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(b) Compare and contrast CIDA/SBD/02 Standard Bidding Document-Procurement of

Works-Major Contracts and CIDA/SBD/04 Standard Bidding Document-Procurement of

Works-Design Build Contracts?

CIDA/SBD/02 Standard Bidding Document of Procurement of Works for Major Contracts is

recommended for use on works contracts over RS.100 million and for contracts of a lesser value,
which are of a complex nature.
CIDA/SBD/04 Standard Bidding Document of Procurement of Works for Design Build
Contracts is recommended to use for works contract where the contractor is responsible for the
design and construction of the works on specified approvals obtained from the employer.
Contractor is responsible for the design and construction of the works on specified approvals
obtained from the employer for CIDA/SBD/04.But,limits of the management of the contract are
not describing on this document.
For the scope of bid, there are two targets for SBD-2 and SBD-4.Engineer must control the
design, supervision and inspection in SBD-2 contracts. Contractor has to be done construction
only. Contractor has a responsibility for the designing and construction of the contract. For the
SBD4 contracts, Engineer has to control the construction activities, but not to SBD-2 level.

Source of Funds is similar for SBD 4 and SBD 2.Eligible Bidders is included in SBD-
4.Ethics,Fraud and Corruption has been included in SBD 2.But same was deleted from SBD
4.Eligibility and qualification of the bidder is available for SBD-2.Here asking proposal for
subcontracting component and all bidder shall confirm in section 7.Qualification of the bidder
is available for SBD-4.Here asking information regarding any litigation current or during the last
five years.Scope of Site visit is different from both document.For SBD 2,Site visit is done for
preparing the bid and entering to contract. For SBD 4,Site visit is done for preparing the bid and
entering to contract for design and construction of the works.
Content of bidding document is different for SBD2 and SBD4.There are two volumes for SBD2
while SBD4 having three volumes. Specification of SBD2 has been changed to the employer’s
requirement to SBD4. There is only one form of Bid in SBD2.There are three ,form of bid in
SBD4 such as form of bid, form of Design/Technical proposal and form of price
proposal.SBD2-in volume 2, section 7 is having the only form of bid. All competitive bidders are
knowing, who is lowest at the tender opening time. In the SBD4, there are three forms. Here
lowest bidder also may be rejected due to unfit design/technical proposals. Therefore, there is no
clear transparency to select the correct bidder due to three forms of SBD4. Therefore, there is a
criticize for SBD4 due to this unclear selection.

