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ARB 401- Modules 1 to 15

ُ‫ – علمُُالبالغة‬The study of rhetoric and elegant composition

Bibi Hakh

Notes from the lecture and power point presentation for the Arabic 401 – Balagha – program presented
by the Islamic Online University.
Assalamu alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu

I hope that these notes will be beneficial to all of you, Insha Allah.

These notes were made from our TA, Shaykh Luqman Plato, power points notes and from the lecture for
the Balaghah Program (ARB 401) at IOU.

May Allah bless both of them and their families for their contribution and hard work in presenting this
course to us in such a very understanding way. Mash Allah.

Jazakalahukhairan Shaykh Ebraheem Dawy and Shaykh Luqman Plato

For my fellow students, I will like to encourage you to show your gratitude towards all of our teachers
and professors by thanking them and remembering them in your duas. Please send your TA and your
Professor a thank you email. Sh. Ebraheem Dawy email is below.

As a reminder I will quote a hadith:

The Prophet says: 'Whoever does not thank people (for their favour) has not thanked Allah (properly),
Mighty and Glorious is He!' (Musnad Ahmad, Sunan At-Tirmidhî)

Please forgive my errors and remember me in your duas.

Was Salaam

Bibi Hakh
Module 1 - ‫ مقدمة في البالغة‬............................................................................................................................... 4
Module 2 ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Module 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Module 4 - ‫ – معنى البالغة‬Rhetoric ................................................................................................................ 11
Module 5 - ‫ أسئلة عامة‬and ‫ األساليب العربية‬- The Arabic styles ......................................................................... 15
‫ – األسلوب العلمي‬The scientific method.................................................................................................. 19
‫ – األسلوب األدبي‬the Literary method / style .............................................................................................. 23
Module 7 - ‫ – األسلوب الخطابي‬the Oratory Method ....................................................................................... 25
Module 8 ‫ الخبر‬and ‫ اإلنشاء‬............................................................................................................................. 27
‫ اإلنشاء‬........................................................................................................................................................ 29
‫ القيد‬........................................................................................................................................................... 31
‫ الخبر‬.......................................................................................................................................................... 33
Module 9 - ‫ الخبر واإلنشاء‬................................................................................................................................ 35
‫ الغرض من إلقاء الخبر‬- The purpose for making the statement .................................................................. 36
Purpose1- Rule is‫ فائدة الخبر‬...................................................................................................................... 36
Purpose 2: Rule is ‫ الزم الفائدة‬.................................................................................................................... 38
Module 10 – ‫ تمرين‬- ‫ب الخبر‬
ُ ‫أضر‬
ُ - Kinds of ‫ الخبر‬........................................................................................... 41
1. Primary Statement ‫ َخبَ ًرا ابْتدَائيًا‬............................................................................................................ 42
َ ‫ َخبَ ًرا‬........................................................................................................... 43
2. Requesting Statement ‫طلَبيًا‬
Module 11 ‫ب الخبر‬
ُ ‫أضر‬
ُ - Types of ‫ الخبر‬......................................................................................................... 46
‫ الضرب األول‬- ‫ – الخبر االبتدائي‬The Primary Statement ................................................................................ 46
‫ الضرب الثاني‬- ‫ – الخبر الطلبي‬The Requesting Statement ............................................................................. 47
‫ الخبر اإلنكاري – الضرب الثالث‬- ‫ – َخ َب ًرا إنكاريًّا‬The Rejecting Statement ......................................................... 47
ُ ‫ – أدوا‬Particles of Emphasis of the statement ....................................................................... 50
‫ت ت َوكيد ال َخ َبر‬
َ ‫ أسْئلَة‬................................................................................................................................. 52
Module 12 - ‫عا َّمة‬
Module 13 ................................................................................................................................................... 56
Module 14 ................................................................................................................................................... 61
Module 15 - ‫ تمرين‬and ‫ اإلنشاء‬- Origination sentence ................................................................................. 66
Module 1 - ‫البالغة‬ ‫مقدمة في‬
Email address of Lecturer

Muqadimatul fil Balagha – Introduction to the signs of Balagha

Name of the books and their authors used in this course

‫ جواهرُالبالغةُفيُالمعانيُوالبيانُوالبديع‬The Jewels of Balagha in Ma’aanee, b
‫( السيدُأحمدُالهاشمي‬Author Sh. Sayeed al Hashmi)
‫ البالغةُالواضحة‬The clear Balagha
‫ عليُالجارمُومصطفىُأمين‬Authors -Alijarim Mustafa Amin

Types of Balagha ‫أنواعُالبالغة‬ ُ

ُ‫ – علمُالبالغة‬The study of rhetoric and elegant composition
Meaning of Balagha – Translated as Rhetoric

1. Science of semantics (the study of semantics) – ilmul Ma’anee (focus of this course)ُ‫علم‬
2. Science of statement/ the Art of clarity – ilmul bayan‫علمُالبيان‬
3. Science of good style/ The study of metaphors and stylistics – ilmul Badee‫علمُالبديع‬

1. ‫ علمُالمعاني‬- semantics
2. ُ‫ علمُال َبيان‬- clarity
3. ُ‫ علمُالبديع‬- metaphors and stylisticsُ

‫ الفصاحة والبالغة‬Al Fasahati wal Balagha (clarity and eloquence /rhetoric)

Both words can be translated as Eloquence
‫ – تعريفُالفصاحة‬Meaning of Fasawha (tareefu al fasawha)
َ َ‫ُالف‬:ً‫ – أوال‬First – Al Fasaw ha – The Clarity
ُ‫صا َحة‬

ُُّ ‫( ال َمعنَىُاللُّغَو‬al mana al lugaweeyo)

Lexical / linguistic meaning - ‫ي‬

From the verbs (both same meaning)
َ َ‫ ف‬fasawha
• ُ‫ص َح‬
َ ‫ أ ْف‬afsawha
• ُ‫ص َح‬

You can describe the word, the speech or the speaker
ُ‫ص ْبح‬
ُّ ‫حُال‬ َ ‫( – أ ْف‬Afsawha subho) To be eloquent in speech
َُ ‫ص‬
Fasahatu kalmia (clarity of words)
This is clear speech Hazeehee kalematun faswee hatun

َ ‫ُو‬
ُ‫ظ َه َر‬ َ ‫إذاُبَدَأُض َْوؤه‬ - When the light of dawn starts and appears (becomes apparent/clear)

fasawhatu al kalaam – clarity of speech

Al lugatul al Arabiyatul al Fusaha- Arabic language would be very clear
Arabic language is the clearest language in the world

fasahatu al mutakaleem – clarity of speaker

:ُ‫ الرجلُفصيح‬- The man is eloquent (Ar Rajulun faseehun)

ُ ٍ‫هُبكالمُصحيح‬
ٍ َ َ‫(ا ْن َطل‬in talaqa- lesanuhu bekalaamin saheehin wad aha)
He speaks well and clear

• ُ‫ص َحاء‬
َ ‫َرجلُفصيحُور َجالُف‬ (singular male /plural male)

• َ َ‫( امرأةُفصي َحةُونساءُف‬singular female / plural female)


ُ‫ُعلىُمعانُكثير ٍة‬
ٍ ‫ الفصاحةُت ْط َلقُفيُاللُّغة‬In literal state has many meanings

ْ ‫ال َمعنىُفيُا‬-2 -Al mana fi astulahi ulama al balaghah - The
meaning in Balaghah books (Terminological meaning) . According to the scholars of

‫ البيان‬al bayan – clear, eloquent

‫( والظهور‬wa zuhoor) - apparent

43:‫سا ًناُالقصص‬ َ ‫( وأخيُ َهارونُهوُأ ْف‬Quran Surah Qassas) and my

َ ‫صحُُمنيُل‬
brother Haroon, he is more clear/eloquent in his speech
Lisaan could mean tongue or language – in this verse it means language
–ُ‫( أفصح‬ismu tadeel)‫ ُاسمُالتفضيل‬more eloquent
َ ‫فَص ْيحُ–ُأ ْف‬
‫ُأبينُُمنيُقَ ْوال‬:‫ أي‬abyano minee qaw lan –more clear in his speech than me
ُّ ُ‫ أفصح‬afsaha sabeyo fe manteqehe
eezabaana wa zahar kalamo
The boy is clear in his speech when his words manifest and appears

Meaning from the books of Balagah ُ‫صطالحُعلماءُالبالغة‬ ْ ‫ال َمعنىُفيُا‬-

َ َ‫ – المعنىُاالصطالحي للف‬Technical meaning (Al man-na istil lah)
ُ‫صا َحة‬

،‫ُاْل ْلفَاظُا ْلبَي َنةُالظَّاه َرةُا ْلمتَبَاد َرةُإلَىُا ْلفَ ْهم‬

ْ ‫ارةُعَن‬
َ َ‫عب‬
It is an expression of clearُ‫ُا ْل َبينَة‬, apparentُ‫ ُالظَّاه َرة‬speech which is immediately understood
ُ‫ا ْلمتَبَاد َرة‬
‫سن َها‬ َ ‫ست ْع َمالُبَ ْينَ ُا ْلكتَّاب‬
ْ ‫ُوالشُّعَ َراءُل َمكَانُح‬ ْ ‫سة‬
ْ ‫ُاال‬ َ ‫َوا ْل َمأنو‬
And its usage is accustomedُ‫ست ْع َمال‬ ْ ‫سة‬
ْ ‫ُاال‬ َ ‫ ََا ْل َمأنُو‬by the writers ُ‫ ُا ْلكتَّاب‬and poets ُ‫ َوالشُّعَ َراء‬for
the position of its excellence.

‫ – أنواعُالفصاحة‬Types of ‫الفصاحة‬

ُ‫ الفصاحة‬divided into 3 parts

1. ‫( فصاحةُالكلمة‬fasawhatukaleman)
• Eloquence of a word
• Any word in Arabic which is clear or eloquent example As sama – the sky (clear word)

2. ‫فصاحةُالكالم‬
• Eloquence of speech
• Sentences which are clear and eloquent example - was sama e wa tariq

3. ‫فصاحةُالمتكلم‬
• Eloquence of the Speaker haza rajulun fasaweehun

‫ فصاحةُالكلمة‬Eloquence/Clarity of single words

:‫ سالمتهاُمنُأربعةُعيوب‬- Must be free of these 4 defects to be considered as fasawha (eloquent)
1. IN harmony / Cluster of letters - ُ‫تَنَافرُا ْلحر ْوف‬ tanafurul hurufee

2. Strange usage - ‫ست ْع َمال‬

ْ ‫ُاال‬ َ
ْ ‫غ َرابَة‬ ghrabatul istilmal
3. Inconformity of Arabic rules - ‫خالَفَةُا ْلقيَاس‬
َ ‫م‬ mo-khlafatul qeeyas

4. Disliked in hearing - َُ‫س ْمع‬

َّ ‫الك ََراهَةُفيُال‬

1. ‫ – تنافرُالحروف‬Cluster of letters

ُُ‫صفُفيُالكلمةُيوجبُُثقَلَهاُعلىُالسمعُُوصعوبةَُأدائهاُباللسانُُبسببُكونُُحروفُُالكلمةُمتَقَاربَ َة‬
ْ ‫هوُو‬
It is a description of a word which is heavy on hearing, and difficult when pronouncing, because of
letters which are of similar origins.

Examples of words with clusters of letter

Origins of these letters are difficult on hearing and pronouncing
• ‫ش‬ ُُّ ‫ظ‬ َّ ‫ – ال‬means ُ‫( ال َم ْوضعُا ْل َخشن‬hard surface place)
• ُ‫خع‬ َ ‫ اله ْع‬- means ُ‫ُاْلبل‬ْ ‫ُ َي ْنموُفيُالص َّْخ َراءُت َأكله‬،‫ نَ َبات‬plant which grows in the desert that the camel
eat) (all the letters of this word are from the throat)
• Both words have letter that are close in makraj
• An example of a clear word is Al Asr

Module 2

َ Strange usage
2. ‫غرابةُاالستعمال‬

َ ‫غيرُظاهرةُُالمعنىُوالُمألوفةَُاالستعمالُُعندَُال َع َربُالف‬
ُ‫ُْلنُالم َع َّو َلُعليهُفيُذلك‬،‫ص َحاء‬ َ ُ‫هيُكونُالكلمة‬
It is when the word is not clear in meaning, and it is not familiar in usage by the Classical Arabs,
because it is dependent on their usage

 Examples - Strange usage

 ُ‫بمعنىُاجت َ َم َع‬
ْ ُ–ُ‫تَكَأكَأ‬
‫افرنقعُ–ُبمعنىُانصرف‬ (means to go /move away)

3. ‫ مخالفةُالقياس‬- Disagreement of Analogy

ٍ َ‫ُبأنُتكون‬،‫ست َ ْنبَطُمنُكالمُالعرب‬
ْ ‫ص ْرفيُُا ْلم‬
َّ ‫علَىُا ْلقَان ْونُال‬ َ ُُ‫ك َْونُا ْلكَل َمة‬
َ ُ‫غ ْي َرُ َجاريَ ٍة‬
It is when a word is not in conformity with the rules of Morphology as established in the Speech of the
Arabs that is in contradiction of htat which has been established in its foundation.
 When words do not follow the Rules of ‫ الصرف‬,ُit will be classified as ‫مخالفةُالقياس‬
 َُ‫ مح َّمدُدَاخلُالبيت‬Muhammad is inside the house (correct)
 َُ‫( م َح َّمدُ َمدْخولُال َب ْيت‬incorrect use of sarf / morphology)

4. ‫ الكراهةُفيُالسمع‬- The disliked in hearing

َ ‫كونُالكلمةُوحشيةًُت َأنَفهاُالطبَاع‬
‫ُوت َم ُّج َهاُاْلسماع‬
It is when the word is rarely used; it is disliked in its nature and rejected by hearing

 Example
 ‫الجرشيُ–ُبمعنىُالنفس‬

‫ فصاحةُالكالم‬- Eloquence words / sentences

 ‫ تَنَافرُا ْلكَل َماتُمجتمعة‬- cluster of words gathered

• ُ‫ – ضَعفُالُت َّأليف‬Weakness of composition

• ‫ – التعقيدُاللفظي‬Verbal complication

• ‫ – التعقيدُالمعنوي‬Complication in meaning

 ُ‫ – َكثْ َرةُالتك َْرار‬many repetition

‫ تنافرُالكلماتُمجتمعة‬- cluster of words tanafarul kalemato mujtameah

ُ.‫ُعَس َرةَُالنُّ ْطقُب َهاُم ْجت َمعَةًُعلىُاللسان‬،‫س ْمع‬

َّ ‫أنْ ُت َك ْونَُُا ْلكَل َماتُُثَق ْيلَةًُمنْ ُت َْرك ْيب َهاُ َم َعُبَ ْعض َهاُعلىُال‬
It is when the words are heavy from some of its composition on hearing, and some difficult in
pronouncing it on the tongue altogether

ُ‫ – َبُْيتُش ْعري‬bait tul sheree (poetry)

‫األو ُل‬ ْ َّ‫الش‬
َّ ‫ط ُر‬
• ‫قَ ْفر‬ ‫َان‬ ٍ ‫َو قَب ُْر َح ْر‬
ٍ ‫ب ب َمك‬ - The grave of Harb is in a deserted place

