Advantage and Disadvantage

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In partial fulfillment of the requirements

In English 2 (Writing in Discipline)


Frecy Ann A. Magoncia

May 24, 2019






Table of






Statement of the Problem………………..................................................................………….4

Significance of the Study……………............................................................…….……………...4

Scope and limitation


Defintion of terms................................................................................................................5

Main Body..............................................................................................................................................6

The Drawbacks of Social Media.....................................................................................................7

Considerations in the Educational Use of Social Media........................................................7

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using social media

in the classroom?...............................................................................................................................8

The pros of social media as a learning tool..............................................................8

The cons of social media as a learning tool.............................................................11






Social Media has been going through an extensive outbreak around the world. It has been a good

tool for social interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in

virtual communities and networks. It just came out in the early 90’s but as the year of 2000 it was improve

because many programmers were able to discover and design a new and more helpful tool for many people

around the world. Now, many families that have long distance communication use social media to keep a

strong communication with their family members especially in abroad. It has been also used to help students

to interact with their fellow classmates even they were far away from each other especially when they are

working on an immediate requirement and other Social Media can be used for a research.

Although Social Media was proven a good tool for many people, Social Media was also abused by

many users to make crimes. In Social Media, everyone can post and say everything whatever they want in

public, so some people use it for saying bad words to someone they hate even in public. Also, people were

able to post many embarrassing pictures without even asking for permission to that person.

Based on a research conducted from a University, they have proven that Social Media can be also

used for cyber bullying, child pornography and harassments so many universities and many other schools

were worried if they were to continue requiring their students for using Social Media.

Since 2010 until now, the number of people using Social Media is continuously increasing and

helping many people but the number of crimes using Social Media is also continuously increasing.

Motivated by the fact that the users of Social Media is continuously increasing, this study is made

to verify what are the advantages and disadvantages of Social Media on selected high school students for

the fact that teenagers are the most widely users of Social Media.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this proposed study would try to determine the advantages and disadvantages of Social

Media to DOSCST.

Specifically, the researcher wants to answer the following questions:

1. What is the main advantage and disadvantage of using Social Media?

2. Why are the number of students using Social Media is continuously increasing?

3. How using Social Media does affect a student?

Significance of the Study


This study would show about the advantages and disadvantages of Social Media to DOSCST. It

would show also the reason why teenagers are the most widely users of social media and social media

affects the users, mentally, emotionally and verbally.

Scope and Limitation

The study focuses on issues and problems surrounding students of DOSCST. This research is

limited at the DOSCST Cateel school campus. The objectives of the study, aims to determine whether using

Social Media can make student advantageous being better people or disadvantageous as troublemaker.

Definition of Terms:

● Vital- extremely important

● Peer- a person who belongs to the same age group or social group as someone else

● Seize- to use legal or official power to take

● Tenacity- the quality or state of being determined to do something

● Impulsivity- doing things or tending to do things suddenly and without careful thought

● Stimuli- something that causes something else to happen, develop or become more active

● Demographic- of or relating to the study of changes that occur in large groups of people over

period of time

● Impede- to show the movement, progress or action of someone or something

● Appraise- to say how much something is worth after you have carefully examined it

● Detrimental- causing damage or injury

● Stagnant- not active, changing or progressing

● Slanderous- to make a false spoken statement that causes people to have a bad opinion of someone

● Rampant- growing quickly and in a way that is difficult to control

● Disgruntled- to make ill- humored or discontented



Every day, about 250 million people log in to Facebook.

Twitter has 15 million regular users; they send 65 million messages each day.

People watch more than 2 billion video clips on YouTube daily. Every hour, users upload an average of 24

hours of video content.

Every day, more than 90 percent of college students visit a social networking site.

That’s a lot of information bombarding students. Trying to keep up with it all can change the way the brain

functions. Is this good or bad?

Both. WCER researcher Mark Connolly acknowledges that these social media show value in educational

settings—as long as they are used prudently. Many have pointed to the educational benefits of these media

(also called Web 2.0). Social media tools and networking sites encourage students to engage with each

other and to express and share their creativity.

Connolly suggests an additional benefit: establishing enduring relationships with real people. This means

going beyond seeing others simply as peers who trade digital content. For example, connecting with fellow

dorm residents through Facebook can help a student overcome the kind of isolation that otherwise might

lead her to leave school. A Twitter account can provide a shy student with information about events that

facilitates face-to-face encounters with other students. Such personal interactions are vital to creating and

sustaining a sense of belonging.

