answer ‘Yes’ and 3 pupils answer ‘No’, then they colour 7
left-hand blocks and 3 right-hand blocks.
7. Pupils complete the worksheet in their pairs.
8. Display pupils’ work. Ask pupils to look at the questions and charts and tell you if they are
surprised by any of the findings.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Worksheet for Lesson 11
Class survey

Names: __________________and____________________ Class: _________

Our question:

Yes Total:

No Total:

Write Yes or No :

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 12 (Reading 3) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

TOPIC: Every day CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Present simple for habits
and occupations



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
1. Play a word game to focus on the word teacher. You could choose an appropriate pre- according to the needs
Reading Reading Student’s Book, of your pupils and
3.2 3.2.4 lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your pupils’ needs and interests p.18
Understand a Recognise and and that will review language and prepare the pupils for the lesson. class. Please see the
variety of linear use with support 2. Tell pupils this is your job – you are a teacher, and you teach and help children every day. Teacher’s Book seven differentiation
and non-linear key features of a p.36 strategies listed in the
Tell pupils that today you will help them learn to use a dictionary. Show pupils a dictionary. introduction. Please
print and digital simple word cards:
texts by using monolingual Lesson delivery also consider the
firefighter, fire, following:
appropriate dictionary 3. Elicit and write the alphabet on the board (or draw pupils’ attention to a copy on display if lifeguard, save,
reading strategies you have one). dentist, fix, teeth Using a dictionary can
4. Write the word cat on the board. Model using a dictionary to find the word and read the be challenging. Try to
definition. Picture cards of pair/group more
Complementary Complementary the three people proficient pupils with
Skill Skill 5. Put the pictures of the people from Student’s Book p.18 on the board. Show pupils the on Student’s less proficient pupils
Reading Reading word cards and put them randomly on the board too. Book p.18 and encourage them to
3.2 3.2.2 6. Have pupils work in at least seven groups. Assign one word to each group and ask them to work together.
find the word in the dictionary. Give them time to find the word and then ask them which Class set of
Understand a Understand
picture on the board they think their word belongs with. Do not expect pupils to understand monolingual
variety of linear specific
the dictionary definitions in full, but to try to get a rough meaning so they can decide which dictionaries
and non-linear information and
print and digital details of short picture it belongs to.
texts by using simple texts 7. For each of the seven words, ask one pupil to come out and move their word card next to
appropriate the correct picture on the board.
reading strategies
8. Follow the steps for Vocabulary and Activity 1 in Teacher’s Book p.36
9. If you have time, do Activity 2 (Student’s Book p.19; Teacher’s Book p.37). You could do
this at the beginning of the next lesson instead, if you do not have time.
10. Ask pupils if they have a family member who is a firefighter, doctor or lifeguard.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 13 (Writing 3) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends




Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
1. Review the three occupations (jobs) from the previous lesson by choosing an according to the needs
Writing Writing Student’s Book of your pupils and
4.3 4.3.2 appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your pupils’ p.19
Communicate with Spell an increased needs and interests. class. Please see the
appropriate range of familiar Teacher’s Book seven differentiation
Lesson delivery p.37 strategies listed in the
language form and high frequency
style for a range of words accurately in 2. Introduce the new occupations vocabulary using flashcards. introduction. Please
Flashcards of also consider the
purposes in print guided writing 3. Follow the instructions for Grammar Box, then Activity 3 in the Teacher’s Book p.37. occupations
and digital media following:
Remind pupils that they can ask for a classmate’s help if they can’t read a word by (including those
putting up their hand and saying I do not understand this word. Can you help me, in the You could also
please? You may want to pre-teach this phrase. They can also ask you this question worksheet) encourage pupils to use
Complementary Complementary when they need to. a dictionary if
Skill Skill Crossword necessary and
Speaking Speaking 4. Show the worksheet (see below) and explain that pupils will do a crossword puzzle. worksheet (see appropriate if they need
2.2 2.2.2 Model how to read the clue and write the answer in the crossword. Have pupils work on below) extra practice in this.
Use appropriate Ask for attention or the crossword in pairs or small groups. Monitor and help pupils as necessary. Observe
communication help from a teacher how they work together in their pairs and groups to see which pupils are able to support You could put the
strategies or classmate by others. This will be useful information when pairing and grouping pupils in the future. occupations words on
using suitable the board for pupils to
5. Ask some pupils what their parents do (their occupations). Extend pupils’ vocabulary as copy the spelling if
appropriate. necessary.
6. Learning diaries:
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning diary, they can
 New words I remember
 Activities I enjoyed

 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)

 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
 Something I feel proud of (about my English)
Pupils began the year reflecting in their first language and at a very basic level (simple
words). Encourage pupils to begin to reflect more deeply and using more English as the
year goes on. Some pupils will be more able to do this than others. Support pupils who
may need some help, and encourage everyone to complete their diaries. Ensure you
allocate time for this activity in your lesson plan. It shouldn’t be set for homework.

Worksheet for Lesson 13

1. She works in a police station.
2. He saves people.
3. He cooks in a restaurant.
4. She works in a school.
7. He works in a restaurant.

5. He puts out fires.
6. She works in a hospital.
8. He plays the piano.
9. He works on TV.
10. He fixes teeth.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 14 (Writing 4) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

TOPIC: Every day CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Present simple for routines



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
according to the needs of
Writing Writing 1. Play Do not break the chain (See Teacher’s Book p.34) Student’s Book,
4.3 4.3.1 your pupils and class. Please
p.21 see the seven differentiation
Communicate Use capital letters, Lesson delivery
with appropriate full stops and Teacher’s Book strategies listed in the
2. Follow steps 1–3 for Activity 1 (Teacher’s Book p.40). Then play the recording. Ask p.34, 39 & 40–41 introduction. Please also
language form question marks pupils to tick the activities they hear in Jim’s diary as they hear them. Watch pupils
and style for a appropriately in consider the following:
to see how well they keep up. If it is too fast, you could read the text again more
range of purposes guided writing at slowly. You could set a time for the
in print and digital sentence level Writing task and ask pupils
media 3. Play the recording again and have pupils read along as they listen. Ask some to write at least 2 (or at least
Complementary questions about the text, letting pupils find the answers in the text (see Teacher’s 3) sentences so that more
Skill Book p.40 Activity 1 for example questions). proficient pupils write more
Complementary Writing sentences.
Skill 4. Show pupils the three questions on the page. Pupils work in pairs to ask and
answer the questions. Monitor carefully as pupils do this to make sure they can
Writing Begin to use cursive
answer them.
4.1 handwriting in a
Form letters and limited range of 5. Follow the instructions for Writing Tip (Teacher’s Book, p.40), including some or all
words in neat written work* of the gap fill sentences on the board.
legible print using
cursive writing 6. Ask pupils to write sentences about their day in their notebooks. Encourage the
use of cursive writing. Pupils then exchange notebooks to check each other’s work.
Monitor carefully to check their work, with a focus on punctuation, use of capital
letters and handwriting as well as comunication. Collect their notebooks in at the
end of the activity to mark and give some feedback on their progress this unit.
7. (If time) Play Working Whispers (Teacher’s Book p.39)

8. Learning diaries:
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning diary, they
can write:
 New words I remember

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
 Activities I enjoyed
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
 Something I feel proud of (about my English)
Pupils began the year reflecting in their first language and at a very basic level
(simple words). Encourage pupils to begin to reflect more deeply and using more
English as the year goes on. Some pupils will be more able to do this than others.
Support pupils who may need some help and encourage everyone to complete their
diaries. Ensure you allocate time for this activity in your lesson plan. It shouldn’t be
set for homework.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 15 (Language Arts 2) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Arts THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

TOPIC: Every day CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity & LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Present simple for routines



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Pupils’ toothbrushes (bring Differentiate learning
Language Arts Language Arts 1. Ask pupils to show you their toothbrushes. Ask them questions and talk to them some spare ones in case according to the
5.3 5.3.1 about the colour, size and type of toothbrush they have. pupils’ parents don’t want needs of your pupils
Express an Respond them to bring them). If this and class. Please see
Lesson delivery is not appropriate, pupils the seven
imaginative imaginatively and
response to literary intelligibly 2. Have pupils work in pairs to compare their toothbrushes. They should try to make could use a pencil to differentiation
texts through creating at least two sentences comparing them, e.g. their colour: My toothbrush is red; pretend to brush their teeth strategies listed in the
simple action Izzi’s toothbrush is pink; their design: His toothbrush is a Spiderman toothbrush; (miming only). introduction.
songs on familiar her toothbrush is an electric toothbrush, etc. A song about brushing
topics 3. Ask pupils to show you how they brush their teeth. On the board, draw some your teeth – This is the
Complementary arrows to show up, down, left and right, round and round. Ask pupils to move their way…
Skill Complementary toothbrushes in the direction you tell them: Brush left; brush round and round etc.
Language Arts Skill You can use this video or
4. Tell pupils they will hear a song and watch a cartoon about brushing your teeth. something similar about
5.1 Language Arts Play the video a first time and ask some questions while the song is playing, as you
Demonstrate 5.1.1 brushing teeth:
would with a story (e.g. What time is it? Where is he? What has he got? What
appreciation Enjoy and colour is his toothbrush? etc).
through non-verbal appreciate atch?
responses rhymes, poems 5. Tell pupils they will hear the song again, and this time they should mime with their v=4XLQpRI_wOQ
and songs toothbrushes. Encourage them to sing along too if possible.
You can download the
6. Using a daily routine flashcard, show pupils how to change the lyrics, e.g. video by typing in ss before
YouTube i.e.
‘This is the way we wash our hair, wash our hair, wash our hair.
We do it in the morning/evening.’
Pupils work in groups of three or four to choose a daily routine action and make a
new verse of the song. They should practise the actions together.
If these links are
7. Have each group perform their verse twice. The rest of the class should join in the
unavailable, try asking
second time.
Google or YouTube for
Post-lesson ‘This is the way I brush my
8. Talk to pupils about the importance of keeping their teeth clean and healthy, the teeth song’
best ways to brush their teeth and, if appropriate for your context, visiting the Flashcards for daily routine
dentist regularly.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 16 (Language Awareness 2) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends




Main Skill Main Skill Use your notes made on pupils during this unit to adapt this plan so your lesson Depending on your Differentiate learning
Reading 3.2 Reading consolidates and extends language areas needed by your pupils. You might focus: according to the needs of
Understand a 3.2.2 Understand consider using some of the material as a homework task, if appropriate. your pupils and class.
Worksheets (see Please see the seven
variety of linear specific information Note: You could also make use of the review activities in Revision (Student’s Book below) differentiation strategies
and non-linear and details of short p.24 / Teacher’s Book p.44–45) and/or consider offering pupils a choice of activities listed in the introduction.
print and digital simple texts from the optional activities described on Teacher’s Book p.45. Picture of a girl and a
texts by using boy Please also consider the
appropriate Pre-lesson following:
Get Smart plus 3
reading strategies Complementary 1. Play a game to review vocabulary from the unit as needed for the lesson. For You could offer pupils a
Skill this, you could choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the Student’s Book, p.24 choice of these activities or
Complementary introduction that suits your pupils’ needs and interests. Activities 1 and/or 2 you could ask different
Skill Writing 4.2.4
Describe people Teacher’s Book, pupils to do different
Writing 4.2 Lesson delivery activities depending on
and objects using p.44–45
Communicate their individual needs,
suitable words and 2. Show pupils the picture and tell them the boy is Hamid and the girl is May.
basic information Self-assessment based on formative
phrases They are brother and sister. Ask pupils to look at and read silently the text on
intelligibly for a worksheets assessment in this unit.
the worksheet. Ask a gist question, for example, Who wrote this? Hamid or
range of purposes
May? Have pupils do more
in print and digital
media Ask questions about the language: activities and/or make their
own activities.
Which words tell you how often they do something? Where do we find it in the
Which sentences have an ‘s’ in the verb (or show them in an example)? Why?
What can we find at the beginning of the sentences? And at the end?
3. Show pupils how to unjumble a sentence by doing an example on the board.
Ask pupils to work in groups of three. Give one set of jumbled sentences
(worksheet) to each pupil in the group. Each pupil works on a different set.
When they are finished, ask them to show each other their sets and to check
each other’s answers.
4. Ask pupils to write in their notebooks:

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
 Something they always/never do every day.
 Something someone else always/never does every day.
 What they want to be when they grow up.
5. Ask pupils to think about what they have learned in Unit 2 and how well they
feel they know the language now. They should complete the How did I do in
Unit 2? self-assessment section of the worksheet.
Collect the worksheets from pupils and review them to note pupils’ performance.
If there are any areas of concern, prepare a review of these in upcoming lessons.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Materials for Lesson 16
Suggested text:
I’m Hamid. I like swimming and I want to help people. When I grow up, I want to be a
lifeguard. My sister likes playing with toy planes. She wants to be a pilot when she grows up
and fly a plane. I love my sister. We always take the bus to school together. We never walk to
Jumbled sentences
Set 1:
1. I / go to / brush my teeth / before / to school / . / always / I /
2. never / . / to school / She / walks
3. I / When I grow up, / to be / want / a dentist / . /
Set 2:
1. have / I / go to / a shower / . / always / before / school / I /
2. drives / never / to school / . / My dad /
3. a firefighter / I / When I grow up, / to be / . / want /
Set 3:
1. never / They / after school / . / watch TV /
2 the bus / . / We / take / to school / always /
3. a photographer / wants / . / Kim / when she grows up / to be /

How did I do in Unit 2?
In English, I know how to:
 say what I do every day Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 say what other people do every day Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 talk about different jobs Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 talk about different ways to travel Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 say what I want to be when I grow up Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 17 (Listening 3) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

Values statements (be + -ing)


Get Smart plus 3
Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning
Listening Listening 1. Play a mime game using the flashcards for run jump and dance. Student’s Book, p.25 according to the needs of
1.2 1.2.2 your pupils and class.
Lesson delivery Please see the seven
Understand Understand with Teacher’s Book, p.46
meaning in a support specific 2. Introduce the new vocabulary (see Vocabulary, Teacher’s Book, p.46) using differentiation strategies
variety of familiar information and flashcards Flashcards of action verbs listed in the introduction.
contexts details of short Please also consider the
3. Stick the flashcards around the room on the walls, (or do this before the
simple texts You can find sets of printable following:
lesson), then put pupils in a large circle around the room. They should listen
to you say run, jump, dance and move around the room doing this action as flashcards for this topic at: Depending on the level
Complementary Complementary you say it. Stop and say Go. Pupils move to the nearest flashcard, mime it http://learnenglishkids.british and knowledge of your
Skill Skill and say I’m xxxing. Repeat as required. class, you could
Listening Listening 4. Pupils return to their seats. Follow the instructions in Teacher’s Book, p.46 cards/actions-flashcards introduce more verbs.
1.3 1.3.1 Activity 1
Use appropriate Guess the meaning Some pupils may find it
listening of unfamiliar words Watch as pupils sing to see which pupils are confident and which are less too challenging to sing
strategies in a by using visual confident. You can also then see which words in the song are more difficult along to all of the song.
variety of contexts clues when a for your class. Note these so that you review them next lesson. Remind them, if
teacher or Post-lesson necessary, that they only
classmate is need to sing as much or
5. Play the TPR Activity (See Teacher’s Book, p.46). little as they want.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 18 (Speaking 4) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

Values statements (be + -ing)



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Speaking 2.1 Speaking 2.1.5 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits according to the needs
Student’s Book, of your pupils and
Communicate Describe people your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review language and prepare pupils for p.25
simple information and objects using the lesson. class. Please see the
intelligibly suitable words and Teacher’s Book, seven differentiation
Lesson delivery p.46–7 strategies listed in the
2. Follow the instructions for Grammar Box (Teacher’s Book, p.46) introduction. Please
Complementary 3. Draw attention to the sound of ‘ing’ and the short forms (I’m, he’s, we’re etc). Have also consider the
Skill Complementary following:
pupils repeat them together and individually.
Listening 1.1 Skill 4. Play the Group pantomime game (see Teacher’s Book, p.47). Focus on giving Some pupils may take
Recognise and Listening 1.1.1 feedback on pupils’ Speaking, rather than on which team wins. a lot of time drawing,
reproduce target Recognise and while others will do it
language sounds reproduce with 5. Follow instructions for Activity 2 (Teacher’s Book, p.46). Monitor as pupils present
much faster. Set a time
support a range of their pictures to each other and decide which pupils to ask to present to the class. Try
limit for drawing. You
target language to choose some pupils who have made progress in their Speaking.
could ask fast finishers
phonemes Post-lesson to write their sentence
6. Play the song again and have pupils sing along. Or they could hold up their pictures in their notebooks (but
as they hear them in the song, if appropriate. not next to the picture,
as it is better they do
not read it later).

