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In this chapter the writer presented the finding and the discussions of this

study, in the findings the writer only mentioned the data and the classification

based on the types of illocutionary acts and the functions of illocutionary acts.

Meanwhile, in the discussion the writer analyzed the data based on the

theory in the chapter II, the utterances containing illocutionary acts (data) are

analyzed to explain the types of illocutionary acts and the function of illocutionary


4.1 Findings

The data findings, Writer collected sentences containing illocutionary acts

which are in the “Tausiyah Oki Setiana Dewi” video and classified them into the

types based on the theories and the statements of research problems that the writer

mentioned in chapter 1 they are is: the first is, what are the types of illocutionary

acts in the “Tausiyah Oki Setiana Dewi”? And the second is, what are the

functions of illocutionary acts in the “Tausiyah Oki Setiana Dewi’?.

Based on the two statements of the research problems above, the writer

have 32 data of illocutionary acts which are classified into five types. Writer

provided the types in table and the table is made to make the writer to displaying

the data, there is the table is shown below:

Table 4.1

Types of Illocutionary Acts

No Types of Frequency Data Code

Illocutionary Acts

1 Representative 12 001/TOSD/TIA/V1/Repr
2 Commisive 8 013/TOSD/TIA/V1/Com
3 Directive 7 021/TOSD/TIA/V1/Dir

4 Declarative 0 -

5 Expressive 5 028/TOSD/TIA/V1/Exp
Total 32 Data

From the table above the writer find 12 data that belong to representative,

8 data that belong to comissive, 7 data that belong to directive, declarative is not

found the data and 5 data that belong to expressive.

Writer that also makes table to classify the data into the functions of

illocutionary acts, stated in the theoretical frame works by Seale. There are four

functions of illocutionary acts that video “Tausiyah Oki Setiana Dewi”. Functions

about the illocutionary acts they are competitive, convivial, collaborative and

conflictive. Here is the table of functions of illocutionary acts the table 4.2

Table 4.2

The Functions of Illocutionary Acts

No Functions of Frequency Data

Illocutionary Acts

1 Competitive 6 016/TOSD/TIA/V2/Comp
2 Convivial 6 013/TOSD/TIA/V1/Conv
3 Collaborative 6 001/TOSD/TIA/V1/Coll
4 Conflictive 5 008/TOSD/TIA/V2/Conf
014/TOSD/TIA/V1/ Conf
015/TOSD/TIA/V1/ Conf
018/TOSD/TIA/V3/ Conf
019/TOSD/TIA/V3/ Conf
Total 23 Data

From the this table above the writer finds 3 data that belong to

competitive, 2 data that belong to convivial, 6 data that belong to collaborative

and 3 data belong to conflictive.

4.2 Discussions

This discussion the writer presents the analysis which is divided into two

part, the first part is the analysis of the types of illocutionary acts and the second

part is functions of illocutionary acts.

4.2.1 Types of Illocutionary Acts Which are in the video “Tausiyah Oki

Setiana Dewi”

The types of illocutionary acts in the video “Tausiyah Oki Setiana Dewi”

that can be in this study are representative, commisive, directive, declarative and

expressive. Representative

Writer finds 12 the utterances by main character as main the character

which are considered as representative, the speaker represents a state of affairs

such as : believe, asserting, swearing, reporting, and complaining. It can be seen

on speech in the “Tausiyah Oki Setiana Dewi” below: Asserting

Writer has 4 examples about the data asserting and the writer analysis the

data. You can be seen the example below:

Data 001 / TOSD / ILA / Repr
Kalau aku sudah mengatakan aku mencintai ibumu artinya aku akan menyerahkan
seluruh waktuku, tenagaku, hartaku, hidupku untuk ibumu nak. (If I say I love
your mother means I will surrender all my time, my energy, my treasure, my life
for your mother son).

In the utterance as indicate in the types of illocutionary act

"representative" of asserting. The speakers assert to the hearer about the marriage

is not just a lust but a commitment that must be taken seriously.

Data 003 / TOSD / ILA / Repr

Hatiku bahagia, ketika aku bisa berada terus disisi ibumu, sisi orang yang paling
aku cintai dimuka bumi ini. (My heart is happy, when I can be on your mother's
side, the side of the person I love most on earth).

Through this utterance, the speakers provide information that the man in

the story does not want to marry another woman, because choosing loyal to the

couple. The speaker gives asserting to the hearer to choose faithfully with any

partner circumstances in the likes and sorrows.

Data 010 / TOSD / ILA / Repr

Istriku, kau yang paling cantik dimuka bumi ini, istriku betapa aku sangat
mencintaimu. (My wife, you are the most beautiful in this earth, my wife how
much I love you very much).

According to the sentence above, the utterance indicates in the types of

illocutionary act "representative" of asserting. The speaker gives assert and

affirms that his wife is the most beautiful and his only wife he loves under any

circumstances, the speakers provide such statements so that the listener can

understand and consciously under any circumstances likes and grief if already

married still must be faithful and fixed loving the couple with all their heart and

worshiping the couple when the couple is in a state of grief or distress.