ْ َّ‫الش‬
‫ط ُر الثَّاني‬
• ‫قَب ُْر‬ َ ‫ْس قُ ْر‬
ٍ ‫ب قَبْر َح ْر‬
‫ب‬ َ ‫ َولَي‬- And no grave is near the grave of Harb

‫ – ضعفُالتأليف‬Weakness in composition
‫قُ َم َعُقَ َواعدُالنَّ ْحوُُا ْلعَ َربي‬ َ ُ‫أنْ ُيَك ْونَ ُا ْلك ََالم‬
ٍ ‫غ ْي َرُمت ََواف‬
It is when the words are not in accordance with the laws of Arabic grammar
 ‫( رأيتُ َم ْسجدًا‬correct)
 ‫( رأيتُ مسج ٍد – ضعف التأليف‬wrong)
 ‫( مررتُ ب َر ُج ٍل‬correct)
 ‫( مررت برجالً – ضعف التأليف‬wrong)

‫ – التعقيدُاللفظي‬Verbal Compilation (At taqeed al lafzee)

‫غ ْي َرُم َرتَّبَ ٍةُعلىُو ْفقُت َْرت ْيبُا ْل َم َعاني‬

َ ُ‫يُالداللةُعلىُال َم ْعنَىُالم َرادُبهُُب َحيثُتكونُاْللفَاظ‬ َُ ُ‫ك َْونُا ْلك ََالم‬
َّ ‫خف‬
It is when words are a hidden indication of the intended meaning, in such a manner that the
disarranged words are in conformity with arrangement of meanings


• ‫ – َما قَ َرأ ُم َح َّمد َم َع أخيْه َّإال كت َابًا واحدًا‬Muhammad didn’t read with his brother
except one book (proper way of saying sentence)

• ‫( َما قَ َرأ َّإال َواحدًا محمد َم َع كت َابًا أخيْه‬same sentence but words jumbled up)
ٍ ‫ض َها ببَ ْع‬ ُ ‫ بين الكلمات الَّتي يَج‬،‫ص ٍل بأجْ نَبي‬
ُ ‫ب أن ت َت َج َاو َر ويَتَّص َل بَ ْع‬ ٍ ‫ويَ ْنشَأ ذلك ا ْل َخفَا ُء من ت َ ْقد ٍيم أو ت َأخ‬
ْ َ‫ير أو ف‬

And that concealment comes about because of preceding or delaying or separating with something
foreign, between words that must be next to each other, or attached to some of it.

Module 3

‫ التعقيدُاللفظي‬Verbal Compilation
 When words are being used in a statement, but it is formed in an
incorrect order
 So the meaning of the statement, is somewhat concealed, this is
brought about by the preceding or delaying of words, or separation of
certain words which cannot be separated.
 ُ‫( ذهبُمحمدُإلىُالبيتُالجديدُفيُالصباح‬correct)
 ُ‫( ذهبُمحمدُإلىُالصباحُفيُالبيتُالجديد‬wrong)

‫ – التعقيدُالمعنوي‬Complications in meaning
 It is when the writer uses words, other than in it’s true meanings
 ُ‫ست َ ْخد َمُالكاتبُالكلماتُفيُغيرُمعان ْيهاُالحقيقة‬
ْ ‫هوُأنُ َي‬
 This is known as complication in meaning – because of the difficulty
in understanding the meaning
 ُ‫سلَ َمُالت َّ ْرك ْيبُمنَ ُالت َّ ْعق ْيدُا ْل َم ْعنَوي‬
ْ ‫ َو َيجبُأنُ َي‬- The phrase must be free from
complication in meaning
 ‫ َوه َوُأنْ ُيَ ْع َمدَُا ْلمتكلمُإلىُالت َّ ْعب ْيرُعَنُ َم ْعنًى‬- And it is that the speaker relies on
the expression of meaning
َ ُ‫ست َ ْعملُف ْيهُكَل َماتٍُفي‬
 ‫غ ْيرُ َمعَان ْي َهاُال َحق ْيقيَّة‬ ْ َ‫ فَي‬- So he uses words other than in it’s
true meanings
 ُ‫سامع‬ َّ ‫ُاْل ْمرُعلىُال‬ َ ‫ض َطربُالت َّ ْعب ْير‬
ْ ‫ُويَُْلت َبس‬ ْ َ‫ فَي‬- So the expression is confusing and
the matter is unclear to the listener
Example -

‫ – اللسان‬Tongue, language

ُ‫ُوالنُّ ْطق‬ َ ‫صلحُللتَّذَ ُّوق‬

َ ‫ُوا ْلبَ ْلع‬ ْ َ‫ُوي‬،‫ُيَك ْونُفيُالفَم‬،‫ست َط ْيلُمت َ َحرك‬
ْ ‫سمُلَ ْحميُم‬
ْ ‫اللسانُ–ُج‬
 A moving, long flesh, organ, it is in the mouth, and it is used for
tasting, swallowing and speaking.
 ‫اللسانُ–ُاللغة‬
 Language – ‫قوله تعالى‬
َ ‫ فَإنَّ َماُ َي‬- “We have only made it [Quran] easy in your tongue
َ ‫س ْرنَاهُبُل‬
 َُُ‫سانك‬

 Allah said: “And We have not sent a Messenger except by the tongue
of his people” meaning – speaking the language of his people.

 And this usage is proper and eloquent

2nd example

If a person uses this word for [the word] Spy

 And he says, “The Ruler spread his tongues [spies] in the city”
he would be mistaken and his words will have ‫تعقيدُمعنوي‬

‫ – كثرةُالتكرار‬Many Repetition

‫ َكثْ َرةُالتَّك َْرارُالُت َْجعَلُالك ََال َمُفصي ًحا‬- Many repetition does not make speech eloquent

ُ‫عدَمُتك َْرارُا ْلك ََالم‬ َ َ‫ – فَا ْلف‬So eloquence is without repetition of words
َ ُ‫صا َحةُت َك ْونُفي‬

‫َوا ْل َُك َالمُا ْلكَث ْيرُالَّذيُ َالُيض ْيفُ َم ْعنًىُ َجد ْيدًاُفَ َالُيَك ْونُفَص ْي ًحا‬
 Many words to which no new meaning is added cannot be eloquence

‫ – فصاحةُالمتَكَلم‬Eloquence of Speaker
ُ‫علىُالت َّ ْعب ْيرُعَنُا ْل َم ْقص ْود‬ َ ُ‫ارةُعَنُا ْل َملَكَةُالَّتيُ َي ْقتَدرُب َها‬
َُ ُ‫صاحب َها‬ َ ‫ ع َب‬- Expression of a
character trait by which it’s possessor is able to express what is intended

َُ‫ضُكَان‬ َ ُ‫َالمُفَص ْيحٍُفيُأي‬

ٍ ‫غ َر‬ ٍ ‫ بك‬- By eloquent speech in whatever objective it had.
Is when one speaks eloquently, fluently, without any defects in words –
[singular and sentence constructions]
‫ – رجلُفصيح‬a man who speaks eloquently
 Is when one speaks eloquently, fluently, without any defects in words
– [singular and sentence constructions]

Module 4 - ‫ – معنى البالغة‬Rhetoric

‫ – البالغةُفيُاللغة‬Meaning of Balagha in the Dictionary

 ‫( الوصول‬wu-sool)– Arriving/reach
 ‫( واالنتهاء‬wal-in-tee-ha)– end/completion/conclusion
The word balagha have 2 meanings

1. Balagha ella: arrived at

ْ ‫الولَد أ‬
 ‫صبَ َح بَا ِلغًا‬ َ - the boy reached puberty
ِ ‫ بَلَ َغ ا ْل َولَد إلى البي‬- the boy reached/arrived at the house
 ‫ت‬

2. The end
َ ‫ يقَال َبلَ َغ ف َالن م َرادَه – إذَا َو‬- It is said, the ‘unknown person’ arrived
 ‫ص َل إلَ ْي ِه‬
at/reached his goal/aim – when he reaches it
 Murado, hadafo, ghayatoo – 3 words means the same - goal, aim
Linguistic meaning

 ‫الر ْكب ا ْل َم ِد ْينَةَ – إذَا ا ْنت َ َهى إلَ ْي َها‬

َّ ‫ بَلَ َغ‬- The travelling party reached the city –
when it ended
 ‫َّيء م ْنت َ َهاه‬
ِ ‫ و َم ْبلَغ الش‬- Reaching something is it’s conclusion

‫ – البالغةُفيُاالصطالح‬Terminological meaning of Balagha

ُ ‫ص ًفاُل ْلك ََالمُُ َوا ْلمتَكَلمُُفَقَ ْطُد ْونَ ُا ْلكَل َمةُلعَدَمُالسَّ َم‬
‫اع‬ ْ ‫صط َالح َو‬
ْ ‫ تَقَ ُع في اال‬- Description for
speech and the speaker only, not the word, due to it not being heard
[by the Classical Arabs]
 The word has to be in a sentence / or in a group of words
 There is no Balaghtul Kalam (word)
 Fasaha – divided into 3 – Word, speech and speaker.
 Balagha – divided into 2 – speech and speaker (because word has
to be in a group of words)
 Can say:
 Haza kalamun baleengun – this is rhetoric speech
 Haza mutakalimun baleegun or Haza rujulun baleegun – this man
is a rhetoric man
 Can’t say hazeehee kalema balaga (word is balagha)

‫ – أنواعُالبالغة‬2 types – speech and speaker

1. ‫ بالغةُالكالم‬Rhetoric of the speech
‫ – البالغة‬in speech, is it’s conformity of that which is required by the
condition of the one being addressed, with eloquence of its words [it’s
singular and it’s formulation]

 Lexical and terminological meaning – To speak in the way of the

Arab in the end of the Arabic language
 Contextual appropriateness of a speech or a statement – meaning
the speech should be appropriate for the one being addressed

‫ بالغةُالكالم‬Refers to all that contributes to the impact and effect that the
speech has on the listener

Balagha depends on 2 sides:

- State of the person speaking to
- Speech must be clear - word if single word or words
- Balagha is not only words – but also the situation
‫الفصاحة في الكالم‬

‫ المدحُحالُأوُمقامُيحتاجُويقتضيُلإلطنابُوالزيادةُفيُالكالم‬- Praise - is a situation
or an occasion which needs and requires elaboration/lengthiness and
increasing in speech
 Praise elaboration/lengthiness and increasing in speech
‫ والذكاءُحالُأوُمقامُيقتضيُويحتاجُلإليجازُفيُالكالم‬- Intelligence - is a situation
or an occasion which needs and requires conciseness in speech
 Intelligence  conciseness (‫ )لإليجاز‬in speech
:‫ُنقول‬،‫ فإذاُجاءُالكالمُفيهُإطنابُفيُحالةُالمدح‬-
‫نُالكال َمُجاءُمطابقًاُلم ْقتَضَىُال َحال‬
َُّ ‫ إ‬- Verily the speech comes in conformity
with the requirement of the situation

ُ‫ُوا ْلعَظ ْي َمةُفَقَ ْط‬

َ ‫يُاختيَارُا ْل َمعَانيُال َجيدَة‬ َ ‫فَلَ ْي‬
َ ‫ستُا ْلبَ َال‬
ْ ‫غةُف‬
‫ – البالغة‬is not only selecting good and big meanings

‫ُاْل ْلفَاظُا ْلفَص ْي َحةُفقط‬ َ ‫ستُا ْلبَ َال‬

ْ ‫غةُأيضاُف‬
ْ ‫يُاختيَار‬ َ ‫ َولَ ْي‬-
‫ – البالغة‬is also, not only selecting eloquent words

‫– ولكنُالبالغةَُت َ ْحتَاجُإلىُأنُيَكونَُُالكالمُمتفقًاُمعُالغرضُُالمطلوبُمنه‬
Rather, ‫ البالغة‬need words to be in agreement with the objective which
is required from it

:‫وكماُقالوا‬ Like the Arabs has said:

ُ‫“ لكلُ َمقَ ٍامُ َمقَال‬For every situation is a saying”

2. ‫ بالغةُالمتكلم‬Rhetoric of Speaker

‫ – بالغةُالمتكلم‬is a character trait (malaka - ability) of a person by which

it’s possessor has capability over it, in forming eloquent speech, in
accordance to the requirement of the circumstance, with his
eloquence/fluency in whatever meaning he intended

‫سال ْيبُا ْلعَُ َربُخ ْبرا‬ َُ ‫غا َيةُُلنُيَص َلُإليهاُإالُ َم ْنُأ َحا‬
َ ‫طُبأ‬ َ ُ‫ وتلك‬- And that goal will not
be reached, except by the one who fully understands (ُ‫ط‬ َ ‫ ) أ َحا‬the styles
of the Arabs through experience
َ ‫ُوم‬،‫فُسنَنَ ُت َ َخاطبهمُفيُمنَافَ َراتهم‬
ُ،‫ُوشكْره ُْم‬،‫ُ َوه َجائه ُْم‬،‫ُو َمد ْيحهم‬،‫فاخراتهم‬ َ ‫وع ََر‬
‫َواعْت ُذَاره ُْم‬
And know ways of their communication in their disagreements,
boasting, and praising, satire, thankfulness and their apologising

‫ليَت َ َكلَّ َمُفيُكلُ َحا ٍلُبا ْل َم َقالُا ْلمنَاسبُ َل ُه‬

:‫ كماُقالوا‬- So he speaks in every situation with a saying suitable for it.

Like they [Classical Arabs] has said:

‫ لكلُمقامُمقال‬- “For every situation is a saying.”

