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◦Identify the basic nail design
◦Explain the procedure in applying basic nail design
◦Perform the basic nail design
◦Observe sanitary and safety measure
A. Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of
concepts, principle and techniques in manicure and
pedicure services.
B. Performance Standard:
The learner independently performs manicure and
pedicure services.
C. Learning Competencie:
LO 2. Perform basic nail designs (TLE_HEBC9-
12PMPIII/IVa-r-6 )


Learning Resources:
CG. P 14
LM pp 120-124
Learning Materials:
Powerpoint presentation/Video Clip, manicure kit, PPE
Pre-Assessment:Identify the following
nail designs
Different basic nail designs
A. Plain manicure
It is the traditional application of nail polish to the entire
nail plate.
Example of
Plain manicure
Steps in Plain manicure
1. Apply base coat
2. Apply white or platinum nail polish and leave for a few minutes to dry.
2. Apply Two Coats Of Polish
• Use light long strokes from nail base to free edge
• Apply polish to the middle of the nail first and then to
the sides.
• Repeat second coat of polish to both hands
• Remove excess polish around nail with a cotton tipped
Apply top coat
3. Over the entire nail plate
Learn the history of color by buying
an artist color wheel. You can use
what you learn to help clients select
complementary colors that match
their skin tone.
B. Half-Moon
Half moon is a style that involves applying
of nail polish over the whole nail plate
except the area of lunula.
Steps in giving
1. Apply base coat
Half-moon nail design
2. Apply white or platinum nail polish and leave for a few minutes to dry.
3. Apply colored polish from one side to the other side of the
nail following the shape of the lunula. Repeat the application
of the nail polish if necessary.
4. Remove excess polish 5. Apply Top Coat
It is a design which involves the application of colored polish over the whole
part of the nail except the area of the free-edge
Steps in giving
French Manicure-Variation
1. Apply base coat
no. 1
2. Apply white or platinum nail polish and leave for a few minutes to dry.
3. Apply colored nail polish from one side to the other side
of the nail following the shape of the free- edge . Repeat the
application of nail polish if necessary
4. Remove excess polish 5. Apply Top Coat
French Manicure or
Tip design - Variation no. 2
It involves the application of white nail polish or colored polish on the tips and
coating the rest of the nail with a sheer polish . It’s suitable for short nails and
those with moderate length of nails
Steps in giving
French manicure-Variation no. 2

1. Apply base coat and leave for a few minutes

2. Apply a coat of translucent pink polish over your entire
Steps in giving
French manicure-Variation no. 2
3. With the use of white or colored nail polish,
draw a thin line over the tip of the nail following
the shape of the free edge of the nail. Apply
second coating if necessary.
4. Remove excess polish.
5. Apply top coat.
WHAT French Manicure-Variation IS
Example of French Manicure or Tip design - Variation
no. 2
E. Elephant Tusk
Elephant tusk is a style that involves the
application of nail polish to create S curve, leaving a
slightly larger gap along the nail walls.
Steps in giving
elephant tusk:
a) Apply white or platinum nail polish and leave for
a few minutes to dry.
b) Apply colored nail polish creating a half circle
design at the inner side of the nail as you continue
it to form S-like.
c) Fill up the other side to complete
the design
d) Remove excess polish.
e) Seal with a top coat.
Perform basic nail designs
1. Select color of the nail polish according
to customer’s requirements
2. Apply base coat with long strokes
starting with the little finger
3. Select color of the nail polish as agreed
according to customer’s desire or
4. Apply nail polish from the base to the edge
of the nail using light sweeping stroked around
the cuticle
5. Apply top or seal coat with long strokes in
the same manner as the base coat
6. Check and analyze outcome according to
the clients nail service requirements
7. Remove excess polish around the
cuticle and nail using appropriate tool
8. Clean working area according to
salon’s policies and procedures
9. Advise client on nail maintenance
Activity: Card Sorting
Direction: Arrange the steps in nail
designing. The design that you
selected will be your task to perform
after you correctly arrange the
procedure in doing the design in 1
Group 1 – plain
Group 2 – half moon
Group 3 - French tip
Group 4 - elephant tusk
Group 5 – half moon with tip
B. Prepare the needed tools, materials, and supplies
C. Follow the procedure in nail designing
D. Observe sanitary and safety measures

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