Data 012 / TOSD / ILA / Repr

Namun, dinamakan dengan laki laki luar biasa adalah mencintai apapun
kondisinya, laki laki yang dikatakan luar biasa adalah senantiasa setia apapun
kondisinya, senantiasa menjaga, senantiasa melindungi. (But, named with the
extraordinary man is loving whatever his condition, the man who said
extraordinary is always faithful whatever his condition, always keep, always

In the utterance as indicate in the types of illocutionary act "representative"

of asserting. The speaker gives the hearer about the man who is considered

extraordinary is the man who is able to protect, protect and love his partner

whatever his condition. Swearing

Writers have 3 examples about the data swearing and the writer analysis

the data. You can be seen the example below:

Data 002 / TOSD / ILA / Repr

Pada saat akan menikah berpuluh-puluh tahun yang lalu, didepan manusia,
didepan para malaikat aku berjanji akan setia terus berada disamping ibu dalam
setiap kondisi, dalam setiap keadaan, dalam sakitnya maupun sehatnya. (The
current will be married for decades ago, to man, in front of the angels I promise
to faithfully continue to be beside the mother in any condition, in any
circumstances, the pain as well as healthy).

According to the sentence above, the utterance indicates in the types of

illocutionary act "representative" of swearing. The speaker in the sentence tells

the listener that at the time of marriage is also spoken promise that will always be

with the couple in a state of difficulty and happy, because the sacred promise was

witnessed by the angels.

Data 004 / TOSD / ILA / Repr
Semenjak hari itu aku bertekat sungguh-sungguh ketika banyak orang melamarku,
aku tidak mau menikah dengan seseorang pun, aku ingin memenuhi janjiku
kepada suamiku (From that day on i was seriously committed when many people
proposed to me, I did not want to marry anybody, I wanted to keep my promise to
my husband).

According to the sentence above, the utterance indicates in the types of

illocutionary act "representative" of swearing. The speakers give information in

the utterances so that the hearer can be able to run the promise, let alone the

promise of a sacred marriage. Speakers hope that the hearer can be motivated and

able to be someone who holds his promise to the couple and to others.

Data 005 / TOSD / ILA / Repr

Maka aku penuhi janjiku kepada suamiku untuk setia dan mendampingi anak-
anakku. (I will fulfilled my promise to my husband to be faithful and accompany
my children).

In the utterance as indicate in the types of illocutionary act "representative"

of swearing. The speakers give swear to the hearer in the utterances the wife will

fulfill the promise to her husband will be faithful, in that speaker hopes that hearer

also open heart to obey and faithful to her husband. Believe

Writer have 2 example about the data believe and the writer analysis the

data. You can be seen the example below:

Data 009/ TOSD/ ILA/Repr

Kasihan sekali rafli mempunyai istri seperti nania, yang koma, kalau suami yang
lain mungkin sudah mencari istri yang lain, bahkan sudah menceraikan nania
tersebut. ( Pity rafli had a wife like nania, a coma, if another husband may have
been looking for another wife, even already divorced the nania).

In the utterance as indicate in the types of illocutionary act "representative"

of believe. The speaker gives information that in the story it conveys his wife's

nania believes in her husband's rafli who will not leave her despite the many

people who comment badly against her. Nania believes with rafli who will

faithfully accompany her always.

Data 011 / TOSD / ILA / Repr

“Betapa beruntungnya rafli punya istri sehebat dan secantik nania” sekarang
kalimatnya berganti “ betapa beruntung nania punya suami yang sholeh, punya
suami yang baik, punya suami yang sangat menjaga sang istri yang lumpuh
seperti itu. (" How lucky rafli have a wife as good and beautiful as nania" now the
sentence changed "how lucky nania have a good husband, have a good husband,
have a husband who is very guarding the paralyzed wife like that).

In the utterance as indicate in the types of illocutionary act "representative"

of believe. The speaker gives information that in the sentence the view of people

against us can change over time, because the wheel of life continues to spin. Rafli

believed in the situation that he had always been in the mediocre view, since his

wife was sick with the view of rafli now starting to differ and more sneering at the

wife of rafli. Speakers expect the hearer not to look at someone only from the

outside, but look at his heart that is able to be faithful and able to hold the promise

of marriage. Reporting

Writer has 2 examples about the data reporting and the writer analysis the

data. You can be seen the example below:

Data 006 / TOSD / ILA / Repr

Apakah ibu istri pak gunawan?. (Do you wife Mr. Gunawan misses?).

In the utterance above, the condition someone reporting before give

information to wife Mr. gunawan .

Data 007 / TOSD / ILA / Repr
Suamimu sekarang sedang berada dirumah sakit, karena terjadi sebuah
kecelakaan besar terhadapnya (Your husband is now in the hospital, because there
is a big accident against him).

