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2010 International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE 2010)

The Challenge of Broadcasting at Intersections in Vehicular Adhoc Networks

Samaneh Khakbaz Mahila Dadfarnia

Iran University of Science and Technology Amirkabir University of technology
Tehran, Iran Tehran, Iran

Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs) are new network current broadcast mechanisms this communication range
environment for intelligent transportation systems .One of the overlap results in cancelling broadcast in some directions. In
fundamental services in VANET is broadcasting, that is a this paper we demonstrate this problem and present a
challenging task due to different road topologies and network broadcast method that overcomes it. In the proposed method
conditions.One of its challenges is broadcasting at by classifying vehicles based on their location to the last
intersections ,that because vehicles in different roads forwarder of message, we distinct between vehicles in
constituting an intersections can affect on broadcast process of different roads constitutes intersection and omit effect of
other roads ,message may not be propagated in some broadcasting of vehicles in different roads on each other.
directions .In this paper we propose a method that by
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
classifying vehicles based on their location and the road they
move in solves this problem. Our method is simulated in NS2,
Section 2 presents related work on broadcasting in VANET;
and simulation results show our method assures broadcasting section 3 describes intersection problem and proposed
in all directions. method; section 4 presents the simulation model, the results
and the analysis of the proposed approach; the last section
concludes this paper.
Recently, mobile computing has become a hot topic in
research. Although computer and communication devices are Early research on inter vehicle communication began in
becoming smaller and more powerful, mobility still the 1990s, inspired by research in the area of intelligent
challenges applications of mobile computing especially in transportation systems (ITS) initiated by the Department of
the area of ad hoc networking. A mobile ad hoc network Transportation (DOT) in the U.S. and by the
consists of mobile hosts that communicate via wireless links. PROMETHEUS project of the EUREKA program funded by
Due to mobility, the topology of the network changes the European Commission. With the decreasing cost of
continuously and wireless links break down and reestablish components for communication and positioning [e.g., global
frequently. Moreover, an ad hoc network operates in the positioning systems (GPS)] in the recent past, IVC became
absence of fixed infrastructure forcing the hosts to organize more attractive [3]. Various research projects were initiated
the exchange of information decentrally. A prominent type [4][5][6], some explicitly focused on IVC, others considering
of mobile ad hoc networks is direct wireless communication IVC as one of many possibilities for data distribution.
between vehicles in road traffic. In this network, the vehicles Among IVC systems ,Vehicular Adhoc Network
are equipped with a computer controlled radio modem (VANET) that relay on direct communication of vehicles
allowing them to contact other equipped vehicles in their with no need to any infrastructure has attracted a lot of
vicinity. This type of network is named Vehicular Ad hoc interest and because data dissemination is one of the
Network (VANET).We believe that the best applications of frequently used services in VANET ,several research groups
inter-vehicle communication are to provide improved have explored the idea of data dissemination for it.
comfort and additional safety in driving. Most of safety Flooding is suggested as the most common approach for
applications require dissemination of information among broadcasting without need to explicit neighbor information
participating vehicles, so broadcasting is one of fundamental [7] .Simulation shows that flooding results in severe
services in these networks, which because of high performance degradation, especially with high node density,
importance of exchanged messages especially in safety as a result of the broadcast storm problem [8]. Following the
applications require high reliability in delivering messages. high interest and potential of inter-vehicle communications,
[1] several strategies for information dissemination tailored to
According to [2] more than 30% of all accidents happen vehicular environments have been suggested that improve
at intersections so broadcasting in intersection requires high simple flooding. In [9] and [12], proposed methods are based
reliability. But at intersections, communication range of a on selection of the furthest receiver node as the next
vehicle in one road may cover some vehicles in another road forwarder of message .In [10] the proposed method assigns
and so, broadcasting of vehicles in one road can affect the duty of forwarding the broadcast packet to only one
broadcasting of vehicles in other roads that according to vehicle by dividing the road portion inside the transmission

