Edld 5318 Assignment 1

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EDLD 5318 Assignment 1

Introduction​: Welcome to SAMR Model 101. In this course, students will be introduced to the
SAMR Model. Students will be able to distinguish each level from the model to construct
technology activities. Students will learn how to design a technology activity for each level which
can be implemented in the elementary classroom.

Learning Goals​: Learners will apply the SAMR Model by designing activities that demonstrate
each level: substitution, augmentation, modification and redefinition.

Desired Results​: The learner will demonstrate understanding of the SAMR Model by designing
technology activities which will be implemented in their lesson plan.

Audience​: My audience will be elementary teachers from Pre-K through 5​th​ grade.


Week 1 The SAMR Model and the Substitution Level

Introduction Video:

Welcome to SAMR 101

Course Overview


Instructor Webcast

The SAMR Model of Technology Integration Article​ by Michael Gorman
How the SAMR Model can be Used A Framework for Education 3.0​ by TeachThought

Video Resources:

The SAMR Model Explained by Ruben R. Puentedura

A Different Way to Think About Technology in Education

Beginners Guide to SAMR

SAMR Elementary Examples

Discussions are directly related to the weekly reading assignments and videos of each
From the assigned readings, discussions and from supporting research you will create
an account on Seesaw and add me as a Co-Teacher.

Create a lesson following the lesson cycle in which you will integrate technology in the
substitution level. Upload this activity to your Seesaw account.

Week 2 The Augmentation Level

How SAMR and Technology Can Help Teachers Truly Transform Assessment​ ​by
Lindsay Portnoy
How the SAMR Model can be Used A Framework for Education 3.0​ by TeachThought
Integrating Technology into Content Learning

Video Resources:

How to Apply the SAMR Model by Ruben R. Puentedura

21​st​ Century Learning

Digital Discoveries - SAMR Augmentation

Discussions are directly related to the weekly reading assignments and videos of each

Create a lesson following the lesson cycle in which you will integrate technology in the
augmentation level. Upload this activity to your Seesaw account.
Week 3 The Modification Level

The SAMR Model of Technology Integration Article​ by Michael Gorman
How the SAMR Model can be Used A Framework for Education 3.0​ by TeachThought

Video Resources:
A Thinking Taxonomy-Exploring the SAMR Model & Bloom’s Taxonomy

Blending Technology and Classroom Learning

Moving Up the SAMR Model

Discussions are directly related to the weekly reading assignments and videos of each

Create a lesson following the lesson cycle in which you will integrate technology in the
modification level. Upload this activity to your Seesaw account.

Week 4 The Redefinition Level

Teaching with Web-Based Resources​ ​by Edwige Simon
Integrating Technology into Instructional Practice​ b
​ y Eric C. Sheninger & Weston
10 ways to reach SAMR’s redefinition level
Sharing some SAMR Examples

Video Resources:

Redefining Learning and Teaching using Technology

The SAMR Model with App Examples

Discussions are directly related to the weekly reading assignments and videos of each

Create a lesson following the lesson cycle in which you will integrate technology in the
redefinition level. Upload this activity to your Seesaw account.
Week 5 Reflection and Analysis of the SAMR Model

Going Deeper with Learning Technology Integration- A 9 Question Protocol
How Digital Learning Contributes to Deeper Learning​ ​by Tom VanderArk & Carri

Video Resources:
How the Digital Revolution is Changing Learning

Discussions are directly related to the weekly reading assignments and videos of each

Assume a mentor technology leader role, compose a presentation you will deliver to
your peers. Your presentation must include what the SAMR Model is and how it looks in
the elementary classroom. You must design an activity to check for understanding the
staff will engage in.

List and briefly describe in your assignment document the materials you will enter into your
chosen LMS below using the space you need:
The materials that will be included in the LMS are:

Welcome Video- Teacher introduces the course

Contact Info- Email, phone number to contact teacher

Calendar- Conference days and times, due dates of Assignments and Discussions

Announcement Page- distribute information to keep students updated

Classroom Section- Folders for each week that will include an outline and links that students will need to

Selected links for Readings and Videos- Resources that will be used throughout the course and modules

Discussion Board- students will post discussions and collaborate with peers

Grades- Grades for assignments and discussions

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