Dips v7 Manual (141-163)

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 Left Click

If you click the left mouse button on a Tool, this will "select" the tool, and you will see
the "control points" highlighted on the tool. While in this mode you can edit as follows:

 Tool Properties - the tool properties (e.g. color, line width) can be customized in the
 Re-size – you can click and drag the control points to re-size the tool (if applicable)
 Move – if you hover the mouse over any part of the Tool, but NOT on a control point,
you will see the four-way arrow cursor, allowing you to click and drag the entire Tool to
a new location
 Delete – you can delete the selected tool by pressing Delete on the keyboard

 Right Click

If you right-click the mouse on a Drawing Tool, you will see a popup menu with
applicable options for the tool.

Standard options for most tools include Copy, Delete, and visibility options.

Additional options are available for specific tools. For example, Edit Text is available
for Text Box tools.

12.4.2 Tool Properties

After you have added drawing or analysis tools to a view, you can edit or customize
the tool properties (e.g. color, line width, visibility) as follows.

1. Click on the tool (e.g. arrow, polyline) with the left mouse button.
2. The tool will be selected, and in the sidebar you will notice the tool properties are now
available to edit.
3. Edit the desired properties (e.g. color, line thickness) and click the mouse anywhere in the
view to save your selections.

The available tool properties will vary depending on the type of tool (e.g. text, polygon,
cone etc.). For example, for text you can edit the color, font, alignment, background color.
For polygons you can edit the line width, line color, fill color and opacity.

 Right Click

If you right-click on a drawing tool, the popup menu will offer various options including
tool visibility settings, see the Tool Visibility topic for more information.

 Default Tool Properties

For each tool type, the default tool colors can be changed at any time in the sidebar
display settings.

 Tool Visibility

Tool visibility options are available in the sidebar and the right-click menu, see the Tool
Visibility topic for details.

12.4.3 Tool Visibility

Drawing / analysis tool visibility and display priority can be specified using the following

 Show All Tools / Hide All Tools

To quickly show or hide all drawing / analysis tools in the current view, select the Tools
checkbox in the Sidebar Plot Options.

 Show / Hide Individual Tool Types

To show or hide individual drawing tool types in the current view (e.g. all text boxes),
expand the Tools list in the Sidebar Plot Options (select the "+" beside the Tools checkbox),
and select the desired checkboxes (e.g. Text, Polygon, etc.).

 Show in Current View / All Views

When tools are initially added, by default they are displayed on all applicable views if
multiple plot views are open. If you want a drawing tool displayed ONLY in the current view:

 right-click on the tool and select Current View Only from the popup menu, OR
 left-click on the tool and select Show in > Current View from the sidebar tool properties,
 when you initially add a tool, you can select Add to Current View Only from the Tools

To re-display a tool in all views, click on a tool and turn off the Current View Only

 Send to Back / Bring to Front

If drawing tools overlap, and you wish to display a tool "behind" or "in front of" other
tools, right-click on the tool and select Send to Back or Bring to Front from the popup menu.

 Tool Opacity

For Ellipse, Rectangle and Polygon tools, the opacity of the fill color can be specified in
the Tool Properties. This allows you to define the transparency of the object.

NOTE: the visibility status of drawing tools is saved when you save the file, so you
should keep this in mind if you have hidden tools (i.e. hidden tools will not be visible when
you re-open the file).

12.4.4 Move / Re-size Tools

Drawing / analysis tools can be interactively moved or re-sized with the mouse, as

1. Click the left mouse button ONCE on the desired drawing tool.
2. This will "select" the tool, and you will see the "control points" highlighted on the tool.
3. While in this mode, you can move or re-size the tool as described below.

 Move

Place the mouse pointer over any part of the drawing tool. When you see a four-way
arrow cursor, you can click and drag the entire drawing tool to a new location.

