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™ Fit Testing with Bitrex™

Document Number: 142


Testing Agents #501) for respirator fit testing. If you are using irritant
When fit testing respirators, a variety of testing agents smoke tubes for fit testing, you should discontinue
can be used and are acceptable to the Occupational immediately. Sensidyne is trying to find a suitable
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) fit testing substitute, but so far has been unsuccessful.]
policies. The most common types are isoamyl acetate Problems with Saccharin & Banana
(commonly referred to as banana oil because of its Oil
fruit-like aroma), saccharin (a sweet-tasting agent)
Though not harmful, saccharin has a sweet taste that
and stannic chloride (otherwise known as irritant
smoke). A new fit testing agent that has been intro- may not cause a strong reaction in some fit test sub-
duced is Denatonium Benzoate (also known as jects. Since the taste is a pleasant one, some subjects
Bitrex™). Bitrex leaves a very bitter taste in the mouth may not notice or acknowledge it. Others may not
of fit test subjects whose masks do not fit properly. taste it at all.
All of these agents can be used for qualitative fit test- A similar problem occurs when banana oil is used—it
ing for negative-pressure respirators. The qualitative has a pleasant, fruit-like aroma. The other drawback
method is the most widely used method for respirator of banana oil is that it can only be used with organic
fit testing. This method is acceptable to OSHA stan- vapor cartridges, whereas the other testing agents are
dards (29 CFR 1910.134) and can be performed with for use with filters.
minimal training and expense. A New Solution: Bitrex
Bitrex (chemical formula: C28H34N2O3; CAS #3734-33-
Problems with Irritant Smoke 6) is a product that’s designed for human exposure.
Irritant smoke (or stannic chloride, chemical formula: Bitrex is a trademarked material originally used to
SnCl4; CAS #7646-78-8) gives off hydrogen chloride denature alcohol. It has also been added to household
and tin fumes, which can be toxic. When used during chemicals and automotive products to prevent acci-
fit testing, the stannic chloride reacts with humidity dental poisoning. Bitrex has a very intense bitter
producing a white smoke with a pungent odor. This taste—one of the most bitter ever produced. OSHA and
smoke contains two compounds: hydrogen chloride NIOSH do not yet have TWA information for Bitrex.
(HCL) and tin (Sn). Hydrogen chloride is highly corro-
sive to human tissue. Inhalation of a relatively low On March 6, 1996, Bitrex was accepted by OSHA for
concentration will cause irritation to the upper respi- respirator fit testing for an interim period due to the
ratory tract and eyes. This is why it’s such an effective concerns with irritant smoke and saccharin agents.
chemical to use for respiratory fit testing. When This acceptance was based upon a study performed
exposed to higher concentrations for a short duration, by H. E. Mullins, S. C. Danisch and A. R. Johnston enti-
inhalation of the hydrogen chloride may cause cough- tled Development of New Qualitative Test for Fit Testing
ing fits, chest pains, sneezing and choking. Both OSHA Respirators published by the AIHA Journal (November
and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and 1995, Vol. 56).
Health (NIOSH) have established Time Weighted The procedures for the qualitative Bitrex testing are
Averages (TWA) of 5 parts per million (ppm) for relatively easy. There are basically two tests to per-
hydrogen chloride. NIOSH has also published an form: the sensitivity test and the fit test.
Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH)
level of 100 ppm for hydrogen chloride. The sensitivity test is done first to verify that the per-
son being fit tested can detect the taste of the Bitrex
The second product produced by the reaction of stan-
solution at a diluted concentration. Following is a
nic chloride and humidity is tin. Normally tin is con-
brief description of those procedures:
sidered a relatively safe substance. In fact, one of the
most important uses of tin is in the food and beverage 1. Have the person put on the test hood without a
canning industries. However, when tin reacts with respirator.
strong acids, such as hydrogen chloride, it becomes 2. Position the hood forward so that there is a six-inch
an acidic compound. This compound also causes irri-
gap between the person’s face and the window.
tation to the upper respiratory tract. Prolonged expo-
sure to tin fumes is known to produce benign pneu- 3. Instruct the person to breathe through his/her
moconiosis. mouth.
[Sensidyne, one manufacturer of irritant smoke tubes, 4. Using a nebulizer containing the sensitivity solu-
no longer recommends its product (smoke tube model tion, inject the aerosol into the hood. Inject ten