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work


LESSON: 19 (Speaking 5) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

Values questions (be + -ing)



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Speaking Speaking according to the needs of
1. Play a game to review vocabulary from the previous lesson. This should focus on Student’s Book, your pupils and class. Please
2.1 2.1.5 the written form of the words. p.27
Communicate Describe people see the seven differentiation
simple information and objects using Lesson delivery Teacher’s Book, strategies listed in the
intelligibly suitable words and p.49 introduction. Please also
2. Have pupils work in small groups to play a game, where they have sets of cards consider the following:
phrases (pairs of pictures of an action + written sentences). Pupils turn over two cards in Sets of cards
Complementary turns to try to find a matching pair of cards. (pictures + The second card game (step
Skill sentences) 4) could be extended so that
Speaking Complementary 3. Follow the instructions for Activity 4 (Teacher’s Book, p.49). pupils give more clues about
2.2 Skill the flashcard, using more
4. Pupils play a game in small groups with their cards:
Use appropriate Speaking language that they know.
communication 2.2.2 - In turns, the pupil turns over a card, look at it but keep it secret.
strategies Ask for attention or Other pupils may not be able
help from a teacher - The pupil gives a clue about the picture (e.g. He’s in the bedroom) to give clues, so the group
or classmate by can simply guess what is on
- The pupil asks ‘What do you think? What’s he doing?’
using suitable the card from memory.
questions - The group guesses what’s in the picture.
Monitor as pupils work on this, helping with language as necessary to extend pupils’
language resource. Encourage them to ask for your help when they need it by
reviewing phrases for this (e.g. Can you help me, please? How do I say xxx in
English?) Note common mistakes as you monitor.
5. Write a sentence on the board that contains a common mistake you heard pupils
make. Ask pupils to correct the sentence with you.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 20 (Reading 4) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

Values negative statements



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
according to the needs of
Reading Reading 1. Tell pupils that you like to exercise and show them what this word means. Student’s Book, p.28– your pupils and class. Please
3.2 3..2.1 Give pupils 2–3 minutes to do some exercise in the classroom. You could 29
Understand a Understand the see the seven differentiation
suggest aerobics or Zumba, for example. Watch pupils to see which
variety of linear main idea of short Teacher’s Book, p.50– strategies listed in the
vocabulary you can teach them afterwards to say what they are doing (if any) introduction. Please also
and non-linear simple texts 51
– e.g. Zumba, aerobics, dancing, jogging. consider the following:
print and digital Copies of pictures of
texts by using Lesson delivery Fast finishers could do an
four children on
appropriate 2. Follow the instructions for Warm up on Teacher’s Book, p.50, to introduce Student’s Book p.28 (1 additional Writing task at the
reading strategies new vocabulary. Comment on the pupils’ exercise in the pre-lesson stage if copy of each) end of this lesson, where
you can teach them vocabulary for what they were doing. they write a sentence about
Complementary Copies of the texts from each child to say one more
Complementary Skill 3. Show pupils the pictures of the four children from the textbook. Ask them Student’s Book p.28 action they are not doing.
Skill Reading what they are doing. Put them on the board. (one text per pupil)
Reading 3.2.2 Ask different pupils
4. Give each pupil a text. Ask them to read the text and decide which picture it different/more/fewer
3.2 Understand specific
matches. Feed back by asking a pupil to come out and label each picture with questions to guide their
Understand a information and
the name of the child. understanding of the text
variety of linear details of short
and non-linear simple texts 5. Follow the instructions for Activity 1 (Teacher’s Book, p.50) from Step 3). (see Teacher’s Book).
print and digital
texts by using 6. Next, follow instructions for Grammar Box and Activity 2 (Teacher’s Book,
appropriate p.50–51).
reading strategies You may wish to note pupils who have difficulty with Activity 2 and those who
complete it easily. This will help you later in the week to decide how much to
review and how to group pupils.
7. (If time) Play a True/False quiz. Talk about what each child isn’t doing in the
pictures (including a false statement, which includes what they are actually
doing). Pupils should call out True/False or Yes/No.
8. Learning diaries:
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
diary, they can write:
 New words I remember
 Activities I enjoyed
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
 Something I feel proud of (about my English)
Pupils began the year reflecting in their first language and at a very basic
level (simple words). Encourage pupils to begin to reflect more deeply and
using more English as the year goes on. Some pupils will be more able to do
this than others. Support pupils who may need some help and encourage
everyone to complete their diaries. Ensure you allocate time for this activity in
your lesson plan. It shouldn’t be set for homework.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 21 (Writing 5) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

Values negative statements (be + -ing)



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Writing Writing according to the needs of
1. Play a True/False game, where you/pupils mime an action. They should say what Student’s Book, your pupils and class.
4.2 4.2.4 they are not doing as well as what they are doing. Encourage, but don’t insist on full p.29 Please see the seven
Communicate Describe people sentences at this stage, but use this as a way to assess pupils’ language at the
basic information and objects using Small pieces of differentiation strategies
beginning of the lesson. listed in the introduction.
intelligibly for a suitable words and paper for Writing
range of purposes phrases Lesson delivery activity, one per Please also consider the
in print and digital pupil following:
2. Tell pupils they will make sentences. Pupils work in pairs. Give each pair one set of
media words for a cut-up sentence (see sentences below). There are several different sets. You could ask pupils to
Complementary Ask pupils to arrange the words into a sentence. They should keep the sentences write at least one/two
Skill tidy on their desk during the next step. Don’t feed back on this activity at this stage. sentences on their cards.
Complementary Reading
Skill 3.2.2 3. Ask pupils to look at the picture on Student’s Book, p.29, Activity 3, to find which Consider having pupils
Reading Understand specific child their sentence is about. They can circle the child in the picture if they don’t write in pairs so that they
3.2 information and know the characters’ names. can support each other if
Understand a details of short necessary.
4. Feed back on each sentence as a whole class, so pairs can check their answers.
variety of linear simple texts
and non-linear 5. Tell pupils they are going to make a game. There are several steps to making the
print and digital game:
texts by using
appropriate Put a model on the board, which describes children in Student’s Book, p.29. e.g.
reading strategies They’re not doing gymnastics. They’re not skateboarding. Who are they?
Ask pupils to look at Student’s Book, p.29 and tell you which children these
sentences are about.
Draw pupils’ attention to the Grammar Box at the top of the page. Focus attention on
the contraction
(they are = they’re and others) and remind pupils to punctuate their sentences
6. Give each pupil a small piece of paper. Individually, they write a similar sentence(s)
about a child on p.29 on the paper.You could have pupils write one, two or three
negative sentences, depending on time. Support weaker pupils carefully.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
7. Put pupils in groups. The groups collect the papers from each pupil, and put them
face-down on the table.
In turns, each pupil turns over a paper, reads it aloud and says which character they
think it is from Student’s Book, p.29. Pupils can point to the characters or describe
them if they don’t know their names. They win a point if they are right.
8. Collect the papers so you can check them. Circle/underline any mistakes in a
coloured pen so pupils can check it themselves.
9. Read some of the papers for pupils to guess as a whole class, or you could choose
an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your
pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas covered in the lesson.

Sentences for cut ups (one per pair)

He / isn’t / playing / table tennis.
She / isn’t / doing / gymnastics.
They / aren’t / skateboarding.
She / isn’t / dancing.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 22 (Writing 6) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

statements (be + -ing)



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
according to the needs of
Writing 4.3 Writing 4.3.3 1. Play a game using the cards from Lesson 44. You could look at the pre- Student’s Book, p.31 your pupils and class. Please
Communicate Plan, draft and write lesson tasks list for ideas.
with appropriate an increased range Teacher’s Book, p.54–55 see the seven differentiation
language form of simple sentences Lesson delivery strategies listed in the
Sets of cards from introduction. Please also
and style for a 2. Review the cards as a whole class, by following the instructions in Warm up Lesson 44
range of purposes consider the following:
(Teacher’s Book, p.54).
in print and digital Complementary Poster paper, scissors, Pupils will take different
media Skill 3. Follow the instructions for Activity 1 (Teacher’s Book, p.54). Ask pupils to colour pens/pencils per times to draw and colour
Speaking 2.3.1 read the instructions silently before you read them aloud. Have them look at pupil their pictures. Set a time
Complementary Narrate very short the pictures. Ask questions to check their understanding, e.g. What is she limit.
cutting? What is she drawing? Is she writing now? Small papers for labelling
Skill basic stories and
pictures, glue With large classes, try
Speaking 2.3 events
4. When pupils have finished, ask them to write about their pictures on the back Activity 2 in groups.
of their picture.
appropriately to a
small or large 5. Follow instructions for Activity 2 (Teacher’s Book, p.54).
6. When pupils have finished, ask them to exchange their pictures with a
partner. Have the partners check their writing.
7. Give out the small papers. Pupils redraft their writing on the papers and stick
it to the front of the picture.
8. Display the pictures in the classroom.
9. Play the Optional activity (Teacher’s Book, p.54).

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 23 (Language Arts 3) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Language Arts THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

TOPIC: Right Now CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS Present continuous for activities
Innovation; Values happening now, sports vocabulary


In this lesson, pupils will create a song in small groups. Words and music to Differentiate learning
Main Skill Main Skill
Language Arts 5.3 Language Arts Pre-lesson the song One finger, according to the needs
Express an 5.3.1 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits one thumb, keep of your pupils and
your pupils’ needs and interests and that will introduce the topic of the lesson (sports moving (see below) class. Please see the
imaginative Respond
response to imaginatively and vocabulary). seven differentiation
literary texts intelligibly through strategies: listed in the
Lesson delivery introduction.
creating simple
2. Ask pupils to work in pairs. One pupil says the name of a sport, and the other pupil
action songs on
mimes doing
familiar topics.
3. the sport. Pupils then swap roles and continue in this way, taking turns to name and
Other imaginative
mime sports.
responses as
4. Sing the first two verses of the song One finger one thumb keep moving. Finish at
We’re doing gymnastics. Ask pupils to move their fingers, thumbs and arms as they
sing the song, and to mime the sports in any way they choose.
Complementary Complementary
5. Write verses 3 and 4 on the board, or give pupils a handout.
Skill Skill
6. Put pupils into groups of 4–5 and ask them to choose new words and actions for
Speaking Speaking
verses 3 and 4, and to practise their song (see worksheet below).
2.1 2.1.5
Communicate Describe people Post-lesson
simple information and objects using 7. Pupils perform their songs with actions for their classmates.
intelligibly suitable words
and phrases

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
One finger one thumb keep moving – music sheet
(Replace the words We’ll all be merry and bright with everyday activities or sports as in the suggested words below )

Image from

Dany Rosevear.

One finger one thumb keep moving – words

One finger, one thumb, keep moving One finger, one thumb, one arm, one leg, keep moving
One finger, one thumb, keep moving One finger, one thumb, one arm, one leg, keep moving
One finger, one thumb, keep moving One finger, one thumb, one arm, one leg, keep moving
We’re catching the ball We’re _______________________________

One finger, one thumb, one arm, keep moving One finger, one thumb, one arm, one leg, one nod of the head, keep moving
One finger, one thumb, one arm, keep moving One finger, one thumb, one arm, one leg, one nod of the head, keep moving
One finger, one thumb, one arm, keep moving One finger, one thumb, one arm, one leg, one nod of the head, keep moving
We’re doing gymnastics We’re _______________________________

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 24 (Language Awareness 3) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

TOPIC: Right now CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language; LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Present continuous (be + -
Values ing)



Main Skill Main Skill Use your notes made on pupils during this unit to adapt this plan so A chant or song Differentiate learning according to the needs
Writing 4.2 Writing 4.2.4 that your lesson consolidates and extends language areas needed focusing on present of your pupils and class. Please see the
Communicate Describe people by your pupils. You might consider using some of the material as a continuous. You can seven differentiation strategies listed in the
basic information and objects using homework task, if appropriate. choose something introduction. Please also consider the
intelligibly for a suitable words and suitable for your pupils following:
Note: You could also make use of the review activities in Revision that they will enjoy and
range of purposes phrases (Student’s Book p.34 / Teacher’s Book p.58–59) and/or consider You could add some activities from
in print and digital find useful.
offering pupils a choice of activities. Student’s Book, p.34 to provide extra
media Get Smart plus 3 practice with problematic language or for fast
Complementary Pre-lesson
Skill Student’s Book p.34
1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the You could ask some pupils to create some
Complementary Listening 1.1.1 introduction that suits your pupils’ needs and interests and that Teacher’s Book p.58–
Skill Recognise and review activities for the class.
will review language and prepare pupils for the lesson. 59
Listening 1.1 reproduce with
Recognise and support a range of Lesson delivery Worksheets (see
reproduce target target language below)
2. Play the chant or song and have pupils mime the action. You
language sounds phonemes
can choose or write your own chant or song, or use one of: .
You can change the words to these chants to suit your pupils’
needs and the focus of the lesson.
3. Encourage pupils to sing/chant along on the second listening.
Drawing attention to the contractions that the chant
uses/doesn’t use and review these. You could review these on
the board if necessary. Pay close attention to pupils’
pronunciation of these.
4. Ask pupils to look at Part A on the worksheet (see below). They
should read the sentences and write Yes if they are correct and
No if they are not. Answers:

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. No; 5. No
5. Draw pupils’ attention to the grammar explanation on the
worksheet. Build some model sentences to show pupils how to
form the present continuous. It is better not to use too many
grammar words in your explanation but to show them what you
mean with examples.
6. Ask them to rewrite the sentences so they are all correct in Part
B on the worksheet. Check answers as a class or in
7. Use cards to review the question forms. Play a game in pairs to
practise them if necessary.
8. Ask pupils to complete the questions in Part C. They relate to
Part A of the worksheet. Check answers as a class or in
9. Ask pupils to think about what they have learned in Unit 3 and
how well they feel they know the language now. They should
complete the How did I do in Unit 3? self-assessment section of
the worksheet.
10. Collect the worksheets from pupils and review them to note
pupils’ performance. If there are any areas of concern, prepare
a review of these in upcoming lessons.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Worksheet for Lesson 24
Part A

Look at the sentences. Are they correct? Write Yes or No. Yes/No

1. She’s playing tennis.

2. They’s watching TV.

3. No. Mira and Jack aren’t playing tennis. They’re playing badminton.

4. No. Siti aren’t do gymnastics.

5. Yes, he’s. Robbie play tennis.

How do we do it?

When we talk about something we are doing now, we need to add ing to the verb.

We use it with is or are.

Part B

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________

Part C

Complete the questions.

1. What is she ________? 4. Is Siti ________ __________?

2. What ________ they doing? 5. Is ________ ________ tennis?

3. ________ Mira and Jack ________ tennis?

How did I do in Unit 3?
In English, I know how to:
 say what I’m doing now Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]
 say what other people are doing now Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]
 ask about what people are doing Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]
 talk about different sports and activities Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]
 talk about jobs to do in the house Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 25 (Listening 4) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: World of Knowledge


TOPIC: Year in, year out CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Present simple for describing
Environmental Sustainability weather, seasons, favourites


Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning according to
Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson
the needs of your pupils and
Listening 1.2 Listening 1.2.1 1. Ask pupils what the weather is like today. Review or teach the necessary Student’s Book, class. Please see the seven
Understand Understand with vocabulary. p.35 differentiation strategies listed in
meaning in a variety support the main Lesson delivery the introduction. Please also
of familiar contexts idea of short Teacher’s Book, consider the following:
simple texts 2. Put the four seasons flashcards on the board. Follow the instructions for Warm p.60
up (Teacher’s Book, p.60). Ask pupils: What season is it now?; Have you been in If the final circle activity is difficult
Complementary a cold country in winter?; Have you seen snow before? Flashcards of to manage with your class, or you
Skill Complementary 3. Follow the instructions in Teacher’s Book, p.60, for Vocabulary and Activity 1. seasons have pupils who prefer not to
Speaking 2.2 Skill Use this as a chance to see how much vocabulary pupils know on the topic of speak in front of the whole class,
Use appropriate Speaking 2.2.1 weather. Do an extra review activity if necessary. you could try this in small groups.
communication Keep interaction 4. Draw pupils’ attention to the Grammar Box on Student’s Book, p.35. Ask pupils Try nominating one pupil in each
strategies going in short to tell each other what their favourite season is. group to come to you for
exchanges by instructions and returning to the
repeating key 5. Have pupils stand in lines or in a circle. They should play a chain game: group to explain what to do.
words from the Pupil A: My favourite season is x.
other speaker Pupil B: x? My favourite season is y / My favourite season is x too. Review more weather vocabulary
at the beginning of the lesson with
Pupil C: y? My favourite season is z. / My favourite season is y too.
some or all of your pupils if you
Model the language clearly before starting, using different pupils who share think this is necessary.
and do not share favourites.
6. Ask pupils to mime the weather as they listen to the song again (see TPR
activity, Teacher’s Book, p.60).

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 26 (Speaking 6) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of Knowledge


TOPIC: Year in, year out CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Present simple for describing
Environmental Sustainability weather, seasons, favourites



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning according to the needs
Speaking 2.1 Speaking 2.1.1 of your pupils and class. Please see the seven
1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the Student’s Book, p.35 differentiation strategies listed in the
Communicate Ask about and introduction that suits your pupils’ needs and interests and that
simple information express basic will review weather and seasons vocabulary. Teacher’s Book, p.60 introduction. Please also consider the
intelligibly opinions following:
Lesson delivery Plain paper, 4 pieces
per group of 4 Pupils may have different and unexpected
Complementary 2. Play the song from Student’s Book, p.35 and have pupils sing ideas when brainstorming. Encourage these
Complementary Skill along. Watch and listen as they do this to see how well they and support them with the necessary
Skill Listening 1.2.2 remember the key vocabulary. language. Stretch more proficient pupils by
Listening 1.2 Understand with encouraging them to then use it in the
Understand support specific 3. Explain to pupils that in many countries in the world, the Speaking activity.
meaning in a information and seasons have weather as described in the song. You can also
variety of familiar details of short explain that in some countries, the school year starts in
contexts simple texts September (e.g. European countries), which is autumn. In other
countries (e.g. Japan), it starts in the spring, April. Ask pupils to
tell you when the school year starts in Malaysia and if they
know when it starts in any other countries. Ask pupils to look at
the song words and think about how it might be different for
4. Put pupils in groups of four. Give each group four pieces of
paper. Check that all pupils know the names of the seasons.
Ask pupils to write the name of a season on each one. Pupils
then brainstorm vocabulary and ideas for each of the different
seasons. They write one word/phrase/idea on the paper and
then pass it to their neighbour, who writes another idea, and so
on. They needn’t focus on accuracy here, just to get their ideas.
Offer help where you can or suggest they write in their first
language if necessary and you can supply the English later.
5. Have groups tell you their ideas and build a mind map on the
6. Ask pupils what their favourite season is again, and why they
like it. Follow the instructions for Activity 2 (Teacher’s Book,

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
7. Learning diaries:
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In
their learning diary, they can write:
 New words I remember
 Activities I enjoyed
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
 Something I feel proud of (about my English)
Encourage pupils to begin to reflect more deeply and using
more English as the year goes on. Some pupils will be more
able to do this than others. Support pupils who may need some
help and encourage everyone to complete their diaries. Ensure
you allocate time for this activity in your lesson plan. It shouldn’t
be set for homework.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 27 (Speaking 7) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of Knowledge


TOPIC: Year in, year out CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Prepositions with time
expressions (birth month): It’s in + month



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Speaking 2.1 Speaking 2.1.2 according to the needs of
1. Play a word game that focuses on the current month. You could choose an Student’s Book, p.37 your pupils and class.
Communicate Find out about and appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your pupils’
simple information describe basic needs and interests. Teacher’s Book, p.63 Please see the seven
intelligibly everyday routines differentiation strategies
Lesson delivery Month word cards (one listed in the introduction.
per pupil) Please also consider the
2. Give each pupil a month word card. Ask all the pupils with January to raise their following:
Complementary Complementary hand/card, then February and so on. Elicit the order of the months as you go. A wrapped-up present
Skill Skill If you have a more
3. Have pupils stand up and say the months on their cards in order, without Card and coloured pends
Writing 4.1 Writing 4.1.2 proficient class, you
modelling. Repeat, but a little faster and continue as necessary, making this a fun & pencils for birthday
Form letters and Begin to use cursive could introduce giving the
drill. cards, if time.
words in neat handwriting in a date of their birthday,
legible print using limited range of which uses on. Explain
4. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Book (p.63) for Activity 4.
cursive writing written work why it is on and not in (it
5. Show pupils the present, ask them when we give presents. Elicit birthday. is a precise day).
6. Put the month cards around the room. Ask pupils to find the month of their birthday Some pupils may say a
and go and stand by it. Ask pupils, by month When’s your birthday? Pupils reply full sentence in Activity 5,
It’s in x. while others may give a
short answer. However,
7. Remind pupils which month it is. Give the present to the pupils whose birthday it is
encourage them all to
this month and say Happy birthday!
use in.
8. Have pupils mingle (walk around the room) to ask each other when their birthday
is. Set a time limit or a number of pupils to ask.
9. Follow the Teacher’s Book (p.63) for Activity 5. Encourage pupils to check the
spelling of the months, to remember the capital letters and to practise writing in
10. If you have time, show pupils how to make a birthday card. Ask pupils to make
birthday cards for a friend or family member who has a birthday soon
If you notice pupils are not using the preposition, encourage them to do so, even if
they are not using a full sentence.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
11. Learning diaries:
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning diary,
they can write:
 New words I remember
 Activities I enjoyed
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
 Something I feel proud of (about my English)
Encourage pupils to begin to reflect more deeply and using more English as the
year goes on. Some pupils will be more able to do this than others. Support pupils
who may need some help and encourage everyone to complete their diaries.
Ensure you allocate time for this activity in your lesson plan. It shouldn’t be set for

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 28 (Reading 5) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of Knowledge


TOPIC: Year in, year out CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Prepositions with time
& Citizenship expressions: in + month/season



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
according to the needs of
Reading 3.2 Reading 3.2.2 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits Student’s Book, p.38– your pupils and class.
Understand a Understand specific your pupils’ needs and interests and that focuses on familiar foreign countries. 39 Please see the seven
variety of linear information and
and non-linear details of short Lesson delivery Teacher’s Book, p.64– differentiation strategies
print and digital simple texts 65 listed in the introduction.
2. Put the world map on the board/wall and ask pupils to gather around it. Ask pupils Please also consider the
texts by using to show you various countries, first Malaysia, then Singapore and Thailand. Talk A large world map
appropriate following:
about major world countries and include Australia and Canada, asking pupils to
reading strategies show you where they are, if they can. Vocabulary flashcards Consider the roles
Texts from Student’s carefully, so that the
Complementary 3. Introduce and practise the vocabulary using the flashcards. Using the map, ask manager is a capable
pupils in which countries they might find these things. Accept different suitable Book p.38 cut up (and
Complementary Skill pupil in the group.
answers. Ask pupils if we find these things in Malaysia. stuck on the walls
Skill Speaking 2.2.2 Provide visual or oral
around the room before
Speaking 2.2 Ask for attention or prompts if your class is
4. Follow the Teacher’s Book (p.64) for Vocabulary. the lesson). Two or
Use appropriate help from a teacher mainly low proficiency to
three copies of each
communication or classmate by 5. *Make sure the texts are stuck on the wall for this stage of the lesson. Show pupils help them carry out step
strategies using suitable the pictures on Student’s Book, p.38. Ask them which country they think each is. 5.
questions Tell pupils they will read about the three countries. They will work in teams of four Worksheet (see below,
to read together. Assign roles – three of the pupils are runners, they will read about one per group) Review expressions for
one of the countries each; the fourth pupil is the manager. The manager stays at asking for help or
the desk with the worksheet (see below). The manager reads the sentences about clarification and leave
the countries to the relevant team member, who runs to their text on the wall to find them on the board if
out if it is true or false. They return to the manager and tell them. The runners necessary. Support
should not see the worksheet and the manager should not see the texts. They can pupils with different
ask each other to repeat or explain orally. questions as they read
the texts on the wall.
This activity may be a little difficult to set up in English. Have one group model it in
front of the class, making sure they understand the rules.
6. Check the answers as a whole class.
7. Follow the instructions for Activity 2 (see Teacher’s Book p.65).