978-1-4244-7681-7/$26.00 C 2010 IEEE V2-505 Volume 2

2010 International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE 2010)

range into segments and choosing the vehicle in the furthest 1).Thus, mainly hosts at the border of reception area take
empty segment without need to priory topology information. part in forwarding the message quickly.
In [11] ,a selective message forwarding method is presented
that assigns each node a defer time based on the number of (1)
common neighbors so that the node that has least common Where d: distance to the sender, MaxWT: maximum
neighbor is chosen as a forwarder .In [13], the IEEE 802.11 waiting time, Range: transmission range
DCF mechanism is adapted for broadcasting in vehicular After the broadcasting of furthest vehicles, vehicles
networks by employing a distance-based waiting approach which are between the main senders and relay upon
before retransmissions which distributes the broadcast times receiving of duplicates cancel their retransmission because
of neighboring nodes. In [14] a greedy forwarding approach their retransmission range is covered by transmission range
is used in order to reduce the number of redundant of last senders and their retransmission will be redundant.
transmissions. Another flooding based protocol is proposed With this mechanism for reducing redundant transmission
in [15] for broadcasting short packets in VANET which only furthest nodes are selected as relay and rebroadcast the
limits the channel access rate of each vehicle by defining a message and other nodes when receive duplicates cancel
transmission window. But above methods don’t consider their transmission. This mechanism is bases of most
unreliability that occurs in intersections. broadcasting methods but as we describe here it suffer
In [16], the authors proposed an IEEE 802.11 based unreliability at intersections.
Urban Multi-hop Broadcast protocol (UMB) for inter-vehicle When there is an intersection in the path of the packet
communication that consider broadcasting at dissemination because communication range of a vehicle in
intersections .When vehicles arrive at an intersection , one road may cover some vehicles in other roads,
intersection broadcast sends packets in each road segment broadcasting of vehicles in one road can affect broadcasting
constitutes this intersection using repeaters installed at the of vehicles in other roads and cancel their broadcasting so
beginning of each road segment. In this method reliability in there is the probability of broadcasting stop in some roads.
all direction at intersection is satisfied but in expense of We describe this problem in figure 1.
using infrastructure that conflicts with the concept of inter
vehicle communication that emphasizes not using additional Road1
fixed devices also the proposed method is designed to E A
overcoming effect of tall buildings and shadowing at C
intersections and doesn’t consider intersection problem that B
we describe in this paper.
When a vehicle broadcasts a message, all vehicles in its
communication range receive it, to deliver messages to nodes Figure 1. Propagation stop in Road 1
out of its communication range, all receivers must
rebroadcast the message, this mechanism is called flooding In this figure the goal is broadcasting message to vehicles
but simulations show causes a lot of redundant behind of A. After broadcasting a message by vehicle A,
retransmission. So it is proposed that instead of broadcasting Vehicles B and C and E receive the message, and compute a
of all neighbors in direction of dissemination , only some defer time based on their distance to A. Vehicle B is the
intermediate vehicles called relays be selected as forwarder furthest receiver, so its defer time expires first and retransmit
of message .The selection of forwarder must insure the message ,after its retransmission, vehicle C and E receive
delivering messages to most possible vehicles to inform duplicates and to reduce redundancy cancel their
vehicles which did not received the message yet. retransmission .In this condition in road 1 there isn’t no other
To select relays a retransmission scheduling scheme is node that haven't been received duplicate and can be selected
used. When a broadcast message is received, its as relay(a vehicle in hatched region), so transmission is
retransmission is scheduled for a future time, allowing for stopped and messages can’t be delivered to vehicles in this
the reception of additional duplicates before the actual way. Another example of this negative effect is shown in
retransmission takes place. The scheduled retransmission can figure 2.
be canceled at any time if seems its rebroadcast is
redundant .A transmission is said to be redundant if the node
is sufficiently confident that the area to be covered by its
retransmission has already been covered by the
retransmission of the previously received duplicates. This
mechanism is done as follows:
When a broadcast message is received, by knowing its
own position, a receiver determines the waiting time WT
depending on the distance d to the sender such that the
waiting time is shorter for more distant receivers (equation