Clarification of bidding document-similar in SBD4& SBD2 except the saying added at mid of
the sentence “or any objection to of restrictive specification “has been deleted in SBD
4.Amendment of bidding documents-similar in SBD 4& SBD 2 except the changing of the
relevant clause members within the context. Language of bid similar in SBD 4& SBD 2.For the
Document comprising the bid, Here, there are 3 envelops for SBD4 .each envelop is having
duplicate. Then, there are six envelops. Bidder shall submit the bid under three separately sealed
envelopes. First envelop is general information, include separately sealed inner envelop of
original and copy of the preliminary information. Second envelop for design/technical proposal
and warning Do Not Open, Except In The Presence Of The Evaluation Committee. Therefore,
there is no good transparency.
Bid prices are significant changes for both SBD2 and SBD4.Bidder shall fill in rates and prices
for all items of the work described in the BOQ for SBD2.Depending of the bidder’s proposal, the
bidder shall fill all relevant items in the priced schedules required for the works for SBD
4.Currencies of bid and payment is similar in SBD4&SBD 2.But the word “Rate” has omitted in
SBD 4.Bid validity is Similar in SBD 4&SBD 2.Bid security is Similar in SBD 4&SBD 2.Pre
bid meeting is similar in SBD4&SBD 2.but in SBD2 mentioned that nonattendance at pre bid
meeting will not be a cause for disqualification of a bidder. But this matter is silent in SBD
4.Clause18 of SBD 2 is having “Alternative proposals by bidders. But same is not indicated in
Format and Signing of bid-generally similar wording. But clause related are vary in the context
as appropriate. Sealing and marking of bids is significant change in SBD2 and SBD 4 which
discussed earlier. Deadline for submission of bid is generally similar wordings but clause related
are vary in the context. Late bids is similar in both SBDs. Modifications, substitution an
withdrawn of bids is available in SBD 4.But ,only modification and withdrawal of bids is
available in SBD2.
In SBD 2, Employer will open the bid in the presence of bidder’s representative. In SBD 4,
Employer will open the enveloped marked,envelop1-general information. Employer may
consider appropriate, will be announced by the employer at the opening for SBD2.General
information envelop will open at the SBD4. Then, anybody cannot get idea about lowest bidding
price. There are another two envelops for form of design and technical proposal. At this stage,
price proposal will not opened until the evaluation of technical proposal. Therefore, good
transparency cannot be seen in tender opening of SBD4 contracts.
Process to be confidential is similar in both SBD2 and SBD4.Clarification of bids is having
significant difference. SBD 2 included ’except as required to confirm the correction of arithmetic
errors discovered by the employer in the evaluation of the bids’. Same sentence not included in
SBD4.If any bidder wish to contact the employer on any matter related to the bid, it should do
so in writing for SBD2.But it is not mentioned in SBD4.examination of bids and determination
of responsiveness is having significant changes for SBD2 and SBD4.Prior to the detailed
evaluation of bids, the employer will evaluate the information submitted with the envelop
marked ‘envelop 1-Genaral Information’ for SBD 4 which is not included in SBD2.In the
evaluating the bids of SBD2,the employer will determine for each bid the evaluated bid price by
adjusting the bid price.
evaluation and comparison of bids is having significant changes for SBD2 and SBD4.In the
SBD4,evaluation of envelop marked ‘envelop 2-design/technical proposals’ shall have no access
to the envelop marked,’ envelop 3-price proposal’ until the technical evaluation ,is conclude. on
the basis of their responsiveness. Correction of errors is having the clause28(a) and 28(b) of
SBD4 is similar for clause 29(1) and 29(2) of SBD2..In additionally clause 28(c) and 28(d)
added to SBD 2.Award is having the significant change-clause 31 of SBD2 preference for
domestic bidders has not been indicated in SBD4.Inaccordance to the SBD4,Employer will
award the contract to the bidder whose bid has been determined to be substantially responsive to
the bidding document in accordance with for design and technical proposal and has achieved the
highest combined technical and financial score. For SBD2,Employer will award the contract to
the bidder whose bid has been determined to be substantially responsive to the bidding
Employer’s right to accept any bid to reject any or all bids is similar contents in both SBD2 and
SBD4..Notification of awards is generally same idea in both SBD 2 and SBD 4. Performance
security, clause 32.1 in SBD4 is similar to clause 35.1 in SBD2.but clause 35.2 and 35.3 of
SBD2 are not indicated in SBD4.Advanced payment and security is having the similar contents
in both SBD2 and SBD4.Payment to the contractor is available in SBD4.But,such clause is not
available in SBD2.

Adjudicator is having some changes in SBD2 and SBD4.In SBD2, Employer and the contractor
shall mutually agree on the appointment of an adjudicator within 28 days from the
commencement date. For the SBD4, Employer proposes the person named in the bidding data to
be appointed as adjudicator. If the bidder disagrees within this proposal, the bidder should so
state in the bid. Under Condition of contract, Contract is having the significant change for SBD2
and SBD4.the form of bid the form of design/technical proposal, the form of price proposal are
included in SBD4 which is not included in SBD2.Specification of SBD2 has been changed to
employer requirements of SBD4.schedules is having significant change for both SBD2 and
SBD4.In SBD4,documents entitled schedules, completed by the contractor and submitted with
the bid as included in the contract. Such document may include data, lists and schedules of
payments and/or prices. These words not included in SBD2. Contractor’s proposal is only having
in SBD4.Drawing is indicated in SBD2, and not included in SBD4.
Bill of quantities is available in SBD2 and not included in SBD4.employers personnel is having
some changes for both SBD2 and SBD4.In SBD4,this means Engineer and all other staff, labour
and other employees of the Engineer and of the Employer and any other personnel notified to the
contractor, by the Employer or Engineer, as Employer’s personnel. There deep details are not in
SBD2.Qualified designer is available SBD4 and not included in SBD2.Contractor’s personnel
are similar in SBD 2and SBD 4.Subcontractor is similar in SBD2 and SBD4.Start date is
included in SBD4 and commencement date is mentioned in SBD2.Retention money is having
clause number and content difference for SBD2 and SBD4.Site, laws, performance security,
variation and unforeseeable terms have not defined in SBD4.but defined in sbd2. Under clause,,, and
Communications is changed in both SBD2 and SBD4.In SBD4; Communication between parties
shall be effective only when in writing. A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered. For
SBD2,Communication shall be in writing and delivered by hand, sent by mail or courier and
delivered, sent or transmitted to the address for the recipients communication as stated in the
contract data. Priority of documents is having the changes for SBD2 and SBD4.Instead of form
of bid of SBD2 is available form of bid, form of design/technical proposal, form of price
proposal in SBD4.Contractors proposal and employer’s requirement are only available in
SBD4.contract agreement is available some changes for SBD2 and SBD4.In SBD 2, Parties shall
enter into a contract agreement within 28 days, unless they otherwise agreed, after the date on
which the contractor receives the letter of acceptance.