 Re-size

Place the mouse pointer over a control point of the drawing tool. When you see a two-
way arrow cursor, you can click and drag the control point to graphically re-size the drawing

NOTE: some tools cannot be re-sized, only moved (e.g. text box, trend line)

12.4.5 Copy Tool

The Copy Tool option allows you to create a copy of an existing tool, and paste the
copy in the current view or to another file.

 Copy

To create a copy of a drawing tool:

 Right-click on a tool and select Copy from the popup menu, OR

 Left-click on a tool and select Ctrl+C on the keyboard

This will copy the tool to the clipboard.

 Paste

Now you can paste a copy of the tool in the current view, or to any other applicable
view in another Dips file, by selecting Paste from the right-click menu, the Edit menu
or Ctrl+V on the keyboard.

 If you paste the tool copy into the current view, it will exactly overlap the original tool.
To move the copy to another location, click on the tool and drag the copy to another
location in the view.
 To paste the tool copy to another file, first switch to the desired file/view, and select

12.4.6 Delete Tool

Drawing / analysis tools can be deleted as follows.

 Delete Individual Tools

To delete individual tools:

 Right-click on a tool and select Delete from the popup menu, OR

 Left-click on a tool and select Delete on the keyboard

 Delete All Tools

To delete all tools, select Delete All Tools from the Tools menu. This will delete all tools
from all views of the current document.


The Display Settings options in the sidebar allow you to customize the following color
and display options for stereonet, rosette and 3D views:

 Stereonet Options
 Stereonet Colors
 Default Tool Colors
 3D Display Options

Most of these options are also available in the Display Options dialog in the View

NOTE: Display Settings can be customized on a per view basis, so if multiple plot views
are open, each view can be independently customized.

 Stereonet Options
 The Stereonet Options allow you to choose Equal Angle or Equal Area Projection, Upper
or Lower Hemisphere and other options. See the Stereonet Options topic for more
 Projection - you can choose Equal Angle or Equal Area projection for the stereonet
 Hemisphere - you can choose to view the projection on the Upper or Lower Hemisphere
 Labels - on the stereonet perimeter you can display direction labels NSEW, North,
degrees, or None (no labels)
 Exterior Ticks - show or hide the display of degree measurement ticks on the stereonet
 Perimeter Circle - show or hide the perimeter circle of the stereonet
 Center Cross - show or hide the display of a small cross at the center of the stereonet
 Cross Hairs - show or hide the display of cross hair axes on the stereonet
 Tick Spacing - the degree spacing of the exterior ticks on the perimeter
 Outer Grid Width - controls the line width of the perimeter circle and the exterior ticks
 Inner Grid Width - controls the line width of the center cross and cross hairs
 Overlay Width - controls the line width of the stereonet overlay grid
 Legend Scale - controls the display size of the stereonet legend

 3D Display Options
 The 3D Display Options are only available for the 3D Stereosphere view. See the 3D
Stereosphere topic for details.

 Stereonet Colors
 Stereonet – the background color INSIDE the stereonet perimeter. Applies to Pole,
Scatter and Rosette Plots, and Contour Plots only if the Contour mode is Lines.
 Background – the background color OUTSIDE the stereonet perimeter

 Grid Outer – the color of the stereonet perimeter circle and exterior tick marks
 Grid Inner – the color of the stereonet center cross, cross-hair grid, and rosette circles
 Label Text – the color of the perimeter labels (NSEW direction letters or degrees)
 Overlay – the color of the stereonet grid overlay applied with the Stereonet
Overlay option
 Global Mean – the color of the Global Mean Vector display
 Global Best Fit - the color of the Global Best Fit plane display
 Rosette Labels – the color of the scale numbers on a Rosette Plot.
 Rosette Wedge – the color of the Rosette wedges

 Default Tool Colors

The Default Tool Color options allow you to customize the default colors used for the
following options. The default colors apply only to newly created objects. The color of existing
objects will not change when you change the default.

