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Mukhyamantri Amrutam & Mukhyamantri Amrutam Vatsalya Yojana

1. What is MA Yojana?
Mukhyamantri Amrutam "MA” Yojana is a tertiary care scheme for Below Poverty
Line (BPL) population of Guajrat. All beneficiaries can avail cashless quality medical
and surgical treatment for catastrophic illnesses related to: Cardiovascular diseases,
Renal diseases, Neurological diseases, Burns, Poly-Trauma, Cancer (Malignancies),
Neo-natal (newborn) diseases, Knee & Hip Replacement - Joint Replacement (With the
cap of Rs. 40,000 per Hip / Knee replacement) & Kidney, Liver, Kidney + Pancreas
Transplant (benefit up to Rs. 5,00,000 ) which cover 698 defined procedures along
with their follow ups The Sum assured is up to Rs. 3,00,000/- per family per annum on
a family floater basis.

2. Who is eligible under “MA” Yojana?

The beneficiary who is from Below Poverty Line (BPL) family and whose information
is included in the district BPL list prepared by the State government rural development
department and urban development department. The eligible family needs to come to
the enrollment Kiosks and the identity of the household head needs to be confirmed by
the authorized official.

3. What is “MA Vatsalya” Yojana?

Based on success of “MA” Yojana and feedback from various stakeholders, on
15/08/2014, the “MA” was extended to “Mukhyamantri Amrutam Vatsalya” Yojana
which includes “All the families having an annual income up to Rs.3.00 lakh per

4. Who is eligible under “MA Vatsalya” Yojana?

 Families are having an annual income up to Rs.3.00 lakh,
 All urban & rural ASHAs (Accredited Social Health Activist),
 Accredited Reporters
 Fix pay employees of class-3 & 4 appointed by state government
 U-win Card holders.
 Senior citizens of those families with annual income up to Rs. 6 lakh
5. How to avail Income Certificate?
Beneficiaries having an annual family income up to Rs.3.00 lakh can get “MA
Vatsalya” Card after availing Income Certificate and for that the following officers have
been appointed to give income certificate to the beneficiaries:
 District Collector, District Development Officer, Deputy Collector /
Assistant Collector, Province Officer, Deputy District Development Officer,
Taluka Mamlatdar, Taluka Development Officer, Deputy Mamlatdar.

The eligible family needs to come to the enrollment station, and the identity of the
household head needs to be confirmed by the authorized official.

6. How much medical coverage is provided under “MA” & “MA Vatsalya” Yojana?
“MA” & “MA Vatsalya” Yojana provides tertiary medical coverage up to Rs.
3,00,000/- for a family of five on a floater basis. Kidney Transplant, Liver Transplant,
Kidney + Pancrease Transplant procedures are covered with benefit up to Rs. 5,00,000/-
under scheme. Knee and Hip replacement procedures are covered with cap of Rs.
40,000/ - per one replacement and additional cost will be borne by the beneficiary. Rs.
300/- is paid to the beneficiary as transportation charges for every instance of availing
treatment from the empanelled hospital.

7. In case of emergency, if the beneficiary has not MA – Vatsalya card, then can
he/she avail the cashless health care treatment?
Eligible beneficiary can avail cashless treatment in case of emergency and can get
treatment only in Government / Grant Aid networks hospitals if unavailability of MA-
Vatsalya card.

8. Which are the documents, beneficiary has to present at the time of enrollment?
a. Proof of Residential (Ration Card)
b. Identification Proof (Water ID card, Driving License)
c. BPL Certificate
d. Income Certificate
9. Who are Verifying Authorities?

 District Level Authority

a) Deputy Mamlatdar

 Taluka Level Authorities

a) Taluka Mamalatdar
b) Taluka Development Officer
c) Chief Officer of Nagar Palika
d) Taluka Health Officer
e) Administrative Officers (Taluka Health Office)
f) Appointed Officer at A.T.V.T. Centers
g) Taluka Information, Education and Communication Officer
h) Taluka Female Health Supervisor
i) Female Health Worker/ Multipurpose Health Worker (For Mobile Kiosk

 Municipal Corporation Authority

a) Appointed Officer of Civic Center in Municipal Corporation Area

10. Does Government charge any fees for issuance of card?

No. Beneficiary need not have to pay any amount for the issuance of card.

11. How will be publicity of MA Yojana will be done and who will do it?

Implementation Support Agency in consultation with State Nodal Cell will prepare
and implement a information, communication strategy for launching/ implementing
the MA Yojana. The objective of these interventions will be to inform the
beneficiaries regarding enrollment and benefits of the scheme.In addition to this State
Government will also undertake information, communication activities like pamphlet
distribution, TV ads, Newspaper ads, Hoardings etc. especially to improve the
utilization of the scheme.

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