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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 75 (2017) 1008–1021

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A review and future application of Rankine Cycle to passenger vehicles for MARK
waste heat recovery

Feng Zhoua, , Shailesh N. Joshia, Raphael Rhote-Vaneyb, Ercan M. Dedea
Toyota Research Institute of North America, 1555 Woodridge Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA
Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc., 38695 Seven Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48152, USA


Keywords: Rankine Cycle (RC) is a thermodynamic cycle that converts thermal energy into mechanical work, which is
Rankine Cycle (RC) commonly found in thermal power generation plants. Recently, there have been many studies focusing on
Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) applying Rankine Cycle to recover low-grade waste heat. On-road vehicles, which convert around one third of
Passenger vehicle the fuel energy into useful mechanical energy for propulsion, are moving energy conversion systems that
Two-phase cooling
generate considerable waste heat. It is found from prior research that the Rankine Cycle has great potential in
Exhaust gas
automobile waste heat harvesting applications. However, in contrast with other low-grade waste heat
Engine coolant
applications, vehicles have limited space for the RC system integration, and the waste heat is relatively
unsteady. In this work, the efforts in the past few decades to apply RC to on-road vehicles, specifically passenger
cars, are reviewed. Characteristics of the waste heat sources found in vehicles and the constraints put on the
automotive RC application are identified. Rankine Cycle architectures, system components, and working fluids
suitable to different applications are summarized, which provides a guideline for future RC system design in
automobiles. Lastly, a new concept and case study into the future application of Rankine Cycle to vehicle waste
heat recovery (WHR) is provided.

1. Introduction energy recovery.

Several technologies have been investigated for waste heat recovery
In 2012, vehicle fuel-efficiency standards were announced by the (WHR) including thermoelectric generators (TEG), turbochargers, six-
Obama administration that require all US cars and light trucks to reach stroke cycle internal combustion engines, the Rankine Cycle (RC), etc.
54.5 miles per gallon on average by model year 2025 [1]. As a result, The RC system has been identified as a promising solution to harvest-
automobile manufacturers are working to improve fuel efficiency in ing part of this waste energy from vehicles as regenerated mechanical
order to meet current and future fuel economy requirements plus or electrical power [4–7]. A RC system includes four main components:
emissions regulations. Vehicle fuel efficiency is logically related to the 1) an evaporator, 2) an expander, 3) a condenser, and 4) a pump; refer
efficiency of the internal combustion engine, where approximately 60– to the flow loop of a typical RC system in Fig. 1. The pump drives the
70% of fuel energy is wasted in the form of heat. working fluid to circulate through the loop, and the evaporator utilizes
It has been estimated that the thermal efficiency of a modern a waste heat source to vaporize the working fluid. The fluid vapor
internal combustion (IC) engine is limited to 20–40% while 33% of the expands in the expander and converts thermal energy into mechanical
fuel energy from a typical medium-size passenger vehicle is carried power output. Then, the expanded vapor flows through a condenser to
away by exhaust gases and 33% is carried away by engine cooling water turn back into liquid phase, thus completing the cycle.
in urban traffic conditions [2]. Depending on the engine type and The first study examining the application of RC to an automotive
operating conditions, the IC exhaust gas temperature usually varies application was reported in the 1970 s [8], and since then extensive
from 500 to 900 ℃ and the engine cooling water temperature is around work has been done to investigate the feasibility of applying RC to
100 ℃. It is reported that, for a typical light duty 4-cylinder spark automobiles (with a primary focus on heavy-duty diesel engine trucks
ignition engine, the waste energy carried by the exhaust gas ranges [9–33]). Generally, a 10–15% fuel efficiency improvement is reported
from 4.6 to 120 kW and cooling water heat ranges from 9 to 48 kW [3], for diesel engine truck applications. The application of RC to passenger
which makes the exhaust gas and engine cooling heat very attractive for vehicles is more challenging due to space limitations, which necessi-

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Zhou).
Received 6 January 2016; Received in revised form 1 August 2016; Accepted 4 November 2016
Available online 14 November 2016
1364-0321/ © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Zhou et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 75 (2017) 1008–1021

Fig. 1. Schematic of a general Rankine Cycle (RC) system layout including four main
components: evaporator, expander, condenser and pump.

Fig. 3. Structure 2 of the RC system for application to passenger vehicles, in which a

tates further investigation.
recuperator is added before the evaporator using the steam from the expander to preheat
In this article, existing architectures of RC systems, prior research the working fluid.
that has been done on RC passenger vehicle applications, expander
selection, suitable working fluids, and RC system vehicle integration The most common and simple Rankine Cycle system structure
strategies are summarized. Thus, this review provides a comprehensive (structure 1) is shown in Fig. 2, which utilizes the exhaust gas as the
guideline for future RC system design for passenger vehicles. only heat source to evaporate the working fluid. The heat from engine
Additionally, as a point of differentiation from prior studies, a unique coolant is dissipated to the environment through the radiator and is not
concept and case study on the future application of RC to passenger recovered by the RC system. The second structure design is shown in
vehicle waste heat recovery logically follows the state-of-the-art Fig. 3, in which another heat exchanger (i.e. recuperator) is added
summary. before the evaporator using the steam from the expander to preheat the
working fluid. Similar to structure 1, the engine coolant waste heat is
not utilized as well. A third structure is shown in Fig. 4; different from
2. RC architectures for passenger vehicle application
structure 2, waste heat from the engine coolant is used to preheat the
working fluid. The regenerative preheating of structure 2 requires a
For automotive applications, the RC system is usually installed
very complex liquid-gas heat exchanger with high surface area, while
downstream of the catalyst to avoid negative influence on emission
the preheater in structure 3 only requires a simple liquid-liquid heat
control by extending the time for the catalyst to reach light-off
exchanger. For some working fluids, e.g. organic fluids, structure 2
temperature at cold start and to utilize the extra energy produced by
(with a recuperator) is needed to cool down the vapor exiting from the
pollutant conversion within the catalyst [34]. Lecompte et al. [35]
expander, which is still superheated, to reduce the cooling load of the
conducted a thorough review of organic RC architectures for general
WHR. However, heat sources on vehicles are different from other
There have been contradicting conclusions about the effect of
typical industrial heat sources, which are stable and have fewer space
preheating using engine coolant, e.g. structure 3, on the RC system
limitations for system implementation. To be technically feasible for
efficiency. Based on Vaja and Gambarotta's work [36], the RC system
vehicle RC application, the system should be kept as simple as possible
with the engine coolant preheating allows a net increase in power
and utilize components that already exist to reduce cost, weight, and
output, compared to structure 1, of 10–35%, depending on which
complexity. Another consideration requiring special treatment is
working fluid is chosen. Alberto Boretti [37,38] also showed a 8.2% fuel
related to the different temperature ranges of the two main heat
economy improvement using engine coolant to preheat the RC cycle,
sources found in vehicles. In this section, commonly used structures
compared to a 6.4% improvement when only exhaust gas is used to boil
and associated flow loops of RC systems for passenger vehicle applica-
tions are summarized.

