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TA 3111 Mekanika Batuan – Sifat Fisik & Mekanik Batuan-1



Suseno Kramadibrata
Made Astawa Rai
Ridho K Wattimena
Laboratorium Geomeknika
TA 3111 Mekanika Batuan – Sifat Fisik & Mekanik Batuan-1

Sifat Batuan
▪ Kekerasan
▪ Sifat fisik: , , porositas, absorpsi, & void ratio.
▪ Sifat mekanik (statik & dinamik): c, t, E, s, c, , & 
▪ Sifat dinamik: kecepatan rambat gelombang ultrasonik

Penentuan Sifat Fisik & Mekanik

▪ Laboratorium - dilakukan pada contoh dari lapangan
▪ Lapangan - insitu test
▪ Tahap uji lab:
□ Penentuan sifat fisik batuan (non destructive test)
□ Penentuan sifat mekanik batuan (destructive test)
Hardness of a crystalline solid
Mineral Hardness
TA 3111 Mekanika Batuan – Sifat Fisik & Mekanik Batuan-1

▪ The ability of one mineral to scratch or abrade another, this is called Mohs' hardness
(Fredrick Mohs in the early 19th)
▪ The resistance to indentation under a steadily applied stress, this is call indentation
hardness or microhardness.
▪ Each of these is a measure of a crystalline structure's resistance to mechanical
breakdown, which reflects the strength of atomic bond within the crystallographic
lattice of a specific material.
▪ Mohs' scale of hardness represents a scale of relative mineral hardness rather than a
scale of absolute mineral hardness. This is actually just an arbitrary list or table and
does not represent the actual value of hardness. It is a list of 10 common minerals
that increase in hardness as one ascends the list. Hence, the scale cannot be used
directly to qualitatively define the actual hardness of a mineral.
▪ On Mohs' scale a mineral will scratch another mineral of equal or lesser hardness
than itself. This allows the 10 common minerals of Mohs' scale to be used to make a
simple scratch test to grade that an unknown mineral can scratch or be scratched by
another, and in so giving a rough estimate of relative hardness. This test allows the
unknown mineral's relative hardness to be compared to a list of known relative
mineral hardnesses to help in identification. As a result Mohs' scale is usually
graduated only to 0.5 or 0.25 intervals.
Hardness of a crystalline solid
Mineral Hardness
TA 3111 Mekanika Batuan – Sifat Fisik & Mekanik Batuan-1

▪ Vickers or Knoop microhardness, which are measures of indentation

▪ These methods requires a large expensive loading machine, a high
powered research microscope, and time consuming specimen preparation
to determine the actual hardness of a mineral.
▪ As a result, these testing methods are usually associated with engineering
material labs.
▪ Microhardness is not generally used in geology (usually in combination with
reflectivity studies to help in the identification of ore minerals), however,
most geologist and lapidist know the general relationship between Mohs'
scale and microhardness.
▪ Because of the anisotropy of indentation hardness with respect to
crystallographic orientation and the limitation of the different microhardness
testing methods, generally Knoop's method is used to determine the
indentation hardness of minerals.
▪ The shape of the Knoop's die is such that it allows the testing of different
crystallographic orientations and planes. The Knoop's value is given as an
average of different crystallographic orientations.
Hardness of a crystalline solid
Mineral Hardness
TA 3111 Mekanika Batuan – Sifat Fisik & Mekanik Batuan-1

▪ The problem with Mohs' scale is that natural diamond is extremely hard, as
its value on the Knoop microhardness scale clearly shows.
▪ When Mohs' scale is plotted against the log of indentation hardness,
minerals 2 to 9 on Mohs' scale make an approximate linear relationship
▪ On Knoop's scale quartz is only about 10% the indentation hardness of
natural diamond, which is considerable different from what one might expect
if Mohs' scale is taken literally.
▪ In actual fact minerals 1 to 9 on Mohs' Scale are all less than 30% the
indentation hardness of diamond.
▪ There is no known natural mineral with a hardness greater than 30% the
hardness of diamond, but there are synthetic materials that are, such as
silicon carbide and boron carbide.
▪ These are used as abrasives and are both less than 40-50% the hardness
of natural diamond
TA 3111 Mekanika Batuan – Sifat Fisik & Mekanik Batuan-1
Knoop vs. Mohs' Hardness &
Log Knoop vs. Mohs' Hardness
Mineral Hardness
TA 3111 Mekanika Batuan – Sifat Fisik & Mekanik Batuan-1

