Narrator:: Robot With Feelings

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Robot with feelings


There was a war 500 years ago and now everyone’s got cyborg parts and everyone is trying to get to
the floating sky city hanging above. The city have normally a cyborg city, which mostly all living have a part
of cyborg because of damage that cause of war 500 years ago. And there was a girl name “KARRIE” one
of the fighter in the war which discarded in the cyborg city garbage.

One of the scientist name “WISLEY PANDAK” who can play or make cyborg parts. He went to the
cyborg garbage to find for a surgical parts, and he saw the half of the body of KARRIE, he grab the part
and look the part which he can see that all parts are unique and first time see that kind of parts by KARRIE.

When he got home, he check all the parts and its all working. He excited to make a new body of karie
which his not sure if the body is working. After he made and finish the cyborg. She wait until tomorrow if
the cyborg is work.

Karrie She open her eyes, and surprise. She look her hands ask her self .

KARRIE: who am I?

NARRATOR: She goes down the stairs and she saw an old guy wearing white coat. She ask the old
guy who is she. The guy also amaze that the cyborg he make is working. WISLEY PANDAK surprise and
thinking a name.

WISLEY PANDAK: your name is karrie.

NARRATOR: karrie have so many question on to the scientist.

KARRIE: where did I came from? Why is it that my body is like this? Who makes me?

WISLEY PANDAK: i make you, I found your half of your body in the city garbage. I make you full
body. You are a cyborg.

NARRATOR: Karrie and wisley go outside and see many cyborg also in the city. Wisley explain that
she is not the only cyborg living in the city.

WISLEY: This is our world. The cyborg city. Not all living this city is a cyborg, but 80% of them is a
cyborg because of the war happened a yrs ago. As you can see they have also part of cyborg like you, but
of course you are the special one I made fully cyborg.

NARRATOR: Karrie look up, and ask wisley.

KARRIE: Whats that? Like a big floating city?

Wisley: Thats the floating city. The part of your body is from that city.

NARRATOR: after asking karrie, the scientist went to part supplies to buy some parts of the cyborg.
Karrie waits to wisley and walking just a little distance. And there was a guy who bump her and karrie fell
down. The guy makes some apology to kerrie and hold the hand of Karrie then help him to stand and
staring each other eyes. While wisley is done to buy his need, he saw karrie and zilong. And wisley call

Wisley: Hey zilong your here!

ZILONG: yeah, nice to see you doc. Wisley, ill be going to some game today, and accidentally I
bump this girl. Who is she?

Wisley: meet Karrie, a full cyborg women.

ZIlong: nice to meet you Karrie, sorry im hurried thats why I bump you.

Karie: Its okay, and nice to meet you too

NARRATOR: wisley and karie going home for some other cyborg hand to finish for the other client.
The day goes by, ZILONG and KARRIE meet again. Zilong offer KArrie to join their game, and Karrie

Zilong: Hey Karrie how are you today? Can you go with me?

Karrie: Where we were going zilong?

Zilong: I’ll want you to join our team because we need one person to join.

Karrie: Wow! Thats good.

NARRATOR: Zilong and Karrie going a game, the game name passing the ball. Zilong explain the
game to karrie.

Zilong: the game name passing the ball. You need to run faster as you can then. Because be need to
pass you the ball until the finish line, but this game is physical game, you will encounter elbow, punch, and

Karrie: okay thank you, but im nervous. But I think I can do this..

Zilong: yes you can.. you can do it karrie (cheer up)

Karrie: thank you zilong.

NARRATOR: The game started. and karrie elbow and stumble by the enemy, but she stand and
continue the game, with out knowing that karrie is the best fighter in the war 500 yrs ago. Her body was
automatically fight the enemy and they finally wins the game because of karrie, and zilong amaze what
she did and congrats her and offer karrie to some foods.

Zilong: hey karrie,congrats I was amaze what you did in the game. Do you want to eat?

Karrie: yeah, its up to you zilong (with a beautiful smile)

NARRATOR: they eat lots of chocolate cakes with a sweets drink, and zilong thinking that karrie just
first time to eat like this foods. She ask her.

Zilong: is this this your first time to eat like this kind of foods?

Karrie: yeah. And it is so delicious..woow!!

