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1 Listen to five conversations with Jill about her life in Paris. Complete the sentences with words from the
conversations. You may need to change the form of some of the words you hear.
1 Jill’s been in Paris since last ______________.
2 John thinks living in the ___________ is boring, so he prefers Paris.
3 Jill has studied ______________ since arriving in Paris.
4 London is more ______________ than Paris because the transport system is not as good.
5 When they first came to Paris, Jill and John _____________ some money to pay the rent.

2 Listen to Bob describe a necklace to his friend Lucy. Tick () A, B, or C.

1 How does Bob describe the necklace?
A It’s very expensive. B It’s very small. C It’s lovely.
2 Who gave Bob’s sister the necklace?
A Her boyfriend. B Her great-grandmother. C Her mother.
3 How often does Bob’s sister wear the necklace?
A Very occasionally. B Never. C Quite often.
4 What does Lucy have from her grandmother?
A A car. B A watch. C A necklace.
5 According to Lucy, what’s special about the necklace?
A It’s been worn by women of the same family.
B It’s beautifully designed.
C It’s made of gold.

3 Listen to five conversations. Tick () A, B, or C.

1 At Damion’s school, students _____ wear a uniform.
A must B don’t have to C shouldn’t
2 At the meditation centre, guests _____ use their phones.
A can B might C can’t
3 When Nick goes for dinner at his girlfriend’s parents’ house, he thinks he _____ take wine or flowers.
A should B must C doesn’t have to
4 Amy thinks she _____ wear cool clothes.
A should B doesn’t have to C might
5 Danny has been able to dance _____.
A for about four years B all his life C since he was at school

4 Listen to five conversations. Tick () A, B, or C.

1 Peter doesn’t keep in touch with _____.
A his best friend from school B his neighbours
C friends from Australia
2 Harriet would like to live _____.
A in the country B on the coast C in the mountains
3 Nowadays, Sue’s journey to work _____.
A doesn’t take as long as before B is as far as it used to be
C takes longer so she leaves home earlier
4 Diane _____.
A doesn’t want to go away for the weekend
B has too much work to go away
C is thinking of asking Nick to go away with her
5 Mrs Brown’s handbag is _____.
A the same colour as this one B the same size as this one
C newer than this one
1. Podría nevar esta noche.
2. No te rías de ellos.
3. ¿Cuánto mides?
4. Llevan 10 años casados.
5. Ese es el tipo con quien (ella) vive.
6. Hace 10 años que tengo esa cuenta (de banco).
7. (Yo) Solía llevar uniforme pero ya no.
8. Pruébate estos vaqueros.
9. ¿Cuántos pares de zapatos tienes?
10. Vale. Me lo llevo.
11. Tuvimos que tirar varias latas.
12. Vete al 24 horas y pilla un cartón de leche.
13. No me gustaron las setas
14. Esto sabe a ajo.
15. Deberías probar la sopa de mejillones.
16. Suelo cenar pescado.
17. El centro del pueblo está abarrotado a mediodía.
18. Esta calle es peligrosa por la noche.
19. Levantarme a las 6 no es problema para mí.
20. ¿Me podrías acercar?
21. Fui conduciendo al trabajo.
22. ¿Por qué no vamos en autocar?
23. Siempre quise estudiar derecho y economía.
24. ¿Sacaste buenas notas?
25. Tom se hizo médico.
26. No te metas en problemas si no quieres que te castiguen.
27. Eres un adicto al trabajo. Tómate unos días.
28. ¿Era autónomo?
29. Las despidieron.
30. Llevo meses buscando trabajo.
31. Estuve en paro durante 8 meses.
32. ¿Quién lleva el negocio?

1 Fill in the gaps with the missing word or words from the table below. Don't repeat any words.


In September 2009, a new currency was introduced in England. It was called the Brixton Pound and
it was created to be used in the Brixton area of South London. The currency, (1) ______________ is
available in 1, 5, 10 and 20 Brixton pound units, can be used to pay for goods in the area, but it
cannot be used outside Brixton or be paid into a bank. The idea is to boost the community’s
economy by keeping money in the area.

Brixton isn’t the only place in Britain (2) ______________ create its own currency in recent years.
The Totnes Pound was launched in South Devon in 2007 and was followed by the Lewes Pound in
Sussex and the Stroud Pound in Gloucestershire.

Local currencies may sound (3) ______________ a new idea, but back in the Middle Ages all
currencies were local. It wasn’t until the 1700s that every European country had its own currency.
When economic times are hard, it’s common for communities to try other payment systems.

Communities in the United States are also taking to the idea of creating their (4) ______________
currencies. According to some estimates, there are now more than 75 local currency systems across
the country. The most famous of these is the BerkShare, a local currency launched in 2006 in
Berkshire, Massachusetts. (5) ______________ the Brixton system, you can buy BerkShares in a
bank. The buyer pays $95 for $100 worth of BerkShares, which can be spent in (6) ______________
400 local businesses at full dollar value, giving an incentive to customers to spend locally.

Under US law, small communities can produce their own currency with the condition that it does
not include coins and does not resemble the dollar. The BerkShare notes are printed on the (7)
______________ paper as US currency and by the same company, but they depict local heroes.

Apart from starting a new currency, there are other ways for local communities to trade locally. One
of these is bartering. (8) ______________ you barter, you give something or offer a service in
exchange for something of the same value. In this way, no money changes hands. Barter clubs
started in Argentina after the country’s economy collapsed in 2001. One year later, the system was
supporting two million people.


