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Dakshin Foundation

Students arrive at ANET for the Reef-to-Rainforest Programme


Andaman Islands

The Reef to Rainforest programme in the Andaman Islands is an experiential learning programme for students to
gain a deeper understanding of the natural history, ecology and culture of the enigmatic Andaman Islands. The
opportunity combines an exploration of the flora and fauna of several ecosystems: the shallow reefs, intertidal and
littoral zones located at the land-sea interface, and the inland tropical forests that clothe the hilly tracts. Students
are encouraged to explore ecosystems touching upon its natural histories as well as the interactions of the people
who depend upon them for sustenance.

The field immersion programme has been developed with the understanding that experiential learning on
environment and sustainability is not just as an alternate way to widen academic understanding, but a
fundamental educational necessity that aids in the development of a healthy spirit of enquiry in children.
Dakshin Foundation

Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Located in the Bay of Bengal, the Andamans are a spectacular group of islands encompassed within the Indo-
Burma global biodiversity hotspot. With diverse coral reef and rainforest ecosystems occurring in close proximity
to each other, the islands offer excellent field opportunities for both terrestrial and marine work. The Andamans
also have an interesting socio-political history of assimilation as well as resistance between ancient cultures and
outside influences and people. Beginning with a history of violent indigenous resistance to trade and colonisation
to present day tussles over land, sea and resources, these islands offer a wide spectrum of developmental and
cultural experiences for the interested student.

The ANET field base is in North Wandoor, a picturesque fishing village located on the edge of Port Mouat. The
field base is only a 45-minute drive from Port Blair airport.

Institutional profile

The programme is offered by the Andaman Nicobar Environmental Team (ANET). Established by the Madras
Crocodile Bank Trust with a mission to undertake research and conservation in the islands, ANET is currently
managed in partnership with Dakshin Foundation, Bangalore. Together, these two institutions have the longest
serving NGO presence in the islands.

ANET functions as an ecological field research station as well as research facilitation and education centre. By
virtue of its research and education base, experienced staff, and collaborative work with local communities and
government bodies, ANET is uniquely positioned to undertake and facilitate conservation and sustainability efforts
across the archipelago. ANET hopes to continue to advance its own understanding and dynamics of the islands’
terrestrial, coastal and marine habitats and actively contribute towards their conservation through interventions in
research, educational and sustainable development. Educational activities for students from the Indian mainland
as well as local schools is a key objective of the organisation.
Dakshin Foundation

Briefing and orientation session at ANET

Programme Structure

The Reef to Rainforest programme is a broad introduction to island ecology, biodiversity and cultural history of
the Andamans, and is designed to create a better understanding of our environment and the interdependence
between ecosystems and their users. Through a series of outbound activities and short sessions, we hope to
provide an opportunity for students to broaden their horizons and to develop a spirit of enquiry about the natural
world and issues centred on sustainability.
Dakshin Foundation

Inter-tidal exploration at Wandoor Beach

Activities addressing topics of interest (see draft schedule below) will be planned for each day with corresponding
lectures and presentations.

Activities will include an introduction to topics and field immersion in various ecosystems (e.g. mangroves and
inter-tidal areas, coral reefs, forests), visits to museums and places of historical significance (e.g. Anthropological
Museum, Ross Island, Cellular Jail) and sites of conservation significance (e.g. Mt. Harriett National Park, Mahatma
Gandhi Marine National Park).
Dakshin Foundation

Barefoot walks in the mangroves

In addition to a series of short presentations and activities, the week long programme will include an introductory
module which will orient students to the islands and equip them for field explorations, interesting research
experiments, informal conversations with field researchers and interactions with field staff and community

The crew dedicated to the course will be knowledgeable resource persons who are dedicated to enriching the
experience of the students. Students will be encouraged to take part in ongoing data collection activities at the

Additionally, students will benefit from presentations by researchers and scientists who may be present at ANET
during this period. As ANET occasionally hosts visiting artists and film makers, there is also a possibility that short
specialised modules along these lines may be offered to interested students at no extra cost.
Dakshin Foundation

Programme Schedule

Please note that this is a draft schedule and will be modified to suit student profiles, age, number of participants and
duration of stay.

Day 1 Arrive in Port Blair and head to ANET; Orientation to ANET, do’s and don’ts and an introduction to the
overall program; ANET treasure hunt.

Day 2 A walk along the sandy and rocky shores of Wandoor Beach to observe life while exploring tides, zonation,
competition, predation, disturbance and pollution.

Day 3 Orientation to the Andaman Islands including visits to Ross Island, Cellular Jail, etc.

Day 4 A walk into the mangroves to observe system functions, community structure and adaptations; experiments
and activities related to mangrove systems.

Day 5 A walk through the forest to explore stratification, dispersal mechanisms, adaptations, endemism and uses
of common plants.

Day 6 A Discover SCUBA Dive (DSD)* or snorkelling* experience to observe life and associations (predator-prey,
symbiotic) between organisms on a reef.

Day 7 A visit to the Anthropological Museum and a visit to a fishing village; associated activities relating to
Andamanese and settler communities.

Day 8 Return to the mainland.

* The DSD and snorkelling are optional activities which will be carried out under the guidance of a certified dive
agency. Those who do not want to participate will be provided with alternative activities for the day.

Other information

This trip is open to students with an interest in issues relating to environment and sustainability. This is a
programme involving a high level of physical activity including hiking and some optional activities such as
swimming, snorkelling and diving. Students who undertake this programme are expected to be physically fit and
should be willing to live in basic conditions. The field accommodation includes rustic, yet fully functional cottages
constructed by members of the Karen community in the islands. This style of architecture and living conditions are
particularly conducive to the island environment. The base has a fully functional kitchen and full-time staff which
enables us to provide three wholesome meals a day which includes fresh, locally sourced fish, meat and
vegetables. Vegetarian meals can be provided on request. However, we would Wandoor is primarily a fishing
village, and fresh fish is the most sustainably sourced and culturally appropriate item on the menu.
Dakshin Foundation

Andaman Nicobar Environment Team – ANET field base

Karen-style cottages at ANET

Dakshin Foundation

The ANET base has administrators and field researchers who are trained in emergency first response. However, the
Andaman Islands are a remote location with few medical facilities, so it is essential to disclose any specific medical
requirements and pre-existing medical conditions especially with respect to food and medicine allergies.
Prophylactic precautions against malaria are advised though not essential. School authorities are advised to clear
any specific medical concerns with the organisers prior to their enrolment and visit.

Sunset walk on the beach

For further details, please contact:

Asha Cherian
Dakshin Foundation, Bangalore
Ph: +91 9946811738

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