NARRATOR: an hours goes by, they both saw fully cyborg also, and they call them bounty hunter. It
is a fully cyborg that will also kill a high value of cyborg like Karrie because of that. They can sell the part of
cyborg into a high value of money. They run faster and hide to escape the cyborg bounty hunters.

And the next day, Zilong is also a human that is also a bounty hunter, he will also kill the most high
value of cyborg, zilong already killed 5 high value cyborg. but he did not tell karrie on his this, because he
already fall inlove to karrie.

Days goes by ZIlong want meet again karrie and offer for a date, waiting the answer of karrie.

Zilong: are you busy tomorrow?

Karrie: no, why?

Zilong: can we go out?

Karrie: I need to ask permission first to wisley

Zilong: alright, ill wait for that. Will see you in the place we eat lots of chocolate, please come on me
on that night

NARRATOR: karrie ask wisley to go with zilong, but wisley say something about

Karrie: can I go with zilong tomorrow, we will just hang out tomorrows night

Wisley: I think not good idea karie, you don’t know who is zilong

Karrie: I know him already wisley, she is good friend of mine, please!!

Wisley: no, I will not give permission to go out tomorrow.

Karrie: (breath deeply and look wisley bad and go to her bed)
NARRATOR: nights arrived karrie did not listen to wisley, she escape in the house, and check if
wisley already sleep, he open the door and meet zilong on the night. But zilong is not arrived on the place
where they will meet, because he was hunting by the cyborg bounty hunter because is wanted for killing 5
high value cyborg.

Upon walking of karrie, she saw 2 cyborg bounty hunter she slowly walk closer and hide, then she
saw zilong beaten by two cyborg.

Karrie: (shout) stop!!

Zilong: karrie run. You are also wanted cyborg, they will kill you!

Karrie: but.. but.. but.

Zilong: listen to me!!

Karie: I cant, I don’t want to leave you.

Zilong: why?? you save yourself

Karie: I cant

Zilong: you need!! you will die if you will not listen to me!

Karrie (crying) I cant because you are important to me.. you give meaning to my life.

Zilong: I don’t like you! Go away! Run!!

Karrie: no! We will both go, if you want I will fight for you, because I need you.

Zilong: just go away!!!

NARRATOR: 2 cyborg coming to karrie, and she is slowly walking backward looking zilong, while
crying. She doubting her mind if what to do because since karrie meet zilong she already fall in love with
him. Zilong stand and hold the two cyborg so that karrie can run, but the cyborg not hesitate to stabbed
zilong and felled down, with full of blood. Karrie shock for what happened to zilong. She cried like she don’t
know what to do. And wisley saw karrie sat on the road while crying, he run and went to karrie with his
weapon for cyborg hunters, the two cyborg hunter run when they saw wisley.

Karrie: wisley, I need your help! ( karrie embraced wisley)

Wisley: what happened

Karrie: you see, lots of blood from zilong, he stabbed by two cyborg hunter, help me!!

Wisley: what will I do?

Karrie: make zilong like me, like a cyborg!

Wisley: then we will try! I cant promise to make zilong a perfect cyborg.

Karrie: you need to try all you can.. please!

NARRATOR: wisley lifted zilong with full of blood and direct to wisley operation room. For cyborg.
While karrie keeps on crying, she fall asleep! While wisley keeps on doing the body of zilong.after an hour,
wisley done for zilongs body waiting for the next day, that hopefully the cyborg body of zilong will work..
Days goes by, zilongs body still not works. But karrie still not losing her hope that zilong will be okay,
like become a cyborg.

Karrie went to wisley why zilongs body is still not okay, not waking up!

Kurrie: why did zilong still not woke up? Is there any problem on his body?

Wisley: I already did whats the best

Kurrie: but why still hes not okay

Wisley: just wait

NARRATOR: karrie still not losing her hope, and he went to zilong and crying to wake up! Then
suddenly the hand of cyborg moving. And zilong woke up then smile to karrie. Zilong said.

Zilong: thank you karrie, you did not leave me

Karrie: (silence while looking on the eye of zilong

Zilong: are you okay?

Karrie: (silence and hug zilong while secretly crying..)

NARRATOR: since then, they already happy with both couples and live to other places, which theres
no cyborg hunter .


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