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The Art of Sensory & Coffee

Do you know that your taste buds needs to be trained to identify a good coffee? In drinking a cup
of coffee, you smell the fragrance + aroma and taste the flavor inside it. However, do you know
how to properly taste a good cup of coffee?
Let us teach you the basic of sensory analysis and coffee cupping protocol. At the end of the
course, you will learn how to calibrate yourself in the cupping session and understand the other
coffee cuppers language.


- Definition of Sensory Analysis
- Importance of Sensory in Coffee
- Physiology of Human Taste Buds
- Olfactory system, Taste and Flavour
- Basic tastes and practice
- Components/Sensory Attributes in Brewed Coffee
- Cupping Protocols
- Cuppers Terminology
Sensory morning session 9AM-12 PM
How Green Coffee Processed from
Fruit to Beverage
Do you know that coffee is from a cherry? Do you know that coffee beans need to be processed before
ends in your perfect cup of joe? Are you confused about the Washed processed coffee, Natural processed
coffee, Honey processed coffee? Do you enjoy a coffee every day without any knowledge at all about
coffee? Join us and know more about green coffee beans!!
Get know more about coffee so you can appreciate the hard work and great taste of your coffee in your
beautiful mug.
Let us teach you the basic of green coffee in detail. At the end of the course, you will learn and
understand different types of coffee in the market.


- Coffee Bean Basic
- Origin of Coffee and its producer
- Species, Cultivar/Varieties
- Standard in Harvesting
- Post-Harvesting Coffee processing
- Green Coffee Defects & Grading
Green Coffee Class morning session 10AM to 12PM
The Principles of Latte Art
This is the continuation of the Espresso Brewing Course. In this course, let us teach you the basic
of froth, steam and texturing milk to make a latte art!!
After properly texturing milk, we will introduce you to learn the very basic of latte art in making
proper art base canvas and pouring to simple heart latte art.


- Texturing Milk
- Latte art base
- Pouring Technique
Latte art class afternoon session 2PM to 4PM

Latte art class morning session 10AM to 12PM :

How To Be Your Own Home Barista
Hi Learners! Do you know what is the true definition of a perfect cup of Coffee? A cup of good
Coffee that gives you the taste, aroma, and flavor that you prefer, right? But, do you know how
to make a proper cup? Join us and be a Home Barista!
Let us teach you the basic of coffee manual brewing through various methods: pour over method
(V60/Wave), the immersion method, siphon, and Aeropress. At the end of the course, you will
learn how to balance the taste of your perfect cup of Coffee that suits your preference!


- Coffee Bean Basic
- Affordable Home Barista Equipment
- Manual Brew Basic Theory - Temperature, Dosing, Ratio and technique
- Taste Notes Basic
- All Manual Brew Show
- Manual Brew Practice using V60 and other methods (upon request)
Home barista class afternoon session 2PM to 5PM

Home barista class morning session 10AM to 12PM

How to Open a Coffee Shop 101
Do you plan to open a small coffee shop but do not know where and how to start? You are
preparing your best, but still not sure what to expected or what you will face? We undestand your
struggling because we also have experienced the same thing during our starting phase. It was not
an easy task and a lot of things are needed to plan for even a small coffee shop.
But, through ups and downs, we could share some precious lessons and insights that will help
you open a successful coffee shop. We will share our experience to open a small-medium coffee
shop and by the end of the course, you will have a knowledge of the minimum requirements of
coffee shop start-up. Don’t miss out this opportunity and we hope we could see you soon!


- Business Planning Stage - Concept and Segment
- Building Team & Necessary Training
- Location & Fit out
- Coffee Equipment
- Marketing
Coffee shop class afternoon session 2PM to 5PM

Coffee shop class morning session 9AM to 12PM

The Art of Espresso Brewing
Do you know what is the true definition of a perfect cup of Espresso? A cup of espresso that
gives you the taste, aroma, and flavor that you prefer, right? But, do you know how to prepare
Let us teach you the basic of coffee extraction through pressure methods, using the semi-
automatic espresso machine, and on-demand grinder. At the end of the course, you will learn
how to froth, steam and texturing milk to make a perfect cup of Espresso and Cappucinno!!


- Coffee Bean Basic
- Espresso Basic
- Espresso Equipment
- Espresso Making Practice
- Espresso Taste Notes
- Brewing Extraction Theory
- Milk Texturing
Espresso class morning session 9AM to 12PM
How to be Coffee Roaster 101
Do you enjoy to sip a cup of coffee? But, do you know that before the coffee is brewed you need
to roast it first? Do you understand that there are several coffee roast level? A cup of well-
roasted Coffee gives you the taste, aroma, and flavor that you prefer, right? Join us and be a
Home Roaster!
Let us teach you the basic of coffee roasting. At the end of the course, you will learn how to roast
green coffee beans to balance the taste of your perfect cup of Coffee based your preference!


- Understanding of Coffee Roasting
- Coffee Roasting Heat Source
- Basic coffee roaster equipment and technique
- Green Bean identification
- Changes in Green Coffee to Roasted Coffee
- Roasting Log, Graphic and Cooling Cycle
- Roasted Beans Identification
- Chaff management, safety and precaution
Roasting class afternoon session 2PM to 5PM

Roasting class morning session 9AM to 12PM

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