Through the utterance, the condition of someone give reporting that there

has been an accident that happened to her husband and the person again explain

the chronology of the accident that happened to her husband. Complaining

Writer has 1 example about the data complaining and the writer analysis

the data. You can be seen the example below:

Data 008 / TOSD / ILA / Repr

Nia, engkau ini wanita sempurna, laki-laki itu mengantri untuk menikah dengan
mu, nia kenapa harus memilih laki laki seperti rafli, yang semuanya serba biasa
biasa saja” Kata mereka. (Nia, if you’re the perfect woman, the man is queuing up
to marry you, why should you choose a man like rafli, all of which are just plain
ordinary? "They said).

The utterance belongs to the hearings that the parents complain against

their children because they disagree with the choice of men only which is all-too-

ordinary, the speakers hope that the hearer does not complain with what the child

decides if it is merely a view of wealth alone. Commissive

Writer finds 8 the utterances by main character as main the character

which are considered as commissive, the speaker represents a state of affairs such

as: offering, expecting. It can be seen on speech in the “Tausiyah Oki Setiana

Dewi” below:

31 Expecting

Writer has 4 example about the data expecting and the writer analysis the

data. You can be seen the example below:

Data / 013 / TOSD / ILA / Com

Sang istri memang tidak bisa berkata kata, tapi dari tatapan mata sang istri ingin
mengatakan betapa ia membutuhkan dan memerlukan sang suami terus menerus
berada disisinya. (The wife cannot say a word, but from the gaze of the wife
wants to say how much she needs and need him continuously on his side).

According to the sentence above, the utterance indicates in the types of

illocutionary act "commisive" of expecting. The speakers give the condition wife

expect to husband for her husband continuously there beside him in the state of

happy and sad.

Data 016 / TOSD / ILA / Com

Surat yang berisi kalimat “berjanjilah wahai istriku yang manja untuk menjadi
seorang ibu yang baik untuk anak-anak, untuk menjadi seorang istri yang mandiri,
maafkan aku yang telah pergi terlebih dahulu. Tapi aku berharap engkau bisa
berdiri tegak untuk membesarkan anak-anak (The veil that contains the phrase
"promises my spoiled wife to be a good mother for children, to be an independent
wife, forgive me who has gone first. But I hope you can stand upright to raise

According to the sentence above, the utterance indicates in the types of

illocutionary act "commisive" of expecting. The speaker gives the condition of a

husband who expects his wife to be a good mother to her children when her

husband is dead, because her only hope is only for her to be a strong woman to

educate her children by herself.

Data 017 / TOSD / ILA / Com

Sampai suamiku dikuburkan ditutupkan dengan tanah aku meraung-raung
berharap suamiku dihidupkan kembali, bagaimana mungkin aku bisa hidup tanpa
kehadiran ia disisiku untuk membesarkan anak-anakku akupun seperti tidak punya
nyawa. (To buried my husband is closed with the ground I hope my husband's

wailing was revived, how can I possibly live without his presence by my side to
raise my children like I will not have a life).

According to the sentence above, the utterance indicates in the types of

illocutionary act "commisive" of expecting. The speaker gives the condition of

the wife who continue to imagine and expect the husband can live again and can

accompany him back as before, the speakers teach us how deep regret is

experienced when our spouse is still alive never wasted, because when we

have lost someone which we love in our lives forever, then it can never come back


Data 020 / TOSD / ILA / Com

Kalau bukan rafli yang menjadi suamiku mungkin hari ini aku sudah dibuang
begitu saja, lihat lihat cinta luar biasa, seorang laki laki luar biasa bukan karena
kekayaannya, jabatannya, kedudukannya, dari keluarganya, bukan !. (If it was not
my husband's rafli today I might have been thrown away now, look at the
extraordinary love, an extraordinary man not because of his wealth, his position,
his position, of his family, no!).

According to the sentence above, the utterance indicates in the types of

illocutionary act "commisive" of expecting. The speaker gives the condition of

the wife who imagine if not the rafli who became her husband, he thought maybe

he would be abandoned and left with his current state. But the wife was very

hopeful to rafli. Offering

Writer has 4 examples about the data offering and the writer analysis the

data. You can be seen the example below:

Data / 014 / TOSD / ILA / Com

Selama berpuluh puluh tahun tak jarang teman pak suyatno mengatakan
“mengapa engkau tidak menikah lagi, kenapa engkau tidak memilih wanita lain
saja, apa yang engkau dapatkan dari seorang istri lumpuh dan bisu seperti dia

yang tidak bisa berucap, tidak bisa melayani mu selama ini, bukannya laki laki
dilayani bukan melayani seorang istri seperti yang engkau lakukan. (For decades,
friends of Pak suyatno say "why do not you marry again, why do not you choose
another woman, what you get from a paralyzed and mute wife like she who
cannot say, can not serve you all this time instead of the man served is not serving
a wife as you do).

