Final Examination EM 501-Educational Management Theory and Practice With Practicum First Semester, AY 2018-2019

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Republic of the Philippines


Pablo Borbon Main Campus I, Batangas City, Philippines 4200
Tel. No. 980-0385 local 1128

EM 501- Educational Management Theory and
Practice with Practicum
First Semester, AY 2018-2019

Submitted by:
Ed. D.

Submitted to:
School Officials
1. The COO/ Principal
The Principals are responsible for the organization and management of individual
schools including the budget assigned to the school. The Principal coordinates with
accountant in matters concerning budget and accounting, human, physical and
technological resources. In matter concerning curriculum and instruction, the principal
coordinates with the VP for Academics. He/She shall:
a. serve as chief operating officer in the school.
b. demonstrate care and commitment to academic excellence and a safe teaching
and learning environment.
c. create and maintain order and discipline in the school.
d. be responsible for the intsruction and the discipline in the school.
e. ensure that all reasonable safety procedures are carried out in activities for which
the school is responsible.
f. provide advisory recommendations to the VP for Academics on all academic
appointments for teachers, tenure and promotion matters;
g. oversee development and implementation of academics strategic planning for the
h. establish priorities and plans for program development, faculty recruitment and
curriculum development in coordination with VP Academics.
i. provide academic input to institutional enrollment management efforts
j. coordinate periodic academic program review and work with Subject Area
Coordinators in the review study, and development of curriculum and in the
improvement of instruction.
k. attends to parents concern, alumni affairs and school-home partnership.

2. The Education Council

The Education Council assists the COO in the formulation and review of
educational policies. It is also the coordinating body of the entire school. The
Educational Council is composed of the COO/Principal, the Vice Principal, the Early
Childhood Education Coordinator, Activity Coordinators, Campus Ministers and
representatives from different departments appointed by the COO/Principal. It meets
regularly once a month.
a. recommend educational policies for the entire school
b. review and oversee school policies

3. Vice Principal
The Vice Principal assists the Principal in administrative work, which may include
student affairs and/or supervision of discipline. He/she shall
a. have direct supervision over Subject Coordinators
b. plan and implement a program of in-service training for faculty development with
Coordinators and in consultation with the Principal.
c. prepare schedule of classes and make adjustments as deemed fit
d. work with faculty for the continuous improvement of academic standards
e. approve syllabi / curriculum maps, learning plans, examination questions,
computation of students' grades and honors
f. observe and evaluate teachers' performance, through classroom visits and
personal conferences
g. evaluate with concerned teacher the cause/s of students' failures, other
academic problems and ways to resolve them.
h. recommend teachers' load to the Principal
i. furnish the Principal copies of Minutes of Meetings of Coordinators and Subject
Area Teachers
j. preside over faculty meetings on academics and other matters as designated by
the Principal
k. prepare special programs such as remedial, enrichment, etc after consultation
with the Principal
l. handle professionally complaints and academic concerns of students, parents, or
teachers and discuss with the Principal if necessary
m. perform such functions as may be required by the position or as directed by the

4. The Principal's Council

The Principal's Council is composed of all Subject Coordinators, Grade Level
Moderators, Guidance Counselors and the Prefect of the Discipline.
The Principal convenes this body for consultation with regard to
a. academic or activity program affecting or involving the whole institution and
b. disciplinary matters

5. Early Childhood Education (ECEd) Coordinator
The Early Childhood Education Coordinator is in-charge of the enrichment and
the development of the Early Childhood Department and coordinator of all ECEd
teachers. He/ she shall
a. help the principal in determining the policies for more efficient and effective
education service and development of the ECEd curriculum
b. implement the objectives of the school, the educational programs and the
activities of the ECEd
c. report to the principal the assessed needs and plans programs of activities,
evaluation of teachers and students and make necessary actions to be taken
d. preside during the meetings with the pre-school teachers for plan of actions,
activities and other necessary actions to be taken
e. monitor progress of approved programs and activities of the ECEd curriculum
f. share with teachers improved methods and techniques in teaching and assist
them in the preparation of syllabi, lessons etc
g. help the teachers keep abreast with recent trends in ECEd teaching by arranging
seminars/workshops and other in-service activities
h. examine and recommend textbooks and other resource materials for each ECEd
i. supervise directly the performance of the ECEd teachers
j. make studies or research on the subject area and encourage teachers to share
knowledge and experiences in teaching the subject area
k. assist teachers with students who need help on their performance and related
problems and
l. perform such functions as may be required by the position or as directed by the