Fig. 2. Structure 1 of the RC system for application to passenger vehicles, which utilizes Fig. 4. Structure 3 of the RC system for application to passenger vehicles, in which waste
the exhaust gas as the only heat source to evaporate the working fluid. heat from the engine coolant is used to preheat the working fluid.

F. Zhou et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 75 (2017) 1008–1021

the working fluid. Arias et al. [39] also compared the combined exhaust
and engine coolant heat recovery system, structure 3, with the exhaust
only structure, structure 1. However, it was found that the additional
power recovered from the engine coolant system was 20 W out of a
total 2.14 kW, which is a ~1% improvement. It was argued that the
reason why it is not advantageous to build a combined engine coolant
and exhaust gas waste heat recovery system is due to the 100 ℃
constraint imposed on the engine coolant temperature which is not a
good match for preheating the working fluid. Duparchy et al. [40] also
analyzed the waste heat recovery potential for engine cooling water and
exhaust gas from both energy and exergy points of view. It was found
that the proportion of thermal energy carried by exhaust gas is
comparable with that dissipated by engine cooling water, which means
these two sources are roughly equivalent from the energy point of view. Fig. 6. Structure 5 of the RC system for application to passenger vehicles, which utilizes
However, exhaust gas shows a much greater recovery potential in terms separate system loops and different working fluids to match the specific characteristics of
of exergy due to the greater temperature differential relative to the engine coolant and exhaust gas.
ambient. The main reason why opposite conclusions were drawn from
different studies is that different working fluids were selected for the volume, greater system complexity, and increased cost. Therefore, this
RC system. Vaja and Gambarotta [36] and Alberto Boretti [37,38] RC architecture is usually being applied to big vehicles, such as long-
adopted organic fluids, e.g. benzene, R11, R134a and 245fa, while haul trucks with diesel engine [33,41,42].
Arias et al. [39] and Duparchy et al. [40] selected water as the working Another RC system which is integrated with engine cooling was
fluid. These organic fluids have moderate evaporating temperature and developed by Toyota [43], see Fig. 7. This system minimizes the
low evaporation latent heat, compared to a higher boiling point and number of required components by adopting an evaporative engine
higher latent heat of water. Therefore, for organic fluids, the preheating cooling structure and a refrigerant as the working fluid, so that the
energy ranges from 30% to 50% of the total obtained energy, while it is engine functions as an evaporator and the existing radiator works as a
only about 10% for water [3]. condenser. The only extra component added to the system is an
To utilize the engine waste heat, two more structure options could expander for power conversion. However, this structure requires a
be considered. The first option (structure 4) is shown in Fig. 5, which modification of the existing engine cooling system, while the current
was proposed by Arias et al. [39]. Instead of using engine coolant to engine cooling technology is quite mature and has used 50/50, water/
preheat the working fluid, the engine block, which has a higher ethylene glycol, as the coolant for decades.
temperature, is used to partially evaporate the working fluid. For this There are some other RC architectures available which are not
structure, complete evaporation of the working fluid inside the engine documented here since they are generally variants or combinations of
block should be prevented. A design parameter, e.g. quality, was the six different architectures. Kim et al. [44] proposed a single-loop
recommended to be selected and given a value as an intermediate ORC structure for gasoline vehicle engine waste heat recovery from
state in the boiling process, so that the two-phase mixture would flow both the exhaust gas and engine coolant. The proposed system is
out of the engine block and into the evaporator to complete the boiling basically a combination of Structure 2 and 3 with a low temperature
and superheating process via the exhaust gas [39]. (LT) and a high temperature (HT) recuperator before and after the
The second option (structure 5) is to build separate system loops engine coolant preheater. Therefore, the RC working fluid is preheated
and use different working fluids to match the specific characteristics of by the LT recuperator, vaporized by the engine coolant, and further
the engine coolant and exhaust gas; see Fig. 6. The first generation heated by the HT recuperator and finally by the exhaust gas. Compared
waste heat recovery system developed by BMW [34] adopted a similar to other single loop architectures, this system fully utilizes the waste
dual circuit system, in which water was used as the medium in the heat from both exhaust gas and engine coolant, and minimizes the
high-temperature (HT) loop and ethanol as working fluid in the low- temperature differential between the heat source and working fluid,
temperature (LT) loop. The dual loop system can utilize the full thus providing higher thermal efficiency by sacrificing more space for
potential of the waste energy with the disadvantages of large system extra heat exchangers. Shi et al. [45] added an Exhaust Gas Mixture
Recirculation (EGMR) loop to the Structure 1 RC system, so that the
exhaust gas flowing out of the evaporator at lower temperature is

Fig. 5. Structure 4 of the RC system for application to passenger vehicles, in which the Fig. 7. Structure 6 of the RC system for application to passenger vehicles, which adopts
engine block at a higher temperature than the coolant is used to partially evaporate the an evaporative engine cooling structure and a refrigerant as the working fluid to
working fluid. minimize the number of required add-on RC components.

