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Name: _______________________________ Grade & Section: ______________________ Score:

Test I. Underline the adjective complement used in the following sentences. STRICTLY NO ERASURES
are allowed.
1. She was hesitant to tell her parents.
2. Mom was so happy that they finally got married.
3. The boss was anxious to promote sales.
4. It was very obvious that this was the murder weapon.
5. The award-winning star is difficult to get along with.
6. I am curious what my surprise will be.
7. The teachers do not know whether or not they can go on the field trip.
8. It was wrong of him to tell you the secret.
9. Please let me know who left her purse on the table
10. It is unbelievable that she got accepted at Princeton.
11. He was pleased that all his plants in the garden bore fruit.
12. He is interested in designing video games.
13. I'm sure I turned the water off before we left.
14. Lydia was glad to be living on her own.
15. The award-winning star is difficult to get along with.

Test II. Identify whether the underlined adjective complement is an infinitive, a prepositional phrase, or a
clause. Write your answer at the space before the number. STRICTLY NO ERASURES are allowed.

1. _________________________________I am very sad that you are finally moving out of state.
2. __________________________________My dog is very sad about me leaving him home alone.
3. _________________________________Anthony was so thankful that he passed the math test.
4. _________________________________His family was happy when the dog returned home.
5. _________________________________I am worried that the snow storm will be severe.
6. _________________________________Everyone knows that he is the best candidate.
7. _________________________________They were hesitant to let their daughter go there alone.
8. _________________________________I am so happy to hear the news about your promotion.
9. _________________________________The teacher was delighted with her students' progress.
10. _________________________________She was fascinated with the cocoons and butterflies.
11. __________________________________Denise is undecided when it comes to choosing music for the party.
12. _________________________________It is illegal to leave a car running in some states.
13. _________________________________I am excited that my friend is coming to town.
14. _________________________________I must decide which class to take next term.
15. _________________________________We are still optimistic about the future of the planet.
16. _________________________________The employees were surprised to see Golda get the promotion.
17. _________________________________"I am fascinated by what is beautiful, strong, healthy, what is living."
18. _________________________________She is uncertain whether she made the right decision.
19. _________________________________"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our
freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." - Abraham Lincoln
20. _________________________________"I'm always rather nervous about how you talk about women who are
active in politics…”- John F. Kennedy

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