Rhetorical Devices & Appeals

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Rhetorical Devices & Appeals

To be able to study, analyze, and discuss the literature in the Honors 9th Grade Lit/Comp,
students must know and have a clear understanding of the terminology listed below. This
list was generated from the 9th Grade Skill Progression Chart for AP Vertical Teaming and
the CCGSE Recommended Vocabulary for Teaching and Learning grades 9-10.

Directions: Using a pen and 4 x 6 index cards and neatly print the word on one side of the card, and on
the other side, print a definition of the term. Write with consistent, clear handwriting on blank cards. Use a
highlighter or pen to underline the key words in longer definitions or answers. (Test your pen or marker on
a spare card to make sure the ink is clearly visible but does not bleed through the paper.)
17. Juxtaposition - unassociated ideas,
1. Ambiguity - having multiple meanings words, or phrases placed next to each
2. Alliteration - repetition of sounds other
3. Assonance - close repition of words 18. Asyndeton - absence of conjuctions
followed by different consonants 19. Polysyndeton - insertion of conjunctions
4. Generalization - broad statement or an before each word in a list
idea that is applied to a group of people 20. Ellipsis - use of words or phrases
or things sometimes indicated by “...”
5. Archetypes - timeless imaginative 21. Anaphora - repetition of a word or
patterns that appears across cultures words at the beginning of two or more
6. Colloquial - use of slang or informalities successful clauses
in speech or writing 22. Epistrophe - the repetition of a word at
7. Diction - choice of words in speech in the end of each phrase or clause
speech or writing 23. Parallel Structure or Parallelism (used
8. Connotation - nonliterary or implied in writing) - something is written the
meaning of a word same way
9. Denotation - literal definition 24. Fallacy - display of faulty reasoning that
10. Understatement - statement that is makes an argument invalid
restrained in ironic contrast 25. Synecdoche - figure of speech involving
11. Euphemism - the act or example of the substitution of a part for a whole
substituting a mild, indirect, or vague 26. Metonymy - the figure of speech involving
term for one considered harsh, blunt, or the substitution of the names of an attribute or
offensive adjunct
12. Oxymoron - the joining of contradictory 27. Iambic Pentameter - beat or foot that uses 10
terms syllables in each line
13. Allusion - an instant of indirect 28. Character Foil - character who constrasts
reference with another character
14. Motif - anything with thematic 29. Parody - close imitation of style for comedic
importance that recurs in a work effect
15. Syntax - part of grammar treats 30. Satire - work that reveals a critical attitude
construction or sentence toward same element of human behavior by
portraying it in an extreme way
31. Aphorism - terse (abrupt) state which
16. Antithesis - the direct or exact opposite expresses a general truth or moral principle
32. Extended Metaphor - metaphor developed at
great length
33. Paradox - underlying truth through the use of
seemingly contrary ideas
34. Third Person Omniscient - narrator presents
the thoughts and feelings of a character
35. Third person limited omniscient - narrator
presents with authority at any given moment
36. Rhetoric - effective or persuasive
37. Zeugma - figure of speech in which one
word applies to at least two other words
38. Rhetorical Appeal: Logos - statement used to
convince targeted audience by reason or logic
39. Rhetorical Appeal: Pathos - quality of an
experience in life that stirs up pity/sorrow
40. Rhetorical Appeal: Ethos - ethical appeal to
convince an audience of the author’s credibility
41. Verbal Irony - words used are the opposite
of intended meaning
42. Situational Irony - events that turn out other
than expected
43. Dramatic Irony - facts known to the reader
or other characters are unknown to a character
44. Character Foil -
45. Deus ex machina - an unexpected force or
event that suddenly appears&resolves a
seemingly unsolvable problem
46. Allusion -
47. Simile - comparison using like or as
48. Metaphor - figure of speech used to refer to
something that doesn’t literally define it
49. Personification - non human thingsgiven
human characteristics
50. Verisimilitude - extent to which imitates life

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