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P O LY M E R B L E N D S ■

Application Study. The compar-

atively low heat resistance of
polyvinyl chloride greatly re-
stricts the use of this cost-effec-
PVC applications tive plastic in fields in which it is
such as building
claddings demand exposed under mechanical load
of the material a
level of heat re- to relatively high temperatures.
sistance which it
can fulfil only This property, however, can be
in the form of
special mixtures raised at low cost and without
(photo: BASF)
difficulty to technically interest-
ing levels in blends with α-methylstyrene-acrylonitrile copolymers (AMSAN). A sys-
tematic study shows what the user should pay attention to when doing this.

PVC Becoming Even “Hotter”

AXEL GOTTSCHALK ET AL. pipework carrying hot water or in dark A solution to this problem is found in
coloured building panels (title picture) blends composed of PVC and polymers
ue to its ease of processing and directly exposed to sunlight. characterised in comparison with

D toughness and not least on account

of its competitive price the mate-
rial polyvinyl chloride (PVC) has cap-
Increasing Heat Resistance
polyvinyl chloride by a relatively high
glass transition temperature. Corre-
sponding mixtures should exhibit higher
tured a secure position in the building It is possible to increase the softening tem- heat resistance than pure PVC. A useful
sector. Over half of the Western European perature of polyvinyl chloride by post- guide value for the heat resistance of a
PVC production, running to some 6 mil- production chlorination of the main polymeric material is obtained by meas-
lion metric tons, is used on building sites polymer chain. Chlorinated PVC (CPVC) uring its Vicat B50 softening temperature. 8 PE103616

in the form of extruded window and door having a chlorine content of 66 %, for ex- It is determined by a practical test
profiles, cable sheathing, floor coverings, ample (by comparison with 57 % in the method. In plastics having a low degree
pipes and conduits. Accordingly, PVC is normal material), is suitable for contin- of crystallinity the Vicat temperature is
one of the most important materials in uous working temperatures of 90°C correlated with the glass transition tem-
this sector. (peaks of 110°C). However, the higher perature which can be predicted on the
The potential of this material in this density (of about 1.6 compared with 1.4 basis of a simple relationship among the
field has by far not yet been exhausted. g/cm3 in normal PVC), poor processabil- proportions of the components of a blend
One of the challenges constraining the ity and the relatively high price are dis- (Gordon-Taylor relationship). In order to
wide use of PVC is the comparatively low advantages. increase the heat resistance of PVC it is
heat resistance of this material. Most PVC useful to mix this plastic with propor-
products are recommended for operating tionate amounts of a polymer which is in-
temperatures of 60 to 65°C (peak tem- i Manufacturer herently characterised by a high glass
peratures of up to 80°C). At higher tem- transition temperature.
peratures the material begins to soften. BASF AG α-Methylstyrene-acrylonitrile copoly-
This has negative effects on the dimen- Communication Plastics mers (AMSAN) are polymers which are
sional stability of the material, in partic- Building KS/KC-E100 highly compatible with PVC and have a
ular when the part in question is under D-67056 Ludwigshafen / Germany high glass transition temperature. Such a
mechanical load in use. In some circum- Phone +49 (0) 6 21/60-46910 copolymer (Luran KR 2556) has been em-
stances this is already a problem in Fax +49 (0) 6 21/60-8608248 ployed by BASF since as early as the 1970s for the production of heat-resistant ABS
Translated from Kunststoffe 7/2006, pp. 48–50 plastics (Terluran HH 106 and Terluran

