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UPEC 2011 ∙ 46th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference ∙ 5-8th September 2011 ∙ Soest ∙ Germany

Towards an Economy Based on Renewable Energy

Generation: Is Biogas Part of the Solution?
Wolfgang Stauss * Dr. Ralf Biernatzki Prof. Dr. Jürgen Braun Prof. Dr. Wolf Lorleberg
Institute for Institute for South Westphalia University of South Westphalia University of
Green Technology & Green Technology & Applied Sciences, Applied Sciences,
Rural Development [] Rural Development [] Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture

Abstract - Electricity generation based on biogas has seen Germany is to a large extent based on the regulatory frame-
rapid growth in the last years in Germany due to a favourable work of the Renewable Energy Sources Act, the so-called
regulatory framework. For the provision of this renewable
energy source, the agricultural and energy sector have to work EEG (German abbreviation). This act came into effect in
closely together. With a linear programming model, developed 1991 and ensured small energy providers access to the grid
at the Faculty of Agriculture at the South Westphalia University and a minimum compensation for the supplied energy – the
of Applied Sciences, changes of market parameters, efficiency first boom of wind-energy followed. With amendments in
gains and support schemes can easily be analysed for biogas 2000 and 2004, the EEG has been lastly updated in 2009 with
plants on a farm level. The methodology is explained and the
results for policy makers are presented in the light of the upcom- the clear intention “to increase the share of renewable energy
ing amendment of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) sources in electricity supply to at least 30 per cent by the year
2012. Finally, additional strengths for biogas as balancing 2020 and to continuously increase the share thereafter” [4].
power are identified. The next amendment shall come into effect as of 1st January
Index Terms -- biogas, decentralized energy production, 2012. The regular amendments are being done in order to
EEG, policy making account for know-how generation and learning curve-effects:
especially when it comes to PV, prices for modules have
substantially fallen in the past so that the compensation for
I. INTRODUCTION each kWh generated from PV installations had to be reduced.
Biogas has a prominent position in comparison to other Concerning biogas, the EEG is considered as a vehicle to
major technologies in the renewable field, like photovoltaic not only generate energy from a renewable source, but also to
energy (PV) and wind-power. The key characteristic of bio- a.) create a new market for agricultural raw materials,
gas is its base load capacity: while PV and wind-power are b.) target climate issues (methane reduction),
dependent on weather conditions, biogas can be produced c.) replace natural gas and thus
continuously, generating power and heat with high efficiency. d.) reduce national dependency on gas imports.
However, to produce biogas, regular feeding of the plant with The compensation for electricity generation through biogas
organic material (waste or energy crops specifically grown can be divided into a basis fee and several, to some extent
for this purpose) is required. Therefore, in the field of energy cumulative, bonuses. This compensation scheme is currently
generation through biogas, two very different industries meet: being reviewed in order to meet the above listed secondary
the energy business and the agriculture sector. This is why objectives with more success with the next amendment.
the presented project is being performed at the Institute of Observing the number of plants and the installed electrical
Green Technology & Rural Development [], which capacity, the last years have brought a substantial increase of
brings together the technical and agricultural departments at biogas production in Germany as is shown in Fig. 1.
the campus of the South Westphalia University of Applied
Sciences in Soest.
The EU has defined ambitious objectives concerning
avoidance of climate change with a focus on strengthened
renewable energies. Germany has set the target of 18 % gross
final energy consumption to be allocated to renewable energy
sources in 2020 [1]. Until 2050, this portion shall increase to
60 %. Concerning electricity, the targets are even higher: for
2020, gross electricity consumption allocated to renewable
energy generation shall reach 35 % with 15 % increases every
decade until 2050, when 80 % of the gross electricity con-
sumption shall originate from renewable sources [2]. Until
the end of 2010, gross final energy consumption reached
11 % and 16,8 % gross electricity consumption from renew-
able sources [3]. The rise of renewable energy generation in Fig. 1. Number of biogas plants and installed capacity in Germany
since 1992. Significant increases occurred following the EEG
amendments of 2004 and 2009.
Data obtained from Fachverband Biogas [5]

* Corresponding author

ISBN 978-3-8007-3402-3 © VDE VERLAG GMBH ∙ Berlin ∙ Offenbach

UPEC 2011 ∙ 46th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference ∙ 5-8th September 2011 ∙ Soest ∙ Germany

As mentioned above, the agricultural sector is the main In a second step, answer and sensitivity reports are being
supplier of the organic material for the generation of biogas. used to analyse the results of the simulation. Which invest-
Since the agricultural structure differs concerning soil, land- ment routes were taken given the constrained capacities and
scape and other regional characteristics, favourable sites for investment options? How much biogas and in which kind of
biogas production are not evenly distributed. Fig. 2 shows plant with which bonuses has been produced and how much
the regions where biogas plants concentrate in Germany. electricity and heat has been generated? The sensitivity re-
This is especially the case in the North-Western part of the port gives shadow prices for scarce resources – these are
two states North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) with major animal especially meaningful concerning land as biogas is suspected
keeping farms and the West of Lower Saxony. In Southern to distort land leases.
states, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg show major concen- The simulation run is done on a farm level. The results
tration zones. give indications about a specific agricultural business. In
order to arrive at results on a state level, the typical farming
layouts are being simulated and a certain percentage estab-
lished to invest. The as-is-scenario can be compared to an
invest-scenario to analyse consequences of changes in pro-
duction methods and, most importantly, adaptations to incen-
tives in the biogas generation on a regional level.