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©1998 Lab Safety Supply Inc.
Fit Testing with Bitrex™


Document Number: 142


squeezes of the bulb, fully collapsing and allowing has successfully completed the fit test. The following
the bulb to expand fully on each squeeze. items need to be on the certification form: name of
5. Ask the person if he/she can taste the sensitivity employee; type of respirator (model and size); date of
solution. test; and signature of the tester and test subject.
6. If the person does not taste the sensitivity solu- Conclusion
tion, inject an additional ten squeezes of the
Bitrex is a safer and more reliable fit testing agent
aerosol into the hood. Repeat again if needed. Do
than saccharin and irritant smoke. A fit test subject
not exceed a total of thirty squeezes during the
may easily avoid acknowledging a poor fit because
test. If thirty squeezes are inadequate, end the test
saccharin has a sweet taste or he/she may not be able
and use a different type of fit test method.
to taste it. Irritant smoke will cause the fit test subject
7. Remove the hood and give the subject a few min- to cough, making a poor fit evident, but the hydrochlo-
utes to clear the taste from his/her mouth. ric acid mist from the stannic chloride is also a toxin.
Once the individual passes the sensitivity test, the On the other hand, because of the bitter taste it leaves
actual fit test can be conducted. These are the basic in the mouth, Bitrex causes an unavoidable response
steps that need to be followed: in the test subject, yet it is not toxic. It is also an
acceptable method for fit testing the new N, R, and P
1) Have the person put on the test hood with a filters which meet 42 CFR Part 84 criteria for particu-
respirator. late filtration.
2) Position the hood forward so that there is a six-inch
gap between the person’s face and the window. Sources for More Information
3) Using the nebulizer filled with the test solution, Allegro Qualitative Fit Test Kit. Part No. 2041. Allegro
inject the aerosol into the hood using the same Ind. Inc., 1996.
number of squeezes required during the sensitivi- Bitrex: Material Safety Data Sheet, Allegro Ind. Inc., 1996.
ty test (see step 6 above).
Department of Labor, Memorandum for Regional
4) Instruct the person to tell you if they can taste the Administrators, Respiratory Fit Testing and Fit Checking
Bitrex at any time during the test.
Procedures, Washington, D.C., 1996.
5) To maintain an adequate concentration of the
Sittig, Marshall, Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous
Bitrex aerosols during the test, inject one-half of
the number of squeezes used in step 3 every thir- Chemicals and Carcinogens, New Jersey: Noyes
ty seconds. Publications, 1991.
6) After the initial aerosol is injected, instruct the Budavari, Susan, The Merck Index, New Jersey: Mereck
person to perform the following exercises for 60 & Co., Inc., 1989.
seconds each. Ash, Michael and Irene, Gardner’s Chemical Synonyms and
• Normal breathing Trade Names, Vermont: Gower Publishing Ltd., 1994.
• Deep breathing
• Turning head from side to side
• Nodding the head up and down
• Talking, recite the alphabet or read a pas-
sage out loud (i.e. rainbow passage)
• Normal breathing FREE Technical Support
7) If the entire test is completed without the person When you have a question, you can rely on
detecting the bitter taste of the Bitrex aerosol, the our team of technical experts. They’ll answer
test is successful. your questions about product specifications,
8) If the person does detect the taste of Bitrex, ter- chemical compatibility, regulatory issues, and
minate the test. Wait fifteen minutes and perform general worker safety and health.
the test over starting with the sensitivity test. Call our Safety TechLine™ Technical Support toll-free:
The person administering the qualitative fit test does 1-800-356-2501
not have to be certified by an organization or OSHA in 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. CT, Monday–Friday
order to conduct fit testing. However, he/she should be
qualified by the employer so he/she is able to adminis- Please note: The information contained in this publication is intended for
ter the test, prepare the solutions, calibrate equipment general information purposes only. This publication is not a substitute for
review of the applicable government regulations and standards, and should
and perform the test properly. The employer needs to not be construed as legal advice or opinion. Readers with specific questions
certify at the conclusion of the test that the employee should refer to the cited regulation(s), or consult with an attorney.

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©1998 Lab Safety Supply Inc.

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