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First Name: _____________________Surname: _______________________ 6th Form 2012/2013



1. Read the text carefully and complete it with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

Last summer holidays Rui Silva and his family ____________

(travel) to Britain. They ____________ (stay) in London for three days.
On the first day they ____________ (enjoy) a full English
breakfast at the hotel. Then they toured (tour) London on a red
double-decker bus. They ____________ (love) the ride. In the
afternoon they ____________ (visit) the Tower of London. They
____________ (wait) for a long time in a queue, but when they
____________ (enter), a real Beefeater greeted (greet) them. Rui
and his sister Sara ____________ (pose) for a photo with him.
On the second day they ____________ (watch) the Changing
of the Guard at Buckingham Palace and they ____________ (pray) in
Westminster Abbey. They ____________ (cross) Westminster Bridge
and ____________ (look) at the famous Big Ben. At lunch they ____________ (try) fish and chips and they
____________ ( like) it. In the afternoon the family ____________ (walk) down Oxford Street and Regent
Street and ____________ (stop) in Trafalgar Square. They ____________ (rest) for a while in St. James’s Park
and ____________ (listen) To an open-air concert.
On the third day they ____________ (travel) to Madame Tussaud’s Museum by underground, buy
first they ____________ (study) the map of the Tube. They queued (queue) up for one hour. Once inside
the Museum they ____________ (look) around absolutely amazed. All their favourite stars ____________
(be) there. And Mr. Silva ____________ (photograph) his whole family with the Royal Family!

2. True or False? Correct the false ones.

1. The Silva family travelled to Britain. ____________________________________________________

2. They stayed in a motel. ____________________________________________________
3. Rui toured through York. ____________________________________________________
4. The family visited some museums. ____________________________________________________
5. They didn’t like fish and chips. ____________________________________________________
6. Mr. Silva photographed the Royal ____________________________________________________


3. Answer the following questions.

3.1 Where did the Silva’s family go to for their holidays?


3.2 When did they go?


3.3 Did they like fish and chips?


3.4 What did they visit on the third day?


3.5 What did the Silva’s family see in there?


4. Match the pairs.

1. get ate 7. go did

2. have gave 8. buy laid

3. drink got 9. do watched

4. eat had 10. lay bought

5. make made 11. watch brushed

6. give drank 12. brush went

5. Complete the table with the correct form of the verb in the past simple (regular).

Infinite Past Simple

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
to watch watched didn’t watch Did you watch …?

to work

to enjoy


6. Complete the table with the correct form of the verb in the past simple (irregular)

Infinite Past Simple

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
to see saw didn’t see Did you see …?

to come

to write (Sam and


7. Change the sentences into the present simple and in the past simple.

Present Past
1. He likes Sidney very much. 1.
2. There are five cookies on the table. 2.
3. I’m not in Sidney 3.

Past Present
4. They were at the cinema. 4.
5. We had colour pencils. 5.
6. You hated chocolate. 6.

8. Circle the correct form of the verb.

1. I go / went to the cinema last week. 4. She see / saw beautiful monuments last month.
2. Did you hear / heard the news two days ago? 5. Did they find / found the car yesterday?
3. He didn’t eat / didn’t ate a cake yesterday. 6. We didn’t get / didn’t got up early last


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