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
8. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits
your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas covered in the

Worksheet for Lesson 28

Find and read. Circle True or False.
1. February is summer in Canada. True False
2. It’s hot in December in Australia. True False
3. Thailand has four seasons. True False
4. People go skiing in Canada. True False
5. People like the sea in Australia. True False
6. People wear clothes for hot weather in Thailand. True False

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 29 (Writing 7) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of Knowledge


TOPIC: Year in, year out CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Prepositions review
& Citizenship



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that according to the needs of
Writing 4.3 Writing 4.3.3 Student’s Book, p.38 your pupils and class.
Communicate with Plan, draft and write suits your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review language and prepare
appropriate an increased range pupils for the lesson. Please see the seven
Poster paper per differentiation strategies
language form and of simple sentences Lesson delivery group
style for a range of listed in the introduction.
purposes in print Complementary 2. Elicit and use flashcards to introduce vocabulary related to weather, seasons, Please also consider the
Flashcards for following:
and digital media Skill common activities and clothes related to Malaysia and/or your own local area. common activities,
Listening 1.2.5 3. Ask questions and talk to pupils about these aspects of their own country. weather, clothes etc. Consider assigning roles for
Understand a wide Remember to use different questions for different pupils. different pupils in each
Complementary range of short 4. Ask pupils to work in groups. Show them some pictures from Malaysia. They will Pictures from group, e.g. writer, designer,
Skill supported questions make posters about Malaysia. First have pupils work together to write three or magazines/internet artist etc. which will let each
Listening 1.2 four sentences about Malaysia on a piece of paper or in a notebook. They can etc. pupil work to their strength
Understand use the texts on Student’s Book, p.38 as models. and abilities.
meaning in a Glue, colour pens,
variety of familiar 5. In groups, pupils make their posters so that they match the sentences they have Take care that any
contexts written with the pictures. Then they add the sentences to their posters. While questions you ask support
they are working in their groups, monitor and check on progress. Check their and stretch pupils.
sentences and work with each group to help them improve the sentences by
asking questions and eliciting language so that they can write it in the final
version on the poster.
6. Display the posters on the classroom walls.
7. Talk to pupils about the posters. Give positive feedback to each group and
encourage pupils to tell you what they like about each one.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 30 (Writing 8) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of Knowledge


TOPIC: Year in, year out CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity & LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Prepositions
Innovation; ICT



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits according to the needs
Writing 4.2 Writing 4.2.4 Student’s Book, p.41 of your pupils and
Communicate Describe people your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review language and prepare pupils for
basic information and objects using the lesson by reviewing the names of the six countries. Teacher’s Book, class. Please see the
intelligibly for a suitable words and p.68–9 seven differentiation
Lesson delivery strategies listed in the
range of purposes phrases Computers
in print and digital Note: This lesson is based on the project on Student’s Book, p.41. introduction. Please
media Magazines and/or a also consider the
2. Divide pupils into five or six groups, depending on the size of your class. There printer following:
Complementary should be 4–6 pupils in each group.
Set a specific number
Complementary Skill 3. Tell pupils they will find out about a country and make a collage. You can show of pictures or
Skill Speaking 2.2.2 pupils the example of Student’s Book, p.41 Activity 2 so they know what to do. information to find on
Speaking 2.2 Ask for attention or the country so that
Use appropriate help from a teacher 4. Assign roles to pupils in the group or have pupils decide between themselves. At there is enough time in
communication or classmate by least one: the lesson.
strategies using suitable
 researcher (to look on the computer for information about the country*) At the writing stage,
 designer (to decide which pictures go where) you could either have a
more proficient pupil in
 cutter & sticker (to cut out pictures and stick them to the collage) the group be the main
writer (and others
 writer (to annotate the picture). contribute) or,
5. Have groups choose a country. First they should decide what information to find out preferably, you could
about. Allow all pupils to work briefly on the computer to start finding out basic ask each pupil to write
information about the country before the ‘researcher’ takes over and the others do one/two sentences
their tasks. each, so they share the
*Select, in advance, websites that are safe and are simple to follow, that pupils can
use to find information e.g. or
6. Monitor pupils carefully as they use the internet, especially if your network is not
protected. Help as necessary with search terms. Pupils may need help to print out
pictures and other resources or information they find. They should avoid using texts
they find because this is not their language and other pupils may not understand it.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
7. Have pupils create a collage. Set a fixed time limit for this activity depending on the
time you have available in your lesson.
8. Have pupils write in their notebooks about the country.
Note that pupils should work reasonably independently in this lesson, and should ask
for your help in English when they need it. Move around groups as they work and
support them. Ask questions about their choice of pictures for the collage as you
9. Pupils display their collages and read their sentences for others to hear and point to /
find the correct collage. Encourage pupils to ask each other questions about the

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 31 (Language Arts 4) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Arts THEME: World of Stories

TOPIC: Year in, year out CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity & LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Review of present simple;
Imagination prepositions


Get Smart plus 3
Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning
Language Arts 5.3 Language Arts 5.3.1 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits Student’s Book, according to the needs of your
Express an Respond your pupils’ needs and interests and that focuses on climate and weather. p.42–43 pupils and class. Please see
imaginative imaginatively and the seven differentiation
Lesson delivery strategies listed in the
response to intelligibly through Teacher’s Book,
literary texts creating simple 2. Tell pupils you will read a story called The Snow Globe. Show them the globe, or p. 70–71 introduction. Please also
action songs on use a picture of a snow globe. Ask pupils if they have seen something like this consider the following:
familiar topics. before. A snow globe or If pupils have a lot of difficulty
Complementary Other imaginative 3. Ask pupils to tell you what they think the story will be about. Put some of the ideas in large clear ball if writing freely, you could
Skill responses as note form on the board. available provide some models of
Writing 4.2 appropriate 4. Show pupils the first picture of the story (Student’s Book, p.42) and ask them to tell different kinds of sentences on
Communicate you about the picture. Let pupils read the texts on p.42. Choose some pupils to read Magic globe the board to give them some
basic information different characters’ parts. Ask pupils what they think will happen next. worksheet (see ideas. They can also look in
intelligibly for a Complementary below) the Student’s Book (p.43) for
range of purposes Skill 5. Have pupils read the second page of the story silently before playing the CD. Follow
in print and digital Writing 4.2.1 While reading and after reading suggestions (Teacher’s Book, p.70–71) for talking to
media Express simple pupils about the story. Elicit as much as possible. Ask pupils if they liked the story. Let more proficient pupils write
opinions 6. Ask pupils where they would like to go if they found a magic globe. Give pupils the as much as they can, too.
worksheet (below) and ask them to draw their ideas and to write at least one
sentence about it. They can give it a title or a name.
This is a free writing activity, which lets pupils write what they can. You can give
some suggestions, but it is a good opportunity for you to see how pupils can write
without a model. Support them and help them write what they want to about their
7. Display pupils’ work and comment on their imagination and creativity. Encourage
pupils to give feedback on what they like about others’ work.
8. Collect the pupils’ worksheets and look through them. Note individuals’ strengths
and weaknesses in relation to what is covered in the unit. Give written comments on
their work, in a brightly coloured pen, making sure to be positive and offer
constructive help if necessary.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Worksheet for Lesson 31

Name: _____________ Class: ______




Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 32 (Language Awareness 4) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of Knowledge

TOPIC: Year in, year out CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Review of language from
Unit 4



Main Skill Main Skill Use your notes made during this unit to adapt this plan so that your lesson consolidates and extends Depending on Differentiate learning
Writing 4.3 Writing 4.3.1 language areas needed by your pupils. You might consider using some of the material as a your focus: according to the needs
Communicate with Use capital letters, homework task, if appropriate. of your pupils and class.
Get Smart plus 3
Please see the seven
appropriate full stops and Note: You could also make use of the review activities in Revision (Student’s Book p.44 / Teacher’s
language form question marks Book p.72–73) and/or consider offering pupils a choice of activities. Student’s Book, differentiation strategies
and style for a appropriately in p.44 listed in the introduction.
range of purposes guided writing at Pre-lesson Please also consider the
Teacher’s Book, following:
in print and digital sentence level 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your pupils’ p.72–73
media needs and interests and that will prepare pupils for the lesson. There is space on the
Card, if possible, worksheet for another
Complementary Lesson delivery or plain paper question. More proficient
Complementary Skill pupils can write their
2. Ask pupils to take a piece of card (or paper if not available). On one side, they should write in Picture of a girl
Skill Speaking own question here. They
and on the other side on.
Speaking 2.1.2 Worksheet (see can also ask more than
2.1 Find out about 3. Tell pupils you will say a sentence. If the sentence should use in then they hold up and show below) one friend.
Communicate and describe that side of their card, if on they should show the other side. Say some sentences which
simple information basic everyday practise the prepositions as covered in the unit. Pause, ring a bell or knock on the desk in place Bell Choose among these
intelligibly routines of the preposition. Pupils hold up their cards. Watch carefully to see which pupils still find this and other available
game difficult. Example sentences: practice materials for
this Language
I like to play tennis ___ spring. Awareness lesson,
based on the needs and
It’s my birthday ___ March.
interests of your class.
Hassan and Zikri have football ___ Saturday afternoon.
4. Ask pupils questions to elicit the rules for when we use in and on.
5. Show the picture of the girl, and explain that this is Alya. She has answered some questions in
a survey. Hand out the worksheet (see below) and show pupils Alya’s answers.
6. Ask pupils to complete the questions. Support pupils as necessary.
7. Next, pupils write their own answers, before asking their partner the questions and write their
answers on the worksheet. They should write the answers following the model for Alya,
including punctuation.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
If you have extra time, you could ask pupils to write sentences about their partner in their
8. Ask pupils to think about what they have learned in Unit 4 and how well they feel they know the
language now. They should complete the How did I do in Unit 4? self-assessment section of the
Collect the worksheets from pupils and review them to note pupils’ performance. If there are
any areas of concern, prepare a review of these in upcoming lessons.
Worksheet for Lesson 32
A. Write words to finish the questions.
Question Alya Me My friend
When’s your b__________? It’s in May.
What’s your f__________ season? It’s winter.
What clothes do you w__________ in summer? I wear a dress.
What kind of w__________ do you like? I like sun.
What’s your favourite d__________? I like Friday.

How did I do in Unit 4?
In English, I know how to:
 say what I do at different times of the year Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 know when to use different words like in and on Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 talk about seasons Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 talk about weather Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 talk about different sports and activities Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 33 (Listening 5) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: My new house CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Prepositions of place



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
according to the
Listening 1.2 Listening 1.2.2 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits Student’s Book, p.45 needs of your pupils
Understand Understand with your pupils’ needs and interests and that focuses on the word house.
meaning in a support specific Teacher’s Book, and class. Please see
variety of familiar information and Lesson delivery p.74–5 the seven
contexts details of short differentiation
2. Play Run and touch, where you say Touch the (window) and pupils run (or walk) and Flashcards of key strategies listed in the
simple texts touch the place. Use parts of the room vocabulary (door, floor etc.) and then introduce vocabulary introduction. Please
prepositions behind and in front of. Extend to a game like Simon Says, where they also consider the
Complementary only run and touch if you say please.
Skill Complementary following:
Listening 1.2 Skill 3. Follow instructions for Warm up (Teacher’s Book, p.74). Observe how well pupils You could ask some
Understand Listening 1.2.1 already know the prepositions and modify your lesson plan accordingly. more confident pupils
meaning in a Understand with to become teacher in
4. Follow instructions for Activity 1 (Teacher’s Book, p.74), but the first time pupils listen,
variety of familiar support the main the first stage of the
they should point to the correct room in the house as they hear it.
contexts idea of short simple lesson (Run and
texts 5. Review the key prepositions and vocabulary that you have noticed is new or difficult Touch game).
for pupils by playing a group or whole class game.
Now you know your
Post-lesson pupils a little better,
choose how best they
6. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits
will work in a review
your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas covered in the
game (in pairs, small
groups or as a whole

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 34 (Speaking 8) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of Self, family & friends

TOPIC: My new house CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Prepositions of place


Get Smart plus 3
Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning
Speaking 2.1 Speaking 2.1.5 1. Play the song from Lesson 65 and encourage pupils to join in. Student’s Book, p.45, according to the needs
Communicate Describe people p.47 of your pupils and class.
Lesson delivery Please see the seven
simple information and objects using
intelligibly suitable words and 2. Ask pupils about the song: Where’s the doll/Rex? // Where are the toys/clothes? Teacher’s Book, p.74 differentiation strategies
phrases to review and check understanding of the prepositions. If you notice that your listed in the introduction.
pupils are finding these difficult at this stage, include another stage to review Clothes Please also consider the
Complementary them further, such as a ‘listen and draw’ in their notebooks. flashcards following:
Skill 3. Follow the instructions for Activity 2 (Teacher’s Book, p.74). While reviewing
Listening 1.2 Complementary 4. Introduce the clothes vocabulary (see Student’s Book, p.47, Activity 3) using the prepositions, ask
Understand Skill flashcards. Play a game to practise the new vocabulary. questions and use some
meaning in a Listening 1.2.5 mime to different pupils
variety of familiar Understand a wide 5. Assign half the class as Pupil As and the other half as Pupil Bs. It is better that
to help them at their
contexts range of short the pupils are not sitting A+B together right now. Ask Pupil As to draw a shirt and
level of understanding.
supported questions some socks in the house (picture on Student’s Book, p.45, Activity 1); Pupil Bs to
These might be closed
draw a dress and some trousers in the house.
questions, e.g Is it
6. Pair As with Bs. Pupils ask and answer Where’s/are the xx? without showing behind the door (mime
their books. They draw the partner’s answers into their house. behind)? or What can
Monitor carefully as pupils work, and check they are working together well and you find under your bed
are managing the target language at home?
7. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that
suits your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas covered
in the lesson.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 35 (Reading 6) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of Self, Family & Friends

TOPIC: My new house CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Global LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Present tense There is/are:
Sustainability; Values Singular & plural; Prepositions of place



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your according to the needs of
Reading 3.2 Reading 3.2.3 Student’s Book, your pupils and class.
Understand a Guess the meaning pupils’ needs and interests and that will review key language to prepare pupils for the p.48–49
variety of linear of unfamiliar words lesson. Please see the seven
and non-linear from clues provided Teacher’s Book, differentiation strategies
Lesson delivery p.78–79 listed in the introduction.
print and digital by visuals and the
texts by using topic 2. Write Japan on the board or show a map of Japan. Ask pupils to tell each other in pairs / Please also consider the
small groups what they know about Japan. They will probably use first language for this. Map of Japan following:
appropriate (optional)
reading strategies When feeding back, help pupils translate some of their ideas into English and/or provide There may be some first
Complementary them with some key vocabulary. Ask them what they know about houses in Japan. Cut up pictures language used in this
Skill 3. Show the pictures from the text on Student’s Book, p.48. Ask pupils to tell you what they from Student’s lesson. You can
Complementary Reading 3.2.1 can see. Book, p.48 encourage and support
Skill Understand the 4. Ask pupils to read the text on p.48 and highlight or underline any new words. Direct pupils different pupils to use as
Reading 3.2 main idea of short to the pictures to try to guess the meaning of the new words. much English as they can
Understand a simple texts by helping them with
variety of linear 5. Follow instructions for shadow reading and questions for Activity 1 (Teacher’s Book,
vocabulary and language
and non-linear p.78).
that you think each pupil
print and digital 6. Focus pupils on the questions on Student’s Book p.49 and follow the instructions in is capable of.
texts by using Teacher’s Book, p.78–9 for Activity 2. You could use Activity 2 as an opportunity to
appropriate informally assess pupils’ Reading skills. Have pupils do this alone initially before checking
reading strategies with a partner. Monitor to note performance of individual pupils.
7. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your
pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas covered in the lesson.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 36 (Reading 7) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of Knowledge


TOPIC: My new house CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Present tense There is/are:
Singular & plural; Prepositions of place; Adjectives



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Reading 3.2 Reading 3.2.2 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits according to the needs
Student’s Book, p.51 of your pupils and
Understand a Understand specific your pupils’ needs and interests and that will introduce key vocabulary from this
variety of linear information and lesson. Write and leave the words on the board. Teacher’s Book, p.82 class. Please see the
and non-linear details of short seven differentiation
Lesson delivery Some pictures of your strategies listed in the
print and digital simple texts house, if appropriate, or
texts by using 2. Tell pupils about your house (this can be real or something from a magazine) introduction. Please
using the pictures. Use some of the words from the pre-lesson activity you left on a house from a also consider the
appropriate magazine
reading strategies Complementary the board. Have pupils listen and then tell you which words you used. following:
Complementary Skill 3. Tell them they will read about Sue’s house. They should read silently and tell you Think about your pupils
Skill Reading 3.2.1 what they think of Sue’s house using an adjective. and where they live.
Reading 3.2 understand the 4. Next ask them to read again and to find some differences between Sue’s house You may need to teach
Understand a main idea of short and your house (as described). more vocabulary to
variety of linear simple texts help them describe
and non-linear 5. Follow instructions for Activity 1 (Teacher’s Book, p.82) from step 2.
their own bedrooms or
print and digital 6. Ask pupils to make a note of their answers to the questions (in note form, not full houses.
texts by using sentences) in their notebooks.
appropriate Some pupils may find it
7. After checking the answers with a partner, ask pupils to expand their answers into
reading strategies challenging to expand
full sentences in their notebooks.
their answers into full
Collect pupils’ notebooks and check them for spelling and content in particular. sentences. You may
Note down words you have taught them for this activity that pupils have difficulty need to repeat the
spelling correctly. question or provide
Post-lesson gapped sentences on
the board. Less
8. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that proficient pupils could
suits your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas covered write up just two or
in the lesson. three sentences.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 37 (Writing 9) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of self, family and friends

