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Developed by ReSEL TUC

UPgrading the construction Sector Workforce
traINing and qualification in Greece
Benefits for the building workers,
insulation technicians
the construction sector and the society
• BUILD UP Skills UPSWING supports the • Building owners win confidence that the
construction sector to address the need for quality standards related to the renovation
qualified workforce. Adequately trained and or construction works in their building are
met, and enjoy increased comfort conditions
certified building workers and installers will
with lower electricity bills.
ensure efficient installations, fewer technical
failures and satisfied clients.
• National authorities gain an additional aluminium and metal constructions craſtsmen
instrument to meet the EU targets for 2020.
• The building workers gain professional
• The entire society benefits; the increased
competitive advantage by improving their energy efficiency of the existing building
technical knowledge and skills, reinforcing stock results to greenhouse gas emissions
thus their employment perspectives. reductions, improving citizens’ quality of life.

Contact us installers - maintainers of burners

For additional information please contact the project coordinator:

Dr. Charalampos Malamatenios

Address: 19th km Marathonos Ave, 19009, Pikermi - Attiki, Greece
e-mail:, Tel: +30 210 6603340
Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe
Programme of the European Union

The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the
opinion of the European Union. Neither the EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe
may be made of the information contained therein. Programme of the European Union
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The BUILD UP Skills UPSWING Action Expected Results

Upgrading the energy skills of the building In coherence with the Qualification Roadmap for • Accredited training and qualification schemes • A cross craſt training module for all building
workforce is a major challenge in order to meet Greece, developed in the frame of BUS-GR for the insulation technicians, the aluminium workers, introducing the basic principles for
the 2020 energy and climate targets. In Greece, (Pillar I of the BUILD UP Skills Initiative), the and metal constructions craſtsmen and the sustainable and energy-efficient high
buildings account for about 33% of the CO 2 BUILD UP Skills UPSWING aspires to: installers-maintainers of burners performance buildings.
emissions and 36% of the total energy • Appropriate training material/tools for the • Supportive measures boosting the demand for
• upgrade and accredit the occupational profiles
consumption. The construction sector will workers and their trainers qualified workers;
to include the energy skills required for the
require an increased number of qualified on-site delivery of high energy performance buildings; • 9 pilot training courses implemented; along • Monitoring mechanism for the operation and
building workers, craſtsmen and system with 3 “train the trainers” courses sustainability of the qualification schemes.
• define key components of the qualification
installers competent to deliver new and • 45 qualified trainers
schemes, through a multi - stakeholder
renovated buildings with a very high level of • 135 certified building workers
approach representing the whole value chain
energy efficiency.
and incorporating the genuine market needs; By 2020, the BUILD UP Skills UPSWING
BUILD UP Skills UPSWING, supported by the • design the appropriate training courses,
activities will result in:
European Commission through the Intelligent training materials and guidelines; • 23,650 trained / certified building workers and
Energy Europe Programme, aims at developing • deliver training courses for workers and their
225 qualified trainers
appropriate training and qualification schemes trainers to test the scheme on the ground, in • Primary energy savings of 320,000 toe
to boost the construction workers’ knowledge order to assess and revise the training scheme; • Reduction of GHG emissions up to 150,000 ton CO2e per year.
and skills on the topics of energy efficiency, for:
• implement the certification of qualifications by
The BUILD UP Skills
• insulation technicians; the national competent body; The BUILD UP Skills UPSWING Consortium
• aluminum and metal constructions craſtsmen; • establish fully operating large scale training
UPSWING qualification
• installers - maintainers of burners. schemes. Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and training schemes
and Saving (CRES) will offer:
Project Coordinator
For building workers,
National Technical University of Athens craſtsmen and installers:
BUILD UP Skills School of Electrical and Computer • Acknowledged skills
Engineering, Decision Support Systems
BUILD UP Skills is a European Commission’s strategic • Recognition
Laboratory (EPU - NTUA)
initiative to improve the building workforce qualifications • Employability
and skills, aiming at qualified workers competent to Technical University of Crete • Job opportunities
deliver high energy performance renovations and nearly School of Environmental Engineering, • Mobility
Renewable and Sustainable Energy
zero energy buildings. First, in Pillar I, National For building owners:
Systems Laboratory (ReSEL TUC)
Qualification Roadmaps to 2020 (NQRs) were developed • Confidence and assurance
in 30 European countries - also in Greece - with the Small Enterprises Institute of the Hellenic
• Improved living conditions
Confederation of Professionals, Craſtsmen
endorsement of all relevant stakeholders. The NQRs • Optimal energy efficiency
and Merchants (IME GSEVEE)
propose measures and actions strengthening the • Lower electricity and
Labour Institute of the Greek General
continuing training and qualification framework of heating bills
Confederation of Labour (INE-GSEE)
building workers for scaling up their skills in relation to For the construction sector:
energy efficiency and renewables. Based on these • Efficient workforce
Technical Chamber of Greece (TCG)
roadmaps, the BUILD UP Skills Pillar II supports • Satisfied customers
activities establishing new or upgrading existing • Reduced operating costs
National Organization for the Certification
qualification and training schemes. of Qualifications and Vocational • Increased credibility
Guidance (EOPPEP)

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