6. The Subject Coordinator

The Subject Coordinator shall:
a. assist the Principal / Vice Principal in the organization and supervision of his
particular subject area through clarification of objectives, identification of
problems and setting criteria for evaluation; assessment of teacher performance
in and out of classroom
b. share with teachers improve methods and techniques in teaching and assist
them in the preparation of curriculum maps, calendar of learning activities,
assessment tools, instructional and curricular guides for the improvement of
instruction and content of existing curricula
c. check curriculum maps, calendar of learning activities, assessment tools, class
records, grading sheets etc
d. give demonstration and in-service training
e. observe classes
f. maintain esprit de corps within his / her area by encouraging personal and inter-
personal relationships among students, faculty members and administrative
g. preside at subject area meetings and submit minutes of meeting to the Principal
h. participate in the recruitment of teachers
i. recommend acquisition of textbooks and other library holdings to enrich the
learning resources of the subject area
j. perform other functions deemed necessary by his / her superiors

7. The Prefect of Discipline

The Prefect of Discipline (POD) is directly responsible for the discipline and
coordination of the non-academic areas of students life. He/she shall:
a. maintain a reasonable and wholesome atmosphere of order and discipline in the
b. exercise general supervision over the students behavior in social, athletic,
recreational, and cultural activities in and outside the school campus
c. communicate with the faculty, student body and parents on matters which
concern student discipline
d. implement the Student Handbook as it pertains to student discipline either on or
off campus
e. maintains records on disciplinary probation cases and contacts family as needed
f. convenes the Discipline Committee and presides in the deliberations whenever
necessary to decide on serious cases. He submits the recommendation of the
Discipline Committee to the Principal for approval
g. perform other duties related to student discipline as designated by the Principal

8. The Class Adviser

The Class adviser shall:
a. look after the general welfare, conduct and behavior of his class in and out of the
b. read and explain to the students the contents of the Student Handbook
c. regularly check the students daily attendance, tardiness, uniforms and absences
and make follow-up of the reasons for truancy, tardiness or absences
d. prepare and accomplish required reports and forms such as the following,
whenever necessary: school register, grading sheets, report cards, permanent
records, honor roll, list of failures, report on promotion, anecdotal records, class
inventory, ranking list, age profile
e. disseminate and explain information, schedule of activities and other matters
discussed during faculty and unit meetings to his advisory class
f. distribute and follow up all communication between the school and the home
especially notices and letters which require replies or return slips and collect
report cards
g. confer with other Subject Teachers regarding the academic progress and
achievement as well as disciplinary performance of the students under his care
h. report to the Principal his students serious infractions of school regulations
i. maintain and update the students personal data sheets
j. facilitate promote and evaluate Homeroom activities
k. maintain order and conducive atmosphere of his class
l. accomplish and send failure notice to parents
m. confer with parents about students failing grades deportment and disciplinary

9. The Subject Teacher

The subject teacher is directly responsible to the Subject Coordinator on matters
concerning his subject area and to the Class Adviser on matters concerning classroom
management and procedures. He/she shall:
a. consistently implement established classroom policies and procedures discussed
in initial meetings
b. keep abreast with modern trends in educational methods and techniques
enabling him to participate, recommend and contribute to curricular improvement
c. deal seriously and conscientiously with his teaching assignments including
careful planning of lessons, preparation and handling audio-visual materials
d. recognize that the students deserve respect as individuals with certain rights that
must be respected while taking an active interest in the individual academic and
personal problem and giving counsel when proper and necessary
e. keep a clean and orderly record of ratings and make a fair evaluation of students
according to standards established by the school
f. seek ways to improve his effectiveness as a teacher, to vary teaching techniques
according to subject matter and mental age of students, to explore new ways of
presenting the subject matter and to constantly motivate students
g. maintain at all times an orderly conduct of classes and closely supervise students
behavior and decorum
h. maintain regular communication with the class adviser regarding his / her class
deportment especially behavioral problems
i. consistently implement class routine procedures such as checking attendance
and seating arrangement, requiring admission slips of tardy students and those
absent the previous day
j. participate in faculty meetings, seminar/workshops, in-service trainings in and out
of the school
k. accompany the students in extra and co-curricular activities
l. attend to all activities within regular schedule
m. keep the entire classroom clean and orderly before leaving. If classes are held
outside the classroom, ensure the materials used are kept away
n. submit to the Subject Coordinator the following: learning plans, class records and
print outs, syllabi/curriculum maps, grading sheets, test questions