 Set Windows – the color of the Set Windows created with the Add Set Window option
 User Plane - the color of user-defined planes added with the Add Plane option
 Mean Set Plane - the color of mean planes calculated from Sets
 Variability – the color of Variability Cones displayed with the Edit Sets dialog
 Confidence – the color of Confidence Cones displayed with the Edit Sets dialog
 Arrow – the color of arrows added with the Add Arrow option
 Cone – the color of Cones added with the Add Cone option
 Pitch Grid – the color of Pitch Grids added with the Add Pitch Grid option
 Text – the color of text added with the Add Text option
 Trend Line – the color of Lines added with the Add Trend Line option
 Ellipse - the color of ellipse or circle objects added with the Add Ellipse option
 Line Segment - the color of line segments added with the Add Line option
 Polygon - the color of polygons added with the Add Polygon option
 Polyline - the color of polylines added with the Add Polyline option
 Rectangle - the color of rectangles or squares added with the Add Rectangle option
 Fold Analysis - the color of planes calculated from the Fold Analysis option
 Intersection - the color of planes and points calculated from the Intersection Calculator


 After a tool object has been added to a view, the properties of individual objects can be
customized by clicking on the object and changing the color or other properties in the
 the color of ADDED planes (Add Plane option) and MEAN planes (Add Set Window
option) can also be customized in the Edit Planes and Edit Sets dialogs.


In Dips, numerical listings of orientation pairs can correspond to either the orientation
of POLES or the PLANES that they represent. The Reporting Convention option in the Edit
menu toggles the format of the orientation coordinates displayed in the Status Bar as follows.

 If the Convention is Trend / Plunge, then the coordinates represent the cursor (pole)
location directly. This can be referred to as Pole Vector format.
 If the Convention is Dip / Dip Direction, Strike (Right) / Dip or Strike (Left) / Dip then the
coordinates represent the PLANE corresponding to the cursor (pole) location. This can
be referred to as Plane Vector format.

NOTE: do not confuse the Convention option with the Global Orientation Format, see
below for details.

The Convention can be changed:

 by selecting Edit > Reporting Convention

 by clicking on the Convention listing in the status bar to the left of the coordinate display
at the bottom right of the screen
 by clicking on the Convention icon in applicable input dialogs (e.g. Add User Plane).

The Convention affects the format of the following data listings in Dips:

 Plane listings in the Major Planes legend.

 Plane listings in the Edit Planes and Edit Sets dialogs.

And the Convention affects the format of orientation data input for the following

 Coordinate entry in the Add Plane dialog.

 Coordinate entry in the Add Set Window dialog.
 Coordinate entry in the Measure Angle dialog.

The Convention does not affect data input for all options. For example, when using
the Add Cone option, the cone axis is always entered in Trend / Plunge format, regardless of
the current Convention. The Plane Vector Convention is only used where it is applicable. The
Convention applies to ALL views in a document. It cannot be changed on a per view basis.

 Reporting Convention vs. Global Orientation Format

Do not confuse the Convention option with the Global Orientation Format of your Dips
data file. The Global Orientation Format determines how Dips interprets and processes your
raw orientation data. The Convention option DOES NOT.

In Dips, poles are ALWAYS plotted using the Trend and Plunge of the pole vector with

 Saving the Convention

The Reporting Convention is saved on a per file basis. The most recently saved
Convention will automatically become the default for all new Dips files (i.e. the convention in
effect the last time you saved a file, will determine the initial default convention for all new


Zoom and pan is available for stereonet , rosette and 3D Stereosphere views.

 Zoom In

To Zoom in select the Zoom in toolbar button, or press the F5 function key, or roll
the mouse wheel forward.

 Zoom Out

To Zoom Out select the Zoom Out toolbar button, or press the F4 function key, or
roll the mouse wheel backward.

 Zoom All

To reset the default viewing extents after zooming or panning, select the Zoom

All toolbar button, or press the F2 function key.