Mineral Knoop Vickers Mohs'

Talc NA 1 1

Gypsum 61 3 2

Calcite 141 9 3

Fluorite 181 21 4

Apatite 483 48 5

Orthoclase 621 72 6

Quartz 788 100 7

Topaz 1190 200 8

Corundum 2200 400 9

Diamond 8000 1600 10

TA 3111 Mekanika Batuan – Sifat Fisik & Mekanik Batuan-1
Mineral Hardness

Material Knoop (kg/mm2) Mohs'

Copper 120 3

Copper (hammered) 150-200 3.25-3.75

Bronze 175 3.5

Cast Iron 200-500 4-5
Steel 400-600 5.5
Glass 700 6-7
Hardened Steel 700-1000 6.5-7.5
Aluminum oxide 2000-2050 8-9
Tungsten Carbide 2050-2150 9

Silicon carbide 2150-2950 9-10

Boron carbide 2900-3900 9-10

Synthetic Diamond 6000-7500 10

Diamond 8000-8500 10
TA 3111 Mekanika Batuan – Sifat Fisik & Mekanik Batuan-1
Mineral Hardness

Mineral Mohs' Scale Toughness Mineral Mohs' Scale Toughness

Talc 1 poor Plagioclase 6-6.5 poor

Gypsum 2 poor Nephrite 6-6.5 exceptional
Calcite 3 poor to good Peridot 6.5-7 fair to good
Malachite 3.5-4 poor Quartz 7 good
Fluorite 4 poor Garnet 7 - 7 .5 fair to good
Apatite 5 fair Tourmaline 7 - 7 .5 fair
Hornblende 5-6 poor to excellent Beryl 7.5- 8 good
Lazulite 5-6 poor Topaz 8 poor
Hematite 5.5-6.5 excellent excellent (3.3-5.8
Corundum 9
Orthoclase 6-6.5 poor
good to exceptional
Diamond 10
(3.4 MPa(m)1/2)
Glass 6 fair to good
Tungsten exceptional (10.5
Carbide MPa(m)1/2)
TA 3111 Mekanika Batuan – Sifat Fisik & Mekanik Batuan-1
Penentuan Sifat Fisik Batuan

Pembuatan Contoh
1. Laboratorium
▪ Pembuatan contoh dari blok batu dari lapangan & di bor
dengan penginti
▪ Contoh silinder D = 50 - 70 mm & L/D = 2 – 2.5
2. Di lapangan
▪ Contoh inti bor batuan dapat digunakan untuk uji
laboratorium dengan syarat L/D = 2- 2.5
▪ Contoh into bor batuan diukur L & D, luas permukaan dan
TA 3111 Mekanika Batuan – Sifat Fisik & Mekanik Batuan-1

Preparasi Contoh
TA 3111 Mekanika Batuan – Sifat Fisik & Mekanik Batuan-1

Preparasi Contoh
Penimbangan Berat Contoh
TA 3111 Mekanika Batuan – Sifat Fisik & Mekanik Batuan-1

▪ Berat contoh asli (natural): Wn

▪ Berat contoh kering (sesudah dimasukkan ke dalam oven selama 24
jam dgn T ± 90oC): Wo
▪ Berat contoh jenuh (sesudah dijenuhkan dlm air selama 24 jam): Ww
▪ Berat contoh jenuh didalam air: Ws
▪ Volume contoh tanpa pori-pori: Wo - Ws
▪ Volume contoh total: Ww - Ws
TA 3111 Mekanika Batuan – Sifat Fisik & Mekanik Batuan-1

n d s wn ws Sr n
No Lokasi e
(gr/cm3) (gr/cm3) (gr/cm3) (%) (%) (%) (%)