F. Zhou et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 75 (2017) 1008–1021

Table 1 WRC
ηm = .
Comparisons between different RC structures. Pe (2)
Pros Cons ηth Herein, all of the reported fuel economy improvement values are
Structure 1 Simple structure. Only recover exhaust gas 1–5%
converted to either thermal efficiency or mechanical efficiency for
waste heat. consistency and ease of comparison. Assuming approximately one third
Structure 2 Reutilize waste heat of An extra liquid-gas heat 1.5–5.5% of the total fuel energy is transferred to mechanical power output,
vapor from expander; exchanger. which is a typical value for modern IC engines, then
Reduce the cooling
load of the condenser. ηth ≈ ηm /3. (3)
Structure 3 Recover part of waste An extra liquid-liquid heat 1.5–5.5%
heat from engine exchanger; The first RC application to a small passenger vehicle was reported
coolant. Single working fluid to
in 1993 by Oomori and Ogino [43] from Toyota Motor Corporation.
match two heat sources at
different temperatures. The adopted system structure is structure 6, as shown in Fig. 7. Based
Structure 4 Recover waste heat from Modification of engine 2–5.5% on the study, approximately 3% of the engine output power was
engine more efficiently. block. recovered from the engine waste heat at an ambient temperature of
Structure 5 Maximize the energy Complex system. 3–6%
25 ℃.
recovered from both
engine coolant and Chammas and Clodic [3] conducted a rough estimation of fuel
exhaust gas. efficiency improvement for RC application to hybrid vehicles (HV). In
Structure 6 Simplest structure; Significant redesign of the 1–3% their work, analysis was conducted from the energy balance perspec-
engine and engine cooling tive. Different working fluids, e.g. water, R-245ca and isopentane, and
different technical options, e.g. high pressure steam Rankine bottoming
Same coolant for engine No waste heat recovery
cooling and RC system. from exhaust gas. cycle, low pressure steam Rankine Cycle, organic Rankine Cycle, etc.,
are compared. It was estimated that using the available heat exchanger
and expander technologies, steam RC can offer up to 4% thermal
partially recirculated and mixed with the real-time high-temperature efficiency improvement while organic RC can provide up to 5% thermal
exhaust gas from the engine. In this way, both the flow rate and exhaust efficiency improvement since the heat released by the engine cooling
gas temperature at the evaporator inlet can be actively controlled circuit can be better recovered by organic fluids.
according to the driving profile to provide the optimal operating Following [3], Arias, Shedd and Jester [39] conducted theoretical
conditions for the ORC cycle. analysis of different structures of the RC system for waste heat recovery
Table 1 summarizes the pros and cons of the six different RC from a HV. Three different RC structures (i.e. structures 1, 3 and 4)
structures and the typical ranges of RC thermal efficiency for passenger were compared. It was found that structure 4 was the most efficient RC
vehicle applications; see Eq. (1) for the definition of RC thermal system and approximately 5.5% of the total inlet energy and 7.5% of
efficiency. It should be noted that the RC system thermal efficiency the total waste heat can be recovered when the engine block is used as
not only depends on the RC structure, but also the vehicle type, RC the preheater and the exhaust gas is used to super-heat the working
component type, etc. Therefore, the values reported by different groups fluid.
varied significantly. Besides, these values are based on work that has In 2007, Honda R & D Co., Ltd [46,47] reported an application of a
been reported publically to date. As component and integration RC system to a hybrid vehicle. To realize a compact design for vehicle
technology is being continuously developed, the RC thermal efficiency installation and high efficiency, densely layered multi-plate fins were
has great potential to be higher than the upper limit of the ranges adopted in the boiler and the unit was integrated with the engine
presented in the current paper. cylinder head to minimize the heat loss and system size. According to
For the structure design of the RC passenger vehicle application, the vehicle testing and numerical modelling, the thermal efficiency was
maximizing the recovered energy is not the only objective. System increased from 28.9–32.7% at 100 km/h constant cruising speed.
complexity, component volume and weight, and the related extra cost In 2008, BMW [34,48] unveiled their first generation “turbostea-
added to the vehicle are also big concerns. Accordingly, a comprehen- mer” to use the potential waste heat from the IC engine. A dual-circuit
sive review paper has logical benefits to automotive engineers/ system was developed to utilize the waste heat from both the engine
researchers and may facilitate greater adoption of associated waste coolant and the exhaust gas, with ethanol and water as the working
heat recovery technologies. fluids in the two circuits, respectively. An additional 10–15% power
output, which is approximately 5.7% thermal efficiency improvement,
was achieved. However, due to added weight, high system complexity,
3. Implementation of RC to passenger vehicle and space restrictions, the first generation turbosteamer was deemed
generally not feasible for mobile applications [49].
In this section, some typical applications of RC system to passenger The second generation turbosteamer [49], which simplified the
vehicles reported in open literature to date are reviewed and summar- prior system by only utilizing the waste heat from the exhaust gas to
ized in a rough chronological order. Two improvements in efficiency enable efficient vehicle integration, was reported in 2012. This second
were commonly used in the literature to show the impact of the RC generation system can reduce the mechanical engine load by approxi-
system to the vehicle efficiency, one of which is Thermal Efficiency, mately 6%, which is around 2% thermal efficiency improvement. BMW
ηth, defined by claimed that a higher fuel efficiency improvement can be reached with
intelligent heat management optimized for waste heat recovery. Some
WRC modelling work from BMW [50,51] followed, which underlined the
ηth = ,
ṁ fuel⋅LHV (1) importance of including vehicle integration effects when the fuel
efficiency improvement is estimated and foresaw an even higher fuel
in which WRC is net power output of the RC system, ṁ fuel is the fuel saving potential in hybrid-electric vehicles.
consumption rate and LHV is fuel low heating value. The other He et al. [52,53] conducted a steady-state experiment on a dual
definition is Mechanical efficiency, ηm, which is the ratio of the net loop waste heat recovery system for an IC engine, which is similar to
power output of the RC system, WRC, and the effective power produced structure 5. The difference is that a Kalina Cycle (KC) is used to harvest
by the engine, Pe, waste heat from the engine cooling loop and RC is only adopted to

