Grimm's Cinderella Story Analysis by Freaudian

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Literary text is like a dream that express the secret unconscious desires and anxieties of the

A literary works is a manifestation of the authors own neuroses.

Neuroses : A mental disorder marked by anxiety or fear; less severe than psychosis because
it does not involve detachment from reality (e.g., hallucination).

The author psyche is projecting particular character within a literary works

The personality consists of three different elements, the id, the ego and the superego.

The id is the aspect of personality that is driven by internal and basic drives and needs.
These are typically instinctual, such as hunger, thirst, and the drive for sex, or libido.

The ego is driven by the reality principle. The ego works to balance the id and superego, by
trying to achieve the id's drive in the most realistic ways. It seeks to rationalize the id's
instinct and please the drives that benefit the individual in the long term. It helps separate
what is real, and realistic of our drives as well as being realistic about the standards that the
superego sets for the individual.

The superego is driven by the morality principle. It acts in connection with the morality of
higher thought and action. Instead of instinctively acting like the id, the superego works to
act in socially acceptable ways. It employs morality, judging our sense of wrong and right
and using guilt to encourage socially acceptable behavior.

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