CLS FDN-19!20!10 Che Module-1 Level-1 Chapter-2

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Acids, Bases and Salts 2


Answers & Solutions

SECTION-A : Very Short Answer Type Questions :
1. CO2
2. (i) Litmus solution, turmeric (natural indicators)
(ii) Phenolphthalein and methyl orange (synthetic indicators)

3. CO2, Ca(OH)2 + CO2  CaCO3  + H2O

White ppt.

4. Because bacteria present in the mouth produces acid by degradation of sugar. Due to these acids
calcium phosphate (enamel) gets corroded.
5. (i) Sodium salt family : Na2CO3  10H2O, NaHCO3 etc.
(ii) Chloride salt family : NH4Cl, MgCl2 etc.
6. NaOH, Na2CO3  10H2O, NaHCO3 etc.
7. Turmeric litmus solution etc.
8. Milk is acidic (pH = 6.5 approx.), while milk of magnesia is basic in nature (pH = 10 approx.).
9. Hydrogen gas and metal salt.
10. Because of movement of ions like H+ ions.
11. Since acidic medium corrode metals faster.

Short Answer Type Questions :

1. Water-soluble bases which produces OH– are called alkali.
Characteristics of base : Bases have bitter taste. Red litmus solution turns blue in the presence
of a base. Bases reacts with an acid to form a salt and water.
2. Dry HCl gas do not change the colour of the dry litmus paper because it shows the acidic
properties i.e., furnish H+ ions only in the presence of water.
3. To avoid splash or explosion, as the process is highly exothermic.
4. H2SO4, H2SO3 and HNO3 are major acids in acid rain and low pH of water, make survival of aquatic
animals, difficult.

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Answers & Solutions of Chemistry - Class X (Level-I) Acids, Bases and Salts 11
5. Acidity means the production of HCl in gastric juice in excess that causes pain and irritation. To get relief
from acidity generally antacids are used, e.g., milk of magnesia.
6. By treating dry slaked lime with chlorine gas.

Ca(OH)2 + Cl2  CaOCl2 + H2O

(Bleaching powder)

7. Because baking powder on heating produces CO2 that give rise to soft and spongy bread and cake.
8. Conversion of paste of aqueous Plaster of Paris into hard solid mass.
9. Bacteria present in the mouth produce acids by degradation of sugar and food particles remaining in the
mouth after eating. The pH becomes lower than 5.5. The tooth enamel made up of calcium phosphate
gets corroded below pH 5.5 and tooth decay starts.

Long Answer Type Questions :

1. Indicators : Substances which show the presence of an acid or a base by changing their colour are called
indicators. e.g., Litmus solution, phenolphthalein, methyl orange are all indicators and behave differently
with acids and bases.

(a) Litmus Solution :

In case of acid – Blue litmus turns to red.

In case of base – Red litmus turns to blue.

(b) Methyl orange : It is a weak base.

Acid – Turns solution red.

Base – Turns solution yellow.

(c) Phenolphthalein

Acidic medium – Remains colourless

Basic medium – Pink colour

2. pH scale : The hydrogen ion concentration is a significant quantity in every biological and industrial
process. Sorensen in 1909, defined a new scale called pH scale, where p in pH stands for ‘potenz’ in
German meaning power.

Acidic Basic

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
3. (a) Bleaching powder : Bleaching powder is formed by the action of Cl2 gas (obtained by electrolysis of
NaCl) on dry slaked lime.

Ca(OH)2  Cl2  CaOCl2  H2O


Uses of bleaching powder

(i) For bleaching wood, clothes, linen etc. in industry.

(ii) As an oxidising agent in industry.

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12 Acids, Bases and Salts Answers & Solutions of Chemistry - Class X (Level-I)

(b) Plaster of Paris : On heating gypsum at 373 K, it loses water molecules and becomes calcium

sulphate hemihydrate (CaSO4  H O). This is known as Plaster of Paris.
2 2

Δ 1 3
CaSO4  2H2O   CaSO4  H2 O H2O
(Gypsum) 2 2
(Plaster of Paris)

On mixing with water Plaster of Paris again changes to gypsum and converts into hard solid mass.
This is known as setting of Plaster of Paris. During setting the following reaction takes place.