 Shift Key Zoom

An alternative zoom option (currently for the 3D view only) is to hold down the Shift key
and the Left mouse button, and move the mouse up or down. This will smoothly zoom in or
out as you move the mouse up or down. This method may be useful for laptop computers.

13.4 PAN

Dips allows you to zoom and pan in stereonet , rosette and 3D plot views.

To pan the view:

 Select the Pan option from the toolbar or press the F10 function key, and pan the
view while holding down the left mouse button, OR
 Hold down the mouse wheel and pan the view (this is the quickest way to pan).

 Ctrl Key Pan

An alternative pan option (currently for the 3D view only) is to hold down the Ctrl key
and the Left mouse button, and move the mouse to pan. This method may be useful for laptop


When you hover the mouse cursor over objects on the stereonet, a popup Data Tip can
provide information about the object (for example, plane orientations, set window IDs, cone
angle and orientation, etc.).

This is controlled by the Data Tips option, which is located on the status bar at the lower
right corner of the application window. There are three modes:

 Max Datatips - will display the maximum information available for the object
 Min Datatips -- will display a minimum amount of information (e.g. object type)
 Datatips Off - no data tips will be displayed

To change the Data Tips mode, click on the Data Tips option on the status bar until the
desired mode is displayed.


The Stereonet Options in the sidebar allow you to configure the following options
related to the display of data on the stereonet:

 Projection
 Hemisphere
 Stereonet Overlay
 and other display options.

The Stereonet Options most commonly used can be saved as the program defaults
using the default display setting buttons in the sidebar.

Most of the Stereonet Options CAN BE CHANGED ON A PER VIEW BASIS, however it is
recommended that the same Stereonet Options be used on all plots for a given document,
unless there is a specific reason for doing otherwise.

13.6.1 Projection

In the Stereonet Options you can choose from two different Projection methods,
which control the way in which pole points and plane traces on the reference sphere are
projected to form the two-dimensional screen image:

 EQUAL ANGLE projection

 EQUAL AREA projection

It is important to note the following:

1. All of the calculations in Dips take place on the reference sphere and not on the projection,
so the choice of projection method has no effect on computed results. The two Projection
methods are provided only for the customization of the display, since different users may
be more experienced in visually analyzing one type of projection than the other. Each
method has advantages and disadvantages, depending upon the type of analysis being
2. It is essential that the two projections are never mixed. Decide upon one or the other, and
use that projection for all data presentation and analysis on a project.

13.6.2 Equal Angle Projection

For the EQUAL ANGLE projection method, a line is drawn from the center of the top of
the sphere (the zenith), to a point A on the sphere (a pole or a point on the great circle). The
intersection of this line with a horizontal plane through the center of the sphere, defines the
projection point B.

Equal Angle Projection method

See the Projection Examples topic for a comparison of plots using Equal Angle and
Equal Area projection.

13.6.3 Equal Area Projection

In the EQUAL AREA method, the bottom of the sphere rests on the projection plane.
The point Aon the sphere is projected down to the plane by swinging this point in an arc
about the contact between the sphere and the plane, giving point B. The resultant projection
is then scaled back to the size of the projection sphere.

Equal Area Projection method

See the Projection Examples topic for a comparison of plots using Equal Angle and
Equal Area projection.

13.6.4 Equal Angle / Equal Area Comparison

EQUAL ANGLE projection preserves the geometry of projected shapes. The area on the
surface of the sphere, represented by a projected region, depends on its location. The
projected area of a given circle increases towards the equator of the projection (see below
for illustration).

EQUAL AREA projection distorts geometrical shapes such as small circles (circles with
centers not coincident with that of the sphere). Nevertheless, a constant area on the
projection represents a constant area on the surface of the sphere, regardless of its location.
This method reduces visual bias in comparisons between data clusters in different parts of
the sphere.