Module 5 - ‫ أسئلة عامة‬and ‫ األساليب العربية‬- The Arabic styles

ُ‫ أسئلةُعامة‬General Questions
Fasawha – Clarity of words, speech and speaker
Balagha – terminological meaning divided into 2 parts – Rhetoric of speech and speaker

:‫ وضحُا ْل َحا َلُوم ْقت َضىُال َحالُُفيماُيلي‬- Explain the circumstance and the
requirement of the situation in the following
 Speak to intelligent person with few words – For every situation is a saying

ًّ ‫ُإذاُرأواُل‬
َ ‫يقولُالناس‬
 If people saw a thief or fire – in English they will say this is a thief or this is a fire –
complete sentence
 In such circumstances ( ‫ –)ا ْل َحا َل‬no time – so say only the main word – fire or thief (no
time to say complete sentence

‫ – الحال‬situation / circumstances
 Because of the situation, one won’t still say many words, but rather, one
would get straight to the point.
 – !‫لص‬
ٌّ (thief) !‫( حريق‬fire)
ُ‫ – الحال هنا – هوُقلَّةُالوقت‬Case  lack of time
‫الحال‬: there is a little time

‫ ومقتضىُالحالُهوُاْليجازُفيُالكالم‬-
 ‫مقتضى الحال‬: the requirement for the situation
 ‫اإليجاز في الكالم‬: conciseness in speech
 Done by deleting the predicate Mubtada (first part of the
 ُ‫ُْلنهُالُيوجدُوقت‬،‫ وذلكُعنُطريقُحذفُالمبتدأ‬- And that is by way of
dropping the ‫مبتدأ‬, because of little time

‫ – ألن األص َل في الكالم‬the origin of the speech is (full sentence is):

 ‫ هذا حريق‬This is a fire – so will just say ‫حريق‬
 ‫لص‬ٌّ ‫ هذا‬This is a thief – will just say ‫لص‬
 This is called ‫ هوُاْليجازُفيُالكالم‬conciseness in speech

:‫تعالى‬  ‫حذفُالمبتدأ‬
‫ يقول هللا‬Allah said in Surahُ‫طريق‬
Jinn ‫وذلك عن‬
Conciseness in speech – done by deleting the subject
))‫((وأنَّاُالُندريُأشرُأري ُدَُبمنُفيُاْلرضُأمُأرادَُبهمُربُّهمُرشدًا‬
“And verily we understand not, Is it evil that is intended to he
who is on the earth, or their Lord intends to guide them to the
right conduct.”
 The speaker is the Jinn – the Jinns do not understand

َ‫أشرُأر ْي ُد‬
‫ همزة االستفهام‬ ‫( أ‬question)
‫ مبتدأ – مرفوع‬ ‫شر‬ٌّ (evil)

– ‫ مبني على الفتح فعل ماض‬،‫أريد – مبني للمجهول‬
 Subject hidden – passive form
‫– ‪ past tense verb in passive form of verb – Fa’il is deleted‬‬
‫‪so evil is not associated with Allah‬‬

‫الحال‪ :‬هو عدم نسبة الشر إلى هللا تعالى‬

‫‪: It is that the evil has not been associated to Allah‬الحال‬
‫‪ - The deletion of the subject‬مقتضى الحال‪ :‬هوُحذفُالفاعل‪،‬‬

‫الحال‪ :‬هوُعدمُنسبةُالشرُإلىُهللاُتعالى‬
‫‪: It is that the evil has not been associated to Allah‬الحال‬
‫‪ - The deletion of the subject‬مقتضى الحال‪ :‬هوُحذفُالفاعل‪،‬‬

‫‪ - The origin of the sentence‬إذ األصل‪:‬‬

‫أشر أرادَه هللاُ بمن في األرض‬
‫الجملة الفعلية في محل رفع خبر •‬
‫‪ – Allah is the subject‬هللا – لفظ الجاللة‪ ،‬فاعل مرفوع •‬
‫أراده – مبني على الفتح‪ ،‬الهاء مفعول به •‬
‫أ – همزة االستفهام •‬
‫أشرُأر ْيدَُبمنُفيُاْلرض‬

‫ُأشرُأر ْيدَُبمنُفيُاْلرض‪ ‬فاعل ‪In Quran Allah delete the‬‬

‫يقول هللا تعالى‪:‬‬

‫((وأنَّا ال ندري أشرُأري ُدَ بمن في األرض أم أرادَُبه ْم َ‬
‫‪ – Allah use the active form‬أرادَ به ْم َربُّهم‬
‫هم – ضمير متصل‪ ،‬في محل جر مضاف إليه •‬
‫)‪ (subject visible‬رب – لفظ الجاللة‪ ،‬فاعل‪ ،‬وهو مضاف •‬
‫بهم – حرف جر‪ ،‬وضمير متصل في محل جر •‬
• ‫ مبني للمعلوم‬،‫( أراد – فعل ماض‬verb is active)
‫ هو نسبة الخير إلى هللا تعالى‬:‫الحال أيضا‬
‫الحال‬: it is the association of good to Allah.

‫ وعدم حذفه‬،‫ هو وجود الفاعل‬:‫مقتضى الحال‬

‫مقتضىُالحال‬: it is the presence of the ‫فاعل‬, without it being dropped

‫ هوُنسبةُالخيرُإلىُهللاُتعالى‬:‫الحال أيضا‬
‫الحال‬: it is the association of good to Allah.

‫ُوعدمُحذفه‬،‫ هوُوجودُالفاعل‬:‫مقتضى الحال‬

‫مقتضىُالحال‬: it is the presence of the ‫فاعل‬, without it being dropped

‫ – مالحظات‬Important notes
1. ‫ – التنافر‬Cluster of letters / words
 ‫ يعرف بالذوقُالسليم‬- It is recognised by the taste of soundness

2. ‫ – مخالفةُالقياس‬Disagreement of analogy
 ‫ – تعرف بعلم الصرف‬recognized by knowledge of morphology

3. ‫ ضعفُالتأليفُوالتعقيدُاللفظي‬- weakness of formation and verbal

 ‫ – يعرفان بعلم النحو‬recognized by knowledge of grammar

4. ‫ – الغرابة‬Strangeness of speech
 ‫ف بكثرة االطالع علىُكالمُالعرب‬
ُ ‫ ت ُ ْع َر‬- It is known through countless
examinations of the speech of the Arabs

 ‫ واإلحاطة بالمفرداتُالمأنوسة‬- And the encompassing of familiar words

 (wal a ha ta bil-muf-ra-datil ma-noo-sa)

‫ – اإلحاطة‬studying, understanding, viewing

Haza rajulun muqtaleun ka see run fe lugatil arabeeya

A rhetoric speaker
Haza rajulun muqtaleun alaa kaseerin min assaale bil arab – this man is
studying many styles of Arabic methods

‫ اْلساليبُالعربية‬- The Arabic styles

Al asaaleebul al arabeeyah

‫– أنواعُاْلسلوبُفيُاللغةُالعربية‬Kinds of Arabic styles (3 kinds)

1. ‫ األسلوبُالعلمي‬- (al us loo bul ilm mee) Scientific method

2. ‫( – األسلوب اْلدبي‬al usloo bul a da bee you) Literary method
3. ‫ األسلوبُالخطابي‬-(Al usloobul khtabee yoo) Oratorical method

‫ – اْلسلوبُالعلمي‬The scientific method

(Al usloobul ilmeeyoo)
 It depends on the scientific text

Definition of ‫اْلسلوبُالعلمي‬
 ُ‫ص ْوغُا ْلعل ْومُا ْلم َج َّردَة‬
َ ‫األسلوب الذي ي ُ ْست َْخدَ ُم في‬
ُ ‫ هو‬- It is the method used in
forming natural sciences
 ‫سة‬ ْ - engineer
َ َ‫وال َه ْند‬
 ‫ كالطب‬- medicine
 ‫وال َجبْر‬ ْ – Algebra (Jabir ibn Hiyan – discover Algebra)
 ‫والفيْزيَاء‬ ْ – Physics
 ‫ – كيمياء‬chemistry

‫ – خصائصُاْلسلوبُالعلمي‬Characteristics of the Scientific method

(Kha-saw-is al is-loob al-illmee)
‫( خصائص‬plural – characteristics) ‫( خصيصة‬singular – khis see sat un - characteristic)
1. ُ‫ موضوعَاتهُعلميةُبَ ْحتَة‬- It’s topics are purely knowledge (scientific)
 (maw doo ah too ilmee-ya-tee-bah-tah)

2. ‫ اْلفكارُُفيهُ َواض َحةُوم َحدَّد َُة‬- The ideas in it are clear and defined
 (Al if kaa-ro fee hee wa-di ha-tun wa-mu-hada-da-tun)

3. ‫العلمية‬
ُ ُُ‫ست َ ْخدَمُفيهُاْلرقامُُوالمصطلحاتُُوالحقائق‬
ْ ‫ ت‬- Numbers, terms and
scientific facts are used in this method
 (Ar qaa wal mus-tah-la-haat wa-haq-qa e-koo ilmeeyato)
 Example: The earth went around the sun every 365 days – this
sentence depends on numbers, terms and scientific facts – style
here is Scientific (Haza usloo bul ilmee)
 In literary method – don’t use numbers, terms and scientific fact

ْ ‫ دقَّةُا‬- Precise usage of words and definition

4. ‫ستخدامُاْللفاظُوتحديدُ ُدَالالتها‬
of its meanings [Using a word for its exact meaning]
 (dicka tu is-tak-da-me alfazee wa taq dee dul dalalah)
 Do not use words that can cause confusion – only words with clear

5. ‫لوهُمنُصورُالخيالية‬
ُّ ‫ خ‬- Being free from imaginative pictures
 Kho-loo-wo- minas soo-wa-ril khayaaleeyahte)

6. ‫ خلوهُمنُالعاطفةُوالشعور‬- Being free from affection and emotions
 Kho-loo-wohu minal aa-tee-fa-tee wash-shoo-oo-ree)

7. ‫ُالكاتب‬
ُ ‫ الُت َ ْظ َهرُفيهُش َْخصيَّة‬- In this method the personality of the writer
is not shown
 (La taz-ha-ro fee he shakh-see-ya-tul kaa-te-be)

‫ أظهرُميزاتُهذاُاْلسلوبُالوضوح‬- And the most apparent distinction of this

method is ‫ – الوضوح‬clarity
 It is the most peaceful / tranquil of the methods
 The most necessary for the correct enunciation and sound opinion
/ thought (correct/direct thinking)
 Far from poetical imagination because it is depend on the
speaking of the mind

 Converse the thinking

 Explains the scientific facts which is not free from obscurity and
 It is inevitable that it shows / appears in its strength and beauty
 Its strength is in the luminosity of its clearness/explanation and
composure / calmness of its proofs / evidence
 Its beauty is in the easiness of its expressions

La-bud-da an – for sure / surely

Labudda an + verb
Labudda anna + noun
Labudda anna al kitabul sahlun – surely the book is easy
Labudda anna (+ noun) ar rajula fil baitee - Surely the man is in the

‫ بدا‬Bud-da to appear
‫ جميل‬Jamaalun – an infinitive means beauty
‫( الجمال‬with kesra on jeem) Jeemaalun plural for jamal (camel)
‫ – أثر‬A-saa-run – Effect (plural is ‫)اآلثار‬
‫(حجة‬with dumma on ha - Hujjatun (pl. hujjajun)= daleelun ‫= دليل‬
burhanun‫( برهان‬pl. ‫) البراهين‬ proof or evidence
‫(حجة‬with kesra -Hijjatun) = hijaajun = sanaa = am-mun = year )pl. is
Surah Qassas – Prophet Shuaib – I want to wed you one of my two daughters on
condition that you serve me 8 years and if you make it 10 years that is very good
for you.
So it is necessary for it to be interested in selecting distinctly clear
words for its meanings
 Must be free from - al mush-ta-rakul lafzee (word with more than
one meaning)
 Example – ‫العين‬
o al aynun - Eye (al muksara – we see through it) (origin)
o Al aynun = al jasoos – the spy ‫جاسوس‬
o Well
 Words must be used in its origin meaning
 If one write in scientific method then will use ‫ العين‬in its source
meaning as the eye
 Words must be composed and constructed in easiness and clarification
 Don’t use imaginative method (or pictures) or similes
 Imaginative or simile can be used if it will help to better understand the
o Eg. Al-assado fill kit-ta tee – the lion looks like the cat- ‫… القط‬. ‫األسد‬
 Example of scientific method can be found in text of physics, chemistry,
medicine etc.
o Eg. Water boils at 100 degrees ‫ درجة‬011 ‫ يغلي الماء عند‬- a scientific fact

So we are not in need to get examples for this kind

The study books which are with you, all of it is on this method

‫ – األسلوب األدبي‬the Literary method / style

Definition of ‫(اْلسلوبُاْلدبي‬al-us-loob al ad-da-bee)

It is the method by which the poets expressed in their poems,
and writers of artistic prose expressed in their writings, like –
 Sayings (‫ المقال‬- pl. maqaalaatun ), Stories (‫ والقصة‬- pl. ‫) قصص‬,
 Lectures (‫ – والخطبة‬pl. khutabun ‫ )خطب‬and Letters (‫)والرسالة‬-
have 2 plurals ‫ رسائل‬or wa resaalat
 ‫ – يعبر‬express
 ‫ الشعراء‬- poets
 At tabeeroo – to express self ‫للتعبير عن النفس‬

‫ – خصائصُاْلسلوبُاْلدبي‬Characteristics of the literary method

‫( خصيصة‬singular – khis see satun - characteristic)

1. ٍ ‫ُعلمي‬
ُ ٍ‫ يَتَ َحدَّثُعنُموضوعاتُليستْ ُذاتَ ُطابع‬- It speaks about
topics not scientific related

2. ‫ خلوهُمنُاْلرقامُوالمصطلحاتُواْلحصاءاتُالعلمية‬- It should be
free of numbers, technical terms and scientific calculations

3. ‫ُوالتأنقُفيُاْلسلوب‬،‫ دقةُاختيارُاْللفاظ‬- Precise selection of words

and elegance in the method

4. ‫ استخدامُصورُالخيالية‬- Usage of imaginative pictures

5. ُ‫ تَ ْظ َهرُفيهُشخصيةُاْلديبُُوآراؤهُوثقافَته‬- Shows the personality of
the writer [Poet and Writer], and his views and culture

ُ‫( اْلديب‬al ad-dee- be)

 Person who study‫ شعر‬poetry called ‫( شاعر‬Poet) – Kana Hassanu ibn
Thabith ‫ – شاعر‬Hassan was the poet of the Prophet
 A person write a story / play / sermon – a writer ‫الكاتب‬
 ُ‫ اْلديب‬- A person who does both‫شاعر‬ and ‫ – الكاتب‬a writer and a poet

6. ‫ يَ ْقصدُإلىُإمتاعُبجانبُاْلفهامُونقلُاْلفكار‬- It intends pleasure in

addition to understanding and transmitting ideas

7. ُ‫ْلغراضُبالغي ٍة‬
ٍ ُُ‫ يَتَنَ َّوعُفيهُاْلسلوبُبينُالخبرُُواْلنشاء‬- The method
is of various kinds between the Statement and Origination
(construction) Sentence in Rhetoric objectives
 Rhetoric divided into 2- ُ‫( الخبر‬al-kabaree) and ُ‫(اْلنشاء‬al-inshaa-ee)

 And beauty is its clearest description and it’s most apparent

 Clearest ‫( = ابرز‬aw-dah) ‫= أوضح‬ ‫ اظهر‬-

And the source of its beauty is in its wonderful imagination (‫ )خيال‬and

exact illustration/depiction
 Example:
 Muhammadun qawee ‫ – محمد هو الرجل القوي‬Muhammad is a strong man
 Muhammadun assadun – ‫ محمد أسد‬Muhammad is a lion (means the
strength of Muhammad is like that of a lion)

Module 7 - ‫ – األسلوب الخطابي‬the Oratory Method

Definition: ‫ُاْلسلوبُالخطابي‬
‫ هو األسلوب الذي ي َعبرُ به الخطيبُ في خطبته‬- It is the method by which the
Orator expresses himself in his lecture
 ‫ برز‬- (verb) to come out, to express or to show
 ‫ برز‬- ba-ra-za = it-ta-da-ha = to come out

 The power of the meanings and words is shown / comes out

 Power/ strength of evidence and proof
o Evidence/proof = burhan ‫ = برهان‬daleel ‫ = دليل‬hujja ‫حجة‬
o ‫( األدلة‬pl)- ‫ = دليل‬daleel (singular)
o ‫( البراهين‬pl) – ‫ برهان‬burhan (singular)
o ‫ – حجة‬hujja (singular) with dumma on ha (pl. hujjajun)
o Hijja = year ٍ‫جج‬ ِ
َ ‫ ح‬years
 The power and strength of fertile mind (power - al akl– plural ukool)
 The orator / speaker speaks to the wish / will of his listeners
 ُ‫( الخطيب‬singular) (pl)‫الخطباء‬
 Arada –(verb) I want ‫أريد‬

‫– أهمُخصائصُاْلسلوبُالخطابي‬
The most important characteristics of the Oratorical Method

1. ُ‫ – التَّك َْرار‬Repetition (at-tik-ra-ro or at-tak-ra-ro)