Environmental Sustainability; Creativity & Singular & plural


Pictures of traditional
Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning
style local/national
Writing 4.2 Writing 4.2.4 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits houses according to the needs
Communicate basic Describe people your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review key language to prepare of your pupils and
information intelligibly and objects using pupils for the lesson on the topic of homes and houses. Include key words such as Poster paper, pens, class. Please see the
for a range of suitable words and wood, water, light. rulers etc. seven differentiation
purposes in print and phrases strategies listed in the
Lesson delivery introduction. Please
digital media If possible a template
2. Show the pictures of the Japanese house from Lesson 72. Elicit some differences for design of a also consider the
Complementary between this and pupils’ own homes. traditional house following:
Complementary Skill 3. Show the pictures of traditional Malay houses. Talk to the pupils about how the Pupils can write
Skill Writing 4.3.3 houses are traditionally built to respect the natural environment. (this may be in card for each group sentences according to
Writing 4.3 Plan, draft and first language) (For an interesting article see: for making houses their own level.
Communicate with write an increased Note Encourage them to try
appropriate language range of simple that you will need to choose and simplify the information given here. and write something a
form and style for a sentences 4. Ask pupils what key features make an environmentally friendly home (e.g. natural little above their level
range of purposes in building materials, use of natural energy and resources – water, light etc). and support them in
print and digital this.
media 5. Tell pupils they will design an eco-friendly house. Assign pupils to work in groups
on a poster or a model (if possible). They should design a house and then each
pupil writes a sentence about the house (in their notebooks as a draft, and then,
after checking, on the poster or as a label) using There is/are. The houses will be
conceptually simple. Monitor carefully and support pupils as they try to write their
sentences. If pupils are not able to finish their houses in this lesson, you could
have them continue at the end of the next few lessons, perhaps in place of the
post-lesson task.
6. Have pupils look at each other’s posters and comment on them. Provide some
general feedback on their efforts.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 38 (Writing 10) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing & Speaking THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: My new house CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Present tense There is/are:
Singular & plural; Prepositions of place; Adjectives



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Writing 4.3 Writing 4.3.3 1. Play a spelling game (e.g. a letter jumble) to review some of the common words according to the needs
Communicate with Plan, draft and write (including those spelt incorrectly in the previous lesson) from this topic. Student’s Book, p.51 of your pupils and
appropriate an increased range class. Please see the
language form and of simple sentences
Lesson delivery Teacher’s Book, p.82 seven differentiation
style for a range of 2. Play the CD to review the text on Student’s Book, p.51. Review the differences strategies listed in the
purposes in print between Sue’s house and pupils’ own homes. Template of a beroom on introduction. Please
a worksheet also consider the
and digital media 3. Look at Writing Tip and follow instructions for this in Teacher’s Book, p.82.
Complementary Optional: pictures of following:
4. Have pupils write about their bedroom on a worksheet. After writing they can bedroom furniture to cut
Skill furnish their bedroom using the template and cut up furniture OR they can draw Set a minimum number
Complementary Speaking 2.3.1 out
the furniture into the room. of sentences for pupils
Skill Narrate very short to write (e.g. write at
Speaking 2.3 basic stories and 5. Pupils tell their partner about their bedroom using the pictures and the text.
least two sentences) so
Communicate events Encourage partners to ask each other questions about their bedroom or make
that more proficient
appropriately to a comments about it.
pupils can write more.
small or large 6. Pupils present their work to the class. Encourage the class to ask questions
group about the picture and the pupil’s home. This could be done in groups if there is
7. Collect pupils’ work, review it and note problem areas for review in later lessons.
8. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that
suits your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas
covered in the lesson.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 39 (Language Arts 5) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Arts & THEME: World of Stories

TOPIC: My new house CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Review of unit vocabulary
and language



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
according to the needs of
Language Arts 5.2 Language Arts 5.2.1 1. Follow instructions for Warm up (Teacher’s Book, p.52). Student’s Book, p.52–54 your pupils and class.
Express personal Ask and answer
responses to simple questions Lesson delivery Teacher’s Book, p.84–85 Please see the seven
literary texts about characters, differentiation strategies
2. Follow instructions for Activity 1, Before reading, using just the pictures from Self-assessment listed in the introduction.
actions and events the story. worksheet
of interest in a text Please also consider the
3. Play the CD and have pupils listen and look at the pictures. Pause very briefly following:
Complementary at the end of each picture, check basic understanding very briefly, and ask a If the topic of ghosts is not
Skill Complementary question to predict what will happen next. appropriate in your context,
Listening 1.2 Skill you can choose a different
Ask pupils one or two comprehension questions and review the story in their
Understand Listening 1.2.3 story and follow a similar
books if necessary. Ask pupils what they think the moral of the story is (see
meaning in a Understand with lesson outline.
Value on p.53, Student’s Book). Discuss the value with pupils.
variety of familiar support short simple
contexts narratives 4. Have pupils build vocabulary mind maps (see Optional activity, Teacher’s You can discuss the story
Book, p.85) or choose a review activity from Student’s Book, p.54. and the values in a mixture
of pupils’ first language and
Post-lesson English, expecting more
English from more
5. Ask pupils to think about what they have learned in Unit 5 and how well they
proficient pupils than
feel they know the language now. They should complete the How did I do in
Unit 5? self-assessment worksheet (see below).
6. Collect the worksheets from pupils and review them to note pupils’
performance. If there are any areas of concern, prepare a review of these in
upcoming lessons.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Self-assessment worksheet for Lesson 39
How did I do in Unit 5?
In English, I know how to:
 say where things are in the house Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 say who things belong to Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 describe different houses Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 talk about rooms and furniture Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 talk about clothes Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 40 (Project-Based Learning 1) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of self, family and friends




Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Question cards Differentiate learning

Speaking 2.1 Speaking 2.1.5 (see below – 1 according to the needs
1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your set per group) of your pupils and class.
Communicate Describe people pupils’ needs and interests and that will review language to prepare pupils for the lesson. Please see the seven
simple information and objects using Computers
intelligibly suitable words and Lesson delivery differentiation strategies
phrases listed in the introduction.
2. Ask pupils to close their eyes and imagine their own house. Ask some hands-up Please also consider the
questions that relate to the questions on the question cards (see below), e.g. Hands up if following:
Complementary you have three rooms in your house. / Hands up if your bedroom walls are pink. etc.
Skill Complementary Make sure you leave the
Writing 4.3 Skill 3. Put pupils in groups of four. Hand out the cards and put them in the middle, face down. question cards with the
Communicate Writing 4.3.1 Pupils pick a card, in turn, and answer the question on the card. groups so they can use
with appropriate Use capital letters, them as support when
4. Feed back on this activity, but leave the cards with the pupils.
language form full stops and writing the questions.
and style for a question marks 5. Tell pupils they will create a survey about the class houses. First each group should write
range of purposes appropriately in four questions (one per pupil) in their notebooks. Monitor and help as necessary. Note Depending on pupils’
in print and digital guided writing at that pupils can copy the questions on the cards or use them as models if they need to. ICT skills and software
media sentence level Make sure that each pupil has all four questions in their notebook. availability, they could
use Word, Excel or
6. Pupils should now ask others their questions – one question each. Set a number of Open Office.
pupils (minimum and/or maximum, depending on time) they should ask. They should
note the answers in their notebooks.
7. Pupils return to their groups and put their findings together.
8. Where possible, groups use the computer to create a table or chart to present their
findings. Have pupils save their work and either post to the class or school website/blog
or print out.
If no computers are available, this can be done on paper by hand.
9. Groups present their findings to the class.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Template for suggested question cards for Lesson 40

How many rooms are How many people live Do you have a What’s your favourite
there in your house? in your house? garden? room?

What colour are the

Do you have your Is there an upstairs in How many TVs are
walls in your
own bedroom? your house? there in your house?

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 41 (Listening 6) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: Food, please! CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Countable & uncountable



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Listening 1.2 Listening 1.2.2 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your pupils’ according to the needs
Student’s Book, of your pupils and
Understand Understand with needs and interests and that will review language to prepare pupils for the lesson. Focus on food p.55
meaning in a support specific words pupils already know. Ask pupils which of those foods they like. class. Please see the
variety of familiar information and Teacher’s Book, seven differentiation
Lesson delivery p.88–9 strategies listed in the
contexts details of short
simple texts 2. Follow the instructions for Warmer on Teacher’s Book, p.88. You could build a mind map rather introduction. Please
than a table or have pupils brainstorm their ideas in groups first. Make sure pupils have a copy Food flashcards also consider the
Complementary of this, so they can use it in the next lesson. following:
Skill Complementary 3. Introduce the new vocabulary as explained in Teacher’s Book, p.88, Vocabulary. Encourage pupils to
Speaking 2.1 Skill draw food they really
Communicate Speaking 2.1.1 4. Tell pupils they will hear a song. They should listen and point to the vocabulary words at the top like, even if they don’t
simple Ask about and of the page when they hear them. know what it is in
information express basic English. You can help
5. Follow the instructions for Activity 1, Teacher’s Book, p.88.
intelligibly opinions them find the English
6. Follow the instructions for Optional activity (Teacher’s Book, p.89). Extend the interaction to word for the food. If
include a reason, e.g. It’s delicious. / They’re horrible. you are not sure, you
could use an online
dictionary (on the
Learning diaries: computer or on a
7. Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week (this will include Unit 5 and the mobile phone).
beginning of Unit 6). In their learning diary, they can write:
 New words I remember
 Activities I enjoyed
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
 Something I feel proud of (about my English)
Encourage pupils to reflect more deeply and using more English. Some pupils will be more able to do
this than others. Support pupils who may need some help and encourage everyone to complete their
diaries. Ensure you allocate time for this activity in your lesson plan. It shouldn’t be set for homework.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 42 (Speaking 9) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of self, family and friends



Get Smart plus 3
Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning according to
Speaking 2.1 Speaking 2.1.5 1. Play the TPR game (see TPR activity, Teacher’s Book, p.88). Student’s Book, the needs of your pupils and class.
Communicate Describe people p.55 Please see the seven differentiation
Lesson delivery strategies listed in the introduction.
simple information and objects using
intelligibly suitable words and 2. Ask pupils to read the words of the song. Ask them to find and underline Teacher’s Book, Please also consider the following:
phrases with a colour pencil There’s and, in a different colour, There are. p.88–89 If you think it may be difficult for
Complementary 3. Ask pupils to tell you some example sentences from the song using There some of your pupils to form full
Skill Complementary is/are and write them on the board. Using the food realia (real food), ask Food flashcards + sentences in Activity 2, put some
Listening 1.2 Skill questions like How many carrots are there? How many sugars? to show copies of one per model sentences on the board. You
Understand Listening 1.2.2 that words like sugar are uncountable. Elicit examples of each from the pupil can begin to erase these during the
meaning in a Understand with song. Avoid using words like countable and uncountable as they may be activity if you think pupils don’t need
variety of familiar support specific confusing. Show how each goes together with some and plural/singular Some countable it any more.
contexts information and noun. and uncountable
details of short 4. Modify and follow the instructions for Grammar box (Teacher’s Book, p.88– food/drink if
simple texts 9) as necessary. appropriate (e.g.
some sugar, two
5. Follow the instructions for Activity 2 (Teacher’s Book, p.89). Note that in carrots)
pairs, Pupil A says a sentence using There is a /are some… on the table.
Pupil B listens and points to the picture in Activity 2. Colour pencils
6. Play a game where you hide food flashcards behind you. Pupils have to
guess what you have, There’s some milk behind you. Pairs play the game.
Monitor carefully as pupils do the Speaking activities to see how well they
have understood countable and uncountable nouns.
7. Return to the table/mind map from last lesson. Ask pupils to find examples
of different nouns on it (give examples to show you want countable and
uncountable nouns, but avoid using these words with pupils).

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 43 (Reading 8) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of self, family and friends

Creativity & Innovation uncountable nouns in questions



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
1. Introduce the flashcards for eggs, milk, cheese. Ask pupils what you could make according to the needs of
Reading 3.2 Reading 3.2.3 Student’s Book, p.56– your pupils and class.
Understand a Guess the meaning with these. Elicit or teach omelette. Ask if pupils have ever had an omelette. If 57
variety of linear of unfamiliar words so, what was inside it? Please see the seven
and non-linear from clues provided Teacher’s Book, differentiation strategies
Lesson delivery p.90–91 listed in the introduction.
print and digital by visuals and the
texts by using topic 2. Follow instructions for Warm up and Vocabulary on Teacher’s Book, p.90. Please also consider the
Food flashcards following:
appropriate 3. Introduce the text and ask pupils to read it and tell you which omelette they’d
reading strategies prefer. Some more proficient
Complementary Monitor carefully as pupils read and see how they are progressing. Some pupils pupils should be able to tell
Skill may read much more slowly than others. Note down which pupils finish quickly you in English their
Complementary Reading 3.2.2 and which take longer. strategy for understanding
Skill Understand specific unknown words. You could
Reading 3.2 information and 4. Follow the instructions for Activity 1 on Teacher’s Book, p.90, but leave out the
ask them to translate for
Understand a details of short performance stage. Ask pupils what they think Yummy and Yuck mean and why
other pupils after helping
variety of linear simple texts they think that.
them say it in English.
and non-linear 5. To follow on from the reading, follow instruction for Activity 2. Have pupils do this
print and digital individually before checking their answers with a partner. Then feed back, and Reading the whole text
texts by using elicit language from pupils in full sentences. may be difficult for some
appropriate pupils. Give them plenty of
Post-lesson time to try to read it. If
reading strategies
6. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that necessary, ask faster
suits your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas finishers to think about
covered in the lesson. what they would have in
their omelette.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 44 (Reading 9) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of Knowledge


Sustainability description; prepositions of place: from + country



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your according to the needs
Reading 3.2 Reading 3.2.1 Student’s Book, of your pupils and
Understand a Understand the pupils’ needs and interests and that will review language to prepare pupils for the lesson. p.58–59
variety of linear main idea of short class. Please see the
Lesson delivery Teacher’s Book, seven differentiation
and non-linear simple texts
print and digital 2. Follow the instructions for Warm up and Vocabulary (Teacher’s Book, p.92) p.92–93 strategies listed in the
introduction. Please
texts by using 3. Show the pictures from Student’s Book p.58 and elicit some details about them. Ask pupils Texts and
appropriate also consider the
about the kinds of food, where it might be from. pictures cut up,
reading strategies following:
4. Pupils work in groups of four. Each group has a set of texts plus pictures. They should read one set per
the texts and match them to the pictures. group Monitor as groups work
with the texts so that
Complementary Divide the texts between the pupils in the group. Ask pupils to highlight/underline the name
more proficient pupils
Skill Complementary of the food in one colour, the ingredients in another colour and the country in another.
work with the
Reading 3.2 Skill Note that souvlaki (pronounced soovlakey) is a kind of meat wrap. challenging texts and
Understand a Reading 3.2.2 5. Have all pupils with the same texts check their answers together before returning to their less proficient pupils
variety of linear Understand specific groups. work with the less
and non-linear information and challenging texts.
6. Draw a basic mind map on the board with sections for country/ingredients/food. Ask pupils
print and digital details of short
to work together to write vocabulary from the texts into the mind map they have copied into
texts by using simple texts
their notebooks. You could do this as a table if you prefer.
reading strategies 7. Ask pupils to open their Student Books at page 58 and read the texts again. Ask some of
the suggested questions on Teacher’s Book, p.92. Follow instructions for Activity 2,
Teacher’s Book, p.93.
Monitor as pupils work on the activities in this lesson. You may want to review some of the
vocabulary and concepts in the next lesson.
8. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your
pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas covered in the lesson.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work


LESSON: 45 (Writing 11) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: Food, please! CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language; LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Modal verb would + like
Creativity & Innovation



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Writing 4.3 Writing 4.3.3 according to the needs of
1. Ask pupils if they go to restaurants / eat out sometimes. Ask them what their favourite Student’s Book, your pupils and class.
Communicate with Plan, draft and write food/restaurant is. Ask them what they like to drink, too. p.60
appropriate an increased range Please see the seven
language form and of simple sentences Lesson delivery Teacher’s Book, differentiation strategies
style for a range of p.94–95 listed in the introduction.
2. Follow the instructions for Warm up, Vocabulary and Grammar Box on Teacher’s Book, Please also consider the
purposes in print p.94. If possible, some
and digital media following:
tablecloths and/or
Complementary 3. Follow instructions for Activity 1 (Teacher’s Book p.95). Let pupils do a few role plays in Encourage pupils to be
cutlery for acting
Skill groups, as suggested in the Teacher’s Book. creative when writing
Complementary Speaking 2.3.1 Scissors their scripts. Some pupils
4. Then ask pupils to write their scripts for one role play. Each pupil should write their own
Skill Narrate very short will follow the model and
lines of the role play but encourage pupils to work together and help each other.
Speaking 2.3 basic stories and use the given vocabulary
Communicate events 5. Pupils practise the role play using the scripts. Monitor closely and help pupils with their and structure, but allow
appropriately to a writing and practicing. Remind pupils to make changes to their writing if they find others to try out new or
small or large mistakes or something they would like to improve. different language or
group vocabulary, helping them
6. Set up a table and chairs at the front of the classroom. Use a tablecloth and cutlery, and
to say what they want to
any other props, if possible, to make it realistic. Have pupils perform their role plays to
say in the role play.
the class, this time without their scripts.
7. Ask pupils which restaurant they’d like to go to and why.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 46 (Language Arts 6) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Arts THEME: World of self, family and friends




Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your according to the needs
Language Arts 5.3 Language Arts Student’s Book, of your pupils and
Express an 5.3.1 pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the recipe topic to prepare pupils for the p.117*
imaginative Respond lesson. class. Please see the
response to imaginatively and Teacher’s Book, seven differentiation
Lesson delivery p.180 strategies listed in the
literary texts intelligibly through
creating simple introduction. Please
2. Play a mime game to review the cooking vocabulary from Lesson 84. *Optional: replace
action songs on also consider the
3. Introduce the new vocabulary using the pictures on Student’s Book, p.117. with a recipe for a following:
familiar topics Malaysian dish
Other imaginative 4. Follow the instructions for Activity 1 on Teacher’s Book, p.180. Ask pupils what they think Think about which
responses as about the dish. pupils will work best
appropriate together in pairs / small
5. Follow the instructions for Activity 2 (Teacher’s Book, p.180). Have pupils present their groups in your class,
Complementary recipes in groups. Each group should choose a winner for the ‘best’ recipe – this might be so that more proficient
Skill Complementary a yummy one or a strange one, they can decide. Have the winners of each group present pupils can help less
Speaking 2.1 Skill their recipes to the class. Ask for opinions on the recipes. proficient pupils. Be
Communicate Speaking 2.1.1 Post-lesson careful that all pupils
simple information Ask about and contribute to the
intelligibly express basic 6. Learning diaries:
activity, however.
opinions Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning diary, they can
write: You could find or write
a simple recipe for a
 New words I remember
Malaysian dish to
 Activities I enjoyed replace the Rainbow
Risotto recipe in the
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W) Student’s Book if you
think this will be more
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
relevant to pupils’
 Something I feel proud of (about my English) interests and
experience. In this
Encourage pupils to reflect more deeply and using more English. Some pupils will be more case, check it for key
able to do this than others. Support pupils who may need some help and encourage everyone vocabulary that is new
to complete their diaries. Ensure you allocate time for this activity in your lesson plan. It and known to the
shouldn’t be set for homework. pupils.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 47 (Language Awareness 5) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: Food, please! CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Review of unit language