The utterance above indicates as the commisive of offering, the speakers

give a situations with the phrase that many friends of pak suyatno who constantly

offer pak suyatno to marry again and dieakn his wife who is in kea daan

paralyzed, but pak suyatno never ignore the offer of his friends that. In such

positions the speakers provide examples of such sentences in order for the listener

to be able to remain faithful to any partner of his condition despite many offers

telling to leave.

Data / 015 / TOSD / ILA / Com

Anak anak berkata kepada sang bapak “bapak sudah tarsal lama, bapak
melakukan ini. Kini saatnya bapak bahagia, menikahlah pak. Menikahlah dengan
orang lain, dengan wanita lain agar bapak ada yang mengurusi. Agar bapak ada
yang melayani, agar bapak bahagia, tidak menghabiskan masa tua bapak dengan
terus menerus mengurus ibu. (The children said to the father "father is too long,
father does this. Now it's time for you to be happy, marry sir. Marry with other
people, with other ladies to take care of father. So that there is a father who serves,
for father happy, do not spend your father's old age by continuing to take care of
the mother).

The utterance belongs to the type of illocutionary acts "commisive" of

offering. The speaker said "Marry someone else, with another woman to have a

father take care of. the sentence is to ask to marry again with a more perfect

woman, because the child cannot bear to see his father getting older spent the rest

of his time to take care of his wife.

Data 018 / TOSD / ILA / Com

Ahmad aku sholat dulu, nanti setelah aku sholat kita obrol panjang, ya. Ada
pekerjaan jauh lebih baik untukmu yang bisa aku berikan dibandingkan menjadi
seorang masbot masjid saja. (Ahmad I want to pray, later after I pray we have a

long chat, yes. There is much better work for you that I can give than being a
marbot mosque).

The utterance belongs to the type of illocutionary acts "commisive" of

offering. The speaker said "there's a better job for you ..." the utterance means

that offers a much better job than being a mosque marbot.

Data 019 / TOSD / ILA / Com

Nania berucap kepada suaminya “suamiku, jangan bekerja terlalu keras,
sebenarnya tabungan nania kalau digabung dengan abang, digabung dengan
tabungan suamiku, pasti masih cukup”. (Nania said to her husband "my husband,
do not work too hard, actually saving nania if combined with brother, combined
with my husband's savings, would still be enough").

The utterance belongs to the type of illocutionary acts "commisive" of

offering. The speaker said "my husband do not work too hard, actually saving

nania if combined with brother would still be enough". The utterance means that

offer to the husband not to work too hard, the wife's attention to her husband not

to take care of the world; body health abut should also be considered. Directive

Writer finds 7 the utterances by main character as main the character

which are considered as directive, the speaker represents a state of affairs such as:

asking, permitting, ordering, and requesting. It can be seen on speech in the

“Tausiyah Oki Setiana Dewi” below: Asking

Writer has 3 examples about the data asking and the writer analysis the

data. You can be seen the example below:

Data 024 / TOSD / ILA / Dir
Assalamualaikum, engkau ahmad kan?”. Kata zainal. (Assalamualaikum, are you
Ahmad? Zainal ask).

The data above, this utterances '' Assalamualaikum, are you

Ahmad? Zainal ask ’’. Is included directive of illocutionary act? This utterances

Zainal asks to Ahmad, whether he is a friend ahmad during Zainal school first.

Data 025 / TOSD / ILA / Dir

Bapak kenal ya sama Ir. Hj, Ahmad? tanya seseoramg. (Do you know Ir. Hj,
Ahmad, Sir? Said someone).

In this case belongs to the type of illocutionary act "directive" of

asking. From the sentence there is someone who asked whether the young man

knew well with Ir. Hajj, Ahmad. Someone who asked it could be curious about

the youth who had been familiar to talk with Ir. Hajj, Ahmad.

Data 026 / TOSD / ILA / Dir

Kok di panggil haji? Memangnya sudah pergi haji? Kata zainal. (How to call
Hajj? Did he go to Hajj? Zainal ask). Ordering

Writer has 1 example about the data ordering and the writer analysis the

data. You can be seen the example below:

Data 021 / TOSD / ILA / Dir

Pak suyatno memiliki 4 orang anak, tapi ia memerintahkan anaknya untuk fokus
belajar agar bila menjadi orang. Sementara ia sendiri ditengah kesibukan bekerja
untuk mencari nafkah juga melayani, melindungi, menyayangi sang istri .(Pak
Suyatno has 4 children, but he orders his son to focus on learning to become a
person. While he himself amid busy work to earn a living also serves, protect,
love his wife).

In this case, the speaker utters a direct illocution by uttering "he ordered

his son to focus on learning" speaker utters what he actually says. He wants the

hearer to listen to his request, the speakers ask for his son to focus on learning to

become a person who success. Permitting

Writer has 2 examples about the data permitting and the writer analysis the

data. You can be seen the example below:

Data 022 / TOSD / ILA / Dir

Izinkan kami merawat ibu pak. Kami ini sudah berhasil, pak. Izinkan kami
membawa ibu kerumah kami. (I let us take care of mother sir. We've done it,
sir. Let us take our mother home).