These relationships can be fostered on the community level too. For example, Chicago’s DePaul University

sponsors a “This is DePaul” contest for students to contribute short YouTube videos that best capture the

DePaul experience. In 2009, the winning videos drew nearly 20,000 viewers. Social networking sites also

can help students develop leadership skills, from low-level planning and organizing to activities that

promote social change and democratic engagement.

The Drawbacks of Social Media

Along with the benefits, Connolly cautions that students who use social networking tools might pay

significant hidden cognitive costs. Facebook, Google, and other web services simultaneously seize and

fragment our attention. They can subvert higher-order reasoning processes, including the kind of focus,

concentration, and persistence necessary for critical thinking and intellectual development. Some

researchers have correlated heavy Internet use with greater impulsivity, less patience, less tenacity, and

weaker critical thinking skills. The need to rapidly shift from object to object online can weaken students’

ability to control their attention. Prolonged Internet use exposes students to interactive, repetitive, and

addictive stimuli that produce permanent changes in brain structure and function. The more one uses the

Internet and social media, the better the brain can skim and scan. But research suggests that these gains

degrade the capacity for concentration, reasoning, and reflection—in fact the very sort of critical thinking

and evidence-based reasoning needed to honestly appraise the full costs of using social media.

Considerations in the Educational Use of Social Media

Students must learn to distinguish the skill needed to locate information online from the ability

to understand that information. Using social media to cultivate and demonstrate deep learning is possible,

but that requires overcoming the persistence of distraction, the surfeit of irrelevant information, and the

temptation to wander.

Students can develop a capacity for practical reasoning when using social media. Educators and students

should have multiple, purposeful discussions about social media’s pros and cons. Social media can enhance

and impede student learning, and educators can use realistic case studies to help students identify trade-

offs. For example, the use of social media in educational settings may incorrectly suggest that learning

should be easy and quick. If so, students should be shown the value of reinvesting the time and effort saved

by technology into higher-order tasks that really matter to their learning, such as writing a complex

argument, reading difficult texts, and debating ideas with others.

Social technologies are here to stay. Connolly says that it is important to help students learn how to use

social media in an instrumental way, learn how to think deliberately about their use, and consider the sorts

of outcomes for which using social media are proper.

In the real world, students will find themselves facing a difficult situation involving social media that rules

alone cannot resolve. Connolly says the problem will require their best judgment—a kind of practical

wisdom that cannot be taught, but instead is learned through practice accompanied by guidance and support.

Knowing when, where, and with whom to use social media, Connolly concludes, may be the most important

learning outcome of all.

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using social media in the classroom?

The pros of social media as a learning tool.

1.) It is a familiar tool.

Most of your students are on social networking platforms, and these services are already tools that students

are generally comfortable with -- and they can probably show you a thing or two in return.

2.) Improve your own knowledge and skills as an educator.


By learning how to use these platforms as a teacher, you are making yourself more aware of issues

surrounding students today. If a student tells you a classmate is harassing them over Twitter -- doing

something called 'tweeting', how can you investigate the situation unless you know how to search profiles

and send messages yourself?

3.) Resource availability.

From current news feeds, following public figures, learning a new language or improving software skills,

there is an endless range of free resources available through social media -- both linked and hosted. If you

are looking for a debate, a video or commentary based on a recent news report, Facebook and Twitter's

search functions make them a valuable and free set of tools.

4.) Improvement of research skills.

Being able to find information online is a skill that is now important in the workplace -- and one that can

be taught through lessons designed around social media platforms.

5.) The improvement of communication.

If conducted within a controlled environment, then social media can be a way for students and teachers to

communicate effectively. This could include sending out reminders, posting homework notes and

organizing projects or events such as revision classes.

6.) Relevant, real-life learning.

Teaching students how to use social media in order to improve their job prospects can be extremely

valuable. How do you find a job through Twitter? Who do you follow? Why do I need a LinkedIn profile?

7.) The promotion of digital citizenship.

Students have to learn about how to conduct themselves appropriately online. Not only do they have to face

the consequences if they behave in ways that are considered cyberbulling, but it is also necessary for them

to understand privacy policies and the transfer of data online. By using online platforms, these lessons can

be integrated within a more traditional school curriculum.