Main Skill Main Skill Use your notes made on pupils during this unit to adapt this plan so that your lesson Depending on Differentiate learning
Reading 3.2 Reading 3.2.2 consolidates and extends language areas needed by your pupils. You might consider using your focus: according to the needs of
Understand a Understand some of the material as a homework task, if appropriate. your pupils and class. Please
Question and see the seven differentiation
variety of linear specific Note: You could also make use of the review activities in Revision (Student’s Book p.64 / answers – cut strategies listed in the
and non-linear information and Teacher’s Book p.100–101) and/or consider offering pupils a choice of activities. up, one per pupil
print and digital details of short introduction. Please also
texts by using simple texts Pre-lesson Worksheet (see consider the following:
appropriate below) You could offer pupils a
1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your
reading pupils’ needs and interests and that will review language and prepare pupils for the Self-assessment choice of these activities or
strategies lesson. worksheet you could ask different pupils
Complementary to do different activities
Skill Lesson delivery Get Smart plus 3 depending on their individual
Complementary Speaking 2.1.1 2. Mix up and hand out question and answer strips to pupils, one each. Ask pupils to needs, based on formative
Student’s Book
Skill Ask about and mingle (walk around talking to different pupils) to find a partner to match the question + assessment in this unit
Speaking 2.1 express basic answer.
Communicate opinions Teacher’s Book Have pupils do more
3. Write the questions on the board or show a large copy of them all. Ask questions to help activities and/or make their
simple p.100–101
pupils see the relationship between the form of the questions and the answers (e.g. use own activities
of do/there + be / the repetition of the verbs, including contracted form of would).
Carefully explain the contraction form of would to ensure pupils understand how I’d is
4. Model the worksheet activity on the board using an example. Explain the example if you
think it is necessary in addition to Stage 3. Ask pupils to work individually on the
worksheet (see below) before checking their answers with a partner.
5. Follow instructions for Optional activity on Teacher’s Book, p.101. Encourage pupils to
give reasons.
6. Ask pupils to think about what they have learned in Unit 6 and how well they feel they
know the language now. They should complete the How did I do in Unit 6? self-
assessment section of the worksheet.
7. Collect the worksheets from pupils and review them to note pupils’ performance. If there
are any areas of concern, prepare a review of these in upcoming lessons.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Materials for Lesson 96

Questions & Answers for cutting up

What would you like to eat? I’d like some chicken, please.
What would you like to drink? I’d like some water, please.

Do you like omelettes? No, I do not.

Is there any cheese in your burger? Yes, there is.

Are there any carrots in your soup? No, there aren’t.

What do you want for lunch? I want some curry and rice, please.

Worksheet for Lesson 96

Circle the best word
1. I’d like some / any cheese in my omelette souvlaki, please.
2. What would you like / want to drink?
3. Is / Are there any yogurt in the fridge?
4. Can I have some water to drink / eat, please?
5. Cut up / serving the onions and put them in the pot.

How did I do in Unit 6?
In English, I know how to:
 use some with different words (some water or some tomatoes) Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 talk and ask questions about food Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 talk and ask questions about ingredients and recipes Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 talk about food from different countries Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 order food and drink in a restaurant Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 48 (Listening 7) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: Out and about CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Imperative statements
(positive & negative)



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Listening 1.2 Listening 1.2.2 according to the needs
1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your Student’s Book, of your pupils and
Understand Understand with pupils’ needs and interests and that will review language to prepare pupils for the p.65 class. Please see the
meaning in a support specific lesson.
variety of familiar information and Teacher’s Book, seven differentiation
contexts details of short Lesson delivery p.102–103 strategies listed in the
simple texts introduction. Please
1. Introduce the key vocabulary by following instructions for Warm up (Teacher’s Book, also consider the
p.102). following:
Skill Complementary 2. Ask pupils to close their eyes and imagine. Give directions from school to a place in Depending on the level
Listening 1.3 Skill your local area that pupils will know (e.g. a mosque or a shop), but do not tell them of your class, you can
Use appropriate Listening 1.3.1 where they are going. Have pupils listen and follow your directions in their mind. They make the directions
listening strategies Guess the meaning should tell you where they are, where you took them. If/when pupils get confused, ask Listening activity more
in a variety of of unfamiliar words them to open their eyes and watch you mime as you speak. Repeat once or twice, or less challenging by
contexts by using visual making it simpler or more complicated according to the reactions and level of adding in detail or
clues when a understanding of your pupils. making it
teacher or longer/shorter.
3. Follow instructions for Activity 1, Teacher’s Book, p.102.
classmate is
speaking Post-lesson Some pupils may prefer
to trace/draw the
4. Use some phrases from the song to play a mime game. directions on paper as
they hear them in order
to help them follow.
Allow this.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 49 (Speaking 10) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: Out and about CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Imperative statements
(positive & negative)


Get Smart plus 3
Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning
Speaking 2.1 Speaking 2.1.3 1. Play a version of Simon says (see Optional, Teacher’s Book, p.103), where the Student’s Book, according to the needs of your
Communicate Give a short pupils do the action only if you say please. You could ask some pupils to take the p.65 pupils and class. Please see
simple information sequence of basic role the teacher. Review vocabulary from Student’s Book, p.65 in this activity. the seven differentiation
intelligibly directions Teacher’s Book, strategies listed in the
Lesson delivery introduction. Please also
2. Play the song from Activity 1 and have pupils mime as they listen to the song. They consider the following:
might want to sing as well but avoid having them look in their textbooks. Cloth for team Encourage pupils to help each
Complementary Complementary 3. Follow instructions for Activity 2 (Teacher’s Book, p.65). Divide the class into three blindfolds other during the directions
Skill Skill or four teams. Pupils take it in turns to race the instructions, with one pupil in the activity, but let each pupil
Listening 1.2 Listening 1.2.4 maze and one pupil giving directions. Exchange roles each time. For each turn, have a turn at both directing
Understand Understand a wide write the basic instructions on the board as prompts, so the teams have the same and being directed. You could
meaning in a range of short basic number of steps. For example: make directions more simple
variety of familiar supported Team 1: right / straight / left / stop or complicated for different
contexts classroom pupils.
instructions Team 2: straight / right / straight / stop

Alternatively, you could prepare the instructions on a worksheet to save time.

This game will be quite noisy and you may need to manage your class carefully.
For example, the pupils who are not playing could sit in a circle around the
classroom so you can see them all. Remind pupils who are watching that they need
to be quiet so their teammates can play the game. If you have smaller groups, then
there will be fewer pupils watching.
4. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits
your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas covered in the

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 50 (Speaking 11) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: Out and about CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Time; prepositions of place



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Speaking 2.1 Speaking 2.1.2 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson flashcard or word-based activity from the list in the according to the needs
Communicate Find out about and introduction that suits your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review places Student’s Book, of your pupils and
simple information describe everyday vocabulary to prepare pupils for the lesson. p.70 class. Please see the
intelligibly routines seven differentiation
Lesson delivery Teacher’s Book, strategies listed in the
Complementary 2. Draw a clock on the board and ask pupils what it is (or you could use a toy clock). Draw p.108–109 introduction. Please
Complementary Skill various times on the board (on the hour and half past) to review time taught so far. also consider the
Skill Listening 1.2.5 3. Follow instructions for Warm up and Vocabulary on Teacher’s Book, p.108. Toy clock following:
Listening 1.2 Understand a wide (optional)
4. Have pupils cut out the cards on Student’s Book, p.131, and play a game of Snap in Avoid pairing more
Understand range of short pairs – pupils each put their cards in a pile face down. At the same time, they turn over talkative pupils with
meaning in a supported questions Scissors
the top card and say what it is. If the cards match, they also have to say Snap (or quieter ones. Instead,
variety of familiar ‘Same’). The first pupil to say it wins all the cards. Continue until one pupil has no more try to pair quieter/shier
contexts cards. pupils with those who
will support them,
5. Follow instructions for Activity 1 on Teacher’s Book, p.108, choosing a strong pair to
especially at stage 3.
model the activity for the class.
Monitor and support pupils as they play these games. You may want to write some of If you have very high
the language on the board to support them, especially quarter past…and quarter to.. If proficiency pupils in
there are persistent or common problems, note them down and return to them later for your class, you could
whole class feedback. pair them together.
Then at stage 4,
Make sure that pupils keep the cards safe, or collect them in so that they can be used in
encourage them to ask
later lessons.
more questions, e.g.
Post-lesson What are you doing?
6. Play the Optional game on Teacher’s Book, p.109. Pupils could imagine an
answer and mime.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 51 (Reading 10) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: Out and about CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Imperative statements
& Citizenship (positive & negative)



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Reading 3.2 Reading 3.2.1 1. Play Stop! Tell pupils an action to mime. When you say Stop! they have to freeze in according to the needs of
Guess the Understand the position. If they do not stop immediately, then they are out of the game and should sit Student’s Book, your pupils and class.
meaning of main idea of short down. p.68 Please see the seven
unfamiliar words simple texts differentiation strategies
from clues
Lesson delivery Teacher’s Book, listed in the introduction.
provided by 2. Ask pupils to brainstorm in groups some places in the town/city. Elicit the words that p.106 Please also consider the
visuals and the Complementary will be used in this lesson. following:
Cut up texts (p.68)
topic Skill 3. Ask pupils questions about what they can and can’t do in those places to introduce the You could change the
Reading 3.2.3 one copy, enlarged
idea of rules. Use some of the vocabulary that will be used in this lesson, miming to main activity so pupils
Guess the meaning show the meaning. have the texts with them
Complementary of unfamiliar words Copies of the
4. Put the four texts from Student’s Book p.68 (your enlarged copy) around the room (you pictures of the and they find the correct
Skill from clues provided might want to do this before the lesson). Hand out the pictures, one per pupil. Ask picture. This will mean
Reading 3.2 by visuals and the places cut up, one
pupils to get up and to move around the room, reading the four texts. They should picture per pupil they only read one text,
Guess the topic read all four texts, then decide which set of rules goes together with their picture. but may be more suitable
meaning of Before beginning the activity, check that all the pupils know what their picture for lower proficiency
unfamiliar words represents. classes.
from clues
provided by 5. Follow instructions for Activity 1, Teacher’s Book, p.106. You could have pupils
visuals and the 6. Follow instructions for Grammar Box, Teacher’s Book, p.106. work in groups for the
topic matching activity, giving
Post-lesson each group a set of texts.
7. Play the mime game again, but change the rules a little. Instead of saying Stop, you This may be suitable for
will say Do not… and include some of the verbs from the lesson vocabulary. more noisy or difficult to
manage classes.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 52 (Writing 12) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: Out and about CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Imperative statements
& Citizenship (positive & negative)



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Writing 4.2 Writing 4.2.3 Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your pupils’ according to the needs
needs and interests and that will introduce the topic of rules by having pupils think of rules for Student’s Book, of your pupils and
Communicate Give simple p.69
basic information directions different places they know. class. Please see the
intelligibly for a Lesson delivery Teacher’s Book, seven differentiation
range of purposes p.106–107 strategies listed in the
1. Follow instructions for Grammar Box (Teacher’s Book, p.106). introduction. Please
in print and digital Flashcards from
media 2. Play the Do not mime game again (see Lesson 104), this time having pupils play in small also consider the
groups, taking turns with the teacher’s role. pictures in Activity following:
3, p.69
Complementary 3. Using flashcards (based on Activity 3), introduce the symbols for the rules. Play a game to You could pair pupils of
Complementary Skill help pupils remember the vocabulary. different proficiencies
Skill Writing 4.3.1 4. Follow the instructions for Activity 3 (Teacher’s Book, p.107). for Activity 4, so that
Writing 4.3 Use capital letters, the more proficient
Communicate with full stops and 5. Elicit some classroom rules from pupils to have them thinking about the topic. Pupils then
pupils can support the
appropriate question marks work on Activity 4 (Teacher’s Book p.107) in pairs. Remind pupils about punctuation,
less proficient ones.
language form appropriately in including the apostrophe in Do not contraction Don’t.
Monitor carefully to
and style for a guided writing at Monitor and support pupils working in pairs and assist with language and punctuation. make sure both pupils
range of purposes sentence level Talk to pupils about any unusual rules they have written. are contributing,
in print and digital however.
6. Learning diaries:
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning diary, they can
 New words I remember
 Activities I enjoyed
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
 Something I feel proud of (about my English)
Encourage pupils to reflect more deeply and using more English. Some pupils will be more
able to do this than others. Support pupils who may need some help and encourage everyone
to complete their diaries. Ensure you allocate time for this activity in your lesson plan. It
shouldn’t be set for homework.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 53 (Writing 13) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: Out and about CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Plural nouns (regular and



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Writing 4.3 Writing 4.3.2 Spell according to the needs
1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits Student’s Book, p.66- of your pupils and
Communicate an increased range your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review language to prepare pupils for 67
with appropriate of familiar high class. Please see the
the lesson.
language form frequency words Teacher’s Book, p.104– seven differentiation
and style for a accurately in guided Lesson delivery 105 strategies listed in the
range of purposes writing introduction. Please
2. Tell pupils you have one sister (for example). Ask pupils some questions to elicit Sets of 10 blank also consider the
in print and digital plural nouns (e.g. How many sisters do you have?) Ask pupils if it should be, for cards/pieces of card-
media following:
example, 3 sisters or 3 sister. sized paper, one per
pair You could introduce
Complementary 3. Follow the instructions for Grammar Box (Teacher’s Book, p.104–5. two or three more
Complementary Skill irregular plural nouns in
4. Play the CD to review the story on Student’s Book, p.66, then pupils do Activity 2
Skill Writing 4.1.2 Begin this lesson if you feel
(Teacher’s Book, p.105) individually. Pupils check their answers with a partner
Writing 4.1 to use cursive your pupils are ready
before checking as a whole class. Monitor closely to see how pupils manage with
Form letters and handwriting in a for this, for example,
this activity. Encourage use of cursive writing and remind pupils to take care with
words in neat limited range of nouns that add an e
spelling, using the text as a model.
legible print using written work (class – classes)
cursive writing 5. Give pupils 10 blank cards per pair. They write the singular and plural of five irregular
nouns, one word on each card. Focus on handwriting as well as spelling in this
6. Pupils play a game with their own cards (they place the cards face down, then turn
over two cards to try to find a pair). Collect the cards at the end of the game so
pupils can use them again.
7. (If time) Play a plurals quiz where you say a word and pupils have to think about the
plural form. You could stick a paper on the wall that says ‘S’ and another that says
‘Not S’ on the opposite side of the classroom. Pupils listen and then run to the
correct paper (e.g. ‘S’ for duck; ‘Not S’ for sheep.)
8. Learning diaries:
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning diary, they
can write:

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
 New words I remember
 Activities I enjoyed
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
 Something I feel proud of (about my English)
Encourage pupils to reflect more deeply and using more English. Some pupils will be
more able to do this than others. Support pupils who may need some help and
encourage everyone to complete their diaries. Ensure you allocate time for this
activity in your lesson plan. It shouldn’t be set for homework.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 54 (Language Arts 7) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Language Arts THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends



In this lesson, pupils will make a folded book of rules. Small pieces of Differentiate
Main Skill Main Skill
Language Arts 5.3 Language Arts Pre-lesson paper (about 12 learning according
Express an 5.3.1 1. Introduce the topic of the lesson by writing R_ _ _ S, R_ _ _ S, R_ _ _ S, on the board. cm long and 10 to the needs of your
imaginative Respond 2. Ask pupils to guess the topic : Rules, Rules, Rules! cm wide) pupils and class.
response to imaginatively and Please see the
Lesson delivery seven differentiation
literary texts intelligibly through
3. Write Classroom rules on one side of board and Rules outside the classroom on the other side. strategies listed in
creating simple
4. Ask pupils to suggest 4–5 rules for each category, and draw and number pictures to represent the introduction.
action songs on
their suggestions (e.g.
familiar topics.
Other imaginative
responses as for Don’t shout.)
appropriate. 5. Divide pupils into groups of 3–4. One pupil says a number, and another pupil says the rule.
Then another pupil says a number and another pupil says the rule. Continue in this way until
Complementary Complementary they have said all of the rules.
Skill Skill 6. Give each pupil a small rectangular piece of paper, and tell them to fold it in half so that they
Writing 4.3 Writing 4.3.2 have a book of four pages.
Communicate Spell an increased 7. Tell them to draw pictures for 4 of the rules they spoke about earlier, one picture on each page.
with appropriate range of familiar 8. Tell pupils to swap their folded books with a partner and write the rules below each picture. If
language form high frequency necessary, they can use their coursebook to check spelling, or can ask each other or you for
and style for a words accurately help.
range of purposes in guided writing
in print and digital Post-lesson
media 9. Pupils present their rules to each other and talk about the reasons for these rules. Pupils may
use simple words and phrases here.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 55 (Language Awareness 6) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: Out and about CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Imperative statements
(positive & negative)



Main Skill Main Skill Use your notes made on pupils during this unit to adapt this plan so that your Simple map with familiar Differentiate learning
Writing 4.2 Writing lesson consolidates and extends language areas needed by your pupils. You places (e.g. school, home, according to the needs of
Communicate 4.2.3 might consider using some of the material as a homework task, if appropriate. shop, etc.) your pupils and class. Please
basic information Give simple see the seven differentiation
intelligibly for a directions Places cards cut up from strategies listed in the
range of purposes
1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction Student’s Book p.131 introduction. Please also
that suits your pupils’ needs and interests and that will prepare pupils for (Lesson 108) consider the following:
in print and digital
the lesson.
media You could offer pupils a
Lesson delivery Self-assessment worksheet
choice of these activities or
2. Prepare a map for familiar places. Provide pupils with simple written you could ask different pupils
Complementary Complementary directions to read. Put the pupils and groups and get them to read and to do different activities
Skill Skill try to match directions to places on the map. Pupils can trace on the map depending on their individual
Reading 3.2 the directions from A to B. needs, based on formative
Understand a Reading 3.2.2
Understand assessment in this unit
variety of linear 3. Prepare a worksheet for the pupils with correct and incorrect directions
and non-linear specific according to the map. Ask pupils to look at the sentences on the Have pupils do more activities
print and digital information and worksheet and say if they are True or False. and/or make their own
texts by using details of short 4. Using flashcards of signs, review the directions, including Do not (go / activities.
appropriate simple texts turn)… As you review them, put them on the board in two columns,
reading strategies positives and negatives. Elicit from pupils what the difference is and
when to use do not.
5. As pupils to write the direction between two new places on the map.
Remind them to use positive and negative sentences. Give them time to
write up to three sentences.
Monitor and support pupils as required.
6. Ask pupils to think about what they have learned in Unit 7 and how well
they feel they know the language now. They should complete the How
did I do in Unit 7? self-assessment section of the worksheet.
Collect worksheets from pupils and review them to note pupils’
performance. If there are any areas of concern, prepare a review of
these in upcoming lessons.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Self-assessment worksheet
How did I do in Unit 7?
In English, I know how to:
 give directions Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 talk about animals (one and many) Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 talk about places in the town Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 say some rules for different places Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

 tell the time Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 56 (Listening 8) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: Where were you yesterday? CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Adverbs of time; past
simple statements (was/were)


