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Media Studies Ipad Lesson

Use Ipad APP (Pic Collage)

1. In your Ipad, find these informtion for these questions below:
2. Consider the example on the next page
3. Find 5-10 images to your Ipad. You will need at least 5 photos to earn a full credit.
4. Use Pic Collage to create a picture collage of your Social Media
5. Include at at least one image of each of the following:
a. Social construction.
b. The principle of socialize.
c. The P.O.P culture? Name some of the POP Culture that you know.
d. The model minority pyramid?
e. The power that mass media have.
f. Name some of the famous Asians/ Asian Americans actress?
g. Name a movie that have a/an Asian/Asian American actress?
h. What is the major impact of P.O.P?
i. How does the model minority effect Asians/Asian Americans?
j. How the white-washing in Hollywood cause problem in our society?
6. Do the sumary and key points for the information that you have read.
7. Edit the images to fit space
8. Add at least 100 words of text to define and explain your term and the summary points.
9. Save the final project and submit to your teacher.
10. Email your project to your teacher.

Score Guide for the project Points Points

Possible Earned
Chosen the right terms 10
Chosen the at least 5 photos 10
Edit your photos correcty 10
Included at least 100 words 10
Did summary and key points 10

Created with Pic Collage in Ipad


Social Construction is the social’s assumption of what people used to, also known as social norms.

Social: people + Construction: made up = Social Construction: social norms

The Priciples of socialize:

There are 3 ways to socialize:

1. By Verbal

2. Gesture (non verbal)

3. Tone (volume & symbolize)

The P.O.P culture:

POP culture is term to describe the popular/well-know of someone or something that also includes thought,
ideas, attitudes, images, perspectives, and sometime expectation by a mass of population. POP Culture
provide the prominent in society at a certain period of time. It influences the interaction between people in
daily basis. Here is some example of POP Culture

1. Film

2. Celebrities/ Famous people

3. Social Media

4. Brand/ Label

5. Video Games

6. Communication (slag word)

Model Minority Pyramid: the standard of previlegement that divide a group of people based on the social



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