10. The Chief of Staff
a. devise a staff development program
b. initiate the implementation of the development program
c. discuss policies, rules and regulations of the school
d. facilitate an annual staff evaluation to ensure accountability in respective office
e. coordinate and communicate regularly the staff activities with the COO/ Principal
and other administrator
f. maintain/monitor staff attendance, puctuality, vacations and leaves of absence
g. recommend disciplinary
11. Cashier shall collect and receive payments of tuition and other fees required by the
school from all students; acknowledge receipts of payments from students or their
parents and other remittances by issuing official receipts; prepare daily collection report
together with the collection and duly accomplished bank deposit slips; prepare statement
of accounts; provide students with accurate statements of account.
12. Payroll and Disbursement Officer shall prepare bi-monthly payroll of employees,
forward to bank for processing and distribute payslips to employees as soon as credited
to employees account; prepare monthly contribution payments of SSS, PAG-IBIG,
PhilHealth and Investment Savings and remits the same to the appropriate agencies
13. The Accountant shall safeguard and maintain official records of all funds, securities,
deeds and other intruments and valuable personal properties of the school; preparation
of the department budget plan and handle financial reporting to Management, year-end
external audit.
14. Safety Officer, Maintenance Supervisor, Physical Plant Supervisor, Property
15. The Registrar; the Guidance Counselor; Pyschometrician, Librarian
16. The School Physician, Dentist, Nurse, Activity Coordinator, Club Moderators,
Teacher Aide, Security Guard, Maintenance & Housekeeping Personnel,
Electrician, Drivers
Programs and Services Offered
The school must have Educational Objectives:
A. Upon finishing their years of formation, the students are expected to be
1. Academically Proficient
- Efficient in communication skills that include writing, speaking and listening, able to
exhibit fine and gross motor skills initiated to ICT.
2. Emotionally Mature
-Independent in going to school; cooperative by getting along with others (through
sharing and taking turns); curious to make the most out of learning opportunities;
persistent in learning to finish what he/she has started; sensitive to the feelings of others;
3. Morally Upright
-mindful of his/her actions when dealing with others.
B. The school offered K-12 program.
C. The school facilities:
Canteen,Classrooms, Playgrounds, ICT Rooms, Laboratory, Library, Gymnasium,
Chapel, Performance Arts Room. Multimedia Room
D. Communtity Engagement
-Outreach Program
E. Senior High School Program
-STEM strand
-HUMSS strand
-ABM strand
-GAS strand
2. Identify and explain the development of management thoughts (10pts)
The development of management thoughts are:
1. The scientific management stage
2. The organizational management stage
3. The management process stage
4. The general management theory stage
Let me explain the development of management thoughts. Firstly the scientific
management stage concerned with setting work standard, planning work, experimenting,
maintaining the standards,management research, cooperation between managers &
workers. Second the organizational management stage concerned with organization as
a structure and administration. Management’s main task hence, was to ensure proper
work performance within the organization structure. Third the management process
stage concerned with setting objectives & goals, formulating policies as guidelines,
organizing & staffing, directing & motivating. Lastly the general management theory
based on a framework created by previous management concepts and affected by :
communications & information technology.

