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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)

Department of Electrical Engineering

Embedded System Design

Course Code: EE-423 Semester: 7th
Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisite Codes: Digital Logic Design(3+1)
Instructor: Awais M. Kamboh Class: BEE
Office: A.116 Telephone: 90852119
Lecture Days: Mon (9-10:50a),Mon(2-3:50a), E-mail:
Wed(12-12:50a), Wed(4-4:50a)
Class Room: IAEC-CR-17 Consulting Hours: Monday (11-1pm)
Knowledge Group: Digital Systems & Signal Processing Updates on LMS: On Friday

Course Description:
In today's world, embedded systems are everywhere -- homes, offices, cars, factories, hospitals, planes and
consumer electronics. Their huge numbers and new complexity call for a new design approach, one that
emphasizes high-level tools and hardware/software tradeoffs, rather than low-level assembly-language
programming and logic design. This course presents the traditionally distinct fields of software and hardware
design in a new unified approach. It covers trends and challenges, introduces the design and use of single-
purpose processors ("hardware") and general-purpose processors ("software"), describes memories and buses,
and illustrates hardware/software tradeoffs, chip technologies, and modern design tools.

Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to enable the students to describe, evaluate and design embedded systems of
various complexities. The students should feel confident building their own solutions based on modeling
techniques and verify the functionality using industry tools.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: PLO BT Level*
1. Describe the basic concepts of the Embedded System Design and shall be able 3 C-2, 3, 4
to differentiate between the hardware and software viewpoints.
2. List, recall and Use the various design techniques for single-purpose, general 5 C-1, 2, 3, 4
purpose and standard single purpose processors
3. Design various embedded systems while choosing the most optimal processor 3 C-4, 5, 6
4. List & Describe various State machine and concurrent process models, evaluate 3 C-1, 2, 3, 6
their strengths and weaknesses and analyze their problems
5. Design an embedded system to solve a real-world problem that is not using 5, 9 C-6, P-1, 3
embedded system technology in the local setting
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Mapping of CLOs to Program Learning Outcomes


PLO 1 (Engineering Knowledge)
PLO 2 (Problem Analysis)
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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Electrical Engineering

PLO 3 (Design/Development of Solutions) √ √ √

PLO 4 (Investigation)
PLO 5 (Modern tool usage) √ √
PLO 6 (The Engineer and Society)
PLO 7 (Environment and Sustainability)
PLO 8 (Ethics)
PLO 9 (Individual and Team Work) √
PLO 10 (Communication)
PLO 11 (Project Management)
PLO 12 (Lifelong Learning)

Mapping of CLOs to Assessment Modules and Weightages (In accordance with NUST statutes)
To be filled in at the end of the course.
Assessments/CLOs CLO1 CLO2 CLO3 CLO4 CLO5
Quizzes: 6% √ √ √ √
Assignments: 5% √
OHT-1: 12% √ √
OHT-2: 12% √ √
Labs:15% √ √ √ √
Project: 10% √
End Semester Exam:40% √ √ √
Total : 100 %

Text Book: 1. Embedded System Design: A unified Hardware/Software Introduction, Frank Vahid and Tony
Givargis, 2002.

Reference 1. Embedded Systems Design, Steve Heath, 2003

Books: 2. Computer as Components, Wayne Wolf, 2005
3. Introduction to Embedded Systems: A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach, E.A. Lee and S.A.
Seshia, 2011.

Topics to be Covered:
1. Introduction to Embedded Systems
2. Custom Single Purpose Processors
3. General Purpose Processors
4. Standard Single Purpose Processors
5. Memory
6. Interfacing
7. State Machine and Concurrent Process Models
8. Modeling Dynamic Behaviors
9. Analysis and Verification