8.) Engaging your students.

Gen-Y and younger generations are stereotypically portrayed as being glued to their gadgets, and are known

for using such devices for social networking, games and entertainment purposes. Use this to your advantage.

9.) The ability to share learning material.

Social media sites including Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest are full of user-generated content, links and

shared items. This can be used to your classes' advantage. Why not create a Facebook group dedicated to

your class, or set a task to research something across these networks?

10.) The potential to appeal to different learning styles.

Whether a learner naturally prefers kinetic, audio or visual learning, the varied types of media and

information found on sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn can appeal to a wide range of learner


11.) Ease of access.

Social networking requires no expensive equipment or modern upgrades -- all you need is a computer or

mobile device with an Internet connection.

12.) Assisting shy students.

There are some students that find social interaction or contribution difficult -- and engaging students

through an online project can make this easier for them.

The cons of social media as a learning tool.

1.) The gimmick factor.


Unless the use of sites such as Facebook and Twitter are incorporated into a class plan in order to contribute

towards an objective lesson aim, then it could become nothing more than a waste of time.

2.) Distractions.

Unless teachers properly supervise their students -- and maintain control if the novelty of YouTube makes

them too excited -- it can be difficult to follow through with a lesson based on Internet research.

3.) The risk of cyberbullying.

Cyber bullying is rampant on social networks, and it is something teachers need to be aware of. Social

media projects may not be confined to a classroom -- and if this is the case, teachers (and potentially

parents) need to monitor student activity for any signs of bullying.

4.) Limiting face-to-face communication.

If a balance is not maintained, then too much technological input can have a detrimental effect on social

skills that children need to learn.

5.) The need for schools to research, understand and implement.

Educational establishments are slowly making their presence known on social media for advertising and

information-based purposes. However, it requires a good level of technical understanding to use and

maintain social media effectively.

6.) Continual social media change.

There are constant changes to platforms themselves and their security settings -- of which schools and

teachers must keep up to date with and act accordingly.

7.) The need to manage multiple sites and keep updated.


If schools decide to make use of these platforms, pages and profiles should be updated in order to prevent

them becoming stagnant.

8.) The possibility of malware infections or phishing scams.

Social networks are now a breeding ground for scam artists to lure both children and adults to exchange

personal information or in order to gain access to a computer network. Educational establishments need to

be aware of this risk and monitor their usage accordingly.

9.) The need to filter and plan.

Schools have a duty of care to their students, and as such, the use of social media platforms has to be

planned and executed appropriately in order to protect children from inappropriate communication, images

or video. Several options are available, such as YouTube for Schools.

10.) Inappropriate content sharing or exposure.

It is important for children in school to be protected from inappropriate content; but it is also necessary for

teachers to monitor what they are sharing between themselves. It is not only a matter of duty to students --

but protecting yourself as the teacher responsible for them.

11.) Controlling device use in class.

Teachers have to grow eyes in the back of their heads -- and when mobile devices are used in class, the

need for continual monitoring and regulation increases.

12.) Exposing the 'haves' and 'have nots'.

Once you introduce social media use in to a classroom, then unless the school has the facilities to supply

each student, it is sometimes the case that students are asked to bring their own device. This in turn can

highlight divides between students who can afford certain devices, and those that cannot.


Majority of the population of the students said that the main advantage of using social media is it

is helpful to their studies and its main disadvantage is it can be use for bullying.

Based on the result of the study held by the researcher to the selected students of Mariano Marcos

Memorial High School, school year 2014-2015, the main advantage of social media to the people using it

is, it is helpful for studies of students and the main disadvantage is, it can be use for bullying.

The Researcher recommends this research paper to be read by the teachers, students,

Principal and especially parents that prolong of using social media just do not help every user but it has also

a disadvantage. This research also helps and enlightens the mind of the persons who are using social media

and how can they manage themselves to be a wise user


Electronic References

Conolly, M. 2014, Benefits and Drawbacks of Social Media in Education- WCSER. EDU. Retrieved


Poirier, Gina. (n.d.). What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Social Media to Bring

Attention to a Product? Small Business - Retrieved from



Osborne, C. The pros and cons of social media classrooms. retrieved from

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