Teaching and Learning With Technology Proposal 3

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Teaching and Learning with Technology Proposal

ABC Community School

February 22, 2018
Teaching and learning with technology

As a teacher with CCSD Clark County School District, I have been able to succeed in
my field and introduce new means of education to my eager to learn students. As the world
grows, in knowledge and history we are also growing in technology. Technology is being used
every day; it is inevitable that we present technology to our students.
I am a person whom does not like change, and who likes things as you can say “old
school”. However, the fact of the matter is that change happens, and with that, change, as a
teacher I must accept and transform into a chameleon to adapt to my surroundings. This
allows me to not just teach my students but also learn new things myself in the process.
Technology now is occupying student’s life, by enriching myself in a culture that shares this
passion for technology I connect to my students and my students engage more on the
lessons and assignments. The opportunity to have technology in the schools, and in the
classroom gives the students more access to further explore education.
Technology in my classroom, as well as in ABC Community School is used in many
different ways. As a teacher, I use You Tube to provide my students with a short follow up
video to a lesson we have done. I assigned essays and research papers that involved
Microsoft word and Office. Students now can do research on countless topics with an
extraordinary amount of information found on educational website and databases. Students
do this research with computers, laptops, and iPad. I also encourage students to think
outside the box and use technology to support findings such as a graph for a science fair
project to an interactive book report. Teaching with technology does not only give me the
chance to reach students with all sorts of learning styles, but it also helps me to reach my
student’s parents. Having the student’s and parent is engage in their educational life,
makes a better student in the classroom and a success in life.
Many teachers can agree in the fact that technology is being utilize in the classroom
every day. According to PBS.org a PBS survey Three-quarters of teachers surveyed link
educational technology to a growing list of benefits, saying technology enables them to
reinforce and expand on content (74%), to motivate students to learn (74%), and to respond
to a variety of learning styles (73%). Seven in 10 teachers (69%) surveyed said educational
technology allows them to “do much more than ever before” for their students. In addition,
David R. Irby did his dissertation for the University of Missouri-St. Louis on Middle School
Student and Teacher Perceptions about the Effectiveness of the Technology Integration in
the Classroom. His research concluded, “That teachers are mostly satisfied with the way
they are using technology in the classroom and they are happy with the technology
integration training they receive. The teachers’ main motivation to use technology is to
promote engaging and exciting activities for their students. “Given the abundant amount of
data, and statistics that show a positive look on teaching and learning with technology is my
request for CCSD not to force us to abandon our use of technology in our classrooms.
Teaching and learning with technology

Standards such as CCSD Technology Education Standards, National Educational

Technology Standards, and Common Core Standards are common within our state. These
standards gives us a sort of curriculum to follow regarding teaching and learning with
technology. These standards are placed to the teach technology to students from
elementary through 12th grade. All adding to the success of the student in a technological
field. Nevada computer and technology standards consist of creativity and innovation,
communication and collaboration, research and information fluency, Critical Thinking,
Problem Solving, and Decision Making, digital citizenship, and technology operation
concepts. Each slightly increasing with more knowledge earned between grades 2nd, 5th,
8th and 12th.
The ISTE Standards for Students consist of seven standards that students should
achieve in order to have a well grasp of technology. These standards include empowered
learner, digital citizen, knowledge constructor, innovative designer, computer thinker,
creative communicator, and global collaborator. Even though there are some similarities
between the standards, each standard is specific to its own state.
The standards don not differentiate when it comes to grades and knowledge that is
needed to achieve. Nevada computer and technology standards are very specific on what
they want and by what grade level they want it unlike the ISTE standards and NET-S.
Common core standards seem to have a sole focus on English language arts and
mathematics. Unlike the rest of the standards that implement technology as well. While
teaching a common core curriculum is an expert way to know what each student should
master at every grade level. I suggest that as teacher we can efficiently intricate technology
in most lessons to further communicate to students what is being taught.
ISTE Standards for Students that I believe is an excellent beginning to a students journey
through technology and school is Knowledge Constructor. This standard has students use
technology to create a meaningful learning experience. This standard also coincides with
Nevada Computer and Technology Standards: Creativity and Innovation. Is through this
standards that I will have the opportunity to apply common core standards to my lesson and
assignment to create a unique learning experience for each of my students. Regardless of
every students learning styles.
The Students who are able to benefit from this standard will not only know what I
have taught them, but also will be able to communicate with me and create wonderful
projects that will show the grasp of the teachings. With technology in the classroom, I am
able to provide a wide range of learning that will begin with digital citizenship standards that
needs to be highly taught to all students, in every grade each passing year. This will ensure a
positive use of technology that will create a fun and engaging environment for all who are
Math Lesson Plan

Name of lesson: Fractions are Fun

Grade Level Appropriateness: 2nd grade

Objective: To convey and teach students how to read and solve math problems with

Technology Content Standard Addressed: Knowledge Constructor-Students critically curate a

variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts
and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

Other Content Standard Addressed: Math

Materials needed to facilitate the lesson: Elmo to explain the lesson plan, Computer to
present power point on basic math skills and key points to succeed in math. Ted Ed video on
math subject that we are learning so that students may have a stimulating visual to reflect
on and later find at home while working on math problems.

Suggested group size: 5-25 Students

• Start out by introducing the topic to class: Today we will take a look
at fractions what are they and how to add them. (1-2 minutes)
• Introduce a hard copy of the lesson plan on Elmo.(1-2 minutes)
• Present short power point that explains the key points to a successful solving
fraction problem. (3 minutes)
1. What are fractions
2. Where will I encounter fractions in my life
3. Numerator and denominator
4. Solving fractions
• Show a TED Ed video on fractions to further the content that I am
teaching(2:21min) https://ed.ted.com/on/94t0Jjmp#review
• Use smart board to work out fractions problems and ask for students to answer
them using their own mini whiteboards so everyone gets a chance to answer with
ought feeling pressured that students will make fun of a wrong answer.
Encourage all students to participate(10 minutes)
• Follow up with an race against the clock game. Divide the class in fractions. Half
the class is ½ a quarter of the class is ¼ so on and so forth using the white
board have students work together to solve fractions by adding them. Us this time
to have them identify the main fractions such as one half, one third, one fourth,
two fourths. (15 minutes)
• Review assignment for students to complete and return to class by the end of the
week. Students are to create using any means on the computer a poster
representing a fraction that they have encounter in a real life scenario. For
example: Mr. E and I went to eat pizza at Metro Pizza. We decided to divide the
pizza into eights. 3/8 for Mr. E and 5/8ths for Mrs. E then they need to add their
fraction to create a whole =1. (10 minutes)

Assessment: Students will be graded on creativity (2-5 sentences story), Visuals (make it eye
popping), Math (make sure your math is correct), and on time completion. (2minutes)

Closure: Offer short personal experience with fractions and where and when you may
encounter them in real life; recap what we learned about fractions. Ask if students have any
questions.(2-10 minutes)
Total time: 45-60 minutes
Student Sample:

The Wishing Star

By: Karen Estrellado
February 22, 2018

When the night comes and I look up to the sky. I like to

make a wish on a wishing star. Tonight I only saw six
stars. I looked for the wishing star among those six and I
could not see it. Just when I was going to give up I looked
up again and there it was just slightly behind a cloud.
This night there was six stars. 5/6 were regular start and
1/6 was a wishing start. I closed my eyes and made a

1/6 +5/6 = 1 One beautiful sky to look at.

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