2. ‫ استعمالُالمترادفات‬- Usage of Synonyms
o Jalasa ‫ قعد = جلس‬ka-a-da = to sit – have the same meanings
o They are synonyms (mu-ta-raa-de-fat)‫ُالمترادفات‬

3. ‫ ضربُاْلمثال‬- Making parables

4. ‫ اختيارُالكلماتُالجزلةُذاتُالرنين‬- Choosing many words that are resounding

/ reverberating / echoing

‫ – مثالُعلىُاْلسلوبُالخطابي‬Examples of the Oratory Method

‫ – خطبةُأبيُبكرُرضيُهللاُعنه‬Kutbah of Abu Bakr (ra)

ْ ‫خطبةُسيدناُأبيُبكرُرضيُهللاُعنهُحينماُأ‬
‫ُقال‬،‫ وسلَّم‬- The ‫ خطبة‬of Abu Bakr RA when he became Khaleefa of the Muslims
after the death of the Messenger of Allah PBUH, he said:
 ُ‫ – وفاة‬death, ‫ – الموت‬death

ْ َ‫كمُول‬
‫ستُبُ َخ ْيرُكم‬ َ ُ‫ُأيُّ َهاُالنَّاسُفإنيُقدُول ْيت‬،‫ أماُبعد‬- O People, I have been given
َ ‫علَ ْي‬
authority over you while I am not the best among you
 ُ‫ – أيُّ َهاُالنَّاس‬the style of calling
 ُ‫ = ول ْيت‬khalifa – authority
 ‫( شر‬bad or evil) opposite of ‫( خير‬good)

‫سأتُُفَقَوم ْوني‬ َ ‫س ْنتُُفَأع ْين ْون‬

َ ‫يُوإنْ ُأ‬ َ ‫أح‬
ْ ُ‫ فإن‬- If I do good, then help me And If I do wrong,
then set me right
 ‫(ع ْينو‬verb is aa -na) = ‫ = ساعد‬to help
 ُ‫س ْنت‬ َ ‫أح‬
ْ (to do good) opposite to ُ‫سأت‬ َ ‫( أ‬do wrong)

ُ‫ الصدْقُُأ َمانَةُ َوا ْلكَذبُُخيَانَة‬- Truth is a trust And lying is a breach of faith
 ُ‫( الصدْق‬truth) opposite to ُ‫( َوا ْلكَذب‬lie)

‫ والضَّع ْيفُُف ْيك ْمُقَويُُع ْنديُ َحتَّىُأرجعُإلَ ْيهُ َحقَّهُإنْ ُشَا َءُهللا‬- The weak among you are strong
by me, until I return to him his right
 ُ‫( الضَّع ْيف‬weak) opposite to ‫( القوي‬strong)
 ‫ – أرجع‬to give back, return
‫ والقويُفيكمُضعيفُعنديُحتىُآخ ُذَُالحقُمنهُإنُشاءُهللا‬- And the strong among you is
weak by me, until I have taken the right from him

َ ُ‫ أطيعوني‬- Obey me as long I
obey Allah and His Messenger But If I disobey Allah and His Messenger, then do
not obey me
 Repetition is for emphasis (obey)
 ‫( أطيعوني‬obey) opposite is ‫( عصيت‬disobey)

َ ُ‫ ق ْوم ْواُإلَى‬- Stand for your Prayer, Allah have Mercy upon you
‫ص َالتكمُيَر َح ْمكمُهللا‬

Module 8 ‫الخبر‬ and ‫اإلنشاء‬

‫ منُدروسُالبالغة‬- ‫ الخبر‬and ‫اْلنشاء‬
• ‫ – اْلنشاء‬Origination sentence (al in-sha-ah) (construction)
• ‫ – الخبر‬Statement (al kabar)

‫ الخبر‬- Definition of statement

 ‫ُأوُقدُيكونُكَاذ ًبا‬،‫صادقًا‬
َ ُ‫ هوُالكالمُالَّذيُقدُْيكونُقائله‬- It is speech in which the
speaker could be truthful or he could be lying
 Listener don’t know if this is truth or lie
 In Arabic grammar ‫ الخبر‬is opposite of mubtada – but has different meaning
in Balagha
 ‫الجو بارد‬ُ – the weather is hot
 ‫سافَ َر محمد‬َ Muhammad travelled
 ‫ هذا بيت كبير‬this is a big house

‫ – اْلنشاء‬Definition of Origination (‫)اْلنشاء‬

ُ‫ُإنُقائلَهُصادقُفيهُأوُكاذب‬:‫ هوُالكالمُالَّذيُالُنستطيعُأنُنقو َل‬- It is speech in which it is not
possible to say: verily the speaker of it is truthful or lying
‫ ما اسمك؟‬- What is your name?
‫ كم الساعة اآلن؟‬- what is the time now?
Speech is of two parts – first is ‫ الخبر‬and second is ‫اْلنشاء‬

2nd definition of ‫الخبر‬

‫ – الخبر‬that which it is correct to say about the speaker, verily he is truthful or he

is lying (content of the sentence can be truthful or not)
031 ‫البالغة الواضحة ص‬
 ‫ صحح‬correct/truth or ‫ صادق‬truthful
 ‫ – كذبة‬lie
 Prophet was called As Sadiqul Ameen – the honest man
 Eg this watch is very expensive (statement – it could be true or a lie)
 ‫ – تطابق‬correspond
 If the speech correspond to the truth  then speaker is truthful
 If the speech does not correspond to the truth  then speaker is a liar
 Eg. If one said the sky is clear ‫ السماءُصافية‬:
o you cannot see the sky – you cannot say speaker is truthful or liar
o if you can see the sky is clear  speaker is truthful
o if you see the sky as not clear  speaker is a liar
 Must look at facts and compare/correspond speaker’s statement with
facts -> to determine if the speaker is a liar or truthful
2 Definition of ‫الخبر‬: The fact of the statement – which is possible to be the
truth or false in itself
 Example – beneficial/useful knowledge Al ilmul nafeean
 Science of computer – beneficial
 Science of war – may not be benefit ‫علم حرب‬
 to benefit - na-fa-aa
 To confirm – as-ba-ta
 to speak – ta-la-faz-ta ‫ = لفظ‬takalama


‫ – اْلنشاء‬is that for which it is incorrect to say to the Speaker, verily he is truthful
or his lying (cannot determine if the content of the sentence is truth or lie – like
asking questions)
 It is opposite of ‫ الخبر‬statement sentence
 Questions – so cannot say person is truthful or liar
 ‫ – ما ثمن هذا الهاتف‬What is the price of this phone?
 ‫هلُقرأتَ ُسورةَُالكهفُاليو َم؟‬- did you read Surah Kahf today?

Sentences can be statement sentences‫ ُالخبر‬or originative sentences ‫اْلنشاء‬

For every sentence of the sentences of Statement and Origination there are two
principles: Ruled over and ruled with
The 1st part is known as ‫ – مسندُإليه‬Subject, and the 2nd part is known as ‫ – مسند‬Predicate
and what is more than that is known as ‫قيد‬

‫( مواضعُالمسندُإليه‬places of the subject) – ma-wa-dee-oo al-mus-nad- ee-lai)

1. ‫ الفاعل‬- ‫الدرس‬
َُ ُُ‫بُمحمد‬ َ َ ‫َكت‬
2. ‫ نائبُالفاعل‬- ُ‫بُالدرس‬ َ ‫( كت‬verb in the majroor form (ُ‫)كت َب‬only then haveُ‫نائب‬
3. ‫ المبتدأ الذي له خبر‬- ُ‫الدرسُُسهل‬
4. ‫ وماُأصلهُالمبتدأُكاسمُكانُوأخواتها‬- ‫كانُالدرسُُسهال‬
Other examples:
‫ – دخل الطالب الفصل‬the student enter the classroom
 ‫ الطالب‬- is ‫مسند إليه‬, and ‫الفاعل‬
‫ قراءة خالد الكتاب‬- Kara-ah khalidun al kitaba – active sentence
 ‫ خالد‬is ‫مسند إليه‬, and ‫الفاعل‬
‫( قراء الكتاب‬ku-re-al-ketabu) – passive sentence
 ‫ الكتاب‬is ‫ مسند إليه‬which is the ‫نائب الفاعل‬
Whatever origin/source is‫ المبتدأ‬or ‫ ( كاسم كان وأخواتها‬is-mu-kana or it sisters of
Inna) is also called ‫المسند إليه‬

‫( مواضعُالمسند‬the places of the predicate)

1. ‫ خبر المبتدأ‬- ُ‫الدرسُسهل‬
ًُ ُ‫كانُالدرس‬
2. ‫ وما أصله خبر المبتدأ كخبرُكان وأخواتها‬- ‫سهال‬
3. ‫ص ُْه – اسمُالفعل‬َ (noun that is used as a verb(means “don’t speak” = ‫)اسكت‬
4. ‫لمصدر ( – المصدر النائب عن فعلُاْلمر‬which is substituting for a ‫ )فعلُاْلمر‬-
ُ‫( س ْعيًاُفيُالخير‬striving in good)
Whatever origin is ‫( خبر‬kabar) then it is called ‫مسند‬
 ‫ – الكتاب جديد‬Al kitabu jadeedun (jadeedun)‫ جديد‬is‫ خبر‬which is ‫مسند‬
 ‫ جديد– انا الكتاب جديد‬is ‫ كخبرُانا‬which is ‫مسند‬
‫( – القيود‬ku-yoo-dun pl.) (Anything that is not ‫ المسندُإليه‬or ‫) مسند‬
• ‫المفاعيل‬
• ‫أدواتُالنفي‬
• ‫أدواتُالشرط‬
• ‫ التوابع‬- ‫(التبع‬singular)
• ‫التمييز‬
• ‫الحال‬
• ‫( النواسخ‬particles - ka-na, inna, etc)
Siffa and nat, tawkee(emphasis), Badal ‫( بدل‬substitute), at-fo- ‫ عطف‬conjunction –
these are all ‫( التوابع‬at-ta-waa-bey)

ُ‫ – بينُالمسندُإليهُوالمسندُفيماُيليُمنُجم ٍل‬Identify the ‫ المسندُإليه‬or ‫ مسند‬in the
following sentence

O group of Writers compete(‫ )تنافس‬in kinds(‫ نوع‬or ‫)صنف‬of literature, and

understand(‫)فهم‬the religion(‫ دين‬pl is ‫)األديان‬, and start (‫ )بدء‬with the
knowledge of the Book of Allah then Arabic, for it is the trade of your
tongues, then perfect(‫ )أجادُ=ُاتقن‬the hand-writing)‫ (خط‬calligraphy, for
verily it is the decoration of your books
‫ – مدرسة الخط العربي‬schools of calligraphy
- it is the decoration of your books
‫الخط النسخ ‪Types of calligraphy: the type that we use is called‬‬

‫المسندُإليه •‬
‫واوُالجماعة •‬
‫تنافسوا •‬
‫المسند •‬
‫فعلُاْلمر •‬
‫تنافس •‬

‫)‪ - Verbal Sentence meaning: (I call the group of writers‬ياُمعشرُالكتَّاب‬

‫ع ْنهُيا‬
‫‪ُ(I call)this is hidden‬أدْعو= يا ‪ In the original sentence‬أدْعوُالَّذيُنابتْ ُ َ‬
‫المسندُإليه •‬
‫)‪ -doer is hidden‬الفاعل( الفاعلُالمستترُفيُالفعل •‬
‫المسند •‬
‫الفعلُ–ُأدْعواُ •‬

‫المسندُإليه •‬
‫واوُالجماعة •‬
‫تَفَ َّهمُوا •‬
‫المسند •‬
‫فعلُاْلمر •‬
‫تَفَ َّهم •‬
‫فيُالدينُ–ُقَ ْيدُ •‬
‫ا ْبدَءوا‬
‫المسندُإليه •‬
‫واوُالجماعة •‬
‫ابدءوا •‬
‫المسند •‬
‫فعلُاْلمر •‬
‫ابدء •‬

‫المسندُإليه •‬
‫واوُالجماعة •‬
‫أجيدوا •‬
‫المسند •‬
‫فعلُاْلمر •‬
‫أج ُْد •‬

‫فإنَّهُح ْليَةُكتبكم‬
‫المسندُإليه •‬
‫اسمُإنَُّضميرُمتصل •‬
‫فإنه •‬
‫المسند •‬
‫ن •‬‫خبرُإ َُّ‬
‫حليةُ •‬
‫‪ - The purpose for making the statement‬الغرضُمنُإلقاءُالخبر‬
‫‪- The listeners do not know – so you want to give them information.‬‬
Making useful information known to the listener
The Prophet was born in the year of the elephant (Sura Fiel ‫) فيل‬
The message of Islam came to the Prophet (became a Nabi – he received revelation) at the
age of 40. He stayed( ‫) إقامة‬in Mecca 13 years after the revelation. After he went to Madinah
and stayed 10 years
‫ = سنة = عام‬year
‫( الفيلة‬pl) – ‫( فيل‬singular) = elephant

Umar ibn Abdul Aziz

‫ – ال يأخذ من بيت مال‬Did not take any money from the Baitul Mal (Public treasury)
Module 9
Module 9 - ‫الخبر واإلنشاء‬

‫ – الخبر‬that which it is correct to say about the speaker, verily he is truthful or he

is lying
031 ‫البالغة الواضحة ص‬

If the speech correspond ‫ تطابق‬with the happening, then the Speaker was truthful

and if it doesn’t correspond with it, then the Speaker was lying
‫ – اْلنشاء‬is that for which it is incorrect to say to the Speaker, verily he is truthful
or his lying


• ‫قيد‬
• ‫إ َّن – المفاعيل – التوابع – الحال‬
• ‫ن محمدا طالب‬ َُّ ‫إ‬
• ‫مسند‬
• ‫الفعل – الخبر – وما أصله خبر‬
• ‫محمد طالب‬
• ‫مسند إليه‬
• ‫الفاعل – المبتدأ – وما أصله مبتدأ‬
• ‫محمد طالب‬

‫ الخبر‬- ‫الغرضُمنُإلقاءُالخبر‬
‫ الغرض من إلقاء الخبر‬- The purpose for making the statement

Purpose1- Rule is‫فائدة الخبر‬

Example 1 and 2:
The speaker knows the information but the listener does not know the information.
Speaker wants to let the listener know the information
ُ‫ُأنُيعرفُالحك َمُالذيُاشتملُعليهُالخبر‬
َ َّ
‫أنُالمتكل َمُُيريدُُمنُالمخاطب‬
Making useful information known to the listener
The Prophet was born in the year of the elephant (Sura Fiel ‫) فيل‬
The message of Islam came to the Prophet (became a Nabi – he received revelation) at the
age of 40. He stayed (‫ )إقامة‬in Mecca 13 years after the revelation. After he went to Madinah
and stayed 10 years (he died at age 63)
‫ = سنة = عام‬year
‫( الفيلة‬pl) – ‫( فيل‬singular) = elephant
‫ – أقام‬to stay

Umar ibn Abdul Aziz – He did not take (‫ )أخذ‬anything from the banking house/public treasury.

