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Actual Exercise

 Laundry room smoke detector started give alarm and 4th engineer found out that dry
machine was caught fire and could not put out by himself and phoned to bridge.
 2nd officer was informed about the fire in the laundry room and raised the fire alarm from
 All crew mustered within 1 minute and head count was taken.
 2nd officer released the safety message to other vessels.
 Chief officer briefed all the crews that fire in the laundry room and what is on fire.
 Chief officer and 3rd officer discussed what action will be taken by emergency team and
back up team.
 Back up team was split into two groups (Back up team B led by the 3rd officer and Back up
team A led by the 3rd engineer).
 3rd officer instructed his team to carry BA sets, spare bottles and fireman outfits.
 Chief officer chose GP2 and GP3(Emergency team) to fight the fire.
 Emergency team start wearing the BA sets and fireman outfits.
 All the vents were shut by the Back up team A.
 Emergency fire pump was started by the engine room team.
 Back up team B started boundary cooling to the fire zone.
 Emergency team tested the BA set and ready to enter.
 Chief officer informed the BA set pressure (GP2 -170 bar and GP3 – 180 bar) to the
Master(command team).
 Chief officer instructed the Emergency team to put out the fire with CO2 portable fire
extinguishers from galley and keep reporting about the fire situation to him.
 Emergency team entered to the accomodation with charged fire hose.
 3rd engineer and MTM were designated to enter as second emergency team started wearing
BA sets and fireman outfits.
 Emergency team reported about the fire and tried to put out the fire.
 Emergency team reported that fire has been put out.
 Emergency team out and second emergency team entered to the accomodation and detected
for hot watch.
 Second emergency team reported that fire was over.
 Chief officer informed the Command team and Back up team that fire has been put out.
 Back up team B stopped boundary cooling and drill called off.

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