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Electrical Engineering

Lecture Breakdown:
Week No. Topics Sections Remarks
1 Lecture 1: Introduction to Embedded Systems Vahid & Givargis 1.1
Lecture 2: Introduction to Embedded Systems Vahid & Givargis 1.2-1.3
Lecture 3: Introduction to Embedded Systems Vahid & Givargis 1.4-1.5
2 Lecture 4: Custom Single Purpose Processors Vahid & Givargis 2.2-2.3
Lecture 5: Custom Single Purpose Processors Vahid & Givargis 2.4
Lecture 6: Custom Single Purpose Processors Vahid & Givargis 2.5
Lab 01: Implementation of Traffic Light Controller
On 8051
3 Lecture 7: Custom Single Purpose Processors Vahid & Givargis 2.6
Lecture 8: General Purpose Processors Vahid & Givargis 3.2
Lecture 9: General Purpose Processors Vahid & Givargis 3.3
Lab 02: Behavioral and Structural modeling of 4 bit
Ripple Carry Adder (RCA) on FPGA
4 Lecture 10: General Purpose Processors Vahid & Givargis 3.4
Lecture 11: General Purpose Processors Vahid & Givargis 3.5
Lecture 12: General Purpose Processors Vahid & Givargis 3.6
Lab 03: Implementation of a Dynamic Traffic Light
Controller on FPGA
5 Lecture 13: General Purpose Processors Vahid & Givargis 3.7-3.8
Lecture 14: Standard Single Purpose Processors Vahid & Givargis 4.2
Lecture 15: Standard Single Purpose Processors Vahid & Givargis 4.3-4.4
Lab 04: FPGA Tester Using 8051 Microcontroller
6 OHT-1
7 Lecture 16: Standard Single Purpose Processors Vahid & Givargis 4.5-4.6
Lecture 17: Standard Single Purpose Processors Vahid & Givargis 4.7
Lecture 18: Standard Single Purpose Processors Vahid & Givargis 4.8-4.9
Lab 05: PWM generation using AVR Microcontroller
8 Lecture 19: Memory Vahid & Givargis 5.2
Lecture 20: Memory Vahid & Givargis 5.3
Lecture 21: Memory Vahid & Givargis 5.3-5.4
Lab 06: Implementation of a Calculator with PIC
Microcontroller, Keypad and Alphanumeric LCD
9 Lecture 22: Memory Vahid & Givargis 5.5
Lecture 23: Memory Vahid & Givargis 5.5
Lecture 24: Interfacing Vahid & Givargis 6.2
Lab 07: Serial Communication with PIC Controller
10 Lecture 25: Interfacing Vahid & Givargis 6.3
Lecture 26: Interfacing Vahid & Givargis 6.3
Lecture 27: Interfacing Vahid & Givargis 6.4
Lab 08: Analog to Digital Conversion using PIC Controller

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Electrical Engineering

11 Lecture 28: Interfacing Vahid & Givargis 6.5

Lecture 29: Interfacing Vahid & Givargis 6.6-6.7
Lecture 30: Interfacing Vahid & Givargis 6.8
Lab 09: Microblaze on FPGA
12 OHT-2
13 Lecture 31: Interfacing Vahid & Givargis 6.9
Lecture 32: Interfacing Vahid & Givargis 6.10
Lecture 33: Interfacing Vahid & Givargis 6.11
Lab 10: Graphics on Microblaze
14 Lecture 34: State Machine and Concurrent Process Models Vahid & Givargis 8.7
Lecture 35: State Machine and Concurrent Process Models Vahid & Givargis 8.8
Lecture 36: State Machine and Concurrent Process Models Vahid & Givargis 8.11
Lab 11: Advanced Imaging with Microblaze – 1
15 Lecture 37: State Machine and Concurrent Process Models Vahid & Givargis 8.12
Lecture 38: State Machine and Concurrent Process Models Vahid & Givargis 8.13
Lecture 39: State Machine and Concurrent Process Models Vahid & Givargis 8.15-
Lab 12: Advanced Imaging with Microblaze - 2 8.16
16 Lecture 40: Modeling Dynamic Behaviors Lee & Seshia 3.1-3.7
Lecture 41: Modeling Dynamic Behaviors Lee & Seshia 2.1-2.5
Lecture 42: Modeling Dynamic Behaviors Lee & Seshia 4.1-4.3
17 Lecture 43: Analysis and Verification Lee & Seshia 12.1-12.3
Lecture 44: Analysis and Verification Lee & Seshia 13.1-13.6
Lecture 45: Analysis and Verification Lee & Seshia 14.1-14.5
18 ESE

Tools / Software Requirement:

Sofware Tools: Xilinx ISE, Modelsim, Proteus, Keil, MPLab.
Hardware Tools: Virtex-5 (ml507) evaluation platform, 89C51 micro-controller. The system administration has
installed all the software in the lab.

Grading Policy:
Quiz Policy: The quizzes will be unannounced and normally last for ten minutes. The question framed is to
test the concepts involved in last few lectures. Number of quizzes that will be used for
evaluation is at the instructor’s discretion.
Assignment Policy: In order to develop comprehensive understanding of the subject, assignments will be given.
Late assignments will not be accepted / graded. All assignments will count towards the total
(No ‘best-of’ policy). The students are advised to do the assignment themselves. Copying of
assignments is highly discouraged and violations will be dealt with severely by referring any
occurrences to the disciplinary committee. The questions in the assignment are meant to be
challenging to give students confidence and extensive knowledge about the subject matter
and enable them to prepare for the exams.
Lab Conduct: The labs will be conducted for three hours every week. A lab handout will be given in advance
for study and analysis The lab handouts will also be placed on LMS. The students are to
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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Electrical Engineering

submit their results by giving a lab report at the end of lab for evaluation. One lab report per
group will be required. However, students will also be evaluated by oral viva during the lab.
Plagiarism: SEECS maintains a zero tolerance policy towards plagiarism. While collaboration in this course
is highly encouraged, you must ensure that you do not claim other people’s work/ ideas as
your own. Plagiarism occurs when the words, ideas, assertions, theories, figures, images,
programming codes of others are presented as your own work. You must cite and
acknowledge all sources of information in your assignments. Failing to comply with the SEECS
plagiarism policy will lead to strict penalties including zero marks in assignments and referral
to the academic coordination office for disciplinary action.

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