Purpose of the statement is: To give over useful information to the listener --> Called ‫الخبر‬
‫ – الشرح‬Explanation
ُ‫ُأنُيعرفُالحك َمُالذيُاشتمل‬
َ َّ ُ ‫في هذا المثالَيْن نَجد‬
‫أنُالمتكل َمُُيريدُمنُالمخاطب‬
ُ‫ المخاطب‬addressee 2nd person, ‫ الحك َُم‬rule
In these two examples we find that the speaker intends that the 2nd
person knows the rule which is included in the statement

‫ُوالُيَ ْعرفُعنهُشيئ ًا‬،‫ فالسَّامعُهناُ َجاهلُبا ْلحكْم‬- So here, the listener is ignorant
of the rule, and does not know anything about it.
 ُ‫( فالسَّامع‬listener), ُ‫ َجاهل‬ignorant
 ‫ – يسمىُهذاُالحكم‬Name of this rule  ‫فائدةُالخبر‬
‫ – فائدةُالخبر‬to let the addresses (2nd person) know about some
information he is ignorant of
Eg. I saw you in the school yesterday

Purpose 2: Rule is ‫الزم الفائدة‬

Emphasis – both speaker and listener knows the information
ُ ُ ‫أ َّن ْال ُمتَكَل َم َي ْعلَ ُم ْال ُح ْك َم الَّذي َي ْعرفُه‬

‫ضتَ ُم ْنُنَ ْومكَ ُا ْل َيو َمُم َبك ًرا‬

ْ ‫ لَقَدُْنَ َه‬- Indeed, you woke up from your sleep early
 ‫ض = استيقظ‬ ْ ‫ = نَ َه‬to wake up. ‫ ن َْوم‬- sleep
‫ أ ْنتَ ُت َ ُْع َملُفيُ َحد ْيقَتكُك َّلُيَ ْو ٍُم‬- You work in your garden everyday
Eg. I bought a new book and someone said to me “you have a new book”

‫ – الشرح‬Explanation of examples:
ُ‫ فيُهذاُالمثَالَ ْينُنَجدُُأنَُّا ْلمتَكَل َمُُيَ ْعلَمُا ْلح ْك َمُالَّذيُيَ ْعرفُهُالمخاطب‬- In this two
examples, we find that the speaker knows the rule which is known by
the 2nd person

‫بالحكم‬ ُُ‫ فالسامعُفيُهذينُالمثالينُعالم‬- So the listener in these two examples
is knowledgeable of the rule

‫ يسمىُهذاُالحكم‬- ‫ الزمُالفائدة‬- Necessity of benefit

Either, benefitting the one being addressed (listener) by a rule which is included in the sentence, if he
was ignorant of it
It is known as ‫فائدةُالخبر‬ - Giving useful information
 E.g. Religion is interaction/conduct [towards others]
 ‫ = نفع = أفاد‬benefit / profit
 ‫ = احتوى = تضمن‬to contain / include
 ‫ = جاهل‬ignorant
 Aa-malan
 ‫( غرض‬singular) – ‫( أغراض‬plural) = purpose

Or, benefitting the one being addressed, that the speaker is also knowledgeable of the ruling which is
known by the one being addressed
Like when you say to a student, he hid that he passed in the exam – you came to know by another

way: “You passed the test”

 ‫ – إخفاء‬to hide
 ‫ = امتحان = اختبار‬Exam / test
This is known as ‫ – الزمُالفائدة‬necessity of the benefit or emphasis

Other purposes:

The ‫ خبر‬maybe have other purposes in the context of the sentence, contrary to
its origin
 ‫ = خالف = عكس‬opposite / contrary
Seeking (asking) Mercy and Compassion: I am poor of the pardoning of My Lord
 Between man and His Lord or between strong person and weak person

Moving (‫ )تحرك‬importance to that which requires its obtainment: (motivating): A knowledgeable

person and an ignorant person is not the same
 A believer and kafir is not the same
 A strong man and a weak man is not the same
 Compare the opposites so as to motivate the weak to do more

‫ ظهر‬show, appear

Showing weakness (‫ )ضعيف‬and Humility “O My Lord, Indeed my bones have weakened...”

 Zakariya (saw) old man and have no sons – He is showing weakness and humility

Showing regret (‫ )تحسر‬and sadness (‫)تحزن‬: “O My Lord I gave birth to a female (‫”)أنثى‬
• ‫ = أنثى = المؤنث‬female or feminine

Showing of Joy (‫ )فرح‬Happiness: “The Truth (‫ )حق‬has arrived and Falsehood (‫ )بطل‬has perished

Reprimand (‫)توبيخ‬/censuring: [like saying to the one stumbled (‫ ])تعثر‬The sun is rising

:‫ كقولك للطالب الذي ال يريد المذاكرة‬- Or saying to a student that does not want to study:
ُ‫ تلكُهيُالكتب‬- These are the books.
Module 10 – ‫ تمرين‬- ‫الخبر‬
ِ ‫ أضرب‬- Kinds of ‫الخبر‬

َ ‫َبين ْالغ ََر‬

:‫ض من األخبار التَّالية‬

Example 1:
ُ‫ع ْنهُيَ ْحكمُبَ ْينَ ُالنَّاسُبا ْلعَدْل‬
َ ُ‫يُهللا‬ َ ‫ كانُعمرُ ْبنُا ْلخطاب‬- Umar RA judged
َ ‫ُرض‬
between people with fairness

َ ‫ الغَ َرضُهناُهوُإفادةُالم َخا‬- The Purpose here, is to

َ َ ‫طبُُا ْلح ْك َمُالذيُت‬
–ُ‫ض َّم َنهُالكالم‬
benefit the one being addressed by the rule included in the sentence

Example 2:
ُ‫ُوا ْلع َقاب‬
َ ‫س َوة‬ َ ‫ُوالر ْفق‬
ْ َ‫ُالُبا ْلق‬ ْ َ‫ لَقَ ُْدُأدَّبْت‬- Surely, you discipline your
َ ‫ُأو َالدَكَ ُبالل ْين‬
children with kindness and gentleness, not with harshness and
 ‫أو َالدَكَ = بنيك‬ ْ your sons
َ ‫ الغَ َرضُهناُإفادةُا ْلم َخاطبُأنَُّا ْلمتَكَل َمُعَالمُبحالُا ْلم َخا‬- The
–ُ‫طبُفيُتَأد ْيبُ َبن ْيه‬
Purpose here, is to benefit the one being addressed that the speaker
knows the condition of the addressee in disciplining of his children

Example 3:
َ ‫س َنةَُثَالثَ ٍة‬
ُ‫ُوعشْر ْينَ ُمنَ ُا ْله ْج َرة‬ َ ُ‫ع ْنه‬
َ ُ‫يُهللا‬ َ ‫يُع َمرُ ْبنُا ْل َخطَّاب‬
َ ‫ُرض‬ َ ‫ توف‬- Umar RA died
23 years after Hijra

–ُ‫ض َّم َنهُا ْلك ََالم‬ َ ‫ الغَ َرضُه َناُه َوُإفادةُا ْلم َخا‬- The purpose here, is to
َ َ ‫طبُُا ْلحك َمُالَّذيُت‬
benefit the one being addressed by the rule which is included the
words – ‫فائدةُالخبر‬

ُ‫ أضربُالخبر‬- Kinds of ‫الخبر‬

1. Primary Statement ‫خبَ ًرا ا ْبتِدَائِيًا‬

That he is empty-minded of the rule, and in this case, the ‫ خبر‬will be

said to him, without any particles of Emphasis.
This kind is known as Primary Statement ‫َخ َب ًراُا ْبتدَائ ًيا‬

ُُ‫ = نوع = أضرب‬Type= kind

‫ = الذ ْهنُ = عقل‬mind (‫ = العقول = اذهان‬Minds, Plural)

‫ أمثلة‬- Example
ْ ‫ والضَّع ْيفُف ْيك ْمُقَويُع ْنديُ َحتَّىُأرجعُإلَ ْيهُ َحقَّه‬- The weak among you
‫ُإنُشَا َءُهللا‬
are strong by me, until I return to him his right

‫ والقويُفيكمُضعيفُعنديُحتىُآخذَُالحقُمنهُإنُشاءُهللا‬- And the strong among

you is weak by me, until I have taken the right [of others] from him

Both sentences are: ‫الجملةُاالسمية‬

‫ عدمُاستخدامُأدواتُالتوكيد‬- Nominal Sentences and absent particles of

Example 2
‫ُفتقولُله‬،‫إنسانُالُيَعرفُشيئ ًاُعنُرسولُهللاُصلىُهللاُعليهُوسلم‬
ٍ ُ‫إذاُت َ َكلَّ ْمتَ ُإلى‬
If you speak to the person does not know anything about the Messenger of Allah
You say:
‫ُالبشر‬ ‫ مح َّمدُصلىُهللاُعليهُوسلمُرسولُلكل‬- Mohammad PBUH is a Messenger
for all of mankind

‫ الشرح‬- Explanation

ُ َ‫يُالذ ْهنُمن‬ ْ ُ،‫ش ْيئ ًاُعَنُا ْلحكْم‬

َ ‫أيُأنَّهُ َخال‬ َ ‫فيُالمثَالَ ْينُالسَّابقَ ْينُنالحظُأنَُّا ْلم َخا‬
َ ُ‫طبُُالُيَ ْعرف‬
ُ‫ ا ْلحكْم‬- In the two previous examples we note that the 2nd person does
not know anything about what has been said – he is empty-minded of
it( ُ‫ = الذ ْهن‬mind)

‫ُْلنناُالُنحتاجُإليها‬،‫ ولذلكُجاءُالكالمُخالياُمنُأدواتُالتوكيد‬- and because of that,

the words was without any particles of emphasis, because it is not
needed for it

‫س َّمىُهذاُالنوعُمنُال َخ َب ُر‬َ ‫وي‬

َُ - Primary Statement
‫خبَ ًراُا ْبتدَائيًا‬

َ ُ‫َخ َب ًرا‬
2. Requesting Statement ‫طلَب ًيا‬

That he is doubtful ُ‫ ُتردد‬in the rule, and requesting‫ُطلب‬that he

becomes ‫ وصل‬certain‫ ُيقين‬in its information, and in this case its
emphasis ‫ توكيد‬is proper to establish it for himself
َ ُ‫َخ َب ًرا‬
And this kind is known as the Requesting Statement ‫طلَب ًيا‬
ُ‫ – تردد‬doubt = ‫شكك‬
‫ – طلب‬request
‫ – وصل‬arrive at
‫ – يقين‬certainty
‫ – توكيد‬emphasis
‫ – أثر – تؤثر‬to affect

‫ – أمثلة‬Example 3
َُ ‫قَ ُْدُ َكت َ ْبتُالد َّْر‬
َُ َ‫ أكتبت‬- Did you write the lesson? ُ‫ُكت ْبته‬،‫ نعم‬- Yes I wrote it

• ‫ – نسيتُ في البيت أين دفترك؟‬I forgot it at home

• ‫نعم‬
َُ ‫ – قَ ُْدُ َكت َ ْبتُالد َّْر‬Indeed
‫ أحقُُكتبتُالدرس؟‬- Did you really write the lesson? ‫س‬
or surely I wrote the lesson.

Example 4
ُ ‫علَيْه ْم قَا ُم ْوا َولَ ْو شآ َء هللا‬ ْ ‫ضا َء لَ ُهم َّمش َْوا فيْه َوإذَا‬
َ ‫أظلَ َم‬ َ ‫ارهُ ْم كُلَّ َما أ‬
َ ‫ص‬َ ‫ف أ ْب‬ َ ‫(( َيكَاد ُ ْال َب ْر ُق َي ْخ‬
ُ ‫ط‬
))‫ش ْي ٍء قَديْر‬ َ ‫على كُل‬ َ ‫هللا‬َ ‫ن‬ َُّ ‫صاره ْمُإ‬
َ ‫س ْمعه ْم َوأ ْب‬
َ ‫بب‬ َ ‫ لَذَ َه‬- “The lightning almost
snatches away their sight. Every time it lights [the way] for them, they
walk therein; but when darkness comes over them, they stand [still].
And If Allah willed, he could have taken away their hearing and their
sight. Verily Allah is over all things competent.” Surah Bakarah

‫ – هللاُعلىُكلُشيءُقدير‬no emphasis
‫هللاُعلىُكلُشيءُقدير‬ َُّ ‫ – إ‬emphasis
َ ُ‫ن‬
‫( إنَُّ–ُحرفُالتوكيد‬particle of emphasis)

Example 5
ُ‫ – بَ ْيتُش ْعري‬line of poetry (plural of ُ‫)االبيات = بَ ْيت‬
‫األو ُل‬ ْ َّ‫ الش‬- The first part of the line of poetry
َّ ‫ط ُر‬
• ‫ن البنا َءُإذاُماُا ْن َهد َُّجانب ُه‬ َُّ ‫ إ‬- Verily the building if it’s side (part) is not
• َّ ‫ = تحطمُ = ا ْن َه ُد‬destroyed, damaged, demolished
• ‫ – البنا َُء‬This is Ismu Inna = Musnad elaihi
• ُ‫ – ا ْن َهد َُّجانبه‬verbal sentence = Kabar = Musnad
ْ َّ‫ – الش‬The second part of the line of poetry
‫ط ُر الثَّاني‬
• ُ‫أنُيَ ْنهد َُّ َباق ْيه‬ُْ ُ‫ ل ْمُيَأ َمنُالنَّاس‬- The people will not be safe demolishing
the rest of it
• ‫ = ََأ َمن‬to be safe ‫( آمن‬with kesra on meem)
• ‫ = إيمان‬to believe = ‫( آمن‬with fatha on meem)

‫ – الشرح‬Explanation

ُ‫ُولكنَّهُُمترددُفيُالحكم‬،‫َُّالمخاطبُيَ ْعرفُشيئ ًاُعنُالحكم‬

َُ ‫فيُاْلمثلةُالثالثةُالسابقةُنالحظُأن‬
ْ ‫ وير ْيد‬- In the previous three examples, we note that
ُ‫ُأنُيص َلُإلىُالحقيقة‬
the 2 person knows something about the rule, but he is doubtful
about it, and wants to reach the real meaning

‫ لذلكُفأصبحُمنُاْلفضلُأنُيؤكد َُّالكالمُبمؤكدٍُواحدٍُفقط‬- Like that it becomes

better that the speech is emphasized by one particle of emphasis only

‫س َّمىُهذاُالنوعُمنُال َخ َب ُر‬
َ ‫وي‬
‫طلَبيًا‬ َ ُ‫ َخبَ ًرا‬- Requesting Statement
Module 11 ‫الخبر‬
ِ ‫ أضرب‬- Types of ‫الخبر‬
‫ – الغرض من إلقاء الخبر‬2 purposes for making statement
 ‫ فائدةُالخبر‬- ُ‫ُأنُيعرفُالحك َمُالذيُاشتملُعليهُالخبر‬
َ ‫أ َّنُالمتكل َمُُيريدُمنُالمخاطب‬
o Listener does not know the information
o Making useful information known
 ‫ الزمُالفائدة‬- ‫المخاطب‬
ُ ُ ‫أ َّن ْال ُمتَكَل َم يَ ْعلَ ُم ْال ُح ْك َم الَّذي َي ْعرفُه‬
o Both listener and speaker know the info.
o Emphasis (contains particles of ‫)التوكيد‬
o Necessity of benefit
ُ ُُ‫ –)أنواع( أضرب‬Kinds of statements – 3 kinds of ُ‫ – الخبر‬depends on
state of ‫المخاطب‬
ُ (addressee)
 ‫ – الخبر االبتدائي‬The Primary statement
 ‫ – الخبر الطلبي‬The Requesting statement (contains particle of ‫)التوكيد‬
 ‫ – الخبر اإلنكاري‬Rejecting statement (contains more than one particle of

