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Many Filipino expressed negative reactions in the implementation of K-12 curriculum, since the

beginning of the trials and studies of the government, many have citizens have negative

opinions towards the curriculum. Though the perception of the government and its citizens did

not unite, the government remain firm in its desire ( This big shift in the

Education mainly aims for Filipino student to be educationally competitive worldwide, students

can choose areas of specialization such as Academic, Technical-vocational, and Sports and Arts

(Uyquiengco, 2016).

ABM is mostly focused on accounting, the analyzing and recording transactions (Santos,

2016). “In the past, most high schools would integrate a basic Accounting course into their

curriculum – highlighting only the key concepts while providing a beginner’s guide to debits and

credits” (Yu, 2018). Accounting, Business, and Management which teaches students the basic

concepts and principle in accounting with demanding requirements is hard to meet by the

students with short intelligence background on the strand. The mindset of students may affect

on the growing stress of many senior high students (Gadioano ,2017).

In the Modern times, human’s response to challenges to survive is Stress. Many students are

the target victim of Stress, as the growing demands from school and society. Stress is common
now for most of the teenagers and this can result from Poor Sleeping Habits which deprive

students in learning, to concentrate and solve problems, Academic Pressure that are not only

caused by the teachers but even by the parents and Full Schedules of students wherein the

exposure of projects, exams and worksheets and deadlines to meet stop students on

developing a talent (Gustafson, 2017).

ABM students learn best when the wellbeing is optimized, the response with their mindset can

affect their Academic performance. Clavel, 2017, studies that the social group factors of a

student forced them to pursue ABM and they are pressured from the demand of these groups

that puts stress on ABM students. The demand time for family, peers, and school caused

problems to students puts additional stress on the students. The Government was so firm in

implementing the K-12 curriculum considering only the physical materials needed in teaching

the curriculum ( other factors.

The Curriculum is still on process, the officials observed the curriculum for the past years and

stated that “If you base it on the enrollment rate, that’s very successful. They’re [senior high

school students are] not working yet because they are still enrolled at Grade 11 and the first

batch of graduates will be on 2018”. In many aspects it can be concluded that these curriculum

showing signs of success for the generation today (Alcober 2016).


1. Three Practical Benefits of the Philippines’ to K to 12 Curriculum. Retrieved from


2. Uyquiengco,M. (2016). Benefits of the K-12 Curriculum for Filipino Students. Retrieved


3. Santos, J. (2016). ABM strand. Retrieved from

4. Yu, N. (2018). The K-12 Academic Track Series: ABM. Retrieved from

5. Richards-Gustafson, F. (2017). Common Causes of Stress Among Students. Retrieved



6. Clavel, C. et. Al. (2017). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking the Business

Course as ABM Senior High School Students in the University of San Agustin.

7. Alcober, N. (2016). K to 12 shows signs of success. Retrieved from

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