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P.B alaGanesh, M .E.
ssistant Prof essor / ECE

When your phone r i ngs dur i ng a l ect ur e, w hat w i l l happen?

When you ar e st udyi ng t hen your cell phone r i ngs – w hat w i l l you do?

W hen you finish talking on the phone then you w ill continue w ith

your study

Now your phone r i ngs agai n and som eone al so k nocki ng at your door
t hen w hat w i l l you do?

W hen being inter r upted, you w ill per for m some pr e-defined action

I nter r upt has pr ior ity – some inter r upt is m or e important than the

other s. For example, asking your phone is m or e im portant than opening

the door

I nt r oduct i on
An i nt er r up t i s used t o cause a t em por ar y hal t i n t he execut i on of
pr ogr am .

The m eani n g of ‘i nt er r upt s’ i s t o br eak t he sequence of oper at i on.

Whi l e t he M i cr opr ocessor i s execut i ng a pr ogr am , an ‘i nt er r upt ’

br eaks t he nor m al sequence of execut i on of i nst r uct i ons, di ver t s
it s execut i on to som e ot her pr ogr am cal l ed I nt er r upt Ser vi ce
Rout i ne ( I SR) .

Aft er execut i ng I SR, I RET r et ur n s t he con t r ol back agai n t o

t he m ai n pr ogr am .
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Need for I nter r upt:

I nt er r upt s ar e par t i cul ar ly useful w hen i nt er faci ng I / O
devi ces, t hat pr ovi de or r equi r e dat a at r el at i vely l ow dat a
t r ansfer r at e.
Sources of I nter r upts:
Thr ee t ypes of i nt er r upt s sour ces ar e t her e:
1. An ext er nal si gnal appli ed t o NMI or I NTR i nput pi n
( Har dw ar e i nt er r upt )
1. Execut i on of I nt er r upt i nst r uct i on ( Soft w ar e i nt er r upt )
2. I nt er r upt r ai sed due t o som e er r or condi t i on pr oduced i n 8086
i nst r uct i on execut i on pr ocess.
( Divi de by zer o, Over flow er r or s et c)
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I nterr upt Type Pr ior ity

INT 0, I NT N, Hi ghest



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