The utterance belongs to the type of illocutionary acts "directive" of

permitting. The speaker said "let us take care of mother sir" this condition the son

of the father asked permission to care for his ailing mother, because the children

want to worship to his mother. The speakers want the hearer also always filial to

parents, especially to the mother even though we are already successful.

Data 023 / TOSD / ILA / Dir

Maka izinkan aku terus merawatnya sampai akhir hidupku, tidak ada satu orang
pun yang mampu memisahkan aku dan ibumu, wahai anakku. Kecuali, perpisahan
dari Allah S.w.t, jangan kau katakan lagi kata kata itu lagi. Karna aku mencintai
ibumu tanpa syarat. (So let me continue to care for him until the end of my life, no
one can separate me and your mother, my son. Except, the separation from Allah
Swt, do not you say the word again anymore. Because I love your mother

In t his case belongs to the type of illocutionary act "directive" of

permitting. From the sentence the father did not want if separated by his wife,

because the father wants to spend the rest of his life to care for his wife, then the

father asked permission to his son to keep him who took care of his mother until

the end of his life. Here the speakers give a view to the hearer that sincere love

will not be easily separated by humans except the separation from God.

37 Requesting

Writer has 1 example about the data requesting and the writer analysis the

data. You can be seen the example below:

Data 027 / TOSD / ILA / Dir

Gadis ini, mendatangi keluarganya dan berucap ia ingin menikah dengan Rafli.
(This girl came to his family and said he wanted to marry with Rafli).

The data above, this utterances '' this girl, came to his family and said he

wanted to marry Rafli ’’. Is included directive of illocutionary act of requesting.

A girl who requests and visits her family that the girl wants to marry Rafli, a man

who is seen as ordinary and unequal to this girl's family. From the sentence the

speaker hopes to the listener do not judge a person only from the material but

religion is the number one that must be considered when the child ask permission

to marry the man of his own choice. Declarative

The data cannot display because the writer does not find the data in the

“Tausiyah Oki Setiana Dewi” that consist of declarative illocutionary acts. Expressive

Writer finds 5 the utterances by main character as main the character

which are considered as expressive, the speaker represents a state of affairs such

as: concluding. It can be seen on speech in the “Tausiyah Oki Setiana Dewi”


38 Concluding

Writer has 5 examples about the data concluding and the writer analysis

the data. You can be seen the example below:

Data 028 / TOSD / ILA / Exp

Mudah mudahan kita bisa menjaga komitmen pernikahan dengan kesetiaan.
(Hopefully we can keep the commitment of marriage with loyalty).

In the utterance “Hopefully we can keep the commitment of marriage with

loyalty." "is not only a direct illocutionary especially of concluding, the speakers

performed one kind of illocutionary acts of expressive to say thanks and for us

who listen Tausiyah from Oki Setiana the goddess can keep her commitment in

marriage with loyalty.

Data 029 / TOSD / ILA / Exp

Semoga kisah ini menjadi pembelajaran untuk kita, untuk menjadi seorang istri
yang tahu diri dan tidak manja. Mudah-mudahan menjadi pembelajaran. Insya
allah. (May in this story is learning for us, to be a self-aware and spoiled
wife. Hopefully is learning. Insya allah).

The utterance above belongs to illocutionary acts of expressive especially

of conclude. The speakers hope after hearing Tausiyah from Oki Setiana goddess

can be a useful learning for listeners.

Data 030 / TOSD / ILA / Exp

Mudah mudahan memberikan tamparan bagi kita agar menjadi hamba-hamba
Allah yang terjaga keikhlasannya dan allah akan memberi hadiah. (Hopefully it
will be a slap for us to be God's waked servants of sincerity and gods to give

In the utterance “May it be a slap for us to be God's waked servants of

sincerity and Allah will reward " is hope that the story can be useful for the

listeners and hope that we all become a servant of Allah who awake a sincere.

Data 031 / TOSD / ILA / Exp
Mudah-mudahan menjadi pembelajaran untuk kita semuanya. (Hopefully be
learning for us all).

The utterance above belongs to illocutionary acts of expressive. The

speakers hope after hearing tausiyah from oki setiana goddess can be a learning

for us all as support from the story that brought by oki setiana goddess.

Data 032 / TOSD / ILA / Exp

Mudah mudahan kita menjadi hamba allah yang senantiasa bersyukur karna telah
diberikan jodoh terbaik oleh Allah Swt, mungkin biasa dimata orang tapi tidak
bagi kita seorang suami istri, pasangan kita adalah yang terbaik, pasangan kita
adalah orang yang luar biasa, insya allah. (Hopefully we become servants of god
who always grateful for being given the best dating by Allah SWT, may be
common in the eyes of people but not for us a husband and wife, our spouse is the
best, our spouse is an extraordinary person, insya allah).