Get Smart plus 3
Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning
Listening 1.2 Listening 1.2.2 1. Play a word game to elicit what yesterday’s day was (and date if pupils are Student’s Book, p.75 according to the needs of
Understand Understand with familiar with this). Use this to teach the word yesterday. Check pupils’ your pupils and class.
meaning in a support specific understanding with some Yes/No questions about yesterday (where they Teacher’s Book, p.116 Please see the seven
variety of familiar information and were, what happened, what the day/date was). differentiation strategies
contexts details of short Vocabulary flashcards listed in the introduction.
Lesson delivery Please also consider the
simple texts (places and time-of-day
2. Introduce the new vocabulary by following the instructions for Warm up and expressions) following:
Complementary Vocabulary (Teacher’s Book, p.116). Put the places flashcards on the board, You could encourage more
Skill Complementary randomly. proficient pupils to use
Listening 1.2 Skill 3. Tell pupils they will listen to a song. Play the CD and ask pupils to listen to the longer phrases or full
Understand Listening 1.2.5 song to tell you which order the flashcards should go in (first the place visited sentences when asking
meaning in a Understand a wide in the morning, then the afternoon, then the evening). You could do this as a about where pupils were
variety of familiar range of short matching activity with the times of day flashcards if it is simpler. yesterday, but do not insist
contexts supported questions 4. Follow instructions for Activity 1 from step 3 and then TPR activity (Teacher’s on it.
Book, p.116).
5. Ask pupils to tell you where they were yesterday at different times of day.
Pupils needn’t use full sentences – they can just answer with the place name.
Give pupils vocabulary as they need it.
6. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction
that suits your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas
covered in the lesson.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 57 (Listening 9) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: Where were you yesterday? CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Past simple (was/were)
statements (positive & negative)


Get Smart plus 3
Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning
Listening 1.2 Listening 1.2.2 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your pupils’ Student’s Book, according to the needs
Understand Understand with needs and interests and that will review language to prepare them for the lesson. p.80 of your pupils and class.
meaning in a support specific Please see the seven
Lesson delivery differentiation strategies
variety of familiar information and Teacher’s Book,
contexts details of short 2. Show the flashcards of circus and amusement park. Ask pupils if they have ever been to one of p.122 listed in the introduction.
simple texts these and ask them how it was. Review some adjectives at this point and introduce/review Please also consider the
interesting. Ask pupils for examples of something they find interesting. following:
Flashcards of
Complementary 3. Follow the instructions for Vocabulary on Teacher’s Book, p.122. lesson You can use more
Skill Complementary 4. Use Activity 1, Student’s Book, p.80, as a Listening activity in this lesson. Check pupils look vocabulary proficient or confident
Speaking 2.2 Skill carefully at the pictures in Activity 1: first ask pupils to tell you the names of the characters. pupils to model the
Use appropriate Speaking 2.2.1 dialogue with you in step
communication Keep interaction 5. Ask pupils to look at the pictures of the places and to predict how they were by drawing a line to
5 You could write it on
strategies going in short an adjective each in pencil. They should tell their partner their guesses. Model the exchange,
the board to support
exchanges by e.g.
some pupils, perhaps
repeating key Pupil A: I think the circus was noisy. erasing it after some
words from the Pupil B: Noisy? Me too. / I do not think so. I think it was boring. time.
other speaker
6. Tell pupils what the children did and how it was. You can make up your own sentences here, or
can use:
In the afternoon, Dora was at the shopping centre. It was noisy.
In the morning, Kevin and Sandra were at the circus. It was funny.
In the morning, Brad and Cindy weren’t at the theatre. They were at the museum. It was
very quiet.
In the evening, Tim was at home. It was boring.
7. Have pupils check their predictions.
8. Show pupils the dialogue at the bottom of Student’s Book, p.80. Show pupils how to use the
information they heard to ask and answer. Pupils work in pairs on this dialogue.
9. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your pupils’
needs and interests and that will review the main areas covered in the lesson.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 58 (Speaking 12) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: Where were you yesterday? CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Adverbs of time; past
simple statements (was/were)


Get Smart plus 3
Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning according
Speaking 2.3 Speaking 2.3.1 1. Play the song from Lesson 113 and repeat TPR activity (Teacher’s Book, p.116). Student’s Book, to the needs of your pupils and
Communicate Narrate very short p.75 class. Please see the seven
Lesson delivery differentiation strategies listed
appropriately to a basic stories and
small or large events 2. Put the places cards on the board. Point to a place, ask pupils to raise their hand Teacher’s Book, in the introduction. Please also
group if they were there yesterday. Give support to pupils as you elicit full past simple p.116–117 consider the following:
sentences e.g. I was at the shopping centre. Ask pupils Where was he/she Choose more proficient or
yesterday? to elicit He/She was… Repeat a few times with different places, Places cards confident pupils first for the
Complementary Complementary choosing different pupils. from Lesson 112 beginning stage of the lesson
Skill Skill 3. Follow the instructions for Grammar Box on Teacher’s Book, p. 116–7. delivery.
Speaking 2.2 Speaking 2.2.2 4. Have pupils do Activity 2 in pairs (see Teacher’s Book, p.117). They should give
Use appropriate Ask for attention or Some pupils may be able to say
real (not imagined) answers, and should ask for your help in English. Remind more than one place they were
communication help from a teacher them how to ask for help, e.g. Can you help me, please? How do I say xxx in
strategies or classmate by at yesterday.
using suitable
questions Monitor carefully as pupils do Activity 2. Support pupils where necessary and
note what kinds of problems pupils have. Do whole class feedback and return to
any problem areas at the end of the activity. You could also note useful
vocabulary that comes up in the Speaking activity and teach it to the whole class
at the end.
5. Play the Where was I? game (see Optional activity, Teacher’s Book, p.117).

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 59 (Reading 11) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: Where were you yesterday? CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Science & LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Past simple (was/were)
Technology statements (positive & negative)



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
according to the needs of
Reading 3.2 Reading 3.2.2 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your Student’s Book, p.78–
Understand a Understand your pupils and class.
pupils’ needs and interests and that will review vocabulary from the previous lesson, 79 Please see the seven
variety of linear specific leaving the words on the board for later in this lesson.
and non-linear information and Teacher’s Book, differentiation strategies
print and digital details of short Lesson delivery p.120–121 listed in the introduction.
texts by using simple texts Please also consider the
2. Show the pictures from Student’s Book, p.78 and ask pupils if they think this city is in Vocabulary following:
appropriate Malaysia [No]. Ask them where they think it might be [USA, New York City]. Find out if flashcards
reading strategies pupils know this city or have been there, as appropriate. Ask them when they think the Consider pairing more
pictures were taken [in the past, 1900]. and less proficient pupils
Complementary together, so the more
Complementary Skill 3. Write key words in a list on the board, and ask pupils to read them as you write (if not proficient pupil can
Skill Writing 4.2.2 already there from pre-lesson stage): cinemas / theatres / shopping centres. Add cars / support the less proficient
Writing 4.2 Make and give horses / carriages (show flashcards to explain) / quiet / noisy. Use the words to elicit one in the prediction
Communicate reasons for some sentences from more proficient pupils, introduce negative wasn’t/weren’t. activity.
basic information simple
4. Ask pupils to put the vocabulary in their notebooks (or create a worksheet with these Some pupils may write
intelligibly for a predictions
words). Ask pupils which of these things were found in New York City in 1900 – they full prediction sentences,
range of purposes
should tick what was and cross what wasn’t found (in their opinion). Pupils work in pairs others shorter ones (see
in print and digital
to make predictions and write their answers in full sentences, e.g. There weren’t any example). Some may not
cars in New York City in 1900 or No, there weren’t. write anything, just put a
5. Have pupils read the texts and check their predictions. Pupils check their answers with tick or a cross.
their partner. Check answers as a class.
6. Ask pupils to work on their own on Activity 2, Teacher’s Book, p.121. You could use this
as a classroom-based informal assessment of Reading. Collect the books after the
activity to review and make a note of pupils’ performance.
7. Learning diaries:
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning diary, they
can write:
 New words I remember

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
 Activities I enjoyed
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
 Something I feel proud of (about my English)
Encourage pupils to reflect more deeply and using more English. Some pupils will be
more able to do this than others. Support pupils who may need some help and
encourage everyone to complete their diaries. Ensure you allocate time for this activity
in your lesson plan. It shouldn’t be set for homework.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 60 (Reading 12) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: Where were you yesterday? CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Adjectives, past simple
statements & Yes/No questions (was/were)



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
according to the needs
Reading 3.2 Reading 3.2.1 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits Student’s Book, p.76–
Understand a Understand the of your pupils and
your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review language to prepare pupils for 77 class. Please see the
variety of linear main idea of short the lesson.
and non-linear simple texts Teacher’s Book, p.118– seven differentiation
print and digital Lesson delivery 119 strategies listed in the
texts by using introduction. Please
2. Introduce the vocabulary using the adjective flashcards; also, mime your reaction to Adjectives flashcards: also consider the
appropriate Complementary the things in the flashcards to show the meaning of the adjective. Take care that the something that is: scary
reading strategies Skill following:
pupils understand the subject of the sentence (i.e. the clown is funny, not the person (e.g. an old house),
Listening 1.2.5 laughing). You could use the suggestions in Warm up (Teacher’s Book, p.118). Ask funny (e.g. a clown), If you think the key
Understand a wide pupils for more things they find boring/funny/scary etc. to check understanding). delicious (e.g. a cake), vocabulary is familiar to
Complementary range of short boring (e.g. a person pupils, you could use
Skill supported questions 3. Tell pupils they will read a story about going to the cinema. Elicit the words film and word cards. If it is new,
looking bored in front of
Listening 1.2 popcorn if possible, and put the word/flashcards on the board. Ask pupils which
the TV – note it is the then use picture
Understand words (adjectives) they think will go with film & popcorn. You could take a vote and flashcards. If pupils are
TV that is boring)
meaning in a put the most popular answer on the board. not familiar with
variety of familiar Flashcards or word popcorn, you may need
4. Ask pupils to read the story quietly to themselves (Student’s Book, p.76) to see if cards of film and
contexts to explain that people
they were right. popcorn often eat this at the
5. Follow instructions for Activity 1, asking pupils questions to check understanding. Do cinema in some
the final acting and performance stages if you have time. countries.
6. Draw pupils’ attention to the grammar section on Student’s Book, p.77 and follow Ask different pupils
instructions for Grammar Box on Teacher’s Book, p.119. different questions to
check understanding.
Try to ask all pupils at
7. Learning diaries: least one question, if
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning diary, they possible with your class
can write: size.
 New words I remember
 Activities I enjoyed

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
 Something I feel proud (about my English)
Encourage pupils to reflect more deeply and using more English. Some pupils will be
more able to do this than others. Support pupils who may need some help and
encourage everyone to complete their diaries. Ensure you allocate time for this
activity in your lesson plan. It shouldn’t be set for homework.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
LESSON: 61 (Writing 14) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: Where were you yesterday? CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Adjectives, past simple
statements & Yes/No questions (was/were)



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Writing 4.3 Writing 4.3.2 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits according to the needs of
Communicate Spell an increased your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the adjectives from the previous Student’s Book, p.77 your pupils and class.
with appropriate range of familiar lesson. (and 76 to remind of Please see the seven
language form high frequency story) differentiation strategies
Lesson delivery listed in the introduction.
and style for a words accurately in
range of purposes guided writing 2. Divide pupils into small groups. Give each group a paper, so that you have about the Teacher’s Book, Please also consider the
in print and digital same number of papers for each adjective. Tell pupils they should write or draw p.119 following:
media something (one word or picture) that they think about when they hear the word If some pupils dominate
Complementary (adjective). They can use the picture dictionary at the back of the Student’s Book to Papers with one of
group work, then tell
Skill help them if necessary or they can ask for your help. Set a short time limit, then the the headings: scary,
delicious, boring, them they each get to
Complementary Reading 3.2.2 groups pass the paper to the next group, receiving a new paper from another group write/draw one
Skill Understand specific with a different adjective (the other group’s word). Pupils should think of something funny (one paper per
word/picture. Then make
Reading 3.2 information and new to put on each paper. Continue with the new adjective for at least four rounds. group)
sure they change papers
Understand a details of short Monitor and provide support as pupils work and check they are working as a team. at least once for the
variety of linear simple texts 3. Feed back on the final papers and provide any relevant new vocabulary in English. number of pupils in the
and non-linear Note down this vocabulary so that you can return to it in later lessons. These are groups so that they all
print and digital words that are important to the pupils and have been thought up by them. have a turn to write.
texts by using
appropriate 4. Remind pupils of the story on Student’s Book, p.76 before doing Activity 2 (Teacher’s Note that this task
reading strategies Book, p.119). Remind pupils to take care with spelling and handwriting. becomes more difficult as
5. Pupils choose words from the papers from step 2 to write sentences in their more words are on the
notebooks starting with I think…. They could draw a picture to go with their writing if paper. Try to have more
they finish quickly. proficient pupils go last.
Pupils should help each
Post-lesson other with ideas in the
6. Play Hot card pantomime (See Optional activity, Teacher’s Book, p.119). groups.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 62 (Writing 15) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: Where were you yesterday? CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Past simple (was/were/n’t:
& Citizenship questions and statements



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
according to the needs
Writing 4.3 Writing 4.3.3 Plan, 1. Play a word game that focuses on the spelling of the words which will be used later in Student’s Book, of your pupils and class.
Communicate with draft and write an the lesson. p.81
appropriate language increased range of Please see the seven
form and style for a simple sentences Lesson delivery Teacher’s Book, differentiation strategies
range of purposes in p.124–125 listed in the introduction.
2. Show pupils a diary and elicit the word diary. Ask them if they keep a diary, what they Please also consider the
print and digital media write/would write in it. Tell them they will read a girl’s (Kelly’s) diary about Saturday. A diary
Complementary following:
Skill 3. Follow the instructions for Activity 1, Teacher’s Book, p.124 (except final step). Worksheet (see Remind pupils that they
Complementary Writing 4.3.2 Spell below) can use Kelly’s diary
4. Draw attention to the Writing Tip on Student’s Book, p.81.
Skill an increased range (Student’s Book, p.81)
Writing 4.3 of familiar high 5. In their notebooks, pupils write short answers to the questions in the blue box on as a model.
Communicate with frequency words Student’s Book, p.81. Monitor and help pupils with ideas and vocabulary.
appropriate language accurately in guided Fast finishers could
form and style for a writing Pupils then draft full sentences for these answers in their notebooks. answer the questions
range of purposes in about more than one
6. Ask pupils to exchange their work with a partner, who should read and check their
print and digital media day of the week.
writing (spelling, language, punctuation, etc). They should also find one thing they like
about their partner’s writing. Monitor closely to make sure this peer feedback is
productive, kind and that the corrections that pupils suggest are correct.
7. For the final draft on the worksheet (see below), ask pupils to focus on making their
diaries look good. They can illustrate the diary in the space at the bottom of the page, or
they could write about another day if there is extra time.
Collect their writing and review it as informal classroom-based assessment. Note
common problems and errors, and give plenty of positive feedback.
8. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your
pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas covered in the lesson.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Worksheet for Lesson 62

My Diary

My name: ____________________

Day: _________________________





Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 63 (Language Arts 8) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Arts THEME: World of Stories

TOPIC: Where were you yesterday? CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Review of past simple



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Language Arts 5.2 Language Arts 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits according to the needs of
Express personal 5.2.1 your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review language to prepare pupils for Student’s Book, your pupils and class.
the lesson. p.82–83 Please see the seven
responses to Ask and answer
literary texts simple questions differentiation strategies
about characters,
Lesson delivery Teacher’s Book, listed in the introduction.
2. Play a word categorisation game (e.g. a mind-mapping activity or a board race) for p.126–127 Please also consider the
actions and events
Complementary of interest in a text the topics: circus / restaurant / cinema. Include the words: funny / elephants / lions / following:
Skill fast food / cheeseburger / chips / delicious / film / popcorn / boring. Ask different pupils different
Reading 3.2 3. Tell pupils they will read a story. Ask them to read the story and to tell you whose questions about the story,
Understand a Complementary weekend sounds best. Take a vote on the answer. Encourage pupils to guess the and ask for volunteers for
variety of linear Skill meaning of the word hospital from the pictures and the context. other questions. Ask some
and non-linear Reading 3.2.3 4. Ask pupils to read the story again and to check to see which words from step 2 of the pupils for their opinions of
print and digital Guess the meaning lesson are in the story. You could have them listen to the story on the CD at this the story, and ask
texts by using of unfamiliar words stage. Consider asking the While reading questions (see Teacher’s Book, p.126). comprehension questions
appropriate from clues provided using some of the language
reading strategies by visuals and the 5. Ask the After reading questions (Teacher’s Book, p.126) and focus on the Value
(See Post-story activity, Teacher’s Book, p.126). from the unit, or different
topic language for more proficient
6. Play the Press conference game (Teacher’s Book, p.127). pupils.
7. Have a set of pupils act out the text for the class and ask the audience to offer some
positive and constructive feedback.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 64 (Language Awareness 7) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of Knowledge

TOPIC: Where were you yesterday? CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Review of past simple
(was/were/n’t): statements + questions


Depending on
Main Skill Main Skill Use your notes made on pupils during this unit to adapt this plan so that your lesson consolidates and your focus: Differentiate learning
Reading 3.2 Reading 3.2.2 extends language areas needed by your pupils. You might consider using some of the material as a according to the
Understand a Understand homework task, if appropriate. Get Smart plus 3 needs of your pupils
and class. Please see
variety of linear specific Note: You could also make use of the review activities in Revision (Student’s Book p.84 / Teacher’s the seven
and non-linear information and Book p.128–129) and/or consider offering pupils a choice of activities. Student’s Book
print and digital details of short p.84 differentiation
texts by using simple texts Pre-lesson strategies listed in the
Teacher’s Book introduction. Please
appropriate 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your pupils’
reading p.128–129 also consider the
needs and interests and that will prepare pupils for the lesson.
strategies Complementary following:
Skill Lesson delivery Texts (see You could offer pupils
Listening 1.2.5 2. Pre-teach key vocabulary for the texts about homework (see below). below), a choice of these
Complementary Understand a 3. Give half of the class the past text (A1) and half of the class the present text (B1). Ask pupils to colour activities or you could
Skill wide range of tell you which one they have, to check they know whether they are A or B. pencils/pens ask different pupils to
Listening 1.2 short supported do different activities
4. Give pupils the gapped texts (A2, B2, so that pupils have A1 and B1 OR A2 and B2). Pupils
Understand questions Self-assessment depending on their
should fill in the texts with the correct form of be. Model an example on the board to show pupils
meaning in a worksheets individual needs,
what to do.
variety of familiar based on formative
contexts 5. Pair pupils, A with B, and ask them to check their answers. They should do this orally, not show assessment in this
each other the answers. unit.
6. With their new partner, pupils write at least two questions about the texts. Review question forms
before they begin as necessary, e.g. Have pupils do more
activities and/or make
Was there internet? their own activities.
Were there any computers?
Were there any books?
Are children at the library often?
Are there any computers?
How is it at home?
You could focus on the past text only if it is less confusing for your pupils, but more proficient
pupils may be able to work on questions for the present text too.
7. Pairs ask another pair their questions.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
8. Ask pupils to think about what they have learned in Unit 8 and how well they feel they know the
language now. They should complete a How did I do in Unit 8? self-assessment section of the
worksheet (design this section with questions related to the learning in this unit).
Collect the worksheets from pupils and review them to note pupils’ performance. If there are any
areas of concern, prepare a review of these in upcoming lessons.