Module 11
‫ الضرب األول‬- ‫ – الخبر االبتدائي‬The Primary Statement
‫يُالذ ْهنُُمنَ ُا ْلحك ُْم‬
َ ‫ُأيُأنَّهُُ َخال‬،ُ‫ش ْيئًاُعَنُا ْلحكْم‬
َ ُ‫بُالُ َي ْعرف‬
َ ‫ط‬ َُّ ‫ فيُ َهذَاُالنَّ ْوعُن َالحظُأ‬-
َ ‫نُا ْلم َخا‬
In this kind, we note that the 2 person does not know anything
about the rule; he is absent minded of the information

‫ُْلنَّنَاُالُنَ ْحتَاجُإلَ ْي َها‬،ُ‫ ولذلكُ َجا َءُا ْلك ََالمُ َخاليًاُم ْنُأد َْواتُالت َّ ْوك ْيد‬- and because of that,
the words was without any particles of emphasis, because it is not
needed for it
‫ُفتقولُله‬،‫ُإلىُإنسانُالُ َيعرفُعمرُرسولُهللاُصلىُهللاُعليهُوسلمُعندُموته‬ ٍ َ‫إذاُت َ َكلَّ ْمت‬

ُ‫سنَ ًة‬
َ ُ َ‫ُوع ْمرهُث َ َالثُوست ُّ ْون‬،‫سلَّ َمُفيُا ْل َمد ْينَةُا ْلم َن َّو َرة‬ َ ُ‫صلَّىُهللا‬
َ ‫علَ ْيه‬
َ ‫ُو‬ َ ُ‫يُسيدناُمح َّمد‬
َ ‫ توف‬-
Muhammad PBUH died (‫ي = مات‬ َُ ‫ )توف‬in Madina and he was 63 years old

‫ الضرب الثاني‬- ‫ – الخبر الطلبي‬The Requesting Statement

ُ‫ُولَكنَّهُمت َ َرددُُفيُا ْلحكْم‬،‫بُ َي ْعرفُشيئ ًاُعَنُا ْلحكْم‬ َ ‫نُا ْلم َخا‬

َ ‫ط‬ َُّ ‫فيُهذاُالنوعُمنَ ُال َخ َبرُن َالحظُأ‬
ُ‫ُأنُيَص َلُإلَىُا ْل َحقُ ْيقَة‬
ْ ‫ َوير ْيد‬- In this kind of ‫خبر‬, we note that the 2nd person
knows something about the rule, but he is doubtful about it, and
wants to reach the truth

‫ لذلكُفأصبحُمنُاْلفضلُأنُيؤكَّدَُالكالمُبمؤكدٍُواحدٍُفقط‬- Like that it becomes

better that the speech be emphasized by one particle of emphasis

َُ‫ابُا ْل َجنَّةُا ْل َي ْو َمُفيُشغ ٍلُفَاكه ْون‬

َ ‫ص َح‬ َُّ ‫( إ‬55ُ‫)يس‬- Verily the Companions of
ْ ‫نُ أ‬
Paradise shall that Day have joy in all that they do

In order to remove any doubt that there might be, Allah makes
emphasis using ‫ن‬ َُّ ‫إ‬

‫ الخبر اإلنكاري – الضرب الثالث‬- ‫ – َخ َب ًرا إنكاريًّا‬The Rejecting Statement

‫ – أمثلة‬Example 1
‫ُوأ ْنفسك ُْم‬ ْ ‫( لَت ْبلَونَُُّف‬081ُ‫ )آلُعمرن‬- You shall certainly be tested in
َ ‫يُأم َوالك ْم‬
your wealth and in your personal selves
If one denies the information, more emphasis would be required

‫ – اْلصل‬Origin of sentence
َُّ ُ‫وهللاُُلَت ْبلَو‬
ُ‫سمُا ْلمقَدر‬ َ َ‫ُواقعةُفيُجوابُا ْلق‬:‫الالم‬
• ‫ – نون التوكيد‬Noon of emphasis
• ‫ القسم‬- Oath
Example 2 - ُ‫ – بَ ْيتُش ْعري‬line of poetry

‫األو ُل‬
َّ ‫ط ُر‬ ْ َّ‫الش‬
• ‫ وهللاُ إني أل ُخو ه َّم ٍة‬- By Allah, Verily I have high-determination
‫ط ُر الثَّاني‬ْ َّ‫الش‬
• ‫ ت َ ْس ُمو إلى ال َم ْجد وال ت َ ْفت ُ ُر‬- It will rise to distinction and it will not slacken
 ‫ة‬ ٍ ‫ = ه َّم‬determination (plural is ‫ – همم‬him-ma-mun)
 ‫ = ه َّم ٍة عالية‬high determination
 ‫ سما‬to rise
ُ ُ ‫ – ْفت‬lazy, slacken, languish
 ‫ر‬

‫ ثالثةُمؤكدات‬- 3 kinds of emphasis in this statement

• ‫وهللا إني أل ُخو ه َّم ٍة‬
• ‫ القسم‬- oath
• ‫إ َّن‬
• ‫ – الالم‬Laam at Taukeed (emphasis) – it enter on the Kabar of

َُّ ‫( تدخلُعلىُخبرُإ‬enter on the kabar of inna)
‫ الالمُالتأكيد‬- ‫ن‬
‫ الشرح‬- Explanation
َُ‫ٍُأوُأ ْكث َ َُرُم ْنُذَلك‬ ْ ُُ‫طبُم ْنك ًُراُل ْلحكْمُفَفيُ َهذهُا ْل َحالَةُ َيجب‬
ْ ‫أنُيؤكَّ ُدَُا ْلخبَرُبمؤكد‬ َ ‫ إذَاُكَانَُُا ْلم َخا‬-
If the 2 person rejects the information, then in this case it is
necessary to emphasize the statement with one or more particles of

َ ُ‫ُعلىُإنكارُالمخاطبُقوةًُأو‬
‫ض ْعفًا‬ َّ ‫ وعددُالمؤكدَاتُيعتمد‬- The number of particles
of emphasis used is dependent on the strength or weakness of the
rejection of the 2nd person

ُ‫س َّمىُهذاُالنوعُمنُال َخبَر‬

َ ‫ – وي‬this kind of statement is called ‫َخبَ ًراُإنكاريًّا‬

‫ َخبَ ًراُإنكاريًّا‬- Rejecting Statement

That the 2nd person rejects‫ ُم ْنك ًُرا‬it, and in this case it is necessary that
the statement be emphasized with a particle or more depending on
the strength or weakness of his rejection(‫)ُإنكاريًّا‬
This kind is known as Rejecting Statement

ُ‫ – أنواعُال َخبَر‬Kinds of Statements

1. ُ‫ – َخبَرُا ْبتدَائي‬The Primary Statement
 ‫ – يكونُالمخاطبُخاليُالذهنُمنُالحكم‬addressee is empty headed, don’t know
any of the info

2. ‫ُطلبي‬
ُ ‫ – َخ َبر‬The Requesting Statement
 ‫ُيؤكَّدُبمؤكَّدُواحدُفقط‬،‫( المخاطبُيترددُمنُالحكم‬addressee has some doubt –
use one particle of emphasis (taukeed)

3. ‫ُإنكاري‬
ُ ‫ – َخ َبر‬The Rejecting Statement
 ‫ُفيجبُأنُيؤكدُبمؤكدُأوُأكثر‬،‫يكونُالمخاطبُمنكراُللحكم‬

‫ – أدوات تَوكي ِد ال َخ َب ِر‬Particles of Emphasis of the statement

1. ‫إنَُّ–ُحرفُالتوكيد‬
 ُ‫ إنَّاُأ ْن َُز ْلنَاهُفيُلَ ْيلَةُا ْلقَدْر‬- “Indeed We have revealed it in the Night of Power”( 0 ‫) القدر‬
 This statement is ‫خبرُطلبي‬

َُّ ‫أ‬
2. ‫نُ–ُحرفُالتوكيد‬
 ‫ُأو َحىُلَ َها‬ َُّ ‫ بُأ‬- 5ُ‫“ الزلزلة‬Because your Lord has inspired [commanded] it.”
ْ َ‫نُ َربَّك‬
 This statement is called ‫خبرُطلبي‬

3. ‫قَدُْ–ُحرفُالتوكيد‬
 ‫ قَ ُْدُكَانَ ُلَك ْمُءايَةُفيُفئَت َ ْينُا ْلتَقَتَا‬- “Already there has been for you a sign in the
two armies which met [at Badr]” 03 ‫آل عمران‬
 This statement is called ‫خبرُطلبي‬

4. ‫ – القسم‬The oath (One of 3 letter can come before Allahُ‫ لل‬it ‫)وُبُت‬
5. ‫ – الالم‬Lam at Taukeed
 َُ‫إنُكنَّاُلَ َخاطئ ْين‬ َ ُ‫ قَالواُتَاللُلَقَ ُْدُءاث َ َركَ ُهللا‬- “They said, ‘By Allah,
َ َ‫علَ ْين‬
ْ ‫اُو‬
certainly Allah has preferred you over us, and indeed we have
been sinners.’” 10 ‫يوسف‬
 In the above verse Allah used 3 particles of emphasis:
o ‫القسم‬
o ‫الالم‬
o ‫قدُ–ُحرفُالتوكيد‬
 This statement is called ‫خبرُإنكاري‬

6. ‫ – المُاالبتداءُ–ُمنُأدواتُالتوكيد‬Laam of starting
 ُ‫ُُّر ْهبَةًُفيُصد ْورهمُمنَ ُهللا‬
َ ‫شد‬ َ ‫ َُْل ْنت ْمُأ‬- “You [believers] are stronger [then them]
because of the fear in their hearts [sent] from Allah” 03 ‫الحشر‬
 ‫( – المُاالبتداء‬Lam of starting) enters on nominal sentence before the
 This statement is called ‫خبرُطلبي‬

7. ‫ – أحرفُالتنبيهُ–ُمنُأدواتُالتوكيد‬The letters of attention

 َُ‫نُالُ َيشْعر ْون‬ َ َ‫ أآلُإُنَّه ْمُهمُا ْلم ْفسد ْون‬- “Unquestionably it is they who are
َّ ‫ُولَك‬
the corrupters, but they perceive it not.” 02ُ‫البقرة‬
 ‫ أحرفُالتنبيه‬- ‫أآل‬
 ‫نُ–ُحرفُتوكيدُونصب‬ َُّ ‫إ‬
 This statement is called ‫خبرُإنكاري‬

8. ‫نوناُالتوكيدُالثقيلةُوالخفيفةُ–ُمنُأدواتُالتوكيد‬
 َُ‫صاغر ْين‬
َّ ‫نُوليَكونًاُمنُال‬ ْ ‫ لَي‬- “He will surely be imprisoned and he will be
َُّ ‫س َجن‬
of those brought low” 33 ‫يوسف‬
 ‫نوناُالتوكيدُالثقيلةُوالخفيفةُ–ُمنُأدواتُالتوكيد‬
o ُ‫ نوناُالتوكيدُالثقيلة‬- Noon with shaddah on it (heavy noon)
o ‫ – نوناُالتوكيدُالخفيفة‬Noon with sukoon on it (light noon)
 This statement is called‫خبرُإنكاري‬
‫‪For emphasizing the statement there are many particles, of them:‬‬


‫‪ – The Laam of beginning / starting‬المُاالبتداء‬

‫‪ – the particles of attention / alerting‬أحرفُالتنبيه‬
‫)حرفٍجرٍزائدٍ ‪ – additional letters or particles(eg.‬الحروفُالزائدة‬

‫سئِلَة عَا َّمة ‪Module 12 -‬‬

‫أ ْ‬
‫نُإ ْل َقاءُا ْل َخبَرُُف ْي َماُيَليُم ْنُج َم ٍُل ‪ – First Question -‬السُّؤال ْ‬
‫ُاْل َّولُ‬ ‫َوضحُا ْلغَ َر َ‬
‫ضُم ُْ‬

‫ن ‪1.‬‬
‫سائلُالد ْي ُ‬ ‫ع ْن َهاُح َّجةًُفيُر َوايَةُا ْل َحد ْيث َ‬
‫ُو َم َ‬ ‫يُهللاُ َ‬ ‫‪ - A’isha‬كَانَتْ ُعَائشةُأ ُّمُا ْلمؤمن ْينَ َ‬
‫ُرض َ‬
‫فائدةُالخبر‪RA, was an authority in narrating Hadith and Issues of Religion -‬‬

‫ض َّمنَتْه ُ ْال ُج ْملَة ُ ‪‬‬

‫طب ْال ُح ْك َم الَّذي ت َ َ‬
‫ض م ْن إلقَاء ْال َخ َبر هُنَا‪ ،‬ه َُو إفَادَة ُ ْال ُمخَا َ‬
‫‪ - Is to benefit the‬الغ ََر ُ‬
‫فائدةُالخبر ‪2nd person with information which is included in the sentence -‬‬

‫سفَرُنَ َ‬
‫صبُشَدُ ْيدُ ‪2.‬‬ ‫الزمُ ‪ - Travelling gives you a severe strain/heavy fatigue‬نَالَكَ ُمنَُال َّ‬
‫أن ال ُمت َ َك ِل َم َعا ِل ٌم بِ ْال ُح ْك ِم ‪‬‬
‫ب بَ َّ‬ ‫اء ْال َخبَ ِر ُهنَا‪ُ ،‬ه َو إفَادَة ُ ْال ُمخَا َ‬
‫ط ِ‬ ‫ض ِم ْن إلقَ ِ‬
‫‪ - Is to benefit the 2‬الغ ََر ُ‬

‫الزم الفائدة ‪person by the speaker being aware of the information -‬‬
‫‪ُ،‬وت َ ْغضَبُفيُ َم ْوضعُا ْلغَض ُ‬
‫َب ‪3.‬‬ ‫‪ - Verily you are gentle in a‬إنَّكَ ُت َ ْحلمُفيُ َم ْوضعُا ْلح ْلم َ‬
‫الزمُالفائدة ‪situation of gentleness, and angry in a situation of anger. -‬‬
‫أن ال ُمت َ َك ِل َم َعا ِل ٌم ِب ْال ُح ْك ِم ‪‬‬
‫ب َب َّ‬ ‫اء ْال َخ َب ِر ُهنَا‪ُ ،‬ه َو إفَادَة ُ ْال ُم َخا َ‬
‫ط ِ‬ ‫ض ِم ْن إلقَ ِ‬
‫‪ - Is to benefit the 2‬الغ ََر ُ‬

‫الزم الفائدة ‪person by the speaker being aware of the information-‬‬

‫أو َل مل ْو ِك الد َّْولَ ِة ْاأل َم ِويَّ ِة ‪4.‬‬ ‫َان معَا ِويَة بْن أبِي س ْفيَ َ‬
‫ان َّ‬ ‫‪ - Mu’awiyyah son of Abu‬ك َ‬
‫فائدة الخبر ‪Sufyan RA was the first of the kings of the Ommiad dynasty -‬‬

