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Snow Magic!

Read the paragraph and answer the questions.

(1) People first started using snow-making machines in the U.S. in 1949. (2)
There are two kinds of snow-making machines. (3) The older machines are
called snow guns. (4) These are very large machines. (5) They are always high
in the air. (6) They send out water over a large area. (7) The water freezes and
becomes snow before it hits the ground. (8) The newer kind of snow-making
machines are called water sticks. (9) They are tall, thin poles. (10) Each pole
produces a lot of snow very quickly. (11) They make a very soft snow, almost as
good as snow from the sky. (12) These snow-making machines help
businessmen make money and also help skiers have a good time.
Snow guns __________.

are small snow-making machines

are tall, thin poles
are different from water sticks
are not used in the U.S.
Snow-making started in the U.S. in __________.
The writer of this paragraph thinks that __________.
snow-making is a good thing
snow guns are better than water sticks
ski areas should not use snow guns
water sticks are better than snow guns
The purpose of this paragraph is to __________.
describe the history of skiing
explain how snow-making machines work
show people how to ski
explain why ski areas use snow-making machines
The word these in sentence 4 refers to __________.
ski areas
snow-making machines
water sticks
snow guns

Presentado por: Luis Fernando ASQUI TICONA Página 1

Where should this sentence go?
Now almost all U.S. ski areas use them.

after sentence 1
after sentence 2
after sentence 7
after sentence 10

The level of heat or cold is called __________.


A __________ is snow-covered area that people ski on.

ski run
snow-making machine

In the U.S. the weather in November is usually __________ than the

weather in January.

more warm
the more warmer

He is a __________ skier than I am.

more careful
most careful

Presentado por: Luis Fernando ASQUI TICONA Página 2

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