F. Zhou et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 75 (2017) 1008–1021

recover energy from exhaust gas. Different working fluids for the RC
loop were compared and a cycle thermal efficiency of 18–26% was
achieved, depending on RC fluid selection and evaporation tempera-
ture, which indicated a thermal efficiency improvement of 12–17.3% if
two-thirds of the total fuel energy is assumed to be wasted by the
engine coolant and exhaust gas. However, the proposed combined cycle
is more feasible for naval engine applications than for passenger
vehicles considering the system complexity and space requirement
Alberto Boretti [37,38] studied the potential application of RC to a
1.8L naturally aspirated HV. The waste heat recovery from exhaust gas
Fig. 8. BMW's specifically designed two-stage impulse turbine integrated with generator
and engine coolant increase the fuel efficiency by up to 6.4% and 2.8%,
for their 2nd generation turbosteamer [49].
respectively, and up to 8.2% combined with corresponding averaged
values to be 3.4%, 1.7% and 5.1% for steady operation. For transient
expander. In their work [54], a commercial Green Turbine™ [56] that
operation, the integrated system showed a 4.2% better fuel economy
works only with water as the working fluid was selected for one of their
over the full New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) and 6.4% better fuel
study cases. The main characteristics of the turbine include a maximum
economy at 120 km/h cruising speed after complete engine warm-up.
inlet stream pressure of 5.2 bar, maximum inlet stream temperature of
Wang et al. [41] conducted a performance analysis of a dual loop
200 ℃, a power output of 2.5 kW, a length of 25 cm and a diameter of
RC system for a gasoline engine, which is similar to structure 5. The
19 cm, and a total weight of 7 kg. The reduced mass and overall
only difference is that an extra heat exchanger was added to the system
dimensions made the turbine one of the most appropriate candidates
to use the vapor from the high temperature expander to preheat the
for a RC vehicle waste heat recovery application.
working fluid of the low temperature loop before it is heated by the
Due to the current lack of commercial micro-turbine expanders,
engine coolant. The combined cycle system augmented the net power
most researchers used an in-house specifically designed turbine to test
output by 14–16% in the peak effective thermal efficiency region and
their RC system [49,57]. BMW's second generation Turbosteamer [49]
this increment percentage went up to 30–50% in the small load region.
adopted a specifically designed two-stage impulse turbine integrated
The thermal efficiency improvement is within 3–6% range throughout
with an electric generator for their RC system; see Fig. 8. The turbine
the engine's operating region.
works in the pressure range of 6–10 bar and the rotary speed is about
Heidrich and Krisch [2] assessed various RC implementations for
50,000 to 100,000 rpm. The turbine-generator unit has an overall
waste heat recovery and found that the waste heat recovery benefit is
length of 150 mm and a diameter of 100 mm, with a total weight of
low (~0.2 kW) for passenger cars used for city driving since these cars
approximately 2 kg. The electrical power output of the unit is about
mostly operate at idle speed and low load conditions. On the other
2 kW. Compared to a scaled-down reaction turbine which is generally
hand, passenger vehicles that are used mostly on countryside high-
used in power plants, the impulse turbine design significantly reduces
ways demonstrate a significant waste heat recovery benefit.
the flow leakage. The lubrication free nature of the design is another
Domingues et al. [54] evaluated the vehicle exhaust gas waste heat
advantage when compared to volumetric expansion machines.
recovery potential using RC system. The simplest RC structure
In general, the advantages of a turbine expander include compact
(structure 1) was adopted in their study since they considered
structure, light weight and high efficiency. However, the design and
compactness an essential criterion for RC vehicle applications. It was
manufacturing of the turbine is very difficult, which leads to a relatively
found that, using the selected shell and tube heat exchanger at an
higher cost with the added risk that the turbine efficiency decreases
evaporating pressure of 2 MPa, the RC system increased the mechan-
significantly under off-design conditions. Furthermore, a turbine
ical efficiency by 2.64–6.96%. It was also predicted that improved
expander puts more constraints on the working fluid selection since a
expander designs allowing for higher evaporating pressures will further
turbine cannot handle two-phase conditions. Therefore, if the heat
improve the energy recovery potential of the RC system. Appropriately,
addition is variable, the wetness in the expansion process may become
the topic of expander selection is thus presented in the next section.
uncontrollable and liquid droplets may damage the turbine blades.
Also, a speed reduction gearbox might be required due to speed
4. Expander selection
mismatch if the turbine outputs the mechanical energy directly to the
crank shaft. It is suggested that turbine expanders might be preferred
The expander is one of the most critical components in an RC
in combination with electrical generators for energy conversion and
system and an inappropriately selected expander might decrease the
storage, thus making it a practical solution for HVs [5].
system efficiency significantly. Many factors need to be considered
during the expander selection process for an RC system targeting
passenger vehicles; such factors include the inlet and outlet working 4.2. Scroll expander
conditions, pressure ratio, power output, working fluid, weight, vo-
lume, cost, reliability, isentropic efficiency, lubrication requirement, A scroll expander is a displacement type of expansion machine that
complexity, and rotational speed, to name a few. In general, expanders is characterized by a lower flow rate, higher pressure ratio and much
may be placed in one of two categories: 1) velocity type, e.g. an axial lower rotational speed than a turbo-machine [3,58]. Recently, the scroll
turbine expander, and 2) volume type, e.g. a scroll expander, screw expander has become a candidate for micro- and small-scale RC
expander, or reciprocal piston expander [55]. These various types of applications due to its compact structure, reliability, fewer moving
energy conversion machines are discussed in this section. parts, and lower level of noise and vibration [58]. When compared with
turbine expanders, these displacement machines can tolerate two-
4.1. Turbine expander phase conditions that may be present at the end of the coolant
expansion process under dynamic vehicle operating conditions.
A turbine expander is rotary machine that converts the kinetic A schematic that shows the operational cycle of a scroll expander is
energy carried by a fluid stream into mechanical energy when it passes shown in Fig. 9 [59]. The machine is composed of two swirl-shaped
through a set of blades. So far, few micro-scale turbine expanders ( < scrolls, the mobile scroll and the fixed scroll. The rotational direction of
10 kWe) are commercially available. Domingues et al. [54] reported RC the mobile scroll is opposite to the swirl direction, therefore the space
application studies for vehicles that used a commercial micro-turbine between the two scrolls increases as the mobile scroll rotates. Then, the

F. Zhou et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 75 (2017) 1008–1021

Fig. 9. Schematic showing the operational cycle of a scroll expander [59] that is composed of two swirl-shaped scrolls, the mobile scroll and the fixed scroll.

high pressure vapor flows into the machine and expands to a lower machine in RC plants. This type of expander is composed of a pair of
pressure. The machine becomes a compressor if the rotational direction meshing helical rotors that are packed within a housing with approxi-
changes. Currently, the majority of scroll expanders for RC vehicle mately 50 μm clearance; see Fig. 11 [55]. The fluid is admitted into the
applications are modified from scroll compressors. There are two types expander from one end and expelled from the other. When the rotors
of scroll expanders: compliant and constrained. The former uses a rotate, the volume trapped between the rotors and the housing
centrifugal effect to keep the mobile scroll in continuous contact with changes, which makes the fluid volume either increase or decrease,
the fixed scroll, and thus requires lubrication, while the latter is depending on the rotational direction.
constrained either radially or axially, or both, and can operate without The screw expander has been extensively studied by Smith et al. at
lubrication. City University London for decades, covering expander modelling,
For an RC system with small power output, leakage of the working performance prediction and experimental testing [61–66]. However,
fluid is the dominant cause of low efficiency for a scroll expander. The implementing a micro-scale screw expander ( < 10 kWe) for a vehicle
first RC application to passenger vehicle study from Toyota [43] application is challenging in the current market and few reports from
adopted a scroll expander which had an inlet volume of 40 cc and an the open literature were found for screw expander applications in RC
expansion ratio of 2. The size of the scroll expander is 120 mm by systems with power output lower than 10 kWe [55]. The study reported
190 mm. The maximum expander efficiency reached in the study is by Wang et al. [41] is one of the few exceptions where a screw expander
approximately 50%. It was found that the expander efficiency is is adopted as the machine in the RC system for vehicle waste heat
reduced due to deterioration of sealing performance and fluid leakage recovery, and the net power output of the expander for the low
at rotational speed below 1000 rpm. temperature loop (i.e. engine coolant) was 9.57 kW versus 26.39 kW
Yamada [60] experimentally demonstrated a micro organic RC for the high temperature exhaust gas loop.
generator for low-grade waste heat recovery. The overall size of the full In general, a screw expander can tolerate two-phase flow and is
system is 385 mm×320 mm×275 mmand the net electrical power highly efficient in off-design conditions. However, like other positive
output is around 5 W. The expander they adopted is an originally displacement devices, the seal is critical in the prevention of internal
developed scroll-type expander with a built-in expansion ratio of 1.99; leakage [67]. Lubrication is also required to avoid direct contact, while
see Fig. 10. The scroll expander was selected because the efficiency of at the same time, sealing between the lobes of the two rotors; this
displacement type expanders is relatively high for small power outputs feature makes the device relatively more expensive to fabricate than
with minimal components compared to a turbine expander. scroll expanders.
Regardless, the maximum achieved isentropic efficiency of the expan-
der was 4.55% due to the low speed of the expander and thus the high
working fluid leakage. The authors in [60] claimed that by increasing 4.4. Reciprocating piston expander
the rotational speed of the expander the fluid leakage may be reduced
thus increasing expander efficiency. The piston expander is one of the oldest displacement machines.
There is currently a large regrowth of interest in piston expanders for
small-scale RC systems, e.g. waste heat recovery from internal combus-
4.3. Screw expander tion engines [68]. A reciprocating piston expander has three main
processes: intake, expansion, and exhaust. The intake valve and
The screw expander has been widely adopted as an expansion expansion valve open and close alternatively to allow the high pressure

Fig. 10. Photograph and schematic of scroll expander adopted to build a micro organic RC generator for low-grade waste heat recovery [60].