‫ض َّمنَتْه ُ ْال ُج ْملَة ُ ‪‬‬

‫طب ْال ُح ْك َم الَّذي ت َ َ‬
‫ض م ْن إلقَاء ْال َخبَر هُنَا‪ ،‬ه َُو إفَادَة ُ ْال ُمخَا َ‬
‫‪ - Is to benefit the‬الغ ََر ُ‬
‫فائدة الخبر ‪2 person with information which is included in the sentence -‬‬

‫سنَةَُعشْر ْينَ ُمنَ ُا ْله ْج َر ُة ‪5.‬‬ ‫ص َرُ َ‬ ‫‪ - ‘Amr Ibn al-’Aas RA‬فَتَحَُع َْمروُ ْبنُا ْل َعاصُم ْ‬
‫فائدةُالخبر ‪conquered Egypt 20th year after the Hijra.‬‬
‫ض َّمنَتْهُ ْال ُج ْملَةُ ‪‬‬
‫ب ْال ُح ْك َم الَّذِي ت َ َ‬
‫ط ِ‬‫اء ْال َخبَ ِر ُهنَا‪ُ ،‬ه َو إفَادَة ُ ْال ُمخَا َ‬
‫ض ِم ْن إلقَ ِ‬
‫‪ - Is to benefit the‬الغ ََر ُ‬
‫فائدة الخبر ‪2nd person with information which is included in the sentence -‬‬

‫يُو َماُنَ ْوعُا ْل َخبَرُ ‪ – 2 Question -‬ال ُّ‬
‫َوضحُأد َْواتُالت َّ ْوك ْيدُفيُك ٍلُم َّماُ َيل َ‬
‫”?‪( - “They said, ‘Are you indeed Yusuf‬قَالوا أإنَّكَ َأل ْنتَ ي ْوسف) قال هللا تعالى ‪1.‬‬ ‫يوسف‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫الالم – التي دخلت على خبر َّ‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫َّ‬
‫إن – حرف التوكيد‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫خبر إنكاري‪ ‬نوع الخبر‬

‫س ِم َع هللا قَ ْو َل الَّتِي ت َجادِلكَ فِي َز ْو ِج َها)) قال هللا تعالى ‪2.‬‬

‫المجادلة ‪(( 1‬قَ ْد َ‬
‫‪“Certainly Allah has heard the speech of the one who argues [pleads] with you [O‬‬
‫”‪Muhammad] concerning her husband...‬‬
‫قَ ْد – حرف التوكيد‪ ‬أدوات التوكيد ‪‬‬
‫خبر طلبي ‪ ‬نوع الخبر ‪‬‬
‫علَىُم ْقتَضَىُالظَّاه ُر‬ ‫‪ - The statement which follows the‬ال َخ َبرُالَّذيُ َي ْجريُ َ‬
‫‪requisite of being apparent‬‬
‫طبُ‬ ‫ضربُا ْل َخبَر‪ُ،‬أنَّ َهاُث َ َالثَةُأ ْن َواعٍ‪ُ،‬و َهذه ْ‬
‫ُاْل ْن َواعُالثالثةُت َ ْعتَمدُعَلىُ َحالُا ْلم َخا َ‬ ‫سنَاُفيُأ ْ‬
‫د ََر ْ‬
‫‪ relies on the state of the 2 person‬خبر ‪We have learnt the 3 kinds of‬‬

‫الذ ْه ِن ِم َن ا ْلح ْك ِم‪َ ،‬ف َّ‬

‫إن ا ْل َخ َب َر َال يَحْ تَاج إلَى أد َْوا ِ‬
‫ت الت َّ ْو ِك ْي ِد‪1. ،‬‬ ‫‪ – 1‬فَإذَا ك َ‬
‫َان ا ْلم َخا َطب َخا ِل َي ِ‬
‫س َّمى ا ْل َخبَر – َخب ًْرا ا ْبتِدَائِيًا‬
‫‪َ – The Primary statement‬وي َ‬

‫‪ – 2‬وإذا كان المخاطب مترددا من الحكم َّ‬

‫فإن الخبر يحسن أن يؤ َّكدَ بمؤكَّد واحد فقط‪2. ،‬‬
‫خبرا طلبيًّا‬
‫‪ = hesitant‬مترددا ‪ – The Requesting statement‬ويسمى الخبر – ً‬

‫‪ – 3‬وإذا كان المخاطب منكرا للخبر فإنَّه يجب أن يكون الخبر مؤ َّكدًا بأداة توكيد أو َ‬
‫أكثر‪3. ،‬‬
‫خبرا إنكاريًّا‬
‫‪ – The denying / rejecting statement‬ويسمى الخبر – ً‬
‫‪ – called‬ا ْل َخ َبرُ ‪ These are the regular/ordinary kinds of‬‬
‫ظاهرُ ‪o‬‬‫علَىُم ْقتَضَىُال َّ‬
‫ال َخبَرُالَّذيُيَ ْجريُ َ‬

‫خبرا ‪َ – These 3 kinds of‬و َه ِذ ِه ْاأل ْن َواع الث َّ َالثَة ِه َي ْاألصْل فِي ا ْل َخبَ ِر ‪‬‬
‫‪ً is the‬‬
‫‪origin of statement‬‬
‫علَىُم ْقتَضَىُالظَّاهرُ ‪‬‬
‫‪ – Statement follows the requisite of‬إنَُّا ْل َخبَُ َُرُ َجا َءُ َ‬
‫‪being apparent‬‬
If the statement is made without any emphasis for the empty-minded,
and an a particle of emphasis would be better for the doubtful
questioner, and necessary emphasizing for the one who rejects, that
statement would be in accordance with the requisite of being apparent

‫ خر ْوجُال َخبَرُع َْنُم ْقتَضَىُالظَّاه ُر‬- The statement is without the requisite
of being apparent

 ‫ص ِل‬ ْ ‫ف ْاأل‬ ِ ‫علَى ِخ َال‬ َ ‫ – وقَ ْد َيأ ِتي ا ْل َخ َبر‬The statement may be contrary to
the origin
َ ‫ َو َهذَا َما‬،‫الذ ْه ِن‬
 ‫سنَ َراه فِي ْاأل ْمثِلَ ِة التَّا ِل َي ِة‬ ِ ‫ فَقَ ْد يؤكَّد ا ْل َخبَر ِل ْلم َخا َط‬- It could
ِ ‫ب ال َخا ِلي‬
be possible to emphasize the statement for the one ignorant
about it
َ ُ َ‫اُو َالُت َخاط ْبنيُفيُالَّذ ْين‬
‫ظلَمواُإُنَّه ْمُ ُّم ْغ َرق ْونَ )) قالُهللاُتعالى‬ َ َ‫صنَعُا ْلف ْلكَ ُبأعْينن‬
َ َ‫اُو َو ْحين‬ ْ ‫((وا‬
“And build the ship under Our observation and Our inspiration, and do
not address Me concerning those who have wronged. Indeed they are
to be drowned.” 33 ‫هود‬
 ‫ُونوحُخاليُالذهنُبالخبرُ–ُبناءُالسفينة‬،‫ يتحدثُهللاُإلىُنوحُعليهُالسالم‬- Allah
speaks to Nuh, and Nuh is ignorant about the information –
building the ship

 ‫ فلوُكانُالخبرُعلىُمقتضىُالظاهرُفإنهُالُيحتاجُإلىُأدواتُالتوكيد‬- So, if the

statement was apparent, then it is not in need of particles of

ً ‫سيدَنَاُن ُْو‬
 ُ‫حا‬ َ ‫َولَكنَُّا ْل َخبَ َرُ َجا َءُمؤكَّدًاُبإنَُّ(إنَّه ْمُ ُّم ْغ َرق ْونَ )ُ َح ْيثُ َجعَ َلُهللاُس ْب َحا َنه‬
َ ُ‫ُوتَعَا َلى‬
ُ‫ُلذَلكَ ُ َجا َءُا ْل َخ َبرُمؤكَّدًاُبُ–ُإ َّن‬،‫ضم ْونُا ْل َخ َبرُكَا ْلمت َ َردد‬
ْ ‫َوه َوُ َخاليُالذُهنُب َم‬
But the statement is made with a particle of emphasis by ‫ن‬ َُّ ‫ إ‬which
Allah made for Nuh, and he was ignorant about, ensuring of the
statement like for the one who is doubtful, and like that the
statement is made with ‫ن‬ َُّ ‫إ‬

Module 13

1. ‫ أنُيكونَ ُخاليُالذهنُكالسَّائلُالمت َ َردد‬- That the ignorant person would be

like the uncertain questioner
ُ‫علَىُم ْقتَضَىُالظَّاهر‬
َ ُ‫إنَُّا ْل َخ َب َرُ َجا َء‬

‫ خر ْوجُال َخبَرُع َْنُم ْقتَضَىُالظَّاه ُر‬- The statement is without the requisite of
being apparent

‫ص ُل‬
ْ ‫ُاْل‬ َ ُ‫ وقَدُْيَأتيُا ْل َخبَر‬- The statement may be contrary to the
ْ ‫علَىُخ َالف‬

‫يُاْل ْمثلَةُالتَّاليَ ُة‬ َ ُ‫ُو َهذَاُ َما‬،

ْ ‫سنَ َراهُُف‬ َ ‫ فَقَدُْيؤكَّدُا ْل َخبَرُل ْلم َخا‬- It could be
َ ‫طبُال َخاليُالذ ْهن‬
possible to emphasize the statement for the one ignorant about it

Example 1:
َ ُ َ‫اُو َالُت َخاط ْبنيُفيُالَّذ ْين‬
)) َ‫ظلَمواُإُنَّه ْمُ ُّم ْغ َرق ْون‬ َ َ‫صنَعُا ْلف ْلكَ ُبأعْينن‬
َ َ‫اُو َو ْحين‬ ْ ‫((وا‬
َ 43ُ‫ هود‬-
“And build the ship under Our observation and Our inspiration, and
do not address Me concerning those who have wronged. Indeed they
are to be drowned.”
َُّ ‫ُولذلكُجاءتُاآليةُمؤكدةُبالحرفُإ‬،‫كالمتردد‬

 ‫هذاُالخبرُخرجُعنُمقتضىُالظاهر‬

Example 2:
))‫ش ْيءُعَظ ْيم‬ َّ ‫نُ َز ْل َزلَةَُال‬
َ ُ‫ساعَة‬ َ ‫ (( َيأيُّ َهاُالنَّاسُاتَّق‬0ُ‫ الحج‬- “O Mankind! Fear
َُّ ‫واُربَّك ْمُإ‬
your Lord. Verily the earthquake of the Hour [Qiyaama] is a
tremendous thing.”
 ُ‫ساعَة‬ َّ ‫ – ال‬means an hour, or a watch, or the Day of Judgment
 َ‫ – َز ْل َزلَ ُة‬the earthquake
 O Mankind! – Allah speak to all mankind – they are empty mind
– have no knowledge on this  so should be made without any
particle of emphasis ‫توكيد‬
 But many people deny this fact and are doubtful about this – so
Allah used a particle of ‫ – توكيد‬as if he is speaking to a doubtful

This statement requires that the statement be given without any

emphasis, as the 2nd person is ignorant of the information, but when
the speech is preceded by that which informs about the type of
information, the 2nd becomes eager for it, so the status of the
uncertain questioner is decreased and it is better to use emphasis in
making the speech which is contrary to the requisite of being

The statement may be contrary to its requisite of being apparent for

considerations which are observed by the speaker
‫ – لحظ‬notice; it-tee-baa-ro = point of view; ‫ تقدم‬- precede

That the status of the ignorant person is caused to come down to that
of the uncertain questioner. If the preceding the speech is that which
indicates to the information of the statement
 Free (empty) mind person put in place of the doubtful person 
use one particle of ‫توكيد‬
 ‫سائلُالمت َ َردد‬
َّ ‫ أنُيكونَ ُخاليُالذهنُكال‬- That the ignorant (empty mind)
person would be like the uncertain questioner

َ ُ َ‫أنُيَك ْون‬
2. ُ‫غ ْيرُا ْلم ْنكرُكَا ْلم ْنكر‬ ْ - That the one not in denial is like the one
who denies (use more than one particle of emphasis)
 To treat one who is not in denial, like one who is in denial

Example 1

 “Then indeed after that you are to die.” Surah Mu’minoon 03

 َُ‫ث َّمُإُنَّكمُبَ ۡعدَُذَٲلكَُُُلَ َميتون‬
o ‫ – أدواتُالتوكيد‬letters of emphasis
o ‫إنَُّ–ُحرفُالتوكيد‬
o ‫ن‬ َُّ ‫الالمُ–ُالتيُدخلتُعلىُخبرُإ‬
o ‫ثمُإنَّكمُبعدُذلكُلَميتون‬

You will find the 2nd person not denying the information, (death). So
what is the reason then for making the statement with emphasis?
 The reason is their clear signs ‫ ُ امارات‬of rejection, certainly the
forgetfulness (‫ )نسى‬about dead, and not preparing for it by doing
good deeds, is regarded as signs of rejection. So for this reason
they are made as denying, and therefore the statement is made
to them, emphasizing with 2 particles of emphasis.
 ‫ = تضمن‬include = ‫ُاحتوئ‬
 ‫ =ُعالمة ُ= امارات‬signs
 ‫ = منزلة‬status / position

‫ – المثالُالثاني‬Example 2

َ ‫من‬
ُ ‫ُالُيط ْيعُأ ْب َو‬
‫يه‬ ْ ‫ – تقولُل‬you said to the person who did not obey his parents
ُ‫نُب َّرُالوالدَ ْينُُُلَواجب‬
َُّ ‫ – إ‬Verily, obedience to parents is compulsory

 ‫نُ–ُحرفُالتوكيد‬ َُّ ‫إ‬
 ‫ن‬ َُّ ‫الالمُ–ُالتيُدخلتُعلىُخبرُإ‬
 ُ‫إنَُّب َّرُالوالدَ ْينُلَواجب‬

The necessity of what is clear is that the statement be made without

emphasis, because the 2nd person here does not reject that obedience
to parents is compulsory and he is not uncertain about it.

