About Love

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Here I am, just about to swallow my pride,

saying what love is.

So, what is love, really?

Love can be kind and it can be cruel,

Love can be simple or complex,

It can be real or.. just a mere fantasy,

It can sometimes be clear and.. confusing,

So yeah LOVE is putting someone else's needs before yours,

Love is unconditional.

So, why "LOVE?"

well, it's the closest thing we have near magic.

Yeah, it might just be our figment of imagination playing but, does that mean it's not real?

Let me tell 'ya something,

I loved once, we all do,

And I was stupid back then,

Stupid enough to let him go.

I held on too tight,

Too much tight,

I couldn't let go.

Then, I realized those feelings of bitterness is bullsh*t,

Without love, it's just like being permanently hungry but unable to eat or being permanently thirsty but
unable to drink.
The greatest part of loving is that

Loving is AMAZING,

Loving is WONDERFUL,

That is what love is.

And thank you. :)

I believe Education is the key to success

I believe in education. The reason for that is because it’s the key for success and it is a very important tool
that you will need for later life. Education is what keeps people staying out of trouble and doing what is
right regardless of the position you’re in. Education is something you can’t lose so it would be the wisest
choice to get as much of it as you can.

For me obtaining that education and knowledge is a very important factor for the life I’m living.
Education is a gift I’m receiving and how it will help me it depends on the way I manage to use it. In my
case education is an important tool for success and it will help me to meet my goals and make it to
college. Education for me is like a partner that will accompany me in the journey of life and success. Like
me there are persons that are obtaining education and making effort to succeed that is why I started
becoming resilient.

I also believe it could make me a person everyone would want to trust and respect. When I am studying I
don’t want anyone to bother me so I figured It could help you stay away from trouble and people that
might not be a good influence on you. It is a good way to set your goals and overcome yourself. This
helps me by making me more responsible and more self-confident. It is very important for me to get a
good education in order to be successful that is why I must overcome myself in every way I could.

With this I conclude that education is a very important source of knowledge and it will help you wherever
you go. It will make you the best out of you if you use the right way.

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