F. Zhou et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 75 (2017) 1008–1021

Fig. 11. Screw expander composed of a pair of meshing helical rotors that are packed within a housing [55]. (a) View from rear and top; (b) View from front and bottom.

vapor to fill and expand in the chamber, driving the piston downward conducted more detailed comparisons of different expanders that can
for mechanical energy output. The expanded low pressure vapor is also be referred to.
expelled through the exhaust valve to finish the cycle. Reciprocating
machines have a good isentropic efficiency (about 70%) and a good
power output/size ratio. 5. Working fluid selection
Endo et al. from Honda R & D [46] chose a volumetric axial piston
as the expanding machine for their RC system due to its low operating When designing an RC system, special attention should also be paid
speed and comparatively flat efficiency characteristics compared to a to the working fluid selection according to the heat source temperature,
turbine expander. Their expander has a geometric expansion ratio of which has a significant effect on the system thermal and exergetic
14.7 and a maximum speed of 3000 rpm. A motor-generator was efficiency. The choice of the working fluid used in the RC depends on a
mounted coaxially in the expander unit to convert the mechanical number of factors including thermodynamic efficiency, environmental,
energy into electricity. A thermal efficiency of 8–13% was reached in safety, and process-related economic issues.
the study. Bao and Zhao [67], Chen et al. [69], Hung et al. [70], Lakew and
In general, piston expanders show some advantages over other Bolland [71], Lai et al. [72], Qiu [73] and Hærvig et al. [74] conducted
expansion machines, such as larger built-in volume ratio, higher thorough reviews on the working fluid selection for RC, in general.
achievable operating pressures and temperatures, and the ability to When implementation of a RC system in a passenger vehicle is
tolerate two-phase flow plus low rotational speeds. However, they also considered, stricter criteria should be adopted for the fluid selection
have some disadvantages, such as their heavy weight, valves and torque to maximize safety and minimize environmental concerns in case a
impulse, and many moving parts. fluid leakage occurs; as an example, a low flammability level is a major
Besides the four types of expanders discussed herein, there exist concern for passenger vehicle applications. Therefore, alcohols and
other types of expanders that have been considered in RC applications hydrocarbons, in spite of their good thermodynamic efficiencies, are
for vehicles. These additional types of expanders include Vane-cell arguably not ideal candidates. Instead, refrigerants, which are used in
expanders [34] and Wankel engines [52,53]. The advantages and automotive air conditioning systems, are usually better options.
disadvantages of four main types of expanders are summarized in Generally, according to the slope of the saturation curve, the working
Table 2 for comparison purpose. Qiu et al. [55], Bao and Zhao [67] fluid may be categorized into three different types: 1) wet fluid, 2) dry
fluid, and 3) isentropic fluid; see Fig. 12.
Most inorganic fluids are wet fluids, e.g. water, ammonia, etc.,
Table 2
Advantages and disadvantages of different types of expanders for RC application to which means the expansion ends in the two-phase region. Water, which
passenger vehicles. is the most environmentally friendly, safest, and exhibits the highest
evaporation enthalpy, has historically been the working fluid for many
Expander Advantages Disadvantages
large-scale power cycles. Water delivers higher work output and higher
Turbine Compact structure, light weight, Difficult to design and thermal efficiency than other working fluids, due to which Arias et al.
expander high efficiency, mature fabricate, high cost, low
manufacturability. off-design efficiency,
cannot bear two-phase.
Scroll expander Compact structure, high Leakage of the working
reliability, fewer moving parts, fluid leads to low
lower rotate speed and lower efficiency, low capacity,
level of noise and vibration, can require lubrication.
handle two-phase flow.
Screw expander Tolerate two-phase flow, low Mostly adopted in RC
rotate speed and efficient in off- plants, require seal to
design conditions. prevent internal leakage,
lubrication is required.
Reciprocating Larger built-in volume ratio, Heavy weight, have valves
piston higher achievable operating and torque impulse, many
expander pressures and temperatures, moving parts.
tolerate two-phase flow, low
rotational speeds.
Fig. 12. Three types of working fluid: dry fluid, wet fluid, and isentropic fluid.

