Uncountable Countable: Much Many Uncountable Nouns

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Much is used for uncountable nouns.

Many is used for countable nouns.

Uncountable nouns are nouns that would be literally impossible to count, and is
always singular. This includes things such as information, concepts, or material. For
example sand, water, air, dirt, and grass are uncountable. These nouns generally have
associated nouns that are possible to count:

 grains of sand
 drops of water
 lumps of dirt
 blades of grass
Exception: Some nouns are countable and uncountable, depending on the context. If
we are talking about grass as a general concept is uncountable. You would could the
individual blades of grass if you had the time and patience! However, there are different
types of grass, so there are many types of grass (or many grasses).

Countable nouns are nouns that could be counted relatively easily, and can be either
singular or plural. This includes things such as objects, people, or places, for
example cities, books, trees, and molecules. These nouns are plural, with singular
forms being counted:

 one person, two people…

 one city, two cities…
 one book, two books…
 one tree, two trees…

Much means a large amount of something.

Alternatives: a great deal of, a lot of, a high degree of

Opposite: little


 There is too much dust on the shelves.

 I don’t know how much money it will cost.
 I don’t have much food left.
 Thank you very much for helping me.
 I don’t like the taste of lemons very much.
 Much attention was given to correct the students’ mistakes.
 How much money can you lend me?
In many situations a lot is used instead of much..
 I have a lot of money in the bank.
 You have helped me a lot today.
 I enjoy the taste of Thai food a lot.
 It takes a lot of time and effort to learn English.
There are also informal usages, deriving from much.

 Thank you muchly! (informal for “thank you very much”)

Many means an indefinite large number of something.

Opposite: few


There are many people in the world.

The police asked many questions were asked about the accident.

There are too many books for me to count!

I don’t watch many movies.

As many as 20 percent of the population have that disease.

It has been so many years since I visited my country.

There are many ways to describe that person.

Many of the teachers were from another country.

How many times do I have to ask you the same question?

1. Few dan a few
a) Few

• Few berarti not many, atau dengan perkataan lain, berarti sedikitt.

• Few menyatakan hal yang negatif (lawan kata many).

• Terang bagi kita bahwa few dipakai di muka kata benda bentuk jamak yang dapat dihitung.


few people = sedikit orang/tidak banyak orang.

few books = sedikit buku/tidak banyak buku.

few friends = sedikit teman/tidak banyak Leman.

few pencils = sedikit pensilitidak banyak pensil

Contoh-contoh kalimat:

1) Few people will admit their faults.

= Tidak banyak orang mau mengakui kesalahan-kesalah¬an mereka.

2) Has he few books?

= Apakah is tak mempunyai banyak buku? I

3) She has few friends except you.

= Kecuali kau, is tak mempunyai banyak teman.

4) There are few pencils in.that drawer.

= Tidak ada hanyak pensil di laci itu.

b) A few

• A few berarti several atau beberapa.

• A few menyatakan hal yang positif (lawannya no).

• A few dipakai di depan kata benda bentuk jamak yang dapat dihitung.


few days = beberapa hari

few books = beberapa buku

few friends = beberapa teman

few people = beberapa orang

Contoh-contoh kalimat:

1) I wish you would stay here a few days

= Kuharapkan kau akan tinggal di sini beberapa hari.

2) I was glad to have a few books.

= Saya senang mempunyai beberapa buku.

3) I have a few friends besides you.

= Selain kau, aku mempunyai beberapa teman.

4) One can always rely on a few people.

= Seseorang boleh selalu mempercayai beberapa orang

Few = sedikit (tidak banyak)

A few = beberapa
2) Little dan a little
Perbedaan antara little dan a little serupa dengan perbedaan antara few dan a few.

a) Little

• Little berarti not much, tidak banyak atau sedikit jumlahnya.

• Little menyatakan hal yang negatif (lawannya much).

• Little dipakai di depan kata benda bentuk tunggal yang tidak dapat dihitung.


little time = sedikit waktu

little money = sedikit uang

little hope = sedikit harapan

little petrol = sedikit bensin

Contoh-contoh kalimat:

1) I have little time to do it.

= Saya mempunyai sedikit waktu untuk mengerjakan¬nya.

2) He was sorry to find that he had little money.

= Ia menyesal mengetahui bahwa uangnya sedikit.

3) There is little hope for him to recover.

= Ada sedikit (hampir tidak ads) harapan baginya untuk sembuh kembali.

4) There is little petrol in this drum.

= Ada sedikit bensin di dalam drum ini.

b) A little

• A little berarti sedikit

• A little menyatakan hal yang positif (lawannya no).

• A little dipakai di depan kata bends bentuk tunggal yang tidak dapat dihitung.

• little time = sedikit waktu
• little money = sedikit uang

• little wine = sedikit anggur

• little bread = sedikit roti

Contoh-contolh kalimat:

1) I am glad I have a little time left.

= Saya senang bahwa saga mempunyai sedikit waktu tersisa.

2) He has a little money with him.

= Ia mempunyai sedikit uang.

3) Will you have a little wine?

= Maukah anda minum sedikit anggur?

4) Please give me a little bread

= Berilah saya sedikit roti.

Little = sedikit (hampir tidak ada)

A little = sedikit

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