EQUAL ANGLE projection EQUAL AREA projection

Pole Plot Pole Plot

Contour Plot Contour Plot


Small Circles, 15° cone angle Small Circles, 15° cone angle
(circles remain circular, but increase in area (circles have equal area, but become elliptical
towards the equator) towards equator)

13.6.5 Hemisphere

In the Stereonet Options the default projection is a LOWER hemisphere projection. For
a horizontal stereonet projection, this means that the plot represents the traces of planes
and poles:

 on the LOWER half of the sphere, as viewed from ABOVE.

An UPPER hemisphere projection can also be used. This displays the traces of planes
and poles:

 on the UPPER half of the sphere, when viewed from ABOVE.

An UPPER hemisphere plot is therefore equivalent to a LOWER hemisphere plot

rotated by 180 degrees. Use whichever plot you prefer, but be consistent or confusion will

13.6.6 Stereonet Overlay

The Stereonet Overlay option allows you to overlay a full stereonet grid (Polar,
Equatorial or Custom axis) on top of Pole, Scatter, Contour or Major Planes plots. Stereonet
Overlay is available in:

 the View menu, OR

 the sidebar plot options (Object Visibility > Stereonet Overlay)

To use Stereonet Overlay (View menu):

1. Select Stereonet Overlay from the View menu.
2. In the dialog select the Show Grid Overlay checkbox.
3. Select the Style (Polar, Equatorial or Custom). If the overlay is Custom, you will be able to
enter the Trend / Plunge of the overlay axis.
4. Select OK, and the overlay will be drawn on the stereonet. NOTE: the latitude and meridian
lines are at every 10 degrees.

To use Stereonet Overlay from the sidebar:

1. In the sidebar plot options, select Object Visibility > Stereonet Overlay.
2. Select the Style (Polar, Equatorial or Custom).
3. If Custom is selected, a small button will be visible. If you select this button you can
enter the Trend / Plunge of the overlay axis in the dialog.

 Removing the Stereonet Overlay

To remove the Stereonet Overlay, de-select the Stereonet Overlay checkbox (dialog
or sidebar), and the overlay will be removed.

 Stereonet Overlay Color

The Stereonet Overlay color can be modified by the user in the Display

Options dialog or the sidebar, on a per view basis.\

Polar and Equatorial Stereonet Overlays

Custom Stereonet Overlay (Trend / Plunge of Axis = 000 / 45)



The Contour Options dialog contains a variety of options for customizing the display
of contours on the stereonet:

 Contour Data
 Contour Range
 Min Max Colors
 Mode
 Color Method
 Density Calculation
 Interpolation Method
 Contour Presets

Contour Options is available in the View menu or by right-clicking on a Contour Plot.

13.7.1 Contour Data

The data which is contoured on the stereonet is determined by the selection of

the Contour Data in the Contour Options dialog. You may select one of the following data
types to contour:

 Vector Density
 Intersection Density
 Data Column

The Contour Data can also be selected in the Sidebar plot options.

 Vector Density

If Vector Density is selected, then the contours will represent either pole or dip vector
concentrations, according to the selection of the Pole / Dip Vector mode.

See the Vector Contour Plot topic for details.

 Intersection Density

If Intersection Density is selected, then the contours will represent the concentration
of intersections. See the Intersection Contours topic for details.

 Data Column

If the Data Column option is selected, then you may choose a QUANTITATIVE (i.e.
numeric) data column in your Dips file, and the selected data will be contoured on the
stereonet. See the General Data Contours topic for details.

13.7.2 Contour Range

By default, the contour range is automatically determined.

To customize the contour range:

1. Clear the Automatic Contour Range checkbox in the Contour Options dialog.
2. Enter the desired minimum and maximum values.
3. If necessary, enter the desired number of intervals, to obtain evenly numbered contours.

 Number of Intervals

The default number of contour intervals is 10. You may enter any number between 2
and 50.

Note that the Contour Preset options may have different default numbers of intervals,
suitable to the option.