1 3
CaSO4  H2O H2O  CaSO4  2H2O
2 2 (Gypsum)
(Plaster of Paris)

Uses of Plaster of Paris

(i) Used as plaster for supporting fractured bones in right position.
(ii) Used for making toys, materials for decoration.
4. Washing Soda (Na2CO3  10H2O)
Sodium carbonate can be obtained by heating of sodium hydrogen carbonates which on recrystallisation
gives washing soda. It is a basic salt.
2NaHCO3   Na2CO3  H2O  CO2
Na2CO3 + 10H2O  Na2CO3  10H2O
The 10 water molecules present are known as water of crystallisation.
Uses of Washing Soda
(i) In glass, soap and paper industry.
(ii) In manufacturing of sodium compounds such as borax.
(iii) Is used as cleaning agent for domestic purposes.
(iv) Is used for removing permanent hardness of water.
5. Characteristics of Acids and Bases
Acids : Like any other chemical substance, acid have specific characters. They are as follows :
(i) Taste – Sour
(ii) Effect to litmus – Turn blue litmus red
(iii) Reaction with active metals – Evolves hydrogen gas

Zn(s)  H2SO 4 (aq)  ZnSO 4 (aq)  H2 (g)

Zinc Sulphuric Zinc Hydrogen
acid sulphate

(iv) Reaction with bases – Form salts

NaOH(aq)  HCl(aq)  NaCl(aq)  H2 O(l)
Sodium Hydrochloric Sodium Water
hydroxide acid chloride

(v) Reaction with metal oxide – Forms salt.

CaO(s)  2HNO3 (aq)  Ca(NO3 )2 (aq)  H2O(l)
Calcium Nitric Calcium nitrate
oxide acid

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Answers & Solutions of Chemistry - Class X (Level-I) Acids, Bases and Salts 13
Bases :

Specific characteristics are as follows :

(i) Taste and touch – Bitter taste and soapy touch

(ii) Effect on litmus – Turns red litmus blue

(iii) Reaction with metals – Hydrogen gas is evolved

2NaOH(aq)  Zn(s)  Na2 ZnO2 (aq)  H2 (g)

Sodium Zinc Sodium
hydroxide zincate

(iv) Reaction with acid – Forms salt and water

(v) Precipitation of hydroxides – Solution of alkali precipitate insoluble hydroxides of metal from the
solutions of their salts.

CuSO4 (aq)  2NaOH(aq)  Cu(OH)2  (s)  Na2SO4 (aq)

Copper Sodium Copper Sodium sulphate
sulphate hydroxide hydroxide

(vi) Action of air – Strong alkali absorb CO2.

2NaOH(aq)  CO2 (g)  Na2 CO3 (aq)  H2O(l)

Sodium Sodium
hydroxide carbonate

SECTION-B : Objective Type Questions :

1. Answer (3)
2. Answer (3)
3. Answer (1)
4. Answer (4)
5. Answer (2)
6. Answer (1)
7. Answer (2)
8. Answer (4)
9. Answer (1)
10. Answer (3)
11. Answer (3)
12. Answer (4)
13. Answer (4)
14. Answer (3)
15. Answer (4)
16. Answer (1)
17. Answer (3)
18. Answer (3)
19. Answer (4)
20. Answer (2)

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14 Acids, Bases and Salts Answers & Solutions of Chemistry - Class X (Level-I)

21. Answer (4)

22. Answer (1)
23. Answer (1)
24. Answer (3)
25. Answer (1)
26. Answer (2)
27. Answer (3)
Olfactory indicator are those which change their smell in acidic or basic media.
28. Answer (4)
As a solution turns red litmus solution blue this means it is basic in nature, and for base pH > 7.
29. Answer (1)

2NaHCO3 + H2SO4  Na2SO4 + 2CO2 + 2H2O

CO2 will extinguish the flame.
30. Answer (4)
31. Answer (1)
32. Answer (2)
33. Answer (2)
34. Answer (3)
35. Answer (2)
36. Answer (2)
37. Answer (4)
38. Answer (3)
39. Answer (4)
40. Answer (1)
41. Answer (2)
42. Answer (2)
43. Answer (2)
44. Answer (3)
45. Answer (3)
46. Answer (3)
47. Answer (2)
48. Answer (4)

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Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456

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