The utterance above indicates into expressive. The speaker’s expresses

support to hearer in order to be a wonderful woman and always grateful under any

circumstances and with whom we will be mate.

4.2.2 Functions of Illocutionary Acts which are in the video “Tausiyah Oki

Setiana Dewi”

The functions of illocutionary acts in the video “Tausiyah Oki Setiana

Dewi” that can be in this study are: competitive, convivial, collaborative, and

conflictive. Competitive

Writer finds 6 the utterances by main character as main the character

which are considered as competitive, the speaker represents a state of affairs such

as: ordering, and asking. It can be seen on speech in the “Tausiyah Oki Setiana

Dewi” below:

40 Ordering

Writer has 2 example about the data ordering and the writer analysis the

data. You can be seen the example below:

Surat yang berisi kalimat “berjanjilah wahai istriku yang manja untuk menjadi
seorang ibu yang baik untuk anak-anak, untuk menjadi seorang istri yang mandiri,
maafkan aku yang telah pergi terlebih dahulu. Tapi aku berharap engkau bisa
berdiri tegak untuk membesarkan anak-anak (The veil that contains the phrase
"promises my spoiled wife to be a good mother for children, to be an independent
wife, forgive me who has gone first. But I hope you can stand upright to raise

This utterances above has a functions of competitive especially ordering,

because in the condition husband order to wife for promise as to be a good mother
for children, to be an independent wife, forgive me who has gone first, But I hope
you can stand upright to raise children although the husband be dead.

Pak suyatno memiliki 4 orang anak, tapi ia memerintahkan anaknya untuk fokus
belajar agar bila menjadi orang. Sementara ia sendiri ditengah kesibukan bekerja
untuk mencari nafkah juga melayani, melindungi, menyayangi sang istri. (Pak
Suyatno has 4 children, but he orders his son to focus on learning to become a
person. While he himself amid busy work to earn a living also serves, protect,
love his wife).

This utterances above has a functions of competitive especially ordering,

because in the condition his father order to the children focus on learning to

become a person, while his father busy the work to earn a living also serve,

protect, love his wife. Asking

Writer has 4 example about the data asking and the writer analysis the

data. You can be seen the example below:

Apakah ibu istri pak gunawan? (Do you wife mr. Gunawan, miss?).

The utterances above have a competitive functions especially asking. In

this condition the speaker has an example someone ask to Miss gunawan. The

utterances “do you wife Mr. gunawan, miss? “.

Assalamualaikum, engkau ahmad kan?” Kata zainal. (Assalamualaikum, are you
Ahmad? Zainal ask).

The utterance above has function of competitive because in this condition

the speaker asks a someone, he is ahmad or not? The speaker just want to make

sure her friend ahmad or not.

Bapak kenal ya sama Ir. Hj, Ahmad? tanya seseorang. (Do you know Ir. Hj,
Ahmad, Sir? Said someone).

The utterance above has competitive function. In this situation someone ask do

you know Ir. Hajj, Ahmad, sir? The speaker just wants to know care to another

people in this situation.

Kok di panggil haji? Memangnya sudah pergi haji? Kata zainal. (How to call
Haji? Did he go to Haji? Zainal ask).

The utterance above has competitive function, because the speaker in this

situation explain zainal asks to someone, because zainal think amazed as the

someone call hajj at the ahmad. Convivial

Writer finds 6 the utterances by main character as main the character

which are considered as convivial, the speaker represents a state of affairs such as:

thanking, congratulating, and greeting. .It can be seen on speech in the “Tausiyah

Oki Setiana Dewi” below: Thanking

Writer has 3 example about the data thanking and the writer analysis the

data. You can be seen the example below:

Sang istri memang tidak bisa berkata kata, tapi dari tatapan mata sang istri ingin
mengatakan betapa ia membutuhkan dan memerlukan sang suami terus menerus
berada disisinya. (The wife cannot say a word, but from the gaze of the wife
wants to say how much she needs and need him continuously on his side).

The utterance above has convivial function, because the speaker in this

situation explain that a wife say thanking at the husband, but his wife cannot say it

to her husband, his wife just expressing her with a look so sharp eyes at his need

her husband on the his side.

Kalau bukan rafli yang menjadi suamiku mungkin hari ini aku sudah dibuang
begitu saja, lihat lihat cinta luar biasa, seorang laki laki luar biasa bukan karena
kekayaannya, jabatannya, kedudukannya, dari keluarganya, bukan !. (If it was not
my husband's rafli today I might have been thrown away now, look at the
extraordinary love, an extraordinary man not because of his wealth, his position,
his position, of his family, no!).

The utterance above has convivial function, because the speaker in this

situation explain that her husband's rafli today I might have been thrown away

now, look at the extraordinary love, an extraordinary man not because of his

wealth, his position, his position, of his family, so he was very thanking for the

husband because get a husband who loves her is there his.