Care and supply document is available difference for SBD2andSBD 4.In SBD2, Specification
and Drawings shall be in the custody and care of the employer. Same content not included in
SBD4.In accordance to the SBD4, Engineer shall have full power and authority to request from
the contractor from time to time during the progress of the works which are not mentioned in
Errors in the employers requirements-delayed drawings instruction in SBD2 has not been
inserted in SBD4.

Compliance with laws is having the changes for both SBD2 and SBD4.In the SBD4,employer
shall have obtained the planning, zoning or similar permission for the payment works and any
other permission described in the employer’s requirement. In SBD2, Contractor shall disclose all
such confidential and other information as the engineer may reasonably require in order to
verifying the contractor’s compliance.
Nominated subcontractors is introduced in SBD4.but in SBD2 clause 4.5 is defined it as
assignment of benefit of sub contract.
Sufficiency of the initial contract price is available in SBD4.Clause 4.9 of SBD2 is defined Site
data which is not included in SBD4.
unforeseeable physical condition is similar in SBD2 and SBD 4.contractor’s equipment is having
some changes for both SBD2 and of the environment is also no change for both
SBDs. progress report , fossils and contractors operation of site are not having changes for SBD2
and SBD4.Quality Assurance-clause 4.17, Rights of way and facilities-clause 4.18, Avoidance of
interference –clause 4.19 and Access route –clause 4.20 are not indicated in SBD4, But available
in SBD2.
Design, Nominated Sub contractors have been removed from SBD4 under heading 5.Nominated
Sub contractors have been included in SBD2 under heading 5.All clauses under section 6, staff
and labour are similar in SBD4 and SBD2,except for clause 6.5 of facility for staff and labour
and clause 6.6 of health and safety in SBD4.All clauses under section 7 for plant, material and
workmanship are similar in SBD4 and SBD 2 except for clause 7.1 ‘additional samples’ in
SBD4.All clauses under section 8’commencement,Delays and Suspension’ are similar in SBD 4
and 2,except for clause 8.1 ‘commencement of works’ clause 8.7 ‘delay damages’ in SBD 4.
All clauses under section 9 ‘tests on completion are similar in SBD4 and 2 except clause 9.1
contractors obligation in SBD4.
All clauses under section 10, employer’s taking over are similar SBD4 and SBD2.All clauses
under section 11’defects liability’ are similar in SBD4 and 2except for clause 11.2 cost of
remedying defects in SBD4.Clause 14.4 plant and materials intended for the works as SBD2, not
included in SBD4.Section 15, termination by employer, similar in SBD4 and SBD2.Section
16,suspension and termination by contractor’, similar in SBD4 and SBD2.Section 17, risk and
responsibilities by contractor’, similar in SBD4 and SBD2.Section 18’insurances’ is similar for
both SBD2 and SBD4,clause 18.4’insurance for professional indemnity’ has introduced in
SBD4,Clause 18.4 in SBD2 is ‘remedy on contractor’s failure to insure’ has introduced. Clauses
for ‘remedy on contractors failure to insure’ has not mentioned in SBD4.Section 19’claims
,disputes and arbitration’ are same I n SBD2 and SBD 4.Section 20 ‘force Majeure’ is similar for
SBD4 and SBD2.

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