V2-506 Volume 2
2010 International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE 2010)



B Class1 Sin
Road1 D
Sin B <

Figure 4. Classifying back vehicles into three classes

Figure 2. Propagation stop in Road1 Class 1 is back vehicles that angle between a vector from
their position to the forwarder and vector of forwarder
In this figure ,After broadcasting of vehicle A, Vehicles moving direction is equal to 0.Class 2 are vehicles that Sin of
B,C,D,E,F,G,H receive message and compute a defer time angle between a vector from relay to their position and
based on their distance to A .vehicle B is the furthest node, vector of relay moving direction is lower than 0.Class 3 are
so its timer expires first and rebroadcast the message ,After vehicles that sin of angle between a vector from relay to their
its rebroadcasting upon receiving this duplicate message by position and vector of relay moving direction is greater than
D,E,F,G,H that are in transmission range of B they cancel 0.
their timer of broadcasting, among vehicles C and H that still 2. Ahead Vehicles: Ahead vehicles as it is shown in
can rebroadcast the message ,vehicle C is selected as figure5 are vehicles that that cos of angle between a vector
forwarder and broadcast the message . As it is seen in figure from their position to the relay and vector of relay moving
2 because there is no informed vehicle in road 1 that its direction is lower than0.
broadcast hasn’t been cancelled broadcasting is stopped in Receiver node
that road.
To solve this problem we have proposed a broadcast
algorithm that is based on classifying vehicles according to cos
the way they move in and by this classification we limits
propagation effect to vehicles in same roads. In this
classification we classify them into six class, two main back
and forward groups and each of them into three classes.
1. Back Vehicles: Back vehicles as it is shown in figure 3, Relay node
are vehicles that cos of angle between a vector from their
Figure 5. Receiver is an Ahead vehicle
position to the relay and vector of relay moving direction is
greater than0.
We have classified ahead vehicles into three classes
either. It is shown in figure 6.

Sin A > 0 Class1

Sin B < 0
Receiver node Relay node
Figure 3. Receiver is a back vehicle

For distinguish between back vehicles moving on

different roads constitute an intersection, we propose Class2

classifying back vehicles into three classes .These classes are

Figure 6. Classifying back vehicles into three classes
shown in figure4.
Class1 are back vehicles that angle between a vector
from their position to the forwarder and vector of forwarder
moving direction is equal to 180 .Class 2 are vehicles that
Sin of angle between a vector from relay to their position and
vector of relay moving direction is lower than 0.Class 3 are
vehicles that sin of angle between a vector from relay to their

V2-507 Volume 2
2010 International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE 2010)