Data 033 / TOSD / ILA / Conv
Pak suyatno memang tidak bisa mendengar ucapan terima kasih dari sang istri,
tapi sang istri tersenyum itulah kebahagiaan terbesar dari seorang suami yang
setia itu. (Sir Suyatno doesn’t be right listen the utterance thank you from the
wife, but the wife is smile this is certain happiness the husband).

The utterance above has functions of convivial, because the speaker says

to hearer or audience to utterance thanks that means there is a good relation with

the couple wife and husband. Expressing thank you by saying thank from the

speaker explain can make the hearer will be happy and hearer will be always to

say thank in the life. Greeting

Writer has 2 examples about the data greeting and the writer analysis the

data. You can be seen the example below:

Assalamualaikum, engkau ahmad kan?”. Kata zainal. (Assalamualaikum, are you
Ahmad? Zainal ask).

The utterance above has function of convivial because in this condition the

speaker greeting a someone, he is ahmad or not? The speaker just want to make

sure her friend ahmad or not.

Bapak kenal ya sama Ir. Hj, Ahmad? tanya seseorang. (Do you know Ir. Hj,
Ahmad, Sir? Said someone).

The utterance above has convivial function. In this situation someone

greeting do you know Ir. Hajj, Ahmad, sir? The speaker just wants to know care
to another people in this situation.

44 Congratulating

Writer has 1 example about the data congratulating and the writer analysis

the data. You can be seen the example below:

Data 034/ TOSD / ILA / Conv

Masya allah zainal, engkau sekarang sudah menjadi orang hebat, aku bangga
sekali punya teman sepertimu. “kata ahmad. (Masya allah zainal, now you be
already a intelligence people, me have a rightfully pruned have a friend be like

In the utterance above belongs to convivial function, because the speaker

explain the situation to hearer congratulating, in the situation ahmad give

congratulating to her friend because her friend as to amazing people. Collaborative

Writer finds 6 the utterances by main character as main the character

which are considered as collaborative, the speaker represents a state of affairs

such as: reporting, asserting, announcing, and instructing. .It can be seen on

speech in the “Tausiyah Oki Setiana Dewi” below: Asserting

Writer has 4 examples about the data asking and the writer analysis the

data. You can be seen the example below:

Kalau aku sudah mengatakan aku mencintai ibumu artinya aku akan menyerahkan
seluruh waktuku, tenagaku, hartaku, hidupku untuk ibumu nak. (If I say I love
your mother means I will surrender all my time, my energy, my treasure, my life
for your mother son).

In the utterance as indicate of asserting. The speakers assert to the hearer

about the marriage is not just a lust but a commitment that must be taken


Data 003 / TOSD / ILA / Coll

Hatiku bahagia, ketika aku bisa berada terus disisi ibumu, sisi orang yang paling
aku cintai dimuka bumi ini. (My heart is happy, when I can be on your mother's
side, the side of the person I love most on earth).

Through this utterance, the speakers provide information that the man in

the story does not want to marry another woman, because choosing loyal to the

couple. The speaker gives assert to the hearer to choose faithfully with any partner

circumstances in the likes and sorrows.

Data 010 / TOSD / ILA /Coll

Istriku, kau yang paling cantik dimuka bumi ini, istriku betapa aku sangat
mencintaimu. (My wife, you are the most beautiful in this earth, my wife how
much I love you very much).

According to the sentence above, the utterance indicates of asserting. The

speaker gives assert and affirms that his wife is the most beautiful and his only

wife he loves under any circumstances, the speakers provide such statements so

that the listener can understand and consciously under any circumstances likes

and grief if already married still must be faithful and fixed loving the couple with

all their heart and worshiping the couple when the couple is in a state of grief or


Data 012 / TOSD / ILA / Coll

Namun, dinamakan dengan laki laki luar biasa adalah mencintai apapun
kondisinya, laki laki yang dikatakan luar biasa adalah senantiasa setia apapun
kondisinya, senantiasa menjaga, senantiasa melindungi. (But, named with the
extraordinary man is loving whatever his condition, the man who said
extraordinary is always faithful whatever his condition, always keep, always

In the utterance as indicate of asserting. The speaker gives the hearer about

the man who is considered extraordinary is the man who is able to protect, protect

and love his partner whatever his condition. Swearing

Writer has 1 example about the data swearing and the writer analysis the

data. You can be seen the example below:

Data 002 / TOSD / ILA / Coll

Pada saat akan menikah berpuluh-puluh tahun yang lalu, didepan manusia,
didepan para malaikat aku berjanji akan setia terus berada disamping ibu dalam
setiap kondisi, dalam setiap keadaan, dalam sakitnya maupun sehatnya. (The
current will be married for decades ago, to man, in front of the angels I promise
to faithfully continue to be beside the mother in any condition, in any
circumstances, the pain as well as healthy).

According to the sentence above, the utterance indicates of swearing. The

speaker in the sentence tells the listener that at the time of marriage is also spoken

promise that will always be with the couple in a state of difficulty and happy,

because the sacred promise was witnessed by the angels. Reporting

Writer has 1 example about the data reporting and the writer analysis the

data. You can be seen the example below:

Data 007 / TOSD / ILA / Coll

Suamimu sekarang sedang berada dirumah sakit, karena terjadi sebuah
kecelakaan besar terhadapnya (Your husband is now in the hospital, because there
is a big accident against him).