F. Zhou et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 75 (2017) 1008–1021

[39], auto manufacturers Honda [46] and BMW [34,49] selected water and pressure they can undergo chemical decomposition and deteriora-
as the working fluid for their RC system. It was found by Arias et al. tion [5]. In addition, the current generation of refrigerants, e.g. HFCs
[39] that when water is selected as the working fluid, the waste heat (hydroflurocarbons), has a high global warming potential, which means
from the engine coolant is not effectively recovered by the system due that their use could be limited or banned in the near future.
to the mismatch between the low temperature of the engine coolant In general, the working fluid selection for RC passenger vehicle
and the high boiling temperature of water. For BMW's first generation application should consider the following criteria: 1. Safety of passen-
RC system [34], water is used to harvest energy from exhaust gas only, gers is the first priority. Fluids with high flammability or high toxicity
while ethanol is used in a separate loop for engine coolant waste heat should be avoided; 2. Environmental impact, including Ozone
recovery. In the case of Honda's RC system [46] and BMW's second Depletion Potential (ODP) and Global Warming Potential (GWP)
generation turbosteamer [49], water is only heated by the exhaust gas. should be minimized. The EPA regulatory requirements for automotive
Therefore, it is safe to conclude that water is a preferable working fluid refrigerants must be followed; 3. Fluids should be compatible with
for high exhaust gas temperatures ranging from 500 to 800 ℃. automotive application. The freezing point of the RC working fluid
In terms of the disadvantages of water, there is the requirement for must comply with typical automotive application requirements, e.g. the
superheating to avoid turbine blade erosion if such a machine is operation of the RC system should guarantee engine idle and startup
selected for the expander. Also, the high degree of superheating makes temperatures as low as −40 ℃ [76]. Besides, if the RC system is
water less practical for automotive applications due to the variation of integrated with some electronic component, such as the application
exhaust temperature at different load conditions. Also, water's high proposed in Section 7, then the characteristics of the working fluid
freezing point (0 ℃) cannot meet the standard automotive working should be compatible with electronics, e.g. the fluid most likely needs
temperature range (−40~85 ℃). Therefore, practical solutions to solve be dielectric; 4. The fluid should be selected in a way that makes the
these issues need to be developed if water is chosen as the working fluid system thermo-economically optimal. From a thermodynamic perfor-
for RC vehicle applications. mance point of view, the fluid can be chosen such that it maximizes the
Most organic fluids are either dry fluids, e.g. R113, R245fa, R245ca, energy recovery [77] based on the characteristics of the waste heat
etc., or isentropic fluids, e.g. R11, R134a, R123, etc. Associated CFCs/ sources and properties of the fluid, e.g. critical temperature, critical
HCFCs have been rejected due to environmental concerns and phased ideal gas molar heat capacity, etc. [78]. From the economic point of
out according to international protocols. Dry/isentropic refrigerants view, the system size and cost also needs to be considered [79,80].
are widely used in small-scale RC applications because of their good Following the general criteria summarized above, an appropriate
heat transfer properties, excellent thermal stability and low viscosity. working fluid can be selected for the specific vehicle application of
They are generally non-flammable, which is a big advantage for interest.
automotive application and compatible with most materials. Under
low temperature ambient conditions (0~−40 ℃) they also do not freeze, 6. System integration and challenges
which is a major benefit relative to water.
Chammas and Clodic [3] compared different organic fluids with To utilize the waste heat from vehicles via an RC system, a best
water for RC application to HVs and argued that using water for an RC compromise between the system complexity and fuel savings potential
system to recover automotive waste heat could lead to a complex needs to be established. Regarding vehicle integration, it is widely
system requiring large sized equipment and high investment cost, acknowledged that the approach taken in minimizing the system
which makes the study of organic working fluids necessary. He et al. complexity, weight, cost, and negative effects on existing components
[52] and Zhang et al. [53] adopted R11 and R113 as the working fluid is more important than maximizing the RC power output. Currently, as
for the RC loop of their combined thermodynamic cycle for IC engine an add-on system to an existing vehicle, RC system integration might
waste heat recovery. Boretti [37,38] selected R245fa as the working lead to the following important interactions and consequences.
fluid for their RC system in a hybrid passenger car with a naturally First, an increased vehicle weight cannot be avoided due to extra
aspirated gasoline engine. Wang et al. [41] chose R245fa and R134a for system components. This leads to more tractive effort required to
the high-temperature and low-temperature RC loops, respectively, accelerate the vehicle and more rolling resistance from the tires. It is
because of their good safety and environmental properties. roughly estimated that for every 100 pounds added to the vehicle, the
Domingues et al. [54] compared R123 and R245fa with water as a fuel economy is decreased by 1–2%. For small passenger vehicles, the
working fluid for vehicle RC waste heat recovery potential from exhaust added-on weight has more impact to the fuel economy than it does on
gas. The study revealed the advantage of using water as an RC working long-haul diesel trucks.
fluid to recover waste heat from exhaust gas of vehicles equipped with a Second, a heat exchanger is necessary to transfer the heat from the
spark-ignition engine. However, it was also found that the heat exhaust gas to the working fluid of the RC system. The added pressure
exchanger effectiveness for R123 and R245fa is higher than that for drop from the heat exchanger causes the engine back pressure to
water, and consequently when the exhaust temperature is relatively increase thereby affecting the engine performance, in terms of larger
low, organic fluids can be considered appropriate for vehicle RC horsepower loss. Therefore, the overall added exhaust back pressure
application. Wang et al. [75] studied the RC system with nine different should be limited to avoid significant engine performance deteriora-
pure organic working fluids for engine waste heat recovery. The results tion. Since the evaporator back pressure depends on the desired heat
indicated that R11, R141b, R113 and R123 presented slightly higher exchanger capacity, Chammas and Clodic [3] recommended to define a
thermodynamic performances, while R245fa and R245ca are the most limit for the exhaust heat recovery, which is the maximum heat that
envrionment-friendly working fluids for engine waste heat recovery can be recovered before the RC system begins to lose its fuel economy
applications. advantages. On the other hand, the evaporator lowers the exhaust gas
Dry/isentropic organic fluids, on the other hand, have a few temperature, which decreases the exhaust gas velocity and thus a
shortcomings. First, the intrisic property of dry/isentropic fluids reduce smaller pressure loss results through the piping and components
the area of net work in the temperature-entropy (T-S) diagram, which following the evaporator [3]. Both effects should be considered when
means less power output compared to wet fluids, e.g. water. Second, to the engine back pressure increment is calculated. Endo et al. [46]
reduce the cooling load of the condenser, a recuperator (liquid-gas heat integrated the evaporator of the RC system with the engine cylinder
exchagner) is usually necessary to cool the superheated vapor to head to reduce heat loss and size, which potentially could reduce the
saturated state, which increases the system complexity and cost. engine back pressure increase. Boretti [37] claimed that turbocharged
Most organic fluids also have relatively low thermal instability tem- engines may better work with an increased back pressure than
peratures compared to water, which means that at high temperature naturally aspirated engines. Refer to Hatami [81] for a detailed review

