Examne Bas 8 22

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Test 6 - Module 6

A. Circle the correct words.

1. Jackie needed some money, so I lent / borrowed her some.

2. There were fifty thousand competitors / spectators at the stadium yesterday.
3. Melanie arranged / cancelled her trip because she was ill.
4. Giraffes / Ostriches are big birds and they live in many countries around the world.
5. When is the festival taking place / taking part?
6. The people on the island love the sea and they are all against / into water sports.
7. The winners of the competition received a(n) prize / amount.
8. The football race / match is on TV tonight.

score 8

B. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box

attend performed own chase save invite reply missed

1. I’m so sorry I missed your birthday party.

2. The boys always chase the cat around the house.
3. I attend piano lessons every Wednesday
4. Who did you invite to your wedding ceremony?
5. Doctors save people’s lives.
6. The actors performed very well during the play.
7. Ashley did not reply to my e-mail.
8. The Browns own a flat in the city centre.

score 8

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Choose the best answer.

1. Are you free on Saturday night?

a. Yeah right.
b. Certainly.
c. I’m looking forward to it.

2. I broke my leg yesterday and I’m in hospital.

a. Get well soon.
b. Good luck.
c. Congratulations!

3. Would you like to come to my graduation ceremony?

a. Let me know.
b. Maybe some other time.
c. How could I say no?

4. We are travelling to Edinburgh tonight.

a. That’s a shame.
b. I can’t make it.
c. Have a nice trip.
score 4


A. Read the situations below and write sentences starting with the words

1. I would like to borrow your grammar book. Is that OK with you?

Can you lend me your grammar book ?
2. I want you to do me a favour.
Will you do me a favour
3. We need to buy new clothes.
We have to buy new clothes
4. I need to make a phone call.
May i make a phone call ?
5. Victor needs to book a hotel room for his holiday.
Victor has to book a hotel room for his holiday.
6. I would like you to pick me up from the airport.
Could you pick me up from the airport ?
7. It’s Tom’s birthday next week. He’s having a party.

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Tom is going to have a party next weekend

8. I think it is a good idea to go swimming.
Why don't we go swimming
? score 8

B. Choose a, b or c.

1. We arrived at the village late at night and there was to stay.

a. nothing b. nowhere c. anywhere
2. Is there I can do to help you?
a. anything b. anyone c. anywhere
3. I can hear a noise in the kitchen. is in the house.
a. Someone b. Nobody c. Anybody
4. is ready for the wedding. It is going to be great.
a. Someone b. Anyone c. Everything
5. When I got home, there was there. They were all still at work.
a. everyone b. nobody c. anybody
6. Christine lives in France but I’m not sure where exactly.
a. somewhere b. anywhere c. everywhere
7. Joan had to do, so she got really bored.
a. something b. anything c. nothing
8. Jennifer Lopez has fans and gives concerts all over the world.
a. everywhere b. everybody c. nowhere

score 8


Listen to three short dialogues and answer the questions. Choose a or b.

1. Where do the people decide to go first?

a. a concert
b. a party

2. What does Kelly ask Joe to do?

a. take her jacket to the dry-cleaner’s
b. pick up her jacket from the dry-cleaner’s

3. Why is Kevin excited?

a. His friend is coming to his party.
b. It’s his graduation day.

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score 6


Read the text and write T for True or F for False.


Yesterday was the opening of Ryedale Wildlife park. It was a huge event and lots of
people were there. Charles Ryedale opened the park in the morning and lots of people
came to the park all day. There are lots of animals to see there but the park is not
completely full yet. There are monkeys, ostriches and bears, but some of the big
animals, like elephants and giraffes, are going to arrive later this month. At the event,
there was a band, dancers and lots of food and drink from the park's cafeteria.
Yesterday was just the grand opening; the park is going to open for visitors on Monday
17th July. You can buy tickets at the park or online.
Visit www.Ryedalewildlifepark.com for more information.

1. The event started in the morning.

2. Visitors could see giraffes and elephants at the park.

3. You can't visit the wildlife park until Monday 17th July.

4. There was live music at the park yesterday.

score 8


Write an e-mail to a friend inviting him/her to a party of yours. Mention to

him/her what is going to take place during the party.

score 10

total 60

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