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Ethical Analysis Rubric –Quality Analysis

Level of Quality
Categories Low Average High
Gather the facts (who, Some relevant facts not Facts identified, but some may All relevant facts identified
what, where, when, how identified. Facts are incorrect. not be relevant to case or may appropriately. Who, what,
and why) be slightly misinterpreted. where, when, how and why were
all addressed, as
appropriate. Unavailable facts
that were relative to the ethical
outcome were also identified.
Facts were assembled before
Define the ethical issues Central ethical issues not Central issues are identified, but Central issues are all identified
defined appropriately or not clearly explained. and used as basis for ethical
completely. Misunderstanding Peripheral issues not identified. evaluation; other issues are
of the issues related to the identified
Identify the affected Affected parties are not Major players are identified, but Critical affected parties (both
parties (stakeholders) identified completely. Major some minor players may be direct and indirect) are
players critical to analysis are missing. Perspectives are not identified. Perspectives of all
not identified. Perspectives of complete. critical stakeholders are
players are missing. identified.
Identify the Critical consequences of actions All critical consequences are All critical consequences are
consequences of each are missing. Actions are not identified, but some minor identified and connected with
possible action connected with consequences are missed. actions. More minor
consequences, but are instead Consequences are related to consequences are also
random and illogical. Relative actions, but relative weights are considered. Relative weights of
weights of actions and not clearly articulated or the various consequences
consequences are not inappropriate. explicitly articulated with rational
identified. thought.
Identify the obligations Not all relative codes and laws All major codes and laws have All relative codes and laws that
or duties have been identified, or the been identified that influence the influence the ethical analysis
relationship of those laws are ethical analysis, but some have been identified. Other
not clear to the issues. The other relative duties have been duties relative to the analysis
obligations and rights of all missed. The importance of the that are not necessarily
players have not been duties has not been fully dictated by laws are
addressed fully. articulated. recognized. The relative
importance of this aspect has
explicitly articulated with rational
Consider your character Major aspects of character of Some aspects of character and The role of character of the
and integrity the players have been missed. integrity of the players with players in the ethical analysis
The importance of the integrity respect to the ethical issues have been addressed and
of the players has been grossly have not been fully addressed explored in detail. The relative
underestimated or overlooked. or explored. An analysis of importance of this aspect has
importance of this aspect has explicitly articulated with rational
been done, but is incomplete. thought.
Think creatively about An incomplete analysis is The analysis of the three The influence of the three
potential actions presented and acceptable approaches has been made, approaches to analysis have
potential actions have not been but is incomplete. Acceptable been explored fully and
explored fully. actions have been stated, but articulated clearly. Possible
may not be clear or complete. actions that stay within
acceptable ethical boundaries
have been presented in detail.
Check your gut A fundamental flaw in the Student has done comparison Student has done comparison
ethical analysis exists that leads of the outcome of the ethical of the outcome of ethical
to a conclusion that assessment with conventional assessment with conventional
violates basic moral societal morality, but does not articulate morality and has clearly
values, yet student does not comparisons fully. The articulated the comparisons.
recognize this problem. outcome is in line with The outcome is in line with
conventional morality. conventional morality.
Decide on the proper Analysis was not carried out Solution and ethical analysis is Solution and ethical analysis is
ethical action and be sufficiently and is logical and clear, but does not logical and clearly presented at
prepared to deal with fundamentally flawed. Solution show great reflection or insight. a level that reflects extensive
opposing arguments may be trivial or illogical. The analysis may be superficial reflection and insight.
at some level.

Assignment ID: ______ Reviewer Name: _________________________

By :Maricar Telan-Artuz LPT,MBA,DBA

Assessment Rubric: Ethics Case Studies
Ethics is brought up in several courses across the curriculum, but we have opted to use the ethics case studies from CHBE 412 as the direct
evidence for assessing Outcome F:

F. …understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.

Outcome F. …understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.

Outcome element Unacceptable (0) Marginal (1) Acceptable (2) Exceptional (3) Points
Able to analyze a Students show no Students appear to be aware of Students demonstrate Students are able to analyze a
situation for potential awareness of potential some ethical problems in the understanding of the major ethical complex ethical situation and
ethical problems. ethical problems in their case studies but are not using problems in the case studies and demonstrate an understanding of
response to the case appropriate tools to analyze the are applying the tools they have major and subtle ethical problems
studies. problem(s). learned to analyze the situation. in the case studies.

Awareness of the No evidence that the Students appear to be aware of Students are aware of the AIChE Students are aware of the AIChE
AIChE Code of Ethics. students are aware of the the AIChE Code of Ethics, but Code of Ethics, and use it to when Code of Ethics, and use it to
AIChE Code of Ethics. are not making use of it as they faced with a potentially unethical routinely to work in a professional
approach ethical problems. situation. and ethical manner.

Awareness of their No evidence that the The responses to the case The responses to the case studies The students demonstrate ethical
responsibility to work students consider ethics or studies indicate that the indicate that the students are and professional engineering work
in an ethical and professionalism as they students do not fully aware that engineers have a in their responses to the case
professional manner. consider the case studies. understand what it means to responsibility to work in an ethical studies.
work in an ethical and and professional manner.
professional manner.
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