F. Zhou et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 75 (2017) 1008–1021

of different heat exchanger designs for exhaust gas waste heat recovery. efficiency of ICE, which is in general below 40% for modern car
Third, that heat comes from the RC condenser needs to be engines [82]. Nonetheless, by integrating a RC system into a HV to
dissipated to the environment, which increases the cooling demand recover a portion of the waste energy, a hybrid vehicle will break this
of the vehicles. There are basically two ways to condense the RC “40% limit” to further boost fuel economy. For RC application, a HV
working fluid: 1) a separate air-cooled condenser and 2) integrating also provides an ideal platform for transforming thermal energy to
into the existing engine cooling loop. Honda [46] adopted a separate electricity, storing the electricity in batteries, and feeding this electri-
heat exchanger next to the radiator to condense the water vapor, which city back to the vehicle. Another advantage of applying an RC system to
requires extra space for installation and increased air resistance. BMW a HV is the relatively constant load conditions for the engine in a HV.
[49,51] integrated the RC condenser with the engine cooling loop using In this section, a concept and case study on future application of RC
a liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger, so that no extra condenser is needed, to HVs (regardless of the engine and motor type) for greater compact-
thus saving space in the engine compartment. The downside of this ness and higher power output is provided. The general idea is to
integration strategy is that the engine coolant temperature at the integrate the RC system to the cooling loop of power electronics (PE) of
condenser inlet may be too high to completely condense the RC a HV and use the PE as an extra heat source. For future HVs, the
working fluid. Also, the available cooling capacity of the radiator may increasing demand of higher performance combined with smaller PE
not be sufficient, which restricts the condenser heat rejection and thus module size results in a continuously growing heat dissipation require-
RC power output. Additionally, heat transferred to the engine cooling ment, which makes two-phase (2φ) cooling [83,84] attractive due to
loop also requires coolant circulation at a higher speed and higher enhanced thermal performance. A refrigerant, such as R245fa [85],
cooling air velocity; this leads to increased coolant pumping power and HFE7100 [86], or HFC 134a [87] is typically used as the working fluid
increased air flow resistance. in a 2φ power electronics cooling loop. Different fluids may be selected
Finally, the fourth interaction between the RC system and the depending on the type of power device utilized and its maximum
vehicle is how to utilize the RC expander power output. Generally, there operational temperature. In the current study, R245fa was selected as
are two ways to use this recovered energy: 1) outputting the mechanical the working fluid for demonstration purpose. A 2φ cooling loop has
energy directly to the crank shaft or 2) combining the RC system with three main components: 1) a two-phase cold plate, 2) a radiator/
electrical generators to convert the mechanical energy into electricity. condenser, and 3) a pump, refer to Fig. 13, which provides an excellent
In the former method, a speed reduction gearbox might be required if platform for RC integration. If a RC system can be integrated with a 2φ
the expander has a speed mismatch with the engine. For long-haul cooling loop, more waste heat may be utilized to generate power, and
diesel trucks, there is more room in the engine compartment and the under-hood space may be saved since only an extra boiler and
exhaust gas condition is more stable making these vehicles good expander are required.
candidates for the first RC power utilization method [9–12,15– Fig. 14 shows the concept of combining the RC system with the PE
18,20]. For small passenger vehicles, the driving profile is not as stable 2φ cooling loop. In the concept, the pump, cold plate and HV radiator
leading to a fluctuating exhaust gas temperature. In this case, the are three main components for the 2φ cooling loop. To realize waste
second energy recovery method seems to be a more reasonable option heat recovery, only an evaporator and an expander need to be added to
[3,39,46,49]. the system. A recuperator is added in the current system, which is not
Considering the RC interactions with an existing vehicle as an add- necessary depending on the available space and capacity of the HV
on system, not all of the RC architectures summarized in Section 2 are radiator. Also, the waste heat from the engine coolant is not utilized in
suitable for passenger vehicle application. Structure 5, which has two this system, but a liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger can be added to
separate RC loops, might be a good option for long-haul trucks, but recover part of the coolant heat, considering the low boiling point of the
obviously is not a good choice for passenger vehicles considering its refrigerant.
high system complexity and volume. Structures 4 and 6 requires A 0-D numerical model of the RC-2φ system is developed on the
modification to the existing power train components, e.g. engine, LMS ImagineLab Amesim platform [88,89] to analyze the impact of the
which makes them the last to be considered as an add-on system. power electronics cold plate to the whole energy recovery system. The
Structures 1, 2 and 3 are the three to be first considered, and depending sketch of the model is shown in Fig. 15. The model has six sub-models:
on the available space for system integration, different structures may 1) pump, 2) power electronics, 3) evaporator, 4) expander, 5) HV
be selected. radiator, and 6) recuperator. In the current work, one of the input
However, if the RC system is designed together with the vehicle parameters of the current model is the mass flow rate of the working
power train, all six and perhaps more structures might be possible.
Then, the design methodology would be to optimize the whole system
efficiency, volume, weight, stability, etc. in an integrated fashion,
applying a new concept of a combined-cycle power train, which is
similar to the combined-cycle power stations idea [76].

7. Future application of RC

As mentioned in the Introduction, US government along with other

governments worldwide are proposing legislative standards for fuel
economy and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Conventional internal
combustion engine (ICE) vehicles are reaching their technical limits
and will not be able to meet the fuel economy requirement without
additional measures. Pure electric vehicles are possibly a more
sustainable option with low-to-zero CO2 emission, however their
currently short driving range and long battery charging time limit the
present acceptance of the pure EV architecture. On the other hand, a
hybrid electric vehicle, which recovers some braking energy to increase
the overall fuel efficiency, is a logical mid-term compromise involving a
traditional ICE vehicle that spurs the development of pure EV power Fig. 13. Structure of 2φ power electronics cooling loop that includes three main
train elements. However, the HV is still limited by the thermal components: a PE cold plate, a radiator and a pump [83,84].

F. Zhou et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 75 (2017) 1008–1021

Table 3
Assumptions and working fluid properties of the proposed RC-2φ integrated system.

Refrigerant R245fa Radiator coolant 50/50 water

ethylene glycol
R245fa flow rate RC system: Coolant flow rate 10 L/min
0.05, 0.06, 0.07, Coolant inlet temp 40 ℃
0.08 kg/s Pump efficiency 0.6
RC−2φ system: Evaporator 0.85
0.08, 0.09, 0.10, efficiency
0.11 kg/s
Exhaust 590 ℃ Expander 0.6
temperature efficiency
Exhaust flow rate 0.035 kg/s Radiator efficiency 0.9
Exhaust specific 0.9937 kJ/(kg K) Recuperator 0.6
heat efficiency
Power electronics 6 kW

purpose. In the current investigation, a specific driving cycle is not

Fig. 14. Integrated RC-2φ cooling and waste heat recovery system for hybrid vehicle considered. Therefore, the exhaust gas temperature and mass flow rate
application which has dual functions of PE cooling and WHR from exhaust gas. are assumed to be constant as 590 ℃ and 0.035 kg/s, respectively. The
average specific heat of the exhaust gas is assumed to be 0.9937 kJ/
fluid, which is controlled by the pump speed. The total power in the (kg K). 50/50 water/ethylene glycol is used as the coolant in the
form of waste heat from the power electronics is vehicle dependent and condenser, which flows at 10 L/min at an inlet temperature of 40 ℃.
assumed to be a constant value, 6 kW, in this study. The efficiency The system working fluid and working conditions are also summarized
values are assumed to be constant and the expansion process is in Table 3.
considered to be adiabatic. Both the pump efficiency and expander The overall system coefficient of performance (COP) is evaluated as
efficiency are specified to be 60%. More detailed sub-models could be
developed for these components if needed. However, the accuracy of COP = Wexpander / Wpump, (4)
these assumptions appears to be sufficient for the proof-of-concept
in which Wexpander is the work output of the expander and Wpump is

Fig. 15. Sketch of the zero-dimensional Amesim simulation model for the newly proposed RC-2φ dual-function system used to analyze the impact of the power electronics waste heat to
the whole energy recovery system.

