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m Jamie Hepburn MSP

Working for the people of
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The Scoflish Pqrliqmenl
Cumbernauld & Kilsyth
Pdrlomcrid no h-Albo

Martin McGuire
Principal & Chief Executive
New College Lanarkshire
Motherwell Campus
1 Enterprise Way

Our Ref: JHlECl7238 23 November 2016

Dear Mr McGuire,

I have recently been contacted by a constituent, Mr Russell Ashcroft of 63 Cardowan

Drive, Cumbernauld, G6B 9PA regarding his concerns with costs associated with vehicle
maintenance courses.

Mr Ashcroft has informed me that there is some misunderstanding with regards to bursary
and 'ring fenced'funds used to purchase the equipment identified on the 'Costs of Course'.
Can you please clarify for Mr Ashcroft if the funds used to purchases the course
equipment were from his bursary funds, which he claims are solely for the students.

Further, it is Mr Ashcroft's understanding that the equipment purchased on behalf of

students in the course, was done so at the highest possible prices. Mr Ashcroft has
claimed that the College has a large purchasing power when they buy equipment for the
entire class, and has further enquired as to why the College does not use this purchasing
power to receive further benefits for their students?

Further, Mr Ashcroft claims that each student in his course still has a total of f171.83 left
unspent for their 'Cost of Course' funds. ls it the case that this money will be returned to
the student? lf it is not the case can you please provide Mr Ashcroft with information
regarding this fund.

Mr Ashcroft has additionally asked as to why the students did not receive the tool box/kit
for employment beyond their courses. Ms Ashcroft has stated that students have been
refused to take these course equipment items home.

Further, Mr Ashcroft has expressed his concern with New College purchasing these items

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Reply to: Constituency Office
13 The Wynd, Cumbernauld, G67 2ST
ja mie. hepburn.msp@scottish.parliament.uk
Tel: 01236 453959
on his behalf and believes that he could purchase better quality equipment that would
remain in his possession. lf possible, Mr Ashcroft would like a refund of
the course equipment from his bursary fund to do so.

I would appreciate if you could ensure that attention was given to this matter, and that all
relevant information is made available to Mr Ashcroft.

I look fonrvard to receipt of your response in due course.

Yours sincerely

Jamie Hepburn MSP

Gumbernauld & Kilsyth

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