Text A1:

When I was a child, we were often at the library to find out information for homework. There weren’t any computers but there were lots of books in the library. It was
quiet there and we were very quiet, too.

Text B1:

Now, sometimes there are children at the library. They are there at the weekends. But now, there is the internet to find out information for homework. Children do their
homework at home. Sometimes at home it is quiet, but sometimes it isn’t quiet, it’s noisy.

Text A2:

Now, sometimes there _______ children at the library. They _______ there at the weekends. But now, there _______ the internet to find out information for homework.
Children do their homework at home. Sometimes at home it _______ quiet, but sometimes it _______ quiet, it _______ noisy.

Text B2:

When I _______ a child, we _______ often at the library to find out information for homework. There _______ any computers but there _______ lots of books in the
library. It _______ quiet there and we _______ very quiet, too.

Self-assessment worksheet
How did I do in Unit 8?
In English, I know how to: (teacher to design questions, see examples from previous units)

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 65 (Listening 10) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: On holiday CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Past simple (regular verbs):


Get Smart plus 3
Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning according
Listening 1.2 Listening 1.2.1 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits Student’s Book, to the needs of your pupils and
Understand Understand with your pupils’ needs and interests and that will introduce the topic of holidays to p.85 class. Please see the seven
meaning in a support the main prepare pupils for the lesson. differentiation strategies listed in
variety of familiar idea of short simple Teacher’s Book, the introduction. Please also
Lesson delivery consider the following:
contexts texts p.130
2. Use a set of the pictures from Activity 1 (See Student’s Book, p.85) to elicit Some pupils will be better able
language about the topic. Show the pictures and ask pupils what they can see, Copies of the to sing along than others, some
Complementary Complementary about their experiences. Use the key vocabulary in your questions and encourage pictures from pupils may want to sing, but
Skill Skill pupils to guess what it means, based on the pictures you are showing them. Activity 1, one others may not want to. Don’t
Speaking 2.1 Speaking 2.1.5 3. Follow instructions for Vocabulary on Teacher’s Book, p.130. picture per pupil insist that all pupils sing. Focus
Communicate Describe people 4. Hand out the pictures, one per pupil (try to give each one of a set to pupils next to on enjoyment rather than
simple information and objects using one another for the next stage of the lesson). Tell pupils they will listen to a song. accuracy.
intelligibly suitable words and When they hear the part about their picture, they should hold it up. Play the CD.
phrases Encourage as much language
5. Put pupils in groups of four so there is one pupil with each picture in a group. Ask as possible at stage 2 and the
pupils to try to remember the song (they should have their books closed), and to post-lesson stage, but do not
put their pictures in the order they appear in the song. insist on full or accurate
6. Play the song again so pupils can check their answers. Encourage pupils to sing sentences – different pupils will
along to some or all of the song if they want. Watch pupils to see which pupils are be able to produce different
confident at this stage, and which are less confident. amounts of language. Ask
7. Ask pupils to complete the answers in Activity 1 (Student’s Book, p.85). different questions and/or give
different prompts to different
Post-lesson pupils to push them within their
8. Ask pupils to tell you if they did any of those things on their last holiday. Encourage ability.
a review of the key vocabulary.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 66 (Speaking 13) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: On holiday CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Past simple (regular and
irregular verbs): Questions and statements



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
according to the needs of
Speaking 2.2 Use Speaking 2.2.1 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits Student’s Book, your pupils and class.
appropriate Keep interaction your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review language to prepare pupils for the p.87
communication going in short Please see the seven
strategies exchanges by Teacher’s Book, differentiation strategies
repeating key words Lesson delivery p.133 listed in the introduction.
from the other Please also consider the
2. Using the verb flashcards, model the question and answer: Verb flashcards following:
Complementary speaker
Skill Question: What did you do at the weekend? Worksheet (see Depending on your class
Writing 4.3 below, optional) and/or individual pupils, you
Answer: At the weekend? I xxx.
Communicate Complementary could extend the dialogue
with appropriate Skill 3. Use the verb flashcards to have pupils practise the question and answers. Note that so pupils ask a second
language form Writing 4.3.3 pupils are repeating the time expression in the answer as a way to practise discourse question: How was it? This
and style for a Plan, draft and write and interaction skills (see Learning Standard, Main Skill). would review language from
range of purposes an increased range lessons in Unit 8.
in print and digital of simple sentences 4. Follow instructions for Activity 4, Teacher’s Book, p.133. You could have pupils use the
media table on Student’s Book, p.87, or you could use a worksheet like the one below, which
is a little more pupil-friendly. They can also ask more classmates for their answers if
there is time.
Monitor carefully as pupils do this and make a note of mistakes. Feed back as a whole
class and focus on the common mistakes together.
5. To follow up, ask pupils to write one or more sentences about what they and/or their
classmate(s) did at the weekend in their notebooks.
6. Ask pupils to check their partner’s work and provide some feedback. Monitor at this
stage and the previous one to check pupils’ use of past tense forms, giving support
and praise where needed.
7. If you are using the worksheet, pupils can write the final draft of their sentences on the
worksheet. If not, pupils can write it in their notebooks. Collect pupils’ work so that you
can review their progress in use of past simple and identify any other areas that are
causing problems.
Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
8. Learning diaries:
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning diary, they
can write:
 New words I remember
 Activities I enjoyed
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
 Something I feel proud of (about my English)
Encourage pupils to reflect more deeply and using more English. Some pupils will be
more able to do this than others. Support pupils who may need some help and
encourage everyone to complete their diaries. Ensure you allocate time for this activity
in your lesson plan. It shouldn’t be set for homework.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Alternative worksheet for Lesson 66

At the weekend

1. Ask about the weekend and note or draw.

Me My friend: My friend: My friend:

__________________ __________________ __________________

2. Now write.





Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 67 (Speaking 14) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of self, family and friends



Get Smart plus 3
Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning
Speaking 2.1 Speaking 2.1.5 1. Choose one of the games in Revision (See Teacher’s Book, p.136). Student’s Book, according to the needs of
Communicate Describe people p.90 your pupils and class. Please
Lesson delivery see the seven differentiation
simple information and objects using
intelligibly suitable words and 2. Based on the stories pupils wrote together in the previous lessons, or on their real Teacher’s Book, strategies listed in the
phrases experiences, ask questions in the past (Did you/he/she xxx?) Extend pupils’ answers p.136–137 introduction. Please also
from Yes/No to Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. You could use the verb flashcards for this. consider the following:
Complementary 3. Focus on the Grammar Box at the top of the page of Teacher’s Book, p.136. Verb flashcards If you have extra time in this
Skill Complementary 4. Follow instructions for Activity 1 on Teacher’s Book, p.136. lesson, or if you have fast
Listening 1.2 Skill Scissors finishers, you could extend
Understand Listening 1.2.5 5. Model and play a game of Snap (See Optional activity, Teacher’s Book, p.137).
step 2 (or repeat it later) into
meaning in a Understand a wide Pupils could use their cut-ups from Activity 1 for this game.
a guessing game in pairs,
variety of familiar range of short Post-lesson also based on the stories
contexts supported questions pupils wrote before.
6. Learning diaries:
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning diary, they
can write:
 New words I remember
 Activities I enjoyed
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
 Something I feel proud of (about my English)
Encourage pupils to reflect more deeply and using more English. Some pupils will be
more able to do this than others. Support pupils who may need some help and
encourage everyone to complete their diaries. Ensure you allocate time for this
activity in your lesson plan. It shouldn’t be set for homework.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 68 (Reading 13) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: On holiday CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Past simple (regular and
irregular verbs): positive & negative statements



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Reading 3.2 Reading 3.2.2 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your according to the needs
Understand a Understand pupils’ needs and interests. Ask pupils if they keep a diary. Student’s Book, of your pupils and
p.88–89 class. Please see the
variety of linear specific Lesson delivery
and non-linear information and seven differentiation
print and digital details of short 2. Tell pupils they will read Katie’s diary about a holiday. Ask pupils to predict some words they Teacher’s Book, strategies listed in the
might hear. In pairs, they write three or four words on paper or in their notebooks (do not p.133–134 introduction. Please
texts by using simple texts
appropriate worry about spelling at this stage, and allow pupils to ask you for English vocabulary for also consider the
reading strategies words they want to include. following:
Complementary 3. Introduce the new vocabulary (see Warm up and Vocabulary, Teacher’s Book, p.134). If your pupils need
Skill 4. Play the CD. Ask pupils to read silently (text on Student’s Book, p.88) while listening to the extra support, you
Complementary Reading 3.2.4 CD. They should check to see if their predictions were correct. Give feedback. could give a sentence
Skill Recognise and for each picture in
Reading 3.2 use with support 5. Ask pupils to read the text again and to find and underline the words: shell / shark / lifeguard
Activity 2, and ask them
Understand a key features of a / museum (if they are new to your pupils).
to decide Yes or No for
variety of linear simple 6. Ask pupils to tell a partner what they think these words mean, based on the content of the each one as you say
and non-linear monolingual text (they can use their first language if necessary). Then ask them to check all the words in them.
print and digital dictionary the dictionary to see if they were correct. Feed back by asking if they had guessed correctly.
texts by using 7. Follow instructions for Grammar Box in Teacher’s Book, p.134.
8. Follow instructions for Activity 2 in Teacher’s Book, p.134. Monitor as pupils work on this
reading strategies
activity and help as necessary. Some pupils may find this activity difficult as there are a lot of
pictures and they need to understand a lot of details in the text to decide if they are right or
9. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your
pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas covered in the lesson.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 69 (Reading 14) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of self, family and friends

TOPIC: On holiday CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language; LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Past simple (irregular verbs):
Environmental Sustainability Questions & statements



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Reading 3.2 Reading 3.2.3 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your according to the needs
Understand a Guess the pupils’ needs and interests and that will review language to prepare pupils for the lesson. Student’s Book, of your pupils and
variety of linear meaning of p.86 class. Please see the
Lesson delivery seven differentiation
and non-linear unfamiliar words
print and digital from clues 2. Tell pupils they will read a story about a trip to the forest. Show a picture of a forest and Teacher’s Book, strategies listed in the
texts by using provided by elicit some differences between the forest and forests/jungles in your local area. Ask p.132 introduction. Please
appropriate visuals and the pupils what they might do in a forest (and/or a jungle). Write some of their ideas on the Pictures of forest also consider the
reading strategies topic board. following:
Worksheets A & B
3. Ask pupils to look at the pictures in the story (Student’s Book, p.86) to see if the children Some pupils may know
(see below)
in the story did any of the same things. the vocabulary already.
Complementary Complementary 4. Give pairs of pupils the A or B worksheets (see below). Ask them to look at the words on If that is the case, plan
Skill Skill Dictionaries
their worksheet. Hand out dictionaries and ask pupils to check the meaning of the words a different activity for
Reading 3.2 Reading 3.2.4 in the dictionary. They should draw a picture to show what each one means. Pupils can them so they can work
Understand a Recognise and Colour pens and
work in pairs for this activity. pencils (optional) towards the Learning
variety of linear use with support Standards of this
and non-linear key features of a 5. For the second part of the worksheet, pupils read the story to find the words on their
print and digital simple worksheet. Then they work in their pairs to guess the meaning and draw a picture to
texts by using monolingual show their understanding. Ask them to cover the vocabulary section at the top of the
appropriate dictionary page.
reading strategies 6. Change pupil pairs so that A and A / B and B are together. Have them compare their
pictures to see if they drew the same things.
7. Play the CD of the story and ask pupils to read along. Ask some questions to different
pupils to check that they have understood the story. You could ask them whether they
have experience of doing these things.
8. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your
pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas covered in the lesson.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Worksheets for Lesson 69
Pupil A Worksheet
1. Look at the words. Find them in the dictionary. Draw them.




2. Find the words in the story. Look at the pictures and draw.




Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Pupil B Worksheet
1. Look at the words. Find them in the dictionary. Draw them.




2. Find the words in the story. Look at the pictures and draw.




Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 70 (Writing 16) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of self, family and friends

irregular verbs): Negatives & questions



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Writing 4.2 Writing 4.2.5 according to the needs of
1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits Student’s Book, your pupils and class. Please
Communicate Connect sentences your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review language to prepare pupils for p.91
basic information using basic see the seven differentiation
the lesson.
intelligibly for a coordinating Teacher’s Book, strategies listed in the
range of purposes conjunctions Lesson delivery p.138–9 introduction. Please also
in print and digital consider the following:
2. Do the Revision activity (See Teacher’s Book, p.138) as a lesson warmer.
media Pupils can add information
Complementary 3. Ask pupils what they remember about Tim’s holiday in Mexico and James’s holiday about their holidays, with
Skill in Australia, and ask them to re-read the text on Student’s Book, p.91 to check. more proficient pupils adding
Complementary Writing 4.3.1 Use more than less proficient
4. Introduce any vocabulary that you think will be useful to pupils talking about their
Skill capital letters, full pupils.
Writing 4.3 stops and question
Communicate marks appropriately 5. Draw attention to the questions in the blue box on Student’s Book, p.91. Ask pupils You may need to focus
with appropriate in guided writing at to write their answers to these questions in their notebooks. Short answers are ok at attention on features of the
language form sentence level this stage. Note that it can be any holiday, not just a summer one! Monitor closely model email before pupils
and style for a and help with extra vocabulary as necessary. begin to write.
range of purposes
in print and digital 6. Follow instructions for Writing Tip on Teacher’s Book, p.138.
media 7. Ask pupils to write an email to James to tell him about their holiday. They can use
James’s email as a model. Remind pupils to use connecting words and and but, and
to pay attention to punctuation, using James’s email as a model. If you have email
set up, pupils could use computers for this activity.
Monitor and help pupils, asking questions to elicit as much language as possible
and providing feedback on their language as well as the content.
8. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits
your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas covered in the

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 71 (Language Arts 9) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Language Arts THEME: World of Stories

TOPIC: On holiday CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Past simple: went, was …


In this lesson, pupils will learn a poem, suggest an ending, and share their Flashcards or Differentiate learning according to the
Main Skill Main Skill finished poem with classmates.
Language Arts 5.1 Language Arts drawings of a boy needs of your pupils and class. Please see
Enjoy and 5.1.2 Pre-lesson and a girl, a the seven differentiation strategies listed in
appreciate In addition to Year 1. Show a flashcard of Sasha and Jason (use different names for the forest, castle, the introduction
rhymes, poems 2 text types: characters if preferred) and tell pupils that they went on holiday in a big room, box, key,
and songs simple poems. forest. Put the flashcard/drawing of the forest on the board. door.

Lesson delivery
2. Ask pupils to guess things which Sasha and Jason saw in the forest. Elicit Copy of Sasha
their suggestions, and then tell them that they saw a castle. Add your and Jason went
picture of the castle to the board. on holiday poem
3. Show pupils the picture of the castle. Ask them to guess what was in the
castle, and again, elicit their suggestions. Don’t tell pupils what was really
in the castle.
Complementary Skill
4. Tell pupils that now they’ll find out what Sasha and Jason really saw in the
Skill Speaking 2.3.1
Speaking 2.3 Narrate very short
5. Start by saying the first two lines of the poem, pointing to the pictures on
Communicate basic stories and
the board as you do so.
appropriately to a events
6. Put the picture of a room on the board, elicit what Sasha and Jason saw
small or large
next, and say the next line of the poem.
7. Continue to build up the poem in this way for each new line until the end.
8. Now say the whole poem again, this time getting pupils to join in. Point to
the pictures to help pupils remember.
9. Repeat step 8, this time staying silent as pupils say the poem, Continue
until pupils can say the poem with confidence
10. Give pupils a copy of the poem or write a copy on the board. Put pupils
into pairs and ask them to agree what Sasha and Jason saw behind the
door. Tell them to practise saying their poem together.
11. Put pupils into groups of 6 or 8 and ask them to perform their poems to
each other. Pupils can mime and use body language as they perform their
poems, if they want to.
12. Ask the class to tell you their ideas about what Sasha and Jason saw.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Sasha and Jason went on holiday
Sasha and Jason went on holiday in a big, big forest
In the big, big forest, they went into a big, big castle
In the big, big castle, they went into a big, big room
In the big, big room, there was a big, big box
In the big, big box, there was a big, big, key.
The big, big, key opened a big, big door.
And behind the big, big door, there was a ….

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 72 (Language Awareness 8) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of self, family and friends




Main Skill Main Skill Use your notes made on pupils during this unit to adapt this plan so that your lesson consolidates Depending on Differentiate learning
Writing 4.2 Writing 4.2.4 and extends language areas needed by your pupils. You might consider using some of the your focus: according to the needs of
Communicate Describe people material as a homework task, if appropriate. your pupils and class.
Get Smart plus 3 Please see the seven
basic information and objects Note: You could also make use of the review activities in Revision (Student’s Book p.94 /
intelligibly for a using suitable Teacher’s Book p.142–143) and/or consider offering pupils a choice of activities. Student’s Book differentiation strategies
range of words and p.85, p.87, p.91, listed in the introduction.
purposes in print phrases Pre-lesson p.94 Please also consider the
and digital media following:
1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your Teacher’s Book
pupils’ needs and interests and that will prepare pupils for the lesson. p.142–143 When pupils are making
Complementary the word cards, you could
Complementary Skill Lesson delivery Blank cards provide the verbs on the
Skill Listening 1.2.5 board to copy. Or you
2. Use the flashcards to review key verbs in present form. Verb flashcards
Listening 1.2 Understand a could say the words, then
from this unit
Understand wide range of 3. Hand out sets of blank cards to pupils. Show a verb card, and ask pupils, in pairs, to write the elicit the spelling from
meaning in a short supported verb on a blank card (present tense). Repeat for all verbs. Self-assessment some pupils so that
variety of familiar questions worksheet others can listen and
contexts 4. Write sentences on the board to show both present and past forms, e.g.
write on the cards.
I go to school at 8 o’clock every day.
Pupils can use the
Yesterday, I went to school at 8 o’clock. Student’s Book (p.85 and
p.87) to find the past
Hana doesn’t like cheese. tense forms of the verbs
Ali didn’t like the film at the cinema last week. if they need to, or they
could use this to check
5. Ask pupils why we use go and went in these sentences. They needn’t use words like ‘past’ or them.
‘present’, but can say because it’s every day or because it was yesterday. Explain that it’s in
the past. You could provide a
gapped text on a
6. Ask pupils in their pairs to write the past form of the verb on the back of each card. Monitor worksheet to support
and help pupils, making sure they are accurate. Ask pairs to help each other if necessary pupils when they are
and/or check the verbs with the whole class. writing the sentences.
7. Pairs play a game with their cards. They spread the cards on the table with the present form You could give the
up. In turns, they should say a sentence using the past tense of a verb they can see. Then jumbled up questions on
they check the underside of the card – if they used the past tense correctly in a sentence, a worksheet if you think
they keep the card. You can introduce other rules if you wish, for example, they should
Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
alternate between positive and negative verbs. pupils will work better
individually than as a
8. Ask some pupils questions about their weekend (see Student’s Book, p.91). Then in their whole class.
notebooks, pupils write at least two sentences about what they did at the weekend.
You could offer pupils a
9. On the board, write some jumbled-up questions on the board. Ask pupils to unjumble them to choice of these activities
make questions. They could write them in their notebooks or you could nominate pupils to or you could ask different
come and write on the board, or do this orally. For example: pupils to do different
did / Where / go / you / ? (Where did you go?) activities depending on
their individual needs,
watch / you / a / film / Did / ? (Did you watch a film?) based on formative
10. Elicit the difference between Yes/No questions and those with question words. Highlight the assessment in this unit.
use of did and that the past tense is not used in the main verb. Avoid using grammatical Have pupils do more
words, but show pupils what you mean. activities and/or make
their own activities.
11. Pupils work in small groups. One pupil reads their sentences about the weekend. Then each
group member has to ask a question about the weekend until pupils can think of no more
questions to ask. Each pupil takes a turn to read their sentences.