position and vector of relay moving direction is greater than intersection problem depends on different node densities so
0. to show effect of our proposed method, we have evaluated
By this classifying we have distinct between vehicles on two different road intersections with different node densities.
different roads constituting an intersection so we can limit For the first scenario we have considered an intersection
broadcast effects to vehicles in same classes. According to shown in figure 7. We assume an accident happens near the
these classification, after starting broadcast by a vehicle all intersection and the goal is propagating message to all back
receivers specify what class are belonging to, based on their vehicles in different roads constituting intersection (roads1
position and position of last relay that is included in and road2). Our measure to evaluate performance of our
broadcasted message. So every vehicle by specifying its method is number of informed vehicles.
class only if receives duplicate message from a vehicle in
same class cancels its retransmission and so broadcasting is
limited to vehicle in same class.
By applying this mechanism in figure 1, vehicle C
doesn’t cancel its rebroadcast, because it hasn’t received
duplicate message from a vehicle in same class and so
propagation could be continued in way 1. Also by applying
this mechanism in figure2, vehicles E, F, G upon receiving
duplicates don’t cancel their broadcast timer , and vehicle E
Figure 7. Scenario for Three ways Intersection
that is the furthest vehicle in way 1 is selected as a relay and
propagation continues in that way. To show effect of our proposed method we have
IV. SIMULATION compared its performance with selective flooding method in
[11] that doesn’t consider intersection trouble .Diagram 1
In this section, we discuss the simulation results obtained shows the number of informed vehicles in both methods .We
by our protocol and evaluate its performance. First though, have varied number of vehicles on the road between 25~350
we describe the simulation setup, including the scenario nodes. As it is seen, our method has delivered message to
utilized, and the communication strategies’ configuration vehicles on both roads but in selective flooding method when
A. Simulation Setup the network isn’t dense message haven’t been delivered to
vehicles on one road and so number of equipped vehicles is
The simulation has been implemented in NS2(Version rather half of our method. In high node density two methods
2.30) . In Our scenario roads are straight 5km long have equal performance that is because of high probability of
bidirectional with 2 lanes per direction. We determine the being vehicles in both roads that can be selected as relays.
distribution of vehicles and their velocity from Freeway
traffic model .In this model vehicles depart at different
position, and change speed as time goes periodically so the
higher speed vehicles may progress passing lower speed
vehicles. The speed steps that each vehicle uses are from
80Km/hr (22.22m/s) to 120Km/hr (33.33m/s). We assume
that transmission range of all vehicles is 200 Meter. We have
tested our method on different node density in different
intersection shapes. The parameters used for simulation are
listed in table [1].


Parameter Value Diagram 1.Comparision of our proposed method with flooding

Node Density 25~350
Vehicle Speed 80~120km/h For another scenario we have evaluated a four way
MAC Protocol IEEE 802.11 intersection showing in figure8.
Transmission Range 200m
Simulation Time Seconds
Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are
used in the text, even after they have been defined in the
abstract. Abbreviations such as IEEE, SI, MKS, CGS, sc, dc,
and rms do not have to be defined. Do not use abbreviations
in the title or heads unless they are unavoidable.
B. Performance Evaluations
Transmission range covering of vehicles on different
roads depends on shape of different intersections; also the Figure 8. Scenario for Four ways Intersection

V2-508 Volume 2
2010 International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE 2010)

The result for this scenario is shown in diagram 2.In this International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation, Hamburg,
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V. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK [10] M.Zorzi and R.R.Rao: “Geographic Random Forwarding (GeRaF) for
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traffic. The proposed and implemented method considers Emergency Messages in Vehicle Saftey Communications,”
unreliability that can occur in propagating message in roads International Conference On Hybrid Information Technology (ICHIT
that constitute an intersection. This unreliability happens
because vehicles in different road of an intersection can be in [12] M. Sun, W. Feng, T. Lai, K. Yamada, and H. Okada, “GPS-Based
Message Broadcasting for Inter-vehicle Communication,” in Proc. of
communication range of each other and according to many International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Toronto,
recent methods broadcasting in one way may affect on Canada, August 2000.
vehicles of another way and cancels their broadcasting that [13] L. Briesemeister and G. Hommel, “Role-based multicast in highly
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their location to the forwarder omits this negative effect, so [14] T. Kosch, “Efficient message dissemination in Vehicle Ad-hoc
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vehicles in same class. Simulation results are generated for
[15] K. Tokuda, M. Akiyama and H. Fujii, “DOLPHIN for inter-vehicle
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For future work we will consider other challenges that
affect delivery ratio of broadcasting like fragmentations,
bends, curve roads, different communication ranges of
[1] L. Briesemeister, G. Hommel, “Role-based multicast in highly mobile
but sparsely connected ad hoc networks,” in First Annual Workshop
on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, pp. 45–50, Aug.
[2] F. Dotzer, F. Kohlmayer, T. Kosch, M. Strassberger, “Secure
Communication for Intersection Assistance,” WIT 2005: 2nd

V2-509 Volume 2

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