1 Gamping Cibinong 2,26 2,25 2,39 0,36 6,18 5,88 13,91 0,16

2 Breksi Tufa Pongkor 2,28 2,26 2,38 0,99 5,35 19,52 11,94 0,14

3 Granit Karimun 2,56 2,55 2,57 0,16 0,52 30,56 1,33 0,01

n = Bobot isi asli ws = Kadar air jenuh

d = Bobot isi kering Sr = Derajat kejenuhan
s = Bobot isi jenuh n = Porositas
wn = Kadar air asli e = Angka pori
TA 3111 Mekanika Batuan – Sifat Fisik & Mekanik Batuan-1
Sifat Fisik Batuan
Wn  Wn - Wo
Bobot Isi Natural  Kadar Air Asli x 100%
Ww - Ws  Wo 

Bobot Isi Kering   Ww - Wo

Ww  Ws Kadar Air Jenuh   x 100%

 Wo 
Bobot Isi Jenuh   Wn - Wo 
Ww  Ws DerajatKejenuhan  x 100%

 Wo   Ww - Wo 
 Wn  Ws 
Berat Jenis Semu   
 Ww - Wo
Bobot Isi Air Porositas- n  x 100%
 
 Ww - Ws 
 Wo 
Wo  Ws   n 

Berat Jenis Sejati  

VoidRatio  

Bobot Isi Air

1- n   = 62.4 pcf (lbs/ft3)
rocks, 
= 120 to
TA 3111 Mekanika Batuan – Sifat Fisik & Mekanik Batuan-1
Sifat batuan Paramater Pengaruhnya
Sifat Fisik ▪ Kandungan air
▪ Bobot isi
▪ Porositas
▪ Pemboran, Penggalian
▪ Pemboran, Penggalian
▪ Pemboran, Penggalian
Sifat Fisik &
Kekerasan ▪ Kekerasan Mineralogi ▪ Pemboran, Penggalian
TA 3111 Mekanika Batuan – Sifat Fisik & Mekanik Batuan-1

Material ▪ Kekerasan Mohs & Rosival ▪ Pemboran, Penggalian

▪ Koefisien Cementasi ▪ Pemboran, Penggalian
▪ Cone indenter
▪ Uji Dynamic rebound
▪ Shore sclerescope
▪ Penggalian
▪ Penggalian
▪ Penggalian
Batuan Utuh
▪ Schmidt rebound hammer ▪ Penggalian
▪ Modified Schmidt hammer ▪ Pemboran, Penggalian

Standard Kuat ▪ Kuat Tekan – UCS ▪ Pemboran, Penggalian

Batuan ▪ Kuat Tarik Brazilian ▪ Pemboran, Penggalian
▪ Kuat Geser ▪ Penggalian

Perilaku ▪ Young's Modulus ▪ Pemboran, Penggalian

Konstitutif Uji ▪ Spesifik Fraktur Energi ▪ Pemboran, Penggalian
UCS ▪ Toughness Index ▪ Penggalian

Indeks ▪ Brittleness index ▪ Penggalian

Kekuatan ▪ Point Load Index-PLI ▪ Pemboran, Penggalian
Batuan ▪ Impact Strength Index-ISI ▪ Penggalian
▪ O&K Wedge Test ▪ Penggalian
▪ Hardgroove Grindability Index ▪ Pemboran, Penggalian
▪ Breaking Characteristic ▪ Pemboran
▪ Rock Drillability ▪ Pemboran
▪ Drilling Rate Index ▪ Pemboran
▪ Drillability Barre Granite ▪ Pemboran

Sifat Dinamik ▪ Kecepatan Seismik Lab ▪ Penggalian

Abrasivitas ▪ Schimazek Factor ▪ Pemboran, Penggalian

▪ Cerchar Abrasivity Index (CAI) ▪ Pemboran, Penggalian

Uji Cuttability • Core Cuttability ▪ Penggalian

• VARI ▪ Penggalian

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