Monitor very carefully during this activity to make sure pupils are asking appropriate
questions. Give some corrective feedback and support with question and past tense forms
and make a note of common problems to feed back on.

12. If you have time, you could write sentences/questions you heard pupils making mistakes with
on the board for class correction.


13. Ask pupils to think about what they have learned in Unit 9 and how well they feel they know
the language now. They should complete the How did I do in Unit 9? self-assessment
worksheet (see below).
Collect the worksheets/notebooks from pupils and review them to note pupils’ performance. If
there are any areas of concern, prepare a review of these in upcoming lessons.
Worksheet for Lesson 72
Self-assessment worksheet
How did I do in Unit 9?
In English, I know how to:
 talk about last weekend Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]
 talk about my holiday Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]
 ask and answer questions about holidays Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]
 ask and answer questions about last weekend Great! [ ] OK [ ] A little [ ]

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 73 (Listening 11) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: World of Knowledge

TOPIC: The world around us CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Comparatives: Short
adjectives; Statements



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Listening 1.2 Listening 1.2.2 according to the
1. Play a mime or guessing game to review animal vocabulary. Student’s Book, p.95 needs of your pupils
Understand Understand with
meaning in a support specific Lesson delivery Teacher’s Book, and class. Please see
variety of familiar information and p.144 the seven
2. Use animal flashcards to further review animal words pupils know and to then introduce differentiation
contexts details of short new animal vocabulary. Animal flashcards
simple texts strategies listed in the
(enough for one per introduction. Please
3. Follow instructions for Warm up (Teacher’s Book, p.144) and then ask pupils what they pupil, to include all
Complementary can tell you about the animals. also consider the
the animals in the following:
Skill song)
4. Play a guessing game as a class.
Listening 1.1 Complementary You could try to elicit
Recognise and Skill You say: This animal is tall/small/thin etc. the comparative
reproduce target Listening 1.1.1 sentence from some
language sounds Recognise and Pupils guess: It’s the giraffe/rat etc.
pupils in this lesson,
reproduce with Have pupils play the game in pairs. Monitor carefully as pupils do this activity and note although do not insist
support a range of down any common problems to return to later on. You could ask one or two pairs to on it from all pupils.
target language present in front of the class.
5. Follow the instructions for Activity 1 in Teacher’s Book, p.144.
6. Give out the animal flashcards, one per pupil. Pupils listen to the song again and identify
their partner from the comparisons in the song (e.g. Pupil with lion flashcard + pupil with
tiger flashcard; horse + cheetah). Partners join together and try to remember the
adjective used to compare the animals in the song, e.g. horse + cheetah: fast.
Feed back without insisting on a comparative sentence at this stage.
7. Learning diaries:
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week, in both units 9 and 10. In their
learning diary, they can write:
 New words I remember

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
 Activities I enjoyed
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
 Something I feel proud of (about my English)
Encourage pupils to reflect more deeply and using more English. Some pupils will be
more able to do this than others. Support pupils who may need some help and
encourage everyone to complete their diaries. Ensure you allocate time for this activity
in your lesson plan. It shouldn’t be set for homework.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 74 (Speaking 15) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of Knowledge

TOPIC: The world around us CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Comparatives: Short
adjectives; Statements



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Speaking 2.1 Speaking 2.1.5 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits according to the needs
Communicate Describe people your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review animal vocabulary to prepare Student’s Book, p.95 of your pupils and
simple information and objects using pupils for the lesson. class. Please see the
intelligibly suitable words and Teacher’s Book, seven differentiation
Lesson delivery p.144–145 strategies listed in the
2. Using the animal flashcards, play a game to review the adjectives that is suitable for introduction. Please
Complementary your class, for example memory matching or listen and grab, where pupils have the Animal flashcards also consider the
Skill cards spread around the room or on the table in front of a group. The teacher says a following:
Listening 1.2 Complementary word and pupils race to grab the right card. Ask different pupils to
Understand Skill 3. Re-introduce the comparative form using the animal flashcards and then follow write different words/
meaning in a Listening 1.2.2 instructions for Grammar Box on Teacher’s Book, p.144. phrases/sentences on
variety of familiar Understand with 4. Using the flashcards again, elicit some more sentences about animals by showing a their pictures, ranging
contexts support specific flashcard and asking pupils to tell their partner a sentence about the animal using from a full comparative
information and adjective + -er + than. sentence for fast
details of short finishers/ more
simple texts 5. Follow the instructions for Activity 2, Teacher’s Book, p.95. Have pupils label their
proficient pupils to
pictures. They should present their pictures in small groups before choosing some
single animal words
pupils to present to the class.
and/or adjectives for
Monitor as pupils work in groups to decide which pupils have made a particular effort others.
either with language or with their pictures to show the class. Offer plenty of praise,
especially for those who may normally be a bit shy.
6. Do the Optional Who’s Taller? activity (see Teacher’s Book, p.145).
7. Play the song again and encourage pupils to sing along, in particular to the
comparative sections of the song.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 75 (Reading 15) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of Knowledge

TOPIC: The world around us CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Science & LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Superlatives: Short
Technology adjectives; Statements & questions with which



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Reading 3.2 Reading 3.2.2 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your according to the needs
pupils’ needs and interests and that will introduce the topic of the Solar System to prepare Student’s Book, of your pupils and
Understand a Understand p.98
variety of linear specific pupils for the lesson. class. Please see the
and non-linear information and Lesson delivery Teacher’s Book, seven differentiation
print and digital details of short p.148–9 strategies listed in the
2. Using the picture of the Solar System, find out what pupils know about it already. Some pupils introduction. Please
texts by using simple texts may know a lot but others may not, or they may know it in their first language, but not in Picture of the
appropriate also consider the
English. Solar System following:
reading (e.g. Student’s
strategies Complementary 3. Introduce the names of the planets. Write them in a random order on the board. Ask pupils If you have pupils who
which ofder they think they come in (in terms of their position from the sun or in terms od their Book, p.98)
Skill know a lot about the
Reading 3.2.3 sizes). They write their idea in their notebooks, starting with the un. If you have pupils who
topic, you could ask
Complementary Guess the know a lot about this topic, ask them to let the others in the class give their ideas. You could them to tell the class
Skill meaning of set them a task to prepare an interesting fact about the Solar System or planets to tell the more about the Solar
Reading 3.2 unfamiliar words class later. System and/or the
Understand a from clues 4. Follow instructions for Warm up and Vocabulary on Teacher’s Book, p.148. different planets.
variety of linear provided by
and non-linear visuals and the 5. Tell pupils they will read about the Solar System. Ask them to look at the picture (Student’s
print and digital topic Book, p.98 or other Solar System picture) and to guess what Solar System means.
texts by using
6. Ask pupils to read the text to find out whether their answers were correct about the order.
Note that the answer is in the first paragraph. You could have them race to find the answer
7. Follow instructions for Activity 1 on Teacher’s Book, p.148–9.
8. If you have pupils who have prepared something to teach the class, they can do this at this
point. Help those pupils say it in English as far as possible, but let them talk in their first
language too so that everyone understands the facts.
9. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your
pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas covered in the lesson.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 76 (Reading 16) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of Knowledge

TOPIC: The world around us CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Language LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Comparatives: Short
adjectives; Statements



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Reading 3.2 Reading 3.2.2 according to the
1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your Student’s Book, needs of your pupils
Understand a Understand specific pupils’ needs and interests and that will review language to prepare pupils for the lesson. p.96–97
and class. Please see
variety of linear information and
and non-linear details of short Lesson delivery Teacher’s Book, the seven
print and digital simple texts p.146–147 differentiation
2. Show the flashcard of the shark and elicit/teach the word shark. Ask pupils if they have strategies listed in the
texts by using seen a shark. Ask them what they think of sharks. Elicit or teach scary. Ask if they think Sea animals
appropriate introduction. Please
sharks are scary. Do the same with the other sea animals and elicit adjectives for each. flashcards also consider the
reading strategies Complementary
Skill 3. Show pupils the worksheet (see below) and ask them to guess which animal by circling it. Worksheet (see following:
Reading 3.2.3 They may not know the answer, but they can guess. below) If some pupils read
Complementary Guess the meaning much faster than
4. Play the CD and have pupils read along silently. They check their answers to the
Skill of unfamiliar words others, avoid rushing
Reading 3.2 from clues provided the slower readers.
Understand a by visuals and the 5. Ask pupils to circle the words science and project. Encourage pupils to try to work out what You could ask faster
variety of linear topic the words mean from the context and from the pictures, especially picture 6. They should pupils to make a note
and non-linear tell their partner before checking as a whole class. in their notebooks of
print and digital what they know about
texts by using 6. Follow instructions for Grammar Box on Teacher’s Book, p.147.
sharks / blue whales /
appropriate 7. Follow instructions for Activity 2 on Teacher’s Book, p.147. dolphins, and then
reading strategies ask them to tell the
Post-lesson class when suitable.
8. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your
pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas covered in the lesson.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Worksheet for Lesson 76

Sea animals

Guess and circle.

Which one is…?

Bigger? blue whale elephant

Pretty? dolphin orca
Scary? dolphin shark

Now read and check.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 77 (Writing 17) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of Knowledge

TOPIC: The world around us CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Science & LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Superlatives: Short
Technology adjectives


Get Smart plus 3
Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning
Writing 4.3 Writing 4.3.3 Plan, 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits Student’s Book, according to the needs of
Communicate with draft and write an your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the topic of the Solar System to p.99 your pupils and class. Please
appropriate increased range of prepare pupils for the lesson. see the seven differentiation
language form and simple sentences Teacher’s Book, strategies listed in the
Lesson delivery introduction. Please also
style for a range of p.149
purposes in print 2. Introduce the superlative adjectives using pupils as examples in a similar way (and consider the following:
and digital media Complementary with similar caution) as Lesson 151. Worksheet (see Consider using a model for
Skill 3. Follow instructions for Grammar Box on Teacher’s Book p.149. below) writing, for one of the
Writing 4.3.1 Use 4. Ask pupils to look at the questions on Student’s Book, p.99. They should try to answer planets. This could be added
Complementary capital letters, full using a short answer (usually one word) from memory and knowledge, without looking to the worksheet or you
Skill stops and question at the text on p.98. Ask pupils to do this in pairs. could write it on the board.
Writing 4.3 marks appropriately Or you could elicit some
Communicate with in guided writing at 5. Pupils now read the text on p.98 again to check their answers and extend them into
model sentences from pupils
appropriate sentence level full answers (e.g. from Yes to Yes, it is.), checking punctuation, use of capitals,
about the different planets
language form and spelling etc. Check the answers and focus on language accuracy as well as the
before the final Writing
style for a range of content of the answers.
purposes in print 6. Ask pupils to choose and write about one planet (or the sun) on the worksheet (see
and digital media below). They can use the information in the text or they can find out more information Fast writers could write
using computers, by asking you or by asking other pupils if appropriate. about more than one planet
and/or could find out extra
Monitor to help with ideas, support language and to check pupils’ progress in Writing.
information about the planet.
7. Collect the worksheets and have pupils look at each other’s work. Ask them to give
some (positive) comments on it. Note that you will use this work again in Lesson 155.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work
Worksheet for Lesson 77

Name: _____________________
The Solar System.

This is ____________________________.





Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 78 (Writing 18) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of Knowledge

TOPIC: The world around us CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity & LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Review of superlatives &
Imagination comparatives



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Writing 4.3 Writing 4.3.3 Plan, 1. Play Missing Planets (see Teacher’s Book, p.153). according to the needs of
Communicate with draft and write an Teacher’s Book, your pupils and class.
Lesson delivery p.153 Please see the seven
appropriate increased range of
language form and simple sentences 2. Talk to pupils about the universe, telling them that there are many solar systems in the differentiation strategies
style for a range of universe, but we don’t know very much about the other solar systems. Tell pupils they Poster paper listed in the introduction.
purposes in print will imagine a solar system. You could give an example of another solar system, an Please also consider the
and digital media imaginary one, or even have pupils research this, if you have time. Colour pens and following:
Complementary pencils
3. Ask pupils to work in groups of three or four. First they note in their notebooks the basic More proficient
Skill information about the planets in their imaginary solar system, e.g. how many planets groups/pupils can include
Complementary Writing 4.2.4 there are, what they are called, how big/hot/cold they are etc. Monitor carefully and help different information
Skill Describe people pupils with ideas and language at this planning stage. about their solar system,
Writing 4.2 and objects using 4. Each group makes a poster. They should decide who will write, who will draw and who for example whether the
Communicate suitable words and will manage the group. The writer(s) should draft the text that will go on the poster, the planets have life on them,
basic information phrases artist(s) should plan and draw the solar system on the poster, the manager should make moons around them etc.
intelligibly for a sure that the information is correct between the artwork and the text.
range of purposes
in print and digital 5. When the writer(s) has finished the first draft, all the group members should help review
media it and check the language and content. Monitor and help as pupils do this.
6. Pupils finish their posters by adding the text to them.
7. Display the posters in the classroom.
8. Ask pupils to look at the posters and comment positively on them. Give some feedback
on the content, design and on how well groups have worked together as a team to
produce the posters.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 79 (Language Arts 10) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Arts THEME: World of Stories

TOPIC: The world around us CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Review of comparatives &



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
Language Arts 5.2 Language Arts 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that according to the needs of
suits your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review adjectives to prepare Student’s Book, p.102– your pupils and class. Please
Express personal 5.2.1
responses to Ask and answer pupils for the lesson. 103 see the seven differentiation
literary texts simple questions strategies listed in the
about characters,
Lesson delivery Teacher’s Book, p.154– introduction. Please also
Complementary actions and events 2. Tell pupils they are going to read a fairy story. Ask them whether they know 155 consider the following:
Skill of interest in a text any other fairy stories (e.g. Sleeping Beauty). Note that many have been made
Copies of cut-outs of the Ask different kinds of
Reading 3.3 Read into films by Disney, so pupils may know them. questions to different pupils
independently for Complementary sets of characters in the
3. Show pupils the picture of the princess. Elicit some adjectives to describe her. so that you are challenging
information and Skill story (one per pair/small
Tell pupils that many men in the land want to marry the princess, so they have them to a level where they
enjoyment Reading 3.3.1 group)
some competitions. Hand out the character sets (the three strong men in can still reply. This may be
Read and enjoy picture 2, the three jokers in picture 3, the three running men in picture 4) and related to the type of
A1 fiction/non- Picture of the princess
elicit some adjectives to describe them. Ask pupils to put them in order of how question (higher/lower-level
fiction print and from the story
strong/funny/fast they are. thinking) or the language.
digital texts of 4. Ask pupils to read the story on Student’s Book, p.102–103 to check to see
interest (You could choose a
whether they were right. Remind them that they do not need to understand different story if it is more
every word and can use the pictures to help them understand the storyline. appropriate to your local
5. Play the CD and have pupils follow along. Follow the instructions for While culture)
reading on Teacher’s Book, p.154–155.
6. Follow instructions for After reading on Teacher’s Book, p.155.
7. Elicit and discuss the Value in the story (see Post-story activity, Teacher’s
Book, p.155).
8. Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that
suits your pupils’ needs and interests and that will review the main areas
covered in the lesson.

Primary Year 3 SJK Scheme of Work

LESSON: 80 (Project-Based Learning 2) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of Knowledge

TOPIC: The world around us CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Global LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Review of comparatives
Sustainability & superlatives



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Get Smart plus 3 Differentiate learning
according to the
Writing 4.3 Writing 4.3.3 Plan, 1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the introduction that suits your Student’s Book, needs of your pupils
Communicate draft and write an pupils’ needs and interests and that will introduce the word camel and review Malaysian p.119 and class. Please see
with appropriate increased range of animals from Lesson 148.
language form simple sentences Teacher’s Book, the seven
and style for a Lesson delivery p.182 differentiation
range of purposes strategies listed in the
2. Show the pictures of the two types of camel and elicit some differences between them. Pictures of introduction. Please
in print and digital camels from
media 3. Follow instructions for Vocabulary on Teacher’s Book, p.182. also consider the
Student’s Book, following:
4. Follow instructions for Activity 1 and Activity 2 on Teacher’s Book, p.182. p.119
If you have little time
Complementary Complementary 5. Ask pupils if they remember finding out about endangered Malaysian animals in Lesson Malaysian in this lesson, focus
Skill Skill 148. Return their sentences to them from that lesson, having pupils work in the same pairs animals on the second part of
Reading 3.2 Reading 3.2.2 if possible. Ask pupils to look at their sentences, to check them and to develop the flashcards the lesson, which is
Understand a Understand information further, using some superlative adjectives if possible. This will depend on the about Malaysian
variety of linear specific animal itself. Encourage pupils to add some information anyway. animals.
sentences from
and non-linear information and
6. Ask pupils to draw their animal in large size on paper and cut it out. Lesson 148
print and digital details of short
texts by using simple texts 7. At the same time, have different pupils in the group write the sentences on separate pieces Paper, scissors,
appropriate of paper. glue,
reading strategies string/thread
8. Organise the class so that they all stick their pictures on the display board/very large paper.
They also stick the sentences, separately, away from the pictures. Ask one or two pupils to Very large
supervise this and to write a title for the display (e.g. Malaysian animals in danger! or poster paper /
Endangered animals around us). display board

9. Pairs could connect their sentences to their pictures using the string/thread themselves, or
you ask pupils to match each other’s sentences and pictures if you have time.
10. Talk to pupils about what they have learned in this lesson about endangered animals and
about how we can help protect our natural world.

Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum
Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia
Aras 4-8, Blok E9,
Kompleks Kerajaan Parcel E,
62604 W.P. Putrajaya
Tel: 03-8884 2000 Fax: 03-8888 9917

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