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Kadence Johnson

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Tech I


40 Engineering Facts

● Mechanical engineering is the discipline that applies engineering, physics, engineering
mathematics, and materials scienc principles to design, analyze, manufacture and
maintain mechanical systems.
● The median annual pay of a mechanical engineer is $83,590.
● The minimum degree required is a Bachelor’s.
● Sub-fields of mechanical engineering are Combustion, Acoustics, Robotics, Automatic
Control, Manufacturing and Maintenance, System and Control, etc.
● Mechanical engineers design, develop, build, and test mechanical and thermal sensors
and devices including tools, engines, and machines.
● Mechanical engineers typically work in offices, but may visit worksites if needed.
● Emploment of mechanical enginers is expected to grow 9% from 2016 to 2026.
● Mechanical engineers work mainly in engineering services, research and development,
and manufacturing.
● State mechanical enginnering licenses typically require a degree from an ABET-
accreditted engineering program, a passing score of the Fundamentals of Engineering
exam, at least 4 years of relevant work experience, and a passing score on the
Professional Engineering exam.
● Some people have deemed listening, math, mechanical, and problem-solving skills, and
creativity important qualities for mechanical engineers.

● Industrial engineering deals with the optimization of complex processes, systems, or
● Industrial engineers find ways to eliminate wastefulness in the production processes.
● The median annual pay of an industrial engineer is $83,470.
● The minimum degree required is a Bachelor’s.
● Industrial engineers are expected to be interested in engineering and business, math, have
logic and communication skills, preference for the “big picture”, and proper analytical
skills for details.
● Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design,
construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including
works such as roads, bridges, canals, dams, airports, sewerage systems, pipelines, and
● The annual median pay is $82,220.
● Civil engineers work typically in either offices or at construction sites.
● From 2010-2020, the number of employed civil engineers is expected to grow 19%.
● In the 18th century, “civil engineering” described engineering work performed by
civilians for non-military purposes.
● Electrical engineering is a professional engineering discipline that generally deals with
the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.
● Electrical engineers design new electronics, improve old ones, test equipment, and solve
● Electrical engineers typically work in offices, labs, or industrial plants.
● In 2014, there were approximately 178,000 electrical engineers in the US.
● The US BLS predicts a job outlook of little to no massive growth in the number of
electrical engineers through 2024.
● “Soft skills” needed are communication, problem solving, active learning, and
● Electrical engineering uses all aspects of electricity from power engineering.
● Electronic engineering deals with devices that use electricity for control of processes.
● André-Marie Ampère founded electromagnetism.
● Some requirements are to be creative and detail-oriented, have good math and analyzing
skills, and be able to communicate well.
● Biological engineering is the application of principles of biology and the tools of
engineering to create usable, tangible, economically viable products.
● In 2010, only 15,700 biomedical engineers were employed in the US.
● There is expected to be a 14% growth rate through 2020.
● 5 Scottish biological engineers created the first bionic arm in 1993.
● A Bacherlor’s is the minimum required degree.
● In general, bioengineers try to either mimic bio systems to create products or modify and
control bio systems replace, augment, sustain, or predict chemical and mechanical
● The term “bioengineering” was coined by British scientist Heinz Wolff in 1954.
● Biomedical engineers are in great demand.
● One of the most active areas of biological research is developing functioning, implantable
artificial organs.
● Biomedical engineering today has the highest percentage of female students in any
engineering field.

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