13.7.3 Contour Mode

There are three Contour Mode options:

 Filled - displays the contours as Filled regions

 Lines - displays the contour lines only
 Filled with Lines - displays both filled regions and lines.

NOTE: if you use the Lines (only) contour Mode you can customize the Stereonet
background color in the Display Options dialog.

13.7.4 Min/Max Contour Colors

The Minimum and Maximum Contour Colors are used when the Color Method option
is HSL or RGB.

The Min Max colors are not used if you are using the Custom Interval Color Method

13.7.5 Contour Color Method

The Contour Color Method options determine how the contour colors will be

 The HSL and RGB methods use interpolation to determine the contour colors between
the Minimum and Maximum colors. The interpolation methods are briefly described
 The Custom Interval option allows you to define a custom color for each contour

 HSL Saturated

Colors are defined in terms of HUE, SATURATION and LUMINANCE components, with
full saturation.

 HSL Acute

Colors are defined in terms of HUE, SATURATION and LUMINANCE components. The
Acute Method interpolates using the Acute angle between the minimum and maximum
colors on the "color wheel".

 HSL Obtuse

Colors are defined in terms of HUE, SATURATION and LUMINANCE components. The
Obtuse Method interpolates using the Obtuse angle between the minimum and maximum
colors on the "color wheel".

 RGB Linear

Colors are defined in terms of RED, GREEN and BLUE components.

 Custom Interval Colors

If you select the Custom Interval Colors option, you will see another dialog which
allows you to define a custom color for each contour interval. The Number of Intervals should
be set equal to the number of custom colors.

13.7.6 Density Calculation

In the Contour Options dialog, the following options are available which control the
way that Dips computes the pole density concentration values for the data:

 Fisher distribution
 Schmidt distribution
 Count Circle

The Schmidt distribution method provides very quick computation time and, for large
amounts of data, produces concentration values which are very similar to those obtained
with the Fisher method. When the quantity of data is limited, however, the Schmidt
distribution produces very crude contour diagrams and often misleading results, since each
measurement is assumed to be 100 percent accurate and any existing errors are exaggerated
due to lack of data. Therefore, in this case, it is advisable to use the Fisher distribution, since
it tends to suppress any undue influence that a single measurement might have on the data
contained in a limited data set. When you have lots of data, there is little difference between
the plots generated by the two methods, and the Schmidt distribution is faster.

Contour plot using Fisher distribution, 40 Contour plot using Schmidt distribution,
points in data set 40 points in data set

 Fisher Distribution

In the Fisher method each pole is assigned a normal influence or Fisher distribution
over the surface of the sphere, rather than a point value, as in the Schmidt method. The
integrated zone of influence is a bell shaped distribution with a maximum height of 1, and a
basal radius twice that of the counting circle radius. The influence contribution to a grid point
is represented by the height of the influence zone immediately above the grid point. In this
method, the total influence of an individual pole is the same as in the Schmidt method but
its distribution of influence reflects an assumed probability of measurement error. For large
quantities of data, this option will produce similar results to the familiar Schmidt option. The
real strength of the Fisher option is in "smoothing" density plots for sparse data sets.


Bell dome of influence: maximum height = 1 coincident with pole vector. Base radius =
2 x Schmidt cylinder radius. Total volume of influence function is equal to Schmidt cylinder.

 Schmidt Distribution

The Schmidt distribution is the classical method, in which each pole is assigned a
constant influence value of 1. The integrated zone of influence is a cylinder of constant height
with a radius equal to the radius of the counting circle. A counting grid is superimposed on
the stereonet plane, or in the case of Dips, on the surface of the reference sphere.
Convention dictates the use of a counting circle with an area equivalent to 1% of the lower
hemisphere surface. For each pole plotted, any grid point falling within a circle of arbitrary
constant radius centered on this pole is incremented by the value of the pole. After the
influence of all plotted poles is thus distributed, the density plotted at each grid point is
calculated by dividing the pole count at that grid point by the total pole influence.