3. Describe the characteristics of successful educational management. As a future

school administrator, what could be possibly done to sustain the good condition
of your respective station? (20 pts)
For me the characteristics of successful educational management is based on the
leadership traits and behavior of the leaders. All educators take on leadership roles.
Teachers are the leaders of their classrooms. Principals are the leaders of their schools.
Every educator and administrator plays a part in leading tomorrow’s future. How
inspiring is that? Together, no matter what is your role, you are all making a difference in
the lives of your students. Here are five of the most important characteristics any
effective educational leader should possess and demonstrate on a daily basis.
- A good educational leader needs a solid understanding of oneself and should also
have confidence. When you believe in yourself, you can accomplish so much more.
Have confidence in the decisions you make, don’t be nervous, and don’t be afraid of
what others may think. Plan how you’ll start each and every day in ways that will lead
your students, school, and colleagues in the right direction to achieve their goals.
-You can’t lead a group of people if you don’t speak with others! The best educational
leaders are excellent communicators and know how to reach a variety of people in many
different ways. For instance, a principal might have one-on-one chats with teachers each
week and also send out a daily email update. This way, the principal takes the time to
communicate in-person but also makes communication convenient by emailing the
teachers as well. No matter what your job title is at your school, make sure you’re
constantly communicating with your colleagues, students, and others.
-To be an effective leader, you need to be resourceful and open to new ideas. Especially
during tough economic times, technology helps to change classrooms, and you need to
be open to new ideas that will improve the way students and teachers relationship. You
also need to know how to use the resources you have to the best of your ability.
-The best leaders in the educational system make it a point to lead by example, and not
simply by words. It’s easy to spell out rules and dictate them from an ivory tower, but this
type of leadership will not have a large impact in your school. As an educator, you
have so much influence on students. If you want students to speak kindly to one another
in the hallways, you must always speak kindly, too. If you want your students to show
respect, show them what that means. This method is effective and powerful, and helps
you teach students skills they will need for the rest of their lives.
-Perhaps the most important trait of being an educational leader is believing in your staff
and the power of education. If you don’t believe in your students or your colleagues, then
everyone is doomed for failure. It’s vital to believe in what your school is trying to
accomplish each and every day, and to convey your enthusiasm for change, your own
motivation to make things better, and your confidence in those around you. Your words
and actions directly impact morale—show others your passion for education, and they’ll
feel it too.
Over time, leaders learn and discern the most appropriate and effective
-Leaders who are effective at inspiring and motivating others have a high level of energy
and enthusiasm. They energize their team to achieve difficult goals and increase the
level of performance from everyone on the team. Many leaders focus on accomplishing
tasks in their job description while forgetting to inspire. This is a mistake. Without
inspiration, employees do an adequate job. However, when inspiration is a focus,
leaders unlock a level of additional effort and energy that can make the difference
between organizational success and failure. The point is every leader needs to find ways
to inspire their employees to higher performance.
To sustain the good condition of your respective station, you need to motivate
your employee to become a happy worker.
Happy workers are productive workers. But how do you motivate a group of employees
to work hard and help your company to attain its goals? Luckily, motivating your
employees doesn’t take a lot of flare or even a lot of resources. In fact, it could require
you to just schedule a few minutes on your schedule to say “hi.”
-If you’re nothing more than a face on a newsletter or a name on an email, what
motivation will your employees have to meet your goals? The importance of employee
communications is often overlooked. You should communicate with them frequently, and
actually speak with them face-to-face. Your staff needs to know they are valued, and
communicating in person with them is the best way to show your appreciation for their
hard work.
- Your employees are more motivated when they know they’re working towards
something. If they think there’s no opportunity for advancement, they don’t have much to
work for. Nobody wants to work a dead-end job. Motivate your employees by offering
training that gives them the skills they need to climb their career ladder. Grooming young
employees to move on to better opportunities is valuable to you as well because it
enables you to build your company’s reputation as a great place to work.
4. Explain this concept, " Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a
common vision, the ability to direct individual accomplishments toward
organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain
uncommon results. (15 pts)
- Possibly one of the most common challenges in today’s organizations is the lack of
teamwork between groups within an organization. One team is competing for the
resources or recognition against other teams. Information is not shared, customers are
not well-served, and work frequently gets stalled.
This conflict and lack of synergy frustrates and discourages employees.
Leaders who promote a high level of cooperation between their work group and other
groups create a positive and productive atmosphere in the organization. When leaders
demonstrate that they can achieve objectives that require a high level of intergroup
cooperation, synergy is created and every employee enjoys the work experience.
When leaders work with employees and push them to develop new skills and abilities,
they are building higher levels of employee satisfaction and commitment. Employees
who develop new skills become higher performers and more promotable. Effective
leaders are thrilled by the success of others. Leaders can promote greater employee
development by creating a learning environment in which people are encouraged to
learn from mistakes, take the time to analyze their successes, and understand what
went well.
That will be my explanation in the concept of Teamwork.
5.As transformational school leader, discuss and explain the challenges that
could hinder you to be 21 st century leader and how would you face that
challenges. (15 pts)
-Teachers or 21st century leaders are endowed with a caring and compassionate
attitude that are expressed in their love and unending sacrifice in the guiding the
students. Despite conscious effort, children still experience difficulties and problems
ability to accomplish assignments
irregular attendance
poor study habits in school
negative attitudes and
problem with self discipline
As transformational school leader, the best way to thresh out causes and come up with
solutions is to conduct a dialogue wherein parents may be invited to drop by the school
or the teacher may pay visit to their home.
-A calm and friendly face to face exchange of observations could straighten
some disturbing interactions ending with a promise of undertaking remediation in both.
-Regularity in attendance and doing daily assignments need strong motivation
and encouragement from both sides.
- Letters and praises to parents for outstanding performance build confidence
and strengten determination to continue good work.
-Interesting lessons never fail to motivate students to be present everyday for an
enjoyable participation in them.

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