But his disobedience (‫ )عصيان‬is a sign of the signs of rejection, so that is

why he is made to have the status‫ ُمنزلة‬of the one who denies ‫نكر‬
Module 14

‫ – المثالُالثالث‬Example 3

Verily, Allah is well-informed of the actions of the slaves (You say this
to one who is unjust to people with no right)
 ‫ اطَّل َُع‬, ‫ =عرف = مطلع‬to know or to get acquainted with
 ‫ = ظلم‬oppress/injustice. Opposite is ‫ =عدالة‬just
 ‫ = حق‬truth / right. Opposite is ‫ = باطل‬wrong/false
 ‫أدواتُالتوكيد‬
 ‫إنَُّ–ُحرفُالتوكيد‬
 َُّ ‫الالمُ–ُالتيُدخلتُعلىُخبرُإ‬
 ُ‫هللاُلَمطلعُعلىُأفعَالُالعباد‬
َ ُ‫ن‬ َُّ ‫إ‬

The necessity here is that the statement be made without emphasis

as well, because the 2nd person is not denying the information and he
is not uncertain about it
However, he has been made like the one who denies, and the
statement is made with emphasis to show the signs of denial, and
that is, his being unjust to slaves with no right
The statement may be contrary to its requisite of being apparent for
considerations which are observed by the speaker

That the status of the ignorant person is caused to come down to that
of the uncertain questioner. When the speech is preceded by that
which indicates to the information of the statement

To treat one who is not in denial, like one who is in denial, because of
clear signs of his rejection

3rd type
ُ‫أنُيَ ْجعَ َلُا ْلم ْنك َرُ َكغَ ْيرُا ْلم ْنكر‬
ْ - To make the one rejecting like the one that
is not rejecting

‫ – المثالُاْلول‬Example 1
))‫ ((وإلهكمُإلهُواحدُالُإل َهُإالُهوُالرحمنُالرحيم‬014ُ‫ البقرة‬- “And your God is
One. There is no God except Him, the Most Gracious, the Most
 No particle of emphasis
 Statement is like that of a Primary statement ‫الخبرُاالبتدائي‬
َ ‫ي َخا‬
َ ُُ‫ُوقدُجاءُالخبر‬،‫طبُهللاُسبحانهُوتعالىُالذينُي ْنكرونُوحدانيتَه‬
 ُ،‫غيرُمؤك ٍُد‬
‫وكأنهمُالُي ْنكر ْونَ ُذلك‬
 ‫فماُالسببُفيُمجيءُالخبرُغيرُمؤك ٍُد؟‬
 Allah speaks to those rejecting His Oneness, so the statement is
made without emphasis, like they don’t reject that

 ُ‫َُّهللا‬ ْ
َ ‫ُوهذهُاْلدلةُتَد ُّلُعلىُأن‬، ْ َ‫ع ْندَه ْمُمن‬
‫ُاْلدلَّةُبَ ْينَ ُأ ْيديهم‬ َ ُُ َ‫السَّبَبُأنَُّهؤالءُالم ْنكرين‬
ُ‫سبحانهُوتعالىُواحدُأ َحد‬
َ - The reason is that those who reject, they
have the evidence in front of them, and this evidences refers to
Allah being One

 ‫ُوكأنَّه ُْمُلَ ْيسواُم ْنكر ْينَ ُلوج ْود ُه‬ َ ‫ فَ َخا‬- So He speaks to them and it is as
َ ‫طبَه ْم‬
if they didn’t reject his existence
In this example, Allah speaks to those in denies believing in His
Oneness, however, He makes the statement without any emphasis,
like making it for those not in denial ‫( ا نكر‬Ankara = ja-ha-ra = deny)
So He says: “And your God is One” What is the reason for that?
 ‫ وجه‬face, faces = ‫ وجوه‬and ‫( واجه‬2 plurals)
 ‫ = وجه‬more than one meaning – face, cause, reason
 ‫ = وجه‬cause / face = ‫ اْلسباب( = سبب‬pl)

 The reason is that they have clear‫ ُساطع‬evidencesُand

irrefutable proofs which if they should contemplate ‫ تأمل‬about it,
they will surely find it convincing
And that is why Allah didn’t make for this rejection any value, and He
didn’t regard it in directing the speech to them
 ‫ = تأمل‬to ponder / contemplate
 ‫ = ساطع‬light, bright, clear
 ‫ – إقناع‬convince
 ‫ = حجة = دليل = برهان‬proof, evidence ‫( البراهين‬pl.)
 ‫ = حجة‬with dumma on ha - hujatun = evidence pl hujaajun
 ‫ = حجة‬with kesra - Hijjatun = 1 year pl. hijjajun
 ‫ = الوزن‬weight / value
 Ya’a-tad-da – trivial

‫ – المثالُالثاني‬Example 2
ُ‫ الجهلُضار‬- Ignorance is harmful
 ‫ علم‬knowledge – opposite of ‫ الجهل‬ignorance
 ُ‫ – تقولُذلكُ َل َم ْنُي ْنكرُض ََر َرُالجهل‬say that to a person who denies the harm
of ignorance
 Nominal sentence
 Speaker did not add any particle of emphasis

And like the condition of the last example, verily for the 2nd person is
many evidences on the harmfulness of ignorance, which if he
contemplated over it, it would have prevented his rejection
And that is why the statement is made without any emphasis

‫ المثالُالثالث‬Example 3
ُ‫ – تقولُلمنُينكرُوجودَُهللا‬Say to the one who deny the existence of Allah
ُ‫ هللاُموجود‬- Allah exists

It is apparent that here emphasis is needed, because the 2nd person

rejects the existence of Allah, but there was in front of him many
proofs and evidences which if he contemplated over it would have
prevented (ar-tad-da’ – to prevent) the rejection
So he is made like one didn’t reject, and it is made without emphasis,
contrary to the need of being apparent

That the one who rejects is made like one who didn’t reject, that if he
has the evidences and proofs and if he contemplates over it, he would
prevent its rejection

Module 15 - ‫ تمرين‬and ‫ اإلنشاء‬- Origination sentence

‫ تمرين‬-ُ‫ت‬
ٍ ‫ُالطلبيُوالخبرُاْلنكاريُفيماُيليُمنُآيا‬
َ ‫ُاالبتدائيُوالخبر‬
َ ‫نُالخبر‬
َ ‫بَي‬
 From the verses below determine which is the primary statement,ُ
َ requesting statement‫الخبرُالطلبي‬ َ and which is the
rejecting statement ‫الخبرُاْلنكاري‬ َ

1. ‫قالُهللاُتعالى‬
))ُ‫ ((لقدُكانُلكمُفيُرسولُهللاُأسوةُحسنة‬20ُ‫ اْلحزاب‬- “Indeed in the
Messenger of Allah is a good example to follow.”
 ‫الالمُ–ُحرفُالتوكيد‬
 ‫قدُ–ُمنُأدواتُالتوكيد‬

2. ‫قالُهللاُتعالى‬
ٍُ ‫ابُمنُبَ ْعده ْمُلَُفيُش ٍَكُم ْنهُمري‬
))‫ب‬ َ َ ‫نُالذينُأورثواُا ْلكت‬
َُّ ‫ ((وإ‬03ُ‫ الشورى‬- “And
‫‪verily, those who were made to inherit the Scripture [Taurah and‬‬
‫‪Injeel] after them [Jews and Christians] are in grave doubt‬‬
‫”‪concerning it.‬‬
‫نُ–ُحرفُالتوكيد ‪‬‬ ‫إ َُّ‬
‫ن ‪‬‬‫الالمُ–ُالتيُدخلتُعلىُخبرُإ َُّ‬
‫فيُشكُمنهُمري ٍ‬
‫ٍ‬ ‫وإنَُّالذينُأورثواُالكتابُمنُبعدهمُ َل‬

‫قالُهللاُتعالى ‪3.‬‬
‫ارُ َمعَاشًا))‬ ‫اُُُو َجعَ ْلنَاُالنَّ َه َ‬
‫س َُ‬ ‫ًاُُُو َجعَ ْلنَاُاللَّ ْي َلُلبَا ً‬
‫‪ -‬النبأُ‪(( 00ُ–ُ9‬و َجعَ ْل َناُنَ ْو َمك ْمُسبَات َُ‬
‫‪“And We made your sleep [a means for] rest. And We have made‬‬
‫”‪the night as a covering. And We have made the day for livelihood.‬‬
‫) َج َع ْلنَا‪ (due to repetition of this word‬التوكيدُبتكرارُ–ُ َج َع ْلنَا ‪‬‬
‫خبرُطلبي‪ ‬‬
‫اُُُو َجعَ ْلنَاُالنَّ َه َ‬
‫ارُ َم َعاشًا‬ ‫س َ‬ ‫ًاُُُو َجعَ ْلنَاُاللَّ ْي َلُلبَا ً‬
‫و َجعَ ْلنَاُنَ ْو َمك ْمُسبَات َ‬

‫أرس َلُهللاُس ْب َحانَهُوت َ َعا َلىُثالثةَُُرس ٍلُإلىُقَ ْر َيةُسيدناُعيسىُعليهُالسالمُحتَّىُ َيدْخ َلُقَ ْومهُفيُ‬
‫اْليمانُباللُفَأ ْنكَرواُو َكذَّبواُال ُّرس َُل‬
‫‪) of Esa to make his nation‬قَ ْريَةُ( ‪Allah sent 3 messengers to the village‬‬
‫‪enter Islam. But they reject and denied the messengers‬‬
‫طاكيَة) ‪‬‬ ‫س َّمىُ(أ ْن َ‬
‫‪ – name of the village is Antioch‬وكانتُُْهذهُالقريةُت َ‬

‫صةَُفيُسورةُيس‪ُ،‬وقَدُْ َجا َءُهذاُالحوارُفيُبدَا َيةُهذهُ‬

‫وقدُذَك ََرُهللاُسبحانهُوتعالىُهذهُالق َّ‬
‫‪ – This story / dialogue is recorded in the beginning of Surah Yaseen‬السُّ ْو َرةُ‬

‫((واضربُلهمُمثالُأصحابُالقريةُإ ْذُجاءهاُالمرسلونُُُإذُأرسلناُإليهمُاثنينُفكذبوهماُ‬
‫‪ - “And present to them an‬فعززناُبثالثُفقالواُإناُإليكمُمرسلون))ُيسُ‪03ُ–ُ04‬‬
‫‪example; the people of the city, when the messengers came to it.‬‬
‫‪When We sent them two, but they denied them, so We strengthened‬‬
‫”‪them with a third, and they said, Indeed, we are messengers to you.‬‬

‫‪ - “They said, You are only but human‬إناُإليكمُلمرسلون))ُيسُ‪01ُ–ُ05‬‬
‫‪beings like us, and the Most Merciful has not revealed a thing. You are‬‬
‫‪only telling lies. They said, Our Lord knows that we are messengers to‬‬

‫((واضربُلهمُمثالُأصحابُالقريةُإ ْذُجاءهاُالمرسلونُُُإذُأرسلناُإليهمُاثنينُفكذبوهماُ‬
‫ل َّماُكذَّبُأهلُالقريةُاْلنبيا َء‪ُ،‬أ َكد َُّاْلنبياءُالكال َمُبمؤكدَ ْينُ‬
‫ن •‬‫إ َُّ‬
‫‪ – preceding of the jar wa majroor (origin of‬تقديمُالجارُوالمجرور •‬
‫)إناُمرسلون إليكم ‪sentence is‬‬


‫واُأكثرُأكَّدواُالكال َمُبأربعةُمؤكدَا ٍ‬
‫َ‬ ‫‪ – 4 particles of Taukeed‬فل َّماُكذَّب‬
‫)‪ُُ(means Wal laahi‬قالواُربنا‪ ‬القسم •‬
‫إ َّن •‬
‫الالم •‬
‫‪ preceding of the jar wa majroor (origin of‬تقديمُالجارُوالمجرور •‬
‫ُإناُلمرسلون إليكم ‪sentence is‬‬

‫‪ - Origination sentence‬اْلنشاء‬
‫ – الخبر‬that which it is correct to say about the speaker, verily he is
truthful or he is lying

‫ – اْلنشاء‬is that for which it is incorrect to say to the Speaker, verily he

is truthful or his lying

‫ – المعنىُاللغويُلإلنشاء‬Linguistic meaning of‫ُاْلنشاء‬

 ‫( أ ْنشَأ‬masdar – verbal noun)– to start, to begin, to make, to create
 ‫ = اوجد = أحدث = أ ْنشَأ‬to bring about, to make, to create
 ‫ل‬ َُ َ‫ – ش ََرعَُأوُ َجع‬start or make
 ،‫ث‬ َ ‫ أ ْنشَأُفالنُيَ ْحكيُا ْل َحد ْي‬- So and so(fulan) started to narrate the
 ‫وأنشأُالسحابُُيمطر‬- the clouds begin to rain
َ ‫ُوأنشأُالشيءُ–ُأحدثَهُوأو‬، – To make / create a thing with nice shape from
 ‫جدَه‬
 ‫ُالخلق‬
َُ ‫ُأ ْنشَأُهللا‬:‫ – يقَال‬Allah created the creation

Terminological meaning of ‫اْلنشاء‬:

‫ – ينقسمُاْلنشاءُإلىُنوعين‬Two types of ‫اْلنشاء‬

1. ُ‫ إنشاءُطلبي‬ Has the meaning of a request (Requesting Originative)
2. ٍ ُ‫ إنشاءُغيرُُطلبي‬ Does not have the meaning of a request (non-
requesting originative)

ُّ ‫اْلنشاء‬
 ُ‫س َي ْحدثُ َب ْعدَُالطَّلَب‬ َ ‫ ه َوُ َماُ َي ْحتَاجُل‬- It is that is needed for something
َ ُ‫ش ْي ٍُء‬
that will happen after requesting it
 ُ‫ُو ْقتَ ُالطَّلَب‬ َ ُ‫ ه َوُالَّذيُي ْطلَبُبهُحص ْول‬- It is that which is
َ ‫ش ْي ٍءُلَ ْمُيَك ْنُ َحاص ًال‬
requested by it the happening of something, that didn’t happen
at the time of the request (future request)

َ ‫ُاكْتبُالد‬:‫بُفيُالفصل‬
ٍ ‫ فإذاُقلتَ ُلطال‬- Say to a student in the classroom
“write the lesson”

َ ‫ – اكْتبُالد‬write the lesson
َ ‫ُو َالُت َ ْحتَملُا ْلكَذ‬
 ُ‫ب‬ َ َ‫ >– فإنَُّ َهذهُا ْلج ْملَة‬Cannot say that this is a
َ ‫ُالُت َ ْحتَملُالصد‬
َ ‫ْق‬
truthful or false/lie sentence
 ُ‫و َكذَلكَ ُأ ْيضًاُفَإنَّكَ ُتر ْيدُمنَ ُالطَّالب‬،
َ requesting the student to do a thing
 ،)‫ش ْيئًاُ(الكتَابَة)ُ َب ْعدَُالطَّلَبُ(فعلُاْلمر‬ َ ُ‫أنُيَ ْفعَ َل‬
ْ  this thing is a writing
after the request (by command)
 ‫س‬
َُ ‫بُالد َّْر‬ ْ ‫ – َوه َو‬he writes the lesson
َ ‫ُأنُيَكْت‬

‫ أمثلة‬- Examples
 ‫ – شربُالماء‬drink the water
 ‫ – الذهابُإلىُالمدرسة‬Go to school
 َُ‫بُلنفسك‬ ُّ ‫بُلغيركَ ُماُتح‬َّ ‫ أح‬- Love for other than you that which you
love for yourself
 ‫ فعلُاْلمر‬- ‫ب‬ َّ ‫ – أح‬this verb is in command form
 ‫ب‬َّ ‫ = أح‬to love (opposite is ‫ كره‬to hate)
 ‫( النفس‬self / soul) pl. ‫ النفوس‬- souls
‫ – منُكالمُالحسنُرضيُهللاُعنه‬Speech of Hassan ra
َ ُ‫ُإالُبقَدْرُ َما‬
َُ‫صنَ ْعت‬ ُْ ُ‫ الُت َ ْطل‬- Do not seek reward except for value
َّ ‫بُمنَ ُا ْل َج َزاء‬
that you have done
This style is called usloobun Nahee
• ‫ – الُالناهية‬laam Naheeya – verb coming after it has sukoon
• ْ‫َطلُب‬ ْ ‫ – ال ت‬don’t ask
ُ‫ ا ْل َج َزاء‬has two meanings
ُ‫ = الثواب = ا ْل َج َزاء‬reward (if in good)
ُ‫( عكاب = ا ْل َج َزاء‬if in bad)
ُ‫ = كمية = مقدار = قَدْر‬value / amount

‫ – ال النفي‬Laam of negation (verb will be marfoo – don’t affect the verb)

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