Kunststoffe international 7/2006 1

■ P O LY M E R B L E N D S

the usual level by resorting to tried and

tested methods of PVC formulation de-
Fig. 1. The production velopment. Thus, the addition of 5 % by
of PVC blends in a weight of an acrylate-based impact re-
planetary extruder sistance modifier to a (PVC+AMSAN)
allows optimum blend (85:15 % by weight) is sufficient to
control of the mixing achieve impact resistance values which
temperature (company were above those of the unmodified PVC
photo: Entex) used for producing the AMSAN blends
(23.8 instead of 16 kJ/m2). As expected
raising the proportion of modifier fur-
ther increases the impact resistance lev-
els and in all the blends studied the elon-
gation at break values were also at a high-
HH 112; the number after the abbrevia- stability in accordance with DIN 53381-1 er level.
tion HH specifies the Vicat B50 softening (test B) as well as measurement of impact
temperature of the High Heat type in resistance at room temperature (ISO 179- Adapting Thermal Stability by
question). Depending on the level of heat 1) and elongation at break (ISO 527-2). Means of Stabilisers
resistance desired, AMSAN here replaces Initial trials with proportions of
a proportion of the usual SAN compo- AMSAN in the blend confirmed that the On the other hand, the restoration of the
nent (Vicat temperature of SAN is ap- Vicat temperature of the blends can be thermal stability of (PVC+AMSAN)
prox. 107°C, that of AMSAN is approx. raised by adding this copolymer. For blends requires more detailed considera-
120°C). every 10 % by weight of AMSAN added tion of the degradation processes. The
The idea of using AMSAN – or even the Vicat temperature increased by ap- cause of the gradual decomposition of
SAN or ASA – in order to increase the heat proximately 4°C (Fig. 2). As expected this polyvinyl chloride at relatively high tem-
resistance of PVC has already been dis- technically significant value is above peratures is the elimination of hydrogen
cussed in the industry for a relatively long those achievable by incorporating equiv- chloride, which once started proceeds in
time. New studies conducted by the Süd- alent quantities of “classic” SAN copoly- accelerated fashion due to autocatalysis.
deutsches Kunststoff-Zentrum (SKZ = mers as well as ASA varieties having cor- Initially this gives rise only to local dis-
South German Plastics Centre) and BASF respondingly lower glass transition tem- coloration of the plastic, but later ad-
are now helping to adapt the heat resist- peratures. versely affects the mechanical properties
ance of PVC to particularly demanding It is common to all the blends that they of the entire product.
applications in cost-effective manner exhibit lower thermal stability than the A number of routes are available for
without the need to take the CPVC route. starting polymer.While blends composed stabilising PVC against this degradation
of PVC and Terluran HH 106 (ABS) or process. Thus, the progress of the reac-
Producing Mixtures Under Mild 112 and Luran S 778 T (ASA) are notable tion can be slowed down by capturing the
Conditions for slightly, with higher additions some- hydrogen chloride by means of suitable
times even dramatically, improved levels basic additives or by converting the first
In order to be in a position to evaluate of impact resistance, the gain in Vicat intermediate of the decomposition
the effect that the AMSAN component of temperature and hence in heat resistance process – reactive allyl chloride – into
the mixture has on the mechanical prop- as a result of AMSAN modification is si- products which pose no threat. To this
erties of the polyvinyl chloride, care was multaneously associated with certain end the PVC processor can draw on a
taken to produce the blends under con- losses in impact resistance. large number of tried and tested additives
trolled mixing temperatures. In this way The impact resistance of (PVC+AM- having correspondingly varied action
any possible decomposition of the poly- SAN) blends, however, can be raised to mechanisms.
mer due to local overheating during the
mixing process, which could diminish the
mechanical properties of the blend, is Heat resistance
minimised. This is ensured in optimum
manner by the use of a planetary gear ex-
truder (Entex LWE 50 M2; Fig. 1). The ex- Fig. 2. The heat re-
truded strand is briefly cooled in a water sistance of PVC
bath, dried (Rieter SE/100) and pelletised blends rises linearly
(Rieter Primo 100). The PVC processed with the proportions
was an impact-modified, calcium-zinc of the added compo-
stabilised PVC from Solvay whose mean nent a-methyl-
melt temperature at the tip of the spindle styrene-acrylonitrile
was approx. 190°C. From the blends ob- (AMSAN; type: Luran
tained in this way test specimens were KR 2556; graph: BASF)
produced which were subjected, inter alia,
to the following tests: measurement of the
Vicat softening temperature (ISO 306, © Kunststoffe
method B50), measurement of thermal

2 © Carl Hanser Verlag, München Kunststoffe international 7/2006

P O LY M E R B L E N D S ■

heat resistance of polyvinyl chloride. The

Thermal stability possible rates of increase are about 4°C
per 10 % by weight of added AMSAN.
Fig. 3. The thermal Given a corresponding level of addition,
stability of (PVC+ (PVC+AMSAN) blends exhibit levels of
AMSAN) blends can impact resistance and thermal stability
be raised to the level equivalent to those of pure polyvinyl
of the base polymer chloride.
PVC by adding only This should have great potential in ap-
0.5 % of a suitable plications which hitherto could not be
stabiliser (DIN 53381- fulfilled at all or could be fulfilled only in-
1, test B; graph: BASF) adequately because of the low heat resist-
ance of PVC and on grounds of cost.
Specifically in the building sector great
prospects are now opening up for the
© Kunststoffe blend. In this field there will no doubt be
news in future about some remarkable so-
lutions. ■
In order to test whether established ad- ferable to (PVC+AMSAN) blends. In a di-
ditives are also suitable for retarding the rect trial the addition of 0.5 % by weight THE AUTHORS
accelerated degradation reaction in the of this stabiliser was sufficient to raise the DR. AXEL GOTTSCHALK is Business Manager in
presence of nitrite-containing polymers, thermal stability of a mixture of polyvinyl the ABS Specialties/AMSAN Division at BASF AG,
trials were carried out on (PVC+ABS) chloride and an α-methylstyrene-acry- Ludwigshafen/Germany;
blends at the Süddeutsches Kunststoff- lonitrile copolymer (90:10 % by weight; DR. MICHAEL BREULMANN is Market Develop-
Zentrum. Not only were the stabilisers total nitrile content: about 3 %) to the lev- ment Manager for Specialty Copolymers in the same
which come into consideration studied, el of the pure PVC (Fig. 3). company.
but also the quantities in which they need ERIK FETTER is a student of plastics technology at
to be added. The stability of each blend Conclusion the Fachhochschule Aalen/Germany.
was evaluated in a stream of nitrogen DR.-ING. KARSTEN KRETSCHMER is head of the
heated to 200°C (DIN 53381-1, test B). This study demonstrates that α-methyl- Compounding Division at SKZ-KFE gGmbH, Würzburg/
Even small quantities of a suitable sta- styrene-acrylonitrile copolymers such as Germany.
biliser are capable of effectively retarding Luran KR 2556 from the PlasticsPlus DR.-ING. MARTIN BASTIAN has been head of the
the thermal degradation of (PVC+ABS) range of BASF’s Styrenic Plastics Division institute and managing director of SKZ-KFE gGmbH
blends. These results are naturally trans- are suitable for effectively increasing the since January 2006.

Kunststoffe international 7/2006 3

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