As the 2012 amendment of the EEG draws near, the differ-
ent actors begin to formulate their positions on the future of
the renewable energies support in Germany. Concerning
biogas, one of the first substantial inputs came from the Min-
Sites of biogas plants
istry of Environment and Climate Protection of Lower
Saxony. It argued that due to the massive increase in biogas
production in the state (see Fig. 2), a complete cancellation of
Date: January 2010
the bonuses and an overall decrease of the compensation
DeutschesBiomasseForschungsZentrum, 2010
system would be required. Only plants which would be able
to acquire non-agricultural input materials and residues and
Fig. 2. Sites of biogas plants in Germany with concentration areas.
which were able to sell the produced heat at market prices
should be given an economic perspective for future invest-
II. THE BIOGAS MODEL ments. These demands were easily transferable into the
The role of biogas as an investment alternative for farmers model and simulations could be run for 6 districts of NRW.
in NRW has been modelled in the agricultural department of It was found that in comparison with simulations to the cur-
the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences. The rent EEG, the proposals of Lower Saxony would lead to a
model has been built using Linear Programming (LP) and the drop in new biogas-plant installations of 50 to 80 %. Like-
Solver software of Frontline Systems Inc. Solver is widely wise, the demand for arable land would decrease, although to
known in the basis version as a part of Microsoft Excel, how- a less extent. The cultivation area of the crop mostly fa-
ever, with only 200 linear variables this does not suffice for voured for biogas, maize, would also drop. This way, one of
larger models. The agricultural model built for the biogas the intentions of the Ministry is met: exceeding maize cultiva-
simulation e.g. has 250 variables and comprises 23 spread- tion is seen as one of the negative environmental effects of
sheets. Therefore, the Premium Solver Platform was used the biogas promotion.
which allows to set up a model with 40 times more linear Based on these results, a number of additional scenarios
variables. have been developed, which will require some changes of the
The model itself describes a farm that is equipped with model itself and of the price assumptions. As agricultural
production factors (cropland, grassland, barn capacity, man- markets have become extremely volatile in recent years, two
power, etc.) and investment options, e.g. additional buildings price levels, based on wheat prices of 170 €/t and 230 €/t will
for livestock, purchase of cattle or building biogas equipment. be referenced. The lower price level indicates highly profit-
Spreadsheets for all relevant activities in the production cycle able market conditions for biogas (low costs for input materi-
of the farm define the costs, the required resources and the als), while the higher price level drains financial resources:
revenues for each activity. Prices need to be regularly up- biogas plants will have difficulties acquiring the necessary
dated. In addition, the nutrient balance, a pivotal characteris- input materials as farmers can sell their products on other
tic of the agricultural production cycle, is calculated. The markets for better profit. The analysis will provide signifi-
target row in the model matrix sums up costs and revenues, cant information for policy makers in NRW for the amend-
defining the optimum result of Solver’s simulation. ment of the EEG 2012.

ISBN 978-3-8007-3402-3 © VDE VERLAG GMBH ∙ Berlin ∙ Offenbach

UPEC 2011 ∙ 46th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference ∙ 5-8th September 2011 ∙ Soest ∙ Germany


As mentioned above, one of the strengths of biogas is its
independency on weather conditions. To date, the Combined
Heat Power (CHP) plants at biogas sites run 24 hours per day,
feeding in electricity to the grid continuously. This is due to
the current EEG which refunds each kWh of electricity pro-
duced by the plant. Given the future growth of renewable
energies and the volatility of wind and PV, additional balanc-
ing power will be needed to ensure grid stability. Connecting
the strengths of biogas with grid requirements and thus solv-
ing problems of one renewable source with another is an
attractive perspective for biogas.
One option for biogas to provide grid services would be
negative balancing power. Stopping the CHP for several
hours when the grid capacity is reached and storing the biogas
for this time is possible for most plants with only minor in-
vestments in automation equipment. If larger numbers of
plants are being linked, considerable electric power is avail-
able for grid balancing with high efficiency. Biogas plant
owners would make additional profits for providing balancing
capacity. However, with the current EEG, it is not clear yet,
whether regulatory bodies permit this “multiple sale” [6]. It
is expected that with the amendment of the EEG in 2012
provision of balancing power will be permitted if not encour-

[1] DBFZ, „Monitoring zur Wirkung des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz
(EEG) auf die Entwicklung der Stromerzeugung aus Biomasse“, Leip-
zig 2010, p.1.
5_fuer_Veroeffentlichung_final.pdf [04.04.2010]
[2] BMWI, BMU, „Energiekonzept für eine umweltschonende, zuverlässi-
ge und bezahlbare Energieversorgung“, Berlin 28.09.2010, p.5.
erung.pdf [04.04.2011]
[3] BMU, „Erneuerbare Energien 2010“, Berlin 23.03.2011, p.3.
f [04.04.2011]
[4] BMU, „Act on granting priority to renewable energy sources (Renewa-
ble Energy Sources Act, EEG”, Berlin 25.10.2008, p.5.
[5] Fachverband Biogas e.V., “Biogas Branchenzahlen 2010”, Freising
November 2010, p.1.$file/
11-01-07_Biogas%20Branchenzahlen%202010_erw.pdf [08.04.2011]
[6] BMU, „Act on granting priority to renewable energy sources (Renewa-
ble Energy Sources Act, EEG”, Berlin 25.10.2008, p.35.

ISBN 978-3-8007-3402-3 © VDE VERLAG GMBH ∙ Berlin ∙ Offenbach

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