Through the utterance, the condition of someone give reporting that there

has been an accident that happened to her husband and the person again explain

the chronology of the accident that happened to her husband.

47 Conflictive

Writer finds 5 the utterances by main character as main the character

which are considered as conflictive, the speaker represents a state of affairs such

as: accusing, and reprimanding. .It can be seen on speech in the “Tausiyah Oki

Setiana Dewi” below: Accusing

Writer has 2 examples about the data accusing and the writer analysis the

data. You can be seen the example below:

Data 008 / TOSD / ILA / Conf

Nia, engkau ini wanita sempurna, laki-laki itu mengantri untuk menikah dengan
mu, nia kenapa harus memilih laki laki seperti rafli, yang semuanya serba biasa
biasa saja” Kata mereka. (Nia, if you’re the perfect woman, the man is queuing up
to marry you, why should you choose a man like rafli, all of which are just plain
ordinary? "They said).

This utterances above has a functions of conflictive especially accusing,

because this condition speaker give example there is a perfect woman wants to

marry a man queuing, but the family this woman did not agree because they

consider and accusing that the male who will be marry by the woman would not

be able to meet the life of the day and the household her.

Data 018 / TOSD / ILA / Conf

Ahmad aku sholat dulu, nanti setelah aku sholat kita obrol panjang, ya. Ada
pekerjaan jauh lebih baik untukmu yang bisa aku berikan dibandingkan menjadi
seorang masbot masjid saja. (Ahmad I want to pray, later after I pray we have a
long chat, yes. There is much better work for you that I can give than being a
masbot mosque).

This utterance above has a function of conflictive especially of accusing

because in this condition the speaker give hearer example later after I pray we

have a long chat, yes. There is much better work for you that I can give than being

a masbot mosque, this utterances her friend accused ahmad just work masbot

mosque because he is see ahmad from the psychical appearance. Reprimanding

Writer has 3 examples about the data reprimanding and the writer analysis

the data. You can be seen the example below:

Data / 014 / TOSD / ILA / Conf

Selama berpuluh puluh tahun tak jarang teman pak suyatno mengatakan “
mengapa engkau tidak menikah lagi, kenapa engkau tidak memilih wanita lain
saja, apa yang engkau dapatkan dari seorang istri lumpuh dan bisu seperti dia
yang tidak bisa berucap, tidak bisa melayani mu selama ini, bukannya laki laki
dilayani bukan melayani seorang istri seperti yang engkau lakukan. (For decades,
friends of Pak suyatno say "why do not you marry again, why do not you choose
another woman, what you get from a paralyzed and mute wife like she who
cannot say, cannot serve you all this time instead of the man served is not serving
a wife as you do).

This utterances above has a function of conflictive especially of

reprimanding because in this condition the speaker give hearer example utterance

why do not you marry again, why do not you choose another woman, what you

get from a paralyzed and mute wife like she who cannot say, her friend

reprimanding sir suyatno so get married again with a woman that much more

perfect, because her wife paralyzed. But sir suyatno never ignore the warning that

because Mr. Suyatno love his wife because Allah.

Data / 015 / TOSD / ILA / Conf

Anak anak berkata kepada sang bapak “bapak sudah terlalu lama, bapak
melakukan ini. Kini saatnya bapak bahagia, menikahlah pak. Menikahlah dengan
orang lain, dengan wanita lain agar bapak ada yang mengurusi. Agar bapak ada
yang melayani, agar bapak bahagia, tidak menghabiskan masa tua bapak dengan
terus menerus mengurus ibu. (The children said to the father "father is too long,
father does this. Now it's time for you to be happy, marry sir. Marry with other
people, with other ladies to take care of father. So that there is a father who serves,
for father happy, do not spend your father's old age by continuing to take care of
the mother).

This utterances above has a function of conflictive especially of

reprimanding because in this condition the speaker give hearer example father is

too long, father do this. Now it's time for you to be happy, marry sir. Marry with

other people, with other ladies to take care of father, the children reprimand her

father never be happy because her wife sick.

Data 019 / TOSD / ILA / Com

Nania berucap kepada suaminya “suamiku, jangan bekerja terlalu keras,
sebenarnya tabungan nania kalau digabung dengan abang, digabung dengan
tabungan suamiku, pasti masih cukup”. (Nania said to her husband "my husband,
do not work too hard, actually saving nania if combined with brother, combined
with my husband's savings, would still be enough").

This utterances above has a function of conflictive especially of

reprimanding because in this condition the speaker give hearer my husband, do

not work too hard, actually saving nania if combined with brother, combined with

my husband's savings, would still be enough. A reprimanding for the wife to the

husband in order not to hard work because the wife fears her husband hurt.


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