2 Read the article and tick () A, B, or C.

Shopping in Hong Kong

Ultra-modern, bustling Hong Kong is one of the world’s best shopping cities, an essential visit for all
shopaholics searching for a bargain. There are several areas to choose from. The urban district of Kowloon,
meaning ‘Nine Dragons’, attracts thousands of tourists every year. A popular first stop here is the modern
shopping district, Tsim Tsa Tsui. However, if you prefer to absorb the atmosphere of more traditional
markets then the Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok districts are probably more your style.
A great place to explore at night is Nathan Road and the surrounding streets, which are filled with flashing
neon signs. You can buy almost anything here. Look out for bargains on electrical goods and jewellery.
It’s possible to buy traditional items in Hong Kong. You can find wedding clothes on Shanghai Street and
shops on Ning Po Street sell the coloured paper models of houses, cars, and bank notes that are burnt at
funerals (when a person dies) so that they’re wealthy in the after-life.
Further along Shanghai Street is the popular night market. It’s full of brightly coloured lights and wonderful
cooking smells. Watch the fortune-tellers whose trained birds choose pieces of paper to predict a person’s
future, and eat delicious noodles, seafood, and other late-night snacks at the inexpensive stalls.
Mong Kok is the place where the famous criminals ‘triad gangs’ are based. As a result most tourists avoid
this area, so it remains mainly Chinese. There are many traditional shops, food stalls and markets. This is an
excellent place to try local foods, which have not been changed to suit tourists’ tastes as they often have in
more popular tourist areas. It’s unlikely to be dangerous for foreigners, so if you’d like to see some of the
more unspoilt areas of Hong Kong, Mong Kok is definitely worth exploring.
One thing is certain about a shopping trip to Hong Kong – you’ll leave with a lot less money than you arrived
with, and a much heavier suitcase!

1 The modern shopping area is in ________.

A Yau Ma Tei B Mong Kok C Kowloon
2 ___________ is an area in Kowloon.
A Tsim Tsa Tsui B Nine Dragons C Yau Ma Tei
3 The writer says that Nathan Road is a good place to ________.
A explore during the day B find things at a good price
C buy traditional things
4 Go to Nathan Road if you want to buy ________.
A wedding clothes B an MP3 player C flashing signs
5 You can ________ on Ning Po Street.
A change money B buy a car C buy a house made of paper
6 Fortune-tellers use ________ to tell you your future.
A coloured lights B noodles C birds
7 The writer says that Mong Kok ________.
A is not worth exploring B hasn’t been changed by tourism
C is dangerous for foreigners
8 The food in Mong Kok is different from the food in other areas of Hong Kong because ________.
A tourists don’t buy it B there are fewer tourists
C there are a lot of Chinese tourists
9 The writer says that you’ll ________ in Hong Kong.
A buy more luggage B eat more C spend a lot of money
10 The writer mentions places where you can buy ______.
A traditional clothes B traditional jewellery C birds

Fill in the gaps. In some cases, the first letter of a missing word is given.

1. Siberia is one of the coldest places ___________________earth.

2. You can describe people's hair as straight, ___________________ or ___________________
3. A: Ali can always laugh at things. B: Yes, he's got a good ___________________
4. My oldest brother died, so his wife is a ___________________
5. A woman on her wedding day is a b___________________
6. Can you change a fifty-euro ___________________?
7. What did you spend the money ___________________?
8. The opposite of alive is ___________________
9. My sister's sons are my ___________________
10. I asked her if she wanted to come to the park. She _____________her head, stood up and put her coat on.
11. You look very nice ___________________ that dress.
12. The shop assistant asked me "Are you being ___________________?"
13. Orange doesn't ___________________ me.
14. Those clothes are too c___________________ for a job interview.
15. How many people were there in the___________________ at the checkout?
16. At the market you can get good prices if you h___________________ a little.
17. Meat from a pig is called ___________________
18. The mixture of oil, salt, pepper and vinegar or lemon that you add to salad is called ___________________
19. You have to cook chicken - you can't eat it ___________________
20. I like hot and ___________________ food like curry.
21. I'm not very good ___________________ cooking.
22. I'm always getting ___________________ in traffic ___________________. Old cities just weren't built for
23. The time when people travel to and from work is called the ___________________ hour.
24. She hates driving in the city; she finds it very s___________________
25. The nearest hospital is 10 miles ___________________
26. A: Is it far to the club? B: Yes, that's why I usually go ___________________ bike.
27. A: Do you travel every day? B: Yes, that's why I have a ___________________ ticket.
28. I saw a nasty accident on my ___________________ to work yesterday.
29. She went off the road and crashed ___________________ a tree.
30. The car was badly ___________________, but the driver only had some minor i___________________
31. The speed limit on m___________________ in the UK is 70 miles an hour.
32. Please do not leave your luggage u___________________
33. SILENCE. EXAM IN ___________________
34. KEEP ___________________ THE GRASS.
35. I used to get into ___________________ for being late.
36. We have a one-hour ___________________at lunchtime.
37. I didn't ___________________ a private school. I went to a state school.
38. A ___________________ is a period of study. It usually lasts about 12 weeks.
39. The study of the official rules of a country is called ___________________
40. A university teacher is usually called a ___________________
41. A full university course is called a ___________________
42. ___________________ operate on people.
43. My son ___________________ the army when he left school.
44. A: How much does a nurse ___________________? B: About $1,600 a month, I think.
45. In my last job I had to ___________________ customers' complaints. It was horrible.
46. I'm afraid we've ___________________ of paper. Can you get some more?
47. Does your job ___________________ a lot of paperwork?
48. Soldiers are part of the ___________________ forces.
49. Someone who installs water pipes, bathrooms, etc. is called a(n) ___________________
50. I'm very happy. I've been ___________________ and I'm now the sales manager.

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