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The surface of the ground under embankments shall first be cleared and stripped prior to the first
layer of embankment materials being deposited and spread.
Before the commencement of earthfill work for the permanent works, a trial embankment should
be constructed to determine the minimum number of passes for compaction and the thickness of
layers before and after compaction in conjuction with the type and number of equipment to
be used in construction.
Materials for embankment work shall be obtain around location of work.
Sequence of the works:
- Setting out the dimension of embankment as shown on the drawings.
- Obtain the engineer's approval for dimensions, lines, levels, grades as shown on
the drawing and materials and equipment to be used and the method of work execution
- Excavator shall load materials embankment onto dump truck at borrow pit then to
be deposited to the place of embankment work.
- Materials embankment shall be spread by bulldozer in horizontal layers.
- The thickness of each layer after compaction shall not be more than 30 cm.
- Compaction shall be performed by vibratory roller 10 - 12 ton immediately after spreading.
- During compaction, water tank truck shall pour water for earthfill materials to adjust
moisture content within range 3% - 5% of the optimum moisture content, if necessary.
- After compaction, field density test should be done by sand cone test or others method.
- The result of compaction degree should be 85% - 95% of the maximum dry density.
Equipment used for earthfill type-B1 from borrow area distance 50 m - 2.0 km ( III-1-10a ):
1 Excavator PC 200 - 5 -------> loading
Hourly production = 40 cu.m/hour
Working hours = 8 hour/day
Quantity of works = 276,719 cu.m
Number of equipment used = 2 unit
Completion time = 432 days
= 17 months
2 Dump truck -------> hauling
Hourly production = 23 cu.m/hour
Working hours = 8 hour/day
Quantity of works = 276,719 cu.m
Number of equipment used = 4 unit
Completion time = 430 days
= 17 months
3 Bulldozer ---------> spreading
Hourly production = 100 cu.m/hour
Working hours = 8 hour/day
Quantity of works = 138,360 cu.m(a half of quantity embankmen
Number of equipment used = 1 unit
Completion time = 346 days
= 14 months
4 Vibratory roller ---------> compacting
Hourly production = 60 cu.m/hour
Working hours = 8 hour/day
Quantity of works = 138,360 cu.m(a half of quantity embankmen
Number of equipment used = 1 unit
Completion time = 360 days
= 14 months
5 Water tanck truck ---------> pouring water
Hourly production = 40 cu.m/hour
Working hours = 8 hour/day
Quantity of works = 138,360 cu.m(a half of quantity embankmen
Number of equipment used = 1 unit
Completion time = 432 days
= 17 months
Pre-Construction Meeting (PCM)
Equipment used for earthfill type-B1 from borrow area distance 2.0 km - 4.0 km ( III-1-10b ):
1 Excavator PC 200 - 5 -------> loading
Hourly production = 40 cu.m/hour
Working hours = 8 hour/day
Quantity of works = 113,578 cu.m
Number of equipment used = 1 unit
Completion time = 355 days
= 14 months
2 Dump truck -------> hauling
Hourly production = 15 cu.m/hour
Working hours = 8 hour/day
Quantity of works = 113,578 cu.m
Number of equipment used = 3 unit
Completion time = 351 days
= 14 months
3 Bulldozer ---------> spreading
Hourly production = 100 cu.m/hour
Working hours = 8 hour/day
Quantity of works = 56,789 cu.m(a half of quantity embankmen
Number of equipment used = 1 unit
Completion time = 142 days
= 6 months
4 Vibratory roller ---------> compacting
Hourly production = 60 cu.m/hour
Working hours = 8 hour/day
Quantity of works = 56,789 cu.m(a half of quantity embankmen
Number of equipment used = 1 unit
Completion time = 148 days
= 6 months
5 Water tanck truck ---------> pouring water
Hourly production = 40 cu.m/hour
Working hours = 8 hour/day
Quantity of works = 56,789 cu.m(a half of quantity embankmen
Number of equipment used = 1 unit
Completion time = 355 days
= 14 months
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