F. Zhou et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 75 (2017) 1008–1021

Fig. 16. Expander power output, COP and evaporator inlet vapor quality as a function of Fig. 17. Expander power output, COP and cold plate outlet vapor quality as a function of
expander pressure ratio for traditional RC system without PE cooling (with recuperator expander pressure ratio for the proposed RC-2φ integrated system with recuperator as
as shown in Fig. 3 for Structure 2). illustrated in Fig. 14.

the work consumed by the pump system. pressure within the intercooler and boiler which can suppress boiling.
Fig. 16 shows the expander power output, COP and boiler inlet For different R245fa mass flow rates, the expander power output varies
vapor quality as a function of expander pressure ratio for the RC system between 1.2 kW and 1.5 kW and decreases as the mass flow rate
with recuperator (Structure 2 in Fig. 3) at different R245fa mass flow increases. The COP also decreases as the mass flow rate increases due
rates, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07 and 0.08 kg/s. Observe that as the pressure ratio to higher power consumption by the pump. The vapor quality decreases
increases the expander can generate more power, however the system as the refrigerant mass flow rate increases, which is quite obvious.
COP increases first and then decreases gradually. As for the R245fa The results for the proposed RC-2φ integrated system with
vapor quality at the boiler inlet, it decreases as the pressure ratio recuperator are shown in Fig. 17. For the current system with two-
increases. High expander pressure ratio leads to higher system phase power electronics cooling, the vapor quality at the cold plate

F. Zhou et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 75 (2017) 1008–1021

outlet (i.e. boiler inlet) is an important parameter that requires major conclusions are drawn as follows.
dedicated control. If the flow rate is excessively low, all of the The implementation of the RC for vehicle waste heat recovery was
refrigerant flowing through the cold plate vaporizes, which might originally considered in relation to heavy-duty long-haul diesel trucks.
result in dryout of the heat exchange surface within the cold plate. Recently, a greater number of research groups and vehicle manufac-
The flow rate also cannot be excessively high otherwise the flow turers (e.g. Toyota, Honda, BMW, etc.) are investigating RC applica-
through the cold plate becomes single-phase, which lowers cooling tions to passenger vehicles and an increased application potential has
performance. The power electronics is an additional heat source in the been shown.
cycle, so higher refrigerant flow rates are necessary to avoid dryout. The engine coolant and exhaust gas are the two main heat sources
Therefore, for the current system structure, the studied flow rates in a vehicle, which carry a similar amount of thermal energy. However,
include 0.08, 0.09, 0.10 and 0.11 kg/s. The variation of the expander exhaust gas shows a much greater recovery potential in terms of exergy
power output, COP and cold plate outlet vapor quality follow the same because of a much higher temperature range. For this reason, recover
trends shown in Fig. 16. However, at the same flow rate (e.g. 0.08 kg/ heat from the two sources using the same loop and same working fluid
s), the power electronics boosts the expander power output ~58% to might not be appropriate due to the potential mismatch between fluid
1.9 kW from 1.2 kW for the system without power electronics. The COP properties and heat sources temperature ranges. The waste heat from
also increases ~20% from 20 to 24 since additional heat is recovered by the engine could be harvested either by pumping the working fluid
the system. The impact of heat input from the power electronics to the through the engine block or using a separate loop and different working
waste heat recovery system is well demonstrated. fluids.
Based on the above analysis, it seems that the application of a RC The expander is a critical component in the RC system. The four
system to a HV represents a promising solution to further improve fuel main types of expanders have their own advantages and disadvantages
efficiency. Furthermore, a HV with a turbocharged engine may better for passenger vehicle applications. The turbine expander has a compact
work with an increased back pressure than naturally aspirated engines structure, is light weight, and has high efficiency. However, design and
[90]. On top of that, the motor and differential of a HV can potentially manufacturing is very difficult, thus leading to a higher cost. The
be removed and replaced with in-wheel motors to save space for the RC turbine expander also has lower efficiency under off-design conditions
system [91]. Therefore, it can be foreseen that a turbocharged hybrid and cannot tolerate two-phase conditions. It is more suitable to
vehicle with motors integrated in wheels and with a RC system co- combine a turbine expander with electrical generators for energy
designed with a power electronics cooling system will significantly conversion. The scroll expander is characterized by lower flow rates,
increase the MPG of ICE driven vehicles and reduce tailpipe emissions. higher pressure ratios and much lower rotational speeds than turbo-
However, breakthrough of this technology integration requires strong machines. It has a compact structure, fewer moving parts, lower levels
collaboration between academia and industry, and interdisciplinary of noise and vibration, and the most cost efficient design. A screw
technical know-how is a must. expander is highly efficient in off-design conditions. However, lubrica-
tion is required to avoid direct contact while achieving a seal between
the lobes of the two rotors; this feature makes the screw expander
8. Conclusions
relatively more expensive to fabricate than scroll expanders. Piston
expanders have larger built-in volume ratio, high achievable operating
In the current work, investigations from the literature conducted on
pressures and temperatures, and low rotational speeds. All of the three
waste heat recovery from passenger vehicles using Rankine Cycle over
displacement types of expanders (scroll, screw, and piston types) have
the past two decades are revisited and summarized, including the
the ability to tolerate two-phase flow.
system structure, research and developments to date, expander tech-
Working fluid selection is a very important in the design of a RC
nologies, working fluid selection, system integration, etc. The key
system for passenger vehicles. Water is the preferable working fluid for
studies that were reviewed herein are tabulated in Table 4. A few

Table 4
Summary of the work about the application of Rankine Cycle to passenger vehicles reported to public.

Ref. Year Institute Vehicle/ Heat Source Architect Expander Working fluid RC ηth RC ηm Research
engine method

[43] 1993 Toyota Motor Passenger car Coolant Structure 6 Scroll Expander HCFC123 ⁄ 3% Experiment
[3] 2005 Ecole des Mines HEV Exhaust (high Structure 1 Turbine Water 2–4% ⁄ Numerical
de Paris pressure)
Exhaust (low Structure 1 Turbine Water 1.3–3% ⁄ Numerical
Exhaust (ORC) Structure 1 Turbine R-245ca 4–5% ⁄ Numerical
[39] 2006 U. of Wisconsin– Prius 2004 Exhaust+cngine Structure 4 Turbine Water 5.5% ⁄ Numerical
Madison block
[46,47] 2007 Honda R & D HEV Exhaust Structure 1 Axial piston Water 3.8% ⁄ Experiment
[34] 2008 BMW-1st gen 3 Series Exhaust+coolant Structure 5 Vane-cell HT: Water; 5.7% ⁄ Experiment
expander LT: Ethanol
[40] 2009 IFP Engine Tech. HEV-Prius Exhaust+coolant Structure 1 Piston Expander Water ⁄ 9% Numerical
Dept. and 3
[52,53] 2011 Xi’an Jiaotong Toyota 8A-FE Exhaust, Structure 5 Refitted Wankel RC: R11, R113; 12–17.3% ⁄ Experiment
Univ. lubricant, coolant engine KC: Ammonia
[49–51] 2012 BMW-2nd gen 5 Series Exhaust Structure 1 Impulse Turbine Water ⁄ 6% Experiment
[37,38] 2012 Missouri Uni. Sci. 1.8L Engine Exhaust Structure 2 Unknown 245fa 3.4% ⁄ Numerical
& Tech Coolant Structure 2 1.7% ⁄ Numerical
Exhaust+coolant Structure 2 5.1% ⁄ Numerical
[41] 2012 Beijing Univ. BL18T Engine Exhaust+coolant Structure 5 Single Screw HT: R245fa; 3–6% ⁄ Numerical
Tech. LT: R134a
[54] 2013 Tech. Univ. Lisbon 2.8L VR6 Exhaust Structure 1 Green Turbine™ Water, R123, ⁄ 2.64– Numerical
R245fa 6.96% Experiment

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