Cylinder of influence: Height = 1

 Count Circle

In the Contour Options dialog, you can customize the Count Circle size used in
the contour calculations.

The generally accepted size for the counting circle used in contour calculations is one
percent of the surface area of the lower reference hemisphere. This is, however, merely
convention and if desired, you may use a different size of counting circle. The allowed range
of counting circle area as a percentage of hemisphere area is 0.5 % to 5.0 %. For meaningful
results, a range limit of 1.0 % to 2.5 % is recommended.

13.7.7 Interpolation Method

The Interpolation Method option in Contour Options only applies if Contour Data =
Data Column (i.e. you are plotting general data on the stereonet rather than vector
densities). The following options are available:

 On Sphere - interpolation is carried out directly on the sphere

 Thin Plate Spline - interpolation is carried out on the 2D stereonet using a Thin Plate
Spline method
 Local Thin Plate Spline - interpolation is carried out on the 2D stereonet using a Local
Thin Plate Spline method

13.7.8 Contour Presets

The Contour Presets option allows you to choose from various pre-defined contour
format settings, or to define your own user-defined settings. The following pre-defined
settings can be selected.

 Default - the default contour options when you install the program
 Hot to Cold – uses a blue to red range of contouring, simulating a "hot to cold" effect.
 Hot Spots – uses a white to red range of contouring, simulating a "hot spot" effect.
 Black to white – uses black to white contouring, and 7 intervals.

When you select a Contour Preset option, the current contour options will be
immediately updated.

 User-Defined Presets

To create a user-defined contour pre-set:

1. Set up the desired contour options in the dialog, and select the Save button.
2. You will be prompted to enter a name for the user-defined preset. Enter a name in the
dialog and select OK.
3. The new user-defined preset will now appear in the drop-list of available pre-sets and can
be selected at any time.

User-defined presets can be deleted by selecting the preset name and selecting
the Delete button.

 Set as Default

If you wish to define a contour preset as the new program default, first select the
desired preset from the drop-list, and then select the Set as Default button. All new contour
plots will then use the new default settings.

To restore the original Dips contour option settings, choose the Default preset and
select Set as Default.

14.1 JTDist

JTDist is a utility program for creating user-defined synthetic joint sets, and saving the
data as a Dips file.

JTDist can be run by:

 double-clicking on the jtdist.exe program in your Dips installation folder, or

 through the Start menu, select Start > Programs > Rocscience > Dips > Utilities > JTDist

You will see the following dialog, in which you can define:

 up to five distinct joint sets (by entering a mean dip and dip direction, standard
deviation, and joint quantity for each set)
 create a random background of joint data
 apply error to the generated joint set data (normal, uniform, or round off)

After entering the parameters, select Save File in the JTDist dialog. This will generate
the synthetic data and allow you to save it as a Dips file (i.e. a file with a. dip extension readable
by Dips).

A tutorial for the JTDist program is available by selecting the Help button in the JTDist
dialog, and then selecting the Tutorial button. The tutorial is also available by double-clicking
on the jtdisttut.pdf file in your Dips installation folder.

The Dips Tutorials provide easy to follow, step-by-step instructions, demonstrating how to
quickly learn the basic and more advanced features of the program.

The tutorials are in PDF format, click the links to open the files, which can be printed. To view
a brief summary of each tutorial, click the "view summary" links.

Tutorials (PDF files) Tutorial Summary

01 Quick Start Tutorial view summary
02 Creating a Dips File view summary
03 Sets, Planes, Query Tutorial view summary
04 Kinematic Analysis - Toppling, Planar Sliding, Wedge view summary
05 Oriented Core & Rock Mass Classification view summary
06 Joint Spacing, RQD, Frequency view summary
07 Curved Boreholes view summary
08 Quick Start Guide to New Features in Dips 7.0 Curved Boreholes, Joint
Spacing, RQD, Kinematic
Sensitivity, 3D Stereosphere


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